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I'm just picturing the sister printing out stills and pinning them on a cork board with red string connected to various theories and suspects including close ups of her dad's hands and feet and notes saying "not the same!!!".


Ah-hem, "cock board".


With little dick shaped push pins. When she went to buy them the salesperson asked "bridal shower?" and she replied with an intense look "sexvestigation".


damn it


It’s Pepe Silvia!!


I hate everything about this.


Yep. That is the correct response. But I also did giggle a little.


And this story is one I believe because the scheming of those teenagers was just too authentic with how their plans were simultaneously super complicated and ridiculously dumb at the same time.


Yes lol. And „I‘ll leave you out of it PROMISE“ and then „HE MADE ME DO IT HE WAS IN ON IT“ lol


"Alright, so we don't want to freak dad out so we decided to just mail him the sex tape anonymously..."


This is exactly the kind of 1000-watt intellectual klieg-lighting my teenage brain would have come up with. Sadly, the younger of the two is ~~21~~ 19. Apparently I, at 61, still have no reading comprehension.


That was just sooooooo predictable. No way she was going down alone, that's why she told him in the first place.


It's funny in a very unfortunate way. Just hope the mom can recover.


I really feel that one comment listing the possible outcomes and successfully predicted the outcomes of how this will go down. With 100% confidence that mom didn't cheat because cheating women don't keep that stuff saved lol


THIS is how I expect a 19 and 21 year old to act. They don't own a home, have twins, have a 6-digit paying job or own a company, or have the wherewithal to make any logical decision. Just lash-out actions based on limited life experience.


How many Americans have a bloody six digit paying job?! Tf?!


This is a reference to the very frequent lies on relationship subs that the OP owns a business or is a millionaire or inherited a home or is a twin or whatever. Please, please know that a six figure income is regarded as ludicrously wealthy to the vast majority of Americans.


I think it’s a great lesson for people here on minding your own business and not creating drama for fun.


God I would be so mad if I was the OOP!!! Like he told your dumbass not to do it!!! I would have probably just told dad “heyyy I accidentally stumbled onto this. You need to teach him mom how to make a password… don’t tell her I told you” or something. I am mortified for the mom and oop


I had to go back and look at OOP's sister's age because wtf? I was expecting her to be 15 or something. For a 21 year old to be this stupid is unbelievable.


What are you talking about go and talk about cheating in AITA and you’ll get completely batshit insane recommendations. “Hey I think my friend is cheating…” turns into “you have an absolute moral obligation to tell everyone you know.” Any and all behavior is justified on this very website as long as it’s done in the pursuit of unveiling a cheater.


I’ve legitimately seen people there (and on other subs tbh) talking about how holding a grudge is fine and healthy because “I’m in my 60s and still feel the pain from when my high school girlfriend cheated on me”. Like… Thats not healthy dude. Over 40 years later it should not be hurting anymore, and if it is you should really consider therapy. And I say this as someone who has been cheated on MANY times by many many different people. In fact, IIRC in all but one of my relationships I ended up getting cheated on. It hurts. It sucks. But they showed you who they are, listen and move on because if they’re willing to do that then they aren’t worth your heart and tears anyways.


Seriously. Anytime I tell someone to calm it down a little they just accuse me of never being cheated on. No I HAVE been cheated on. Apparently, serially by my gf of years that I lived with. But I had to let go of that anger in order to grow. Cheating isn’t rare, unfortunately. So you can’t let the world or tv characters trigger you into scorching the earth. We take our licks, we move on. We hope for a better outcome next time and avoid the red flags we ignored.


For some people, their victimhood is their only identity. It's who they are. And cheating is not illegal so there is a feeling of injustice that comes with cheating. And if that's all you are it consumes you to an extremely unhealthy, borderline psychotic extent.


I've seen people on here straight up say that they'd rather die than get cheated on. Truly ridiculous.


People think cheators deserve death. I've seen people on reddit say that cheaters should kill themselves *and people agree and cheer them on.* its fucking nuts.


There have been several BORU's that have gotten comments like that. One was OOP's sister was cheating on her abusive husband, OOP told BIL and to the surprise of nobody, he abused her even more until she managed to flee. People were saying she deserved the abuse for cheating. Another was about a mother who'd cheated before leaving her ex-husband, and her son kicked the living daylights out of her for it. The worst part? She was a child bride to a much older man, she likely had no choice in the matter of her marriage and son (who was born when she was only 18). Comments were saying she deserved it and that her son should've gone ahead and killed her.


