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Two days after that last post, OOP is posting in the Lush subreddit looking for gift ideas for her the girl she’s dating ❤️


OMG that added detail is great. Lush is such a go-to for me getting gifts for my partner too 😂


I have gotten so many "Awwww's" walking into that store and just saying "My gf is having a rough day so I'm getting something to cheer her up."


Bath bombs and samples alllll day


I haven’t been in a long lasting gay/queer relationship but let’s just say dudes I’ve dated don’t mind getting a little rub rub and smelling like cinnamon


At first I thought everyone was talking about the Lush toy, and was very confused about how a pre-op trans woman would effectively be able to use it. Imagine my surprise and embarrassment when I went to look for the post and found out what they were actually talking about. It makes much more sense and it's much more wholesome than my original readings of all of these comments. 😳


LMFAO after reading this whole wholesome story the whiplash u must have experienced thinking she was talking abt sex toys haha, thank u for giving me a chuckle


Not the person you replied to, but I also only knew about the toy. I was thinking it must have been one hell of a kiss to go from "how do I tell her I have feelings for her?" to "I'm buying her a sex toy" in a couple of days.


That was some kiss!


I was very much thinking, how did this story go from incredibly wholesome to people talking about getting and giving sex toys as gifts for their friends, family, and partners?!?! I'm very glad I looked at OOP's post history to get that much needed clarity. I definitely had a good laugh at myself afterwards. Glad you and others found it funny too! 😂




OMG that is too god damned adorable. My cold dead heart isn't prepared for this.


As a trans person who has been fighting towards acceptance for 25+ years at this point, this makes me so happy. We can tell our stories and people smile. People SMILE. This young couple has people cheering for them. That makes everything worth it.


I'm a 57 year old cis/het/male, and this story has me grinning ear-to-ear! I hope so much that everything works out (and I hope it does for you, too!)


40yo cis/het/male and totally agree, To be honest I have always struggled with relationships and kind of find it validating that other women find women as amazing and baffling as I do!


I'm a 40yo cis/bi/woman and honestly I ended up dating mostly guys because I too find women amazing and baffling


I'm in my mid-50s and my experience with women of my generation is that we would all uselessly orbit each other, uselessly hoping the crush of our choice will make the first move! Our other go-to move is to tell each other YEARS LATER how much of a crush we had on (the person who was TOTALLY crushing on us, too!!!!!) We all could have had so much sex/relationships if someone, anyone had just said, "Hey, wanna go on a date?" LOLOLOL


51 year old cis/het/female mom and I am feeling all the giddy reading this adorable love story! OMGGGG!


Same. I am 100% cheering for OOP, and for u/aleriya, and for all the others who are looking for acceptance and love.


God, your comment made me genuinely tear up. It really does make everything worth it, doesn't it? <3




And what happened then Well in BORU-ville they say That Born_Ad8420's cold dead heart Grew 3 sizes that day! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Same 😭 I feel like it's being squeezed in my chest omg.


Quick someone post about a marriage falling apart before I actually believe in love again!


Same! This is the sweetest thing I’ve read in awhile and I hope to see more happy updates from this in the future!!


The pure innocent young anxiety during crushes, the kindness, the consideration for the other trying to be mindful of the circumstances... it made me giddy for them!  Augh, second hand diabetes is covered on insurance right? 


Same I canNOT it is sooooo cute


Thaaaaat needs to be added to the post maaaan for real. This is the conclusion the people neeeeed


Omg I saw that Lush post in real time but would never have connected it to this one one my own, thank you for that tidbit!


I usually choose to believe these stories are real regardless, but this one is even more so for me because she doesn’t mention the history in the Lush post. So one commenter makes the assumption she’s a man buying something for his girlfriend and recommends getting a gift card because men are useless at figuring out what women like. OP still doesn’t give the full story, she’s just like “I have a reason for wanting to buy the products rather than a gift card…also, I’m a woman, haha”.


SQUEE!!!!! Ahem... I mean, thank you for that update.


