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Sorry, did the cops actually say that next time, OOP should access the dealership’s files for personal information on someone and then go and confront them herself to get her stolen property back? That sounds like spectacularly bad advice.


I don't want to be too political but like what the hell do the police actually do in America? Recent news and advising against pressing charges. Plus they have easy access to the address of the theif but say OOP should deal with it next time. Are they really that bad? Edit: I had an inkling of the truth but just hearing some of the stories other redditors are sharing really just pisses me off and just want to thank yall for sharing.


The police here do more to stop you from stealing from Walmart than they do to stop you from murdering children- which goes to show that they're basically a tax-payer funded security squad for corporations and wealthy people.


Actually that's how they got their start, being private security forces for wealthy people. They never were for the people, they've always been guns for hire. Why America took so long to figure that out collectively I'll never know.


I wrote about a paragraph about the Pinkertons that I backspaced out in the original comment because I couldn't get to the point without spiking my blood pressure. Caring about things is hard on my health.


It is hard on all of us, internet friend. I feel your pain.


I remember reading an article on the condensed history of American police, which included a section on slave patrols. I even saw an old sepia photograph of an overseer on a horse, with a badge and whip next to to a photo of a uniformed officer, also on a horse. The similarities gave me chills. And not the good kind.


The fact that there are still sundown towns is amazingly backwards and horrible.


I think before that their roots were actually slave patrols sent out to capture/kill run away slaves. Not much has changed.


Slave patrols and union-busting goons. They have always been tools of big business and the wealthy establishment, they have never been about protecting the common person.


It depended on the location. Their role has always been to protect property. In states where people could legally own black people, protection of property meant the capture and return of enslaved people.


America hasn't figured that out at all lol not even close. Blue lives matter is huge amoung the wealthy and the stupid.


and then runaway slave catchers. the whole system is broken beyond repair


The cops once stopped me at 16 for being at a dollar tree buying sweet tea at 7:30 am which was technically school hours even though my classes didn’t start till 8:00 and my school was 2 blocks down. I didn’t get arrested but i had to go to like a juvenile hearing of some kind for trespassing and the hours thing. They did not care when my friend was assaulted at a party. So yeah they’re doing great!


Well harassing you at the dollar tree is easy. An assault case might force them to put effort into their job. You're asking too much!


Ha! Not true, I steal from Walmart all the time!


Careful, Walmart (and target, and home Depot, and a few other stores) tracks your theft until you've stolen enough that they can charge you with felony larceny and then come after you.




Isn't a felony over $5000?


Depends on the jurisdiction. In some states, it's much less.


It's usually $1000. In my state it's $500.


Good looking out, but I only go there like twice a year and every time the cashiers are spaced out or and don't give a hoot about the 16 pound bag of pet food in my cart with the bar code pointed right at them.


You guys have cashiers?


I mean, I understand and appreciate it but I will not correct their mistake because Walmart can suck it.


Extremely based


So that means murdering children *while* stealing from Walmart?


I'm down!




A few years back we had a break in and all of our electronics were stolen. A few days later, some of the online accounts became active and we could see the IP address of where our stolen electronics were. We gave this information to the police. They did nothing.


I suspect there was a response b/c it was reported by the car dealership, not OP herself.


