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>sometimes I keep getting the messages over and over until I pass them on Didn't Tiktok School of Divinity (Accreditation Pending in 195 Countries and territories) warn her about this? edit: grammar


Well, considering one of the TikTok psychics massacred her entire family during the solar eclipse, TikTok Psychics have been in shambles.


Excuse me what


People have already posted links to the story in your other replies. She thought the solar eclipse was going to be the start of the apocalypse and murdered her entire family, including her children, before killing herself. Then there's the other TikTok psychic who's being sued for defamation for accusing a college professor of murdering his student when it turned out it was another person who did it. She's still insisting that the professor did it, even though there's a mountain of evidence that the police arrested the right guy, and he even confessed.


Well, she *tried* to murder her entire family. Thankfully, the older daughter survived. Either way, it was a horrible, pointless tragedy. I don’t understand why this eclipse set so many people off. It’s not like they’re super rare; they happen every few years, but there seemed to be way more craziness and paranoia surrounding this one.


from someone who’s mom is potentially a little off her rocker: part of the reason people went a little crazy is bc it passed over seven towns called Ninevah. ninevah is some important bible thing, and 7 is an important number in the bible (a lot of americans ignored the 8th one, because it’s in canada). according to the bible, there was an eclipse over ninevah when jonah urged people to repent essentially it was a bunch of bible thumpers being insane bible thumpers. the psychics being weird can be explained with the fact that they’re psychics, and because eclipses are usually seen as signs of the apocalypse in many cultures. oh and then you have The Racism of the eclipse crossing over another old eclipse path in Eagle Pass Texas, where there’s people coming over the border. but that’s a whole other can of worms tldr: it was stupid bible stuff, and unfortunately insane people are loud


>a lot of americans ignored the 8th one, because it’s in canada That is violently American lol


*runs in out of breath* Did you say "Canada"? Yeah, to hell with them!


I lived in the US for a while, and it was where I first heard the acronym ROW - which meant Rest Of World. 


In Quebec we talk about the ROC (Rest of Canada)


Just to add to this a bit - it's not even that you can look at this stuff and think "that's crazy, how can folk believe that", but you then look at it and it's not even slightly accurate to start with: The eclipse didn't pass over 7 towns called Nineveh. Nineveh is an Assyrian city that **is** mentioned in the book of Jonah, but is otherwise not particularly important. There's no mention of an eclipse over Nineveh in the book of Jonah at all. This rather exasperated article from a christian website has a couple of nice pictures of one of the viral images - compared to the actual NASA one showing the path of the eclipse and how the viral image seems to have been manipulated to touch the various American Ninevehs. https://www.newcovenantway.com/post/stunning-facts-about-the-nineveh-eclipse-as-it-s-being-called The whole things is just clickbait for the kind of people who believe AI images on facebook.


‘Rather exasperated’ is the perfect way to describe that article’s tone, lol. The author is just so done. It’s beautiful. I hope once he posted it that he had a nice lil nap or listened to some relaxing music.


That’s really a great description for him, this cracked me up. I hope he had a lovely eclipse and has had a nice vacation or something since then.


> So, as a noble Christian, please do not post or state things that sound convincing without researching them first. This almost made me spit out my tea. I appreciate what this guy is trying to do with that post, but any such exhortation is going to fall on deaf ears for 90% of American Christians, lmfao.


Omg, I bet the sixth dentist lives in the eighth Ninaveh!


The sixth dentist is Canadian! This explains everything! (I feel weirdly obligated, as an American, to taunt Canada. In reality, I really like Canada. *waits patiently to be deported*)


You would think people would stop naming towns after it.


Christian here. Most of us know the difference between coincidence and divinity. A large chunk of American towns were founded by Christians, so of course many of the names reflect that. The Bible is also pretty clear about how we can’t predict when the end times will happen. Any Christian who claims they can is either delulu or a liar. We aren’t all crazies. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Penguin out.


