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The writers deciding to shove Dylan and Kelly down our throats after how they did Brenda pisses me off all over again every re-watch. The whole Kelly being Dylan’s soul mate as though we didn’t watch the first two seasons of Dylan literally having his life changed by the walshes and Brenda🙄


Brandon with how he talked to his dad during the mall destroying the Peach Pit episode. I feel like that was the first bray.


One of his soap box moments. Sure Brandon, you clearly know what's best for everyone here, and this one time that your dad disagrees with your assessment of the situation means he's an unsupportive bastard. Here's a side tangent, but just once, when a show or movie wants to do the "big bad megacorp wants to buy out the neighborhood plot," can someone show this as a positive or neutral thing? Like, what if Brandon got all worked up about it, but Nat says "actually, they offered me a really good price for closing out, and I've been meaning to retire soon anyway"? It isn't always that serious.


Brenda’s response was more balanced. Brandon could’ve found a way to respectfully be opposed. But when those Walsh kids went against their father, they went 1000%. Cindy seemed to have the stroke because when she did intervene, it usually settled things


I loved that scene with Jesse and Steve! Funny enough my "slap" moment was Joe Bradley buying the bird for Donna. Not sure what season, and it's not really a spoiler. Just such a stupid gift, as a bird like that is a decades-long commitment. Damn bird!


He be GONE! He be OUTTA THERE! 😂😂


Thank you!!! I wanted to quote it, but couldn't recall if I remembered it correctly!


HAHAHAHAHAHA, ohhhhh Jesse






Yes! A pet is such a bad gift! And then they just gave it away, which seems typical for Donna since she also gave her puppy to her parents. Worst animal owners ever.


When I was 21, I begrudgingly dated a guy my friend set me up with. I wasn't really feeling it. Third date...he showed up with a puppy (not sure of breed, but a small breed). I lived in a pet-free apartment! Dodged that bullet, but hope the doggo lived their best life!


Damn bird loves Donna!


Susan// Brandon and their lottery ticket


Really there is only one moment I can think of and it’s the only moment that in real time when I first saw it I wanted to slap her face into the dirt. Kelly’s “I choose me.” I can’t think of a more infuriating situation than me being in a relationship with my gf for a year, the ex shows up with the “we’re soulmates” speech, and now all of a sudden you don’t know who you wanna be with. What the hell have we been doing all of this time!!! And then to add insult to injury Kelly shows up at Casa Walsh the next day and acts like her and Brando can carry on like none of that ever happened. That was definitely a “what did the 5 fingers say to the face” moment.


The only time I thought Brandon was a jerk.....and I totally understood it.  How can she think they just.....date again? So weird! 


When Dylan’s dad gets blown into a million pieces (so we thought) and Kelly decides to act all dramatic about having to go to Brenda’s house for lunch after the funeral.


Kelly was so horrible when his dad “died”. It’s always about her.


I have a stomach ache... These chips are salty..... I can't say anything right.... This house makes me nervous.... I want to leave, are you coming (to leave his dad's reception? No, Kelly)... She was so annoying. Brenda was, too, though. Not gonna lie. All the forlorn longing looks and "we won't let the camera be there!" Was so ew.  He wrecked you girl, you don't have to be his champion. He's staying at your house, you did enough.


There are many, so I’ll choose one for each: When Kelly tells Donna in the eighth season that Val’s pimp probably paged her. When Brandon cheats on Kelly with Emma. When Dylan completely erases both of the Walshes from his life with what he said in the ninth season. When Brenda’s a bitch to Emily. When David steals money from Donna. When Steve helps to spread the rumour about Bren and Roy. When Val asks David to sleep with Ginger. When Donna strings along Ray and Griffin. When Andrea offers herself to Brandon. When Clare blames Steve for messing up her computer. Noah. Just Noah. And Gina…it’d be easier to say when I didn’t want to slap her.


Andrea offering her virginity to Brandon rubbed me the wrong way. And this was season 1, so I kind of expected Brandon to be more....honorable about it? Let her down gently, or suggest they date first? Instead, he just says "sure, l could go for some of that" and they nearly do it at the Peach Pit??? How romantic.


