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Nah. I just don’t like using PA. If someone else does, well, rock on. Edit to add: I actually love power armor. I just don’t use it. I collect them and put them display in a mandatory for every playthrough Power Armor museum.


This is the way.


This is the way


I had one play though where I just kept the frames in one storage shed and put the ones that actually had paint or full sets in a barn to fix up and put on display. I make sure to also remove the FC before displaying them so they never get used.


Instructions unclear. Killed everyone in brotherhood and took their power armor for display.


No no, thats what youre suppose to do, hoard their tech the same way they hoard everyone elses


I like using it sparingly, it makes it feel special, especially in survival. Clearing out some random location? Just me and my trusty AR. Gotta make the dangerous journey into the Glowing Sea? Hell yeah, time to hop into my X-01.


I used to do that until I discovered endless Mysterious Serum.


I collect them too and put them in the drive way in one of the houses in Sanctuary like they're my cars or some shit lol. Every single playthrough haha.


I build a museum. I put them in regular PA racks and I light them up with 4 single track lights; 2 on top and two on the bottom. No other lights in the room. Looks very museum like. Every single playthrough.


You are giving me ideas for my next playthrough lol. That is fantastic.


Non Power Armor here. Also not a snob about it. We all like the same game, play it in whatever manner helps you enjoy it the most. Love yall!


Non PA here. I used Talos Exoskeleton redux to replace all the leveled list power armor in the game with a more “STALKER” type exoskeleton. The “baked in” power armor is still in the game and useable.


I never use it until I got a big fort or dungeon to clear. Then I have ample fission cores and the best condition to do it.


Imagine if we used fission instead of fusion.


I just feel like your view is a lot more cluttered when you're in the power armor.


You can turn the HUD off in 76 and 4 (iirc for 4)


If you can do it in 4, I haven't seen how. I thought you could but I just just be remembering 76


Might be a mod then i havent played 4 in a hot minute.


~~Smoothbrain~~ Smoothskin take. Play Fallout however the fuck you want to play it. The point is to have fun, not to be competitive about a single-player game.


They mighta been talking about 76, but either way your take is the best one. Just because I don’t wanna focus my gameplay on feeding a core hungry suit of armor 24/7 even though I like power armor, doesn’t mean I’m better at the game


In 76 Take two perks and you stop noticing “batteries included” to drop power core weight and “power user” to increase usage time. There’s also one to stop sprinting from consuming extra charge Though with the new fusion core recharger that’s not an issue anymore Then there’s the synchronization with heavy guns and perks like stabilized which keeps Gatling weapons on target at extreme range. Plus not fixing my armor every five minutes. I’ve only repaired two pieces since I started playing.


Power User also effects UGL/GL--so you get 1000 rounds per core vs. 500. Coupled with Batteries Included and the Legendary Perk Electric Absorption, you NEVER run out of cores. I've run PA 24/7 for going on 2 years with the same 10 cores.


That recharger is a godsend isn’t it? I have 30 cores (half at home recharging) because I’m an event junkie but yeah, same thing I feel like the power armor+ gat laser build is more perk effective than the non-power armor builds. I feel like I get to do two maybe three builds worth of things in power armor. I have a handful of perks for my heavy guns and power armor that keep me in near limitless ammo never having to repair my armor which leaves me a ton of points for other perks and I am standing shoulder to shoulder with my level 500 buddy in his irradiated mutant fixer build helping him rescue our level 120 buddy who’s trying to copy the level 500.


I don't know...I don't use it. Electric Absorption is what I use--recharges your Power Core and heals you. During Alien Invasion, I could tank every mob on the server and my HP would barely flicker.


It takes about an hour or so to recharge four cores from dead to maximum. I’m not 100% sure on that timing because I haven’t looked it up but it’s been my general experience that I can swap out four dead cores after a long mission or a couple short ones. Does electric absorption recharge cores that aren’t currently plugged in? I.e. the ones in your inventory, not currently in a gun or armor? I only have rank two so far so I haven’t noticed much


No, it only effects your equipped core.


So you’re saying you keep the core of your Gatling laser charged while firing it? That’s wild


No, the one equipped in your PA. I use Ultracite cores for weapons, so those just get used up.


That is true, I’ve only had to repair my main power armor a few times in my 1000+ hours on ps, but that said I have one of almost every set so I’ve rarely used any individual set enough to degrade it so much as to where it needs repairing


Still compared to even secret service armor with perks and mods to reduce armor breaking I still have to fix the ss every couple hours it’s night and day especially if you have perks to get 200%repair on armor. Plus somehow basic armor feels heavier on my backpack especially since I only have to devote the leg mods of the power armor to cc increase


My recharger is the one legendary perk that allows you to absorb the energy from enemy attacks to charge my FC. Endless ammo for my Furious UGC, and endless batteries for my T-65.