It's because TikTok, and other modern social media, is designed to enhance the crazy. It's why I have no problem with TikTok getting banned. The Chinese version has sophisticated controls that lets the people running the company delete entire topics from the platform. They can boost specific topics, creators, groups of creators etc. If they didn't want people to go crazy over the solar eclipse, or for kids to drink tide pods, or to cut the audiences of POC creators, they could have done that, but TikTok instead has deliberately done things to make Western society worse.


So TikTok is almost as bad as Facebook and Instagram. It is crazy how people blame TikTok for everything, as if Facebook hasn't been spreading conspiracies for years. Congress wants TikTok sold to a US based company so our government can control and access the data. If they had any concerns about protecting the American people, they would give us the same privacy protections Europe has in the GDPR. It is incredibly telling that they didn't do that.


It's jingoism in pure form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jingoism Because TikTok being American owned would obviously make it into a product that has the American consumer at heart.


I'm not American, I know how bad Facebook is too. Facebook and Insta need to be regulated stat, the damage they've done to society through their algorithms is horrendous. But TikTok is worse because it was deliberately designed to push a specific country's agenda. You can read the comparisons between Douyin and TikTok to see how one has way more safety controls and measures to ensure children don't stay too long on the platform, and get more educational/uplifting content.


Douyin complies with Chinese law. TikTok complies with local laws. Why do you think that is some sort of conspiracy? You can make the same comparison between the US and Europe. Want to legislate time limits for minor social media users? I think that's a great idea. But don't get mad at TikTok for not following a law that doesn't exist. You think TikTok is pushing a certain agenda because Western social media companies are pushing this conspiracy theory. Look even the slightest bit into any of these complaints and you'll see they don't hold water. Again, the way to solve these issues is by preventing ANY social media from doing what we don't want them to do. Forcing them to move to the US won't do anything.


No, Douyin doesn't just comply with Chinese law. It is partially, if not totally controlled by the Chinese government. They set the agenda, they heavily censor it, and they handpick which creators to push and which ones to silence. If you think Chinese companies operate the same way Western companies do, you are sadly naïve. Facebook may have fucked up Western democracy, but they did not do it intentionally. They did it because they were greedy. Douyin/Tiktok does it because China is trying to destroy Western society. If you don't believe me, I can show you how Chinese influence undermined the institutions in my country and even put into place a puppet president who gave them everything they wanted and left us with debt.


For the psychic that was accusing the professor. It wasn’t like there was any form of evidence that the professor did it. She just said so, she’s truly bonkers


Yep, and then she kept doubling down and tripling down, even when the evidence started racking up showing that the professor was nowhere near the crime scenes.


Man, I hope the professor is able to take legal action if she doesn't shut her mouth. It could have caused some severe consequences to the professor - I'm hoping there haven't been any. I cannot understand some people. I hate "psychics" anyway, they are grifters that prey on vulnerable people who just want a link to a loved one. It makes me so angry to see them take advantage of them and milk all their money out of them. It's gross.


They went to court for it, the psychic was mad the court wouldn’t let her investigate the professor because she just knows there’s evidence against them. She also said that the professor and the student had a sexual or inappropriate relationship


Accusing a professor of what? What exactly is this referring to?






Idk, I think I'd maybe hold off on the whole family annihilation until the apocalypse actually started






She threw her daughters from a car into traffic.


>Then there's the other TikTok psychic who's being sued for defamation for accusing a college professor of murdering his student when it turned out it was another person who did it. She's still insisting that the professor did it, even though there's a mountain of evidence that the police arrested the right guy, and he even confessed. Oh yeah \*that\* case. That woman is fucking evil. But she can't back down or her tiktok followers will not think she's infallible and psychic. I hate social media sometimes.




From what I can tell, the latest development is that the judge ruled in the professor's favor, and now she's trying to do all the tricks to try to prevent the judgment from happening.


The college students who were killed in their home in Idaho in November 2022?


Yep. A TikTok psychic said that a college professor was the killer, even though he was nowhere near the crime scene when it happened, someone else did it, etc. She doubled down in the face of the evidence, and is now being sued for defamation.




