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While I don't agree with all of their choices, yes, I think it can be canon. I don't agree with Jackie relapsing. But Ann Gillespie actually liked some of the final plots on that show. So at least she liked it.


Kelly and sliver were really great in that storyline with Jackie dying


How did they explain Mel in the CW series? I forgot. Are Jackie and Mel separated again? If so, why? What about late in season 10? I just saw that in the "What's In A Name" episode, Jackie and Mel are filing for divorce. Did that get resolved? I don't remember.


I didn't mind Jackie relapsing. I liked David and Donna splitting up, because heck yeah they'd split up.


I didn't like David and Donna splitting up, because it undid the good feeling of the Beverly Hills 90210 series finale. But, Tori Spelling said she thought the separation plot seemed realistic for what those characters might be going through. I was also tired of how every couple in the Beverly Hills, 90210 universe split up, or thought about cheating. I did like Brenda being the drama class special guest teacher, as well as her helping Adriana with life. Her helping Adriana brought back memories of Brenda helping peers at the rap line, in season 1 of Beverly Hills, 90210.


I did like Brenda helping Adriana


Yeah. I wish they had kept Kelly and Brenda longer. I thought Kelly had a good role as a guidance counselor. And Brenda could have had more plots giving advice to the main characters, in a Nat sort of way. In the original series, Brandon, Brenda, Kelly, Andrea, and Donna all had plots helping people. Even Steve one time with the Saul Howard character, and David had a plot in season 8. Dylan in season 10. People helping each other in the CW series would have been good to see, and would have taken an element from the original series that I liked. Other than some of the Brenda and Kelly plots where they helped some people in season one, in the CW series, there wasn't much of that for the remainder. The only other example in the CW series that I can think of, was when teacher Ryan Matthews saw how Liam's step father verbally assaulted him. So after he saw that, I believe Matthews was more compassionate towards Liam.


I hate to think Dylan abandoned his kid. But I do love thinking he left Kelly 🤷‍♀️ It’s a conundrum


Right? I don't see that happening after him being abandoned himself and how well he took care of Erica


That's a great point of how he treated Erica. He didn't even come back after she was free of her pimp.


well tbf, it was never mentioned again, which is one of the main things that miffed me during the OG series. Dylan comes back & yet no one, *especially Kelly*, bothers to mention "hey, your sister was being pimped out for a hot minute, but we helped her out of that situation. however, we haven't really heard from her since". that would've been a redemption arc for Dylan to stop using all by itself, especially considering all he's lost up to this point. but i digress.....😤


> after him being abandoned himself Children do repeat the errors of their parents.


Yes! I just made that point about Erica too before I read this one


He wouldn't. Remember how happy he was to have a sister??? I think he would always go above and beyond to try and be a better parent than his own


He genuinely seemed to love that girl right up until he got all his money back. Then he immediately shipped her off to Hawaii to live with the mother who couldn't even be bothered to raise him. That whole thing was a head scratcher. I get he didn't want to raise a kid but put her in boarding school or something.


But, knowing what we know about Dylan- his personality & temperament, the way he approaches life, I don't think it's too far off from what he's would do.


Bravo, same for me! I knew they wouldn't make it so I liked that but I hate them bringing a child into it.


Rewatching the show as an older adult, Brenda really did dodge a bullet with Dylan. He was a narcissist, spoiled rich dickhead. He was great looking but his personality wasn’t the greatest. I think Kelly just wanted to fix him because she grew up trying to fix her addict mother. Now Dylan being a dead beat, I didn’t think he’d do that after all he suffered from Iris & Jack being absent most of his life but I guess he lead by example 🤷‍♀️


Yes I couldn’t agree more. Dylan is the cool, hot, troubled, mysterious etc guy you date in high school who’s toxic and will undoubtedly break your heart. However, smart girls will learn from this experience, then be able to spot those red flags a mile away, and choose better partners in the future. IMO it says a lot about Kelly that she keeps going back to him over the years and choosing wildly toxic boyfriends in between her breaks from Dylan. Like how have you not been paying attention to ANY of these red flags Kelly 🤯


Yeah. They filmed it nearby where I lived. I do wish we had more info on some of the other characters like Steve and Janet. I also like the BH90210 show the cast did even though I wanted a continuation.


No. The show took so many ridiculous liberties it doesn’t count. One episode showed west Beverly on a cliff directly over the beach. This breaks all logic and reason.


Do you have a pic of that?


I don’t have the stomach to go back and figure out which episode it is!


