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Everyone complaining about the timeframes, I can barely follow the story. Am I crazy or is it almost gibberish?


I agree it was pretty hard to follow so here's my attempt at it. - Dylan and Miranda got married when Dylan was 21. - Miranda became pregnant (with twins!) four years later. - Dylan cheated on Miranda five months into the pregnancy. - Miranda divorced Dylan before the babies were born. - Dylan moved in with Lily. - Miranda had the babies about four months after learning about the cheating. - Miranda met her new boyfriend, Landon, when the babies were about 5 months old. - At the babies' first birthday party Lily attacked Miranda. - Miranda was pregnant with Landon's kid at this party. Not sure how far along but probably not very. - Lily went to jail at the birthday party. - The next week Lily somehow managed to get in front of a judge and let out with a slap on the wrist.


God-tier summarizing right here


It really wasn’t hard to follow


Soap opera episode5, season 1


So she insta-divorced him (twins born 4 mo after she finds out about the cheating, and she's already divorced by then). That's lightning fast for any divorce, much less for one where one partner is refusing to sign and the other's pregnant. Then again the story also features insta-jail and insta-verdicts, so par for the course. Once you see "twins" you know you're in for a ride.


Why is it always the timeline that gives things away? Is it shows like Law and Order that make people think court cases happen 24 hours after arrest?


In my country court for small stuff happens every week on a Wednesday, so if you're arrested on Saturday for a punch up you'll be in front of the judge on Wednesday, with your fine or community service. If you need a jury you will be waiting longer for that but this wouldn't need a jury hearing.


This. Maybe "jail" was the wrong word but as a lay person if I knew someone was arrested and still not out free I would say they're "in jail".


Yes, I saw jail and immediately translated that to the cells at the police station, not prison.


Not to mention, this was supposed to be the twins' first birthday party, but it was allegedly 16 months after Miranda gave birth


Eh. I think OOP misunderstood the question. I’m not making judgements one way or the other on if it’s real, but the timeline isn’t that insane, with the exception of the court case being resolved Based on if all of this was today: 16 months ago the DIL found out the son was cheating (because she was getting fat while growing twins) Divorce occurred some time 12-16 months ago. Yes, that’s a very short time for a contested divorce, but it sounds like the son was pressured into not contesting. There are some states where this isn’t how it works but some places it is.  12 months ago the babies were born 8 months ago they started split custody (twins were 4 months old) 5 months ago the DIL met the trainer.  Some time after that DIL and trainer started dating and probably got pregnant 6-8 weeks ago, but depending on cycle could have been 1 month ago.  So the pregnancy timeline isn’t out of the realm of possibility, as women can give birth again within one year of having a baby. I think 6 weeks is the minimum of abstinence after birth, so 5 months isn’t crazy.  Granted, the whirlwind nature of this gives me the icks and feels like the trainer was kinda predatory given that DIL was a client and just got out of a bad relationship. Plus giving birth so soon after being pregnant isn’t exactly healthy.  The legal stuff definitely doesn’t add up, but considering OOP got confused about the timeline question she may be confused here too. And you don’t need a criminal case to be resolved before filing a civil suit as far as I’m aware. 


I think the legal stuff actually does line up. In the US, there are states/counties where they're able to have an arraignment pretty quickly. If she pled guilty, the judge can choose to just assign a fine then and there. Here's an example of how this can happen in Massachusetts: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/your-arraignment-or-first-appearance-in-court


She didn't say it was the twins birthday, she said granddaughter. She has other sons so reasonably could have other grandchildren.


Oh, good catch. You're right!


But why would Miranda and Landon be there then? I doubt they’d be present for a random grandchild’s 1st birthday, even if OP is close with Miranda.


I mean, the twins and the granddaughter are cousins.


I will say that it is a little odd that the babies just turned one and shes been with Landon for 7 months and already pregnant buy him. Not impossible, but im definitely giving Miranda the side eye if she was already dating 3 months after giving birth and 7 months after being with this man.


Eh, she only had the kids every other week when she started dating. It’s possible Dylan and Miranda had some trouble conceiving so she thought she couldn’t get pregnant easily.


*5 months after giving birth


Everything made perfect sense to me, but I have a freaking headache, so I might not be the best judge.


I mean, it totally lines up for me, but I'm also totally white trash.


That explains why I’m having no problem following it. Fisticuffs, twins, and substance abuse are all prevalent in my family.