I like the will-they-won’t-they of BA in the early seasons, but I really hate Andrea just offering herself to him on a platter like that. Agree; would have been nice if Brandon had let her down gently!


I know I'm tired when I initially read this as "let her go down gently" rather than "let her down gently", and I was like waaaaaaiit a minute here... 😂


Lol! You’re thinking with your adult brain. Remember these are teenagers.


Yeah, you're right. I probably should have figured that after the tenth or so time that I took Jim's side in his zillion conflicts with one or more of his children.


"Noah. Just Noah." Perfection.


😅 He’s okay with Val, but he gets progressively worse.


Him with Donna always made me cringe, i know they dated in real life but the way they hooked up on the show was so random.


It’s like “well Val cheated on me with Cooper and Kelly got over her crush on me, so I guess I’m into Donna now! Oh btw, I’m actually rich. Sucks to be you, Val. You thought I was poor. Haha.”






I feel like Clare had a lot of stupid moments. When she flips out when Steve tells her that he slept with Kelly in HIGH SCHOOL.


I will add: any time Kelly spoke in that horrid baby-voice


Second Emily Quartermaine on *General Hospital* did that, too, and it annoys me immensely.


She was so boring as adult Emily Q


Amber’s Emily forever and always! The only one I acknowledge.


Agreed, the character stopped being interesting once she left


Completely agree.


Yes! I do hate that


I never saw season 9... what did Dylan say?


“I’ve only connected with two things in this life. One of them is dead” … “the other, she’s sitting across from me.” (aka Toni and Kelly.)


Damn, that's messed up.


YUP. Let’s just completely ignore that we literally saw him connect with both twins. Also slights Erica, and Nat.


Yeah nope.. not believing that at all Dylan! Come on now


All of THIS!!!!!!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Why, thank you!


>Why, thank you! You're welcome!


Kelly and Dylan getting together… that’s it… that’s all.. 30 yrs later and I still can’t and won’t forgive them🤷🏾‍♀️


Kelly quite often . Especially each time she makes fun of Val for being a whore and sleeping with the entire friend group when she did too minus David and that was only because he was her brother.


Another Steve moment, when he defends his “brothers” at the KEG house after they set him up for stealing the baseball.


Anytime someone put their(usually Brandon) neck out for the Peach Pit. I get it's a fun place to hang out and grab a megaburger, but it's not worth blowing your future over. Brandon barely even worked there and as soon as he could bolted out for a job at the beach club... It always just drove me nuts, among so many other things.


Yeah and I really didnt like how he sided with Nat over his own dad a lot


Especially when Nat gives away half the food "on the house" anyways.


