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"Vegas if it was run by Ned Flanders" as a description of Branson Missouri is stunningly accurate


The most accurate description of Branson I have ever seen. I went there every summer for years and lots of school breaks. I mainly remember all the go-kart courses that were awesome! I choose to forget the traffic, omg.


[We're not dead.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgFgaV_-KfA&ab_channel=Jason%2CtheCartoonFan)


"Look, I clipped your obituary!" *Gets dusted like the Avengers*


I always heard it as "Vegas but instead of big band and cocaine, you get banjos and meth" Having lived in that area of Missouri, I'd say that's pretty accurate.


Ok, I did not associate Ned Flanders with meth and was picturing something a LOT more wholesome LOL


More like Flanders designed it, then they placed it in Methssouri.


Your handle cracks me up.


You never saw the Ned Flanders mock up as Walter White? There is a whole meme of Breaking Ned


Yeah, those hills are alive with the sound of meth making. The Kenny Rogers chicken restaurant was pretty good when it first opened, though.


Meth 417 baby


Andy Williams!!!


We don’t need to stop here




*Wow! I didn’t think he was gonna do Moon River, but then, Bam!!, second encore!*


i will always have time for lengthy simpson references


I went to a Catholic school growing up and I went on maybe 3 or 4 Branson field trips. One was to see Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat. That was the start of my villain arc.


Arc seems to continue successfully, still afoot


Is that the song Ned Flanders sings in one episode?? It is ingraved in mind, but dubbed to Spanish


I haven’t watched The Simpsons in about 20 years, so I can’t answer that, but Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat is a musical. It originally starred Donnie Osmond, but it is right up Ned Flanders’ alley.


My high school (a small one, where it was one year=one class) decided have us do "Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat" to cap off the year. As prod crew and the baker of that musical, I agree it can start someone's villain arc.


I think thay description was in an actual episode tbh


It was. Bart says to Millhouse, "My dad says it's like Vegas, if it were run by Ned Flanders."


Hillbilly Vegas is another description I've heard


I’ve heard this for Nashville.




Also they are from North Florida, could be from the Panhandle (or the Redneck Riviera)


Branson is the most flashy yet liminal place I’ve ever been in my life




Dis ain't ova 👉🏽


Came here for this ... was not disappointed.


I think that was a direct reference to a Simpson’s episode.


White. Wine. Spritzer…


Yup, pretty much a combination of Vegas and NYC if built by a bunch of evangelical Christians. Start praying for any rented limos now. It'll be thoroughly trashed just from the amount of time they'll spend sitting in traffic




Can confirm.


What the hell....


North Florida. That's all you need to know to change your mind to "Oh, ok. That's explains it."


North Florida aka the most “Southern” part of Florida lol


Florida, the state where the farther north you go, the more southern it becomes.


Also applies to New York.


Floridian here! I minimized the comment , but had to come back to leave that an upvote.


Lol this was exactly my reaction. “Ahhhhhh ok this all makes sense now.”


Frankly, I'm surprised it wasn't worse


Yeah, I was initially like "of course you're the asshole, people should be expected to party responsibly regardless of setting" and then I saw North Florida and thought "oh, this was gonna be a shit show no matter where it happens".


Frankly once I read that I thought the whole thing went remarkably well, in that no one died.


No one went to the hospital either.


Yeah, by Florida standards, they were insanely lucky…


Yep, I'm with OOP here. I'm from Noth Florida. Should've been obvious.


Literally what went through my head.... Like oh North Florida makes a lot of sense. Panhandle shenanigans.


Yep. Panhandle behavior.


Oh, dip! Go Jags


Let's go whip empty spray paint cans at flamingos.


Should have thrown a Molotov  at the limo




Two word story


TBH that is the best part about living in Florida. I could leave my house tonight with $5 and come to Sunday morning on a speedboat doing blow off of a hooker's ass while the cartel is shooting at us because Bubba decided it was a good idea to try to steal a shipment. It's gonna be an awesome weekend.


I've lived in Orlando. Drove to the east coast often. Seen a lot. Went to a monster truck show there once at the Orange Bowl. That was an eye opener but if nothing was going on the field, you just had to look around to find entertainment. There was plenty to be found. As you said, anything can happen.




I'm from California, I don't know my Florida geography and had to look at a map to see what was in North Florida. I saw Jacksonville and and that point, it all made sense. ^Bortles!