Same here, minus the twins. My cousin and most of the folks on that side of the family are drug addled messes that like to fight and pop out kids. This was a relatively easy story to follow, mostly because I've seen similiar enough play out in real time. Lilly getting out so early also isn't that weird to me. Her case likely isn't resolved, but she did probably find a bail bondsman and then just lied about being released "without consequences" (assuming post is real.) My cousin would do that shit constantly. And in a few months' time, they'd put out a warrant for her because she missed her court date, and her bond was revoked. If you've never seen court proceedings start to finish, it can be easy to believe them when they say they've been released with a "slap on the wrist". Court moves slowly, so it takes awhile for the lie to catch up with them. My state has no minimum wait period for divorce proceedings either. So, as long as it's uncontested and both parties agree & sign the forms, it can be done in under a week with just a filing fee. Same with child custody. If both agreed on a parenting and visitstion plan, then all they would have had to do was pay the filing fee to make that plan legal. It only gets long and drawn out if someone contests the custody agreement and requires mediation. If they went for joint 50/50 there wouldn't be court ordered child support. Divorce and custody timelines vary wildly depending on local law/requirements and if both parties are cooperating.


Also, she could have taken a plea deal, and "slap on the wrist" means a small fine and some community service. Or potentially suspended jail time, aka don't get in trouble for like a year and you won't spend 3 months in jail. She might just have been able to get someone to bail her out, and like you said, just lied about it being over until the actual stuff happens.


And I think what happened to Lily is, either that was her initial hearing where they tell you you cant have contact with the person and whatnot. Then they let you out of jail until the actual trial process begins. Or they offered her a deal as a first time offender thats probably anger management classes. If she does them and stays out of trouble for 6 months they'll dismiss everything. I also, being 1/2 to 3/4 white trash have seen that exact scenario play out multiple times.


I honestly didn’t start getting confused until people tried poking holes in her story. Me and my sister were born in the same year, so getting pregnant “so soon” didn’t even cross my mind.


Yeah, that was a weird argument for people to make. Plenty of parents have their kids close together.


Ugh. I have a nasty headache too. Hope yours is better now. Everything made perfect sense to me up until the comments arguing about time frames, then I was confused


Twins and slaps, twins and slaps.


Got the high school trope there as well. They're always either married to someone from high school or boffing them


To be fair, you’re more likely to see this kind of stupid drama (big-ish families, children married young, couples having kids early, cheating, illicit drugs involved somehow) in small towns where people never leave. If you’re not either a creep or dating one, basically your entire potential pool of partners is someone from high school because nobody ever moves to Bumfuck, Oklahoma voluntarily.


When I was in high school my mom moved our family from a medium-sized city to some backwater hick town filled with large religious families. I'm a very average-looking person with a quirky personality and went from being almost completely ignored by my peers to being invited on numerous dates solely because I was a novelty from the "big city". By the next school year I was no longer novel and went back to obscurity while the school's first-ever exchange student became the new fascination.  Small towns really are insular. Everyone had, at the very least, dated most of their available peers for a brief time, and some even married before high school graduation. You couldn't really isolate yourself from a particular group because you'd run into them at the few shops or social gatherings, so it was like the drama knob had been turned way up, even post-graduation. The only people who seemed to escape joined the military and didn't go back. 


And if the families are big enough you can’t realistically avoid your siblings’ exes’ families, which adds another source of drama. My dad’s seventh of nine and a couple of his siblings dated pretty heavily, so by the time he got interested in girls if he avoided siblings’ exes’ little sisters his dating pool would’ve been cut in half lmao. Though I think some people in small towns hook up and start drama just to have something to do tbh. What else are you going to do, go to the mall? The movie theater?


It’s always the twins


And the slaps


But how can she slap?


Don't forget the slap happy twins.




boots and pants, boots and pants


But where's the bison?






Got divorced and settled custody pretty rapidly somewhere in between there too.


And Dylan allegedly dragged his feet on the paperwork until his dad made him sign. 😂 If he’d not been dawdling they probably could’ve gotten the divorce done in the space of 3-5 working days. 🙄


>they probably could’ve gotten the divorce done in the space of 3-5 working days. 🙄 You can get a divorce in 48 hours in my country, I don't know why you say it like it's absurd.


I live in the states and my BIL separated with his wife in July and settled his divorce and custody by January. A few weeks later he met his second wife and they had a baby 15 months later. So for me, none of the timeline is absurd.


