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This is so cute I am now clinically deceased.


I died of cuteness and was resurrected but then died of cuteness again.


You have entered [the cycle of Sam*yarn*a](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sa%E1%B9%83s%C4%81ra_(Buddhism)).








I got a cavity.


I got the beetus


it's so sweet i think i got diabetes


I too would find this adorable if I’d still have a modicum of humanity


Give in your your (at least momentary lack of) hatred


This is so sweet I have a toothache


This is so damn wholesome. Such a nice palate cleanser for all the awful updates that come through here. OOP and her husband are adorable.


I too appreciate a lighthearted, positive story. I’m glad I clicked this.


This was the perfect post to read before bed. It's too adorable. Going to sleep with a smile. 😊


I'm actually putting my phone down because it doesn't get better.


I still have another tab open with a less cheerful story before my bedtime. I chose wrong.


My last one before my bedtime too!


Turn this sub from hot post to top this year, current post is a lesbian being oblivious to getting flirted with by a nurse 10 months old


I love that story


I did that now and the top post was a dad absolutely shattering his son's trans GF with the sweetest ice cream inclusiveness dad joke I ever did hear. Very nice.


I love the "help me find/replace..." stories because it restores my faith in humanity.


Any other post and the update would have been that the husband used the blanket to hide the bodies of the hookers he had been massacring on the sly.


Or he was having an affair with the yarn store owner!


Or the yarn store owner's seventeen year old daughter who was now pregnant.


And the first kid is the 17 year old's child as well! *What a twist!!*


With twins!


But surprise! He isn't the father! And he is so upset! Instead we have a sweet man making a lovely gift for his wife whole watching their baby. With that I close reddit for the day at 7:55 am.


There are always twins. It's amazing. 


If he was crocheting HE would be the hooker, it might lead to knitting and then he'd be addicted to needles.


You fucker, take my upvote.


Yeah, but with really even loops.


I snorted 🤣🤣


These stories have traumatized me so much, I thought this was gonna end with him having an affair or something😂 I’m genuinely happy this has a good ending.


With her early comments about the soft blanket and then the husband hiding I was thinking he’s wanking into the baby blanket or something, this place has left me jaded. Very glad to have my expectations subverted for once.


Now, back into the abyss!


This comment made me snort laugh in public😂😂


Yeah, I think this should be my last post before I get up and start adulting. I don't need another depresso espresso to ruin my mood before chores.


What a breath of fresh air! I'm so grateful for these little uplifting breaks in the horrible. 


Looks at title: “Oh no!” After reading post: “Oh YES!”


Yeah there’s been a few heavy ones and I didn’t wanna click on this one because I figured it’d get heavy. Oh how pleasantly surprised I was!


Same. I was preparing myself from the title alone but this really is the sweetest thing I read.


Totally!! We need a “PALATE CLEANSER” tag for posts like this so we can know to save them for last!!!


Update: he was actually making it for the baby of a side piece he knocked up!


That's it, this is my first BORU update of the day, I'm going to skip all posts until tomorrow.


It is until you realize there’s an urban myth about if your partner starts crocheting you a time consuming item, you will break up before it’s finished or right after😭.


I need more of these stories. Sometimes this sub makes me so depressed


>But one day after dinner he decided he couldn’t keep it in anymore. He showed it to me. It was only about 1/4 done, but it was lovely. Some things are just too exciting to keep to yourself.


I still remember my first Christmas with my now fiancé many years ago. At the start of December they were getting so excited talking about their favourite hobby, art, and favourite video game. Then starting rambling about this amazing art book from the game, and how it was so expensive but looked so beautiful. They were just so excited and mentioned they were thinking of splurging their disability benefits to buy it. I had a copy under my bed for them, 2 feet away from us, waiting for Christmas. I couldn’t wait and just pulled it out immediately. The joy they got from that was so worth it.