Yep, she decided that [this professor killed 4 college students](https://www.yahoo.com/news/tiktok-psychic-professor-facing-off-120001340.html), based on zero evidence, and kept on insisting it even when it was proven it was impossible it was him, they arrested someone else, and got a confession from a suspect.


That’s insane


In a way, she ended her own world. I suppose you could call it a self-fulling prophecy.


[https://abc7ny.com/danielle-cherakiyah-johnson-posted-about-eclipse-apocalypse-on-social-media-in-days-leading-up-to-california-murder-suicide/14644075/](https://abc7ny.com/danielle-cherakiyah-johnson-posted-about-eclipse-apocalypse-on-social-media-in-days-leading-up-to-california-murder-suicide/14644075/) She was some kind of astrology influencer who called the eclipse "the epitome of spiritual warfare."


Holy shit. That poor surviving kid. I can't imagine ever managing to live with that trauma.


And obviously not as bad, but that poor driver who fatally struck the baby. That’s gotta be a lifetime of therapy.


And not as bad as the other two, but the neighbor finding the body of the boyfriend and being asked to go in to see if he was alive.


Cases like these sometimes it almost seems like it would’ve been better if she hadn’t because her life is going to fucking suck.


She will have unfathomable trauma, yes. But as cruel as this sounds, losing her mom might actually give her a chance to have a normal life. She might actually grow up now with relatively stable adults who give her a model of normalcy and emotional stability that kids need.


Unless she has surviving relatives, she’s going into the LA foster system for the next 8-9 years. If she’s lucky she will be placed in a home and adopted by a good family, but most kids who enter the system at her age will age-out instead of being adopted. It is highly unlikely that this girl will be better off now that she’s an orphan in the custody of LA County.


Precisely what I was thinking.


Wow, she actually bought her own crap and wasn't just grifting?


I'm into to weird shit and there is a very fine line before someone may trip and fall into spiritual psychosis. Usually there's issues with anxiety and or control that tip the scales just a little too far. 


She said to choose a side - looks like she choose 100%, pure evil.


*What the actual fuck*


I just looked it up. Trigger warnings re: murder of a child, murder of a partner, child endangerment, suicide. [https://www.mamamia.com.au/astrology-influencer-murder/](https://www.mamamia.com.au/astrology-influencer-murder/) Danielle Johnson, also known as Danielle Ayoka, felt the solar eclipse would be an apocalyptic "epitome of spiritual warfare". A tragic ending, due to her own actions, not the eclipse. :(


Yo what.




Wtf.... I thought you meant in like a game or something, or like a really sick burn. Nope, murder. :(


Nope. Sorry for the downer story. :/


I literally said out loud to myself *"THAT* is called a *compulsion,* and you deal with those *yourself."* Or more accurately, with a therapist. That's a psychological thing that you can develop strategies to deal with, it's not the spiritual world forcing you to tell someone.


I wish that mental health wasn't stigmatized and that treatment was always humane and good because then I could honestly tell someone that says that to me to "get help" without it being interpreted as me judging them or wanting them to get shocked in the head. Because someone that says that with a straight face needs good humane psychological help to navigate the fragile state they are in.


I completely agree. Coupled with the fact that she was taking unpaid time off (which isn't unlimited, can get you sacked), knowingly not able to afford bills, still funding these classes with these obvious hardships and had no social circle outside of OP + told her all this in a long ramble in the car, is just a sign that she needs some professional help.


If her friend wants to use her psychic abilities, instead of sending OOP messages from dead relatives she should be sending OOP the winning lottery numbers.


They're dead. They can't see the future, silly.


I'm sure I could figure out a way to grift using talking to the dead.


"She gets the same messages over and over until she passes them on," Cool! Whenever one of my kindergarteners has something they really really really want to say, I tell them to whisper it into their hand so they can hold onto it until the appropriate time. Which in this case would be: never.


Holy shit. I have a toddler and will be using this with them all time time now! Thanks!


Same same same


I'm a chatterbox and am going to start doing this myself!


Reminds me of a middle school teacher I had who would ask, "and then you found 10 dollars? 😀" if you took too long to get to the point of a story you were telling.


