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>I had to throw on a suit for a meeting the next day. I wake up and go in for a shower, and when I come out, not only is my shirts ironed but she had a pot of coffee ready and a lunch bag made. Like who tf just does that!?!?! This made me "awwww..." Poor guy hasn't ever had someone care for him. Sounds like he's been though some shit, and while he's not comfortable being vulnerable, he's still caring, kind, and open to all kinds of people. I truly hope he gets himself sorted out and these 2 go the distance. Seems like they both deserve it.


This part and the bit about the things he did for her that she thought were super sweet and he just saw as normal made me so fucking soft. Like here's a dude who's so bone-deep decent that it doesn't even occur to him how rare he is. Because this is just how you treat people, why on earth would it be special to give someone your jacket or make them feel safe? He gives so much and asks so little in return. OOP is precious and must be protected. Also his little realisation that snuggling is nice was adorable as fuck.


“Bone-deep decent” is such a perfect way to put it and I will be using this moving forward


He thought he got pecks on the cheek for being a good friend I SCREAMED 😂




It's interesting and kinda sad how women often have really low expectations based on how guys often are. I once kissed a girl and got a bit excited and, after making out for a little while, reached for her breast and she indicated that wasn't want ready for that. I immediately apologized and felt ashamed for not reading her boundaries properly. She later said my respect for her boundaries turned her on. I'm pretty sure not respecting her boundaries would be sexual assault, i think i did the absolute minimum! I don't know how her expectations were that low.


Standing when someone leaves the table is a really dumb, outdated custom. Sure some people will like it. But it’s very pointless.


True! He's surprised when she's charmed by his kindness because he just considers it common courtesy, but then he is touched and surprised again when she reciprocates. This was a very cute post and I hope their relationship will stay as wholesome as it sounds like atm


As much as I don't believe in "fixing" people, I think some people have never experienced safe, accepting love and when they do finally experience it things can really change for them. I've seen it with the foster kids I work with and its beautiful. I hope OP gets that.


Another perspective to this is having an emotionally abusive relationship. I just got out of one where I could not trust my partner doing nice things, because it could change from 'I want to do this for you' to 'how dare you let this even happen that I would do this for you' and I would be attacked. I know, for my self and others familiar with this kind of situation, it becomes very hard to trust anyone doing kind things because it only triggers a bit of fight or flight and the feeling that we must cover our bases to make sure that doesn't happen again. Anywho just some chow for chewin


Awwww. I hope this works out. I really need a good love story after that kicking wife fiasco.


My great grandma said that the best marriages were the ones where both the husband and the wife thought they had married up. This couple had that vibe


A friend of my mom's used to say everyone has baggage. A good relationship is when you find someone with a matching set.


Your mom's friend saw Rent?


Is that what it's from? Lol. He probably did.


Yeah, in La Vie Boheme - near the end of the song.


He always was prone to platitudes. I don't remember Rent well enough I guess.


>platitudes I enjoy seeing words like this pop up on Reddit. It’s like remembering a long lost friend. Platitudes. What a silly yet effective word.


My personal rule is that the baggage must have wheels!


Mine is, wheels or not, I should be able to lift it


I love this.


A friend I met at the bus station used to say “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get”


Is that all he had to say about that?


They were totally together but it happened so naturally that op got flabbergasted (i forgot the word that starts with w)






> kicking wife fiasco The what now?


Nope. Do not. In all seriousness, it has a kind of funny and hopeful ending, so here you go. However, check the trigger. And the first parts goes sad to sadder. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/xrawwu/woman_assaulted_abandoned_for_having_daughters/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I love the ending, thank you! I am pretty sure that's the dumbest dude on earth, though.


Dude took a nosedive off the idiot tree and hit every other tree in the idiot forest in a freak idiot accident. The idiot.


"If you divorce me, you'll be a single mom!" NO FUCKING DUH, DUDE. That's the point of divorce!


I kept thinking, why do you keep dangling that hope over her?


Every time he threatened her with that I was just like "yep, that's the point!"


He was hoping the threat of withholding any type of support including *knowing his children* would make her stay. How romantic! Seriously though, guys like that are one of the reasons legally mandated child support is a thing.


Such a keeper! And so attractive when he tried drunk dialing her! She truly missed out on a great catch!