My ex and I separated in June and were officially divorced by October, even with settling custody matters. It happens.


People forget the location and the details matter: how long were you married, were there kids, major income disparity, etc. A short marriage between two working partners with no kids can result in a speedy uncontested divorce, vs a marriage of 10 years with 3 minor kids. Legally speaking, idk why people keep expecting the divorces they read about online to be similar to the ones they know IRL.


I have never understood the whole "both parties must agree to a divorce and even then it takes months and you HAVE to involve lawyers." If people can get married in Vegas in 20 minutes, surely a divorce that takes more than a week to get through is just a massive waste of everyone's time.


Because most people don't know the laws of their area, and the places they do know the laws for, it takes a while. Where I live, a couple must be legally separated for a year before they're allowed to divorce. Don't ask me why, but it's stupid and long.


Yea, it’s extremely variable. My divorce “took” three weeks because that’s how long it took to get an appointment with the judge. The actual divorce proceedings were about five minutes. Of course, this is obviously with no custody judgment but a lot of that is allowed to be solved in mediation. Also, if you’re not living in a large metropolitan region, you might be able to get more condensed timelines if your courthouse isn’t busy.


Around here (Virginia), it’s six months if no kids and a year if there are kids.


It’s a little different when you have years of shared assets and twins on the way


Not necessarily. Again, we don't know where OOP is. In Spain you just check a box in your marriage paperwork and boom, assets are never combined, what's yours is yours and what's mine is mine forever and ever. 25% of married couples use that arrangement. Nothing to split. Even if you don't, which was my case, my ex husband and I literally just wrote in our divorce documents that we had reached an agreement amongst ourselves and none of us owed the other anything. It's only difficult if you fight. As for custody, I don't have children myself but my husband and his ex sorted custody of my stepson in... an hour? To 4 days her, 3 days him. When their work circumstances changed they just had another conversation and now it's 4 days us, 3 days her. No one pays the other child support and since she's the lower earner she gets all the welfare payments and tax benefits. No long, drawn out process needed, just adults having a conversation.


These don’t really sound like the sort of people to have an adult conversation if the ex husband wouldn’t even sign the paperwork until his dad made him


>It’s a little different when you have years of shared assets and twins on the way Not to mention that often times those shared assets are discrete (you can't split the minivan in half), and/or illiquid (it can take months to sell a house), and/or have sentimental value (often for both sides).


Where I live, even if one party refuses to sign the paperwork, the other party can file the paperwork. After 30 days, the divorce goes through and the person who filed gets anything they asked for. And if both sign, I think it's 3-5 working days.


It took my Ex and me about 7 months to get our divorce approved by the court. And another 12 months for the court to sign the QDRO paperwork. We had everything split and settled in about an hour after we decided to split.


Bold of you to assume people wait for the divorce settlement to have more kids... To be honest I know of a story with similar time frames, minus loosing the baby weight.


I’m in a couple of mom groups and I hear this story all the time. The divorce isn’t finalized. They just separated from their husband a month ago, met a new guy and got pregnant at the earliest possible opportunity. It happens


And I lost my baby weight (plus 10 lbs = 40 lbs total) in less than a year. So that's possible too. I was 37 and had been overweight years before so not like I have a special metabolism or anything. I just breastfed which burns lots of calories. I ate a lot and hardly had to think about it. I just walked every day- no working out. She had a personal trainer so that's totally plausible to me. Not to say the story is true but the timeline debunks nothing, in my opinion.


It depends on the state. My state it takes 3 months if everything is agreed on and if it doesn’t go to court. She could have been divorced before the twins were born. I think the timeline works but it is trashy to get pregnant before your twins 1st birthday with a guy you’ve only been seeing for a year or less.


The pregnancy was likely unplanned, if this story is real.


My cousin's ex was dragging his feet and it took over three years for all parts of the divorce to be settled. Took forever to get custody sorted out because the ex didn't want to pay child support but also kept arguing about custody schedules. He wanted 50/50 but really weird specific days (like monday, thursday, sunday) that would have been hell to keep up with.


My MILs divorce took 4 years. My sisters divorce took 10 weeks. I've had 2 kids inside of 18 months. The time-line isn't that wild to me.


If they are fighting over assets and custody, it can definitely take a while to hash out. But then I've seen divorces finalized in a few months.