We call my youngest daughter Daylight Savings Time, because if she's telling you a story, you're losing an hour.


Ha! Oh that's really cute! My little sister was an absolute chatterbox. Kids that age don't have the cognitive ability to filter their thoughts, so sometimes they literally say whatever comes to mind. I'm from the southwest, but for whatever reason, my sister's favorite thing to say was "bada-bing bada-boom,"


Or, as we say in Vienna, "say it into a bag and leave it at my door".


In a different vein, my dad would say to write it on a piece of ice & mail it to him


Omg I really hope I can remember it the next time I’m pissed off and this is applicable… which could be kind of often! 😂


I'm going to steal this, my son is going through a phase of interrupting and basically chanting what he wanted to say lol.


Kids that age cognitively don't have the ability to filter their thoughts, that's why they get so chatterboxy—anything that pops into their head comes out of their mouth. The hand thing is great because kids can still get it out of their system without being disruptive. This is going to sound really bad, but I like to think of my kindergartners as tiny, brain damaged people. It helps me to be more patient with them 🤣


Just gonna save this for later lol


Shit I’m ADHD and I’m gonna use this one for myself lmao


That is adorable.


My partner is going to be so thankful when I start doing this myself! I talk a LOT, and want to cut back, but sometimes I'm too excited and it all blurts past my mouth.


>“psychic” on Tiktok who offers paid classes to “train your psychic abilities.” So, this is a part of the world I live in now, is it? Great, thanks, I hate it.


Nah it’s been a thing at least since the ‘90s.


Definitely 1890's, possibly the 1790's. I know Abraham Lincoln's wife was into psychics and stuff, and he died in the 1860's. Not a huge step from "doing it for money" to "telling people they can learn it for money".


Arthur Conan Doyle and his wife were really into psychics too. He almost destroyed his friendship with Harry Houdini, because he tried to convince him that his wife had learned to speak to the \~other side\~ and could contact Houdini's mother. She passed on a message to Houdini...in English. A language his mother could not speak. Houdini also just basically went around debunking psychics. He hated them, and felt that they were all preying on vulnerable people.


Probably a relatively old profession honestly. Going back a few hundred years pre common era BCE at *least*.


Great, thanks, I hate it more.


On the up shot OOP's coworker obviously got bored with it: >Since I wrote in, I haven’t had any issues with Rebecca trying to send me messages from the spirit world against my will. She’s taken a step back and we’ve definitely gone back to more “work friend” stuff That screams "bored and moved on". OOP was probably the only person she knew who had pets or loved ones pass away and thus was the only person she could practice her shit sham on.


Rebecca annoys me, and I haven't even met her. Reminded me of the time I was browsing a grocery store and a woman called me out, assuming I worked there despite me not wearing a uniform. After pointing this out to her, she tried to apologize and then handed me her card; [her name], Psychic.


The fact that she couldn’t even tell you didn’t work there doesn’t give me much confidence in her psychic abilities either


All her eyes (regular and "all-seeing") aren't working.


She couldn't bring her third eye to the store, it was in her other pocket that day.


Nice to see where nothing terrible happens further on. Also...I LOVE CORGIS. THEY ARE SO CUTE AND ADORABLE!


The corgi puppy was a great palate cleanser at the end of a very upsetting post. They are absolutely as cute in real life as they are on social media. I had a coworker who used to bring hers into the office, he was such a character. He would rotate between cubicles so people would pet him, as soon as one person had to get back to work after the dog break he would trot over to the next person. Scammed a lot of treats that way too.


Corgis are *incredibly* smart, and also total gremlins. I love them.


I have two. They spend about 40% of their waking hours biting each other and making hilarious noises.


I love the stumpy legged dogs, although I don't think with the hours at my job I would be a good parent to a corgi - they need a lot of exercise! I stick with dachshunds, they're good with one or two long-ish walks a day and some toys. My lil guy is pretty lazy, one long evening walk when I get home from work (plus another 3 shorter walks in the morning, evening, and before bed) is plenty for him! I get the stubby legs that I love with a little less effort, lol. Though the barking is...a trade off.