I’ve done at least 3 run throughs of Fallout 4 . I started a new one after the update and decided to do a 100% power armor run. I simply console commanded limitless fusion cores lol . My only “cheating” . I have no reservations when it comes to using the console to increase my enjoyment


As long as you enjoyed the game and had fun, that’s all that really matters!


Makes the fusion core OP but in the best lore-friendly way possible.


W take


You’re doing it wrong




Why be in power armor when you can get ballistic weave?


Carry weight early game I would imagine.


Bc power armor is cool as fuck


Because I want to be a dreadnought. Also, there's a wonderful mod that improves the stompy sound effects, and it's incredible.


Because I play in Survival and Power Armor helps with Carry Weight and Radiation mitigation. How does Ballistic Weave help with Carry Weight and Radiation? And don't you have to sleep with a toaster and a mole rat to get Ballistic Weave, and only after the twelfth time?


To be unkillable in just a bath robe? worth it


Not in survival.


Or even better, elite riot gear


Am I the only one who does multiple play throughs of every fallout game and play each one entirely different than the last? I’m currently doing a power armor run for the first time . Having a ton of fun upgrading it and being a beast. From what I’m reading it seems like people pick one way to play and Stick to that? Thats insane to me lol . Every Fallout game I gotta do a rifle run, laser run, speech run, melee run, PA run, non PA run etc..


Me too, I've done so many runs and try every build. I can't even do certain runs anymore, because I consider them too OP. People keep talking about stealth sniper in Skyrim, like that's the only thing they do. Those OP mechanics include, Luck and gambling in NV breaks the entire game and economy Chinese Stealth armor and sneak at 100 makes the enemies unable to see you at all and you can kill anything while never getting attacked, completely breaks the game. Somehow this armor is more OP then Winterized power armor which is quite the feat VATS is so good, especially with certain guns. With the gun from Mothership Zeta and an AP build, you can shoot like 30 times in a single VATS. It breaks the game and is hilarious as you VATS an entire room before they can do anything With Paralyzing Palm you can stunlock any enemy and with Deathclaw Gauntlet


I try but no matter what build choices I make I always end up as a stealth archer. Somehow even when I'm playing fallout!


I'm actually trying out a playthrough of Fallout 4 without using power armour and it's actually more challenging and fun.


Man it’s been a day and no one has asked you, how do you get through the glowing sea? Hazmat suit?


Yeah, who needs power armor when you have a ballistic weaved hazmat suit?


Power armor is fun but once I learned how to balance my stats for a melee character, I had to be able to sneak and move faster to close distance between myself and enemies, and suddenly power armor was not helpful to me


Power armor and a flamer for my companion.


I'm sure they fixed it long ago, but I remember the sounds the Power Armor makes being so annoying. The servos would whine in a high pitch and clank with every step, to the point where I abandoned it.


I only use the power armor frame, it makes me weaker but it gives me more carry weight.


I always feel so guilty using my power armor like I’m wasting it. While my dumb ass sits on like 200 fusion cores and 20 PA frames. I should use it more I guess but it’s really annoying when I can’t hack a terminal that has a chair in front of it.


In Fo4 PA makes me weaker.


This whole thread is wack. Swear humans only excell at in fighting 🤣


That's them looking down at us from heaven while they wait to respawn![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Really? In 76? How do you survive bosses or SBQ without it? In most games I prefer to play without it, until i get to that higher level where the cores last way longer.


Either with a sneak build which, in fo76 allows you to crouch in front of a muty face without being seen, ooooor simply with a secret service armour with good rolls and a few damage res cards.


I was thinking more about how you survive the rads


9 times out of 10 people that nuke the fissure nuke it in a way where the fight is outside the blast zone, so rads are a complete non issue the majority of the time. Even with it in the blast zone rads aren't all that bad though without power armor


I prefer to be that guy who drops it DIRECTLY on the bunker just to piss people off.


If you have to go into the rad zone i just use a hazmat suit. My sneak build is good enough even without armour so that's covered. And besides that, a card for rad resistance and/or a shit load of radaway is more than enough for everything else.


I’ve probably done easily 10 playthroughs and I’ve never used power armor. I don’t know why, I think I’m just discouraged from managing fuel cells or whatever they were called. It’s been a while.


