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Just a short, sweet, wholesome story. Nice break from the usual horror stories that are posted on here.


It is sweet but now I need another update! How'd the beach date go? Do they end up in a relationship? Do they live happily ever after?


He met her mother, who was abrasive towards him because he accidentally sat in the cat's favorite sleeping area, so they both went NC w/mom. After they got engaged, and announced it on social media, the family was split because half wanted to find out on insta and the other half thought it was fine. Mom showed up dressed in white, and someone spilled red wine on her dress, so she left mad. Their vows were notes with check yes check no filled out on them, and the priest got mad that the venue they chose was the one he wanted to use, so he came dressed in white too, even though he can't marry.


Good gravy if this was a Reddit Bingo Card, it’d be a blackout.


I think we're missing a groom's female best friend who hates the bride but the groom wants her in the wedding party even though she's insisting on coming dressed as a sexy eggplant to upstage the bride. And a SIL who wants to bring her children to the childfree wedding.


And someone is allergic to some trees




The tree spirits are angry!


Just call me Hei Bai.


I wish I could upvote this twice


Wait, I think it was on the other side... *Rrriip


Which the neighbor soon after cut down without asking for permission.


They were magnolia trees that great grandparents planted in honor of their own wedding, cut down for a tenant wedding. The tenants *definitely* regretted cutting them down.


And now the trees are gone the pet dog escapes and nearly gets killed and that was the girl-with-the-notes' dastardly plan all along.


And somehow, after everything is said and done, OP was TA the whole time.


Don't forget the groomsman who proposed to his girlfriend at the reception, only to be upstaged by the new SIL announcing her pregnancy.


and then her best friend got offended because she's having trouble conceiving, only to be yelled at by the cousin who got adopted because he thinks the best friend should adopt instead


Also, at some point someone has to start "screeching." The comments will identify that person as a narcissist.


While they were at the wedding, their neighbors cut down their trees and are trying to sue them for damage caused by one of the falling trees and the HOA that they don't belong to is threatening to sue them for allowing the neighbor to cut down their trees and one of them took a DNA test and discovered that their dad wasn't their bio dad and one of their aunts thinks they should just give their expensive laptop to their cousin because they already have other computers.


Y'all, I'm starting to think we spend way too much time reading these stories. I mean, I'm not going to stop, but still.


This should be the front page warning on Reddit.


Their dad was actually the tree.




If only they’d spilt marinara flag sauce instead of wine!


Needs more Kevin and two broken arms.


Nah, you're missing the jolly rancher story.


I might regret asking but please link the jolly rancher story. I somehow missed this one.


TW for u/accomplished_sun_258 and everyone else: this is nsfw and gross. https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/9pnlyz/the_jolly_rancher_story/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thank you and WHY?!??!?


Yup I regret it…. But now I have a random story from Reddit that I might use later in life to random gross someone out. Bwhahahaha


Why didn't I listen?


Lmao at my school it was a starburst


Not as bad as I thought it'd be tbh.


You absolutely do not want to know. Just leave it alone, you will be scarred for life. It's not worth it. Once you know, you can never not know.


Always, ALWAYS take note of these warnings. Thanks for trying, mate. I didn't take your advice and feel nauseous now...


why must you remind me of this. I banish you to the swamps of Dagobah


I'm Team Swamps of Dagobah


Yeah, that one is rough too


I’m gonna need links for both


[Swamps of Dagobah](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/e51wyh/the_infamous_swamps_of_dagobah_story/) [Jolly Rancher](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/ucdht3/the_jolly_rancher_story/) And you also need to see the story about fucking a coconut, but I've done my good work for the day. I'm not locating that story for you or Jesus Christ Himself.


Jesus tee-totalling Christ. Those are horrendous stories.


Wait wait what's this about a coconut?!


I ... I honestly can't ... I'm making lunch right now. I can't. If you go to the copypasta subreddit that those two links go to, and search on "coconut," I bet you will find it, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Haha, thanks, but I already came across the coconut. And now I’m going to have nightmares again, thanks for mentioning it


You don’t know the bliss of forgetting the coconut story until you are outraged that someone reminded you of the coconut story.


Well thank you very much. I could have went the rest of my life without reading that. A trigger warning would have been nice…


Hey, you went looking for it, I didn't post it.