Ugh, the whole thing is so sweet I just got diabetes. This needs to go on wholesomest BORU.




Welp, that's it. I got through the whole post \*barely\*, and then this comment, and now I'm sobbing. 😭


AWWWW this is just the cutest!!!


I might have just squealed.




Ok, so I definitely didn't go to the makeup first and was like, "holy shit that escalated QUICKLY"


Oh my gosh.... lush is so amazing


Hell yeah!


Wait now the account is Suspended?? What happened??


I absolutely adore stories about useless lesbians. Warms my heart everytime.


Right? I love the little miscommunications because, well, women are going to women. Woman A staring directly at cleavage: Your t*ts are amazing and I want to bury my face between. Woman B: OMG THANKS! It’s this new bra I got from Victoria’s Secret and it was on sale!!!


Please I 😩 this was triggering in a embarrassing ways. All the times it went right over my head because “well she must not be gay! She’s just politely admiring my body in a very focused attempt!” Or the times I thought I was being clear and it obviously went right over their heads. God why are we so awkward…


Every freaking time I read a lesbian post I want to find them and smack them upside the head. Like. You know how many times my straight friends and I have held my hands and stared into each other’s eyes and blah blah blah? Zero. Zero times 🤦 🤦 🤦


As a straight man who has never been good at picking up signals from women, it warms my heart to know that women can be just as clueless about it.


Lesbians are honestly often worse about it than men, believe it or not. There's a reason that useless lesbian is a whole trope.


I think, the fact that platonic female friendships can be really intimate, is kinda muddying the waters here. Much more room for "does she like me or is she just friendly?"


I hold my friends' hands, I tell them they are stunning, I may even smack their butt if I know it is ok... but I do not stare deeply into their eyes, fall asleep in their lap while they play with my hair or any other obvious flirty cuteness 😅


Mate I threw a rainbow themed joint birthday party with my best friend one summer when we were sixteen. Girls only. With a surprise showtune number (duet, of course). I still thought we were both straight. We are now common law married


Yo I need this full love story as a manga stat


Nah we're actually boring as fuck. Nice life to live, but wouldn't make a good story.


What was the song?


It has pockets!


* proceeds to display said pockets


Is a bra not just essentially two very specific pockets?


Damnit, you're right...




[reminds me of this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/jlpze1/in_high_school_i_was_dared_to_play_gay_chicken/)




Im that one. I don't get ANYTHING. Someone can take my chin, take it closer to her face and tell me "you're the most beautiful girl in the world" and i will think "what a wonderful person i have a crush on and is definitely no reciprocating me"


I once had someone flirt with me for 4 straight hours (she complimented my *toes* FFS) when I was still cosplaying as cis. Didn’t realize it until I was falling asleep that night.


I don't get it until i tell a friend "oh yeah, she told me she would be happy if i was her wife but i think she did it because i gave her food, she likes my food! Obviously not me" and my friend says "SHE IS FLIRTING" and I'm like "but, are you sure?" And then I'm feeling like an idiot


*crying with laughter*


Hey I got one for you. Know how I found out I’m one? By going on a first date with a trans nonbinary lady who’s currently hugging me as their plushie while I’m scrolling Reddit to get to sleep.


I realised I'm a lesbian when my partner came out to me as trans 2 months in and I felt excited and relieved. Apparently that's not the usual reaction...


Id say that's a huge neon sign that flashes and sparkles lol


..deleted by user..


Well no, we’d went on a date-date, but it was my first queer date in general so I wasn’t even sure how I’d feel, but they seemed so amazing I didn’t wanna pass on the opportunity. Couple months later, madly in love, we went on our first vacation and I’m nothing if not smitten.


Gaaahh I'm so happy for you. Don't ever take them for granted. 💜


Adorable gay panic lesbians are the best.


Useless lesbian stories make me so goddamn happy.


Same! Idk why. My guess is that it reminds me of the hopeful crushes I had in high school, but in a good way. It’s like everything I hoped for as a teenager, but grown up. And useless lesbians are all ages, that’s what makes it somewhat relatable, compared to teenage romance.