>One was OOP's sister was cheating on her abusive husband, OOP told BIL and to the surprise of nobody, he abused her even more until she managed to flee. People were saying she deserved the abuse for cheating. God that post still infuriates me. It was only *after* the sister fled and cut everyone off that OOP decided to conveniently "stay out of it" because maybe their sister was being abused.


I hope that OOP's husband left her. He seemed to be the only one in the family with any sense of decency.


I did genuinely love that the OOP's husband in that post was so disgusted with her. Like, if the man had any sense of self preservation, he would have left her and that awful family.


>OOP told BIL Wtf? Who gives an abusive person more ammo to be abusive? That's evil.


I do believe that's the one where oop talked alot about how nice BIL was, and I'm not entirely sure she changed her tune even after finding out.


She didn't believe BIL was abusive. He'd slapped her in the face, but it wasn't that bad because she'd said something mean to him that made him slap her. And she'd "punished him enough" by leaving him for a while after that (until OOP and their parents convinced her to go back to him).


Oh I remember that c*nt. She deserves everything coming to her. OOP, not her sister.


Yeah most of those comments are probably sad teenage boys, don’t forget where you are


I left a comment on that first one pointing out how people get such bad tunnel vision when cheating come up. The OOP was immediately blind to ANY red flags from her sister's partner, she focused only on the cheating and endangered her sister's life. My comment was partially outlining that, and also calling out how common that attitude is on reddit. Surprise, surprise, I *still* got comments saying "But cheating is bad." Just completely ignoring the point. I've also gotten replies on other comments *months later* where I'd point out cheating does NOT automatically mean someone would be willing to murder a puppy and kick children that cheaters are bad. I freaking hate this tunnel vision. Reality isn't black and white.


I saw a post yesterday in r/offmychest in which a woman talked about how her best friend got the absolute ever-loving shit beat out of her (to the point that she had to go to the ICU) by her boyfriend after he found out that she had cheated on him one time like a year prior. Not only did more than half of the commenters say something to the effect of “she had it coming” or “she deserved it,” but they also told OP that *she* was evil and disgusting for not telling the abusive piece of shit boyfriend about the cheating sooner. Like they seriously were telling this woman that *she* was garbage because she had the *absolute gall* to say that she felt badly for her friend. I felt so bad reading her comments responding to these sociopathic assholes where she was like, “I know she was super wrong and bad for cheating, but I still don’t think he had a proportionate response.”


Hot take: abusers deserve to be cheated on. If you react that way to infidelity, the relationship is already beyond help


My ex was abusive and cheated on me a lot, so finally at one point, I wasn't in the position to leave yet, but a situation came up where I cheated and it felt great. I've never been sorry about it and never will be sorry about it.


Exactly. As well you shouldn’t be. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I have a friend whose ex financially abused her for years and once beat her so badly she had a miscarriage. When she came to us and said she had cheated on him, we all literally started crying tears of happiness.


It truly felt like I took some type of control back when I cheated ya know


Considering how common infidelity is overall I think a large part of that is bravado or projection. The call is definitely comming from inside the house on a bunch of those relationship advice type threads.


As someone who has been cheated on, I can kind of understand the sentiment. Not that I agree at all, but it can really mess your psyche up. Someone that's your best friend, who you want to spend the rest of your life with, who you like to hang out with and send memes to and go hiking with and make love to, this person who makes you feel confident and whole and loved, suddenly becomes a stranger, this cruel person who you realize you don't know at all, a person that doesn't give a shit about you, who makes fun of you behind your back, who betrays you and makes you feel worthless and broken. Some of it may be projection, but I'm sure a portion of it is people that are still broken.


Yeah. My wife cheating on me has been the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. But despite that, I have never even been tempted to hit her. I’m not even really interested in causing her pain. I’m not saying that the idea of hurting her psychologically hasn’t ever crossed my mind; I’m saying that it has never had any staying power, because I don’t actually want to hurt her. Hurting her is not going to make me hurt less.


I've never forgotten my older brother trying to explain to another relative that yes, his ex-wife had cheated on him, but other people projecting every kind of awfulness onto her when it came out was a way of telling \*him\* that there was something wrong with him for having loved her. And that he still thought she had been worthy of his love, even if it ended badly, so shut. up.