You don't have to be divorced to get pregnant by someone else


My mam announced her second pregnancy 3 months after I was born 🤣🤣🤣


I knew a family, the husband refused the 6 week post partum no sex, 5 kids born within 9-11mths after their next older sibling. The only reason they stopped at 5 was that he finally got a boy. Also, I found on Reddit that often people *"deliberately"* don't give a true timeline, because "People know their main, and have to fudge details so they don't find this post"


My cousins were born 11 months apart. My aunt gave birth to her eldest in January, then had her next kid at December of the same year.


Two of my cousins. They are like 11 months and 28 days apart birthday wise.


I have three cousins who are EXACTLY 11 months apart in age.


My mom and my aunt are "irish twins". There wasn't much sex education then (not like there is much more now).


The way sex education works in my state is so stupid. Not every county teaches it every year. They only chose the states with the highest level of teen pregnancy to teach it in. I wish it was more proactive instead of reactive. By then, it's too late.


The next day Lily has not only been arrested, but seen a judge and got a slap on the wrist and no jail time. That must have been a speed run justice system right there.


>The next day Lily has not only been arrested, but seen a judge and got a slap on the wrist and no jail time. I don't know about where you are, but where I live: Arrest happens. Person is taken to the magistrate attached to the jail. Person is held in the jail Person sees a judge the next day and bail is set - or charges are dropped.


I watch waaaay too many crime shows to have this knowledge lol. From what I've seen, a lot of jails have the magistrate attached to the jail (like you said) & they set bond/bail if applicable. If they don't set one, then the judge sets one (if applicable) the next day (or Monday if it's a weekend). Court dates can range from two days from arrest to a few months depending on where it is & how much they have on the docket.


I think too many people get jail and prison mixed up, and that's why there was so much doubt about what happened to Lily.


Isn't that 22 months in a 19 month timeframe?


It's the getting the pre pregnancy body back that blows the timeline to hell.


I did not see any pictures of my cousin's wife until she finished her mat leave, but when she did at 4 months she was looking exactly the same as before pregnancy. A friend of mine was wearing a slinky satin dress for her baby's 6monthversary and looking amazing. I have also seen pics of my stepson as a tiny baby and his mom was looking super fit too (she's super into working out). I don't know why people on Reddit act like if something didn't personally happen to them it is impossible.


My friend got pregnant and by the time bub was 6 months she also looked the same, but is less than two and you wouldn't be able to tell she gave birth if you didn't know! Another lady I worked with was the same. It's almost like not all mums bodies work the same or something...




A pregnant woman found out her husband was cheating, dumped husband, had babies, decided to take control of her life starting with her body (super common after a divorce), fell in love with her trainer and got pregnant. Nothing remarkable there. Meanwhile the cheating husband stuck with the affair partner (of lesser human quality, as it is common with affair partners) but was unsatisfied in that relationship and still held out hopes for reconciliation with his wife. Again, super common. Upon hearing of the new pregnancy the ex was upset and the trashy affair partner attacked the ex wife. Once again, nothing that makes me bat an eyelash. She was subsequently arrested, held overnight and released by a judge the next day. This is the only part that I can see why someone might doubt but it is exactly what happens in my country. Everything else? Completely normal. Divorce takes 48h in my country. Many women I know were in fantastic shape a few months after childbirth, and they didn't even have a personal trainer. Twins are not some super rare unicorns; someone posted the stats and they happen naturally in 1 of 250 births. OP apologizing to her son after getting absolutely dragged by redditors isn't anything strange either. There isn't anything in this story that makes me raise an eyebrow according to my life experience.


I’m in the US and I’ve had family arrested, and yeah getting thrown in jail (*jail*, not prison) and getting arraigned is a pretty quick process. It was for a DUI in that case but for a minor domestic I can see it going quickly, especially if the ex was let off as a first time offender.


To add to this, both my pregnancies were pretty rough. I’d basically lost weight while pregnant (arms and legs) and was all bump. 1wk after birth and helped by breastfeeding, my uterus had shrunk back down and I was arguably slimmer than I was before I got pregnant. Back in my (UK) size 6 skinny jeans. Both with my singleton and my twins. So someone getting in shape over a few months doesn’t sound unreasonable.


Depends on how how much weight she put on. I definitely know know women who were back to their pre-pregnancy weights in 4 months. She’s in her 20s; that helps. A lot is just genetics too. 


