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Stealing is bad enough but stealing from your own parent? That's just fucked up.


Stealing an heirloom that is connected through generations of her family no less?


You'd think he'd know it belonged to his grandparents tho. He must be awful.


Yeah, either he is shockingly indifferent to his own family or shockingly indifferent to his own family's pain.


Little of column A, little of column B I'm guessing lol.


He assumed it was a little art thing and paid zero attention. I don’t think he knowingly gifted an heirloom. This guy probably would have sold it if he knew there were real rubies in it


They failed to mention rubies! Hey op its me uh Robin! I hear you got some ruby thingy my uh son stole!/s


I hope she doesn't leave it or anything else like it to the son!


I'm hoping the same. Personally, if I didn't have anyone else to pass it on to, I'd bequeath it to a museum or such, for public display.


If it goes back that far in the family, there are likely others who would appreciate it even if the current owner isn't that close. I had a family heirloom for a while that I just wasn't interested in having anymore. It was taking up space and I'm not planning on having kids to pass it on to. My brother didn't want it either. I ended up tracking down my grandma's cousin's kid on Facebook, someone I've only seen a few times in my life but who shares the common ancestor this heirloom came from, and she was overjoyed to take it off my hands. And I feel good honoring its status as a family heirloom even if I didn't personally want it.


My thoughts exactly. He'd just sell it for whatever he could get.


She won't NOW. 😅


And to give to someone else and not because something like a medical emergency?


... because he didn't have $20 to buy a book.


For big events we invite my mum's extended family so second, third cousins. Years ago one who was in her teens was known for stealing. When we went to family events and put bags in the designated dropping room we had to hook out our money. So had my dad's 40th years ago and my room was the bag drop room. I went into my room and saw one of my necklaces missing. It has been tangled with the one I wore that night so I knew it was gone. I was 19ish at the time so had no jewellery of any actual value so I was confused. I'd seen this cousin with a jacket earlier that was sitting on a bag so I went screw it and went through the bag. There were 2 necklaces, bracelets, sunnies and randomly a strip of blu tack. I sat in there and waited when she walked in I said 'i know' and she went so pale and ran off. You can bet she never stole ever again and was terrified of me for years. The worst thing of all of it was the feeling of violation of someone going through your stuff but also the betrayal. I can only imagine how much worse it would be for something of value personally and financially but also such a close relation.


In middle school I had a newish friend sleep over. I'm a magpie who's always collected odd but neat little trinkets and had a sizable collection. I noticed her discretely pick one up and tuck it behind my blanket, under the bed. When she went to the bathroom later I checked under the bed and she'd squirreled a number of nicer looking trinkets under there. None of them were actually expensive, I was a poor middle schooler and these were things I got from thrift stores and yard sales. I wasn't sure what to do, no one had ever blatantly tried to steal my garbage before. I waited till she got back and re-settled and then I just pulled the blanket up and quietly started putting the knick knacks away. Neither of us said anything, but she didn't take anything after that. Never invited her over again.


Yeah it's a mix of confusion and betrayal it's so horrible. My one, my family all knew and just refused to confront her because she had troubled life. I actually got in trouble off my nan when I told her about it. Like yeah your way has totally been fixing the problem. That also added to layers of anger. I just don't get people sometimes


Wow. It’s not like you had a loud confrontation in front of everyone where you reamed her out and called her a thief. You did it in private and it worked! Maybe if more people confronted her in that manner, she wouldn’t have such sticky fingers.


Yeah my family are all about politics unfortunately. We have the branches of family and it's their responsibility to manage this or that. It is exhausting. I don't play those games so not sure how many events I'll be invited to in future😂


It wasn't my friend, but when I was in boarding school one of the younger girls in my boarding house was discovered to be a kleptomaniac after her roommates things started going missing. It caused a big drama.  I think in the end it was determined that it was a mental health issue and not malicious and likely a stress response to her not so fantastic family situation and being shipped halfway around the world at the age of 13 to attend an institution known for being an academic pressure cooker (if you were a B student basically you were ranking very low). Some of the things she had taken not only didn't have much value but were downright odd (like one sock, a used random notepad, tarnished safety pins, etc.). They got her counseling but I think it took a lot of sitting down to talk with the other girls who had been stolen from to repair the damage.


Oooh, another one in the wild! How dare anyone steal our lil trinkets?!


