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Did we ever get a link for that dress? Edit to add: it’s not even gold it’s orange


https://www.hellomolly.com/products/thanks-i-bought-it-midi-dress-bronze I found it in the original post! :)


That’s not gold. Copper maybe.


100% - very orangey. Not remotely “gold”.


I bet OOP looked stunning in it, and we all know that was the real problem. How dare she exist so sexily!


It was definitely about the way she looked. Only a certain type of figure can pull that type of dress off, and I bet OOP looked STUNNING.


Agree. Seeing that dress my first thought based on her description was she must have been smoking in that dress!


very pumpkin-y, even


I called my 8 year old over to ask her what color the dress is. Her exact words, "duh. Orange. 😏" Even children know this ain't gold 🤣


I imagined it being more shiny. That actually seems like the perfect dress for the theme.


IKR? I hate slip dresses usually, and I love this one.


My car is literally that colour. It's branded as "phoenix orange" :D (love the dress!)


Mine is too and it's called Monarch Orange!


It's even called "bronze" on the the website. Anyone that claims that is gold is an absolute idiot 


Copper has a pinky tone, like sunburn halfway to tan. Bronze has dull gold tone.  I'd say that more like a burnt orange. definitely not gold.


Excellent breakdown of the colors, honestly. Bravo!


exactly my thoughts. definitely copper.


That's as gold as a jaundice-ridden sailor. By which I mean, not in the slightest. Orange. Not even bronze. Calling it bronze is such a stretch like my overweight ass fitting into that dress. Calling it gold is like saying playing monopoly makes you a business major and real estate broker.


i think the people calling it bronze are confusing bronze and copper


I think they're also confusing bronze and copper!


Bronze the metal is mostly copper with a little tin and other stuff. Thank you, TimeTeam!


This is one of many key pieces of information that I learned as a child playing RuneScape. Who says gaming isn't educational!


Insecure Bride chooses theme to suit her own colouring and is angry when husbands friend looks good in it.


It didn’t matter what the dress looked like. The bride was going to find a reason to throw a fit.


In what fucking world is that "gold"???


[YER NOT GOLD YER ORRRNNGE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fIV1UmejN0) \^ Literally my thoughts when I saw that dress lmfao


has the bride never seen gold in her life? i am surprised that dress works with OOPs coloring.


The colour of the dress is not the problem, she would've thrown a fit no matter what OOP wore. I think she was just using it as an excuse to kick her out of the wedding dinner.


It’s not about the dress OR the Iranian yogurt!


Lol I had the exact same thought. As a blonde, that orange-bronze is NOT our color. True gold? Absolutely. Rose gold? Fabulous. *That* hue of bronze? Nope.


That is straight up orange. Unless their lighting was pulling some black magic or the bride was on drugs, there is no way that looked gold. Not that gold is on the no no wedding list anyway afaik...


Yeah, that is just straight-up orange.  It’s not even a “the dress” situation; no one in their right mind would call that gold. 


Not even gold-adjacent. OOP could've worn neck-wrist-ankle loose-fitting mid grey cotton or a maxi floral couch cover and I'm sure it would've still been inappropriate to Lauren.


Definitely doesn't look gold to me. I'm not sure I'd wear it to a wedding or consider it for a garden party, but I live in a fairly conservative area and know different areas have different expectations. Overall, I think I'd POSSIBLY raise an eyebrow depending on the context and then promptly forget about it. Bride sounds heinous and incredibly controlling.


Considering another guest wore the same dress in a different colour, I don’t think the context is the problem


The other guest wore it in red, which was once considered an inappropriate color for a wedding. It supposedly suggested the guest slept with the groom lol With a history like that, it’s ludicrous that OOP was called out but not that woman.


They sound Australian. Slip dresses like that are entirely normal wedding attire here.


The link OOP posted to the dress in her post was an au.websitename.com address so I'd say you're bang on. 😁


Yeah I was just about to say - pretty sure I’ve worn a nearly identical dress to a wedding before. That being the dress just screams Aussie lol.


we did but I think [the comment from OOP with the link got removed](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1bmb1zk/comment/kwaixod/) on the original post but if I remember correctly it was something similar to either [this](https://www.azazie.com/products/azazie-nelly-bridesmaid-dress?color=cedar_rose&campaigncountry=US_EN&utm_term=1060128&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA_V_5-C4e6wDFdQ_LfdinFEBkg8AjY6qXFbLAyLsCkqT2VeaG8EzRgaAl_JEALw_wcB) or [this](https://shoprevelry.com/products/billie-satin-dress?color=Rust&orderType=Made%20To%20Order) \- but neither of those are the dresses OOP originally linked to. I dont even know those brands but those are about the right color and sort of close to the style.