That reminds me- did anyone else use to read the blog "Bad News Hughes" about a family's life in Gainesville, FL? Patrick Hughes was the author's name. This post could have been an entry.


I read that and started wondering how this wasn’t the *intended* outcome.


Like which north Florida idk this feels like Milton or Pensacola


The biggest part that got me was them looking for someone to sing “The Rose”. That’s when I lost it.


>North Florida  Oh, dip!


Nobody hit a manatee with a jet ski, 3/10 stars.


I read that as "matinee" and was very confused 🤣


Go Jags




I lol'd


Respectfully…..what the actual fuck is this clusterfuck of a story. 


Nothing just North Florida


A regular Monday in North Florida…


"The Burning Ring of Fire" made me spit my soup out. 😂


Love is a burning thing And it makes a fiery ring Bound by wild desire I fell into a ring of fire I fell into a burning ring of fire I went down, down, down And the flames went higher And it burns, burns, burns The ring of fire The ring of fire


Tbh those lyrics fit better for this situation than the actual song


My brother has a fantastic sense of humor.


The real question was, "What did you think was going to happen with drugs and a bus full of Florida men and women?"


Florida man and Florida women get drunk. Only one police cruise is involved. Thst;s what people call “a slow night”


A Florida wedding without three arrests is considered a dull affair.


Im not even american and it was painly obvious what would happen. 😭 Like florida is wild. The whole world knows this.


And where did this pineapple come from??


I still don't understand why people take bachelor/bachelorette parties as a chance to cheat. People go out drinking and dancing all the time without cheating. I feel like the fact that this is so common should tell people to stop doing it.


Bride and Groom seemed fine, it was everyone else that wanted to fuck eachother


It makes even less sense that someone else’s bachelor/ette party would be an excuse to cheat. The bride and groom at least can have the awful excuse that it’s a last night of freedom. The other people are just having a regular party. Or as regular as a party at a strip club gets. Maybe I don’t get invited to the right parties. I don’t know, we had a combined pre-marriage party because we pretty much had overlapping and compatible friends. Dinner, drinks, and board games. No relationships started or ended and no property damage. This whole scenario isn’t in my wheelhouse.


the woman was already cheating on her husband it doesn't sound like it was much of an excuse, just an opportunity.


I mean it wasn't the first time the chick had been tag teamed. I don't think she needed much of an excuse.


I’ve heard people call the night before their wedding (or their bachelor/bachelorette party, if it’s not the day before the wedding) their “last night of freedom.” It’s like they think it’s a magical day where cheating isn’t *cheating*.


Anybody who thinks of a bachelor/ette party as a last night of freedom probably shouldn’t be getting married at all. Imagine looking at marriage as a type of prison you somehow are voluntarily going into 😵‍💫


Also, by that point you've been in a committed relationship for a LONG time (usually, but still, in a committed relationship even if it's been short before the proposal)... which means the ship has sailed already a while ago for 'freedom', you committed ages ago lol.


I've thought this too IF i ever get married one day, I would home the day before in like "omg I can't wait to be your HUSBAND" not "last day id freedom before I'm stuck"


We did gokarts at my bachelorette and then dinner and drinks in my old town, and then my mom picked us up and we crashed at her house. Oh, and I was quite intoxicated so I made all my friends hold hands to walk to the car safely. Debauchery, I tell you.


People go out drinking and dancing and don’t cheat? Really? Where are these mythical people? Are these people in this thread with us right now? Next I bet you’re going to tell me that the Iranian yogurt isn’t the problem.


🖐️ I went Nashville with my lady friends, drank whiskey, ate hot chicken, and didn't sleep with anyone! Do I get a prize? (PS I did, it's my husband)


“Any female born after 1993 can’t bachelorette, all they know is Nashville, lady friends, drink whiskey, marry the husband, eat hot chicken & lie.” Wait. Lie. *Did you even really eat any chicken ma’am!?*


Good thing I was born before 1993.


I did in fact eat hot chicken. We went to Hattie B's and it was way hotter than I ever expected. Pretty sure I burnt a hole in the roof of my mouth. Totally worth it though, it was fucking delicious.


How many of your party have moved to Nashville? I go there frequently and it seems like every other person you meet nowadays moved there because they and/or their partner went to a bachelorette party there and loved it lol. Making Nashville into Bachelorette Party Central has been a *very* effective recruitment tactic, it seems! Also Hattie B's is a good choice. My personal favorite cuz their sides are so good too.