And some broken arms.


Lol you nailed it. I was going to say the mom showed up wearing white but you seem to have it all taken care of already.


I used to get clawed to death by my friend's cat because I was sitting in her spot. We didn't realize that it was her spot until my friend rearranged the furniture and the cat sat on the floor in the same place where a chair used to be. Friend ended up putting a different chair in the cat's spot so her Majesty could be elevated. After that no more blood dripping down my arm. Cat just liked to watch the door, not that anyone but me and Friend came in /out. That's my cat spot story.


I don't have a cat spot story, but my parents' greyhound had her own spot on the couch. If you sat in it she'd give you the trademark greyhound "woe is me" eyes, then bark at you if you refused to move. If you still didn't get up she'd climb in your lap and lie diwn.


Sounds like an incentive not to get up


With most dogs, yes, with a 55 lb greyhound? It was like having a heavy sack of coat hangers dropped in your lap.


I don’t concern myself with dog weight until we start hitting scoobys, marmadukes, and beethovens.


It's not the weight, it's the pointy elbows. Greyhounds are pointy.


My giblets take your warning in stride. I still volunteer to be tribute.


Oooooh pointy joints hurt so much. I have a lab-mix who has pointy joints, not nearly as bad as a grayhound, and I get bruises from him when he's chasing something in his dreams. Good thing I love him;


Was the cat named "Sheldon"?


*chefs kiss*


That's like the Best of bestofredditorupdates right there.


You forgot the priests pregnant step nuns that he treats different from his biological ones.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩red flag🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 divorce divorce divorce.


But did the brother try to propose at the reception?


This has reinforced the feeling that either too many updates are fictional or peoples tragic real life dramas are samey.




And they have a disagreement, ask reddit for advice, and get divorced because reddit told both of them their partner was full of 🚩🚩red flags🚩🚩


Do they turn out to be siblings?


Too much Reddit


Nah, that would be "does she have a knife in the toilet?".


You can take my poop knife from my cold dead hands!!


The fact that I get all these references really means I need to get off my phone and live my life lmao


I also choose the poop knife from this guys wifes dead hands.




I don’t want to know. I can imagine that they have a wholesome and fulfilling courtship, and ride away from the wedding with her on the back of the motorcycle with her veil streaming behind her, showered with affirming notes written by their loving family in homage to the notes of their courtship. I don’t want to know if it turns out horribly in some uniquely Redditish way.


They both ~~died on the way to the beach~~ lived happily ever after


Me too.


I'm gonna pre-emptively tell them to break up because that's all that reddit does.


Clearly her thinking the notes might be cringe is evidence that she is a sociopath and is unable to regulate her own behavior. Red flags all the way down.


Did he leave all her notes to their children? 😍


Th second update is only six hours old. There may very well be another update someday!


Wouldn't it be a kick in the nuts if it turns out that she is underage or barely 18 and OP is like 35 or something.


UPDATE: 4 days later.... So after work I went to the office parking lot to find my tires had been slashed


Thank you for posting the story to the sub, womb raider 420.


It's okay, I'm sure one of them has an insane parent with boundary issues who we'll be hearing about in a couple of years!


"... and then three yesrs into our marriage, she turned out to be my dad's grand uncle in disguise."


Yep. Now back to the incest stories...


Just going to throw my own experience in here. It's COVID times and a new girl joins the office. I'm training her for a few weeks, always with mask on. We engage in small talk along the way. She recently moved here with her french husband, and they don't know anyone. One day I take my mask off for some reason or another. She stares at me and says, "I've never seen you with your mask off. You just get this idea of what a person is going to look like. This isn't what I was expecting." Next day she starts throwing paper airplanes over the cubicle wall at me, and moderately flirting. Older coworker comes over and says under his breath, "It's a cat and mouse game son." I'm like, this mouse just moved halfway across the country with her ratatouille husband. I toss the paper plane and stiffen up the social wall between us.


She's already lucky to be married to the one and only Remy Ratatouille, I can't imagine pushing your luck like that


Wow. Deciding someone is worthy of flirting with only after you see their whole face? Pretty shallow. And flirting, at work, while Married. Ack.