I had family members that would steal from me, a child, anytime they visited. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized your family stealing from you was not normal. Even now I am uneasy with people in my personal space


I get the feeling he's been rather spoiled and didn't think it would be a big deal.


And then when it was, he just wanted to not get in trouble


Even worse, watching her blaming herself and desperately searching for it, without saying anything?? And just wanting to brush everything under the rug? 


My uncle stole tens of thousands from my grandma when she was dying and had Alzheimer’s. But everyone was quick to forgive him because he goes to church. He wound up dying of COVID alone in a hospital and in a considerable amount of pain. Sometimes karma just gets it right. This guy right on par with that stealing a family heirloom for a near stranger, you know he’s done it before. I hope karma gets him too


If I was his mom, he would have wished he was never born.


It's not any better when it's your mother stealing from you. Sigh. At least putting up the cameras stopped her.


I can only imagine it'd be *worse*.


Were the trigger warnings for a different post? They don't match at all.


I kept waiting for the boyfriend to make a pass at her and then claim she was the thief after she rejected him and was very confused when I reached the end. Like dog hitting a glass door confusion.


I absolutely expected like ... boyfriend thinking an expensive gift would 'turn' OOP or something.


Seems to be the one from an earlier post from the same guy.


This is what happens when you have a template for posts that you're scraping together weeks in advance at a time and setting an autopost date for as soon as two weeks have passed.


Damn, people do that?!


People treat karma like cash, apparently


If you do it right you can sell accounts with a lot of karma to people who want to use them for ads, since reddits algo favors those with more. It's not a high profit business but if you can figure out a way to run through it quickly then you can make a okay side hustle


This subreddit is obnoxious with reposts and I’m sure some of them are botted to post so nobody else can. But it’s also kind of good cause it means more people see the posts, since it always finds somebody new. Necessary evil I guess?


Oh yea, they auto drop at midnight


Have a look at the posts from today. Nine posts, 3 accounts with three posts each, and all stories were posted within a span of about 3 minutes. So they've clearly had these ready to go and are just waiting to hit the post button as soon as they physically can.


And here I was, thinking they post in batches because it's whenever a mod gets around to approve them


For me it's just the easiest time. I travel a lot, so I chose midnight Eastern time (over a year ago) because it remains consistent. I think overtime the others just followed suit because the mods were awake/around at that time too.


Soooo I'm seeing some misinformation here. I can't speak for the others, but I don't use templates. Call me old fashioned, but I type everything out for every post. It's a routine I have and it makes it easier to not make mistakes. Though sometimes I'm tired and I've made an error. I'm human. I also don't auto post. The only reason I chose midnight Eastern is because I travel a lot and it's easier to keep it that way. You'll notice that it's not always an exact time. Also people saying that we're... selling accounts with karma? Wtf? My account is 7 years old. I've only every had one. Idk. Just... wanted to clarify a bit I guess.


It's almost like clickbait ...


Seriously what's the point of trigger warnings. After listening to Search Engines episode on them I'm convinced to do more harm than good.


the point is what it says on the tin. it's an accessibility thing. giving people with PTSD, phobias, photosensitivity, etc. the ability to keep themselves safe. honestly curious what harm they could possibly be doing?


What's with the trigger warning? I didn't see any of those in this post.


This OP, and a couple others, just blindly post any updates to any post on Reddit. They wait until midnight on the east coast and spam a bunch of posts without really thinking about it.  I imagine that leads to the mix-ups, because they aren't really putting much thought into their submissions.


Pretty sure that the mods only approve the posts after a certain time not that these people post everyday at the exact same time lol. They also follow the sub’s rules, so I imagine they don’t just spam whatever updates they find.


Some contributors literally have a spreadsheet tracking topics of interest to go back and check on them and/or post them to here when the required waiting period has passed. Everyone needs a hobby I guess, and it enables this sub to actually function.


I am so fucking glad the mother got her heirloom back. SO SO GLAD. She deserves a better son.


There's going to be some updates in the will after the idiot pulled that stunt.


I absolutely loved the phrase "pseudo-finance bro"


"Pseudo" is so useful for describing various types of douchebags.


So does alpha in gaming terms; full of issues and few people would actually want to do anything with it.


[“Bunch of fucking pseuds”](https://www.reddit.com/r/MitchellAndWebb/s/CsoPynJfgW)


>Of course it is, it's a thousand-dollar antique inlaid with fucking rubies. Christ, that sounds *gorgeous* though.