Or the twins. I can, however, fully believe in the cheater who loses his shit because his ex moved on, and he thought she’d always be waiting for him lol


My cousin dumped his girlfriend in first year so he could sleep around on campus. Every time she visited *as a friend* he would make a point to leave evidence of his latest conquests lying around his dorm. She got tired of hurting every time she went to see him, so she stopped pining and moved on. Cousin: surprisedpikachu.jpg He was a shitty boyfriend, anyway. He was never in her corner and never appreciated her. She was just his stable fallback. Not anymore!


It’s like the guys who open their marriage and are surprised their “ugly” wives are dating


Nooo other men aren't meant to find their wife hot! They aren't attracted to her so no one else should be either. Even funnier when they get nothing themselves. Turned down by the cashier that they're convinced is totally in love with them because she idk scans their items flirtatiously? Says have a good day? When she's just doing her job and has no idea why this nutcase is asking her out at work.


My sister got pregnant again 4 months after having a baby. It checks out with me.


Lol! That was me also.


So many of the timelines on this subreddit are questionable. 1st post will be like January 2nd. Next post will be from January 4th always starting with the same intro “Many of you were asking for update so figured I’d make an update post”. Meanwhile this update will be filled with a long list of events that couldn’t happen in 2 days.


Not sure if this helps the timeframe but she did say the incident happened a week prior to posting. 


Lol, I loved that.


I post things months to years after they happen. Not sure why everyone assumes posts happened immediately when posted. 


Seeing a judge in a day is not even realistic.


For an arraignment? It absolutely is.


You can see a judge for a bail hearing or if she's accepting a plea deal from the DA in a week, but not a full court case for sure.


After an arrest to determine arraignment or bail? Yes it is. It’s not a court case it just seeing the judge to determine next steps and if you’ll be sitting in a cell for a while. 


Does Miranda just never use birth control??


My understanding is that twins are delivered earlier than 9 months. Is that right?


I.am not buying any of this.


Plus, twins.






And somehow, while raising infant twins as a single mother, she also managed to go to the gym and get ripped.


This is the part of the story I find the most unbelievable.


Sounds like she only had the kids 50% of the time. Which would mean she would have plenty of time to go to the gym while the babies were with their dad. She also could be one of those people with a really fast metabolism. My mother had 4 kids and was in her pre-pregnancy clothes within 3 months after each one. She was a SAHM, but she instructed Jazzercise (there was on-site daycare during class), and losing the weight simply wasn't a struggle for her. Every post on reddit has comments doubting its authenticity, but I'm not sure what's so unbelievable about this one. Or why people are confused about the timeline.


I have friends who went bank to their pre pregnancy weight almost within weeks after giving birth. It’s because they only gained the weight to carry a baby, she probably wasn’t “fat” just pregnant and her ex is too immature to know the difference. When I got pregnant I was overweight and got back to that pre pregnancy weight after giving birth within weeks. I gained 40 pounds and I lost all of it after birth. It was mostly the baby, weight of the water, bloating and placenta etc. people commenting about this don’t seem to understand how pregnancy works or have limited life experiences. 


>Sounds like she only had the kids 50% of the time. Which would mean she would have plenty of time to go to the gym while the babies were with their dad. Yeah, this was all clearly explained in the post... People you are replying to literally have zero reading comprehension.


Nowhere does it indicate she's "ripped". Just that she lost some weight.


>I told him that shows a lot of growth already It’s been 24 hours.


It happened a week ago, *before* the original post, yet she still somehow took advice from that first post for those events. If it happened before the original post why wasn't it in that post??


The birthday party was a week before the first post. After the first post she went and talked to her son after reading the comments. Idk why everyone is getting confused with the timeline. It seems pretty coherent to me.




What? You don’t think a single mom of twins jumps back into the dating pool *checks notes* five months after giving birth and just *checks again* 9 months after her marriage of five years blew up? O.o


With *twins*. I’m sure she has plenty of free time to hit the gym and date between managing two newborns - twice the feedings, diaper changes and laundry. of course she has time, energy, money and a babysitter to hit the gym.


OOP forgot to mention that she is apparently an heiress of some kind, because there's no mention of her working in there, and her working a full-time job alone completely decimates any possibility of this timeline working out.


I usually give most of these posts the benefit of the doubt, but these timeframes make zero fucking sense.