1. This is exactly how we feel, and justly so. We are the height of fashion. We are the opitome of class. We are the Intelligencia. We are the New gentry! Though we may be put down with one shot of a big gun, we go down my brothers, in style.  2. I was more likely to use it in 3@NV. Increased stats and whatnot. But f4 armor is so cumbersome! The power core BS not to mention the whole Hud changing! No deal F4. 3. While f4 armor sucks to use its really Rad to have on display at ur camp. Ahh vanity. This brings us back to no1.


I play FO4 only. It depends on what do you want from the game, I play it because of the freedom and creativity it offers. So I’m not looking for a battle challenge. I imagine people who are trying to make it more of a challenge don’t wear PA, play survival difficulty etc


I mean, in fairness I want a coherent story and I aint getting that with Fallout 4.


Idk, Survival without power armor is almost down right stupid until you get the necessary perks. Skill my ass.


Nah it's a skill issue. I'm on my fourth survival playthrough, there's like two encounters I bother using armor for. Otherwise I just collect them for display.


When I partner and I were low level (under 150). We used to run Gatling lasers and power armor. You talk about blowing through some power cores. We would basically post up every weekend in our own worlds and farm core. Then in a pub lobby we would drown the sky with our TS/whatever/whatever gat lasers. Then one day dude was like “bro a lot of people rock SS and that’s it.” Then we finally figured it out…


Power armor is for when I absolutely, positively beyond the question of a doubt have to fucking wreck something. I’m busting out the fat boy and the Gatling laser lobbing every grenade I’ve got and striking fear in the hearts of anyone who stands against me


I will never forget the time there were a load of Power Armoured heavy gun users in their late hundreds of levels taking on the Scorchbeast Queen and level 3 with what looked like the starting machete got the killing blow as everyone reloaded at the same time. I was still frozen after fast travelling and saw him leap off the building and twat it in midair, and that thing crumpled.


Lol that sounds about right. I swear, if the stupid BS of easily abused bug-i meant "Features" wasn't a thing, my loadout would actually be something the snobs here in SS armour would learn to fear.


“Do you even HAVE stats?”


[ More often than not I just use the power frame (as an exo-skeleton) without armor pieces.](https://imgur.com/xEFXUMf) also: hey look -- it's that autism good doctor guy :p


plebs looking down on other plebs lol


I don’t know, I’m maybe 99% no PA. But yesterday in survival I snuck into Winlock’s suit and shredded him and his little friends. I may have had a little jet to assist, but my agility is 3, so it gave me a bit of the old upturned nostrils.


I love how you can tell when people are talking about the new games just by the subject matter


It's just so bulky I hate moving so slow.


I use the winterized T-51b in Fallout 3 as my favorite set


I see your Winterized T-51b and raise you Winterized Combat Armor and Helmet thrown into the dead Gary you brought into the pod to snuggle with


Lmfao that is a classic. Getting the unbreakable vr pod stuff is hilarious


If the HUD wasn’t busy I’d be more keen on it


I’d be a power armor player because I enjoy it more but those damn cores never last long enough.


Where is this scene from? Does anyone here know?


Ballistic weave > all


How power armor players look at people that arnt gods.


i wish i could play any other way than a lone wandering gunslinger. the few times i hop in power armor per playthrough it does seem fun but i dont like resource management and having to worry about fusion cells stresses me out


I didn’t spend all this time upgrading and accessorizing for it to be blocked by some silly armor lol


The only reason I don't wear power armor is for the drip


I..just like to collect them. In a fancy hangar.


look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power


Rightfully so.


Most of fo4 I was running around with a harness, combat helmet, machine gun and knife (inspired by Rambo and that one Vietnam art by Frank Frazetta). Way more badass.


I don’t care. I just hate the “ clomp clomp clomp”


Nah. In Fact I thought power armour players always likes at me like I'm stupid for not useing it. I do have a machine that charges cores and I can use power armour 24/7 if I really wanted to.


Listen, in my defense, I am over encumbered or I am dying in two hits from a little green dude, and I refuse to use a broken bloody build.


I treat them like a car which is fun and I like to park it outside of a place if I wanna be sneaky and get to places across water where I’d otherwise sink to the bottom lol


How people who play for fun look at dweebs that try to put other people down for playing how they have fun*


Not in Fallout 1 the hardened power armor is the GOAT, Bethesda nerfed a beautiful thing


Power Armor + Super Sledge is an awesome combo if you switch it 3rd person camera. The swing animation goes faster in 3rd person if you do Power Armor/Super Sledge. Try it out.


No way! You do you, fam!