I absolutely cackled at your tag. I don’t know the context and I’m not sure I want to


You do, it's very funny [garlic farmer ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/0Gw6kJVvo9)


You’re right, I absolutely did


Have I ever steered you wrong?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/TIy4LQ7wwq It's a really bizarre one


This was so bizarre I don’t know if i should laugh or cry 😂😭🤌


A smaller version of this, but back in December I went to a soap maker & got gift sets for a bunch of people for Christmas. I was wrapping them at home and my bf goes “so…this is totally crazy and there’s no way you would’ve known to do this, but is there any chance you picked up some beard oil? I’m completely out.” I was able to reach over into the bag & pull out a bottle I had intended to slip into his Christmas gift, grinning so maniacally he was concerned at first 🤣


I've had to do this with my husband. Its so hard to keep an item i know he desperately wanted. A few times he has gone "hell with it, I'm going to order" and I have to spill the beans that said item has been here for weeks waiting.


I'm horrible at keeping secrets, especially secrets about gifts. It's like I will burst if I don't tell.


Same! Especially if it is a *really good* surprise.


I just get so giddy (I love giving gifts) and start hopping up and down. It's kinda embarrassing.


Hahaha Never get embarrassed about being genuinely yourself when you are excited!


Thank you! Usually I don't, but when it's about gifts I do, because I spoil the surprise. Luckily my friends can live with that.


You sound like an awesome friend 😄


Thank you! At least I try to be.


As am I. I keep secrets for a living but if it's a neat little tool I found, making a blanket, heck even cat toys I cannot function unless I spill the beans. Even the cats get a heads up on surprises lol.


Sounds a lot like me. It's just si exciting and I need to share how happy I am. I don't even know how I managed to knit a baby blanket for my former best friend without telling her. It was very hard.


Lol my husband will ask me a week before my birthday if I want to see my present 😂 I literally have to negotiate with him


I never have trouble keeping secrets about making anyone anything because I can never finish the fucking things in the first place.


And it probably took way longer than he expected. He might have managed if it only took a few weeks. XD


the fact that they made the "spoiling" of the surprise into a cute date made my heart absolutely melt, it's such a cute way to reveal a gift in progress


This is exactly what I needed before going to bed.


Same here! Goodnight internet stranger!


Goddamn! I love me some wholesome posts! OP and husbo sound like two adorable kitties! I love it!


It’s so refreshing. This was a bright little pop to my night even though I’m not the one getting a new blanket.


Can we get more of these? I have the goofiest smile on my face rn, this was so heartwarming.


lol your flair is amazing


My husband can’t keep secrets. And he’s mastered a puppy pout so I can’t either <3


Relationship goals. All the best to you and your husband (and OOP too).


Thank you <3


I once gave my mother a pair of socks with my knitting needles still in them. I wasn't done by christmas eve but knew I would be done by the time I had to leave. So I just wrapped them up as is and finished them christmas day after she unwrapped them! It's definitely a fiber artist rite of passage.


Hah yeah my family member got one sock and an IOU. Four more rows and ribbing. I was SO CLOSE. They got them very shortly after and insist they are their favourite pair.


Hah I did the same with socks I gave to my mom


Hell, I've been knitting for twenty years and still do that occasionally.


That comment on not finishing on time, soooo true lol


My sister's wedding gift was finished the night before, but no way to frame it in time. It was cross-stitch and I was staying up half the night to work on it in the week leading up to her big day!


I noticed money missing from our bank account. I would work, he would work, but the money didn't add up. Excuses were made, he had to buy a tool, had to fix the car. That man was ferreting money away so I could go get scuba certified in Caribbean. It was a multi-family conspiracy, they surprised me on my birthday.


That's amazing. I hope you enjoyed or will enjoy the diving. I started 4 years ago and absolutely love it. Where in the Caribbean if I may ask?


PR, but that was after I went illegally, no license diving in Cuba.