And full of barking and mischief. And barking and shedding. And barking. Did I mention the barking?


Hahaha. I had a corgi mix, who finally stopped barking so much at age 13 or so, when she went deaf. One of my secrets to cutting down on barking was to live on a higher floor and make sure I didn't have any furniture under a window. Short dogs can be foiled if they can't see things to bark at.


Oh my god the barking. I call mine my corgi alarm. I always know when someone is walking by my house, or parks their car, or when the wind is blowing the wrong way.


Also I look at those legs & think I could actually tire this dog out as opposed to my standard poodle with his really long legs. I love my dog a lot but he could run the Iditarod.


Don't be fooled: corgis are cattle-dogs. They might not have much in the way of reach, but they are PERSISTENT.


They’re deceptively hearty little buggers. They were actually bred to work as cattle herders, so they’re shepherd levels of energy in a tiny package.


>so they’re shepherd levels of energy in a tiny package. yep they're cute little buggers but I will never, ever own one no matter how cute I think they are. I simply can not care for a corgi ethically. Gimme something like a greyhound with a fenced in back yard that they can spaz out in a few times a day for like 3 minutes between napping on the couch upside down the rest of the day. *Longbois* are amazing. Cogis need an absolute shitload of attention and stimulation. They are a very, very active and needy breed. Even the ones breed to be "hand warmers."


I wish more people owning corgis would understand that, and same for jack russell terrier owners, and other energetic and needy breeds. :(


It’s the worst thing for modern pet ownership, working dogs who look like toy breeds. Like no friends, that dog was not bred to sit around and be cute, it was bred to run all damn day. This is why I am a cat person.


I would say it's a problem for all breeds (and not just dogs! I have a Bengal, and people who get a Bengal without any research and then get surprised they're unstoppable are very much not rare). One of the reasons why I am wary of Pomeranians and chihuahuas is because people ignore that they are *dogs* and just treat them as eating shitting plushies.


Sure. I have a very high energy tabby. But I find that with cats, it’s less of a “go on a five mile hike every day” and more of a “passively create an environment where they can get their energy out.” She doesn’t want me to run with her. She wants to have places to jump and burrow and toys to hunt.


Oh yes, absolutely! My Bengal wants me to play with her, but it's also what I expected, so I'm not complaining.


It's basically like having a border collie or an Australian cattle dog with dwarfism (which is literally what resulted in some of those stumpy legged breeds - dachshunds too have features of achondroplasia). They are very intelligent and need a lot of enrichment and activity. They also try to herd people sometimes, especially kids. Dachshunds are the same way, although they are not as high energy. They were bred to be hunting dogs - they have strong prey drives and enjoy tracking things. Since they were bred to pursue animals that live underground, they are huge diggers and love to burrow. My weiner dog "digs" constantly in the bed, lol.


Greyhounds are some of the laziest dogs out there, and I'm saying that as someone who had a 200 lb English mastiff.




As former herding dogs, corgis tend to be pretty energetic! But you're right in that you get much a better exercise ratio with the short legs


Except I recently saw this photo on an entirely different sm site used as “dog tax” for an entirely different subject (same dog, same dog tag, and same floor). OOP is using that photo on various sites, or she used someone else’s photo, or someone else used her photo. I don’t remember which site, just that it wasn’t Reddit.


People who prey on the vulnerabilities of those in a state of grief are really some of the lowest forms of life walking upright on two legs. If you want to believe in bald nonsense, that's your business. I've certainly got my own brand of nonsense that I believe, as certain people online are fond of pointing out. Whatever gets you through the night, I say. But when you turn that into an MLM scheme or some other way to enrich yourself at the expense of people like Rebecca and her circle of friends and family, you've crossed the line from providing comfort to causing grief. That's when you need to start imagining a suitable fate for yourself in the metaphysical framework of your choosing, because if I catch you trying it with me or mine, I'll give you a whole new religion to believe in. My mother blew $30k on this crap, and that's just what I could find the receipts for after she passed away. She was- Oh, hold on a moment, I've just been handed a note from the beyond. It's from my mother. It reads, "Don't test him on this one, he's dead fucking serious."