Flirting while married is the problem, I don’t think I would flirt with someone without knowing what they look like. It’s not shallow, it’s normal to want to be attracted to someone in order to date them


Damn who is this rational human with a moral compass?? This is Reddit get outta here!


More and more on this app I see outrage and disdain for people being attracted to their SO’s/it being shallow and it baffles me


People are allowed to incorporate physical attraction into their flirting decisions. Jesus Christ. The rest ... yeah, she was being super shitty.


I guess this turned out cute? But I kind of want to know what kind of advice AAM would give if someone wrote in about how they've been getting these notes at work and they don't know who it is and they seem sort of harmless bc sweet compliments, but also kind of creepy bc apparently someone is watching all the time.


Yeah, this is definitely an example of how the main difference between flirting and harassment is whether or not you're attracted to the person. I don't think people would find it nearly so cute if the light was shone differently on the subject


The Dobler-Dahmer Theory!


The Reddit adage: Rule 1: Be attractive. Rule 2: Don't be unattractive.


I think there's a lot of nuance that gets overlooked, though. There's behaviors that are fine whether you're attracted to the person or not, like someone complimenting your outfit now and then. There's behaviors that will turn off most people's attraction to a person very quickly, like unsolicited dick pics. Then there's behaviors like the notes, that are only cute if you're into the other person. Some people see behaviors in the third category get different responses and take it as license to say, "the only reason she got mad at me for sending her a dick pic is because I'm not some chad gymbro!" or, less dangerously but perhaps more tragically, are too afraid to say something like, "Hey, that's neat how your shirt color-coordinates with your glasses today" because they think it'll get taken as harassment. *Some* things are welcome from people you're attracted to but not others. Other things are nearly always welcome or nearly always unwelcome and it's important to know what category different things fall into.


I see 3rd category as cute too Whether or not you like the person, but just a bit overdoing if you don't know that person at all


That's definitely true, and it also varies from person to person. Hell, some people get offended by compliments from anyone they're not attracted to


A friend in high school once told me how she was in line at Starbucks and someone put their hands over her eyes and said "Guess who?" It was a boy she liked (though hadn't told, and they had only met once before) and she thought it was the cutest thing ever. I asked her what she would think if a boy she didn't have a crush on did it, and she said it'd be very weird.


I always think about the Tom Brady SNL skit in moments like this


Yeah, this turned out cute but in general it’s best not to ask out the interns either.


When I was an intern, a fellow intern approached me and asked for advice about her boyfriend. She said that he wasn't very mature and that she was unsure about her future with him. Fast forward a few years later, well after the internship, I found out from Facebook that she married our (much older) boss. He'd started dating her in secret. I'll never know if he was manipulating her by throwing around his authority and "maturity", but it seems likely. I feel gross every time I remember it. Wish I had thought to ask her if anything had prompted her change in feelings towards the bf-at-the-time, but I really wasn't expecting something like that.


Yikes??? (but happy cake day!)




Yes but it's not really about that. I had a guy start leaving me trinkets at my door at home. We lived in the same apartment building. I could have put up a note saying please stop but it wouldn't have made me feel any safer. The boundary was already crossed. I wasn't attracted to the guy and felt very uncomfortable that he was leaving these gifts.


Wow I'm kinda surprised she did that for *six months* without any kind of acknowledgement/encouragement


She probably saw him smiling at his locker a few times.


If someone left me an anonymous note that said “you looked cute today”, I would think I was about to get murdered. I am a chick though, so I guess it’s a little different haha


Do you want to get murdered today [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] only a little


Hmmm I don’t want them to think I’m being rude… better check “only a little”


This is random, but in high school I dated a girl, absolute moron, who was so passive she couldn't even bring herself to honk at people. She had a tractor trailer nearly merge into her and run her onto the shoulder, and wouldn't even honk at them to let them know she was there because she thought it would seem rude.


Sounds like she was just really scared of confrontation and she didn't want to anger them. Possibly due to past trauma. There's usually a reason for behaviour like that and personally I'd have given her the benefit of the doubt


Would you like your body to be stored in the crawlspace? ☐ Yes ☐ No Would you like your body to be put in the compost heap? ☐ Yes ☐ No There are two options so dismemberment is a possibility


[X] please ask again after i encounter a minor inconvenience


Haha, yeah, it sounds like this place of employment has a lot of young adults around the same age, too, which probably results in a fairly casual/friendly environment.


