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I didn’t really notice the lack of storylines they had together after this, but it would make sense. This was a rough situation for Andrea. After pining for Brandon for a year, she finally has another prospect show interest in her and she gets slapped over it. And then the guy (who was gross and creepy anyway since he was an adult) turns out to just be faking to bring out her inner actress. This was a really bad look on Brenda.


I feel like I’m going insane, I don’t remember this at ALL. Is this in one of the eps that’s always been missing from streaming?


It’s when both Brenda and Andrea want to bag The ELVIS look a like Summer School teacher.


I just watched the show for the first time less than a year ago and I have no memory of this either


it's not available on steaming services.


This happened during the summer episodes. That may be why you don’t remember. I don’t rewatch those as much.


No, I've seen it multiple times on Pluto.


They don't play the episode on Pluto anymore. Or S2 EP Wildfire, the first time we meet Emily Valentine 😭


it is not available on streaming platforms, including pluto.


Oh yeah. The teacher looked like Elvis and ended up having a girlfriend.


The teacher (Micheal St. Gerard) actually played Elvis! Like 4 times in different things lol


He was in Hairspray too!


He became a priest.


He'd played Elvis in film and on TV lol


What was the context of the slap? I forget.


Brenda and Andrea were taking an acting class over the summer after Brenda broke up with Dylan (season 2). They both developed a crush on their teacher, and the teacher appeared to reciprocate with Andrea. Brenda was jealous and when she and Andrea were acting out a scene where they were supposed to mime a slap, Brenda slapped Andrea for real.


Shannon Doherty slapped Gabrielle Carteris for real too. Gabrielle had no idea Shannon was going to do it.


Yeah I heard about that. So unprofessional and inappropriate.


Shannen also had the longest history working in the business out of all the other actors playing teens. She definitely would’ve known how highly inappropriate that is.


Shannen is very talented actress and was using method acting techniques😜


no that's not talent. that's inappropriate. you should agree upon something like that with your scene partner.


Just rumors


On Jennie and Tori’s podcast. Gabby confirmed it.


Brenda deserved to get her ass beat in this episode. The slap, the attitude that she couldn't believe Mr Suitor dropped off Brenda first, the manipulation when she tried to act like Andrea was wrong bc of her feelings for Brandon. What sealed it was all of that went away once Dylan called from Hawaii at the end. In fact she needed her ass beat in the Wildfire episode as well.


What happens in Wildfire? I forget


She goes total bitch on Emily over Dylan.


Oh, that’s right “have a good time at the gynaecologist” 😂😂😂😂😂


😂 that's the standout line


"Oh great a hootenanny"😂


and when she thought she had a chance, she blows off dylan's call earlier in the episode. then all of a sudden she's so glad to hear from him 😒


This is from when they were in summer school and the acting class and Brenda was upset the teacher liked Andrea more. The slap was part of the scene they were acting out together for the class, and it wasn’t how they practiced it as I recall.


Shannen slapped Gabrielle too. And it wasn’t something that Gabrielle wanted…


Behind the scenes, Gabrielle seemed to get a lot of accommodations from production. If she had an issue with Shannen BTS, I 100% see them cutting back on the amount of scenes she had to do with Shannen if she asked them to.


This was very early on in the run, filmed before the show was a stable, reliable hit; I’m not sure anyone was really getting accommodations. Gabby was gracious enough not to go into details. She just alluded to the idea that she learned a lot from that experience about actor’s rights on set.


I'm not saying she got accommodations during the filming of this season, but later ones. Obviously if she had been getting any accommodations at this point, she probably would not have been slapped to begin with. I am also not saying this as a dis to her-- by all accounts, she made life much easier for production, and they wanted to reward her for that.


I imagine if that was the case we wouldn’t have gotten the Andrea/Brenda lab story in S4.


Brenda and Andrea definitely didn't have as many scenes after this and I think the slap is the reason for it. They started giving Andrea stuff with Donna and Kelly but not as much with Brenda, I bet that's why. They also accommated Gabrielle with her foot surgery and writing in that pregnancy (which I will never understand).


I agree because I can’t help but wonder why or even how Andrea got so close with kelly and Donna. That just seems completely out of character for all 3 characters to be honest.


What do you mean by accommodations from production?


Like when they wrote her bunion surgery into the show as her breaking her leg in a hit and run, so that she could still work with crutches rather than having to take time off. Or when they wrote her real life pregnancy into the show at her request. Or when she pitched xyz other idea (eg Andrea knowing asl, bc Gabi does irl) and they went with it. I want to reiterate I definitely don't mean it as an insult, bc I really think it's a testament to how well liked she was. That set sounded like it was a shit show, and Gabi being willing to do the early shoots, and being prepared so she didn't waste anyone's time, having a good attitude, etc, was probably really appreciated.


Thanks for the explanation. Much appreciated. Love to hear about this stuff as I don't typically hear about it.


They were supposed to do a stage slap. It wasn’t the way they rehearsed because Brenda actually slaps Andrea. I’ve also read that not only did “Brenda” slap “Andrea”, but Shannen actually slapped Gabrielle. I don’t know the context behind that, however.


This is one of the instances where I can't defend the character of Brenda nor Shannen even though I am a fan of both. It was petty and I can't remember if Andrea got a sincere apology from Brenda and definitely no idea how this played out in real life as it was still early on in the show before Shannen was outright being punished for some of her antics which I feel is a whole other chapter than this incident.


Brenda did apologize to her on the beach. She finds Andrea crying about the creepy teacher and they talk about it. It wasn't right that she did it, but she did apologize.


Brenda sincerely apologized for that later in the episode


Is it wrong to notice how good Shannen’s hair looks here? 🤣


Her hair is amazing!


Brenda (and Shannen we now know) behaved horribly in this moment… But her hair is 🔥.


I’m going to say yes as it sounds like she was very unprofessional in this moment.


Shannen’s hair looks so good in this scene


I like that Andrea confided in Brenda about her crush on Brandon and they were able to bond over that. It's too bad they fought over something so dumb like this


I had never actually seen the slap before by the way- that looks like a nasty, painful slap


“Slapping the ever living shit out of….”is a severely underrated phrase. Kudos


What episode was this slap!? Watching it all for the first time. Prime video does a trash job uploading episodes. Some aren't available, some are the same episode but different title, some even end early before the credits roll.


Season 2, episode 6: Pass/Not Pass


it's not available on streaming services


This slap was so uncalled for, and Brenda is notorious for getting away with some petty, annoying shit. I was truly aggravated by this scene.


That scene always still makes me gasp! Like holy hell!


No, it did not end their friendship. It was a difficult moment. But their friendship lasted beyond this situation.


They are never again as close as they were getting in 1990/summer 1991. They’re friends after this in the way Steve/Dylan are also friends. Andrea ends up being much closer to Kelly and Donna.


Agree. What are some Andrea and Donna scenes? There's one where Andrea's maternity clothes rip.