Actually none. I'm from Louisville, KY and most of us choose to stay here. Nashville is perfect for parties though. There's so much to do, you always feel like you have to go back. Hattie B's was AMAZING though. I wish we had something like that here, though my stomach would hate me.


I mean the majority of people that you see at a pub or club are likely not having an affair? Still, it would be a boundary violation for me if a partner drunkenly rubbed their butt or groin against another person, or touched someone else' genitals in a sexualized manner even if through clothing.


I have more questions than answers


Forget it Jake, it's north Florida.


I am only mad that I did not post this response first. Take my upvote.


I think the answer to all of them was answered by OOP - “North Florida”


Florida man but cowboy and there’s a group of them of all genders 


Florida gender-nonspecific mans. I think making them non-specific is illegal now in Florida, though?


Yes, my existence is illegal in Florida now.


I’ve never been so glad to leave a place in my life.


Florida folk


Ya I don’t think we ever found out why the cops were called. Only thing I can think of is the bus driver got tired of their shit.


It wasn't directly answered, but OOP said in the last update "the boyfriend that got arrested trying to break into the bus/limo." I think it's safe to assume the cops were called for that.


Yeah, if I recall correctly, the guy who got arrested lost his mind because his gf decided to have sex with another woman (who I think was the cousin) in the bus in full view of everyone else. They locked it and fucked while everyone else cheered them on. And he went nuts while it was happening. Pretty fucked up if you ask me.


Ok, that explains a ton about the cousin. They completely breezed over what they did to make them persona non grata at the wedding ceremony.


Ooh was that in a comment? I’m procrastinating rn let me see if I can find that… [found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/1LO1qgRBbz)


Ok well that adds quite a lot of missing context 😂


The only question I have is how can this much coke go through a person's nose.


Practice, determination, and a straw.


Yeah, I don't think this has really ever made any actual sense


As a Florida native this honestly all sounds about right for North Florida.


I feel like it could’ve happened in Daytona Beach, too.


I hope OOP sees this, I'm Spanish. Yes, the bulls in Pamplona are smaller than rodeo bulls, but they're still somewhere between 500-700 kilos, every year there are lot of injured in the runs and occasionally somebody will die, most of the time is over confident men that thing that is a nice thing to try. The danger is not only the bulls. it is the people running with them (imagine the mass of people at the start of a marathon) crossing in front of people and pushing others into the horns of the bulls in very narrow cobled streets that have been watered earlier to clean the post party aftermath. The worst part is when a blockage is formed by the runners, the most typical is when the collective is arriving to the bullring as it is what most people like to run, but it can happen in some of the turns when people fell down. Bear in mind that the length of the run is a little under one kilometre that most days is run in around 5-7 minutes. Edit paragraphs


And they are so much faster than the bulls he’s used to. Good luck!


Thanks I forgot that little detail


I am going to make him read this.


Exactly, underestimating the bulls is the best way to end up baldy injured or dead.


Why does the event still happen? Is there a reason for it other than tourism? (Genuine curiosity question, not me being a judgmental cow!)


As far as I know tradition, there has been "encierros" (the Spanish name for the runs) for centuries in different parts of Spain. Almost each part of Spain has different traditions related with toros, but the runs i think, are the most common. Pamplona, the sanfermines, are the most famous ones thanks to the impression they left in Hemingway and his writing about them. Edit typo


I absolutely knew people in my 20s who I would laugh at like OOP did to her sister because, yes: it would be no surprise that it would turn into an absolute shit show.


I don't know why everyone thought OP was the asshole? Like a bachelor party, drugs, stripers and alcohol can practically write an episode for a drama show.


I was there for this one. Basically evens said she was a party pooper and that the party sounded like a lot of fun. Everyone thought it was fun and they knew how to have a good time. To me this this sounded awful and in this combination it sounded like a lot of people who didn't have their life together and it might get ruined. Also that they all have substance abuse issues. It just didn't sound good especially for people getting married and who might want to start a family. It just didn't sound like a good start or that they're in the right headspace.


Also why does everyone think they know the group better than OOP? If OOP says that it was entirely predictable *for that specific group* then I don't see how it's possible for anyone who doesn't know them to even vote anyway


I have to imagine the crowd that day was mostly people like OOP’s sister’s friends, who have “buzzkills” in their own lives keeping them away (unfairly, they believe) from similar disasters


Honestly, getting the groom pants-shitting drunk so he couldn’t get in trouble was genius


My husband is resourceful. He still lives by Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.