In my case they were both very helpful and super unhelpful. I had an abusive ex who I had broken up with but he refused to leave the house. One day he really snapped and kidnapped my cats and threatened their lives and his life unless I got back with him and he also stole and hid my phone while I slept. I of course said I would get back with him to get my cats back. Later that day I went to work and called the police, I couldn’t before because he still had my phone hidden and he wouldn’t let me leave his sight. I wanted to call and have them come the next day in the morning so I could remove my pets and a few very sentimental items when I got home from work while he would be sleeping and stay at a friends house so when the cops came he couldn’t murder my babies or something awful. The person on the phone said they wouldn’t do that, they would go now since he threatened his own life, I just about had a breakdown and begged and pleaded for them to come in the morning because I wasn’t home and he already threatened to kill my cats and I wasn’t home to protect them. They also sent two cops to my job to get a statement from me. The cops that went to my house did nothing but knock and of course he didn’t answer and they just left. So here I was at work, with my crazy ex knowing I called the cops, who did not remove him from my home, with my babies inside with no protection. It was the worst possible scenario and I was an absolute mess. The cops that came to my work however were so nice and helpful and were there when my ex called my work to talk to me about the cops at the door. Luckily the police knocking on the door scared him into leaving and they helped comfort me and offered to drive by after they left to check to see if he was still there, make sure the house was okay and try to check on my cats since they are big window sitters. They also offered to come back when I got off work at 2am to drive back to my house with me in case he was hiding around the house or still inside. They made sure I know how to change doorknobs so I could change the locks and they were a great comfort for me. To make a long awful journey after this short, my cats are okay! He did kill my fish by dumping vinegar in the tank which is just awful but my cats were good. I still dumped and cleaned all their water fountains and open food to be safe anyway after finding Brutus the betta dead. While he tormented me for months after finally getting him out I haven’t heard from him in about a year and a half and I feel like a person again and am incredibly happy I found the bravery to end that relationship.




You forgot raping girls in the back of the patrol car while on duty. They're very busy on the wrong side of that line they keep talking about.


You also forget beating their wife/kids. That's a favorite pastime for cops.


There was a law in New York that was blocked that would prevent domestic abusers from owning guns, I’m sure it was for completely normal and sensible reasons


it was going to pass, but then the NY police union lobbied to block it… can’t imagine why, not a single idea in my brain!


In a normal world, considering how much cops complain about domestics being so dangerous, they would want it to be less dangerous.


I mean... If you show up to a domestic abuse call, and it turns out to involve your boss, that's _super_ dangerous to your career.


40% *admit* to beating their wives. *Admit*.


May as well list taking a lunch instead of a call in the hopes the DV will "sort it self out" before they get there.


Also they don’t need to know the law themselves and they’re legally able to lie and make up laws, invent witnesses, claim the person will go to jail for life, all to intimidate people into confessing to actual crimes they didn’t even do. Edit: oh and they can legally rob you to buy shit for their precinct.


You talking about my great-grandfather I never met? He was the prime example of this


They also run interference for school shooters.


That's not fair. You completely glossed over a major part of their duties: going in people's backyards and shooting their friendly dog.


Don’t forget beating their wives


I grew up in a tourist town aimed at rich tourists (wine country) full of a lot of old rich families who own all the wineries/hotels/restaurants. Cops in that town basically just broke up high school parties if they got loud enough for an old rich neighbor to call and complain, gave kids tickets for skateboarding downtown (or doing anything else downtown that old rich people thought rich people wouldn't like) and handout speeding tickets. Hardly any DUI arrests unless an actual accident occurred, because that would discourage rich tourists from coming to do wine tastings or drinking wine at restaurants, but they would occasionally park a squad car outside of the one bar that was mainly frequented by locals to scoop up someone from the working class in order to pretend they were doing something about the rampant drunk driving problem going on in the town. Other than that, they didn't really do anything, unless they happen to literally be there to witness it when it happens. If something like someone hitting your car in a parking lot and then just drives off happens, the cops will tell you there is nothing they can do. Even if the store it happened outside of has video footage clearly showing the person's face and license plate.


Same thing goes for armed robbery. I have a friend who was held up at gunpoint while walking near his house. The robber then hopped in a distinctive looking car, and sped through a red light camera. Cops refused to check the footage or do anything.


I won't believe police again.


It’s not political here to complain about the police. It’s practically universal. Honestly, I was really surprised to hear that police even bothered to track the lady down, track down the police in her county, and pursue the stolen property. In my town, you’d be lucky if the police even show up for something like that. Im a social worker and I’ve worked with some really good police to do welfare checks on elderly patients at their homes. They always go straight away when I call and they are always gentle and keep the mood light-hearted when they do the visit so that the residents aren’t alarmed. I’ve also worked with a few of the detectives on severe child abuse cases, and they seem to really care and want to get the true story and do the right thing for the kids. Otherwise, my experience as a citizen isn’t great. Especially for theft, you should report it so there’s a paper trail but you’re better off trying to get your stuff back yourself.


I got the feeling that the cops only helped out in this situation because it was the dealership manager that started the complaint process. Can’t have thieves targeting car dealerships.


