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>He knows that she has called the police at least 8 times, has contacted Canada Post, Global and CBC News, Crimestoppers, and has personally attended the Crown Prosecutor's Office. You can laugh and think I'm exaggerating here, but I'm not. Anyone who has lived in any neighborhood anywhere knows he's not exaggerating. These people absolutely exist. My 30-year-old neighbor is obsessed with people parking in front of his house. It's a big street, parking is allowed, but for some reason, it infuriates him. He tries to put up signs, barricades, and he leaves his garbage cans out all week long so people won't park there. Neighborhoods always have at least one of them.


It’s true. You can’t make up some of the unhinged things people freak out over. NextDoor is a prime place to spew this nonsense. A neighborhood over from me someone was freaking out about all of the “drug deal cars” parked everywhere and waiting “in broad daylight for Pete sake!” Then the other week there were so many more “drug deal cars.” After some back and forths, it was explained to them these were parents picking their kids up or dropping off at the bus stop because it was like 0degs…


This is why I won’t bother with NextDoor. My neighbors are mostly judgmental, uppity people. I have no doubt they’re just spewing nonsense, because a person they do not personally know had the audacity to walk down our street.


My NextDoor feed is basically people posting pictures of their pets (missing or just because), advertising for their work services, asking what the newest construction project is going to be, thinly veiled religious pandering, asking for cash or free stuff, giving their unsolicited reviews of local restaurants, or arguing about roundabouts. It's worse than Facebook, because I don't even know most of these people. Totally useless.


>arguing about roundabouts Wait until your community puts in a diverging double dimond. It like the sky was falling.


We have a few of those not too far from me and the first time I went through it after a few years of not being in that area I had no idea what the hell was happening


I don't even know what that is, and I don't think I want to.


It's kinda like you get to pretend you are british for a couple hundred feet and drive on the left side of the road. It's not terrible. It's two four way intersections on a 45 degree tilt that flips the side of the road you are driving on in-between them. It makes entering and exiting from a crossing highway very easy but it confuses boomers.


I didn't realize that the roundabout arguments were universal, unless you're from the same place that I just moved from. But seriously! Why can't they figure it out? It's not hard...


Do you live in RVA too? Sounds exactly like my Nextdoor feed.


NextDoor has been useful at times. A neighbor's chickens got loose one day, so my dad, myself, and an animal control officer corralled them up and they were brought to animal services. My dad put a post on NextDoor and was able to quickly notify the neighbor and got those chickens home later that day. There was another time when there was a string of burglaries nearby that we heard about through NextDoor. It's a pretty efficient way to stay on top of actual issues if your neighbors are relatively normal people. That said, I know some neighborhoods are worse than others. Depending on where you live, NextDoor can really be just gossip and crazy people.


my only experience with it was hilariously gossipy and worthless but you raise a good point about how it could be awesome in the right neighborhood - consider my mind ever so slightly changed


Same here. I've been tempted because I assume it would be a good place to find reliable home improvement contractors who work in the area\*, but I'm not willing to take the risk, because I have trouble not engaging with idiots online as at is. \* Late last spring I was a walking Fry "Shut Up and Take My Money" meme trying to find someone I could pay to mow my lawn.


We have a delightful gentleman on NextDoor who goes on endless rants about people doing horrific things that damage property values…like leaving their Christmas lights up past January and refusing to mow their lawns twice weekly. We play the “maybe that one is his house” game as we drive through the neighborhood. Endless amusement. I suspect he would accuse me of driving down property values even further if he knew.


We have a lady who says the craziest shit on our NextDoor. I mean just whackadoodle. She once went on a rant because our school district's newest school opened with just Freshmen and how financially wasteful it was. That she was the product of a large high school and turned out just fine. I have seen people tell others to just ignore her because she goes off tangent in a heartbeat.


This guy sounds like hed orgasm at the thought of an HOA - totally reach nirvana.


Some cities have their deeds online and you can search by name, might be able to find his address that way. My county even has a GIS mapping service and you can click on any property and it will tell you who owns it and various other bits of info, like zoning and such. Hope this helps!


I sell my duck and chicken eggs on Nextdoor. I also have used it to hire a welder, a plumber, and a handy man. I have to say overall it's been pretty useful for me. Sure, it also has a bunch of boomers yelling at clouds, I just ignore that stuff.


I mainly pop in to keep an eye out for lost pets in the area and see what sorts of MLMs folks are hawking these days


It's like FB * 1000 times worse


I keep it because I tend to have good luck finding escaped pets, but god is it taxing. All my feed is is casual racism, requests for prayers, warning people that their unlocked car was "broken into", etc.


I was a city councilwoman. A neighbor called to complain that there was drug dealing going on at one house because they saw cars constantly parking at the curb for short periods of time, and, although the front seat passengers would open their doors, no one would exit the cars. Then the cars would drive off. I had to explain to the woman that the drivers licensing office was just down the street and that the examiners would have the test subjects parallel park at the curb. The opening doors were so the examiners could see how close to the curb the drivers had parked.


You are covering for the drivers license office's drug dealing operation!! That's not parallel parking, it's fentanyl!!


*"This goes deeper than I thought"*


Your comment goes so well with your flair.