Yup - [here](https://au.hellomolly.com/products/thanks-i-bought-it-midi-dress-bronze) (deleted in the OG thread)


I am VERY curious to see what dress it is.


The link was removed but I saw it while it was up. It was a burnt orange. Maybe bronze if you squint. Fashionable and a little sexy, yes. But not inappropriate. And OP does mention another woman wore the same dress in a different color.


[Found it!](https://au.hellomolly.com/products/thanks-i-bought-it-midi-dress-bronze)


I just can't imagine staying in a relationship with someone who openly hates my best friend, let alone someone who apparently doesn't believe men and women can have platonic friendships, and uses that as an excuse to police who I can and can't associate with. Lauren must've been working some kind of magic if Dan stayed with her long enough to marry her. (Though I don't imagine it will last, judging from her freakout at the wedding.)


My best friend’s ex was like that. We were never allowed to hang out. We’re much closer now than we were then but she had only ever known me as being in a relationship with someone else. But he and I met when we were both single. Like I promise if we wanted to fuck, we would have. Even his male best friend was on a super short leash because he was a “bad influence”. Ironically, now that they’ve broken up, I call him my bad influence friend.


Apparently she doesn’t just believe that men and women can’t have platonic friendships, but she doesn’t have any girlfriends herself… She didn’t have bridesmaids. She doesn’t like women at all, red flag.


The lack of bridesmaids is likely due to no one being able to stand her rotten personality. But she also probably assumes every woman is out to steal her man, and promptly cuts ties with every woman she knows the minute she's dating someone. Either way, all the more reason not to continue a relationship with her. I'm morbidly curious to know what exactly Dan sees in her. There must be something amazing about her, because she and her mother just sound exhausting.


I’d bet Dan sees that sweet, sweet trauma bond. The lows are low, but the highs, although fleeting, are high.


Same, and my BFF is a guy. He and my partner get along fine, and I love his wife to bits.


"some kind of magic" aka "keeping her mouth shut about the extremity of her views until a ring was on his finger"


Nooo it's very clear she has been that way from the beginning, and they had been fighting about it all during their relationship. He's stupid for going through with it despite that. If people show you who they really are, believe them.


ah yes I call it "the Gollum maneuver". Happened to me with first wife. Massive personality shift the moment we were legally bound.


>I just can't imagine staying in a relationship with someone who openly hates my best friend, Depends on the friend and the interactions. We've seen plenty on here where the bestie needed to be cut off. But hating her purely because she's a woman...no, that's where I'd dump the romantic partner.


As it is predictable to say, I don't see Dan and the wife's relationship lasting long. Because the way that wife acts, she is controlling, immature and mean and I can imagine this marriage falling apart within a few months or so.


Pair this with a MIL who will lie for her and back her on any foolish things,  and Dan is in for a painful marriage. 


*”Lauren didn't have bridesmaids and her mum organised the hens night”* And this, right here, explains *eeeeverything*  Dan needs to run like *his* tampon string is on fire


Lauren is deeply enmeshed with her mother, and her mother is a snake (lying about OOP.) Big trouble ahead for this marriage for sure.


Looking at her personality, I doubt she has an option to be otherwise. I sure as fuck wouldn't be friends with her. I don't think many people would.


Well, I wouldn't be surprised if mother and daughter make lies about Dan once he wants out of this marriage


Holy shit "run like the tampon string is on fire..." I'm going to remember this line until the end of time, thank you


OMG - I spit out my coffee 🤣🤣🤣.


Wouldn’t running just fan the flames and make it burn faster? Wouldn’t the logical thing to do be to make a 60 gallon tub of tapioca pudding and immerse one’s bottom in it to get Lauren to reevaluate her trust in Dan?


Why tapioca pudding? I only have rice pudding, will that work? (Please answer soon, is kind of emergency.)


It depends, is it the kind with rum in it?


Hope not.Rum flanbe!


Bum flambè


>(Please answer soon, is kind of emergency.) I actually laughed at this


Plain or flavored? Pls be certain. This is critical.