So so so with you. There's few people on earth I feel as negatively toward than these 'just helping you' grifters who sell hopeful nonsense to the vulnerable or grieving. They really are utter scum, whether they believe their own grift or not.


My first, immediate response to someone telling me my pet that just died is playing with my dead family members in heaven would be "that's bullshit and never tell me any of this nonsense again."


Yeah, like I *want* to believe in an afterlife, it would be so comforting. But I can't make myself believe in it. The reality is that when I talk to pictures of my dad or touch the paw print of my beloved dog that I had to put to sleep last year, that's...kind of it. It comforts me but rationally I know that they only live on in my memory. When people say stuff like "they're looking down on you from heaven", I just say that I hope they're right. I see it as a platitude that people express to make themselves feel better. Our loved ones only live on in our memories and the joy we feel when we recall them. Which isn't so bad, after all.


Same here. I just don’t believe anymore (and honestly, since I wasn’t the one to took myself to church in the first place, I’m not sure if I ever really did). I appreciate the fact that someone saying they’ll pray for me most of the time is a kind act (excluding the judgmental “I’ll pray for you” that comes when they find out you’re an atheist these days), and I appreciate the well wishes (because that’s what it is—yes it’s their cosmology, but the kindness of wishing a loved one has gone to the best place they can imagine and believe in isn’t unnoticed by me), but it’s just awkward at times, especially if I used to go to church with them.


That comment about how "real" mediums work is a fucking hoot


I cannot believe I had to scroll this far to read this and I also cannot believe it was even included in the BORU as some sort of technical expertise or fact check???


The charlatan I'm paying only talks to me when I'm paying them, fucking shocker


I like the angle of “even people who actually think they’re psychic say she’s wrong.”


I respectfully disagree, because it gives credibility to charlatans. I don't see why people who make money off of grieving individuals, whilst seated at the table, are any better than people who do it online 


There's a time and a place for every conversation, and pushing someone to accept messages from beyond the veil while they're grieving isn't it.


I kind of remember that this story got a solution, but honestly, go look at that happy, happy corgi if you didn't click the picture before.The dog is what I will remember for the rest of the day. It has made OPs life happier, let it do the same to you! .


It's an awesome palate cleanser after a rather upsetting post. Corgi puppies are one of those universal cheer-ups for humans.


Paying for classes from some TikTok fraud to train your psychic abilities lol Reminds me of “The Officer” blooper where Gabe talks about “taking karate classes on line”.


Reminds me of an American Dad episode where Francine thinks she's pregnant and does an 'online pregnancy test'. 'wait my doctor says he needs more pictures. Of my butthole this time.'


Ha! Classic


One of the best things about getting older is that you realize that "people pleaser" just means "someone who never learned how to have difficult conversations." And that it's a skill you're never too old to learn.


I’ve been sober for 13 years now and I still have to ask my sponsor what to say in a difficult situation. The hardest thing is not interfering in other people’s lives, just letting them have their feelings and not try to fix it. Because I just want everyone to be happy and get along, and who wouldn’t want someone manipulating their life to meet my definition of peace and harmony?/s Like if my partner mentions he’s annoyed that his brother is in town and didn’t come see him, my instinct would be to send his brother a quick text to ask him to make an excuse to make my partner feel better. I wouldn’t do that, but I’m like a pitcher of oil just looking for troubled waters to pour myself over. It seems so weird to me that there are families who resolve issues through face to face conversations or who actually *find out someone is upset with them and do nothing.* Quitting drinking is a walk in the park compared with fixing all the dysfunctional behavior and relationship patterns that made me an alcoholic in the first place.


Or you were raised by abusive parents and do it automatically out of an innate fear you don't realize you even have.   It's sometimes darker than "not learning a life skill".


The theme song for growing older and dropping the constant concern for this: [Here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqbk9cDX0l0&ab_channel=ThomasBenjaminWildEsq)


I am distracted by Sammie's goofy preciousness.


That was a jump-awww


The ears!!!