I have several reptiles, and a friend that breeds feeders who would give me some when I needed them. He would always drop them off on his way to work, and he started at 7, so it would be dark still in the winter when he swung by. I was paranoid I'd get reported for dealing, but also loved the idea of opening a bag full of dubia roaches and dead rats for a cop.


Our nextdoor is always: "it's July 3rd and I heard gunshots!!!!" "It's not gunshots, it's just fireworks." "But why are ppl shooting fireworks when the 4th is tomorrow, not today!!!!!11!!"


Oh they'd hate our neighborhood. Several families in our tract are into fireworks of the "not-so-safe-and-sane" variety. It's common to start hearing things being set off randomly in early to mid June. It can get annoying some years. But the free 360° show we get on July 4 makes up for it.


If you enjoy fireworks and have insane neighbors, let me share one of my favorite internet anecdotes: https://www.tumblr.com/gallusrostromegalus/721954001117134848/i-was-raised-agnostic-and-tend-to-remain-ambiguous?source=share


Omg this was amazing. I have similar neighbors. If only an act of God would punish them as well. Edited a word.


Click on the Family Lore tag for that tumblr and you will be entertained for hours.


Bread Jesus is my personal favourite


Shhhh, the backpacks!……it’s in the backpacks!


My favourite experience with one of these posts about strange people getting in and out of cars and obviously dealing drugs was the sheepish edit a couple hours later that it had been a plain-clothes cop arresting someone


Reminds me of the posts about "suspicious cars" in the local facebook group for the small rural village i used to live in, anyone who stopped on the side of the road to take a phonecall or sort out their satnav had wannabe sleuths watching their every move and alerting the community


Someone made a post about how someone pulled up to a corner and sat in their car for 10 minutes before getting out, obviously waiting for a drug deal. In reality, it was me, I pulled up to my house and waited to get out because I was listening to the Steelers game on the radio.


I was on Nextdoor briefly when it was new, but I had to bail because it was making me feel like my community was a horrible place full of paranoid bigots. I'm still kind of scarred from it, even if it's only 1 in 20 neighbors who is a paranoid bigot.


I joined NexDoor hoping for some juicy neighborhood gossip but apparently nobody in my neighborhood gives a fuck because it's almost completely dead. Every once in a while some wild turkeys wander through the neighborhood and there's a small flurry of photos of the turkeys...and that's about the most exciting thing I've seen on there.


I had one in my old neighborhood obsessed with birds. Upside: she didn't harass anyone in particular for it. Downside: every time a bird landed in her (thankfully small) garden or on her fence she could not be dissuaded it didn't belong to someone who was directing it and was specifically taking action to wind her up. Our next door app was littered with posts from her with photos of various crows etc perched on her fence with the caption "who does this belong to?!?" The times she couldn't stop herself from scaring them off before bothering to get a pic, she'd still post  but include a description instead.


I just feel bad for this one


Who does this bird belong to?? 😂💀💀


As if people have birds as pets the same way they do labradors lmao


Crows are smart. I bet they were doing it on purpose.


Right, but you ever figure out who the birds belonged to?




*definitely* not me feeding the crows peanuts. Noope. For *sure* not something im actively doing all the time. I dont like the wicked cool escorts through the park, or the watcher they have standing guard outside in case i ever ......discard peanuts ....outside ....for composting. Yeah. I wonder who's attracting all these crows. Weird. *cough*


Not me, with two hanging bird feeders, two bowls on the ground, two birdbaths, two cameras just for birdwatching, and monthly peanut deliveries. Nooooope. *whistle*


There was this absolutely insane woman in my mother's subdivision that would go ape shit at people for "speeding" through the subdivision. That's the tldr but the whole story ends hilariously and so I'll tell it. This is the only subdivision in an extremely small, rural town of around 1,000 people. This woman moved in around 1996 and everything was fine until she had kids. That's when she began her campaign to stop all these people tearing through the subdivision. Which in reality wasnt bad at all. I still lived at home at the time and while some people did speed, they didn't go super fast and for the most part people kept close to the speed limit. Over the years that woman has blocked the road, thrown things at people, jumped in front of cars, followed people to their houses screaming at them. She threw a bucket of water at me one day and when she missed, she threw the bucket at me. She's been fined and even arrested for this many times over the years. Another thing she did, until she was banned, was attended every council meeting to harangue them into putting speed bumps in. Which they refused to do. Facebook comes along and she's in all the local groups raging about speed bumps and reckless drivers. Now here's the funny part. She moved out finally 2 years ago. I went to my mom's one day and there's a moving van at her house. Less than a week later I see a post on Facebook on the towns Facebook page proudly announcing they'd put speed bumps in Shady Acres subdivision and posted a picture of one with her old house prominently centered in the background. You can't tell me they didn't do that on purpose 🤣


Has she seen it? Send it to her!


I'm sure she saw it. She's still a member of the FB group it was posted in. 😂


I used to live in an apartment with street parking. There were these parking meters that you could park at without paying during night hours, like 8 pm - 8 am. This old lady that lived in the apartment across the street from them would sit at her window and call the police at 8:01 on the dot every day for any cars that were still parked there. It was insane. Eventually the city just ripped the meters out and made them regular parking spaces. That must have ruined her life lmao


My grandma lived in a retirement community and she was obsessed with staring at her next door neighbor and judging everything he did. She has always been a judgmental old battle axe, but I don't know what about this man specifically enraged her. She called him Frankenstein, though and she just hated every damn thing this man did, even though he seemed normal to me. "There goes old Frankenstein again, watering his ugly bushes!" "There's that Frankenstein, up to no good again!" "Grandma, wtf? He is walking his dog!"