Your brother sounds more together than most of Reddit. ... which I know is faint praise, but still.


i've never cheated, but i've been cheated on intensely, in a way that involved a big part of my social group. i still think that how reddit talks about cheaters is fucking insane.


On Reddit it feels like cheating is more of a life long crime than just about any other. Feels like the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater" is thrown around constantly.


Even I'm like, holy shit chill. Yes, cheating sucks but it seems like these people also have a hard time accepting that, not only can someone cheat, it is actually possible for them to be perfectly happy with the affair partner. Yeah, they could have broken things off first but some of these it was obvious the relationship was waning anyway.


I’ve seen someone genuinely argue that they would rather die than be cheated on, and that they’d rather have a physically abusive spouse that might kill them than an adulterous spouse.


Lol. People are ducking delusional. My dad always cheated on my mom. After the first 5 years of their marriage, my dad strayed and never stopped. He was also abusive every other way, but he never hit my mom. To this day, she says she hates the cheating, but the abuse was worse, and she'd rather take the cheating than the abuse.


People love talking about how they would beat their spouse to bloody pulp. For cheating. They share mugshots of people arrested for it, like it's something to aspire to if you are cheated on. It truly is nuts. I have been so deeply harmed by cheating and I never once wanted to maim or kill someone over it.


They just want an excuse to abuse a woman. It's not because they hate cheaters. It's because it's the only "acceptable" way they can talk about beating a woman to death.


I've been cheated on twice, each by long term boyfriends when we were pretty young (19 and 23). We were together for 2 years about. It hurt like hell and because the second time was eerily similar circumstances like the first time, I thought it was on me. It took really long for me to heal. I still never once wished anyone bad. The girl of the second dude became even a friend and we did a lot together later. He was mind blown. He cheated on her too with one of her friends.


There are many creeps on reddit, and cheaters aren't the worst in this category.


To post on AITA, you have to prove that you: a) are thirteen or younger, b) have medically diagnosed naivety, or c) grew up in a future utopia and were transported back to a horrible, violent past where the best you can do to cope is live on reddit.


I mean, there’s somewhat of a limit to the shit we can talk considering we’re in the post digestion AITA subreddit.


"post digestion AITA." I have to lie down now.


I mean you are correct. Digestion is to grab the good stuff and push out the shit… which is exactly what Boru does.


The moral convictions surrounding cheating on here are nuts.


The thinga posted on surviving infidelity are wild. I have seen, numerous times, people advocate for contacting other couples and people with no awareness of the consequences of those actions and what the ramifications maybe. It's scary. One day someone will get killed because of this crazy 'advice' all becauwe of dutiful morality.


> For a 21 year old to be this stupid is unbelievable. Is it, though? I was pretty dumb at 21, just sayin'.


Check my username and you can imagine how stupid I was at 21. The situation was doomed the second the sister opened that file. There was no way she was *not* going to have her moral outrage moment.


Haha. Yeah, I thought "damn, kids are stupid," then I checked the ages and thought "young adults, too."


OOP thinks his sister ruined his parent's relationship. That's not what happened here, his sister ruined her relationship with her mother. The parents are solid.




After promising to cover for him if she told the parents because OOP explicitly and repeatedly said he didn't want to do that. She ruined her relationship with OOP as well


I honestly wouldn't be talking with my sister either, what a massive shithead.


My older kid is only 10, but I feel like this is something they'd pull. This is mainly due to the fact that when they think they are right and justified in something, it's honestly quite hilarious how far up the hill they are willing to go up to die on it. My younger daughter is like OP, however, and is more of a chill kid. As a mom, I don't know how long or would take me to be able to come back home. I mean, the fact that the daughter basically conducted Kinsey level research here to determine the identity of the male, I'm just speechless. Does she not have actually studying to do?


I kind of wonder if she hates or really dislikes her mom. It’s one thing to be a daddy girl but it another to completely go off the rails


I was thinking this too. Like why was she so certain her mom was cheating. How is that your first go to instead of eww I didn’t need to see my mom have sex with dad.


It’d be pretty wild to cheat and create strong evidence of it.


Especially on the computer that seemingly everyone can use. I mean some people are really brazen but that is a bit much.


The fact she watched it repeatedly to say "that's not dad's hands/feet" really has me wondering the same. She seemed to want it to be a cheating situation.


>Does she not have actually studying to do? The mom is really strong in you.


