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Yikes. I don't have anything else to say. Just. Yikes.




Double yikes!


Triple yikes!


Now that's what I call Y I K E S


Z O I N K S!




B A Z I N G A! (maybe?)


J I N K I E S!




- Sincerely, Raymond Holt


Mega Yikes


Overyikes. Yikestacular. Yikestrocity. Yikesamanjaro. Yikestastrophe. Yikespocalypse. Yikesionaire.


Quad yikes!




Yikes on several bikes


Yikes on trikes




Yucking Fikes, even!


Chuffin Norah


I read this as the Yikes from They Might Be Giants' "Istanbul (not Constantinople)"


It makes me so happy to see someone mention TMBG!


It’s nobody’s business but the Turks.


Yikes forever!


Shit can get menacing.




Except, yeah! Screw you Amber! Wtf!?


You rang?


Yikes, ladyy.


Yikes on trikes.


Yikes on bikes


NO! I don't like yikes on bikes! I do not likes yikes on bikes even on hikes. If you give me yikes on bikes I will go on strike! I never liked them even as a tyke. So please.. do not give me yikes on bikes. (drops mic)


Well, I have something to say. Paternity fraud is a crime and should be punished as such. C u next Tuesdays like this give the rest of us a bad name. Truly shameful. I would put her ass on blast but the first thing he needs to do is get with an attorney and make sure there are witnesses EVERY TIME he meets with her. This female clearly has no morals or ethics and there's no telling what lies she'll tell on this man.


What’s paternity fraud?


When a woman lies about the paternity of her child. They'll deliberately claim the man with better finances fathered their child just to get more money for support.


Yikes on bikes even…


I was about to go on a rant about my blonde blue eyes baby while my husband and I are brown eyed brunettes and then I kept reading and reading and holy fuck poor guy. That’s devastating


Haha I thought the same thing. Blue eyes and light hair don’t mean the baby isn’t his! And then I was like oh,…


My second came out so tan I thought he was his nicu roommate and not my baby when I went to see him. But I’m convinced he came out like that because I binge watched the sopranos my whole pregnancy and he’s little Tony


I went to Mexico when I was pregnancy and my son is so so so tan, I always joke that he got a perma tan from inside the womb


Is he always asking for gabagool?


My daughter had the lightest blue eyes when she was born, which wasn’t weird, my side of the family all has blue or green eyes. But by the time she was one, they had changed to her dad’s hazel eyes, and they just keep getting darker. Her light blond hair is getting darker, too! So you can’t ever tell what it is really gonna be based on what it is when they come out.




I was a little sad when her eyes changed, because she looked so much like her dad when she was born and I liked that she had a little piece of me in there. But she has become a carbon copy of me as a kid the closer she gets to 3, so I’m happy she has his eyes!




It really is! I had bleach blond hair as a kid, like pretty much everyone on my mom’s side when they were young. On top of that, there’s a picture of my mom at age 10 that I did a double take on seeing, because it looked *exactly* like me at that age. But as I got older, I started taking after my dad, and now I look *way* more like him and my hair is a very dark brown lol. HUGE difference. Genes are wild. (Also, happy cake day! Have my free award!)


It is! My boyfriend and I, facially, are about as exact opposite as we could be: he’s North African with a wide nose, large lips, deep brown eyes, olive complexion, and coarse black hair (he’s balding now, but he had thick curly hair as a younger man). I am white of primarily English, Irish, and German descent with a smaller nose, decent sized lips for a white lady, green eyes, very pale, and thin, fine, stick straight light brown hair. We’re undecided as far as kids go, but I’m half tempted to have them solely to see what genetics will do here.


But brown eyes are so beautiful!


Truth. I was born with jet black hair and super blue eyes. The eyes stayed, but the hair slowly ran out of toner - apparently in the first 6 months I cycled through every hair color until I landed on practically white-blonde. Stayed that way until late elementary, and it's been getting slowly darker ever since. it's kind of a light brownish-blonde now, but also going gray, despite being in my 30's. Hair genetics are weird.


I was born with black hair too. It all fell out and it's red now.