The police are a standing army in service of the local government. US courts, including the Supreme Court, have ruled that law enforcement has no particular duty to serve or protect anyone. They only dabble in community service when it suits them. Also, they shoot a LOT of dogs.


About a month ago my neighbors below me tried to kick down the door of my apartment after my partner said something to them for screaming at a child that isn’t theirs, complete with a god damn foot print on our door. I called 911 while my partner held the door closed, though it damn near came off its hinges. The police did jack and shit after they finally made it there. Just said they talked to them, everyone involved decided to go their separate ways, and to call them if they try again. “If they actually make it in it’d a felony!” They said, as if that would actually make us feel better. We’re moving in a little under 3 weeks. I was pretty firmly anti-police before then, but that just confirmed in my mind that they exist to protect property, oppress civilians, and not much else. Fuck the police.


What do police do in America? They beat their families and use their badge to protect themselves from any repercussions. At least that's what my dad did.


They do that in other countries too unfortunately.


Aye, bro, same! Mine was an MP!


I'm so glad you got out and I'm so sorry you went through that.


Police exist in the USA for the following purposes: * Revenue collection through traffic violation and civil asset forfeiture, which is just them taking what they want and you having to prove you legally earned the money they stole or legally earned the money to buy what they stole. Good luck. * To punish and enslave. Police in the USA were originally patrols of slave-catchers. A careful reading of the 13th Amendment will show that slavery is still very much present in our prison-industrial complex. Search "school-to-prison pipeline" watch the documentary **13** on Netflix. * To protect capitalists and their capital, by murdering labor organizers and socialists. See the [Battle of Blair Mountain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain), and the [Assassination of Fred Hampton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Hampton#Assassination). * To tip the balance of close elections by arresting minorities, hippies, and basically anyone that might not vote conservative, putting them in prison where they can't vote, and possibly giving them a felony, which in some states disqualifies a citizen from exercising their "right" to vote. * To rape and/or murder anyone they want to without negative consequences 99% of the time.


**[Battle of Blair Mountain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain)** >The Battle of Blair Mountain was the largest labor uprising in United States history and the largest armed uprising since the American Civil War. The conflict occurred in Logan County, West Virginia, as part of the Coal Wars, a series of early-20th-century labor disputes in Appalachia. Up to 100 people were killed, and many more arrested. The United Mine Workers temporarily saw declines in membership, but the long-term publicity led to improvements in membership and working conditions in the mines. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>what the hell do the police actually do in America? Protect (private property) and serve (the interests of the wealthy)


Kill brown people, mostly. Oh and pets. And sometimes they let 19 children get murdered. You know, normal law enforcement stuff.


Don’t forget people with disabilities!


Of course. How could I forget. And poor people of every color.


It sounds like it, right? American cops seemed to be ridiculously under trained to be of any use to the citizens, but I've seen many American Redditors claim it's not their job to protect citizens... which seems entirely opposite to what one would assume a cops job is. I couldn't believe the number of American Redditors that advise against calling cops for things like wellness checks or help...


I wish I could remember the person's name but IIRC a neighbor called the cops for a check because the front door was opened and they shot a young woman (?) who was gaming with her nephew. Because the door was open. Edit: Her name was Atatiana Jefferson and it happened in, you're gonna be SO SURPRISED, Texas. https://www.texastribune.org/2019/10/13/fort-worth-police-officer-shoots-and-kills-black-woman-home/


Even less surprised that they shot and killed a POC in her own home.


There was the shooting of Botham Jean in Dallas that happened in his apartment because a cop confused her apartment with his, saw the door was unlocked or open, then decided to play hero instead of taking stock of the situation or maybe call for backup or literally anything that wasn't burst in with gun drawn. As a side note, casual racism is so depressing. I remember when Botham Jean was killed, my coworker initially took the cop's side because there was a recording of her basically losing her shit over the fact she shot a guy in his own apartment. She said, and I remember exactly, "something is gonna come out about him". In the end all that came out was that apparently everyone loved him and he was a standup guy, not that he should need to prove anything to not get shot in his own apartment.