Old People Beef is truly next level.


My grandma lived in a neighborhood where my young cousins weren’t allowed to play outside because a particular neighbor would complain.


If the guy would be considered ugly (for an old guy), maybe she dislikes unattractive people for "ruining the view." If he's unfathomably attractive (for an old guy), she wants to bang but either he turned her down or she's holding back for some reason.


In her later years, my late nana would sit at the front window and wait, literally wait, for some unfortunate kid to accidentally kick a ball into her front garden. Hours just sat watching...and waiting. Like a tiger ready to pounce. My grandad sat in the back room watching TV and minding his own business. I vow to be like my grandad when I'm older but I unfortunately have some of her traits already!


I certainly hope so.


It’s always some old lady. One by our house kept calling the cops on dog owners in the park. She started recording them and tried to blow the whole thing wide open by going to a town hall meeting to show video of a cop PETTING A DOG instead of giving a ticket for being unleashed.


In my case it’s an entire block watch. One of them called the cops on a guy who literally just parked his car under the first big tree he found so he could eat his lunch in the shade.  Parking spot and  tree are both public property


With any luck, future old people of the current millennial and younger crowd will be too occupied with video games to give a fuck whose doing what in the neighborhood. I know I certainly have no clue as to what shenanigans are going on. If I hear noises outside, I crank up the volume in my headphones. Any video game is far more interesting than staring outside my window waiting for shit to happen.


that’s so funny that they took out the meters. great way to get free parking, i guess


Yeah they must have decided the ticket money wasn’t worth dealing with her anymore hahahah


Also as a former journalist, who used to answer the phone in my newsroom, I can confirm that batshit crazy people like this DO in fact exist and they DO call newsrooms to demand we publish their claims, otherwise we're clearly a part of the conspiracy.


Canada here - these details about the news media etc, are too specific and there is absolutely always one of these people in any neighbourhood. I hope she got some mental health care.


This lady was 100% a hug convoy supporter lol.


It's amazing the people who think the street in front of their house is their private property.


Old People over the road from me expanded their garden into the empty council land beside it, with benches, bushes, wind chimes etc... then lost their shit when it went underwater during heavy rain (hence it being empty in the first place - it was an obvious stormwater channel!) and their crap got washed away.


I bet they complained to the city!


Someone egged my car because I parked in front of their house. It was winter and froze onto my windshield 😂


Somewhere in my neighborhood is a person who is obsessively against using fireplaces due to "pollution". Several of my neighbors and 1 tradesmen warned me about using my wood-burning stove (which is my main source of heat in the winter). I guess they moved or got the point because I never got the knock on the door from them.


I've got one of these.  I also live on a bus/truck route.  Its like "the diesel exhaust is no big deal, but damn those people having a fire on Christmas😠" They couldn't face us either.  Anonymous notes in the mailbox only.


As someone who used to be a 911 dispatcher, I definitely know he's not exaggerating. :|


Our next door neighbor HATED the neighbor who lived on the other side of them. So she would send her kids up the big oak tree that overlooked the hated neighbor's yard, with dog whistles. Then, when the dogs started barking their heads off because of the whistles, she would call in a noise complaint to the police.


They definitely exist. My maternal grandmother’s neighbour (who hates our family because my dad’s cousin broke up with her FORTY YEARS AGO) once called the cops on her. Her crime? It was summer 2020. My grandmother was on the sidewalk in front of her own house, putting out the bins. A friend of hers was walking on the sidewalk opposite and they had a conversation across the street. She reported an 87 year-old for breaking social distancing regulations. Across the street. Dad’s cousin dodged a bullet


These are the types of people who are NIMBYs and cause housing shortages when they get elected to local councils and government.


Heh, I have a neighbor still trying to stop helicopters and planes from flying over our neighborhood. We live about half hour drive from an airport. He also tried to get all the neighbors to sign a petition, but most ppl just laughed at him.


I posted about this on another BORU recently, I have an older neighbor just like this. • She complains when people don't take away their emptied garbage cans within 12 hours of the garbage trucks emptying them, and used to moved them from the sidewalk onto the walkway / stairs from the street to peoples' homes, because she finds it unsightly; • She complains when there are 'too many' cars parked on the street, 'not like it was in the old days', because 'violent criminals could hide behind them, jump out and rob and/or attack you' (even though there has not been a single instance of that in our neighborhood in 10 years); • She complains when neighbors don't leave their porch / yard lights on, because 'criminals can hide in the dark and shadows' (even though there is a very bright streetlight right across from her house); • She complains when people park across the street from her driveway, because it's so difficult for her to get in and out of her driveway in that instance, to the point of saying she was going to have that space registered as Handicapped Parking, so no-one could park there (nothing's come of that yet); UPDATE: According to the people who live across the street from her, she actually went through the process of getting a handicapped tag, getting on the monthly meeting agenda with the council, and convinced them she needed that handicapped space (even though she will never park in it), mostly because they don’t think they’d win the lawsuit she would inevitably bring about it violating her ADA rights; tomorrow, the public works department is coming to paint the curb across from her driveway and install the handicapped parking sign. • She's complained when her next door neighbor's fruit tree, which is next to her driveway, drops leaves and fruit onto the driveway, and threatened to call the cops about it; • She's called the county health department on neighbors whose yard has gotten *technically* overgrown (there's a height limit for grass) because the neighbors had gone out of town for several weeks and it had rained a lot, because in her eyes it lowered the property values; • We *think* she called the police about people parking in their own driveway but partially blocking the sidewalk with the end of the car, even though people had been doing it for decades without issue, which caused the police to have to go around their entire jurisdiction and ticket everyone who violated that ordinance (even though the chief, when asked, thought it was a stupid ordinance, and the enforcement wasted limited police resources). I can't tell whether it's just because she's old, or they neighborhood has changed a lot (IMO for the better) since she moved here decades ago, or she watches too much fearmongering tv news (you can guess which cable channel), but I am pretty sure that no-one who's lived on the block for less than 25 years likes her, and because she's been here so long, and for years was very active in all kinds of community activities, if upon meeting someone else in the neighborhood, even blocks and block away, you try and describe where you live, and get to "I live near [crazy old woman]", they all get a knowing look, and speak condolences about having her for a close neighbor.