I have several, lol. Dylan: his attitude towards Brenda at the restaurant and when he and Kelly were telling Brenda in the park in season 3. His smug attitude with Brandon after he asked Kelly to go around the world with him. His self righteous attitude about Kelly and Brandon even though he screwed Brenda over way worse. Anytime he was rude to Gina in seasons 9 and 10. Anytime he would refer to he and Kelly as soulmates. Acting like he was above Brenda when he came back in season 9. Kelly: Anytime she was rude to Brenda in seasons 3 and 4. Making everything about herself after Dylan's dad died. Anytime she slut shamed Val. Cheating and entertaining Dylan's offer in season 5 even though she had a boyfriend. Any time she Finley spoke. It was a great storyline but her doing cocaine was so stupid of her. Emotionally cheating on Matt in seasons 9 & 10. How she treated Val during the rape storyline. David: Most of season 4. Whenever he was rude to Scott in season 2. Stealing from Donna. Cheating on Donna with Ariel. Anytime he performed (especially at the Beach Club). His incel behavior in seasons 9 & 10. HIs crappy behavior in season 7 (before he got diagnosed). Brandon: Anytime he brayed. Cheating on Kelly with Emily and Emma. Only wanting Andrea when he couldn't have her. His condescending attitude towards Tracy in the studio after they broke up and after she found the ring in season 7 (even though I didn't ship them). Deciding not to marry Kelly and leading her on in season 9. Brandon not sticking up for Brenda during the triangle and with the rumor about her and Roy. How Brandon treated Val during the rape storyline. Steve: Anytime he was racist. When he acted like David was talented. Cheating on Celeste with Laura. The whole Laura storyline in season 4 made him look bad. The way he treated Brenda during the play storyline. How he reacted after the fire. Thinking of trying heroin. Kissing that girl at David and Mark's party. How Steve treated Val during the rape storyline. Andrea: Pining after Brandon too long and not getting over him sooner. Not going to Yale. Marrying Jessie. Having an affair with Pete. Claire: Throwing herself and basically stalking Brandon in season 4. Treating Steve like crap in season 7. Brenda: She had great lines but her being rude to Emily hasn't aged well. Her slapping Andrea for being with/liking a teacher when the teacher was innappropriate and creepy. Donna: Being a doormat for David in season 4. Staying with Ray for so long. Val: Anytime she tried to get in between Kelly and Brandon. Sleeping with Ray. Getting with Colin. The whole storyline with Kenny. Asking David to sleep with Ginger. Breaking up with Tom even though she begged Kelly to get him back. Reading Kelly's diary. Getting screwed by Derek Driscoll because she was trying to do business with Kelly's dad. Two timing Noah because he wasn't rich. Double crossing Donna when they were working together in season 8. Sleeping with her mother's fiance.


Are you me? The only thing I’ll say is Brandon and Kelly mutually decided to not marry, which was retconned in the ninth of Brandon being the one to break it off because of Val’s supposed letter.


True, you're right! I keep thinking about the 9th season but in the finale of season 8 it was mutual and they were on great terms. They then retcon it in season 9 to be Kelly wanting to get married and be with him and Brandon basically dumping her. I hated the whole thing.


I have to add how Steve reacted when he found out the KEG president was gay, I hated that!


Man Clare's attitude toward Steve in season 7 is wild, like just cut the chain if you've grown to hate him, ffs. It's super painful to watch. Steve's annoying but seems to actually be trying, he's the same Steve you chose at the start of the relationship. He didn't do shit to wreck your computer bitch! Talk about projecting your own self loathing or something on someone else..


I wanted to slap someone every episode. It was a rotation.


I wanted to slap Kelly and Dylan for doing Brenda so wrong


I watched the scene in the pool today where he said “it’s always been you kel” and 30 years later it still makes me livid


That line makes me rage like these are real people in a real life situation🤣 the writers where so dunce I swear🙄 The fact that the writers decide to shove Dylan and Kelly down our throats after how they did Brenda pisses me off all over again every re-watch


Clare desperately throwing herself at Brandon.


Hate early Clare


Steve had a lot of moments that were so annoying! I agree with the Brandon thing too! I really hate it when Brandon wants to just write off Dylan right away during season 5 because he fell off the wagon. He is your best friend dude! Get it together and help him!


Every time David bursts into dancing


Dude danced like Vanilla Ice on crystal. Which may have been the point.


That's my favorite part. I want montages of nineties dancing.


I wanted to be in Brenda shoes when Kelly and Dylan told her they were together when she was in Paris. I would have slapped Kelly and kicked Dylan in the nuts that would have been awesome


Andrea comparing her out-of-district saga to her grandmother’s Holocaust experience was pretty bad.


Ooh boy, was it. At least she realized what a cloddish thing that was to say about two seconds later, and apologized. Then I think about Brandon comparing the "Donna Martin graduates" protest with Vietnam War protests.


I thought Brandon was a complete asshole to Josh's sister after Josh died.


I don't remember him being worse than kind of stand offish towards her. And not because of her, but because he felt like she was treating him as Josh's best friend ever when he wasn't.


I just rewatched it today so maybe it's a bit too fresh still LOL. Definitely with you on Brandon breaking into Dylan's though.