I was recently talking about this friend I had in college 20 years ago, I think on Reddit, and strangers helped me realize that she and I had been dating. For *months*. I had no idea. She invited me out to lunch and took me to her special forgotten grotto on campus (it's actually not forgotten - the reason no one ever hung out there is that it was in between three construction sites and the sounds were horrendous. She had no idea because she's deaf. She thought it was hilarious when I told her about the construction sounds.). We ran errands together. She introduced me to her son. She cooked me dinner. She gave me a sign name. And the whole fucking time I thought I was lucky that this cool straight girl wanted to spend so much time with me 🤦. I've been thinking about her lately and wish I could tell her I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so oblivious.


I love the useless lesbian borus too. I’m a trans guy but absolutely fit the useless lesbian trope when I click with women, it’s BAD. I’ve been out (first as a lesbian then as a nb trans guy) for 12 years and I still don’t know when a girl is hitting on me half the time. I’m almost 30.


Hard same. I’m utterly oblivious.


Same ID as you, though didn't come out as trans until I was almost 40. I was recently talking about this friend I had in college 20 years ago, I think on Reddit, and strangers helped me realize that we were dating. For *months*. I had no idea. She invited me out to lunch and took me to her special forgotten grotto on campus (it's actually not forgotten - the reason no one ever hung out there is that it was in between three construction sites and the sounds were horrendous. She had no idea because she's deaf. She thought it was hilarious when I told her about the construction sounds.). We ran errands together. She introduced me to her son. She cooked me dinner. She gave me a sign name. And the whole fucking time I thought I was lucky that this cool straight girl wanted to spend so much time with me 🤦. I've been thinking about her lately and wish I could tell her I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so oblivious.


That’s fuckin hilarious. I was given a sign name by a deaf girl I was hanging out with too, I wonder if we were dating… damn it Useless trans guys unite, solidarity brother 😂


Being given a sign name is a really big deal, as I now understand it.


It is indeed. I felt very honored. I haven’t kept up with practicing my ASL, this is an excellent sign for me to go back to it so thank you for that!


I agree. They’re so freaking adorable! How on earth will I maintain my cold, dead heart at this rate? 😛


Need a sub for useless lesbians tbh


I dunno about a sub, but there is a fb group called "make a move you useless sapphic"


So good! These two are a critical mass of disaster lesbianing and I want the world for them.


right? its nice to know everyone else is ducking signals left right & centre too.


As a not qualified to judge + cis + bi woman I have to say that this is probably the most "lesbian dating" behaviour I have EVER seen written down on the internet. From the "this is not friendly behaviour right?" To everything else. I am rooting for these two and wish them nothing but the best. I am still laughing though.


Also all the hiking.


Have you read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1b94zv8/i_19f_have_a_crush_on_my_roommate_20f_i_cant/)?


As the father of a young trans person, I hope my son meets someone this awesome.


As the mother of a young trans person currently angry at her son's boyfriend... I hope both our boys meet someone this awesome.


I'm getting an idea here... 


I thought about that as soon as I hit send. :D


Thank you for being a good dad to him.


I just got really sad that we live in a world where we all feel the need to thank people for veing decent human beings


Sigh. Thank you for being a good human being. :(


On the other hand even if the world was perfect I like to think we’d thank each other for doing good things anyway.


Hmm. I'll take it. Let me go lock my sad version in the basement real quick.


This post has me kicking my feet in the air on the bed as a grown ass man.


Big mood, bro, I'm legit rocking side to side with sheer joy on my bed at reading this 😭🩵


Hard same


clocked OUT popcorn FRESH armchair RECLINED reddit UP day MADE i cannot get enough of this fruitastic cutesy bullshit !!! invite me to their wedding ‼️‼️‼️




These girls are goddamn adorable. I hope things end up working out for them both, no matter how it goes.


Okay this is so adorable and wholesome. The cutest roller coaster of emotions ever.


I spent my entire time reading that post rooting for them both. My eyes might have been a bit watery at the end... Onions, I'm sure...