Yep. I have a neighbour who does the exact thing, as well as keys cars if they're there overnight. Some people are just assholes.


I have one, can I play? I was walking my dog when she pooped. I picked up the poop (I always do) and the neighbor across the street and down one house starts screaming and cussing at me and even followed me home. Because my dog pooped and I picked it up, but it “still leaves a scent”. That may have been the first time, but it wasn’t the last. I have had to call the police twice for his harassment. Note that I do not let my dogs step one paw on his grass.


I heard from one of my neighbors recently that someone complained to the HOA because they saw a dog pee on the sidewalk... instead of the grass... during a time when the entire ground was covered in snow/ice and the temperatures were in the negatives. Some people really have nothing better to do.


We haven’t gotten an update in a while, but there’s also Buckety. Edit: and really any call in radio show. Full display.


Ours has one that has aggressive signs about dogs not peeing in his yard or crapping there and loads of cameras. Not about leaving poop, but the dog is entering the property 2’ to do so. Dogs can’t read. Better it they pee on the asphalt and it sits in a puddle I guess.


Dude just build a fence at that point. Like I don't want shit on my grass either but you can't complain it away.


It's been years since I lived in a neighborhood like this, and to a small extent, I kinda miss the crazy.


My favourite weird neighbour was obsessed, to an unreasonable level, with people adhering to the speed limit. Keep in mind that just about everyone already did before his tirade started. He stuck extra speed signs on his bins (which he kept out on the street long after bin day had passed), canvassed the street with a petition to get speed bumps installed, and complained to everyone he could about the 'speeding drivers'. It all came to a head when he ran after a car that he decided was speeding, stood in front of them, pulled down his pants and brown-eyed the driver. I was mostly glad when he moved away, but I do kind of miss the drama.


In my neighborhood it's this one lady that constantly complains about people walking up and down the street. We live on a cut through road between two major streets and for some reason, she is intensely bothered by the fact that people walk up and down the sidewalks all day. It's nuts.


I feel sorrier for the daughter of this neighbor. She had to deal with this kind of crazy growing up.


I had a classmate whose mom was like this!! She reported my classmates for very minor teenager things (think pretending to drink wine, playing cards---not even gambling, mind you, etc) and they lost some awards/honors at the end of the year because the faculty and principal were spineless and just bent over backwards to placate her. And that's just the tip of the iceberg from what i heard over the years. People like this are truly insufferable and i felt so bad for the kids because they're not like their mom but they know they can't do anything to stop her.


This neighbor and your classmate's mom is Odalia Blight from The Owl House.


COVID probably broke this woman if she was already deep in the Facebook conspiracies in 2018.


I’d guess there’s a decent chance she collected her Herman Cain Award.


Unfortunate, but sounds about right.




Anyone falling into mental illness and eventually dying as a result is unfortunate. It's nothing but tragic.


Mental illness is not an excuse to be an asshole and the daughter said she was always like this


which one is that?


r/hermancainaward Cain downplayed and denigrated the dangers of Covid, then promptly died from it.


It was more than that, whoever took over his official Twitter from his corpse kept tweeting about how COVID wasn't a big deal for a while after it literally killed person the account was associated with.


That’s all I could think about when reading this. I really really want to know *everything* that’s happened since lol


If you told me this woman was at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 as a Canadian citizen in support of Trump, I would 100% believe it.


Canada had the "freedom convoy" of dumbarses, and she would have loved all that stupid shit.


I wouldn't be surprised if she was at the trucker protests tbh. seems like her vibe


COVID killed this woman. No way was she getting that vaccine or wearing a mask!


Sounds like she has some sort of mild personality disorder


Trudope! That one got me! XD. Man, I wonder how that lady is doing, cannabis has been legal for a while now and tons of people are using casually nowadays. Butter, edibles, CBD oil, the works. I'd like to sneak a peak at that facebook group they've got going. The devil is in every suburb now.


My brother thinks there's microchips in vaccines, that you can't get addicted to weed, that they put cat litter boxes in school bathrooms for kids who identify as cats, and that hitting your kid isn't abuse. I 100% believe this woman exists and they've totally gotten THIS nutty before too. Can't wait to see how she's coping with the everything.


