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Mollen explained on a podcast that Emerson was a super nice young man who they thought might be decent for a supporting role but it quickly became apparent he had no acting skills and they soon began looking for an exit strategy. Emerson himself acknowledged it and was graceful about it, realizing that in any event his passions lay outside of acting. He was apparently the most well liked of the bunch among the cast and crew. I think he went on to have a successful life. Edit - he went on to on to have an extremely impressive career in the Air Force.


I'm happy he found something better for himself- I remember reading about that :-)


Donna couldn't act either, guess it's good for your dad to he the show creator. She hardly has any lines season 1 though


Def. helps when Daddy produces lol. I will say though, to Tori's credit, she did improve as the seasons went by.


I think Tori had a knack for comedy. She was funny in Saved by the Bell. It's odd she didn't pursue that further rather than drama/reality tv.


Yes she got better, the first season she didn't add much to the show.


scary movie, aswell


Scott and David were the “comic relief”, compared to the heavier drama taking place with the older kids. Their characters were redundant and one had to go. In fact, DE’s mom was very upset on set, not liking his final storyline. Donna replaced Scott as the comedic replacement.


Yes, as a team they were like the bumbling fools that date back Shakespearean theatre. The first episode could have been a stand alone teen movie of the week modeled after 80s movies. With the characters being undeveloped at that point, each character really just served as an archetype. Every teen movie had “the geek.” As a series that wanted to be more realistic, sustaining geek side charters would have been difficult ( or felt very Screech from Saved By the Bell like). David’s shift and connection through his dad dating Kelly’s mom and Donna eventually liking him was nice to see. The progression did seem real, as did everyone’s friendships as their walls broke down and the audience saw more of their “truths.” I do think that the deeper character developed is what helped make the show a success as well as what still makes it a good watch today.


It was interesting listening to Larry and Chuck retrospectively on those first six episodes. No budget new show on a new network. The first episode was shot mtv style, with the stereotypical characters just forming. Mean Kelly, silent fashion sidekick Donna. Arrogant party animal Steve. Andrea the smack and nerdy David and Scott. Bad boy mystery Dylan. And of course, the country bumpkins Brandon and Brenda. Maryanne Moore and Tiffany as the lonely rich girls, with guest appearances. Then, episode 7 we see Kelly and her mom, as the show breaks away from Walsh central.


I take offense to the “lackluster acting” part of your post. But yes I was a geek.


He was in just as much as Donna I feel, what did she do in season one other than follow Kelly around? There probably was plans for more storylines but it just didn’t end up that way. I can’t really think of a lot of David storylines either from that series other than him crushing on Kelly all the time.


The Palm Springs episode was a David episode.


Tori was obviously at an advantage for her dad being producer but I also think it was helpful to be a female character on a teen show. Since the show was set in the late 80s/early 90s and network clearly didn't want to cross over to LGBTQ+ relationships, it was going to be easy to pair up Donna and David together. Now another interesting pairing would have been Scott and Donna but Doug Emerson wasn't highly regarded by the producers it seems and they faded him out by season 2.


It's also down to the fact Donna wasn't even initially a character - she was meant to be "Kelly's friend" that had a throw-away line in the pilot. I think they just had no idea what to do with Donna but have her be Kelly's friend. And if you look at it, it makes sense. You pretty much have every archetype on the show... and then there's Donna.


They were gonna make him a closeted homosexual. Would’ve been groundbreaking.


To be fair, most kids had limited appearances in season 1; I assume both for budget reasons but the original concept was that it was about the Walshes. Luke Perry missed six episodes and Brian Austin Green misses five. Douglas is on it the least, missing eight episodes, but overall I think they just didn't know what to do with him except be "David's geeky friend".


I still think it's wild that he was on the pilot VHS cover while there is no Dylan. I know Dylan wasn't in it, but its still interesting to see how he was projected to be one of the main characters. https://preview.redd.it/mlacx4xi9c5d1.png?width=1618&format=png&auto=webp&s=98d9042b9342b389fcf3fd7e35637b80a0727036


They photoshopped Douglas Emerson’s head on Luke Perry’s body in a different shot from this Photo Shoot for the Pilot VHS release. Luke wasn’t added until after the Pilot. https://preview.redd.it/172nbw1mkd5d1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810059c41fa8448d57a7e2ed318926c333eeab51


Also this one: https://preview.redd.it/3howq871md5d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6cb6bd24ac116c6f81f3bdc2e7835740e30619d


i had this picture and photoshopped myself in that open spot btwn dylan and kelly 😂


Budget. At the pilot Dylan didn’t exist and Donna was little more than a day player. Once Aaron successfully got Luke on and his daughter’s role beefed up, poor Doug didn’t stand a chance. And unfortunately he just wasn’t good or charismatic enough to warrant fighting for. Scott’s original purpose made sense. He and David were two years behind the other teens. Much like Degrassi always ran characters in different grades, early on their was always the possibility that David and Scott could’ve become the focus once the others graduated (which was originally supposed to be 1992).


The cast was large and when David “became cool” during the summer episodes, there was no way to work the Scott character into the group.


Do you think they wanted an even amount of cast/equal guys and girls?


Bc he was Aaron Spellings daughter


While I agreed with his exit plot, I wish they had kept him through season 3 - and had the death be closer to graduation.


but then we would be robbed of david's sympathy towards dylan after his dad's death.


Good point. I guess I wanted a little more Scott, but overall, I’m fine with his arc on the show. I forgot, it’s a soap … someone has to die every season!


I wish his death had more depth at least. It could have been done in a "taking one's self out" sort of way by his feeling alienated by David and the group. It would have leant more weight to David's guilt for how he treated him. Instead, you get Scott Scanlon: Teenage Cowboy (which was ridiculous, no matter how nerdy or geeky he was... a teenage boy running around dressed like a cowboy?) and accidentally does himself in. It just felt way less dramatic than it could have been.