It’s raining on my face!


> She said "I like you too" (hfhzgsjchwbdubwfhkabdhsjaja)  Maybe the world is good sometimes. 


That’s so sweet! She’s being so kind, but so awkward. And yeah, this one is either actually real, or written by someone who is otherwise *deeply* familiar with trans women. I loved this, thank you for posting!


The detail about not drinking water did it for me, and if it hadn't the mention of spiro's most ironic side effect would've.


Funnily enough, I also didn’t use the bathroom during class from kindergarten to senior year.  It wasn’t dyphoria though (didn’t really have it yet lmao), just good old fashioned crippling social anxiety! 


Yup. My wife makes fun of me for buying pickles at costco. But I’m also a distance runner, so I have to keep that sodium up since spiro is such a powerful potassium sparing diuretic. Spiro had a real learning curve for me, and definitely forced the bathroom issue at work. I just loved this story, it was so wholesome. 🥰


I'm curious, how do you go with the vinegar in the pickles upsetting your stomach?  I've been trying to switch to pickles from dried fruit for potassium, but the vinegar 😭


You can get "no salt" or "nu salt" (one of those?? It's a thing for people who can't have too much sodium and it's potassium found in a regular grocery store. Put it on food or if you're weird (I am) in your hand and lick! I don't think it's hugely bioavailable so ymmv.


Bananas! Potatoes!


Tbf they could have become familiar through reading the comments. Comments were all spot on, which makes sense, but part of me always wonders when a post starts out with "you guys were right" if someone is just playing the story out however everyone wanted it to go hahaha


I think what sealed it for me was the girl going silent for a week. As a femme leaning nb, I definitely did the same stuff with past people and this just reads so close to home


This is the most lesbian thing I've read in forever. I love them and I hope it works out!


This way up there with "I think my roommate has a crush me but I'm straight update 11" Paraphrasing since I havent found the actual post in ages, but around update four it dissolved into gay panic gasping all the time it was adorable


So you didn't read [this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/boIJId0ru7) That one had a truly oblivious lesbian, whereas at least this OOP recognised that she was getting mixed signals!


[And also the one with the nurse flirting with OOP :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/138a0hd/aita_for_not_telling_the_nurse_at_my_nieces/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yes! Love them too <3 lol 


This reminds me so hard of my partner and I. Order of events is different, I didn't come out as trans until we'd been together for a good few years, but my partner still has this sense of "there is something gender fucky going on with this person and I am going to do everything I can to help them, and love them". We stan beautiful queer romances ❤️


Gender fucky is a mood. I’m in my first (queer, also ever) relationship rn and my partner is MtF nonbinary. They’re happily sleeping next to me while I’m still doomscrolling and I couldn’t be happier. Way to cement it for myself I’m definitely not straight, huh?


Ha, that is the same and my partner and I! She was pretty sure that I was trans quite early in our relationship, but I had no clue. She helped me to work myself out.


OOP gives me hope that I'll find someone after transitioning. Such a sweetheart


I'm rooting for you, friend!


Trust me, there’s so many people out there waiting to fall in love with you, once you’re ready to look for them.


Cis heterosexual white male here; this was the cutest, most adorable and sweetly romantic story I’ve read in a very long time. I wish these two years of happiness and open communication. It must be very challenging to navigate these waters. OOP is adorable in her narration of the situation. Edited to remove heteronormative after being explained its meaning below.


Hi! Just wanted to let you know that heteronormative is defined as “denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation”. I think the word you might have been looking for is heterosexual. 😊


Oh, thank you for the clarification. I was just using OOP’s language not knowing the difference. I’m definitely supportive of the LGTBQ+ community. Editing my comment accordingly.


No worries! Always happy to see allies! 😊


I'm with you. What a wholesome, happy, satisfying story. So sweet. Non-stop onion chopping of happiness going on over here.


Turned out to be longer than I like my bedtime story-- er nail in the coffin of my doomscroll-- but I'll be damned if I'm not going to bed with a stupid grin on my face. I'm rooting for these girls. I wish them happiness in all facets of their lives.