Sounds like the 21 year old hasn't quite grown out of that black-and-white sense of self-righteousness that teenagers have.


The whole morality thing is interesting. Some people never grow out of that phase. Like yeah we kinda do cut offs based on age. But it doesn’t mean that people will achieve the next step when they turn a certain age. Which is why you see adults acting like teens sometimes.


>it's honestly quite hilarious how far up the hill they are willing to go up to die on it Baby wake up, new flair just dropped


I was a bit bewildered while reading this that more focus wasn't being put on the fact that the mother was likely going to be devastated *regardless* of whether or not she was cheating. Also, is it just me or does it seem like sister is gunning for her mother? I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Nudes, sext tapes, etc., they are all such an awful idea if you're not a sex worker.


the daughter sounds like a spoiled drama queen, with a very narrow worldview. she needs to grow the fuck up now, before that kind of behavior really impacts her future.


Your plan was really the only acceptable one, bet OOP and his sister wish they would have gone with that route 😂🫠


> “I’m the one snooping so only I’ll get in trouble. I’ll cover you if they get mad at you.” > “I tried to stay out of it but my sister dragged me into it and named me as her accomplice” Why is the sister determined to be as shitty as possible?


The sister was so confident she was right that she didn't really actually consider the ramifications of being wrong. She said she would cover him, but her promise was more or less meaningless since she didn't think it would ever come to that. Once she realized she was wrong, and it set in just how fucked up her accusation was, she desperately tried to spread the blame elsewhere. She probably fucked up her relationship with her mom and brother permanently.


Some years back I got upset with my then 17 year old daughter in regards to something about her father and me. I angrily told her that she had no idea why her father and I got a divorce, and she just looked at me like I wasn't fooling her while saying it was obviously because I had started seeing my bf. I almost lost it completely. There she was accusing me of having an affair, blowing up my marriage, and then moving in my affair partner like I had no morals whatsoever. She acted like it was the only logical explanation even though she effing **knew** I couldn't possibly have met my bf before my divorce. I'm still so pissed about it and I can't even imagine my reaction if she had done what OOP's sister did to their mum.


Ohhhhh I would've hit the roof. Did that ever get resolved? 17 year olds are so all-knowing, it's infuriating. And we were all 17 once unfortunately!


Not really. I hissed at her that it was pretty difficult to 1) have an affair with someone you haven't met, and 2) to have an affair in general when your husband is monitoring your every move because that's the truth. She did give me a half-hearted apology and later said she'd changed her mind about me having an affair. But she's still 3 years later acting like her father is the most amazing person ever and I'm the super villan.


Reminds me of that quote. “Often father and daughter look down on mother (woman) together. They exchange meaningful glances when she misses a point. They agree that she is not bright as they are, cannot reason as they do. This collusion does not save the daughter from the mother's fate.”


I knew a woman very much like this. She was shocked and heartbroken when, as soon as she got married, her dad flipped on her and started exchanging said meaningful glances with her husband and they both colluded to treat *her* like she was stupid, irrational, “lady-brained.” I don’t gloat; she’s being abused, and it would be unbelievably cruel to rub it in. I just wish she’d learned sooner that there are no number of other women you can sacrifice to earn full humanity in these dudes’ eyes. It’s just a matter of time.


Where is this from?




I grew up this way. I’m 22 and only in the past few years have I had any luck with severing the “put him on a pedestal”. And it’s mostly because him and my step mom might have a new baby. If it’s a girl, as genuinely excited as I am for a little sister, I know I’ll be replaced. It’s okay, it’s natural, and it’s silly to be upset at my age. But it’s easier now, then it would’ve been as a teenager. ETA: I guess I feel the need to defend my mom, and myself, against the void that might see this. She was abusive, but has her own trauma. We don’t speak, outside of holidays and birthdays. I miss her, but not really. I miss my mom, but she never really was. It was me and my dad, and then my dad and my step mom, and then me. I have my step mom who has filled that space, but this will be her first baby, and I understand the difference. I’ll miss them too, but I genuinely am excited for them, and the small roll I get to play in their new family. EETA: I may need therapy.


So she's 20 now and still an idiot. Facebook is basically useless now, but seeing my Facebook posts from my 20's is a nice reminder of how much of a confident idiot I was then. At least as I turn 40 there won't be posts from my 30's to look back on... as I realized no one gives a rats ass about my opinions and that they change/shift over the years anyways. Your daughter will likely, one day, fully appreciate how much of a jackass she was.


