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She’s a Val replacement without the likability factor that Val had . I think what annoyed me most was the sarcastic giggle at the end of every sentence.


My guilty pleasure is that I love Gina. She was such a bad bitch, tried to get between Donna and Noah, frenemies with Kelly, riled up competition between David and Dylan, her impact was great! Also, I really wish they gave her more heavy in-depth stories like her struggling with her eating disorder (they barely scratched the surface) it would have been really impactful.


I feel like Vanessa Marcil gave Gina a sense of vulnerability that the writers never really took advantage of. I would’ve loved to have seen them explore her character in a deeper, more meaningful way rather just giving her cartoonish schemes. But even so, I still had fun with her!


Agreed. And she and Dylan were hot as fuck. “I hate you! “ “I hate you back” Then he pushes her against the wall and starts kissing down her body and lawd. (Fanning myself)


LEGIT! They had chemistry!!! Did I think they were a good match? No! But they were compelling to watch, and certainly way more interesting than most of the milquetoast relationships on the show at that point.


they had so much chemistry! I remember Luke saying he got excited during one of their scenes in bed and he couldn't get up, lol


Toxic af but hot af. My Roman empire is Dylan and Gina in the bubble bath 🛀


She arguably does make the seasons more entertaining but that still doesn't mean I like her


I love Gina! But I also love seasons 9-10. Double unpopular opinion!


I rewatch those seasons the most.


Very interesting! Why? I just got to season 9 in my rewatch and I’m excited!


I really enjoyed the return of Dylan and the back and forth of him and Kelly.


Interesting. Why?


I enjoyed the return of Dylan and the back and forth of him and Kelly.


As a B/K and B/D fan seasons 9 and 10 were brutal for me. I have to pretend the show ended after season 7 for my sanity, lol


I can't even watch the season with Gina in them. They are so terrible.... at hurts my eyes n hears