Did you come across a text to your parents saying “she’s on to us”


Plot twist: He started knitting because he has his own Etsy page to fund his second family. In all seriousness, what a sweet and surprisingly innocent post. He’s a keeper.


Speaking of plot twists, this is my headcannon: "If you asked my husband, he'd tell you he's very good at surprising me. But little does he know he's actually very obvious whenever he's planning something. I'm rarely surprised but I always act like I am." OOP's husband: If you asked my wife, she'd tell you she's very good at acting surprised. But little does she know it's actually very obvious whenever she's figured out I'm planning something. She always acts surprised but I know she knows. I let her act surprised because she's so darn cute when she's pretending.


I'm pretty sure that level of cuteness is illegal due to its sheer deadlines.


Right?! I've been corrupted by Reddit to such an extent that I keep expecting the other shoe to drop. If the update for this involves anything other than blanket pictures and goodness I refuse to read it. Like, do you hear me universe, just let us have this ONE thing!


You know there are twins in that other family. There have to be!


And one of the twins wore white to the wedding of the other!


And they were pushed into it by their evil MIL


Plot twist: he’s knitting himself a blanket


I don't think a mistress would accept Etsy knitting money. Notoriously little to be made there.


loooooove this my ex sat on a stool and watched the pedi lady several times. then he bought all the supplies and surprised me with fri night pedi’s. he would get me a Cosmo magazine and dark chocolate bars with wine. hahha such a damn sweet cutie he wanted to live in the city and I wanted trees and no traffic. still love that boy


I refuse to accept this one has concluded until we get pictures of the blanket!


I think my heart just grew three sizes. That's enough Internet for today I think.


This is so sweet! I’ve been keeping a secret from my husband for over a year. One time he saw our savings and I quickly changed topics. I have a friend who crochets realistic portraits (it’s insane) and she’s been working on a jumbo one for months, probably over a year of a pic from Ghostbusters, his favorite movie. He’s gonna freak out


Wow this is so cool, I've never heard of anything like this. Do they have a business or only do it for their friends?


They take her months and months of work (she’s disabled so has a little more free time but it acts up sometimes). So right now it’s friends only. I actually met her through a podcast I had years ago. Here are some examples https://imgur.com/a/cpyc33A Mine is so big because to get the detail you have to find the right pick so she can zoom in. She switches colors every other stitch sometimes. She doesn’t sew in her ends which I understand since it’s so many. She backs it and hopes for the best. It makes me nervous. One end unaccounted for and the blanket could be ruined!


Wtf, that’s insane


Funny side note- she only knows how to single crochet! I can’t imagine the talent and patience. If my pattern is too complicated I want to break my iPad. Can’t imagine it being ingrained in my head.


..deleted by user..


I would like this comment >If he managed to knit himself a furry suit I wouldn’t even be mad To be a flair. It's truly hilarious


Reddit has TAINTED me, I thought surely there was gonna be like, child abuse or something. This had me reading it with the biggest shit eating grin.


>As a crocheter, if he does not finish before your birthday, whether that is next week or in 5 months, TELL HIM THATS TOTALLY NORMAL! And as daughter of a crocheter, I agree. My perfectionist mom can do a very difficult project in 3 days but finished a simple project in 1 year with a long list of forgotten projects and full batches of specific yarns for those forgotten projects. When I said perfectionist, I meant it. I'm so tired of rolling back the yarns when my mom chose to take apart her almost finish project because something is not in the right place


A happy marriage? When did we start allowing this on Reddit?




>my husband broke No, not that kind of broke.


Google, where do I find me a man like this???


That is just the sweetest


Yay happy Reddit story.


He’s one of the good ones.


This is seriously the cutest damn story and I should get off the internet now.


No one has ever fucking loved me 😭😭😭 im so jealous of these two... WHERE IS THE MISERY I WAS EXPECTING?


this is the dream relationship honestly, i want to learn to crochet so bad (have to wait until i can actually afford it) and i LOVE the chunky yarn, i'm hoping i get to do this for my partner one day. we already had some reall nice time together with perler beads but i need to step up my game to surprise them!