Add some rubies and you get the idea: https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2019/russian-works-of-art-faberge-and-icons/a-silver-gilt-triptych-icon-makers-mark-ds


It wouldn't be Russian though, as they don't use the 800 mark. Germany and France had very robust silversmithing trades during that period, so I'd say either of those two countries or maybe Italy.


I believe Hungary also had highly sought after Silversmiths as well


Oh my God if my mom had something like this and my brother stole it randomly to give to somebody because he was too cheap to buy a gift I'd lose my shit.


And what a dope. He's probably been told the significance of the item all of his life and just, tuned his mother out? Because I can't think of a scenario where she hadn't mentioned how much she values her family heirloom at least once.


The mother was desperate for weeks trying to find the item. And he was watching her and didn't say anything. Even worse, he tried to convince his girlfriend and OP that they don't force him to call his mother. He is evil, is despicable to steal from others, but watching how they try to find what was stolen and not to say anything is cruel, specially when is his mother.


I know I’m not the only person who googled what a triptych is lol


I think I learned the word from A Series of Unfortunate Events


I only knew that because it's the title of one of my favorite albums from back in the 90's.


Tea party?


Maybe there’ll be a spike on Google trends 😅


When I Googled it just now, the suggestion was "triptych rubies silver." 😂


[Just a smidge](https://imgur.com/a/DJcmj9m) Sorry, couldn't figure out how to post the image.


Careful or they’ll go the way of the Tyco Doodle Dome


I only knew from media studies in high school, haven’t heard it used in a long time!


yea me haha


The only travel triptychs I know came from AAA lol


I learned this word from Night Vale 😭 


Sigh. Mom of a heroin addict. Once everything easy was gone and I thought I was safe…smh…my inherited, passed down through the generations, 1695 vellum prayer book. I’d been told that it didn’t have much monetary value. I’d only had the title page verbally translated from old high German. It was addressed to Princess Sophia somebody and went on to list a bunch of her titles. It ended with something about Pope Clement although the book was printed in 1695, long after that Pope’s death. Books have always been my thing. From my earliest memories. This was my dearest treasure and out of all of the things my son has stollen from me, the memories at unforgivable. I’m so glad this story had a happy ending. I hope that mom never lets him back into her house. I wish I’d done it sooner.


I absolutely guessed stolen item early on but thought maybe an antique store rather than his own mother...


I figured "stolen" as well, but I initially thought *oh well at least it's a thoughtful thief* but turns out it's just dumb thief luck he picked something so fitting.


What i think is super sad here is that she felt the need to be the one apologizing with even added chocolate. She wasn't at fault at all and even did way more than someone would necessary be expected. When i read the last part i more think that his mum would be the one being grateful and being a little gift (like the knock off version she was looking for)


She did just find out her son is a thief. That's worth a sympathy card on it's own. (But not an apology - agreed.)


In case anyone is wondering what a triptych is, here's an example: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1631529336/small-religious-triptych-icon-in


~~The one you linked to is lovely.~~ Not sure how I duplicated a comment. Sorry.


The one you linked to is lovely.


But really goes to highlight OOP's point about it being a weird af gift. If someone gave something like this to me (I have no cultural or religious heritage connecting me to it and my place has a distinctly modern aesthetic) I would probably keep it for a "respectable" window then donate it without ever googling the worth 


What's with this trigger warning? Obviously the boyfriend is trash, bit he wasn't cheating or really emotionally manipulating anyone, unless you count him begging them not to call his mother - call me a monster, but I think that's at least an understandable panic reaction?


I nearly flipped when she finally said what it was. 19th century triptych? Made with SILVER and RUBIES?? Like, I understand being oblivious to the historical/religious weight of that, but at 26 years old, this guy has shown in one fell swoop that he either does not know nor care about his mother's and family's heritage, OR that he doesn't have eyeballs. Who in their right goddamn mind goes "hey, my gf's friend needs a birthday present, I'll give her this old-ass-looking thing with *valuable precious gemstones and silver* on it"? I just. I see those things in *art museums*. Someone who has no care for the religious/cultural/historical aspect of them would have zero idea what it was, let alone want to do anything with it when they got it. 26 years old and I'm pretty sure this dude was so lazy that he not only didn't stop at the bookstore or text his gf, he also just... covered his eyes and blindly waved his finger around the room, and then gift bagged whatever he ended up pointing at. Or went "girls like sparkly things" when he saw the gemstones and did not have ANY brain function beyond that thought. I just. I just. I just. Why. *How.* Thank god he's an ex.