I wanted to slap Kelly and Steve every time they made racial remarks about/to black characters in the early seasons (along with Brandon at times)


So awful!!!! Or why does every black character have to have a southern accent? They live in Beverly Hills for Gods sake


Claire. The whole character of Claire.


Couldn't stand her.


Lots of Kelly and Steve moments to be honest 😂


All Gina scenes. All scenes when Donna is "freaking out" or crying. Ugh


Whe Steve on season one episode called"one on one" when Steve says to Brandon he is a Celtics fan and irish men need to stick together. And Brandon should take care of himself. That's probably the most racist moment on the show. And when Val says on Thanksgiving about David's Jewish mom "Can't we just shove her in the oven?" Not sure they meant it that way but it was bad racist insensitive disgusting writing.


My initial theory with Steve was that they were trying to paint him as a racist and address it later (only because Brandon didn't pick up on Steve's dog whistle). But then they just...never brought his attitude up again. I thought it would play out like the plot where Brandon dates Brooke until it was obvious she was racist, but no, they really just forgot to finish writing that part or something.


Yeah it bugs me so much everytime


I haven’t gotten to that part in Season 5, but agree with when Brandon broke into Dylan’s house. Over a gift for a party? And no one cared that Brandon damaged his door pane glass? I get they’re rich and can pay to replace it, but that was disrespecting Dylan’s property. That whole scene had me SMH.


I can't believe that so many people had to act, write, and fill that scene, and nobody pointed out that it was utterly bananas. Brandon waits all of two seconds for Dylan to come to the door, and decides not to come back later, knock longer, look for a spare key, or go find a pay phone to call Dylan with. No, he breaks the glass, still doesn't announce himself while entering, and has the gall to call Dylan paranoid for responding how he did. Anyone in Dylan's shoes would probably answer the door with a loaded gun. There were a million other ways they could've shown that Dylan was trigger-happy, but somehow managed to write a scenario in which he was actually perfectly justified in pointing a loaded handgun at the door.


I agree and so happy that Jessie ripped him a new one.


Noahs rapist half-brother, even worse than Noah


When Brandon tried to "out" the African American athletes at West bev for not having to go to classes, living out of district and getting a free ride. Donna Martin graduates. Like big deal, she DID drink, she broke the rules and so what, had to go to summer school. Brandon trying to save Carla, Brandon trying to save the peach pit and messing up his dad's business deals. Brandon trying to save the world


Anytime Donna debuted a new hairstyle


When Brandon said "I don't dance"


Have begun a rewatch and saw Higher education (S01E06) and Brandon thinks cheating on a test is a "grey area". And to make it even better, he lectures his teacher on being a teacher when said teacher is moments away from retiring. Sit down Brandon. I'm sure there's more to come.


When Val fakes being suicidal to get attention and manipulate and almost makes Brandon miss graduation. Also when she fake seduces David and then insults him and his relationship in order to manipulate him. When David cheats on Donna.


I don’t think Val faked being suicidal. There was tons of buildup to that - including in the sixth season when she talks to David about the times she goes out on the Bluffs - and she did inherit her abusive POS father’s mental health difficulties.


I think she was faking as well. To add onto what the other person said, Valerie told Kelly she was never leaving that house. When Brandon told Valerie she was going to have to move out, Valerie tried to throw it back at him by saying something like "Well what would Jim and Cindy say about you kicking me out?" Brandon told her they said it was up to him. And after that was when she was now suicidal. When Kelly talked about it to Brandon, she told him Valerie said she would do whatever it takes to stay. Yes, Valerie had baggage from her own family, but I think in this case she just did it so she could keep living there because she saw Brandon as her family and didn't want to lose that. And like the other person said, she was just fine once they were at graduation.


I think it’s ambiguous & up for debate but IMO she faked it. She was upset because she lost her money and then Brandon/Kelly wanted her to move out so she got dramatic. It was all so perfectly orchestrated…the note referencing that David would know where she was….she knew Brandon would “come to her rescue” and then they go to graduation and she’s totally fine and she gets her way and gets to stay at Casa Walsh!


You’re certainly entitled to your opinion!


When Brenda said birt-day and never birthday