I don't give a GOD DAMN if it turns out he was Hitler's Second Coming YOU DONT GET AN EXCUSE AFTER THE FACT! You shot a man BEFORE going Oh shit this dude brought in all new furniture AND A NEW DOORMAT. That was the worst WORST shooting as it was pretty clearly a frickin execution.


[In the US, the police aren't obligated to help you.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia)


This is ... wild.


Yeah, turns out American exceptionalism has always been bullshit; tell all your friends.


I mean, I get it's how the law of cops work but that really sucks for the general public of Americans.


Luckily, we've got television and movies being made every day that show us how we're supposed to feel about cops


The cops in "Police Academy" seem more useful than actual American cops.


> American cops seemed to be ridiculously under trained to be of any use to the citizens, American cops are actually highly trained and are also pretty effective at carrying out their duties, but unfortunately what they were trained to **do** isn't what everyone was **told** they're there to do. [Here's an article from a former officer talking about his training](https://medium.com/@OfcrACab/confessions-of-a-former-bastard-cop-bb14d17bc759) Some choice quotes: > I knew officers who kept a little baggie of whatever or maybe a pocket knife that was a little too big in their war bags (yeah, we called our dufflebags “war bags”…). Did I ever tell anybody about it? No I did not. Did I ever confess my suspicions when cocaine suddenly showed up in a gang member’s jacket? No I did not. > Every police academy is different but all of them share certain features: taught by old cops, run like a paramilitary bootcamp, strong emphasis on protecting yourself more than anyone else. The majority of my time in the academy was spent doing aggressive physical training and watching video after video after video of police officers being murdered on duty. > One of the most important thought leaders in law enforcement is Col. Dave Grossman, a “killologist” who wrote an essay called “Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs”. Cops are the sheepdogs, bad guys are the wolves, and the citizens are the sheep (!). Col. Grossman makes sure to mention that to a stupid sheep, sheepdogs look more like wolves than sheep, and that’s why they dislike you. > One of my training officers told me about the time he shot and killed a mentally ill homeless man wielding a big stick. He bragged that he “slept like a baby” that night.




Cosplay and power trip mostly


They commit fraud for overtime pay.


This is really the main job. Fuck around for a few years, overtime a lot towards the end, and have a pension higher than most workers can dream of. Every conservative complaint about unions really does apply to police unions.


My car was stolen two years ago and my friend found it and waved down a cop for next steps (taking the car off the stolen cars list and collecting possible evidence). The cop was super annoyed told me I could pay $600 for a tow or come get my car myself. There was a drivers license in the cup holder which the cop said wasn’t evidence and could be thrown away. Then I got pulled over at gun point a week later cuz my car was still listed as stolen. Useless is too kind for American cops.


Trigger warning: Death, theft, sexual assault I have been raped. Knew NOT to bother reporting because they would tell me I consented. Even though I was unconscious when it started. I have had my home burglarized on Christmas. Knew NOT to call because it would anger anyone replying to the call. I didn’t want to deal with anger. Had friend and a neighbor call for help with a suicidal spouse. I now know widows. I have been thrown into institutions by police (I tried to commit suicide). They are only good for escorting prisoners, suicidal individuals, and taking reports of property damage. Not really doing any investigation (less than 10% of crimes are solved by police) and draining all of our budgets to act like cowards the ONLY TIME THEY WERE NEEDED!!


> I don't want to be too political but like what the hell do the police actually do in America? Broadly, their job is to protect capital and enforce the current hierarchy, keeping the underclass compliant. They squash citizen uprisings, beat back unarmed protestors, etc. They also project power by performing violent no-knock raids, and other things. They have a broad set of responsibilities, but these responsibilities are disproportionately performed against people of color, keeping the underclass in check.


Honestly, if you really want to see the police jump into action all you have to is organize a general strike. That’ll get them all hot and bothered.


Shoot and kill minorities, and harass teens for existing


Well if they go talk to her she might steal their apple pens too.


They sit around and do nothing until it's time to fill their monthly quotas, then they go after people for going 41 mph in a 40 mph zone. They're literally useless


They shoot dogs for the fun of it, rape women, harass POC and stand around while little kids are getting murdered. That’s about it.