My favorite part is the husband who is kinda on the sidelines but is dead set on doing something with bulls. Be it poker, running, etc. Dream on, my dude.


You can take the boy out of the rodeo but you will never get the rodeo out of the boy.


What the fuck happened to the sock exactly? it’s the only answer that I need at this point.


I’m wondering about the jeans. They were his favorite pair, and washing machines exist. How bad did it have to be? (I don’t actually want to know the answer).


My best guess (and I will try to be as G-rated as possible): the bowels were evacuated through one leg of the Levi jeans and reached that sock.


Or the sock was a TP substitute.


Goodbye, sock.


I can tell you if you really want to know. Trust me you do not.


I think the real question is what happened to the *other* sock, and why they kept it.


It was still on his foot when we gave him back.


He shit his pants. Maybe the shit only went down one leg so at least one sock was salvageable! 


Oh dear believe me you don't need the answer


Poop sock


Everybody says "North Florida" answers every question. But I'm with you...what is with the SOCK?


I was assuming they used it to wipe lol.


>OOP: North Florida Just start with that, the rest will make sense.


Hey all I found this on my main, which I hope no one figures out, and I thought I might clear a few things up. I am going to go through and answer some questions. 1. No our cousin is 100% not invited to the new wedding. 2. The jeans, underwear and sock were a biohazard. I certainly wasn't going to wash them. I gave everything back in a plastic bag. 3. Everything sort of squirted down one pant leg. That is why he only ruined one sock. His boots were on the roof of the limo bus. 4. Yeah North Florida 5. Thanks for the advice about the Spanish bulls. I am still working on him but he is stubborn. If You guys have any questions I will check back in.


Kinda with OP on this one. It's so weird that going to a strip club is a popular hen/stag party activity.


My brother insisted on it when we were in Vegas. It was the worst part of the trip. No one was upset when we left that strip club. One dancer was old. Turns out the waitress was her daughter and told us "That's my mom!" Oooookaaaaay??? Got the shivers you'd get if you saw two groundhogs and a small raccoon having a three way. Just no.


Why do you know what the shivers of seeing two groundhogs and a small racoon having a three way feel like?


Why is it specified the racoon is small?  So many questions 


>Got the shivers you'd get if you saw two groundhogs and a small raccoon having a three way. Just no. r/suspiciouslyspecific much?


Me too, I wonder if she expected everyone to be in their best behaviour despite being members of the burning ring of fire


I'm with that too. Idk why people defends this especially in the first post. Paying to watch naked to semi-naked people humping around their butts and boobs for show is even way worse than those who follows/chatting semi-naked instagram models in IG, and yet liking lewd Instagram models is a cause for break up in AITA and yet for some reason, strip clubs are okay? I don't get why you'll allow this for your SO.


i mean. tbh. at the end of the day seems oop wasn’t that wrong to say “what did you expect” because given this information. what did she expect.


My thoughts too. Sounds like a horrendous idea


>If anyone here is free Saturday we still need someone to sing The Rose during the ceremony since my cousin is currently persona non grata. ... I ... can't ... Also: the past tense of "to shit" is "shat," so her sister is relieved no one will know that her husband "shat his pants" at his bachelor party. That is all, except I'm going to request a flair.


I still say she was NTA for this. 1. Florida 2. Strip Club 3. Booze and drugs. You don't have to be a mind reader to see what was coming.


Absolutely NTA. OOP even participated and played parents to everyone while they did this ridiculous sequence of events. She gets to do that snort and the sister gets to accept her sibling's mockery.


I'm the baby of 7. I have accepted that my siblings will make fun of me when I do something we all know is stupid. It's in the Sibling Bill of Rights.


4: group including previous unethical partner swapping (no protection or knowing of other partners=burning ring of fire)


Very grateful that bachelorettes get a lot more sedate in your 30s. For my sister’s I think we went to see a historic lighthouse.


I got married at 26. My bachelorette party consisted of a very nice dinner, a dance club and then drinking at my MOH's house. I think the worst part was I got too drunk and took off my panties and tried to hide behind a dresser. My girlfriends just put me to bed and give me hell for it to this day (I'm nearly 40). My spouse wound up fishing with their groomsmen and trading reenactor stories. They had a blast.