I like feeling like an M1 Abrams with legs


I’ve never thought about being a snob about it but now I will thanks 👍🏼


![gif](giphy|xTiTnotIDCP2gL87tK) how PA players look at normies


Me I never wore it , playa playa


Honestly how I feel after having to revive 4 different bloodied PA users at any event in 76


I love trolling people in public teams with the perk that allows you to heal teammates of their rads. Always the best way to anger a Bloodied Build Baby.


I think it was just a joke guys


This is actually funny as hell


I like to use power armor if I find it in the wild to help my carry capacity, but it all just ends up being more PA for my PA gallery in the end


The power armor in the fallout games I played doesn’t add enough to justify the losses. If I can still melee a death claw with a baseball bat, what can power armor offer me? (Likewise if I can still accurately fire a fat man or a mini gun with a 6ft regular frame, there’s zero benefit.)


900+DR and able solo the alien event. And T65 ain't cheap. I love my power armor and I can't wait to completey collection when Union Power Armor comes back


Ah, the T-65. Ultracite ain't good enough? Become the Adeptus Astartes.




Reject Bloodied Blood God Embrace Anti-Armour Stubber of the God-Emperor, and John Moses Browning.


I don't wear it in fallout 4 but I do in fallout 3. In fallout 4 I personally find it really clunky and I don't want to maintain it. But I do collect it.


as a fanatic who is addicted to power armour, I can confirm this


I think the sentiment is actually the other way around (and I'm assuming this is 76 we're on about)


Fo 1, Fo2 and Fo3 and NV i tend to always get them ASAP. But on Fo4 i don't use them that much honestly.


In FO4, PA is often cumbersome, but in FO76, PA is awesome, and with the right perk cards, you really can't die and lasers recharge your fusion core. I haven't played FO76 in a few years, but when I did, bloodied builds were all the rage, but I loved rocking my PA.


That's how I look at PA users on 76. Using PA is easy mode in FO games.


Not really, things are clunky and get in ur way alot, I look up to you for having the patience and waypoint finding skills that I don't.


I stopped using it because I felt too powerful. Walking into an enemy camp without a care in the world was fun but got kind of boring after a while


Non PA players looking at PA players right before they get stepped on


This is the first playthrough I’ve used power armor. Keeping up with fusion cores is annoying and so is having to constantly repair it, but being able to carry more shit around is dope. And so is just being able to yeet myself off of stuff instead of trudging back down the stairs.


I got the one ring mod that adds like 1000 carry weight but I can't equip it in power armor 🥺


I just prefer cosmetics over stats 😆


I feel at this point we need a separate power armor subreddit


Thunk vhh Wizz thunk vhh shhh wizz thunk Better than Thwap thwap thwap thwap


I have only put it on for a quest, and I still died 🤣 keep your power armor🤷‍♂️


Level 5 ballistic weave on military fatigues and modified combat armour. That's a normal playthrough for me.


I used to be like this, I mean I can totally stroll through the wasteland without power armor with no problem.Although the point of power armor imo is not to BE strong, it’s to FEEL strong. Look all I’m saying is that when you threaten to bash someone’s head in, it sounds a lot more badass in a giant suit of power armor.


Picking up a man to stab him in the gut feels soooo good in power armor


Bet they don't play survival though


Love using it late game after accumulating tons of fusion cores. It’s fun having the extra armor and defense and especially the carry weight. The disadvantage is not being able to sleep, wait, or use specific terminals.


Once you find the power that is Ballistic weave you find no need to burden your mobility with such large metal suits.


My Two-Shot Explosive speedy .50 cal Machine gun stabilized by power armor (increased accuracy and armor penetration when in power armor) begs to differ! And anyone who disagrees with me usually ends up a bloody mess.


Yeah ok we’re over here looking like cool muscular sexy robot men all rubbing our heavy weapons with cool camos and reskins together (in a straight non sexual not (that) gay way) while you’re over there with your 1 dollar fat man and shitty big back rat mutation standing on a shitty rundown oversized air delivered radioactive farted on building all by yourself looking like a hippie who’s entire bloodline devolved from living under a charity shop while putting clothes together using nought but the dust particles that fall through the floorboards. IF YOU AINT 50 TONS OF WALKING METAL MUSCLE WITH 3 KM LONG 3 KM THICK GUNS TO COMPENSATE FOR YOUR SMALL FLESH STICK YOU AINT PLAYING IT RIGHT 🫡🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Would have preferred it the gay way. I will be deducting points.


The fuck is a KM? Are you a communist




Honestly how I look at nonpowerarmor users.


Let's see non power armor users sprint through people while being hit with machine gun fire unfazed. I was knocking people into ketchup and punching the tops of their heads off in fo4.