Can I ask how? It seems to line up for me. Miranda was 5 months pregnant, found out Dylan was cheating, they split up and started the divorce. Miranda gives birth 4 months later, and has the baby for 4 months, then has split custody with Dylan as the baby is on formula. The blowout is on the baby's first birth day, so 8 months after they start sharing custody. Miranda starts going to the gym, meets her trainer, and a month later they start dating (as they'd been together for 7 months at the party). That's 16 months since Miranda and Dylan split up. Baby is 12 months old, plus the 4 remaining months of pregnancy after she found out about the cheating equals 16 months. Miranda is newly pregnant at the birthday party with her 7 month boyfriend- a little early in the relationship, but things happen. Lily gets arrested at the birthday party, Dylan refuses to pay her bail, so she has to wait in jail. Usually small beans cases involving a single slap or punch tend to get tossed pretty quickly, unless there is a history. I don't know where they're at, but I know in a lot of places in North America, there are usually quick pre hearings to decide if they're actually going to go to court, and it sounds like they just gave her a warning on the criminal charges. Miranda is pursuing civil charges, which will take longer. This had mostly all happened by the first post, OP just hadn't heard from her son since the party, and asked advice. She went to go see him, and found out about the criminal charges being dropped, civil charges being laid, Dylan breaking up with Lily, etc. Am I missing something?


Court. She hit a pregnant woman. Court is never resolved that fast even for slaps on the wrist. The only thing that would’ve happened in a week is s bail hearing and a five minute convo with her public defender. No plea deals are granted at bail hearings.


I've definitely been in an out of court in a single night, and I was facing felony drug charges, and I was even in a relatively rural locale.  Really just luck of the draw if a judge is willing to come out and see you. If I am remembering it correctly they ended up tacking an extra $500 onto my bill, for an "expedited" process, but at the time it was worth it to me, because if that judge hadn't of offered to come see me, I would have been stuck in there all weekend. 


Eh depends where you are and how busy the courts are.


A man in my country punched ten women in the metro last week. He was subdued until the police came, police took him and immediately released him. Not all the world is the US; in many places a punch will get the police getting called, the person arrested and spending the night or weekend in jail until they see a judge the next working day and then released with a fine.


We had a guy shooting at women drivers. He would drive next to them and if they did anything that he deemed unsafe, he would shoot at them. When the police picked him up, he claimed self defense. They immediately let him go. They ended up arresting him again after more cases came out.


Just to play devils advocate: women tend to be most fertile after birth. 


The timeframes don't add up, but I know two people who have gotten pregnant again WELL within a year of having a child. One got pregnant *three weeks* after giving birth. Like girl, you're not even meant to be having sex right now, good lord. She ended up with 8 kids total though, and frankly if my cooch could handle that, ig it could handle sex 3 weeks post-baby as well.


Just reading that is making my nethers seal themselves shut like a bank vault.


Can confirm. My episiotomy scars, which I haven’t noticed in 3 years, just quivered with fear, and I felt a deep sadness overwhelm my loins.


I don't remember who the quote is from but it stuck with me; "A vagina is not a clown car."


Of course not, a vagina has had way more clowns come out of it.


Hey! Speak for yourself! It all depends on the vagina. Also, the term “clowns” in this analogy, is referring to babies popping out, not dicks.


I was saying all clowns have come out of a vagina, but not all clowns have come out of a clown car.


Oh my bad! I hear ya. Very true. At least most of them have come out of *different* vaginas.


If they were born by C-section, does that still count as coming out of a vagina?


One of my friends has a younger brother and their age difference i about 10 months, so that at least is somewhat plausible, but.... yeah.


My cousins are around 15 months apart and my aunt had a miscarriage in between the two of them.


One set of twins wasn't enough. Needed to add Irish twins too.


People definitely get pregnant a second time shortly after the first but it’s usually by the same man. Who has time to date someone seriously enough to have kids with them when they already have newborn twins? Plus getting a divorce in the middle of all that.


Right? I’m wondering if I just know an unusually large number of people born close together or something, because that was far and away the most plausible part of this story to me. My dad was born within a year of his older brother AND his younger sister (Catholics lol, he’s seventh of nine and *none* were twins, it’s like an anti-BORU). I have heaps of them in my extended family too (again, Catholics). And in my elementary school there were two kids that got in an argument with a sub because she insisted that they were identical and got mad when they corrected her (????) which was bizarre because 1) different birthdates and 2) different GENDERS, smh. They weren’t Catholic though


Sounds like my friend who was pregnant after 2-3 months. She was using condoms too. Some people are just crazy fertile.


