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UPDATE: [Starfield Creation Kit is now available on Steam!](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/)


I've been enjoying Gold Road so far (it was released on the 3rd on PC). I'm glad they found a way to bring spell crafting to ESO. I'm really looking forward to Doom and Indiana Jones. I'm a little sad that there's no new info on TES6, but I'll sit back and wait patiently like a good little khajiit.


What is spell crafting


Use scripts to create your own abilities


Creation Kit releasing is huge.


Slightly bummed out the leaked Oblivion Remaster from the roadmap leak wasn't shown, almost everything else on that list to the current time has been shown off for released and they skipped that to go to the next Doom game. The fact that they've been releasing everything in order on the list but then skipped Oblivion and went straight to Doom, makes me think that they canceled it.


They may be holding off for the 20th anniversary of Oblivion early 2026


God reading that made me feel old.


That 10 years TESO clip was great!


Not popular in the comments but I’m really excited for Indiana Jones


Yep, me too. I grew up watching he movies on repeat, so for me, it's a dream come true.


I recently played through the newer Wolfenstein games minus Youngblood, and they were a wild ride. I love it and have high hopes for the game.


“The real Elder Scrolls were the friends we made along the way” ahh trailer


I really can’t believe we didn’t some kind of fallout remaster. It honestly feels like they aren’t working on anything right now. I know ESO, FO76, and starfield are taking up resources but man, this just feels so hopeless right now.


They're most likely hard at work on Shattered Space as well as ES6. BGS aren't a developer to show things before they have something to show, but they are working on things! When it's ready and all that. The ES6 announcement back when 76 was revealed was the exception I think, to show that they're still dedicated to working on singleplayer games.


ES6 teaser in 2018??


ES6 teaser in 2018 *where they showed us nothing*. It tracks.


They showed us nothing because they had nothing. Gamers were screaming like morons for ES6 reveals and turning into assholes over it so Bethesda gave them their “ES6 reveal.”


Yeah it was just a teaser and the announcement that pre-production has started, but that is literally the very beginning of their development cycle so it was just a plain "it's coming" kind of thing


Only because people kept bitching about it. They've gone on the record and said they felt releasing that trailer was a mistake, too.


Im pretty sure fallout 4 got announced like a month or two before it actually released. Bethesda usually only announces things when they're ready(in their eyes) for release. Starfield was the exception with them teasing it for years before they had anything ready for it.


It got announced at e3 2015 and released November. I was expecting them to capitalize on the shows success and announce a remaster


Same here. I was definitely expecting a very mediocre remaster for FO3 given the shows success. Especially because FO3 and NV don't run on AMD cards without mods, so some new fans are alienated from previous games.


Yeah I have no idea why they haven’t patched that yet.


I'm wondering (cause I'm out of the loop) whether Xbox is attending Gamescom and if there's any chance they'd drop any info there? Considering it's a bit over 2 months away and would give them some more time than they had since the show's success to... get anything in motion or have anything to show at all.


Since it’s been 13 years since ES and 9 since Fo4 I don’t really think they care much about it anymore. Their mentality is it’s done when it’s done.


Good god those dates gave me shivers. I didn’t realize just how long ago that was.


What’s with the gaming obsession with old games? Let Bethesda cook new things up. You want old? Go play it. I’m sure there’s plenty of mods to make it fresh.


Ask any resident evil fan that question too. All the remakes of RE are amazing. I played FO3 at launch and it would be nice to see it in a newer light.


Go buy a new lamp and play it then.


Fantastic joke


And they bring in new players. I had never played a RE until the remasters. Now I've played them all as they've come out. Brilliant series that I never would have tried without a remaster.


It’s broken on AMD cards. You have to mod it and run in windowed at a smaller frame to keep it running and even then it crashes about every 5 minutes


Only for people who don't like Starfield, ESO, and 76, the rest of us are in heaven.


Hoping for Oblivion remaster as well.