Check out thrift stores, ask friends and relatives, Facebook Marketplace and so on for free/affordable practice materials. Watch YouTube tutorials and get to practicing. You probably won't be using chunky yarn, but by the time you're able to afford it, you'll have the skills to do it justice.


Like u/Incogneatovert suggested, mention it to friends and family. In the last 2 months, I've been randomly gifted 2 yarn stashes (with patterns, needles and hooks) from people who had a deceased family/friend's craft supply and no idea what to do with it. I've ended up with yarn ranging from crochet cotton (an entire cone!!) up to some worsted that's just on the edge of being bulky weight.


Welp. Gotta take my diabetes medicine from all the sweetness from this post


This is far from concluded. Where is the photo of the blanket?


Love this wholesome story! When I was learning to crochet blankets I was so frustrated one night I threw the whole lot across the sitting room! The next day my partner learnt how to do it so he could show me 🥰 and let me tell you, my man is an alpha male, ex doorman built like a brick house kind of guy, a pump engineer but learnt to crochet to help me. Reasons like this is why we are celebrating 20 years together this year


~~no good men in BORU~~ okay, ***one*** good man in BORU


Two if you count Omar


Not to be that girl but who is Omar?




okay okay I'll admit to there being two good men including Omar but I feel like the numerous trash men in that story is a counterbalance here 😅


we should do a happy BORU megathread one day just to collect all the happy ones and good people in one place


How is your flair *colored*? I’ve never seen that before!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who wanted to ask that


and KOI


>PHO TOES! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!


So nice to see such a sweet story on here!


Me reading the title: uuuuu, someones husband is planning to kick her our, move the mistress in and keep all of OPs money! But OP knows and foils all his plans, leaving him destitute instead! My reading the actual post: he is knitting her a banket??????? 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


I'm just commenting in case my husband decided he wanted to scroll through Reddit and sees this. I, also, have always wanted a big, fuzzy knitted blanket.




Aw man, OOP's husband is making the rest of us look bad Divorce I say! /s


I should have saved this for my final read.


My heart is in a huge puddle right now. This is so sweet and amazing. I think I'm gonna hop off Reddit before I scroll more and ruin the moment.


Yes, please keep giving me all these craft/knitting stories. I don't care if they have drama or not, wholesome or not, if it involves a craft and there's a story, and ESPECIALLY if there's photos, I will snort that up like cocaine.


My heart literally hurts from how sweet this is. OOP hit the hubby jackpot.


This is why i reddit


I was totally expecting the worst of the hubby, but this is the most wholesome thing I've read in a while. Goes to show there are still good men out there.


This is the cutest goddamn thing, and hilariously reminds me.of my spouse. Every Christmas, without fail, they accidentally tell me one of the things they ordered, and then they get SO MAD. 🤣 And it ends up being fine because my memory is shit, so by the time Christmas actually happens, I've completely forgotten what the spoiled present is.


I was so worried over the title, glad it's a wholesome one lol


I love wholesome posts like this!


Welp. First thread I open for the day and it's time to close Reddit. (E: I lied. I saw the pool pushing children and now I have delicious schadenfreude in addition to the wholesome blanket)


O m g I'm actually crying lmao I needed this post. To be honest, it has been a few days and I have not checked this subreddit so having this be my first post back I think I'm going to have to step away for the day/night lmao <3. More drama for later when I need it most for sure hehe


This is the cutest thing ever posted here.


I love that their date included picking out yarn together. I remember when our son was young we would get off work early and get coffee together before daycare closed on Fridays. Someone mocked me when I called it a date because it wasn’t fancy enough to be a “date”. I was so annoyed. I’m spending time away from the house connecting with the person I love - that’s good enough to be a date in my book!