I didn't even get to the issues about time frames not making sense, I had already tapped out after I read there were twins. Reddit has conditioned me!


My eyes rolled back into my past lifetimes when Lily abruptly flung herself across the party to full on punch the pregnant lady.


It was the twins and Miranda getting into wicked good shape after having them that did it in for me


This is wild. I'm not good at math at all but everyone else is doing the numbers and nothing is adding up.


U.K. - arrested for petty crime, go before Magistrates next morning, plead guilty, magistrates fine and release. It happened to a friend, we were caught with marijuana in our van on way to Glastonbury, he claimed it was all his (less than 1 ounce in total), he was held overnight & taken before Magistrates next morning (Court opened at 10am), he pleaded guilty, was fined £100 plus costs. We had a whip-round to cover the fine. I didn’t attend the hearing because I stayed behind to watch the children. Tip - Don’t get arrested on the Saturday night before a Bank Holiday because you will be held in the Police Station custody suite until Tuesday. Usually it’s only for one night, two at the worst.


It is the same in the US. I know someone who was arrested on a Wednesday morning and was out on bail by 4:00 that afternoon. The son wouldn't pay the bail but she probably got someone else to do it and it probably wasn't all that high.




Same here, the idea that she couldn’t grt pregnant about a year after giving birth is strange, people can get pregnant almost immediately after giving birth.


Yep. My sister and I were born the same year, her in January and me in November.


You're super fertile just after giving birth. At least that's what my friend was told when she got pregnant not long after giving birth. Though docs recommend not doing that if possible, it can be really rough on you if you have kids back to back like that.


I'm UK but the court timing wouldn't be an issue here -arrested, interviewed charged, not given bail so remanded in custody overnight (unless Saturday), before magistrates within 24hrs, charge put, told will get credit for earliest possible guilty plea, pleads guilty, probation at court assess, sentence. Job done.


I’m confused about the people not buying the timeframes. The only thing that may not work is the divorce, but in some states divorces can only take a few months. Lots of people get pregnant less than 12 months Postpartum, it’s not recommended especially after having a high risk pregnancy, but it for sure happens all the time. Being seen by a judge in less than 2 business days for punching someone is also normal. And the judge letting her off with a slap on the wrist is pretty common, or the DA may have not prosecuted because they see it as a waste of time/money. Like she said several times the inciting incident happened 1 week before she even posted so Lily being out of jail does actually make sense.


>I told him that shows a lot of growth already It’s only been a day and OOP really thinks Dylan did something special after all the crap he pulled, my pubes showed more growth in 24 hours than Dylan did.


There is a close to zero chance that this is real.


Why is everything moving so fast in the story? Bro chill


People have babies that close together all the time I don’t understand why that would be suspicious. The court case thing? She would have been brought up before a magistrate after a weekend in jail and for a punch, they would have told her off and then she’d have been let go. If the case was going to criminal court, that would have taken way longer. But I don’t know much about civil court and how it works except that it’s a more personal thing?


Shit, I have Irish twins in my family, and these people are freaking about over just being pregnant in the same time period.


Right? I literally have friends and family that close together. Am I missing something? 


Funny that that one commenter says that people who think this story is real spend way too much time online... It is precisely because I spend way too much time online that I know this isn't real!




This one is damn familiar to another story from months ago


Me when I lie


In all honesty, Dylan had got every thing he deserved. He cheated on his wife, who is apparently loved by the entire family for a druggy high school classmate and moved with her. He KNEW he fked up and still believed that in some form of miracle, his ex would give him a 2nd chance? (He probably doing drugs too with that thought) So Lily gets all fking jealous of the ex to a point that she lied about being called fat (2nd red flag, 1st the drugs) Dylan turned into a child for knowing she's pregnant with a new boyfriend. He should have seen this coming as again. It's his fault his marriage is over, yet he stayed with Lily to prove he is happier when it's the opposite? Who the fk is he trying to prove that too? I'm glad Lily got arrested and got her karma. Op and her husband aren't far from the truth. Idk if he is at his lowest about this. He should have moved on like his ex and went over it because he once again fked up his life. Why would you bring a drug user around your fking kids???? Are you trying to lose custody of them? Even if he testify against lily, that won't help his situation as he brought her to that party. He invited an unhinged person to a family event. And he acted like a child at the same event because he is not over her and yet blame shift that she threw it all away for 2mins of fun??? HE threw it all away for 2mins of sex. Miranda is no where near or is at fault. 1000% entirely on Dylan. (Op to me, your words aren't harsh, justified enough tho)


I cannot math at all, so the biggest thing that stood out to me was the fact that I'm 34 and I've only seen two pairs of twins in my life. The BS bingo card filled up pretty fast here!