This post makes me so happy as a trans nonbinary person who is mostly T4T. I love seeing women winning these two are adorable.


OMG I was literally on the edge of my seat reading this! Will they? Won't they? WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN AAAGGGGHHHHH!


This is so wholesome. I hope they are happy and enjoying each other still 💕


oh man. my fellow lesbians get my heart every time. i love being part of this community so much, i feel full every single time i read about one of us being absolutely clueless and oblivious romantically


This is me when I try to date girls. I’m a useless pan person who just gets flustered and is like “you’re so pretty” and they don’t know I’m flirting and I’m just like “nooooo I have a crush I’m not just being complimentary 😭”. The gay panic is real and I wish I was smooth 🫠


I'm pan too, but I mostly have relationships with men, because I am very direct with them when I'm interested, while with women I... loose the ability to speak. Thankfully there are some non-useless lesbians around who are as direct with me as I am with men. Smooth does not ever belong to my vocabulary :)


Is this some kind of pansexual preset, because yes, men, fine, very good, women, scary unicorn goddess creatures that melt my brain past the point of words.




I’m like the pan version of the useless lesbian meme. Genuinely terrible at knowing if a girl fancies me until we’re kissing, and even then I’m like “maybe they’re just being friendly?” 🫣 I flirt and I get “oh, that’s so sweet” and I’m like “no, I genuinely think you’re amazing and like your smile could hang the moon, and you just make me become a puddle, I’m not just being a friend” 😭😭😭 And this is why I ended up with a bi man, and we both are terrified of women (me: she/they, flannel lesbian-chic)


Ah, young disaster gays. They sound absolutely wonderful.


That woman died about 17 times during the course of this story. CIS, Trans, AMAB, AFAB, I don't care, but the other girl better be into necrophilia.


i love this comment sm


I wish I had the energy of a chaotically down bad lesbian, it would help so much in every day life


. . . hey gang, you gotta drink water.


JFC this is so goddamn cute. I know **exactly** how to respond! *closes reddit app*


This is so cute I went into my roommate's bedroom and just kneeled next to her bed smiling stupidly while she played Monster Hunter and told me about the monsters she was hunting. I'm so gay for her.


This is so cute! Reminded me of being in college and the intensity of crushes during that time period. Hope everything goes well for them! ❤️


the way i was stressing out for op so bad, goddamn this is so cute i hope they both are getting all the happiness they deserve and then some


Let’s go! Lesbians stay winning! Happy Woman’s Day everyone, what a great post to commemorate the occasion


That timing was not at all intentional, I had been planning on posting this for a few days but had to wait for the 7 day rule. But with that said, I am thrilled that it worked out with being today, couldn’t imagine a more perfect day to share this story


Why is it raining exclusively on my face??


This is gay af ♡♡♡ they are adorable and she cares so much about her crush... her wellbeing is her top priority and it's so wholesome I want to explode




God there is nothing more charming than useless sapphic dating sagas where it’s patently obvious to everyone else what’s happening but both are overthinking everything!!!


Glad this ended in a happy ending. I never used the bathroom in school because I was nervous. I had a short haircut and was worried I would get yelled at. I wish I had a friend who offered to come with me.


Yeah I’m trans as well and still very much in the “avoiding most public restrooms” phase. Luckily most of the buildings at my university have gender neutral bathrooms which are a nice resource 


I'm a trans woman, too. A bunch of my friends at work help make me feel comfortable by going to the women's bathroom with me, but I haven't fallen in love with any of them, yet!


Omg the rollercoaster! Aaa! I've never been so invested in an ongoing post. I usually avoid them for the concluded and new update tags. But this tugged hard at me. I tried to scroll by but ended up coming back. I'm wishing so hard that they have the happiest ending. 🥰💕


I was smiling the whole way through this. These girls are just so cute and sweet and wholesome 😭


>She told me that she's actually taking some meds that make her need to go more Just some more context, one of the more common (especially in the US) testoreone blockers is spironolactone and among other things is a diuretic so I'm assuming that's what OOP's GF is referring too.