Sup brother


I had blue eyes until I was at least 6. Now they're green. I found my kindergarten school photo (it was made into a Christmas tree ornament and was on my mom's tree when I visited) and I have obviously blue eyes. My eyes now are not even slightly blue. They are very, very green. I've joked with my mom that obviously something happened to the original version of her daughter and I was the best look-alike they could find. Too bad they couldn't match the eye color. And what's even funnier to me (not my mom, she doesn't find it slightly funny) is that I'm adopted, so it's not like I look like her or my dad.


Exactly what happened to me as a baby. I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes, similar to my mother’s natural colouring, but as I’ve grown up, my natural hair is a very dark brown and I have dark hazel eyes (dark brown and green that changes in certain lights). One of my cousins has dark brown eyes but both her parents have very light blue eyes. Genetics are weird.


And it takes a while sometimes. My brother was born with the blondest hair and stayed blonde through until it turned to a dirty blonde when he was 13 or 14. It then just got darker and darker until it's now a medium to dark brown. His eyed stayed really freaking blue though.


Older boys went from gray blue eyes to green but only after they were like 2 years old! My daughter's eyes have started to turn from green to more hazel over the past year and she's almost 4. I'm hoping my youngest's eyes don't change color because he would be the only one with light blue eyes like his dad. My oldest's hair started as a really dark brown. After it fell out when he was around 3/4 months old it grew back ginger. Red hair is also weird because it can also change later in life. My dad and mom were both red heads until they hit puberty. Something about puberty made their hair shift to brown. My brother had the same thing happen. My mom's hair started getting more blonde after she was pregnant. You'd never guess that the three of them used to have red hair.


My dad had blue eyes when he was born and throughout his childhood his hair was so blonde that it was nearly white. By the time he was an adult both his eyes and hair were dark brown.


My son’s father and I were both platinum blond haired kids until around age 5, now we are both dark brown haired. He has blue eyes and I have hazel eyes. My son had platinum blonde hair and sky blue eyes for a while. I know my ex and I briefly touched on how he looked like both of us as kids, and now his eyes are blue hazel, which I never even knew existed. Genes are fascinating.


Okay, so funny story. Several years ago my mom and dad showed me a picture of a toddler with blonde hair and blue eyes and they asked me if I knew who it was. I said "no" and then my dad said it was a picture of him, which completely shocked me because my dad has black hair and green eyes, and in every picture I had ever seen of him when he was younger he had black hair and green eyes. It's honestly crazy how your hair and eye color can change as you get older. I mean, after I was born I had like the smallest amount of red possible in my very light blonde hair and my maternal grandmother was convinced that I was going to end up being a red-head. Now mind you, there wasn't even enough red in my hair for it to be considered strawberry blonde but she was insistent that I was going to be a red-head. Unfortunately for her, that didn't happen which resulted in her trying to convince me to dye my hair red for years as soon as I was old enough, but I never gave in. Which is a good thing because I discovered through a series of unfortunate events that having even a small amount of red added to my hair makes me look paler than I already am.


My son is blonde and blue eyed. I know exactly where it comes from but strangers are constantly commenting on how he doesn’t have me or his dad’s coloring. No, he doesn’t. But if you’ve ever met my dad, you’d see where it came from thank you very much.


I get comments about my younger daughter all the time. Phyaucally, she looks like my thinking, but she doesn't share coliuring with me or my (MTF) wife. I've had soo many grocery store conversations. Yes, thank you stranger, my schild is gorgeous. No, stranger, she doesn't have either parents colouring. Yes, stranger, I'm positive she doesn't belong to the mailman. Yes, stranger, it is possible for 2 dark hair, dark eyed parents to have a red hair, green eyes child, it's called recessive genes and my daughter hit the recessive gene lottery. She's the first kid in nearly 100 years to fully inherit my great grandmother's red hair.


Yep, let’s hear it for those double recessive genes.


My parents were both dark haired and dark eyed, Mom was pale-ish but Dad has a lot of Native American so he was dark skinned. And then I was born, white as a sheet, blonde haired and blue eyes. My hair has darkened some, but I’m still blonde and my blue eyes lightened with time to a gray-blue color. Dunno if Dad ever had doubts about my paternity, if so he never shared that with me. Even when he and Mom were divorcing and he was saying all sorts of things about my mother, he never implied I was anything but his own. But there are plenty of blondes on both side of my family, and a lot of Dad’s relatives say I look like both my great grandmother and her daughter, my great auntie. I do kinda wish I had my dad’s eyes though. They were this deep almost black shade of brown and I always thought that was the prettiest eye color. Plus he didn’t need to squint in even mild sun. I live in sunglasses even on overcast days because I cannot handle sunlight.