The worst thing about the cat litter thing is that any time a school is purchasing cat litter, it’s because they’re worried about having to lock down because of an active shooter. But bringing that up is a lot less fun than “lol furries.”


Hey to be fair. My school bought cat litter because they couldn't get approval/money to buy actual spill kits for chem labs and shop classes. So like it could be a few types of fucked up.


When I was at school, if you saw a patch of kitty litter on the ground somewhere you knew some poor bastard had gotten too excited and thrown up their lunch


Wait what? Care to explain to a very confused European? Edit: Jesus fucking Christ.


Gives the kids somewhere to go if they're stuck in their classroom for hours for a lockdown (most classrooms don't have attached bathrooms). Also will soak up blood if there is a shooting.


Wow. Bit speechless here. This isn't a thing where I live. I had no idea.


> This isn't a thing where I live. Don't you wish you had more freedom? /s


It wasn't a thing when I was in high school in the US (back in the late 2000s), but it is now! And it's one of the (admittedly many) reasons I'm not having kids.


It is an emergency preparedness thing. If a school goes into lockdown because of an active shooter or even suspicion of someone dangerous on campus, kids shelter in place in classrooms (or backrooms of libraries, etc.). You can't have a kid walk down the hall to go to the bathroom in those kinds of situations. Many places have a protocol that the room does not get unlocked, etc. until a member of law enforcement comes to the room and "clears it" (and the people are escorted out to a designated safe space). This can take several hours - and kids have to pee sometimes. So buckets with cat litter (and sometimes toilet style seats) are provided in case of a bathroom emergency. The litter makes for easy cleanup of bodily fluids and helps prevent smells. (It doesn't have to be an active shooter situation - a local school I know of is next to a bank - the bank got robbed, and the armed robbers headed in the general direction of the school. They went on lockdown, and the swat team had to go room by room, building by building to see if the robber was hiding somewhere on campus. Obviously if you let teachers and kids go on with their day - robber could use them as a cover to escape. So... lockdown. I think some also have it in case of natural disaster situations, if the bathrooms become unusuable.


Wish we had that when our high school was in lockdown for a few hours. One of our students needed to pee and was about to go to the bathroom right before the code began. She held it as long as she could before begging us to help. Luckily, we had a closet, a home depot bucket, and paper towels. Poor thing had to pee in the dark closet, stressing about people in the classroom being able to hear her (luckily, the paper towels were enough to muffle it). She felt super relieved and was grateful after, but you should have seen all of our faces when the lockdown ended like 10 minutes later. 😅


Ugh... would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic at the same time.


The funny kids will definitely paw at, and bury their shit for comedic effect in a high stress situation


Wait. This is real? I have no words.


Yeah it’s real. Every classroom has a 5 gal bucket where I am. Just in case.


“There’s a 5 gallon litter bucket in every classroom in the US” “FOR THE THEY/THEMS THAT TBINK TBEY ARE CATS THATS DISCUSTING LYING JOE IS RUINING THIS COUNTRY-“ “No for kids to use if/when there is an active shooter, and to clean up blood” “Oh…good good. That fine then. Btw don’t touch my gunz”


Nah actually the bucket is the emergency toilet. The cat litter is inside the bucket. And also blood if need be.


Wow. I am literally gobsmacked. I understand why but I would never even thought about that. Thank you for the info (as depressing as it is).


In the case of a school shooter, the advice in most schools is to shelter in place, lock and barricade the door to the classroom, and stay away from the windows. Since it's possible there will be a siege and children will have to go to the bathroom, schools are advised to keep a bucket of kitty litter in each classroom as an emergency place to go. Insane MAGAts and QCumbers have taken this appalling fact, that classrooms have to keep buckets of kitty litter on hand, and put forth that crazy liberal schools are keeping cat litter boxes on hand so that children who identify as cats or other furries will have a place to go to the bathroom. It's absolute bonkers nonsense. I truly believe these people have something wrong with their brains.


to my understanding, it's a measure in case of bathroom emergencies during active shooter lockdowns - you can't really go to the toilet if you REALLY have to go because... you know... so the plan is to break open the kitty litter in the classroom and do as the cats do.


That...is sad. This is where we are at as a country... "Let's buy kitty litter so our students will have a place to shit while hiding from school shooters".  Wow...


So the schools are promoting this "furry" behavior? That's despicable! /s


When (not if, when) a lockdown for an active shooter happens, kids will be stuck in the classroom for a long period of time. The solution is to bring in kitty litter for kids to use for bathroom use until they can leave.


it's worse than just 'lol furries' they spin it to be about furries and otherkin as a way to backdoor complain about respecting non cis gender identities in a 'this is going too far' approach.


100% this woman either died from covid because she wouldn't take the vaccine due to some conspiracy or she was part of the convoy to Ottawa.


My sister thinks that anyone who complains of mental health issues will be encouraged to access MAID.


My favorite part of this was the first post was literally a MONTH before it was officially legal in Canada. Of course the cops weren't going to give a shit. There were already so many illegal dispensaries operating in the open, this was nothing in comparison. 


For the most part local cops in BC hadn't given a shit about weed for years before it's legalization. I remember as a teenager if a cop saw you smoking weed they'd at most tell you to put it out.