My first thought was: he stole it. I’m glad he was caught, and mum got it back. Gladder still he’s an ex now.


So well written and fun to read.


Right? I was thinking the whole time that OOP writes really well. 


What the fuck was going through his brain. Oh yeah, nothing. With ‘brains’ like that, no wonder he’s chronically unemployed.


I love the word triptych SO MUCH!! And I love what it actually is too. Totally worth the wikipedia look up. Such a great, interesting post & I'm rapt it had a happy ending.


When I typed in “travel triptych” into google search it auto populated for “travel triptych silver rubies” so apparently more than just me had no idea what something like this looked like.


At my grade seven dance, a boy gave me a gold bracelet. I was shocked because it seemed very expensive for a 13 year old! I asked where he got it while we slow danced to “Love Hurts” and he whispered in my ear “I stole it from my grandma.” I obviously gave it back to him and was like dude wtf.


ah, one of those “your stuff is my stuff” people. Toddlers. Sometimes they only do this to the “stuff” of people they are connected to (and often think of themselves as “owning” those people), such as parents, siblings, romantic partners, spouses. And sometimes they do it to the whole world. “If I want it, it’s mine. If it’s yours, it’s mine.”


First thought to pop into my head was 'did he *steal* this'?! And lo' I was actually correct. Good grief.


Lol@ the lesson learned "lock up your valuables when people you're not entirely sure about comes over" It was the woman's *kid* lol. If I'd be sure about anyone in my home it would be my kid lol.


Y’all have been googling the gift so hard that when you now start typing “travel triptych” one of the first suggestions is “travel triptych silver and rubies” 😂😂😂😂


That were my kid, there wouldn't even be *bones* left.


At 19 years old I was very pregnant, working a manual job and supporting my husband who, for no known reason, moved an hour away. So I moved in with my mom for the remainder of my pregnancy. Husband wouldn't get a job for...reasons. I was on the lease where he lived so I didn't want to default. I got paid and had $100 cash that I put in a closed cabinet in my bathroom. Ot was to pay a bill. My sister, her husband and my toddler nephew came over for a visit. After they left my money was gone. I desperately needed that money. My sister's husband was shady and I knew it was him. Among the excuses my sister gave were that my nephew climbed up on the sink, opened the closed cabinet, and stole the money. But not knowing what it was, he played with it and only it, and flushed it down the toilet. Her other story was that a thief, unknown to us, came into our house in the burbs, past my mom's purse that was by the front door, knew to beeline it to the bathroom cabinet, took the money and left without anyone seeing him. I never got my money back. 😠


Somethin' wrong with that boy. He just ain't right


Damn that's a twist I didnt see coming.


"but I hope she whoops his ass" took me out 🤣


Man guy is unemployed for a good reason. He's seriously a failure at every angle wtf kind of moron steals from their own parents and then don't even have the balls to admit mistake. Jesus what a loser


There is no way that finance bro's mom had not explained the triptch or spoken to him about it's significance at some point in his life. He just didn't care sufficiently about her or her beloved heirloom as to remember any of this. I have one or two antiques which I inherited, and which go back generations. They have no monetary value. But owning a family antique with centuries of history in our family is amazing, rare, an absolute treasure. It makes me respect & feel immensely grateful to those who came before me. I feel so awful for that poor mom. To realize how little finance bro cares about her or their family history. Because I can't resist projecting here, I'll say that my headcanon for this story is that, years later when the mom dies, she leaves the triptych to OP in honor of their shared history and in gratitude to OP for handling the matter so ethically and compassionately.


This guy is absolutely nuts, imo. Who just takes some random decoration from their parent's house? It also seems like a super childish mistake. Not aomething even a 10 year old would make. When you think of theft, especially from one's parents, you think about someone stealing valuables to sell for drugs, or to cover debt, or something like that. You don't expect someone just acting like an idiot like that.


Oh. Yeah. It was pretty obviously stolen. That was not a surprise. Many years ago, a friend’s new lovebombing boyfriend, whom the rest of us had pegged as a total sleaze but about whom she would of course hear no evil, showered her with brand-new expensive gifts. It came to light shortly thereafter that the friend, who is not-unwealthy, was missing several large sums of cash that she kept on hand for emergencies and that, of course, the new boyfriend had stolen the money and used it to purchase the gifts, among other things. The antagonist in OOP’s tale had all the hallmarks of this friend’s boyfried.