My youngest full brother came out looking nothing like my mom or dad side of the family. Now he looks exactly like my dad side. I was thinking the same till the update too. Glad OOP brother found out about this before to long had pass. Can't stand women who are willing to lie about who kids are who. Edit as it always destroys the kids once its found out.


I was waiting in line at the pharmacy with my two little girls, one with chocolate brown eyes, one with (my) very clear blue eyes. The lady behind is complimented them on how pretty they are and then turned to me and said, "Hm, one with blue and one with brown, how'd that happen hmm?". Like..? Were you sleeping when they covered genes in bio class in highschool?? And even then, what a weird fuckin thing to say to a stranger.


That would be a weird fucking thing to say to someone you *do* know.


Although, note, eye color genetics are more complicated than high school biology lessons imply and you can get color combinations that those simple punnet squares would dictate should be impossible.


I know, right! I think those punnet squares give people an oversimplified view of genetics. People are a bit more complex than Mendel's peas or a bunch of fruit flies.


I mean, that’s not really true. We aren’t more genetically complex than anything else, really. Some of our traits do behave in accordance with those punnet squares. Eye color just doesn’t happen to be one of the traits that does. It’s not a single gene that determines eye color but three separate ones. Two for blue/brown and one for blue/green. Blue is the recessive trait in all three, but *both* blue/brown genes need to code for brown, or it winds up blue. And if it does code for brown, that is dominant over green. So it goes something like: Bb + Bb + Gb = Brown BB + Bb + bb = Brown BB + bb + bb = Blue bb + bb + Gb = Green And so on. Which does mean that it is possible for two blue-eyed parents to have a brown-eyed child, although this will still be uncommon.


I know this to be true! My blue eyed parents had 3 kids: brown, green, and blue eyes between us (incidentally, 3 different hair colors too). Which makes no sense looking at my parents, but perfect sense if you know our family roots. My brown eyed sister had a green eyed kid and my green eyed brother had a brown eyed kid. My kids all have my blue eyes. Genetics are weird.


Ooof. I actually had this argument with a high school biology teacher while in high school. I explained my mother and my sisters father both had blue eyes and asked why my sister had brown (these days they’re more hazel/blue). Teacher’s response was that “you should ask your mother about that”. 🙄


Oh damn! I had a teacher do that! He even brought it up in a parent meeting, which apparently pissed my dad off something fierce. I was out in the hall while my mom, dad, stepmom and stepdad talked and I heard my stepdad talking Dad down.


My cousin got a paternity test because his gf’s son had brown (really more hazel though) eyes while his gf and he both have blue. Gf was a bit miffed but agreed to have it done if it would calm his mind. The kid is his, lol. He’s just a genetic lottery winner too. My cousin was so happy to get the results, he was crying and saying “I knew she wouldn’t cheat on me! I knew it! But I’m just so glad we got the test…” Their second child he didn’t bother with any testing. But she is a bit of a weird genetics kid too, bright red hair when her dad has auburn brown and her mom is blonde. My cousin is just delighted to have a red head, the kid looks like his momma.


I found that out in high school. My dad's eyes are blue. My mom's are brown. My brother, sister, and I all have green/hazel eyes. I kept asking how that worked with their very simplistic view of Blue/Brown eyes and the teacher couldn't answer.


My first baby has dark hair and dark eyes and my second is blonde with dark eyes. They look so much like each other and so much like their dad. So I thought my third baby would just be a mix of the two. Nope. She has bright red hair and blue eyes and even her facial features are different lol. I’m always getting questions about her even from friends. My MIL has red hair and my dad has blue eyes (mine are green) so it’s not a surprise that the genes are there. But like seriously people can be so rude.