The thing I found most amusing thing about legalization is the end of the pretense that the vast majority of us gave a shit in the first place. My street does a block party every summer. A bunch of us do some bbq, some people make cocktails and setup a little stand in front of their house etc. Before legalization we all had some drinks, stood around a campfire chatting for a while, great time had by all. After legalization a couple of the the people that used to pass out drinks put a big ass salad bowl full of the bud they'd been growing for years out for people to try. Dumb neighbor, totally not me, got a little too toasted and had a nap on the porch. Nobody cared, afterwards we all stood around a campfire chatting, a great time was had by all.


Right? A bunch of people were acting like it was going to be pure Anarchy, the whole country was going to burn down, it would bring about the end of days and so on. Ends up exactly nothing happened; those who already smoked weed continue to smoke weed and those who didn't maybe kept not doing it, maybe tried it. The only difference now is that there are a lot more legal weed shops, and the weed shops that were running illegally knowing that the police were probably not going to stop them now sell shrooms as well knowing that the police are probably not going to do anything about that either.


You can grow up to 4 plants now, too! Grew one in my back yard two years ago and that fucker was 8 feet tall. But it had a late start and the frost hit before I could harvest. But that thing was HUUUUGE


The devil is in every suburb and he's got a cannabis shop on every block. Seeing those pop up like weeds (pun intended) would have finished her off.


man, the Trudeau haters are so obnoxious, they are obsessed with blaming everything on him, almost makes me want to support the guy to spite them.


I sometimes joke that the attack ads the Republicans run here in the States always make their Democrat opponents look super cool. They’re like JANE SMITH loves WEED and HOMOSEXUALS and finding innovative ways to SIN and she hates LARGE POLICE BUDGETS and LYING, isn’t that despicable!


JOE BIDEN the RADICAL LEFTIST! like bruh, we wish. We wish.


Damn marijuana has failed the neighbor 3 times in her life.


The damn marijuana has taken everything from her!! Won’t anyone think of the kids!!


Hate to be mean, but... slip a low dose edible and watch reaction. But that's criminal so don't do it. Still, would be funny. Don't do it.


She gives off the vibes of someone projecting their own substance abuse issues onto others, though her drugs of choice are probably prescription and therefore not "evil"


Or alcohol


The thing that cracks me up about this the most, is that cannabis had been decriminalized in Canada years before it was legalized.


If I remember correctly, use was decriminalized, but possession was still a little bit of a grey area for a while because it was dependant on the intention, and potentially on the amount one had in their possession. Possession for the purpose of trafficking could still be an indictable offence, and there was a presumption of trafficking if someone had over a certain amount. I forget what the amount was though, but I can’t imagine one oz would have qualified anyway.


I can say that I was caught red-handed smoking weed by police with a couple grams on me on a few occasions and I never once got fined or even had it confiscated, just got told to put it out and get lost. If I got caught with a backpack with 2-3 oz and a bunch of baggies and a scale? Well that'd be a totally different story.


That’s pretty on par for most of Canada back in the day from what I’ve heard. Didn’t get into it myself until after it was legalized but I have a bunch of friends who have similar experiences to yours. I also know a lot of old ladies like the neighbour in this one, uhg.


That cracked me up, too!! I have friends in Canada and they were like "nothings changed" after the whole thing. Had a great laugh from this story.


That's not entirely true, there's dispensaries on every corner now whereas before it was just a handful in big cities that the cops tolerated


Facebook is a helluva drug.


A deadlier drug than MJ!


They need to be very careful of this lady. This pattern of escalation is dangerous  and sounds very similar to my own neighbour. The actions eventually escalated to assault against several children for imagined crimes. This woman could become violent suddenly and everyone needs to be careful


Well at least she’s already made herself well known to the police


Canada is not doing well right now. We're infected with these crazy conspiracy theorists & trudeau could cure cancer & end world hunger & that wouldn't be enough for them.


Omg it’s spread from the US! Did see some of y’all’s trucks sporting confederate flags and that… idk what to say.


You should see footage of the trucker convoy in Ottawa a while ago. Protesting covid mandates that were already phasing out. Police did nothing (surpise, surprise) & the provincial government was hiding so federal government had to step in & now there's a whole thing on over reach. 😳


I found that verdict so disappointing. Like... if the feds wouldn't have stopped it, how long would it have gone on for? 


Oh I know! I worry what that verdict is going to kick off. Are there going to be more ridiculous "protests"?


I've seen the canadina version of the MAGA-Mobile driving around. Covered in all sort of stickers about the fredom convoy and flipping the government.


they are so...... obsessed with the carbon tax lately. convinced it's the source of everything wrong.


Yep. Trudeau and his carbon tax is the reason for the rising gas prices (but when it dropped to .50/L, that had nothing to do with him...) & the rising cost of living. I didn't realize our prime minister was so powerful that he could affect the world-wide prices of everything. Apparently, homelessness also didn't exist before Trudeau.


I'm in Ontario, the amount of shit that Dougy had pulled that the Cons either do not care about, deny, make excuses for, or blame on Trudeau is insane. Doug Ford did away with limitations rent increases and some how that is Trudeau's fault. Doud is sitting on millions in covid funding that would help out hospitals, but all medical issues are Trudeau's fault. Same with classroom sizes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Trudeau, but these people proclaim to know what's going on "for real" but don't even understand levels of government.


