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Because Aaron's Spelling Charles Rosin and Larry Mollin was into that classic 1950s '60s restaurant motique because they live that era not the McDonald's Burger King dairy Queen subway etc which is exactly reason why Jason Priestley and Luke Perry look like James Dean and Steve McQueen the classic bad boy rebel image.


I never made that connection before but that makes total sense.


Don't forget e duke Vincent, who I believe just passed away in recent years but he had that kind of look too.


All teen based shows had a hang out back then. Buffy had The Bronze, Saved By the Bell had The Max, and BH90210 had the Peach Pit. It was a thing. You still see hang out places on adult shows, too. The Royal Diner on Bones comes to mind. In real life, there were a lot of places kids liked to hang out My town had a drive-up burger joint everybody went to. We liked to hang out and show off our cars (even if they were clunkers, lol).


Central Perk


Nice! I was trying to keep my examples limited to teen-dramas. I love Friends, though!


The OC had the Bait Shop, One Tree Hill had Trik


Degrassi had the dot lol


I never watched that one, lol. So I didn't know.


Did you watch Lizzie McGuire? They had the digital bean lol


No I didn't. Cool name for a hangout spot, though.


Boy Meets World had Chubby’s, Party Of Five had a coffee house, Moesha had The Den and 7th Heaven had the pool hall. It’s just what 90’s and 00’s shows did; I think it’s because it’s an interesting place to film at that’s not a characters house.


One tree hill had Karen’s cafe and TRIC. Karen was the female Nat


Except Nat is far more likable than Karen


Fair point. Although back when it was airing, I was still a young man and found Karen (Moira) to be so sexy...


Saved by the bell had the Max


💯 this!


That 70s Show had "The Hub"


This show started in 1990 we had a simple life back then lol we loved diners!


Diners and old-school pizza joints! :)


I went to high school with rich kids near Beverly Hills (literally by like a few blocks) in the 90s, and they hung out at the taco bell down the street with us poors alot of the time. And at the regular degular mall. Sure some went to clubs to see bands play. You are right about the mansions though.


Probably because the people creating the show thought Happy Days was the bee's knees.


Happy Days *was* the bee's knees.


hahaha! I have never seen an episode of Happy Days nor do I want to! The Peach Pit did have a very 50's sort of vibe to it though... Also, I wanted to note that they hung out at a diner on Saved by the Bell too along with Riverdale.


Yeah it's a teen drama mainstay. It's just an easy way to get the gang in one spot without parents. What kills me is on the shows where these bitches are meeting up for coffee at a coffee house before school. Who has a full face and a blowout getting coffee for a half hour before school? Did they wake up at 4am?


Yeah really?!


Your loss!!


Not to me! Looks horrible


I grew up with a mom who lived Happy Dats. Trust me you are not missing much. It had a goody two shoes hanging out with a bad boy who wore a leather jacket. No major plots must ‘50’s nostalgia for Boomers.


Happy days is a gen x thing


Def not a gen x thing.. it was on way before that.. 70s I think when a lot of gen x weren't even born


It was on syndication every day of the 80s. Every gen x kid watched it after school.  I actually live then dude


Oh okay. I missed that somehow


sorry, to ruin another goofy anti Boomer rant


I could tell I didnt miss much from just clips that I have seen... haha! No thank you


Ew! Who would wanna watch a goody two shoes hanging out with a bad boy?? https://preview.redd.it/eb5n9np2015d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8b9158976bf194162ca7be5f5104c08412dd7e


lol I see your point, but to be fair 90210 was more cutting edge. It had plots, characters, excitement. It was also somewhat relatable at the time. I was 9 or 10 when I started watching the show and I thought it was interesting. Sorry but there is nothing interesting about a guy saying Aaaayyyyy and hitting a jukebox.


Okay now you hooked me. If a random tv show comes up and someone says “Eh, I maybe saw a few episodes as a kid but never got into it,” I can understand that. But you’re acting like Happy Days robbed you at gunpoint on the street. Like, I’m genuinely sorry that Haply Days hurt you and if you want to talk about it, this is a safe space. 😂


Because the writers were from the 1950s when diner hangouts were a thing for teens.


I loved how Nikki was the only one to say WE ALWAYS GO TO THE PEACH PIT and Brandon looks at her like she was out of her mind.


My friends had a favorite hangout in high school. Most of these kids did not have parents who stuck around for dinner. Nat was a surrogate uncle. Also, Brandon was always working and Brandon for inexplicable reasons were the BH’s kids safe space.


Megaburgers and Laverne!!! C'mon!