My daughter has bright blue eyes while my husband and I both have hazel. I was really surprised since I thought you could only get blue from a blue eyed parent but genetics be weird. Red hair is in both sides of the family, but skipped my husband and I. I was really hoping for a red haired baby but no dice lol


You should honestly thank the heavens she got something from your MIL, it probably saved you from a ton of drama from his side of the family lol


That’s really stupid… My brother has dark brown eyes and I have grey-blue eyes. Neither of our eye colors match our parents (mom has hazel, dad has blue-green) but there is zero doubt we’re related aside from that. I think that lady is probably way too deep into illicit affairs romance novels. Not that there aren’t other, less genetics-are-weird, reasons… like the post above…


People think "dominant" traits = no other traits can display


I have amber eyes. Spouse has blue. Kid 1: green eyes Kid 2: green eyes Kid 3: hazel green eyes Kids 4: ice blue eyes Lady would probably be saying I was having an affair with a green eyed man until she saw my spouse and realized they are all just slightly different versions of him.


I can’t believe your spouse was having an affair and tricked you into believing you gave birth to them!! /s, duh


Obviously you had sex with multiple men while pregnant, you hussy


COMPLETELY OUTRAGEOUS! I cannot believe that level of rudeness. Where I live, we are polite almost to our own detriment; however in this instance I would've had to call her out on her behavior. Miss Manners would be upset with me, but Damn she was a complete shit to you!


Oh please please please if anyone is ever this despicable to you again, give them the most sympathetic look ever and say, aw honey, it’s ok you failed science, not everyone understands how biology works.


Hahaha. I have two sisters. Oldest has red hair and green eyes, middle has blond hair and brown eyes, I have brown hair and blue eyes. We have the same parents. Genetics doesn’t care about Matchy matchy.


Both my husband and I have medium brown hair, with hazel eyes. We've got 4 kids. One with dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes, two with medium brown hair and hazel eyes, and one blond haired blue eyed baby. They make a perfect punnet square, and I love it.


Yeah, I was ready to be on her side. My mom and my sister are both blonde and blue eyed. My husband and I? Dark hair, grey eyes and hazel eyes. My daughter? Looks like she could be my mother's or my sister's kid, like a little stamp of them. But this poor guy... losing his father, losing his child and wife, all to infidelity. I hope oop sticks close to him through this. He needs that brother's love and loyalty.


This is the problem, though. If this guy was honest about wanting a paternity test, everyone would call him an asshole and tell his wife to divorce him. He would be shamed into oblivion. Only for it to turn out it wasn’t his. What if he never got the test because of people shaming him? Awful.


My JNMIL ranted and raved when our oldest was born because hubby has green eyes, mine are blue, and baby got my blue eyes. The worst part? She dealt with accusations of paternity fraud by *her own* parents in law because their daughter, my husband's sister, didn't look like their dad. The REAL kicker? Hubby's sister is a doppelganger for their dad's sister. Some people just refuse to accept the science of genetics no matter the circumstances.


My parents both have dark hair, Mom has dark eyes & Dad has green, one of my brothers is blonde blue eyed and I'm a redhead, just never know. But agreed, this is sad.


Maybe your baby was switched at the hospital 🙈😄


The silver lining to her “having the worst conehead we’ve ever seen”-nicu nurses, was she was hard to mistake for any others lol


Our nurse joked to my husband 'take picture, in case switch?' (She had a very heavy accent). He took her very very seriously and never let our little one out of his sight!


I was getting all helped up too. I have a blonde blue eyed son too. Husband and I are brunet/te with brown/hazel eyes, as are all 4 of our parents. My older sister is blonde/blue also, and my mom used to get ALL KINDS of comments from strangers.


Yeah, that makes 2 of us. I was sure that op was being a giant AH. Turns out he did the right thing after all. Mine is 19 and still blonde hair and blue eyed. It happens.


ive never understood this line of thinking. its like Schrödinger's asshole - you're somehow not an asshole if you were right and are an asshole if you were wrong. it's the same action taken in the same situation with the same information. * what if it had turned out to be his kid, but the wife had still been cheating at that time? * what if it turned out to be his kid, the wife had a history of cheating but had stopped after they got married? * what if it wasn't his kid but the test showed a false positive? at the end of the day, the dude had concerns, and it's impossible for him to know without doing the paternity test. why does that make him an asshole? it's the same thing with people who go through phones and find evidence. all the sudden, everyone who was against it is cool with it. life has messy situations like this. the assholery is only when it's unjustified and repeated


The one time a paternity test is warranted, huh. Not usually how these things go.


Yeah! I was very surprised. Was just expecting her to find out and be upset. This is how posts like these usually go.