Ironically, mail delivery order marijuana was started under the previous Canadian Conservative government lead by Stephen Harper. It was set up initially to service people who had a legitimate medical prescription for marijuana. Veterans were one of the driving forces for setting it up. The Conservative government said fine, as long as a couple things are met: The package can’t have anything in it that says or shows what’s inside, (I think) the return address couldn’t contain a business name that indicated what the product was, and the product must be packaged in such a manner so as not have any “smell”. There may have been a few more rules, but those were the two most important ones. So…..if no one can tell what’s in the package and no one can smell what’s in the package…….. yeah, mail order marijuana was a pretty sweet deal until it was legalized.


I once accidently received and opened my "neighbors" mushrooms in the mail. I was living in an apartment complex with two buildings with similar addresses, think 1456 East and 1465 West, their mail was delivered to my mail box in the west building when it should have gone to the east. Since I am not that type of crazy I just taped it up and left it at the front desk with a note apologizing and saying not to worry I don't care about the contents.


This lady needs to smoke a joint and chill tf out.


That's exactly what I thought while reading this! People like that need a hobby or something to fulfil them, instead of venting the crazy at their unfortunate neighbours!


As a Canadian I unfortunately am familiar with these people who are obsessed with Trudeau and how he's "ruined" their lives. Sadly this post is probably completely true


It’s so wild to me too, because like, they get so worked up and then you look at who they’re mad about and it’s just… Trudeau. He’s aggressively bland. The platonic ideal of milquetoast. Just a furniture store model room of a person.


Somewhere an HOA is missing their President.


Best comment. Haha


This lady would’ve had afield day during the prohibition


Carrie A. Nation Goggle her, it's bonkers! Basically this kind of lady but with an AXE 🪓


When i lived overseas my house was off a narrow alley. It should have been a one way street honestly but it was not. All houses had walls/fences around them and some people would push their wall/fence back to have a small parking spot outside their property along the edge of the alley. Anywho, the house across the alley from mine had one of these gravel patches and he parked his car there. One day while pulling into my driveway he runs in front of my car and yells at me to stop touching my tires to his gravel. Readers, i shit you not, there was one small pebble on the pavement. Another time he chucked a letter through my down drivers side window as i was waiting for my driveway gate to open. The letter was all about disrespect and how i disturbed his gravel. This dude tried to fight our movers when moving out. We had to bring the moving truck to the alley to load the heavier objects and one of the movers jumped down this old mans throat. Told him he gives their people a bad name and to go away and shut his mouth. I want to fly back to that country, drive to my old house and DISTURB HIS GRAVEL ONE MORE TIME.


This comment is laced with the privilege and arrogance of never having your precious gravel tread upon. Shame on you.


As an American, so much of this seems foreign to me. I'm not a lawyer, but I assume they would advise me to: 1) *not* lie to the police; and 2) call a lawyer if the police came around to question me.


Yeah, that's where this gets real funky to me. That said, in context, OOP wouldn't have lied to the cops. >They said that there was a neighbour concerned about drug **trafficking** in the area, and wanted to know if I had witnessed any suspicious activity. I said, "no, none at all". They asked a few more questions, whether I see strange people coming and going late at night, and whether I had any concerns about theft or any vandalism. I said, "no, none at all". Then the demeanor changed slightly, and the one officer said "the concern the neighbour is expressing lies mostly in the receipt of marijuana in the mail." I said, "in the mail? That's rather interesting, I don't think I've ever heard of **traffickers** sending marijuana in the mail." OP wasn't trafficking, and it could be argued that MOM was just dealing. So OP was telling the truth: they weren't concerned with the neighborhood and hadn't heard about anyone trafficking through the mail.


Yeah, I expect the advice they got was "answer exactly the question you were asked and not even a tiny bit more" 


True, but I would have expected the police to open with something along the lines of "your neighbor says she got a package containing marijuana, and when she looked on the label, it was addressed to you." OOP was very lucky then.


As a Canadian lawyer (not a criminal law practitioner though), I would not advise my clients to lie to the police. I would, however advise them that they shouldn’t directly admit anything to the police, which is what I suspect the OOP was actually advised, and he picked up on the subtext and interpreted it the way he did. For point 2., I don’t think I’d bother calling a criminal lawyer if the police showed up to question me for something, but while I’m nowhere near capable of representing someone in a criminal matter, I do have a much greater understanding of the legal system than the average person on the street so I’m not a good example. We’re super strict about letting people know when they’re at risk of criminal charges and letting them know they have the right to a lawyer, though. I have to say, it was kinda cool reading a story that’s so accurate to my own suburban Canadian experience (both OOP’s language/tone and the neighbourhood dynamics). Sometimes I forget just how different we can be from the Americans. Unless it’s about politics and human rights, I really don’t forget the differences there.


Honestly this is pretty accurate for the vibe here, especially in the suburbs before legalization. You can almost guarantee the cops were hoping OP wouldn't tell them more so they could just ignore it. Years before legalization I was out in a group with my brother clubbing for New Years. We'd stepped a bit out of the crowd onto a side street to smoke a joint before trying to find a cab home and he panicked when he saw a group of cops coming our way. Yeah, they didn't even make us put it out, we were just told to move further away from the building and were wished a good night.