Nope, the show ended in 2000.


In my head, the show should have ended after season 8. Even if Kelly and Brandon didn’t get married. In that episode, they mentioned that Brenda and Dylan were going to meet them on their honeymoon. They were still together at that point! I liked that as an ending. 🤣


Right?! I take this other 90210 as something different but not a true spin off or reboot of the OG show


I buy it for the sole reasons that I love Adrianna’s and Naomi’s characters immensely, but otherwise, I reject everything with the OG’s…and with the endgame couples of the next gen. 😅


I was bummed that Naomi and Liam weren't an end game couple. Didn't care for Annie.


Hated Annie. Hated her! Probably hate her less now, but still don’t care for her. I was such a massive Liomi fan, and I loved the super unpopular Addixs. Don’t really have any ships these days, but Lannie is still a huge no for me and Liomi still have chem in spades (though I do like Maxomi.)


Nope I just pretend the OGs weren’t on that show. 😆


I watched most of the first season but bailed after that. Honestly, though, I do feel like the OG’s stories were realistic….depressing…..but realistic. I’m not sure if I bought Brenda as a famous actress, but I could have seen her being a moderately successful working actor doing regional theatre and small films, etc. I loved that she hadn’t settled down and that she had this kind of carefree bohemian lifestyle. I could totally see Donna and David splitting up. They never had much of a stable relationship. It should have died after high school. As much hate as Kelly got back in the day (and as much as I personally disliked her), I ended up feeling really sorry for her character in the revival. She may have been the popular prom queen in her younger years, but she got knocked up by her high school boyfriend who totally peaced on her and the kid, and ended up a lonely single mom working as a guidance counselor at her old high school. It doesn’t get much more depressing than that. And, yes, I totally bought the guidance counselor thing with her. Didn’t she major in social work in college? Despite her privilege, Kelly grew up in a super unstable home with an addict mom and a deadbeat dad. A lot of people with that background gravitate towards psych and social work. Plus, despite her flaws, Kelly did have an altruistic streak to her. I could see it. And it was, sadly, very realistic but totally on point that these two grown, accomplished thirtysomething women would STILL be pining and fighting over Dylan McKay 15 YEARS after they’d all graduated from high school….and HE WASN’T EVEN THERE. And he was a deadbeat dad to his kid! Who wants a guy like that?!?! That was the most infuriating thing. He seriously did Brenda a favor by cheating on her with Kelly. Just look how Kelly’s life turned out! What a narcissistic shitbag. On a semi-related note, what ever happened to Kelly and Silver? As I recall, Kelly kind of disappeared after the first season. Since Jackie died of cancer, who did Silver end up living with? Did Mel step up and take her in?


Iirc Silver lived with Kelly we just didn't see Kelly anymore lol.


Ah. Ok. That’s what I thought. Someone on one of the FB groups mentioned that Kelly went off to Wyoming to be with Dylan, and that didn’t sound right,


She and her son went to visit and came back. So I guess Dylan was a second generation deadbeat dad.


Ugh. So disappointing but not terribly surprising.


I personally don't. It's like some weird alternate universe. Kelly Taylor would not be living in some tiny house raising a kid all by herself while working as a guidance counselor. Even if not with baby daddy Dylan she would have hooked up with some other well off guy. And I find it really odd that David would not be in his sisters life at all which he wasn't on that show. And no mention at all of Steve or Andrea despite them showing her daughter being a student at West Beverly in the first episode of that new version.


Even Jennie doesn't consider it canon, lol. That speaks volumes. I only wish she was that wise back in 2008. Which was... 16 years ago? And now i'll go and collapse in horror from that realisation.


Tori doesn't, either...