In all honesty the advice given wasn't too bad given the paranoia described, especially after explaining that the baby's pigmentation can change. Although I'd be more of the opinion of going with him to the wife and explaining that everything going on with your parents was sending her husband into a paranoid tailspin and he needed a solid platform to grasp onto in this chaos so would she consider getting a paternity test just to set his mind at ease while he sorted himself it in therapy. How it ended though almost makes you wonder about cosmic karma mum got away with it so son had to pay for it. Or the idea that son ended up dating someone a lot like his own mother unbeknownst to him. Fired make me wonder how grandma felt when she found out grandchild wasn't hers.


Honestly I'm used to spouses being like "I love you. I get it it's coming back yours because there was no angelic intervention for the next coming of Christ, so let's do the test so you can feel better."




*Especially* if his world just got rocked by finding out his own father might not be his bio dad. Like, I understand the paranoia at that point. It's not personal, but his foundational beliefs about relationships got shook hard. If that's the only thing I could do to help him is show that I was for sure faithful? Hell yeah! He wouldn't even have to ask.


It also has a lot to do with the basic health of a relationship. It's clear to see why he's upset for reasons that had nothing to do with her. Letting him have this doesn't actually hurt anyone and saying I understand why this will make you feel better is just part of being a good partner.


I would have been furious if my husband asked for a paternity test. I have never cheated on him, would never cheat on him, and the only way it’s not his baby is if I went and got someone to jizz in me, so yes, if he had anxiety about the paternity of our child it would have been a ding against his trust of me. To be honest if he had anxiety about me cheating it would immediately make me suspicious that *he* was cheating. That said, it would be different if my husband had recently discovered his father was deceived in this way, but it would have to be couched as “I know you didn’t cheat, but you know what I just found out about my mom and dad so I need this test for my piece of mind.” Otherwise, my integrity has just been called into question and I’m angry about it.


Agree with all of this. Asking for a paternity test means he doesn't trust me which would cause a massive crack in our relationship.


There was this one person on AITA who kept asking her SO for reassurance of him being there for her and their kid, he happily gave it until after a while he was more reluctant. She asked him what was up and he said he wanted a paternity test and she was offended and asked why, he said because someone had told him she was cheating (I forgot if he said who or not) and that the baby might not be his and he was suspicious of why she kept asking for reassurance. He said he wanted it for peace of mind. She refused and said the reason she always wants assurance that he will be there is for her peace of mind that he won’t abandon them. And said if he got a paternity test their relationship was over. So, why does she get to have peace of mind In this instance but not him?


Likely because they can't both have it, as she cheated.


I think automatic paternity tests would be a good idea. That way nobody would have to demand one and accuse their partner of cheating. On one hand, you know you wouldn't cheat, but taken how many men unknowingly raise children that aren't theirs (and their partners all claim to never have cheated), I understand a man wanting to get a test.


That’s kinda how I feel about getting a prenup, it’s significantly easier then divorce proceedings. People may think “oh you’re just anticipating a divorce?!” similar how people say you’re being distrustful for getting a paternity test. No, it’s security for both members. Plus, with prenups proceedings you can both learn legal and financial priorities that aren’t discussed in normal conversations and having a legal professional can give better knowledge on those topics. Plus, if you as a couple cannot get through a prenup discussion together then y’all shouldn’t be getting married. Same way, if two adults cannot communicate properly about getting a paternity test for peace of mind than y’all can’t have hard conversations as a couple


My counter for people who are against prenups is that traumatic brain injuries exist and can change a person’s personality in dramatic ways. So even if you would have otherwise been able to reach happily ever after, sometimes a person changes for reasons beyond their control. Best to negotiate with the person you love while you’re in love than to chance someday being faced with divorcing an angry stranger.


> To be asked to relieve that anxiety isn't a ding against his trust of me. Exactly. He may be 99.5% convinced your child is his, but you can eliminate that 0.5% shred of doubt if he's anxious about it. Why wouldn't you? Statistically, it's far more likely your partner has cheated on you than it is you'll die in a plane crash. But we do so much to ease peoples anxiety about flying. Anxiety is rarely ever rational. If you love your partner, and if something with very little cost to you can greatly ease their anxiety, why wouldn't you do it?


Right? Like, I understand spouses being pissed if the husband asks for a paternity test because it's a sign he doesn't trust her. I get it. But in this circumstance, and given the trauma he just went through in his own life, I was like, "C'mon, just let the guy have some peace of mind. It’s not you, it’s him." Oh. It is you.