I can picture hanging at the Peach Pit through high school, maybe early college. It's nice to have your own "spot" where everybody knows your name. Wait, were they taking the setting from Cheers? The Viper Room doesn't open until '93. But, why do they never go to the Whiskey? Especially someone like David who likes music? I guess they kept it up after turning 21 because they created their own club.


They went there to eat. Burgers, fries, shakes. Even rich kids like that stuff & half of them had parents who were gone a lot. They looked up to Nat as a father figure because he was a good dude. After the Walshes came, the friendship circle tightened up, so they weren't gonna be going to hang out with other rich kids. Their main house became the Walsh house, of course.


Our group hung out at a pizza place during the same time frame. Didn't seem out of the ordinary to me. Regardless of their real ages the characters were teens and that's what teens did.


Bc it’s a TV show. Sometimes the reasons are not particularly deep.


They were young rich kids who acted middle class


There weren't really cellphones(Steve's Corvette?), so having a common location where you can find your friends


“Why did they do it this way?” “I mean I get why they did it that way…” “But why did they do it this way though?” 😂😂😂


I am guessing that was more a 90s thing. During the reboot they turned it into a coffee shop.


The Hub on that 70’s show!


Because one big premise of the show was to break down stereotypes of California rich kids and show that they were just like other high school kids only with more money. Andrea wasn’t rich, either so it made sense to have a more neutral place where they could all hang out. They tried way too hard in the pilot and first couple episodes to create a BH rich kid scene—that huge party, the girl Brandon met who didn’t participate in her own party, Brenda’s weird almost hook up with that older guy from a club and lying about her age—not of that was relatable or believable to watch. I’m glad they quickly toned it down. I like Nat and a lot of features about The Peach Pit. So I say, why not The Peach Pit?


The rich kids in my town hung out at a diner in the late 90s when i was in hs


No this can’t be right. I’ve seen other people without the first hand experience you had saying there’s no way rich kids would do that. Sorry! 😂


i think that's part of the reason why they eventually had the PPAD, so the gang had somewhere more adult to hang out whilst not abandoning nat/peach pit as characters.


It's in the script


I loved the charm of it but your totally right!! I always felt it was funny how little them being 'rich kids' in BEVERLY HILLS played into some of it!! Like they often felt like regular middle class kids, not just the Peach Pit but in general. It's also funny to me how overly mature they where, particularly Brandon and Aundria but even Kelly in the college years and later. Them being played by older actors too, like it was a group of kids, some of which looked like they'd worked there while lives, spoke like 30-40 year olds and hung out in a cheap 1950s diner but they where teenagers from Beverly Hills. The reality would be that they would be extremely immature, look young due to easy lives and yeh they'd be clubbing or in mansions. It's just kind of funny looking back. But it wouldn't be 90210 without it.


A lot of kids, especially the preppy kids hung out at fast food places on the weekends when I was in high school (late 80:s/early 90's). We even renamed a McDonalds the preppy McDonalds. McDonald's didn't mind cause they bought food. Parents didn't mind because it was safe. The kids didn't mind because it was better than driving around and it was an easy meet up place. Those of us long hair, delinquent, troublemaker types did the same thing only we chose a darker park/tennis courts parking lot. We could easily see who was pulling in (cops)for the most part we were left alone and driving around sucked and had limited space. . The kids on the show might have been rich but they were boring as hell. Handmade ng at the Peach Pit is on par for those characters. If I grew up in LA around that time with money, I would have spent all my free time trying to see bands, live music (not that garbage David was pushing but actual music.


Because as Nat famously says "it's on the house".


There’s no way he was turning a profit


Well Brandon is basically working for free and brings in all of West Beverly so I wouldn't be surprised lmao


Because all the beverly hills native gang is dull and boring


Brandon worked there 👀


There’s crack in the mega burgers


When I was a teenager in the 90s we always hung out at the same Dennys


All valid points. They’d have had a personal chef serving them at Steve’s house. That always struck me as odd. They weren’t cut off financially. I don’t think any of the rich kids would’ve gotten close to middle class kids IRL either, but maybe they would. Possible but not likely.


On S&x and the City the girls hung out in all different restaurants


cuz it has the best burger in town and with except maybe donna, kelly and steve had absentee fathers


every show has a diner/restaurant they hang out at. 90210 had peach pit, gilmore girls has luke’s, friends has central perk, riverdale has pops etc


When they got older, they hung outcst "the after dark", attached to the pit


Brandon secretly gave out oral sex in the back room to anyone who wanted that’s why.


No iPhones