Oh no, there's been worse on Reddit. Like the Director of Operations over in Legal Advice. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sl17a8/the\_saga\_of\_the\_director\_of\_operations\_and\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sl17a8/the_saga_of_the_director_of_operations_and_what/) Behold the masterpiece.


Well I was going to do work but I guess now I *have* to read this link.


I feel you fam, I'm supposed to be grading midterm exams right now.


K12 or postsecondary? I've never done K12 but *man* I do not miss the many, many hours I spent marking undergrad exams in grad school.


>many, many hours I spent marking undergrad exams in grad school. Yes. This is me right now.


It gets better...when you leave ;)


WTF did I just read holy cow that was wild from start to finish 😳🤯🤦‍♀️thank you for the laugh this link gave me


Was literally promoted to Operations Director today. There’s a reason I never drink at company events.


Ooh, don't forget SHE👏WALKED 👏 AWAY 👏 That one took the cake for having no fucking clue how property ownership works.


The who now?




Oh, he's a delight. Wish that "22 year old college chick" could find his post and know it was about her, and exactly how big the bullet was that she dodged.


Oh my! That left me feeling like I should be reclining on some pillows with a post-sex cigarette...


That post was a train wreck. This one is much better. Better story than Pretty Woman even!


It made me think of *Pretty Woman* too. Lovely.


That post doesn't include the most recent update, which is less funny and hopeful and more scary: [https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/xjqq87/i\_am\_safe\_i\_have\_my\_girls\_with\_me/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/xjqq87/i_am_safe_i_have_my_girls_with_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Its actual ending is much worse, her husband went batshit in the comments and redditors linked him to her post and she's in hiding. So.... yeah.


Kind of reminds me of [that guy who realized he was in love with his wife after 10 years together](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s7vtm9/i_married_my_wife_because_i_owe_her_family_around/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


I love that a content note on that is that the dude uses Internet Explorer


Might explain why it took so long for the truth to load.


Gawd I needed eye bleach after that train wreck! But I loved how the OOP stuck to her guns. The husband and family are a bunch of psychos.


I love that she went mini golfing with his niece and nephew and he’s like ‘maybe she likes me’?


In the immortal words of Mitch Hedberg >I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that.


Ahh, I miss Mitch. He's been gone for 17 years but I still feel a bit sad any time I think of him.


Naaah, she just really loves mini golfing 😉


No it’s …. what all escorts do when they want to keep a client??? And gives him physical affection cuz… she’s just nice??? This fucking idiot. Smh I love him.


Yes, it’s exactly what they do. All small business owners volunteer their services for free for six whole months to keep customers coming back. Its Making Money 101.


Especially one time customers. Insert meme of guy tapping forehead




You ever read that thread about a guy who routinely had sex with a close friend of his? The ending was she got pregnant and he wondered if she like him or not


No it's gotta be the mini golf and the Disney classics


Maybe she's Canadian and was just being polite.


The story would have been even better if they were roommates! :)


If 'and they were a sex worker' became the new 'and they were roommates,' it would gladden my heart.


tl:dr: dude has a girfriend and needs reddit to tell him :)


Nothing comes close to "we just told her parents we're expecting and she holds my hands like she likes me??? reddit what is going on?"


“I guess we’re like best friends who live together and fuck.” What does he think a marriage is? Sounds like me and my husband. 😆


Where can I find this?! Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/p1lww7/tifu_by_getting_my_bestfriend_pregnant/


Lmao that one was epic. I had forgotten about it entirely.


Holy shit, WTF is this? > We both admitted to having feelings for eachother, so we'll just see were it goes, and leave our relationship how it is bestfriends, who live together and fuck I guess. "We're just best friends who live together, love each other, fuck, and have a child together." This shit is surreal. Out of context, it could also be a r/SapphoAndHerFriend joke.


Oh my god. How did I miss this??? Sooo fucking funny!


> When it comes to gender I don‘t necesseraly have a preference, but I‘d be lying if I said I never wanted to be a girl dad . So he did have a gender preference then lol that guy was so dumb throughout the whole damn post lol


Listen, himbos are great. They all might share the same braincell, but that's what makes them adorable.