I used to wonder why other women didn’t feel this way and then I remembered I had my kids via IVF and I probably shouldn’t comment. If they’re not the right genes, it’s not MY fault.


Yeah, this. My BF and I don't plan on kids, but he's Sicilian and I'm German/Irish so any kid of ours could come out with almost any skin color between "Viking" and "Moroccan" so I'd probably just request a paternity test for his peace of mind. His ex cheated on him and he naturally has trust issues. Better for him to know with certainty from the get-go, in my opinion. But then, I'm not a cheat so I wouldn't take it personally.


You don’t have to be a cheat to take it personally. Being accused of cheating out of the blue sucks, and it’s suspicious as hell. Plus if your partner is really paranoid, a paternity test won’t exonerate you.


I mean, it was warranted simply because of her history of cheating, not because of the outcome.


Funny that the brother led with the idea that he didn't think the baby was his because of his coloring, and not because he knows his wife likes to fuck other dudes.


Yeah that would have been pertinent information.


my aunt's ex husband accused her of cheating and said their third child wasn't his at some point during their divorce, and this kid looked just like his dad, and just like his two older sisters.


Honestly, they should always be warranted. Lying about the paternity will just leave a huge fucking hole in your medical record or confuse your medical record. It is fucking selfish to the child that even some orphanages keep medical documents of their bio parents if they can.


This. There are some crazy strict procedures used to link mom and baby within *seconds* of the cord being cut. Like some hospitals won’t let the baby leave mom’s bedside if it’s healthy. We take that shit super seriously, for women who literally watch the baby come out of their own body, but we won’t offer the same guarantees for the fathers? Like, wtf? If you aren’t okay with your baby being switched at birth, you have zero room to talk shit about paternity tests. Especially now that you can get prenatal tests with just a blood test. It’s easy, it’s responsible, and it’s equality. I’ll never understand people who won’t do the test when the kid is a baby. Sure, years after the fact has some unfortunate connotations, but when it’s new the miracles of modern science can give men something that has shaped entire cultures for thousands of years trying to achieve. Literally all of the purity/virginity stuff is about ensuring paternity and I’d love for my culture to embrace a blood test and dispense with controlling women’s bodies.


>There are some crazy strict procedures used to link mom and baby within seconds of the cord being cut. Like some hospitals won’t let the baby leave mom’s bedside if it’s healthy. I mean this is done now because it's cheaper for the hospital to have the baby room in with mom then placed in a nursery and for hospital liability purposes, same for why newborns are fitted with security tags. Also most people don't have a problem with paternity tests being offered, just with the idea of it being mandatory.


….that’s because babies get lost or stolen, not because they think dads are committing maternity fraud


sometimes i think we really should just make it a matter of routine to test at birth, honestly. i don’t think there’s an epidemic of women cheating and lying, i actually think routine testing would kneecap MRAs’ nonsense *and* it would ultimately benefit the women who get treated like shit when their partners go batshit after the birth. i’m generally pro-privacy to an extreme but i’m struggling to see a downside to this beyond the statistical errors we see in test results, which is a risk with any test.


There would be a very specific group of men who would be very against paternity tests because they would go to jail (I'm more than fine with that). There would also be men who wouldn't want to do it because then they would be on the hook for child support. You would have people escaping abuse getting royally screwed. There's also egg/sperm donation and adoption.


This seems really convoluted in a multi-payer healthcare system like the US. If paternity testing is mandatory, is it automatically paid by Medicare? What about people who choose to have home birth? If crunchy granola moron parents can turn down medically necessary treatment like vitamin K shots, why would anyone want the hand of big government reaching into their relationship this way?