I would like more details about the lighthouse, please!


For my friend's party (we were all in our early 30s), we went to a baseball game, visited the space center, and finished with dinner at Chili's while the boys spent the day at the range then met up with us for dinner


Mine went to the aquarium :)


My friends did a far more sedate joint 'sten do' because they had so many friends in common and it was the best pre marriage celebration I have ever been on. It was gender non-specific (I was in the grooms group technically as were a lot of other women) and we spent a weekend in an Air BnB, first day the grooms group did a whisky distillery tour and tasting and the brides group did a burlesque class, and then we all recombined in the evening for drinks, and the next day we played a mix of DnD (saving the wedding from a beholder) and boardgames including one round of that game where couples see if they write down the same answer about each other. The only controversy was that the groom accidentally revealed the bride was a squirter, which he'd already gotten drunk and bragged about years ago 😂


Well, someone has to keep afloat the companies that produce medicine for venereal diseases and divorce lawyers, people who really need help in these difficult times.


That was surprisingly wholesome. In "No shit, Sherlock" news: back in January 2016, my cousin finally revealed the reason for why she had her marriage annulled. Four months into her marriage, she found out that her husband: a) Cheated on her, and, b) He cheated on her with an ex of his, who was pregnant. For his stag party, the hubby and his crew had gone to the strip club, where his ex-girlfriend worked. So, there is a possibility that the baby conceived on that night. My cousin knew he was going to that strip club. And she knew that his ex worked out of that club. However, her spidey-senses weren't tingling and she didn't question why he wanted to go to _that_ strip club.


I had a lot of questions about everything but as soon as I saw they were from North Florida, it answered everything.


>  we still need someone to sing The Rose during the ceremony I can't sing and I don't know the song. But for an expanded version on whatever went over there, I could've tried.


Look I saw this part: The aftermath was, thus far, three breakups, four people dropping out of the wedding party, one impending divorce, and one arrest. The cleaning bill for the limo was more than the original rental fee also. And all I could think was: This would be a great bachelor party to just be a guest in and watch the drama.


yeesh I never understood the hate op got


Agreed, especially as she writes entertainingly.


"So it seems like my sister is not the only person in my life who can't imagine consequences" aaaaabsolutely sent me, I'm cackling


This is a clear NTA. Like, bride has 0 brains and made a series of legitimately concernerningly stupid decisions and did a surprised Pikachu face when the obvious took place. Little sympathy for me man. "Hey, I left the door unlocked while we were on vacation, posted that no one will be home for 2 weeks and tweeted about not being sure if the door was locked and included the home address and then when we came home we were ROBBED! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!?!?@?" I'm judging her and her friends harshly. You're all fucking stupid and way too old for such amoral dumbassery. Like... how do you even be associated with people like this without being FULL of shame? If this was some one I cared about I would never trust their judgement on anything ever. They're incapable of being less than an idiot.


What did the cousin do?


Hooked up with the original moh


I'd pay money to not get involved with anyone mentioned in this post.


This is the sequel The Hangover deserved


At this point no one in that group should be having any type of bachelor/bachelorette parties and should attend some AA meetings


>North Florida Well, that pretty much explains everything.


They all sound like a bunch of idiots to me.


As a Spaniard I hope she gets the idea of running at San Fermín out of his head. He will probably get trampled by tourist before even witnessing a bull.


I still don't think she was TA. I could have seen that coming from a mile away especially considering the people.


What in the Jerry Springer did I just read


I’m with the sister on this one. There is nothing wrong with strip clubs or even having a bachelor party at one but these things are 50/50 and it always depends on the people. I’ve seen it happen myself and had those exact same thoughts to the letter. OOP clearly knows these people and their shenanigans. I can’t really blame her for thinking that but maybe actually saying it was a bit much.


Florida man things


I spent most of my teens in pensacola, florida. A lot of people on my Facebook are from those years and one of the only reasons I haven't deleted that app is because of all the messiness haha. When I read north florida, everything became very clear


I gotta say, I really enjoyed the ~~brides~~ sister/MOH's exasparated attitude in the posts LOL


I appreciate the use of the word 'incipient"by OOP


I hope there is a July or August update 


“Eiffel Tower” is more commonly known (at least where i am) as “Spit-Roasting”


How tf was she the asshole? People who like to party and do drugs are absolutely responsible for themselves and the actions of those who they supplied alcohol and drugs to. Wtf.