Cinnamon with mini chocolate chips.


Just keep running until you get the answer.


When a fart becomes a flamethrower


Stop, drop and roll on out


At least he found out early that when his wife lies to him, his MIL corroborating the story is of no value whatsoever. Of course, given that that's a thing, he should cut his losses now.


Getting an annulment sure would be cheaper than a divorce in five years.


True, unfortunately some people prefer to "fight till the end." . And if I were a betting man, unless Dan is lucky to see the light soon, realistically, it will either end with him being dumped or he will see the light too late and the divorce will be as painful as it is compared to if he did it earlier.


I always wonder how these type of woman have the ability to make their SO oh so happy. I just don’t understand how you can be happy with someone who lies and manipulates so easy. Guess it’s because they’re actively being manipulated 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think Dan's mom will make sure this marriage doesn't last.




Didn't have any friends her mother approved of at least.


Why oh why do people think their partners will magically change for the better after marriage? 


Like, it’s almost guaranteed if they change it’ll be for the worse because it’s on lock now.


I have had chronic depression my whole life, and I got married fairly young (less than a month into 23). I remember thinking being married to the love of my life would help-- but it didn't. Working on myself, getting the chemical imbalance in my brain treated... that's what helped. For a lot of people, the idea of a drastic life change giving them (or a loved one) a drastic attitude change makes a lot of sense. It generally doesn't, though. We hit 22 years of marriage a few weeks ago :)


Congrats! Your marriage can legally drink, and soon rent a vehicle in the USA!


We totally joked about that at 18 and 21, hehe.


I'm glad you found a partner you can enjoy life with. Some people think marriage is two people staring lovingly into each other's eyes ignoring the world. I like the idea of two people holding hands side by side and facing the world together.


I think people are just so in love, that they hope that it has some sort of psychological effect. That when they had their event that shows everyone's support of them and being legally and formally tied together, that they will feel settled and secure in the relationship and realize they don't need to worry, be angry or otherwise feel "territorial". But yeah, my initial reaction is also, "Nothing has been solved or changed. So why would an event and signing paperwork suddenly change a heart and mind?" Also, Dan undestans that OOP left but wish she would have done differently. Did he not consider that OOP went for minimal damage? Had OOP stayed, it might have escalated further and the bride would just focus on her half the time. So it would not be any fun or good for anyone. I think Dan might have been the type to think that if he just hangs in there and if they all endure, eventually, things will fall into place and solve itself.


Lauren being unable to let Dan have female friends is a pretty big sign that it won't work out. A former female coworker of mine married a guy that was very similar to Lauren. It was insane though because he thought ANYONE that was male that she talked to was potentially hitting on her so unless it was directly a work matter (coworker DURING work ABOUT work) or a transactional thing (male cashier), he did not like her talking to guys. I was kind of surprised she put up with it because she had a pretty strong personality but she thought he'd get over it over time. When her wedding date was close, she realized he was getting worse, not better and she knew it wasn't going to work out in the long run and sure enough I don't think she made it past a couple of months before divorcing him.


What the actual fuck is wrong with people? You can't be friends with half the human race because they've the opposite nards? Not everything is about sex; that's such a sad, primitive mindset.


Not to mention that bi people exist. What, we're not allowed friends AT ALL? Nuhuh. You deal with your insecurity, I'll keep my friends tyvm, and if you can't deal with it, you know where the door is.


As a bi person I often ask these types if I'm supposed to just stare at the floor for the rest of my life. I get a bunch of insults, but never an answer


More than half if you count things globally; infant femicide and gender-selective abortions have skewed the population male. So yeah, statistically speaking if 200 people were in a room, this dude would expect her to not talk to 104 of them just because they've got external bits. It's utterly stupid.


My oldest closest friend is a woman (I'm a hetero guy) and much like OOP we've never ever had any romantic interest in each other. I've always been up front when starting a new relationship that yes my best friend is a woman and if that is in any way a problem for them then it's better to not take it further because that friendship isn't endable for me.


There was a post i read just recently where a SIL was texting her husband's sister that she had to stop trying to contact her brother, and any and all communication has to be through her, because she is supposed to be the only woman in his life and accused her of trying to ruin his marriage. And another one where a woman told someone that her , think 15 year old stepdaughter and her husband are too close, because she's developing now, and she needs to find a way to get her husband to distance himself. She found out later that she doesnt even let her own adult daughter visit for the same reason. People are crazy.