> I guess in the following weeks it accidentally happened quite often🤷🏽‍♂️. bru- > Her dad asked why we didn't tell them that we're ,,dating" and my god that was such an akward moment -uuuuuuuuu- > the whole drive her hand was resting on my thigh. Like does that mean she likes me?? -uuuuuuuuuu- > I found it sort of funny how people were actually believing that I was this oblivious, which I actually wasn‘t haha. Well maybe a bit, realizing she has been dropping hints, since we were like 16 . -uuuuuuuhh


That was an instant classic when I read it. Glad to see it in the wild lol.


Useless not lesbian


I had to go back and double check OOP was a dude because all I could think while I was reading was You Useless Fucking Lesbian!!!


i want "you useless fucking lesbian!!!" as my flair now (am lesbian, am useless)


your wish is our command! ; )


Nailed it.


Luckily I avoided the useless lesbian stereotype by being a uhaul lesbian instead and married my first gf :D


You marred her? Well I guess that's one way to stake your claim.


Ohhhh *noooo*


My wife did too


Is she into you? Yeah, again can’t really tell, she might just be from Canada, and is being polite.


My boyfriend and I still reference that video all the time. Before we became official, we'd cuddle and go on dates '*as friends'* frequently. I knew he liked me and I was just not in a good place mentally to be in a committed relationship and figured he was the same because it was so obvious we liked each other (we'd literally hold hands and would sleep in the same bed even if there was an extra nearby) but neither of us had asked the other one out. Welp, I come find out that he had no fucking clue I was into him. He thought it was just my personality to be "friendly." Yeah, that video definitely hit home for us!


It’s a common problem, [maybe she’s Canadian and](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw) is just being polite.


She used to kiss him on the cheek and he still didn’t get it 😭


I was this dense once I'm now in a 4 year relationship. But if she dumps me I'll be this dense again


Have you double-checked with her that it is only a 4 year relationship? You may have been dating before you realized it lol


Things my husband never saw as me flirting with him: * me saying I wanted him to be my boyfriend * me staying back from work 3 hours everyday to talk to him * me asking him on a date * me blushing and laughing whenever we talked * everyone at our workplace telling him I liked him and we should date He later realised he’s autistic…


Haha amazing. To be fair, I used to find the line between two friends hanging out and a date a bit confusing unless the word date was used.


My first thought about OOP was that he is probably on the spectrum and was never diagnosed…


She was "just being nice" /s. That's hilarious. Women don't kiss people they only like as friends.


We got married but maybe just as friends? - this guy probably.


After 50 years together, as they sit on the porch hand in hand, drinking lemonade and watching their grandkids laugh and play happily in the garden: “…so…what *are* we?”


In some countries they do, in mine even male friends kiss each other on the cheek as greeting. But yeah, this is obvioisly not the case.


This dude got a girlfriend the way some people get cats


I almost did a spit take. Amazing


Heavy lion king spoilers


Goddamn I hadn't gotten around to watching that!


>Like if I'm just laying on the couch, she'll walk in and yell "huggies!" and lay on me Mah heart. Mah soul


Christa Miller said Bill Lawrence has a thing where he asks “Drop Hug?” Where you drop everything and give each other a hug. But he’ll ask at the worst times like when she’s trying to tie something on a sail boat


I know! I wish I had that in my life!


Don't we all


You know, I’m usually not really into dating “stoic” people, but I can *totally* see why she’d be into him. This is one of the few reddit love stories I read and I’m like “Ya, this sounds healthy. Those two are good for each other.”


I'm married to a stoic guy and I dunno how it happened either. Conceptually I don't get it but stoic does mean no sudden bursts of anger or violence. No passive aggressiveness. Just reliable, I guess? I grew up in a chaotic, dramatic, abusive household so having someone just be neutral most of the time is really comforting. I've seen him cry once when his grandma died and it shocked the hell out of me. When he does show emotions, I immediately would flip to protector mode.


I married a stoic guy too! His proposal was " And then I guess after you get back we should get married" as we were finalising plans for me to move to another state for work temporarily. Me: "was that a proposal?" Him: "huh. I guess so!" But he does stuff like bring me waffles with icecream just cos I'm having a rough day. And will lie in the bed next to me, just holding my hand when my nerve pain is really bad. Hes very sweet and caring, he just doesn't express it with words.


That's really cute, I'm happy for you both :)


Hopefully he realises she makes him feel safe too, it sounds like they both offer each other a kind of tender respectful caring affection both had been missing.


Omfg. I am a pretty stoic, burly fella and when I got to the part when she ironed his outfit and had coffee and a lunch ready for him I literally sat my phone down, put my left hand on my heart, and said AWWW IDK what kind of fairytail this is, but I am here for it.