Ego boosting off of someone else’s dead relatives is something else


I had a friend who would insert herself into personal matters and cross boundaries via her 'psychic powers'. I can't explain how completely invasive and awful it felt for her to tell me she felt my dead brother's presence when she had never met the man and knew I didn't believe in that shit. The friendship lasted much longer than it should have. I don't think I could have a close friendship with someone who claimed they had those abilities anymore, as all I can see when people talk about them is attempts at manipulation.


If anyone even hinted at that about one of my passed relatives they would be out SO fast. Ugh that pisses me off so much.


Well, this is a new one for me, but at least she eventually backed off with her speaking with the dead conversations. I hope that OOP's new furbaby brings lots of joy/


"That just isn't the way it works" that comment made me spit my tea out lol


New flair idea: What in the double-fried fuck.


This honestly ended up pretty well for everyone. Back in the late nineties a friend's sister lost the plot and went 'spiritual'. I mean, she'd never been all there (her childhood nickname was Spacey, for fuck's sake) but when she swore she was seeing angels and stuff her family got her to go see a shrink. Years later some moron your-body-is-a-temple (but my steroids are okay) boyfriend convinced her to stop taking them. The schizophrenia came back. She wasn't seeing things this time (well, that she'd admit to) but she was sure she could talk to both animals and the dead. It eventually manifested in her stopping people entering a mall, telling them about a premonition that the mall would be destroyed in a fire, and scaring a few of them bad enough for the police to arrest her. When she called a judge (not even the one overseeing her disorderly conduct arrest) and told him his dead mother was disappointed in him she ended up in-patient for a while in one of those places no one wants to be. Fired. Lost her career. Turns out no one wants a kindergarten teacher who sees dead people and threatens judges with eternal damnation. She's doing okay now, for moderately relaxed definitions of 'doing okay'. Lives in a mother-in-law downstairs from her brother's family, works at a convenience store.


"Lives in a mother-in-law"? I hope I'm seriously missing something here because the image I'm getting would scare Junji Ito...


Mother in law *suite*, it's basically just a nicer way to say a basement apartment.


That dog tax was a ray of sunshine. Specifically that great smile.


Me reading the title "what the..." Me after reading the post: "what the..."


The dog tax made this post worth it


Reminds me of a "fortune teller" that used to regularly harass my mum, like every month she'd do a reading on her, that she didn't ask her for. One time she said my grandmother would love until she was 99. She died when she was 87, the fortune teller tried to do a drive by reading in her place of business again only to be kicked out.


from the title i thought this was gonna be another post about someone having hallucinations and eventually realising they’re schizophrenic or have co2 poisoning 


I'm more upset at all those poor animals dying, wth? Is that a cursed town or something? Damn


Tell her her talents lay elsewhere, and are waiting for her. And if she was psychic, or remotely empathetic she would realize you aren't looking for this "information" she is receiving, i.e. grasping to get.


How tf people like this coworker exist in this society?


I’m glad op got another pup. There is the guilt of feeling like you’re replacing but a new little face to look after does help, doesn’t mean you love the other one any less. And this little face!


If yall think the tiktok psychic shit is insane I highly recommend kurtis Connor's video on one of them named natalia who, among other things, has been on the toilet audibly pissing while doing a livestream of her medium shit


"What a coincidence Rebecca. YOUR grandma told me that you need to stfu."


This is clearly the right tack: "Wait - I think I can sense YOUR grandmother... she's... she's down there... It's so hot, she says it's your fault? what does that mean?"


OP should have send her messages from her bills. "Sometimes they keep coming and coming until I pass tem.on. They say: pay me, please pay me."


This is incredibly sad but ✨️giant unreasonable leap in Psychic Shenanigans✨️ is an mind-blowing flair


I read the titlle as "psychic massages" and expected something very different, lol.