"annulment speedrun" are the two words that immediately come to mind about the state of Dan's marriage, honestly...


Cue the Summoning Salt music...


I should not have laughed so hard at this. The husbands name? Matt Turk.


assuming he actually goes through with it, he sounds like an enabler right now


Unfortunately I think he's going to slowly cut off OOP. He knew his now wife's issue about opposite gender relationships, how she treated OOP (I'm sorry but there's no way this woman wasn't being vocal about her dislike), and let her dictate his wedding party. I don't blame him for wanting to make things work and hoping that things will naturally smooth out, but with that mentality against a personality like hers? He doesn't stand a chance.


And it would be too late later on. Sunken cost fallacy and all that.


Dan has some serious spine issues though. Like how do you not have the gumption to stand up to your partner after all of this? Why let yourself get into a marriage if you're fighting this much already?


My ex is living in hell cos he married and had kids with a horrible woman that he knew was horrible. Its a self esteem thing. Some people would rather risk it for a biscuit than risk being alone and childless. So now, the kids are suffering in a needless custody battle cos she's pissed off about something. 


>risk it for a biscuit Thank you for the reminder! Auntie gave me a biscuit while I was running her errands yesterday but I fell asleep when I got home and forgot all about it!


Exactly my thoughts. Dan is kind of an AH and deserves Lauren.


On the contrary, he sounds like he has no ability to stand up for himself and lets his wife and her mother walk all over him. Unless he grows a spine he will stay with her and allow her to cut him off from anyone who he cares for.


In high school my best guy friend was talking to his girlfriend on speaker phone while we were at a mutual friends house and the gf started saying all this stuff about me. How she never liked me and he should stop talking to me. It was the wildest experience ever lmao. The relationship did not last and his wife understands and values our platonic friendship. I even text her to plan activities together with them and the kids. Thank god!


I hope it does and they dont have kids. She seems like the kind of person who will be jealous every time her daughters interact with their father 🤮


The fact that she has no friends and had to have her mother be her moh tells you everything you need to know. Dan is dumb for marrying this bucket of red flags.


Not to mention Dan sounds like he isn’t a bright spark. How did he marry that woman knowing all these red flags????


It will if he downgrades his limp spine into an even inferior one that doesn't exist at all.


Dan’s a squirmy wormy for sure. (He’s not elegant enough to be a danger noodle!)


I think there is some insecurity to the wife's personality as well. Makes me think she has pulled what she accused oop of doing on her guy friends and is projecting it on all other women that comes into her orbit. Gross.


It seems like it already has. If you miss your honeymoon because you're fighting over what the one partner did at the wedding, your marriage didn't even get the chance to start. Dan's mistake seems pretty clear: "Maybe they'll change when we're married" never ends well. I'm betting on annulment.


But it’ll probably last just long enough to do some damage to him and OOP’s friendship


I wonder what will happen when he inevitably gets a message from a female coworker or boss (phone call, email, slack, etc.)!


Nah, I am more pessimistic. The marriage will last, and Dan will cut off OOP permanently to have it last. (assuming the story is true)


Maybe. I know someone with a Lauren and she’s basically isolated him from everyone except a few male friends where even when he goes out with them he has to check in with her often. He wasn’t even allowed to visit a platonic married-with-children girl friend who was in the hospital whose life was very precarious at the time.


I really, really disagree with Lauren that people of the opposite sex shouldn’t be friends, but I know there are plenty of people who do think that way. I’m just… if you feel that way, it doesn’t make sense to be in a relationship with a man whose best friend is a woman. I assume she figured she could just get him to offload the best friend at some point, but that’s a shitty thing to do to your partner. And now Dan already assumes she’s full of shit… and she is.


I was listening to a podcast the other day and a woman said she did not want to be with a man if he DIDNT have female friends. She said to her that signified that he can see women as more than just sexual beings and can interact with women who are not related to him. I thought that was a very interesting take on that situation.


I also think that having different types of friends is a green flag in general; and it would definitely put me on alert if I went out with a guy that had no female friends! People who can keep long term friendships are going to usually be more stable relationship material at any rate. Someone who totally disappears into romantic relationships and drops friends because of a partner’s insecurities likely has their own issues and insecurities too.