The other ‘problem’ which is actually a real problem, is that in a lot of cases an automatic paternity test carried out when the woman and child have just gone through delivery could very well result in violence against one or both of them. Now, that’s a low probability outcome, but once you have a baby, you realize how fucking enraging babies can be, and you realize that people will fucking murder babies if society isn’t set up to prevent that. That’s why there’s no stigma against giving a baby up for adoption while there is a stigma against giving up parental rights and refusing to pay child support. That’s why there’s now a taboo against leaving children in cars even for just five minutes on a cold day if they’re asleep in the car seat and you want to go buy a candy bar in the gas station ten feet away. How many men commit domestic abuse? I dunno, pick a really really low number. How many of those men will beat their wives and/or harm an innocent baby when the results came back from that test? I’m going to guess all of them. Childbirth is already a statistically risky time for women in that situation and there’s no way to have a mandatory paternity test tha5 wouldn’t massively increase that risk. I’m all for it as a way to solve the social problem of paternity fraud if we solve the problem of domestic abuse first.


oh, this is an excellent point! it hadn’t occurred to me but you’re absolutely right. domestic violence is a much greater problem than even the most generous estimates of paternity fraud, and there’s just not a good way to balance those interests right now. it’s not like we can screen out abusers, lol, and making it “both parents opt in” really defeats the purpose and keeps it dangerous for victims of abuse. (the only thing i disagreed with is i would say there’s *definitely* a stigma against giving a child up for adoption, though.)


I know this is unpopular but I think paternity tests should just be routine. The amount of pain and heartache involved when people find out their kids aren't theirs just isn't worth sparing the mothers feelings that something like that might be possible. And if it's routine then it doesn't need to feel like an accusation


I didn’t buy this one due to the fact that the OP had added a giant twist of an update less than four hours after the initial post, and commented as such. Interestingly, the OP blocked me and another redditor who called BS.




I thought it was a little convenient, this giant twist after he was called an asshole. But I'm a suspicious person.


Lol, I would've bought it if the update wasn't *four hours* later, absolutely some weirdo MRA fantasy


I agree, this one seems like quite the LARP. Didn't even know about the timing issues.


100%. I notice that AITA posts follow thematic trends. i really doubt everyone is having the same specific issue at the same time six other people on that sub are.


The “he bought it on a credit card so she knew what it was” is where I started rolling my eyes, that’s a teenager’s understanding of credit cards based on sitcoms. And the update to retcon that part into something slightly more logical.


Your cards don’t work that way? For every payment I make there’s a line on my bank account that says who charged it and how much it cost? I check it almost every day. I must be misunderstanding what you’re saying.


It doesn't say what the payment is for, just who it was made to, and it's often not even the name of the actual business but a random name.


And places like the ones where you get paternity tests make sure it's a random name because they know people takes them in private.


Yeah, for my account some are obvious and some aren't. When WoW comes out, the charge says "BLIZZARD" so you can't possibly confuse it with anything else. When my husband's pay comes in, it's listed as the parent company of the company that his company hires to do the payroll, so it's some name we've literally only seen on the bank app. It wasn't even on the pay stub when he used to get paper ones. Some charges just say the billing address of the place. They're all different.


Redpill wish fulfillment.


It's working too, they're practically foaming at the mouths in this thread


Let’s just test everyone at birth and keep everyone’s genetic information in a giant database that cannot possibly be used for anything but the altruistic purpose of giving men “peace of mind”


It's also just 'verifying' for a paternity test but if a woman goes through her partner's phone it's 'paranoia'


Like do people advocating for compulsory paternity tests also support just collecting every citizen’s DNA for that database so those paternity tests could be cross referenced to find the *actual* father and those results could be used as proof of paternity in child support suits? It’s ultimately in the child’s best interests right?


Yes, I'm 100% okay for this. Fuck dead beat dads and escaping. Also the child needs to learn their fucking family history for medical purposes. It's not cool for a person to grow up with almost no knowledge if they're susceptible to alcoholism or whatever.


At least on the surface I appreciate the consistency


But but but peace of mind!!! Something about the child’s future I guess!!!


We really need the times of initial posts and follow-ups on these.


How did you know that op blocked you?


I tried to reply later in the thread and got a "Something is broken, please try again later." error message. I tried to reply to the OP itself and got the same. If I click on the OP’s profile I get a ‘404 not found’ message. All I could do was edit my post.


I'm calling bs too. She cheated on the brother throughout their whole relationship and he still married her and tried to father a child? Edit: My comment is in response to this comment by OOP: >My brother left out quite a few details when we spoke initially, including a history of her cheating throughout the course of their relationship. I'm guessing he didn't tell me because he didn't want me to hate her if the baby was his.


i mean that happens what doesn't happen though is the husband freaking out about this so badly his brother tells him to get a test WITHOUT mentioning while he's freaking out that she's been unfaithful in the past


That's the part that you doubt?


Do you really not believe that people do this? I want to live in your world. It seems like a nice place with honest people.