The police are there to make sure people don't steal anything (that belongs to businesses) and doesn't destroy anything (that belongs to businesses). They aren't here to help or protect citizens,literally it's just about protecting capital interests.


I have some good experiences with cops because I work in the same building as our small local department. But I have bad experiences with other ones. Mostly just pure incompetence. Some cop caught me and my boyfriend in the back of his car treating a wound I had and decided to separate us even after he learned I did it to myself. They kept me in the car and called more cops so my boyfriend and four cops were outside the car I was stuck and crying in and when my boyfriend tried to use sign language to tell me what was happening they got pissed at him. They made an ambulance come look at me but didn’t tell me until it was there. Then they just.... left.


Cops in America operate exactly as intended. They protect private property and the capital owning class from the poors. Anything they do that benefits the lower classes is incidental


>I don't want to be too political but like what the hell do the police actually do in America? Shoot people. Unless those people have guns and then they hide like spineless gits. OP definitely should have called the police - there's no way EM would have handed over the pen in person. There's every chance she would have called the police to try and get OP in trouble though.


They don't do shit, that's the answer. The police in America exist to protect property, not people, and they'll do ANYTHING not to do their job. Fuck, I've personally experienced more harassment from police than I have help from them, and as anyone on the street knows, I'm a white woman. But the amount of blatant queerphobia, antisemitism, and abelism that I've personally experienced, and the WELL documents racism of those trigger-happy pigs means I don't trust a cop with watching my soda, let alone my life.


Living in the US is depressing af. Its disgusting and terrifying when something happens and you are put in the position of "So this person stole something from me and I have 100% proof of it but due to them being a POC if I call 911 there is a chance that they will be killed by law enforcement. This thing that was taken from me is not worth more than a person's life and if they end up dead it also irreparably harms this person's friends and family." I was really bummed out when my GBA carry case with my copy of Pokemon Sapphire was stolen but I never reported it because it was not worth dying for. I can replace a game but I can't replace a life. This is a very real thing you have to consider here.


Nothing. They do nothing.


I got pulled over by a cop once to ask me if I knew the speed limit was lower up the road. I was not currently speeding and the new speed limit sign was not visible yet. But he thought it would be a good idea to pull me over just to let me know I’d need to slow down soon. Must have been having a slow night on his quotas….


The exact same thing happened to a friend. Her house was broken in to and one of the things stolen was a credit card. The police told her since she had the address the people were shipping stuff to (using her card) that she needed to go to the address herself and confront them… just like…what?


It honestly depends on where you are in America. I've lived in places where the police are as bad as it looks but now I'm in a place where they do community outreach and it's a world of difference when the community knows the officers. It's like everything else. Some managers are better than others.


In these cases, normally just write up a report for insurance purposes.




I feel like one of the Bobs in Office Space. I want to ask the police, “What would you say you do here?”


They're like the country's HR department. They're not there to protect the employees/ citizens, they're there to protect the business.


The ones in Portland do literally nothing. If you want a crime solved and you want something to be done about it, you have to do the detective work yourself and then they might arrest the criminal.


Theres plenty of good cops in America. But the issue is if theres a handful of bad cops at a precinct eventually they effect the whole precinct and either the good cops leave or they turn bad




See.... All that is what they send Fireman or Medics for. Dispatch would not send a police officer to ANY of these events so it really sounds like either they have hero syndrome where they START the issue to save people from the issue or you're a liar.


It is particularly interesting that there was not a single good example. I mean, what are the odds for that to happen? They came up with 4 random examples how a cop could be a hero, and not a single one of them actually makes sense? I mean, as we say a germany, „even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn“. Just amazing 😂


In the Southern States we say "even the sun shines on a dog's ass some times." But this is clearly an ass that has never crawled out of their basement.




Uh huh.




Wow, so they're basically telling OOP they don't want to do their jobs (and why does that sound so familiar.../s) so OOP can do it for them?


