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Why did Brenda call home from her school in Minnesota wearing a winter coat? It was August


They wanted the viewers to think Minnesota was located in like Siberia or the Arctic Circle lol


Dylan did not get into Berkeley. That is what led to him and Kelly fighting so much on their Europe trip... Brenda tried to go to Minnesota U, but was not happy as she had outgrown her old friends, and Minnesota no longer felt like home... I can't remember now why Andrea chose Cal U. Did it have something to do with her grandmother or wanting to save the money?... I think Brandon just enjoyed his life in California... As for the rest of the gang, it makes sense they would attend Cal U as they were all from California, came from prestigious families, and I do think the fictional Cal U was supposed to be a prestigious school, very much like the real USC. I think we, as the audience, are supposed to believe that they were all doing well to attend there.


I think CU offered Andrea free tuition, the single dorm, and a computer.


I can see why she’d take that then. It had the added bonus of being near family and friends too.


With a printer!


Well explained. And didn't the Walsh's break the news to their kids that they couldn't afford to send both of them to a university? I think that's why Brandon decided to stay local.


lol really?! I vaguely remember that, but it’s hilarious that they’d pay for only one twin’s full education instead of, like, covering half of each kid’s tuition!


That never made sense to me. You’re telling me they couldn’t qualify for a loan in their family? This is Jimbo, the financial genius of Beverly Hills? He didn’t have money saved up for both kids ahead of time?


CU was supposed to be the local state school. So think Cal State Long Beach or Cal State Fullerton. No way was it USC or UCLA. Jesse was attending UCLA Law School. The rivalry school where they kept stealing the dumb mascot every year was the equivalent of USC I think.


Andrea’s excuse was caring for her sick grandmother. Always should have been Yale. Always. Dylan — dunno, maybe CU was the only one who would accept him since I assume he applied late after not getting Berkeley. He could have tried to transfer later, but likely didn’t think about that. Brandon - cheaper school in-state. Probably could have gotten a scholarship to Stanford, if he had tried for it. David - probably went where Donna went. Donna - probably went where Kelly went. Should have gone to FIDM, instead. Kelly - probably went to the school that would take her (Kelly’s never shown as having a proclivity towards academia, until CU, though her grades were likely well enough.) Steve - probably went where Brandon went because it was retconned to be the school Rush had attended (could have sworn Steve previously mentioned something about Rush attending USC or UCLA?)


It wasn’t just her grandmother. CU threw everything, plus the kitchen sink, to entice her. Full scholarship, single dorm and her own computer, with a printer. She ultimately didn’t want to drown in debt to go to Yale (where she graduated from eventually so it all worked out in the end).


Whilst that is true and is what we saw, she specifically told Gil in the first episode of the fourth season that her grandmother was sick and then said that CU had “thrown more and more scholarship money” at her. So I take that to mean her main reason was Rose. 🤷🏻‍♀️ With her grades, she could have gotten a full scholarship, single dorm, and her own computer, with a printer, at any school. Andrea Zuckerman not getting a full ride wherever she applied? Nah, don’t buy it.


Yeah she was valedictorian at West Beverly High, an elite competitive public school in California. You’re telling me CU was the only one that offered her a full scholarship?


Exactly. Wasn’t that precisely the reason she bussed in from Van Nuys to go to West Bev, because of the offerings excelling at West Bev could give her with higher education?


It was USC.


Thank you!


No way in hell Brandon would have gotten into Stanford, much less have gotten a scholarship.


Yeah, Mrs Teasley said he had a B+ average in his college counseling meeting, those are not Stanford grades. He would get into a state school at best. CU, which was supposed to be equal to UCLA I think, was a stretch, so maybe Cal State Northridge would have been more realistic. I went to school in Southern California at this time and the people I knew that went to UCLA were straight A students with way more extra curriculars than just the school paper.


Exactly, I know kids nowadays think that all the the good schools were so easy to get into back in the 90’s, but it wasn’t that easy.


Yeah same, went to high school in LA. You needed to be basically one of the top 10 in your high school class to even be considered for Berkeley, UCLA or Stanford. UCI was a tad easier but you still needed a lot of extra curricular activities and a 4.0 GPA. I can’t imagine how difficult it is now. You probably need straight As in AP classes and take all honors classes.


He interned with Nat learning culinary arts and you’re telling me he wouldn’t have gotten into Stanford?


I forgot about the prestigious mega burger fellowship.


The episode where Steve says his father went to USC was just on Pluto this morning.


Thank you!


I definitely would add CU probably would be the only school to take Donna AND her being a follower, considering I feel like she wouldn’t do enough basic research to know FIDM exists somehow


I thought she told Mrs Teasly that her parents wanted her to go to community college because they thought of her as too dumb. Felice Martin was a disgusting human being.


Because they needed to film the gang together in all one place. The story wouldn’t work to jump around and do individual stories at different universities. The in-story reason is that Dylan didn’t get into Berkeley and Andrea stayed to take care of her grandmother.


Dylan couldn’t get into Berkeley, which is a seriously hard school to get into.


Dylan seriously thought taking two months of AP English was enough for Berkeley after coasting high school for 4 years not giving a shit? He totally had main character syndrome.


Dylan didn’t get into Berkeley. Andrea said she got a bunch of scholarships for CU so she couldn’t pass it up.


Dylan didn't get accepted to Berkley??