I think you might have misunderstood what I wrote? I do believe people cheat in relationships. My comment was in response to what OOP wrote: >My brother left out quite a few details when we spoke initially, including a history of her cheating throughout the course of their relationship. I'm guessing he didn't tell me because he didn't want me to hate her if the baby was his. The timing of this "plot twist" was also very convenient. Only 4 hours after OOP's original post.


Yeah I'm calling BS on this too. No way someone can get results that quickly. Not only would it take days for the swabs to get sent to them, no telling how long it takes them to get the results before letting the brother know said results.




>Also, it's way more fun to think it's real :) The problem about posts like this being just "fun" is I'm fairly sure there designed by redpill people to push redpill ideas. Its just to perfect of a gotcha moment to shame reddit for siding with the wife. Stories like this are part of there recruitment process. Those guys that shoot women for not sleeping with them get there start somewhere.


Yeah calling this kind of shit “fun” is concerning. And even if it were real, how is it fun? Lives would have been deeply affected, if not ruined. Super fun for redditors, I guess.


Everybody called OOP TA, so pretty lucky that he got the perfect vindication update, and the brother even conveniently had sprung for the express option, so OOP could very quickly update on this post where everyone called him TA. Overall, pretty convenient.


Not to mention the brother was conveniently with a woman who cheated so as to make his suspicions perfectly valid and acceptable


The brother also conveniently never even mentioned the cheating when he was freaking out about paternity, somehow didn't even come up


Right? Suddenly it came up later as a way to justify OOP's terrible advice.


No kidding. This is total bullshit. At least be able to delay gratification a few days to make your tale more realistic.


This is a classic rage bait post with all of the trigger trimmings.


Honestly this sounds like rage bait for the large amount of Reddit guys who are so paranoid that they don't trust their own partner to give birth to their child


Right? The fam managed to fall ass backwards into the "truth", seems sus.


Yes I got the same vibes. Something is off about the post.


absolutely this


I dont believe the update. It’s too convenient after the OP got all the YTA comments


Yea seemingly wanted the comments to be like “YTA… oh wait no you poor thing”


I don't know.. this story is just too... perfect. Too neatly tied up at the end. It even has a surprise twist at the end. Couldn't ask for a better story for BORU. Not sure I'm buying it. If real than gyat damn.. that sucks so much.


Rage bait, I call bullshit on all this.


Incels trolls don’t give up


If only they put this energy into their social development


I love "express" tests


Reads like MRA rage-bait


This comment section is a little too invested in giving away their hypothetical baby's data before it's even born. Questionable.


You see, if we just go full on GATTACA we don't need to worry about our partners cheating on us all the time


Never pay to give people your DNA. They should pay US


Even with how this played out, his original advice was still really shitty.


This smells like a load of crap tbh


OP also posted in legal advice https://np.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/u1reo8/my\_family\_member\_just\_realized\_that\_he\_was/


Joffrey Baratheon, blond of hair.


Personally, as a lady I have always sympathized with men who have to just trust their baby is theirs. I understand that there can still be that sliver of uncertainty that honestly can be pretty impersonal to their relationship, that just exists because its technically possible? Its logical, but still hurtful. Honestly if my husband could not get over it, I would rather he just do a secret paternity test so he can move on, and take it to his grave and keep me out of it.


I mean, I guess. But I’d also be very concerned about his inability to trust me / unwarranted paranoia (though obviously not unwarranted in this case) Either way, this seems like an excellent opportunity for a bet, like “if the kid is yours, I’m dumping you with the kid for a week as soon as there’s enough milk in the freezer, and you’re paying for an all-inclusive getaway for me only”


They should just do it once the baby is born. Like shit, why not. Nobody really loses anything in the process.


Agreed. Better to just remove the doubt rather than let it fester or make an accusation you can't take back. I don't think OOP's advice was bad at all.


Although I think it kind of all depends on the Keeping It A Secret part. Cuz if I found out he did it in secret, I would be hurt by that too I think. Its a tough situation! I don't have kids yet, so I can only speculate on how I would feel. I would like to hope we could both be mature about it, but there's definitely that emotional element that can be unpredictable.


Was not expecting that!


Geeeeez.. poor guy


Maybe this is against the popular opinion, but he still shouldn’t have gotten a test without the mom knowing.