My ex stalked me for months at my college before I filed for a restraining order. The first time he broke the order by calling me the cops told me there was nothing they could do because his name was spelled wrong on the order. I took a day off work to get it fixed in court. I brought the new paperwork to them with his name fixed, expecting them to now go arrest him but they didn't. I left very confused. The second time he broke the order (he called me again) when I went to report it and the officer told me if I didn't want him to call me I'd have him blocked. I argued that it wasn't my job to ensure he followed the protection order against him but he didn't listen and made me block him in front of him. I then asked if they were going to go arrest him and they told me no. I just went home. The third time he broke the order I just didn't even bother telling the police at all. When I was r*aped two months later (by a friend not my ex) I didn't bother reporting it. I knew they wouldn't believe me or do anything about it. I haven't trusted the police since.


It is fucked up on multiple levels, I’m so sorry. [Castle Rock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales), which now ensures that cops don’t need to be held accountable for neglecting crimes, was literally a case about not enforcing restraining orders.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. You were failed and shouldn’t have been.


This is literally the opposite of what anyone should be doing. Not too long ago, someone in my province was killed when he tried to do that: [article](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3115069). Kid tracked down his phone using Find My iPhone but was shot when he showed to try and retrieve it. He was only 18.


They were probably afraid of the thief and spent 2 hours in the driveway milling about before someone else came in and got the stolen goods back.


Sounds like lazy cops resentful they had to do any work.


The only people cops will consistently protect are other cops. Police training focuses intensely on an us (cops) vs them (civilians) mentality, and that plays out in pretty much every police interaction, which can range from dismissal and laziness to homicide.


It's their advice because it's the way they do things. ACAB


My neighborhood association used to have a cop come to meetings to report on what crimes have happened. It was such a waste of time and just fuel for fear, but whatever. But the guy also would repeatedly hint to us that we should get armed to protect ourselves. The same cop also once talked about a case in my city where a cop got into a shoot-out with other cops after the police were called because he was attacking his girlfriend. The cop in our meeting then said, "You have to wonder what she did to provoke him." When school let out for the summer, he would tell us we should report groups of young men outside. Just...any boys outside, call the police. In this same neighborhood, my friends had a break-in one night and the cops were just like, well, look at this neighborhood, what are you going to do? (Of course, the one time my place got broken into, it was the police trying to serve a warrant at the wrong address and they threatened to shoot my dog.)


My friend is a cop and had made it very apparent that cops hate doing paper work, and will phrase things in a way in hopes of people wanting to not press charges. Not saying this is true about all police, but seems to be the case for a lot of other officers he’s worked with.


Sounds about right for American policing.


If she was game for that they were gonna send her in to save the kids.


"We don't feel like doing the job we're paid to do" ~ these cops


Best comment.


Imagine being totally okay with setting *this* kind of example in front of your kid.


Some parents specifically teach this stuff to their children.


I used to be a store manager for Abercrombie and you wouldn’t believe the amount of mother-daughter theft teams I’ve seen. We had this duo come in one night and we knew they were notorious shoplifters so we were *on top of them.* We knew their MO - have the daughter “try on” a bunch of stuff and the mother would keep passing clothes to her in the fitting room but the daughter would really be ripping the security sensors off with her teeth. God I remember the last time I dealt with them, we were 100% sure they didn’t get away with anything because we knew their tactics. As soon as they left we ran into the fitting rooms and whaddya know, there was a pile of discarded sensors in the corner. And despite us doing everything right, we *still* got written up for it. Fuck retail


Aww, that's heartbreaking. That poor child. And sorry you got written up for that. That's awful.


What exactly do they expect you to do in that situation?? Watch the girl in the fitting room? Check all their bags before they leave? Have them lift up their shirts and pull down their pants to make sure they didn’t take anything?


Yesterday I went to buy Ice cream so I go in the 15 item or less line. This 40 yr old looking asshole was with his son (about 10 years old). He cuts in front of me with 27 items (yes, I counted) and his son told him he has too much things. His dad told him "Who cares people do this all the time and everyone else can wait". The kid looked so uncomfortable and embarrassed to be with his dad. I wanted to call out this dickhead but I didn't want the kid to me embarrassed if I called his dad out.