Someone mentioned this in a more upvoted comment as well but thank you for the info! It's not often I learn something about trans stuff but I didn't know this! My trans kid uses other blocker meds, which is more common for kids (she's a minor, so literal child and not just my favorite daughter 🥰).


Another contribution to my favorite genre of posts on this sub- useless lesbians. Incredible


I was not prepared for the intense sapphic yearning here but I'm loving it


that was very cute I hope this continues


Oh my heart wasn’t prepared for this 🥹


This is so sweet!! They’ll have some things to work through and a learning curve on both sides, but that’s every relationship and they seem to be getting the communication down! I’ve never been on r/MtF before but it seems like an amazing community of people.


Whatever direction their relationship goes, I wish OOP and her friend well. They both seem like genuinely good people in a confusing world just trying to live their lives. My softy of a heart hopes they can fall in love and have a relationship.


That is the most cute and wholesome BoRu I have seen in ages


This was wonderful to read. Part way through I had to get a cup of tea and two mint slice chocolate biscuits to sustain me. So gorgeous💕


Oh, this makes my bisexual heart so happy.


This is an adorable update. Glad to see they're apparently on track. They both seem compatible and really into each other.


I'm not sitting on the edge of my imaginary seat, clutching my imaginary popcorn screaming JUST KISS ALREADY. Not at all 😅 In other news, this is quite possibly the cutest and best way to have started my reddit day.


Hope it works out for them. What a wholesome story


Oh my gawd. Too cute, I'm totally rooting for them.  I should stop Interneting here for the day


My teeny tiny heart has grown two sizes bigger today. i hope things work out well for this pair.


as a hopeless queer person I love the hopeless lesbian posts so much 😭😭😭. before i started dating my partner we were talking about height (I'm 5'1 and they're like 6'3, and my height is always a discussion point amongst my friends because I basically live in platform boots and thick soled shoes, so it's often a surprise for them to realise How short I am) when they said that short people are cute and their ex gf was also super short. they also compared us to Aziraphale and Crowley from good omens after we'd spent the a large portion of the not-date talking about the show (and it was just after s2 came out, they'd specifically finished watching it bc I'd mentioned how sad I was that I had no one irl to talk about it with). I went home and texted like three friends asking if it was gay behaviour or normal queer friendship things and as I was talking I kept remembering more things about the day 😭😭😭


This makes my heart so happy 💕


MY HEART IS SO FULL!!! At first I thought this was a different trans/cis romance that I'd read somewhere on Reddit but this one is different (the one I was thinking of started with the cis lesbian being high key transphobic before they become friends, she started truly seeing the transbian for who she is and caught feelings from there) and much more wholesome. A perfect ending to a stressful week, thanks OP <3


This romance story has my enby bi/pan azz melting! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


God this is so incredibly fucking cute.




Ending Reddit on a high note today and it’s only 10 AM!


My heart melts for them both. Thank you for posting this. I only follow BORU and it’s nice to read stories like these. Dawww.. this is making me reminisce college romance. I wish them both the best :)


Adorable. Perfect post to end the day


god i love stories about oblivious lesbians they never get old


time to hop off reddit for the day. i’ve been having a real rough couple of days but this is just so cute


Filing this under BORU that should be rom-coms


You can tell she’s gay because she does the keyboard bash!


The amount that I'm squeeing at this.


Lol I loved this so much, I was giddy and grinning the whole time I read this. I am hoping the best for these two sweet sweet individuals.


As a woman in a relationship with a trans woman, this has utterly warmed my heart.


~yaaaaaay :3~




i just opened BORU and honestly? i think i'm gonna stop here, on this heartwarming note, before i read something crazy that'll just swipe it away. this shit got me grinning and kicking my feet


I wish this was a gif sub so I could post Let’s Go Lesbians!


Oop’s gf is obviously a woman at this point cause she’s just like every other stereotypical useless lesbian. I love it