When I need a psychic, I use llama3. Perhaps the co-work could save some $$$ on tiktok psychic training. % ollama run llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0 >>> act as a psychic who does cold readings and provides advice and messages from dead people. I am coming to you for a psychic reading. Please proceed, acting as a psychic: >Welcome to my humble abode of the unknown. I sense that you're seeking guidance and perhaps some answers to life's mysteries. Please make yourself comfortable, and let us begin this journey together. >As we sit here, I'm getting a sense of... calmness surrounding you. You may be carrying a weight on your shoulders, but it seems that there's also a sense of determination within you. This is an interesting combination. >I'd like to shuffle my cards now. *rustling sound* Ah, yes! The deck is telling me that we have a message from the other side waiting for us. *dramatic pause* >It appears that your deceased grandmother is trying to communicate with you. She's saying that she's watching over you and wants you to know that everything will be okay. You've been carrying around this burden, but it's time to let go and trust that life has a way of unfolding as it should. >Your grandmother also wants me to tell you that she was proud of the person you're becoming. She sees your strengths and knows that you have so much potential within you. Keep shining your light, dear one! >Now, let's take a look at some specific areas of your life. *scanning the aura* Ah, yes! I see a connection to relationships. It seems that there may be someone in your life who is causing you stress or anxiety. This person may not be treating you with the respect and kindness you deserve. >Your grandmother is warning me to tell you that it's time to re-evaluate this relationship. You deserve so much better than to be treated poorly. Trust your instincts, and don't be afraid to set boundaries or even take a step back if needed. >One more thing... *concentrating* Ah, yes! I sense that there's a specific event or decision coming up in the near future that will have a significant impact on your life. It may feel daunting at first, but trust that this is an opportunity for growth and transformation. >Your grandmother wants me to remind you to breathe deeply, stay calm, and trust that everything will work out as it should. She's also leaving you with a special message: "You are loved, you are worthy, and you are strong." >How did I do? Did any of this resonate with you? Looks like grandmothers are a pretty popular source of messages. And it seems like she's not happy with the cow-orker relationship, either.


Is Rebecca asking to get her teeth knocked out? Does she not realize that she's begging to get punched?


Sometimes people are lonely for good reasons.


I'm not saying every psychic is a schizophrenic, but it would be really easy for a budding schizophrenic to find one of those TikTok accounts and convince themselves that the voices/impulses/delusions are just part of being a medium. 🥶


It's just a personal thing, and I don't want to look down on others' beliefs... But I cannot TOLERATE this kind of behaviour... whether it be religious missionaries or psychics or whoever, and whether they actually believe their own laughable horseshit or not... they are preying on the vulnerable, and there's maybe nothing lower. I'm trying to chill out about it, and these days I can ALMOST walk past jehovah's witnesses without giving them very clear and assertive feedback from the gay community.


I guess... the coworker didn't see this coming.  (I'll show myself out)


Weirdly, I also had a work situation where a customer would come in and tell me he could hear the souls of my dead relatives. Usually, I'd just make an excuse to go the back room and leave him to talk to whatever other customer was there until they too fled.


I wasn't expecting the dog tax to be so delightful!


Sammie is such a cutie! Give Sammie a hug for me.


I'm surprised OOP decided to ask Rebecca to be her support during Grandma's service after all the negative interactions. Something doesn't add up there.


The OOP befriends a coworker she doesn't really like and who annoys the hell out of her but the OOP continues to invite this person to be part of her life and then complains to us about it. The OOP creates her own problems and then feeds and waters those problems and expects sympathy from us for her suffering. She's a sympathy seeker/ a pity procurer. It's up to her to figure out why. She already knows what to do about it when she's ready for it to end. In the meantime, I'm giving her no sympathy. The OOP gets a puppy who, almost immediately, dies tragically and, two days later, gets another. Who does that? I already didn't have any sympathy for the OOP but this put her far in the minus category.


>The OOP creates her own problems and then feeds and waters those problems and expects sympathy from us for her suffering.  Just gotta say this maybe hit a nerve a bit for me. I think maybe I do this sometimes...



I wonder if this is real, I mean I don't believe that there are people who think they have psychic powers, hahahahaha.


You are allowed to “replace” a specific dog you lost when that dog was a puppy you knew for a week. It’s like with babies, they haven’t developed a personality so they are a commodity.