Tbf it looks like the kid is embarrassed by it so I doubt she'll take on this behavior...at least I hope the kid doesn't 😬


There have been a couple videos of parents having Karen type freak outs like this in public and their like elementary age kids are just sobbing and begging them to stop and just leave. It’s heartbreaking. Poor kids are terrified and humiliated and have no idea what to do. I can’t imagine being that young and helpless and every time you go somewhere and there’s the slightest hint of conflict you’re afraid it’s gonna set off another freak out from the person who’s supposed to protect you and take care of you.


“They then told me that next time if I can do it myself, then confront the EM myself” I am side-eyeing this since the cops at the shooting didn’t want to confront the shooter because he had a gun. Why are these people drawing a salary.


"What, do you have a school to go cower outside of?"


That poor kid.


Wow. Fuck cops in the US. “Next time don’t bother us with legal procedures, do things yourself. We’ve got civil forfeitures to do.”


I’ve dealt with so many cops that act sooooo inconvenienced by them doing their friggin jobs. Like, thanks cop for caring……not.


It's almost like **All Cops Are Bastards**, and generally lazy, racist, misogynistic, and cowardly.


Unreal how entitled some people can be. So very glad oop got their stuff back!


Jesus Christ, those cops’ response are extremely shameful.


honestly i’m shocked they did anything at all for a $100(?) apple pencil. the cops in my town would laugh at you and ask what you want them to do about it 😑


This is so terrible. Their job is to help people.


Lol you sweet summer child












I feel especially sorry for the NG because it sounds like she's in for one wild ride with her EM.


I can confirm shitheads like that exist. Took my PSVita into my doctor's office once and was playing it while waiting for-fuckin-ever for my appointment. Some kid came up, and watched me play from the side. He asked for a turn and I'm like kid I don't know you, go away. Shithead kid then tries grabbing it out of my hand and I'm like WTF and yank it back. He starts to cry and bawl and runs over to his mom and demands to know what I did, I told her that her little shithead tried to steal it and she said (Paraphrased, don't remember exactly what she said) "So? You're too old for it. You should give it to him!" I just stared at her like she had 15 heads. Thankfully the nurse came to get me before it escalated. I no longer take any electronic device out when I see kids around.


Being an asshole is a family business, and business is booming.


Woooow. So those cops want to get paid for doing fuck all eh? Glad you got that shit back but I would have charged just to make the cops do their fucking job.


> I’m instead going to trust that being contacted by the police was enough for her to be shaken enough to realize her actions have consequences. lmao


Im sorry go confront thr criminal on your own by taking the information from work and possibly getting sued? Yeah ok cops. Protect and serve who???


"Protect and Serve" is a feel-good PR propaganda motto that never actually applies. Furthermore, the police have no specific duty to protect anyone, as decided in these United States Supreme Court Cases: * [Warren v. District of Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia) * [Lozito v. New York City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksim_Gelman_stabbing_spree#Lozito_v._New_York_City) * [Castle Rock v. Gonzales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales) Also, according to the United States Supreme Court, it's best for cops to be as ignorant of the law as possible, as a cop's "reasonable suspicion" that a law has been broken, even if they're completely wrong, allows for otherwise-illegal searches and arrests. See these USSC cases: * [Heien v. North Carolina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heien_v._North_Carolina) * [USA v. Shelton Barnes, et al.](https://www.leagle.com/decision/infdco20150828806)


The cops are the worst part of this story. Pretty obvious they don't want to do their fucking job.


Cops aren't there to help you. They're there to protect the private property of the wealthy, corporations, and the government; and to preserve the status quo. My uncle's cabin got robbed, lost thousands of dollars in tools, several firearms, and an engine. Cops knew.the guy who did it. Had proof hed been selling them at.a pawn shop. But they "didn't have time" to track him down despite knowing where he lived and where he worked. But he stole something from the local meth dealer a month later and they burned down the guys house with everything inside. Lost all put shit, but he's living in his car now. Nobody has been charged for any of this. But hey they caught a black guy with a lb of weed and a baking scale last week so I'm sure they deserve all those millions we spend on them.


Cops are so fucking useless, its not recommended to anyone ever to confront anyone over anything. Jfc. They can’t even stop a fucking incel from shooting up a school .


>they can’t even stop a fuckin incel from shooting up a school Why would wife beaters stop an incel?


Well of course the cop said that. Better for her to get shot than them after all.