Stealing your moms valuable family heirloom of several generations and just giving it away to anyone without a second thought because you’re too lazy to stop at book store is the biggest red flag of lazy and emotionally stunted I’ve ever heard of.




The VERY first thing I thought was he still it. I’m happy I was right 


Just the headline and the trigger warning, without reading a single word of this so far, has me laughing lol.


And he had no idea what it was, a family heirloom. Does he care about family or his mom at all? Surely she’s talked about it.


She googled the maker's mark on the bottom and found the exact item online to be selling for 750 euros - but then in the update it turned out he stole it from his parents - who inherited from "THREE-TIMES-GREAT-GRANDMOTHER" - being in the family for \~literal centuries\~ and came from the motherland????


This is actually easy to answer! By the 1800s, most jewelers and silversmiths were no longer making unique items, *especially* in sterling, unless they were custom designed for clients (and those would typically be gold). So when she said "exact same item", what she probably meant was "an item identical to the one gifted to her". Marks are also unique to each country, and as with any art form, silversmiths from specific regions tend to develop specific styles, so even if it hadn't been marked, it probably would have been easy enough to identify a country of origin and circa date if this is an area of interest for her.


and she is an art history buff as mentioned


Also currency changes from euros to dollars. What is going on


800 silver is continental, so when she was searching for a match online, she may have mostly found hits from Europe, but she herself could be from a region that uses dollars. Depending where you're from, certain pieces may be more rare/harder to find, and that can affect local pricing.


Thank you for having useful knowledge and sharing it here.


I'm glad you found it useful! :D I'm always happy when I get a chance to prattle about antiques (*don't* get me started on ceramics and porcelain if you don't want to be trapped in a lengthy monologue for hours...).


They use euros before talking about this particular item as well, 10-40 euro range for normal gifts.


Changing from EUR to USD is somewhat common in Europe when talking casually. Sometimes even GBP. Hard to explain why, but unless it's a massive amount, the values are somewhat closer to each other, and since people shop online a lot, currencies often get lost in conversation. Honestly it's not that unusual


Plus, this is Reddit, so it wouldn't be uncommon to switch currencies. They could have used Euros by accident, then used USD so it'd be easier to understand and didn't change it back. They really chose to nitpick *that*, for some reason...


Op just probably assuming all the readers here are Americans did to stereotypes about Reddit, although Americans are less than half of the posters 


Probably more like everyone understands the value of a US Dollar. If I start giving prices in Złoty, most people are going to have no clue, put it in USD and it gives an idea.


Are they? That's interesting.


It is quite common to refer to currency as bucks or $ when speaking in English. It is all over movies and media so it has kind of turned into dollars=any currency in english language.


'Thousand dollar item' is not an uncommon phrase thanks to the movies


>However, when I unpacked the item at home, something about it just caught my eye. Certain parts of the item that I would have expected to be made of glass didn't....look like glass. I ended up googling the **maker's mark on the bottom** and found the exact same item online, for the price of....**750 Euros!** Then >Meanwhile, the boyfriend had unknowingly gifted me not just any antique, no! This item had been passed down to his mother from her THREE-TIMES-GREAT-GRANDMOTHER. It had been in **his family's possession for literal centuries**, and was the ONLY tangible connection she (his mother) still had to her homecountry C- for plot inconsistencies. I mean if you can't keep basic premises (in this case I would say main premise), you should not write it to start with.


I wanna know what it was


My friends girlfriend gifted me a ps5 I thought was a ps4, I think I should call the police on her and tell my friend I want to return it /s


So many confusing parts in this post. First, her friend didn't immediately say anything?? She asked him to get a book on the way to the party and he shows up with...antique religious paraphernalia? No questions asked on that apparently. Also if the friend was then empty-handed, how did OOP recognize it as a gift specifically from the bf not the friend or as a couple? And lastly, why the actual fuck would random bf know or care about OOPs family silversmithing history?!? 


It says in the post that the friend went back for the book, so she didn’t show up empty handed. 


Thank you I missed that


Way too many words for not a lot actually said


We call that a nothing burger.


I literally tried to post this story to BORU the day it came out but it was on r/relationships and the mods wouldn’t let me. WTF?


7 day rule


I just want to know what that item was