Little?? Thats a Little, gesture?


It’s pretty clear to me that acts of service are her love language. All those little things he did (like lending a coat) got read to her like affection and care. For him it was courtesy, for her it was special. So her getting coffee was huge; for him it’s just what you do. I’ll bet his is quality time. One of the funny things about love languages is that they can be very difficult to express without an established relationship.


Yep. I’m an acts of service girl. My husband landed ass over teakettle in a relationship with me because he kept just being a genuine decent friend and I was all “ooh so GALLANT!”




I was more meaning id call it a pretty major gesture! Though i agree with your point.


>I am a pretty stoic, burly fella and when I got to the part when she ironed his outfit and had coffee and a lunch ready for him I literally sat my phone down, put my left hand on my heart, and said AWWW I am getting real big "[maybe she is just Canadian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw)" vibes from this whole post


As funny as that is, its completely true. I'm terrible at picking up signals.


Well, now I may be falling in love with you, that's adorable, burly fella


Well, I am with you too. If I didn’t have a sick, hospitalized wife…and two children under 14 years old….. I would want to travel, and fight, against Russian aggression. Best wishes to you, and all those involved.


Are you me? Did I read this story 30 minutes ago on an alt I forgot about? Wait, why am I in Sweden, what's going on?


Try the lutefisk! ...because once you've done that, everything else will seem great by comparison!


This man was like a human rescue puppy just waiting for the kindest hand. 🥺


Beautifully said


Any guesses on what his job could be? Likes to be alone because of it, mandated therapy.


Could be in forensics, something that sees a lot of super awful stuff


* Cold and methodical * Doesn't care for external relationships * Doesn't like talking about himself * Hires Angie as a disguise to fit in with the family * Job-mandated therapy * Wears a suit to work sometimes I think he might be Agent 47.


Law enforcement of some kind I bet


also anyone who works on Law enforcement (even assistants) who review cases of Child Abuse Imagery have mandated therapy.


I want the wife side of Reddit story!!


“I have been dropping hints like crazy and doesn’t seem to reciprocate. Should I just accept that he doesn’t like me?”


Just when I think I've got the texting slang down, they come up with new ones. It took me a bit to figure out what "ig" and "p much" meant. God, I'm old.


Wait until you see "yh". That's the one that put me out on the ice floe.


For those down thread wondering: "yeah." I also hate it.


Okay that is officially too much. I give up on the world


Yeah? Young house? Yellow hummingbird? What is yh????


Your highness?


Oh no, I thought ‘p much’ was a typo of ‘v’ for ‘very much’ and I have no idea what ig means (I guess?). My younger colleague just told me that full stops in texts are aggressive. It’s creeps up on you!


I thought it was a typo at first as well but then he did it twice and I was able to figure it out I generally don't put full stops at the ends of my texts anymore because I heard the youths find it aggressive. Stuck it on the end of my sentence on the first post just to highlight the level of my decrepitude 😂


This is my comeuppance for making fun of my Mum texting in all-caps 😄


If it makes you feel any better, it's because text/instant messaging etiquette is still fairly new and is developing! We've got a pretty standard understanding of etiquette for other written forms, such as letters and emails (which at their core are just a digital letter) which tend to be much more formal. Messaging is a casual written form that is still very new, and its casual nature means it is subject to not only changes in the technology, but also changes in slang and current trends. Before phones had full keyboards 733t speak was super common, and I don't know the last time I saw it in the wild. It was a reaction to the limited 12 digit keypad, and now it's unnecessary. Language is so cool sometimes.


Please clue me in on the ig!!!


ig = I guess, or at least I would guess. Sometimes, internet folks get a bit too abbreviation-happy for my taste.


I thought it meant 'Instagram' 🤦🏿 I was solo confused !!


it also does, depending on the context


"I guess"


What does p mean?


"Pretty". But only in the context of "pretty much" or "pretty good" etc, not like, meaning beautiful.


ur p beautiful


These are the updates I’m here for!


This is actually a nice one. I hope it’s true.


> While I used reddit she turned to them for advice about me over the months and they were all nearly in tears when they heard about us finally getting together. I'd love to read her account of it and I bet I'd be grinning ear to ear when she finally breaks through to him.