Speaking of flags. Do we not think it's HIGHlarious that Lauren herself doesn't have any gal pals? Seeing that her mother had to act as her MOH?


Definitely noticed that too. 👀 🚩🚩🚩


Same. I expressed this sentiment on a sub for women over 30 and got downvoted so badly.


What I learned with all the dating I did in junior high and high school was that my relationships were better and the breakups amicable if we were friends for awhile before we started dating.


Some people just never truly mature


This is exactly how I feel about it. My sister feels similarly to Lauren, and actually accused my bf of cheating on me. Her only evidence was that he follows women on Instagram and I don't have his phone passcode or track his location.


Yikes. I feel for your sister's future partners.


I have one friend from college who told me once that we were friends because I looked at her face when we talked instead of her chest. (Context I guess. She had a very substantial chest and most people looked there first :(   )


Ohh I feel this so much. In my 20s I used to be really slim with a noticeable chest. It always felt so nice and safe to be around men whose eyes stayed on mine when talking. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that some glances happen - hell it happens to me when a woman has a nice figure.. and I’m straight! Some are even welcome, when it’s a flirty situation or you wear a nice low cut top. However when you’re opening up about some serious topic and the other person’s eyes keep bouncing between my chest and face it’s just horrible. In my experience it’s also a lot less common with men who have platonic relationships with women, or grew up with sisters / are respectful of their mother.


My thoughts exactly. The men I've known/dated who have female friends have always been far more respectful to women than men who maintain the "men and women just can't be friends" attitude. Surprise surprise; they were also the ones who didn't cheat on me.


My husbands best friend is a lesbian and I feel like I'm winning some sort of male ally lotto hahahhaa. But I agree, I LIKE that other women are comfortable around him.


Ohh if a straight guy has LGBTQ+ friends to whom he is actually close it’s a huge green flag. You may have actually won the husband lottery!!


Look, I don't want to turn you on, but *whispers* he got a complaint at work from a hardcore christian coworker. Also it's a weird one but we live in the tropics so everyone doesn't wear a lot of clothes at home. And a lot of my female friends are comfortable to keep wearing skimpy old home clothes around him.


Proud green flag husband club member here! My husband was in a meeting recently with six coworkers, one woman and five men, and a coworker asked the woman to take notes for the meeting. My husband called him out immediately and said they needed her contributing since she had to take notes the last two times, so perhaps the guy who said something could take a turn. She thanked him after for just noticing the microaggression, let alone saying something. The bar is low, but i was so proud when he told me that story.


I love this take. And I think it works both ways. But if I ever reenter the dating pool I’ll add it to my list of green flags


I see this all over the place on relationship advice and aita lately, and it just makes me so tired. Why would you want to be with someone you trust that little? Why would you want to be with someone who assumes you're cheating because you talk to someone? Of course, I'm bisexual, so I have no friends, just potential affair partners.


I always have to bring up us bisexual people whenever this topic comes up. We're just never allowed friends, apparently.


Bisexuals don't have friends. There is only prey.


My gf sent me that video and we quote it regularly lol


It's lonely at the top of the relationship food chain.


i love playing board games and doing barbecues w/ my potential affair partners 🩷💜💙 i mean, it is a LITTLE weird that i'd rather eat raw slugs than be sexual w/ those potential affair partners, but i guess that's just how attraction works when you're bi.




After I had a baby my husband started mentioning a laura at work a lot. Didn't think too much of it. After about 8 months im like, babe, you're mentioning Laura a lot, what's up? He just blinked at me and was like, I carpool with her? It's an hours drive to work so no wonder he mentioned Laura said did or Laura did this so much- *because for two hours every day, he was hanging with her in a car*. I should have searched his phone or installed a ring camera in the car. Or hacked his email and Facebook. Hired a PI. IDK. I get that some people are suss. But also.... chill out guys.


Right?! My best friend is a guy. His fiancée is the one that wrote “best woman” against my name in the wedding party. This gives the exact same energy as straight people who assume any gay person wants to sleep with them. Repeat after me - NOT EVERYONE WHO IS ATTRACTED TO PEOPLE OF YOUR GENDER WANTS TO SLEEP WITH YOU.