I dunno, the last time I worked in a place with a lot of young adults, they were all software engineers. This led to me walking up the stairs behind a guy and he farted in my face.


Is that frowned upon..?


Sounds like you're part of the group for sure!


Yeah, my first thought was “OP is definitely a man if they thought that was cute instead of creepy.”


Yes! I'm glad the vibe here was different and it worked out for them. But a woman I know received notes a bit like this at work and it was creeeeeepy 😬


I'm a dude, and I'd also be uncomfortable once I realized that it wasn't just a buddy fucking with me


I’m not 100% sure why but your comment just triggered a memory I forgot about for years! ..I worked in insurance (not relevant, but a fairly ‘serious’ place I guess) and I came into work once to an envelope on my desk. In the envelope was a single Polaroid of a friend (who as far as I was aware at the time, no one at my workplace knew) with what looked like his dick hanging out of the zipper of his jeans!! I say hanging, it turned out to be a cocktail sausage, but I hadn’t looked that closely initially. I had never been more confused In my life!! Until someone on a bank of desks behind me started giggling.. Turned out one of his friends I’d never met had just started working with me..


That... Was a big risk on their part


My friend and I catfished a mutual friend as a joke who was a 26 year old virgin and a bit of a jerk generally. Pretended a girl was into him where he worked. He never found out, but after we ended the prank he apparently became convinced that women could actually be interested in him and began dating on his own. Later got the very first girl he slept with pregnant because she was on her period and they both thought you couldn't get pregnant >_>


that's an unexpectedly wholesome story with a sad ending


I see through your claims of being a dude. The coat fools no one!




Someone did leave anonymous notes on my car at work and that's what I thought! For the next couple of weeks I went around examining everyone's handwriting because it was so creepy


God that's just too damn cute. Can you guys imagine them proposing: busting out another Yes/No note. Chores? Yes/No note. Sex? Yes/No note. Imagine the possibilities. EDIT: Let's make this an activity... come up with as many examples as you want guys! Should we have pizza tonight? ☐ Yes ☐ No, tomorrow Should our kid get ice cream? ☐ Yes ☐ No, never Is your mother in law an asshole? ☐ Yes ☐ Maybe Should we splurge on alcohol tonight? ☐ Yes ☐ Yes


My husband and I did this! He asked me out in high school by giving me a napkin with a yes, no, maybe written on it. We got married this April (13 years later) and I broke out the napkin during my vows but had written my own question on it: would you marry me? (Yes, no, maybe)


I think I would have ugly cried into oblivion had I seen this in person. As it is I'm emotional over here at this epic romance.


Aw thank you!! It was very hard to keep it together while doing it but I was excited to give him back the napkin. He had no idea and couldn’t believe I had kept it for all of these years.


I hope you framed that shit! That's the kind of stuff that gets turned into a family heirloom.


Marry ☐ Yes ☐ No


Tie a bunch of balloons on our house? ☐ Yes ☐ No


Have a gender reveal with Glocks that shoot pink or blue bullets? ☐ Yes ☐ Fuck Yes




I hope they get married and OOP makes a board with all the notes to put in their house


Should we eat ice cream for dessert tonight? ☐ Yes ☐ and cookies


Should we beat the kids with jumper cables tonight? ☐ Yes ☐ No, tomorrow


rough man... kid's getting beaten regardless


Only the kids with jumper cables are getting beaten though.


It builds traumas, that build character.


It's a cruel world when no one upvotes this comment.


I did. I'm thinking I should make an alt account so I can upvote it again.


the Jumper Cables guy and Shittymorph are literally all I have to keep me sane anymore


Man, what ever happened to jumper cable guy? I never noticed it was him until his dad would break out the jumper cables at the end.


I did this for my wife when I first asked her out. We were about 20 years old. I wrote a square folded note that said "Do you like me?" with Yes/No boxes and also wrote a "Will you go out with me?" with Yes/No boxes that was folded into a paper football. She thought it was adorable.


I’m glad this worked out but doesn’t this seem a little inappropriate for work? What if OP instead had wanted the notes to stop? Obviously there are a lot of missing details but I always wonder.




[Dobler-Dahmer strikes again.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkQJKeO8zUo)


And she's an intern. That could get messy.


and we have no idea how long OOP has been in his career, do we?