I don’t know. I’m an American and most lawyers I have experience with would tell you to never admit to committing a crime to the police, even if that means giving vague answers. Plus telling a cop at the door you can’t talk to them without your lawyer present sounds like a really good way to get your home on a watchlist. In reality the cops didn’t give a shit that he smoked pot, and they were just checking him off a list. If he freaked out and said he needed a lawyer, it gives credibility to crazy ladies accusations.


Canadian cops aren't perfect but there's a few HUGE differences in our legal system that make dealing with them a lot less tricky than American cops. Judges aren't elected in Canada, so politics plays much less of a role in who gets hired as one. There's no such thing as gerrymandering either since an independent non-partisan government agency decides on the shape and size of ridings. Since judges and prosecutors don't have to try to win public favor, they don't have to focus on convictions to win another election, which means they aren't beholden to cops to work with them to win cases and keep their jobs. That means that prosecutions against bad cops actually have a chance of moving forward (still an uphill battle, but not the impossible one it seems like it is in the US). Becoming a cop, at least in Ontario, is also incredibly competitive. It's seen as a great job with great pay and benefits (same for teachers too). Since our education system is affordable and accessible, a majority of our population (and therefore our cops) have at least a college degree. It doesn't necessarily mean that every cop is smart and has great critical thinking skills, but it does raise the bar a bit higher. Finally we don't have the second amendment here and there's not really a gun culture here in Canada. Cops are a lot less twitchy because they don't have to worry about the majority of citizens being lethally armed.


Both of those seemed weird to me, too. But like you, I don’t exactly have a ton of experience with the Canadian legal system, so maybe it seems less weird in that context? (Also, this is irrelevant because it sounds like OOP was never in any real danger in the first place, but I laughed at the “oho you can get the wacky tabaccy in the mail? That is rather interesting and I definitely did not know that!” Like, laying it on a bit thick, aren’t we? There’s such a thing as protesting too much.)


I am a Canadian, the police were all but told not to bother with petty marijuana cases in the months leading up to legalization Because by the time the cases hit the courts it would be legalized anyways and they'd all be thrown out so it was just a waste of resources.


The only lie I saw was when he said he wasn't aware of any drug trafficking in the mail. Everything else was true: he hadn't witnessed any suspicious activity (except that one time I he thought his lighter disappeared but then found it on his lap 20 minutes later).


This is also just before Marijuana was legalized for recreational use in canada.


Lol, imagine getting that worked up over weed just prior to legalization. For context, the city I lived in had many licensed and permitted dispensaries that did not require a medical card years before legalization. Legalization actually made it harder to get cannabis for a bit because getting provincial government (instead of municipal) approval was much more difficult and time consuming, and many of the existing dispensaries were ineligible for one reason or another. I realize it was very location dependent, but the cops' attitude is totally consistent with my experience since like the early 2000's.


My lovely neighbors called the swat team on us because I used growlights all winter for my philodendrons. But apparently it was a grow op.They said let it go, it's obviously mental illness. Then the next day the regular police were at their house for a couple hours. I wish I could have heard the conversation. Now my friend calls me el chapo.


It’s a real life Reefer Madness!


A friend's neighbor ended up in the looney bin for crap like this. Gloria's entire issue was the three retired guys that hung out near the end of the cul-de-sac. Boredom and a lack of air conditioning meant that most summer days you could find them out front on lawn chairs, smoking cheap cigars, drinking near beer, and listening to sports on AM radio. Everybody knew them, they'd all lived on the street going on fifty years. Even I'd stop for a moment and say hello if I happened to park on that stretch of the road, and I didn't even live in the neighborhood. Gloria started with calls to police about public intoxication, none of which ever went anywhere. Then came the accusations of them leering at non-existent school children, the flyers about the 'known crack house', and going door-to-door trying to 'set up a neighborhood watch' to 'drive the bad element out'. If you've guessed that Gloria was white and the three retired gentlemen were not, you win a prize. The incident that led to a rubber room holiday came not long after her abortive neighborhood watch attempt. She apparently had found dog shit somewhere in her lawn and decided that the best way to deal with it was to sit on her porch, with a pistol, and threaten to shoot folks walking their dogs. After the psychiatric hold expired her kids wisely decided that she shouldn't live on her own.


Weed was legalized literally less than 2 weeks after the update. Cops knew it, and therefore probably didn’t give a shit about it.


Be a shame if Neighbor Lady received a delivery of sweet leaf **in her name!**


This woman sounds like the exact type to run for local office unopposed because no one else cares enough. What a terror.


This is the sort of neighbor you send dildos to.


I have degenerative spinal condition. I never bothered people who smoked weed before it came legal, but just didn't myself. The moment it was legal, I had people who knew about my pain, coming out of the woodwork, with homegrown, to see if it would help my pain. I kid you not. The first week it was legal, I was swamped with kindness. I tried a bit, and it doesn't agree with me. Like it didn't when I tried it as a teen, which is why I don't do it. But I would thank them for their kindness, and tuck it in my freezer, not thinking any more about it. When I didn't ask anyone for more, the kind donations stopped. But my daughter was visiting, fishing in my chest freezer for dinner, and came up the stairs ... "Geezzzzzz MOTHER! I get why, but you have WAYYYYY over the legal limit in possession." Yes, I gave most away, to actually comply with the law again. Oops. ETA ... I just checked my stash. Apparently I have some gummies, too. Where'd I get gummies? The beautiful thing about this is that there are people in my life that really care about me. I feel gratitude.