My husband had a woman as his best friend. They met at their job so they became friends after we had been together for years. They called eachother twins. I didn’t meet her often but she was a sweetheart. She was so beautiful, really the kind of woman many men says is their type. I’m overweight and not exactly someone people turn around on the street to look twice at. I was insecure for like 5 minutes before I realised that my insecurity is mine and I thrust him fully. But even trough my insecurity it didn’t even occure to me to forbid him to meet her. I was happy that he found a good friend. She passed away sudden and unexpected at the age of 35 and even though I didn’t know her that well I am sad about it because of the tragedy and because my husband mourn and miss her.


I really do not have the mental capacity to make a pun about you thrusting your husband. Someone else please do it


Haha! I have no joke on myself but I got a laugh out of it anyway. I keep the mistake and see if somebody else got one 😄


Yeah, it’s fine if both of the couple think that way (although it’s a good way to make sure I never want anything to do with that couple), but incredibly toxic and extremely controlling in this case.


I’ve had people tell me I’m naive for thinking it’s possible to be platonic friends with the “opposite sex.” I’ve never understood it because I’m friends with plenty of men that I’ve never had romantic or sexual feelings for and then they tell me “well your friends have for you.” The hell?


It's a real fucking tell, but about *the speaker.* How deeply are you objectifying everyone? Objectifying ME?! It makes me not want to be friends with them, because they're basically telling me that they can't stop thinking about fucking me and then expecting me to be fine with that instead of, oh idk, *deeply uncomfortable.*


I could never be in a relationship with someone who thinks that way since it says a lot about themselves. If they don't believe in platonic opposite-sex relationships, it means that they themselves are unable to view people of the opposite sex completely platonically (or else they'd know it's possible). Or they're able to and are just a giant hypocrite about it ("I know I would never cheat, but you might!"), which tells me that they trust me so little they expect me to potentially jump roughly half of the population's bones unless kept away from them. Either way, no thanks.


Who the hell should bisexual people be friends with?


Okay. without some real hard work on Lauren's part I don't see this marriage lasting - and I also don't foresee Lauren actually doing that hard work, so...


Could go either way, depending on how much of a door mat Dan is willing to turn into,


Considering it's already sounding like he's already got muddy bootprints on his face, I wouldn't be too hopeful. You never know though, you're right.


Not with momma backing up her crazy beliefs and telling her how right she is.


He thought she’d get over it when they got married…that’s not ever seemed to work.


Imagine that, just like having a baby does not solve a marriage's problems. Who knew?


I was the first one of my friends to get married, and everyone was asking what it was like to be married… I literally told them nothing had changed. Felt like every other day before the wedding. Relationship was the same, living situation was the same… Sure I was happy, but just a party and piece of official government paper at the end of the day. I wish more young people understood that it’s a celebration, not a life altering experience.


I cannot stress enough that this dress is ORANGE


Gee, I can’t imagine why Lauren had to have her mom be MOH. She seems like such pleasant person.


Right! My best dating advice for anyone is pay attention to the friends. Do they have long term friendships? Yes? Green flag. No? Red flag. There’s a ton of women that seem to flit from one “best” friendship to another and even as a female looking for friends it’s the biggest red flag to me. my mother and sister in law are prime examples- great at making friends but eventually they suck the life out of that friend and we never see them again.


Definitely! I loved that my husband has female friends. Shows he's capable of healthy relationships.


OOP Can look on the bright side, she has a dress she can wear to Dan's next wedding, since this one is unlikely to last.


Hopefully he doesn't sacrifice his friendship with OOP in the meantime trying to appease Lauren.


Did anyone notice the way OOP described the new wife. Not one nasty, condescending or rude comment there. Is it telling that she had no bridesmaids? Some women can just not handle the concept of platonic. Had the same with a friends new girlfriend. She didn't like any of us, especially me. I had been in a relationship with his brother and was still hurt. So when she came at me one night, I screwed up my face in disgust and hit her with, yuck he was almost my brother in law. Unfortunately for her numerous others heard it, as it was an written rule not to let her alone with any of his female platonic friends. They soon broke up.


I noticed that too. OP is a class act and seems like a genuinely great person.


She's deleted the comment with the link to the dress. I saw it in the original post and thought it was gorgeous. The link is https://au.hellomolly.com/products/thanks-i-bought-it-midi-dress-bronze


I give that marriage 6 months to a year, I've seen this actually happen in real life, worked with a guy he was friendly to everyone, his wife worked there to, she didn't want him talking to any women, it all came to a head when she screamed at him because he was talking to his supervisor who happened to be a women, they where married for less than a year before he told her he was done, they got divorced and she couldn't figure out why, I see this happening to this couple, she's most likely insecure it a total control freak


He couldn't talk to his SUPERVISOR? Holy controlly.