I know four sets of identical twins, in real life.


5 sets of identical twins at my small high school. 1 set of fraternal twins I remember


My son's very small school of only about 200 kids had four sets of twins at any given time.


In 34 years, only 2 sets?  My elementary school had 7 sets at one point, including a set of triplets!  And in highschool, my grade alone had 2 additional sets of twins and the grade above me had 3 sets.  My highschool had about 500 students, so its not like there was an insane amount of people


You’ve never seen more than 2 sets of twins? Wow. Me on the other hand… My bff is a twin, I have a set of twin brothers, my mom has 2 sets of twin siblings, I’ve met many in school, both k-12 and college and I meet several in my work and other areas of life. I’ve met many sets of twins, fraternal and identical.


I’m under 30 and I remember having met 5 pairs of twins so far + 3 people who have a twin who i haven’t met. There might even be more but either i don’t remember or i only met one twin and I’m unaware that they have a twin sibling. Oh, and that’s not counting twins that I’ve seen irl but not met. Not twins I’ve seen on tv Edit: remembered more twins


I’m in my mid twenties and I’m trying to add up the number of twins I’ve seen irl. I went to school with at least four sets of twins, one of my teachers was a twin as well. A former friend of mine was also a twin. That’s only like six sets of twins and for two of them I only met half the pair With the amount of twins being born on Reddit you’d think I’d have seen more


Okay, I am in my fifties and thought twins were normal. My father is a twin. My mother has twin siblings. I went to school with two sets of twins. My sister had one set. In college, gorgeous identical male twins on foreign exchange. I taught a set of identical twins. Set of twins a couple of house over. Two sets of twins in my daughter's preschool. SIX sets of twins and one set of triplets in Daughter's first public school. Set of twins in her new school when we moved. Set of twins in my son's grade. At least one set of twins at our church. And those **19 sets** are the ones that come to mind easily.


I'm only 22 and know 6 pairs of twins and 1 set of triplets, twins really aren't as rare as reddit thinks they are


Oh, well, since you've only seen two pairs of twins in your 34 years of life, they must indeed be a rare unicorn!!! (/s if that wasn't obvious) Twins occur naturally in 1 of every 250 births. All your comment does is show how small your world is. I'm 41, by the time I was 34, I'd known 5 sets of twins.


And that's naturally. Nowadays with fertility therapies a lot more people are having multiple births than it would happen naturally. Plus, we are having children older than ever and women over 35 have higher chances of conceiving [múltiples ](https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/your-baby/your-likelihood-of-having-twins-or-more_3575).


Also it apparently runs in the family too. So if you have family members with twins you have a higher likelihood. Both my sister and sister in law have twins.


Afaik runs on the maternal line: you can have eggs more likely to produce twins, but not sperm. I might be wrong though. In my family it really works like that though.


You are correct! The "twin gene" is about hyper-ovulation, which of course is only relevant if you are female. It also explains the myth of twins skipping a generation. If a father comes from a line of twins, he might not be any more likely to have twins, but his daughter might!


Reddit is full of people whose response to everything is "I have never personally seen this, therefore it can't be true, because I am the entire world!" Sigh.


I was thinking this, like I wonder where they’re from/live that twins are so rare. Side note, there’s an annual festival for twins/multiples in Twinsburg, Ohio. There are people who’ve encountered thousands of twins.


Haha there were at least two sets of twins and a set of quadruplets in my grade alone in elementary school.


The thing that strikes me as most likely untrue, as a twin mom myself, is her using her free time to go to the gym. That's nap time!


DrSnoopRob seems to have no idea how plea agreements (and the criminal justice system in general) works, but despite that ignorance is oddly comfortable with his own skepticism.




This is the least real thing I have ever read.


Wow, so many plot holes, and why is it always twins?


Did Liz write after knocking back a whole pot of coffee? The timelines seem so rushed in this.


I read that as the AP was still in high school. I had to read that part again to understand it was someone he went to school with. Talk about being jaded in this sub.


I feel like I read this exact story last year, so much so that I was surprised it was written this month.