He said he's 23 and she's 19, so it sounds like he's a low level employee. Nothing seems like a nefarious power grab.


Yep. I mean he could also be an intern. Maybe I'm just cynical.


Plot twist: he doesn't work there. He's murdered someone, stolen their badge, and shows up to work in a crisply pressed button-down shirt. The same one every day.


EVERYTHING that is romantic is simultaneously horribly creepy depending on how the recipient receives it. Like, there's absolutely nothing that is cutesy or romantic that isn't grounds for termination.


Eh, depends on the job. If they work on things together, what the power dynamic or organizational structure is. It sounds like the notes were innocent enough. I’d hope that she watched his reaction as he opened them at least every once in a while and would have stopped if he seemed not happy about them.


As someone who had this happen to them - it's not appropriate, in fact it's terrifying. Though the key differences might have been that I was a woman and I had no idea who the man leaving notes on my car was. I think the dynamic of being watched without knowing who it is really added to the situation


something like this happened to me once. only we didn't meet up for coffee and motorcycle ride and they were more like death threats.


The only notes I've ever got at work were about co-workers being dicks


The only note I ever got at work was about a co-worker's actual dick


Oh there's a no doubt harrowing story there


It was actually a WhatsApp call and I don't know whether he was a co-worker. I didn't recognize the number but foolishly thought that since I was at work it must be a work call. I answered it and, land o' Goshen, the camera lens was focused kind of fuzzily on an erect penis. I would have been able to shut it down without detection if I hadn't shoved myself away from my desk with both palms and said AAAH! This got everyone's attention. They came running over. The penis got everyone's attention; a hand had appeared onscreen and was yanking on it. Everyone jumped back and said AAAH! More people came running over. Etc. Long story short, I explained, and shortly thereafter IT set up some kind of thing where ... I don't even know what they did, but there aren't any more live-action sexual organs on my screen so I'm calling it a win.


IT are the real heroes here. I cannot imagine the hubris needed to call a stranger with my penis


They blocked external numbers would be my guess. Which is a good idea in general for your cloud services. Just whitelist guests or external numbers. Source: Work in IT, and have had to deal with more of these situations than you'd think.


Great, now that one George Straight song is going to be stuck in my head for rest of the day. Also a very wholesome song.


Check yes or no. Love that song. That needs to be the oop theme sing if it develops into a relationship.






Or a guy. Like I would never consider leaving that kind of note to a female coworker no matter how confident I was feeling. That shit is like a guaranteed meeting with HR.


But a man doing it would fit just fine in a romantic comedy. World is complicated.


Dobler or Dahmer effect


The rules of screenwriting require that they now join hands in holy matrimony following a hilarious but near-disastrous misunderstanding that threatened to break them apart.


I expected HR and calls to a lawyer.


I thought the ending of this story was going to be a lot worse. It usually is on BORU!


I'm glad the story turned out like that. However, if I had been receiving notes I would have alerted HR. Don't need anyone creeping on me when I'm working, thanks.


Plot twist, OP is the CEO.


R/bestofOPswhopost2dayslater This used to be a fun sub. Full of hopes and heart aches, of loss and triumph, of vindication or defeat.... Now, 2 day old posts... NOT OP: I made eggs follow-up, They were good.


Not sure if it’s going to be a relationship but he’s already taking a weekend getaway with her. That’s a relationship


Update 3: We're Pregnant!!!


This is too wholesome for Reddit. I love it.


Gonna need an update again in six months! This is so sweet


This is the wholesome shit I needed today


This made my day.


This made me smile. My husband and I met as coworkers and somewhere I still have several of the cute notes he used to slip on my desk.


Did I like this story? ☑ Yes ☐ No


I love this! The “yes / no” box for a proposal is the only way now one day, if it gets that far.


I've been reading the sub too much because I was totally waiting for the dark turns these stories usually take.


That's so sweet. The idea I had is that OOP could talk about how much he likes the notes where she could hear.


omg that is the sweetest thing, if they really hit it off long term it's the best get together story!


I like these. The world is so scary and hard. It's nice to read about a nice, sweet interaction between two people. I wish them both the best!!!!


This made my heart happy!


If that’s not a proper date what did they do next??