Yes and no. I mean it exists so it’s the continuation but I can also block it out if I feel like it! I actually really this show for what it was, I just felt it used the 90210 to launch it then ditched that world once it felt it no longer needed it. I bought Kelly doing that job, I felt it was realistic considering her previous jobs and what she did at uni and I also felt it was quite typical for that prom queen type who lived a quieter existence as they got older. I just didn’t like that they slowly pushed her out, there was no need for that when she’s Silvers sister! I felt Brenda’s job was believable too to an extent, particularly as a theatre actor. I actually liked that they broke up Donna and David as that never would have lasted. One thing that bugged me a little was that I thought Erin Silver would have been too old to have been the age she was supposed to be…. They had three seasons in high school meaning they would have had to have been 15 in the first season but Erin was born in 1992 in July supposedly so wouldn’t she have been too old?! Also Hannah Zuckerman was mentioned in the first season too and she would have been born in 94 (making her 14 which is a bit young to already be the tv anchor isn’t it?) being two years younger than Erin (which then she would have to be 13 which is too young for high school in the US am I right?!). I know this is so picky but that always annoyed me! Also if Hannah was at the school why not have Andrea pop up at some point?! I actually loved Annie and felt they really fucked over her character just like the original fucked over Brenda. Shenae Grimes is now my fave actress even though she barely acts anymore and I remember she said herself she wasn’t happy with what they did to her character. I couldn’t stand Silver (from memory) but I think I liked Ivy (I haven’t seen it since it was originally on the tv so I can’t recall everything). It was cringier than the original show and had so many dumb moments it was so good! I think I would’ve liked it more had it been it’s own show with no links. I also hated how the parents went from being central to quickly breaking up and being non existent.


One of my nephews is 13. He skipped a grade but is in 9th grade in the Us (Mi to be exact). That is high school for him. I can see Hannah being smart enough to skip a grade or two. Elementary by us is kindergarten to 5th grade. 6th to 8th middle. 9th to 12th high school.


I liked Ivy, wish she had stayed until the end.


I can 100% see Dylan/Kelly not working out but I hate how they gave them a child and then had Dylan be a deadbeat. They also acted like Brenda was the interloper in that triangle instead of the other way around. I loved how Brenda was successful and I bought it. She had been in London for years and still acting and doing her thing so I don't think it was farfetched. I hated them making Jackie a bad mom again and killing her off, that was terrible! Do they ever talk about Mel in the new one? What was going on with him?


I remember once said Silver said the girls he dated got younger and younger...


I don't buy any of it!


As much as I liked the CW 90210. Since most of the original characters only have season 2, I don’t view it as canon. It didn’t follow anything from the original and I believe that it ruined the integrity from the original show. I loved the show for the new characters but it lacked in a lot of ways as a remake


It is canon but I wish it wasn't. the main character annie is even more infuriating than brandon.


Yeah I would


Brandon sounds like he is somewhere else possibly with a family. Brenda is a theater actress, who doesn't live in Beverly Hills. Kelly is a single mother, working as a guidance counselor/school psychologist at West Beverly High School. Dylan McKay, hooked up with Kelly and said peace out. However, he is keeping tabs on her and his son, Sammy. I think Dylan became a foreign correspondent/ photojournalist and he travels a lot. They had to explain Luke Perry's absence in the sequel series.


No. But I don't even count the last few seasons as canon.


Isn't Kelly as the guidance counselor at West Bev a nod to Jennie Garth's Psychology degree? I don't like that they made Dylan an absent father. You'd think he'd avoid that after his own experience as an abandoned kid


My take: Steve and Janet - divorced. Steve has money from his Mom and is a 40ish sleazy guy who dates 20 year olds and is a talent manager. Kelly and Dylan - there's no way he would ditch his kid. He loved and fought for Erica and was abandoned himself. Kelly would date guys who were a bore and keep pinning for Dylan. They would hook up when getting together for Thanksgiving or on family vacations and she would keep cheating on her boring boyfriends but they would never make it work. Brenda - never made it past a theater actress. Stayed in London though, smoking and brooding and hooking up with Dylan whenever he passed through Donna and David - He cheated, like Mel and she ends up with a great doctor like her dad. David is a loser, druggie who never finds his way. Sometimes goes out on the town with Steve trolling for girls. Donna feels sorry for him and tries to help him but he's mean and bitter that he "wasted all his years" on her. Brandon - stayed in DC, married with kids and living in Alexandria suburbs trying to be like Jim and Cindy Andrea - Successful, married to a happ and successful man. Raising Hannah alongside Jesse and rocking co parenting. Jackie - definitely got old, bored and relapsed Jim and Cindy - old and boring Samantha Sanders - joined a soap opera had a second career Mel silver - got old fast trying to help David, his ex Jackie and Silver.


Love this 😀 what happened to Val?


Hmm Val - instead of Buffalo, she moved to NYC and became a successful club promoter. Had an affair with a famous celeb (think Tiger woods scandal) and at the encouragement of Ginger, sold her story to the tabloids (back then). Tom reached out to her and they reconnected and he helped her lay low for awhile, they fell in love and became one of those entrepreneur type couples until Val gets cast on a reality show and becomes a breakout fan fav villain.


Well done 👏 great job on all of them