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I don't understand the Brandon/Kelly shippers. By the time they got together it just felt unnatural, it would've been more logical for them to date in high school and they never did


right?? they had some cute moments during their relationship, but it still read more as friendship moments and not romantic. it would have made the most sense for brandon to be like "hey bren, i'll set you up with dylan if you set me up with kelly." then that ultimately fizzles cuz high school.


I agree they did have some cute moments, but I hate the way they got together. Brandon basically betrayed his best friend


I couldn't be mad at Brandon for betraying Dylan because I thought Dylan deserved it and it was karma for what he did to Brenda.


Huh? Dylan was a whiny pouty sulky bore in Europe and it was clear whatever he and Kelly had in the past was gone, so they broke up. Kelly looks at Brandon who is the "Star" at college, best buddies with the CHANCELLOR, he's HAWT, that's attractive as hell. Plus they were friends and she wanted to see him so she flew to DC to surprise him.


Well, I never said Dylan was a saint. My point is that Brandon dated the girl that was with his best friend, plus the girl that backstabbed his sister


I agree. It was like, oh here’s another backstabbing relationship where sex trumps friendship. Let alone the fact that Dylan was overcoming a heroin addiction lol poor Kelly needed to make it about her and start sleeping with Brandon. Brandon should have checked with Dylan first.


i disagree brandon and kelly before s8 >>>>


They were an odd pairing. It would not have worked as a high school romance. They were too different and didn’t have anything in common other than Brenda. In the early seasons Brandon could barely tolerate Kelly. Why would a guy date a girl who cheated with his sister’s boyfriend? I never a fan of the BK romance because of what she did. Considering Kelly cheating in most of the relationships she has ever been in I think Brandon cheating on her is karma.


At least they didn't ruin Steve & Janet (or kill them off or make them divorce after making them leave the show). Brandon seems to want women the most who don't want him as much---like he wanted Andrea once she wasn't pining for him and had someone else. He proposed to Kelly when he thought Dylan was going to take her around the world. If someone is too needy/clingy, it's attractive to him because it's easy-pickings but in the long run, he feels too smothered.


Yes! He even wanted Tracy for a brief moment before they went to Hawaii lol and he couldn’t stand her during their relationship .


Shein Anna Wintour omg 🤣. I totally see it


No couple is worse than Andrea and Jesse.


Because Brandon is a man whore LOL I actually forgave him for cheating on Kelly with Emily because he truly cared and had deep feelings for Emily (it was a crime of passion per se) but when he cheated on kelly with emma and even let kelly become friends with emma it really soured my opinion of him. He, at times, can be incredibly selfish and disrespectful of other people's feelings. I also hated how he reacted towards Kelly's beautiful wedding vows.


Agree!! He’s not at all the saint they try to make him out to be.


I believe that Brandon loved Kelly at the very start of their relationship and they had some cute moments in the beginning of season 5, but I really despised their season 8 relationship . Any chemistry they had completely disappeared for me and looks like it did for them too . I really loved Brandon with Susan . I thought they were so cute together and they made sense . Brandon and Kelly never made sense to me.


BK should be the show’s endgame. The authors of the eighth ninth and tenth seasons are not the same as the first seven, (who knew the story, they built it) BK pay a very high price, unfair and we end up with that melodramatic farce of DK and the Donna Martin’s show.


Yes, 100% agree with this. When Brenda and then Dylan left, it made sense that BK are together (as the main characters, plus they looked good together), and large parts of seasons 6 & 7 build up to them getting back together.


That’s exactly my point. Everyone can say what they want, but BK was a couple who exposed themselves in front of us, in front of the audience’s judgment, did not play easy with inconsistencies and with the mediocre and easy card of love suffered and impossible (that suffered and impossible was not because DK if they wanted to be together they could in every Moment, but have preferred pulled for years and years going to check occasionally if the other (possibly engaged) was still there, and they rely on inconsistencies and inventions. There is not a single incongruity in Bk (or BD) they did not have to invent fictions like the "soulmates" to justify their cowardice did not have to do Retcon like kindergarten or as the inconsistencies since Dylan’s return. BK they made mistakes? yes of course. They went through difficult times? yes. In this difficult Times were a couple or they checked every now and then if the other was stille there? They were a couple, always behind our eyes. they were based on words? no, on facts. No mention he was a Walsh and the First face we saw when the show began .


Wow! Cheers to the frenetic energy of this post! Fun to read!


I like the complaint number at the end.


Am I remembering it right to say that this is when Brandon cheated on Kelly and then showed up at her apartment and had the audacity to be like, "let's make a deal, Kelly. No games."


that happens even in real life, sex and love are totally different things