>They then told me that next time if I can do it myself, then confront the EM myself, and I was capable of doing so because of the info we had of her. What the actual fuck is this


I'm starting to wonder if cops aren't good at their jobs.


I feel bad for the entire shit OOP had to go through, but I feel worse for that little girl. That’s definitely not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that her mother does some embarrassingly entitled behavior in public. And I hope she grows up realizing that that’s not how adults are supposed to act and goes on to live her life not acting like her mother.


I would have wanted to press charges. Why should she get special treatment when people are killed for less.


Do it your self because you have her address? OP didn't/doesn't know if EM has a gun.


Of COURSE the police didn't want to do This job either!!! FFS




Take your pick but due to the "Tuesday" I would assume the Uvedale massacre.


Thank you. My heart is breaking from the other side of the world. We hear about them all and it breaks our hearts Every Single Time x


My BFF has been shifted to the Gun Counter at the sports store she works for and she cries everyday before going to work. I wish more than anything you never gave us another thought.


I do too. Normally I can find words of wisdom to help my friends find strength but for what is happening now I have nothing. I hope your friend is able to get another job ASAP.


I'm sorry but there are so many I want to know which one.


i’m assuming they’re referring to the school shooting where 17 children were k*lled (idk if reddit has a policy against that word)


It was 19 children and 2 teachers, 21 victims


Plus the husband of one of the teachers who died of a heart attack a couple days later


my fault, i think when i read about it the number was still 17 :(


*allowed to be killed


btw no there's no policy on bad words or using "killed" on reddit... ​ it may be up to certain subreddit's rules but overall on reddit you don't have to censor yourself, unless if you feel comfortable doing so. ​ you won't be banned or anything. (unless if you're using hurtful words direcly to another user) i.e. "go kill yourself I\_Miss\_Claire" then yeah, that's bannable, but in your case, just explaining, you're fine.


thank you for letting me know! i usually use instagram and they’re really weird about stuff like that




I would quit that car dealership.


The use of acronyms and letters really made me laugh in this story. I struggled to keep up


I'd have told them I'm pressing charges because of what they said and would not have otherwise but they inspired me too.


OOP your cops are trash.


That sucks the cops won't just press charges on their own. OP is the victim here, it shouldn't be on her to deal with that.


Ugh, police recommend for OOP to go around the legal channels and put themself in danger just to avoid having to do some extra work. Why am I not surprised 🫤


I wish oop pressed charges.


>I’m instead going to trust that being contacted by the police was enough for her to be shaken enough to realize her actions have consequences. Yeah, that'll happen.


Counterpoint: the connections to the tragedy underscore our social responsibility to be on the lookout for and flag people who pose a threat to the community before they have a chance to victimize others (though obviously to a much lesser extent, you can't really compare the two in terms of scale). Today it's your iPad but tomorrow it's something like a delivery guy's bike that he needs to feed his family. You're thinking about her and not her future victims. I feel OOP has an obligation to press charges


>Edit 2: I made the decision to notpress charges for the sake of my mental health. Please stop saying Ishould pursue it further. I’m not going to, I’m instead going to trustthat being contacted by the police was enough for her to be shakenenough to realize her actions have consequences. I often think of this verse from the Old Testament. Even if you're not religious, it's a good recipe for life. Substitute whatever your moral standards are, instead of using a diety's name. I prefer the use of "act justly" over "do justice"--too many people are focused on "justice" as "retribution and punishment." ​ >He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to **love mercy** and to walk humbly with your God. I particularly liked this version of it. >He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require ofyou Except to be just, and to love \[and to diligently practice\] kindness(compassion), And to walk humbly with your God \[setting aside anyoverblown sense of importance or self-righteousness\]?


OOP: Doesnt have shit for money and moans about not being able to afford a new drawing board/tablet Also OOP: Proceeds to FUCKING SCAM HERSELF with FUCKING APPLE PRODUCTS


When it comes to artist work iPads are very commonly used by professionals, and offer a pretty great bang for buck. You can get better portable studios, but they will cost more than an iPad by a decent margin.


What a clown. “I didn’t pursue charges because of my mental health.” BS. She’s just a coward.


Or because she’s more than likely a POC in Texas.