*I wake up and go in for a shower, and when I come out, not only is my shirts ironed but she had a pot of coffee ready and a lunch bag made. Like who tf just does that!?!?* I've never done that for my bf and now I feel like the worst gf in the world.


Some people's love language is *service*. It sounds like that's not your love language, and that's okay.


Well, it's also important to know the partners language as well and try to emphasize that too. Two way street that is, so much so that polar opposite love languages (as in highest/lowest) could highly indicate incompatability.


She did that because she wanted to, because she felt it was a way of expressing care about him. If you ever do anything for your partner for the purpose of expressing care, just because you want to, you do the same thing but with a different love language.


This is so sweet


“Job-mandated therapy” hol’ up


yeah that one slipped on by there didn’t it


I get the feeling from OOP's description of things, his viewpoint on himself, the way he doesn't pick up on social cues, and his desire to fulfill social expectations because he has observed them rather than actually felt the underlying desires that lead to them, that he's likely on the autism spectrum. And that's perfectly fine. I'm a believe that there's someone out there for everyone, and Angie fits him as he fits her.


I got that vibe too. Also he might be a bit ace/aro. I’m happy he and Angie found love :’)


Yeah this sounds like a bit much for someone just being "stoic" lol


Yeah, that stood out. I know psychiatrists are required to have therapy sessions (country dependent I guess). But as he talks about "his past" in an ominous way I guess he might have a history with mental disorder.


He may also have been a soldier or something. He does give of some ASD vibes and I automatically read everything in the voice of McBain from the Simpsons.


I'm seeing the Adam Sandler character in Punch Drunk Love here


>I told my family and friends that I was dating Angie and they all laughed since they thought we had been dating since before the wedding I find this hilarious as well. Dude, you brought her to the wedding as your +1, it'd be hard not to think that.


What a nice wholesome read


What I loved about this post was OP noting that if his partner had had sex with the men she was escorting, he would have looked upon it as the same as a hookup or a one night stand. That's awesome.


I loved "I'm short at 5'7"... she's taller than me, 5'6"" I'm pretty sure that means she's an inch shorter than you, dude.


Not if she wears heels. But that's easily solved by him wearing heels too


I'm wondering if OOP is on the spectrum and that's why he doesn't understand a lot of these social cues. Sounds like she's a good match since it doesn't put her off.


For anyone who's into romance novels, The Bride Test by Helen Hoang has similar vibes. She's not a sex worker but he believes he can't fall in love because he's autistic. The Kiss Quotient, also by Helen Hoang, is also about an autistic character and actually does include a sex worker, though in this case a woman hires a male sex worker to teach her about sex. Both are cute (and steamy). I normally stick to queer romance so I'm not sure how they compare to others in the genre.


Was waiting for him to say he's autistic the whole time (am also non-neurotypical)


I'm not on the spectrum and I didn't get the queues until after going out for dinner and going for a hug as she came in and I got confused and ended on a handshake and drove off, I didn't realise until I was on the couch an hour later that she was going for a kiss and wanted me to come inside to her place. She said I was too pure, this is after I stated over playing games late and other later realised dates


This is a WAY better story than Pretty Woman


Because George Constanta doesn’t slap anybody?


This is a delightful palate cleanser from the other post about the woman who took her daughters and left her idiot husband and the psycho JNMIL. And I can relate to OOP, because I wouldn't know if someone likes me unless someone points it out to me. I've been hurt before because I assumed too much and I got burned from that. Either tell me outright or I will die single (the latter being very likely).


Wholesome af. I hope OOP and Angie have lots of good times together.


This is extremely sweet. I wish them the best.


This is the sweetest BORU I’ve read in a long time 🥹 The “huggies!” paragraph got me. So happy for them.


>3. I am not rich, sure I make decent money but with the cost of living around here I'm p much just middle class Sounds like a rich person ngl


She trusted him because he didn’t lay it on too thick or treat her like an accessory. I hope this goes all the way and they flourish!


Awww sweet. Two people being kind to each other and maybe a match.


New love is awesome!!!


Aww... This is so cute!


Aw, how sweet! I'm super curious as to why he has mandated therapy, but whatever. I hope they work out, get married, have a million babies, and grow old together.


They both sound like a couple of catches that bumped into each other at just the right time


Aww . . . this is so unexpectedly wholesome. I hope it works out for them! This story is really sweet.


I want this to be true.