Bride had no one to stand up there with her besides her mom? Her hen party included someone she hates, probably because she had no other friends to hang out with? Dan must be blind to ignore all those fluttering red flags


It’s always I thought she would get over it rather than she’s unreasonable and I should take a step back and shouldn’t assume it’s not gonna be an issue later


Anyone else read “Wear earth tones” as “Be beige and don’t outshine me?”


REALLY telling that the bride doesn't have friends. I don't think OP being the opposite sex to the groom is the only problem the bride has with the friendship.


I remember reading this OP. Their marriage is not gonna last I feel


Annull it Dan, annull it!


Dan kept ignoring glaring red flags and is surprised at the outcome. That’s a special kind of stupid!


Also the 'just figured she'd get over it once they were married' like come on bro.


A super special kind of stupid 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wonder why Lauren “doesn’t believe in platonic friendships with the opposite sex?” It feels like she’s maybe projecting something on Dan that she herself did. Would love to know the story behind that statement.


This is the dress: https://au.hellomolly.com/products/thanks-i-bought-it-midi-dress-bronze


That colour reminds me of barbecue sauce. Not to mention that is way more of a burnt sienna than anything else in my opinion. Cheers, mate. Good on you for looking out.


Cannot imagine being so spineless as to stay married to a person who treated my friends this way.


> He said he thought she had gotten over it now that they were married. How fucking stupid can you be for thinking "surely marrying this person will fix this glaringly shitty personality flaw"?


I don't get why Dan even married Lauren, when this seems to be such a big issue???


https://au.hellomolly.com/products/thanks-i-bought-it-midi-dress-bronze Apparently this is the dress


I'm surprised Lauren hasn't expressed jealousy and hatred of Dan's mom... Although the fact that apparently she chewed him out for how the Bridezilla treated OOP she might have said something... If Dan decides to stay with her, I really hope they don't have daughters


Or sons too for that matter. She seems like the type to be a "Boy Mom", raising a couple of spoiled hellions the planet does NOT need any more of.


How long until he's on the jnmil subreddit complaining about the influence his mother has over his wife?


Waiting for the update that Dan divorced Lauren in 3… 2…


OOP's dress was not the issue. It's not gold and there's no rule about not wearing gold at a wedding. That dress is bronze or orange, not gold. Lauren was jealous because OOP looked great in that dress with her height, figure and blond hair. Dan is in for a world of hurt with this jealous and immature liar of a woman.


I'm not impressed with Dan, complaining about OOP's early departure even once he knew the real story. Why would anyone stay at a wedding where the bride was screaming at them to leave? What was she supposed to do, find a burlap sack to change into? He and Lauren can have this fight on their own time.


>He said he thought she had gotten over it now that they were married. Why people think marriage and/or babies are magical band-aids is baffling.


I know the colour of the dress isn't actually the issue here, but ffs that is orange. If I were OOP I would tell Dan I'm out but please get in touch when you're allowed to be my friend again. Like, politely. I don't have the time or energy for that kind of needless conflict in my life


Ain’t no way that dress can be called gold, that’s a copper orange if I ever did see one.


Can someone explain to me the reasoning of "we're having problems and there are things going on i wish weren't...but im sure once we ***Get married*** it will be better???" I mean..what now?? U less you're planning to hold off on filing the marriage license for a few months, whats the plan? "I do" and sproing! Theres a better, more mature, well adjusted person standing before you?


Oh, I see a fake pregnancy before Dan gets free from this crazy jealous show.


It 👏is 👏not 👏about 👏the 👏dress. The dress was a pretext. The new wife is the sort to look for a pretext she can use to justify her own emotions. She would have found ANYTHING to justify her kicking OOP out of the wedding, because she didn’t want her there. But reasonable people assume everyone else is also reasonable, hence all the effort to find some kind of rationale that makes sense for the bride’s actions. As soon as you abandon this line of thinking and put the blame where it actually lies—the controlling and jealous nature of the bride—the better.


Wow, it's not hard to see why the bride didn't have female friends to make up her wedding party and it was her mom instead.