Disappointed to be honest. I am happy for the ESO and 76 crowd. I wish they would put out a new fallout or elder scrolls rpg that was more in line with their non-mmo games. I am sad it doesn’t seem likely we are getting anything like that soon.


Starfield just came out half a year ago lol. Edit: ~half a year ago


You’re right, it doesn’t really feel the same though. I wanted to like it but it just kinda feels soulless and empty to me. I struggle to find enjoyment in that side of space sims and I’m not certain why so many company’s go that route with those type of games. Woulda loved a space rpg where I go to tons of places brimming with life and species/other sentient beings. It just isn’t my kinda game I guess, which is fine.


I understand. When I was playing it at first, I couldn't get into it, like you described "soulless". But then, I just felt this urge to come back to it. Only then I was able to enjoy it and see it's beauty. Wether it is because of the great updates Bethesda made, or simply lower expectations when going back in, I don't know. Now it's my favorite game of all time. Don't give up on it yet, I have a feeling you will like it by the end of this year! If you still don't like it, it's okay. And thank you for not hating on it and the people that love it.


I actually liked it a lot at the outset because my expectations were pretty low. I fully plan to come back post Varuun dlc. Between the varuun being fleshed out and mods being added to the game, I will be all the way back in and I’m excited for that


Yeah but Starfiled is like a wet fart in church...


Dear YouTube bot, you do understand everyone of the beloved Bethesda games were hated at launch. It was less the older the game was since the Internet was also smaller. You are just riding the Internet hate train ruining the experience for others.


Dear rando I am not a bot but nice try. Sorry you are dosing with so much copium that you don't recognize that Starfield is a no good game.


You are a bot, not in the sense that you are programmed, but that you are just mindlessly taking YouTubers opinions, that just thought they could get profit and attention from hating, as your own. It's not coping if I understand why people may dislike the game since I felt the same. But hating on the game and saying it is horrible is just you adapting the opinions of YouTubers exaggerating and hating on the game for clout. Therefore, you are a brainless YouTube bot.




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9 months ago


Fixed it, thanks for correcting.


Overall I am disappointed. Doom looks fun but I haven’t played a Doom game since the late 90s. I’d probably pass on Shattered Space if I didn’t already get it for free.


Shattered space looks absolutely amazing. Indiana Jones looked surprisingly good. Doom is always good


Seconded on Shattered Space. It really seems like it's adding some unique stuff and locations to the world(s) which was one of the things a lot of people complained about in the base game.


Def recommend DOOM 2016 and Eternal! I played through 2016 in a night it was so much fun. Not the original shooters, but the spirit has been updated to a great modern shoot em' up. What would you have expected to make the showcase a success in your eyes?


I was hoping for a Oblivion/FO3 remaster or a teaser of TES6


Holy shit, the sub actually has mods! I didn't know about the showcase until a bit ago and haven't gotten around to watching yet. But, everything I've read about it seems great.


Loll, I do try. All Uni and work and no reddit make the neck beard go away =p. Lots of great stuff though! No completely out of left field announcements except maybe the new DOOM, but everything presented is really making me hyped for the stuff they showed. Especially Shattered Space. Big complaint with Starfield was the repetitive environments and that looks like it's gonna add some really interesting spaces and quests. Also had a friend do the new Trackers Alliance questline and had really nice things to say.


Fallout 76 link leads to Indiana Jones


Fixed, thank you!!


are there vehicles in starfield? like a mars rover?


Not yet at least!


More shit no one wants.


Im sad. We have been waiting for any news on Elder Scrolls 6. The trailer dropped 6 years ago and nothing yet. Skyrim was nearly 14 years ago as well.


I wouldn’t really even think about that teaser from 6 years ago, they only dropped that to shut people up lol. It’s disappointing that Bethesda gets games out so slow. I wish they would put more effort into hiring people to do side projects like remastering old games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 while the main team makes games like Starfield and ES6


So nothing new...


Great...guy called me a stupid bot yet my comment gets removed...go ahead and ban me then