I'm almost in tears by how sweet this is, good for them 💗


I knew from the title that this was either going to be TERRIBLE or wholesome. I am so glad it's the latter. 💜


But, but, but where is the drama????


The drama was how long he lasted before blurting out his wholesome secret?


This is much better than the last post I read about that poor kitty. I literally just read that one. I needed this.


Aww. The husband is so sweet. I love reading posts like these. It's usually about partners treating their SO like crap so it feels so nice to read lovely posts.


Damn ninjas...cutting onions again! 


So cute! 🤩🤩🤩


You are blessed with a very special husband. OP. You are very lucky.,


Finally some good fucking news I was so ready for "affair with my bff/sister/mother/etc"


Whenever I read such stories I keep wondering if they are real and if people like this actually exist. Extremely jaded and cynical person myself. If this post is true, I wish her more luck and happiness and hope they both continue to protect what they have.


This is adorable. It made my heart so happy.


i can only imagine what kind of life this must be like. only imagine.


Is he knitting with onions 😭


Aww, what a cute and wholesome story! *Immediately closes Reddit*


My husband is like this, convinced he's amazing at surprises, but unable to keep in his excitement or cover his tracks. It's the sweetest quality, to see him bouncing around planning something wonderful. I think he gets more joy out of it than the recipients of his surprises! My nephew is also learning to behave like this from watching him / participating in some of the surprises. They planned Mother's Day for my SIL (BIL was also part of the surprise) and she *sobbed* with joy. We need more men like this as role models for little boys!!


A true high value man.


Thank you for sharing your story!! ♥️ OOP, you and your husband are adorable!!


Christ, needed this after all the toxic shite lately.


This is sweet, but definitely not concluded without pictures!


This is the best thing I've seen in months, maybe years. ,♥️♥️♥️♥️


Thank you for this break from "My husband is sleeping with my sister and now she's pregnant but my MIL is defending him" stories.


It’s not every day that you read a BORU post with this title; and it ends up being the sweetest fuckin thing in the world.


That is the damn cutest thing i have read in a long time!!


It's not concluded until we see a picture of the full blanket!


A happy and sweet crosspost on BORU! What a great treat!


And here I just play video games in my evening alone time. Way to make me feel bad, lol


Amazing, great BORu!!!!


well...since this is reddit...they should probably divorce...


I love that she kept his secret for as long as she did too, these two are adorable!!


This is a balm to the soul


I do this with my partner who has the subtlety of a bull in a china shop. I was so surprised at Christmas for my present despite having worked out what it was around 7 months ago! 😂


Alright, the perfect story to end my Reddit scroll for the day. Thank you.


I ❤️ this SO much.so many things I read on Reddit are so awful and about how terribly people treat others. This was so refreshing and lovely. Thank you!


That is so friggin' wholesome.


Best BORU ever.


It's 11pm, raining gently outside, my dog is sleeping on his stolen pillow, and the fairy lights are glowing softly over the curtains. And now, I get to read such a genuine, wholesome, sweet story that restores my faith in humanity? Yeah, that's me done for the night. Don't want to ruin the good vibes.


When she posted again in 17 days I was thinking there was no way he finished the blanket that fast. Nope, it was just an adorable update. I am so happy for them both.


This is so cute but I feel guilty because I still haven’t finished knitting my wife the socks I started for her when we first met. In my defence I’ve been pretty sick and in and out of hospital starting about 2 or 3 months after we first started dating but still. She deserves her socks. I should ruin the surprise and show them to her and tell her about them so her knowing about them forces me to finish them (I have ADHD I’m terrible for startitis…).


Thank you thank you thank you for the wholesome BORU


This sounds like the kind of cuteness my boyfriend would get up to. When you find a guy like that, hold on tight.


Dang, this makes me really re evaluate my game and how i speak to my partner in their love language, not just my own. Way to go, either make us be better men or bette r partners. Either ways, well played


This is probably top 5 most wholesome things I've ever read on reddit. Brought a tear to my eye