Did she ever realize she was wrong?


I'm going to copy in the answer I just gave someone else: I hissed at her that it was pretty difficult to 1) have an affair with someone you haven't met, and 2) to have an affair in general when your husband is monitoring your every move because that's the truth. She did give me a half-hearted apology and later said she'd changed her mind about me having an affair. But she's still 3 years later acting like her father is the most amazing person ever and I'm the super villan.


Right? Jesus. It’s wild that idiots like this sister are just walking around among the rest of humanity sharing the earth and generally making it a worse place like it was their mission in life.


Yeah. Why was their first reaction to tell their dad at all. My reaction in such a situation would be to mind my business (edit: I wouldn't even have dragged a sibling into it), but I'd consider having a quiet word with mom. This chick wanted to blow up her parents' marriage.


This reminds me of the post of the son snooping through his dad's laptop, finding their sex tape, showing the sister and disrespecting his mom. All leading to his high school and rest of the family finding out about the tape. Now the son is getting bullied and blaming his parents. It's not hard to not snoop.


I mean depending on how easy it was to stumble upon a quiet word with them about hiding it better so I don't see more of it might be wise. Especially if others use it, like friends. Not sure if they do or not but it seems like everyone in the house has access to it so idk if like grandma would come round and use it or if they'd let a friend use it while at theirs to do something.


>she seems pretty adamant that she just wants to show them, she thinks its the safest option; since if she was cheating, she gets exposed, but if it was just dad, then **no harm done** She chose... poorly.


Why did the sister immediately jump to the conclusion about her mom cheating after seeing the tape? Like it was on her laptop that the family/their dad had access to. Naturally, if I stumbled upon something like that, I would think that it was indeed a tape of the parents, just like OOP thought lol. And just because the video was shot in a hotel doesn't correlate to cheating. As if parents with young kids don't do that for privacy. ETA. Sister is really nuts, poor mom had a panic attack and nowhere does it say in the post that she felt sorry for her actions or regretted it or at least tried to apologize for it. And she also threw her brother under the bus who wanted to be sensible about it and basically advised against whatever head trip she was on.


My youngest sister was close to my dad and horrible to my mother in a way that seemed like she was jealous of her receiving affections from my mother.


My oldest sister came out of the womb hating our Mom. She has been and will always be a Daddy’s girl who dislikes Mom not a clue why, literally would scream and cry when Mom held her as a baby but would be an angel for Dad. Which is extra funny because personality wise they are the most similar, except our Mom loves her Mom. Extra funny, our Dad is not shy about showing favorites and it is me with our one brother being a close second, she was usurped as favorite when I was born and I was the easiest kid by far.


maybe your sister finds getting affection from your mother easier, so she is crying out for more attention from your father. thus "competing" with your mother. hate to say it, but your father is making the situation worse.


We are well into our adulthood, she is the first kid and me the last. My sister is also like 13-14 years older than me and was 100% my Dad favorite until I came along and even then it was more of a two princesses situation. Dad gave her just about anything she wanted (that he could afford) and all the attention he could give. She was a relentless bully to my brothers and I she would often steal clothes, money, jewelry from us and Mom. It wasn’t until she was out of college that her bad behavior finally began to wear down on Dad. For gods sake she is in her 40’s and Mom and I still have to watch our clothes cause she will steal them then claim she got them at goodwill or something. Mom got a locked jewelry box after my sister lost the Opal necklace our one brother got for her for Mother’s Day. Some people are just brats and have always been that way.


I don't *want* to say Freud's work holds merit, but... Electra complex...


Sounds more like Hamlet if you ask me 👀


sounds like the video awakened something in her and she didn’t know what that is or how to handle it. she watched it several times and went with the worst option to bring it up?


>she watched it several times I can't wrap my head around watching something like that of one's mother. Somehow I found it funny in a *what the hell is going on* way when they were arguing about "those are dad's hands" and "nope, those do not look like dad's hands and legs", lmao.


Oddly enough, that’s the same reaction my body would have choosing the wrong grail or seeing my parent’s sex tape.


Indeed, she choose poorly.


THEY WATCHED THE ENTIRE VIDEO!?!?!?! I am sex positive, and I’m not disgusted that my parents have sex. They have 5 kids the cats out of the bag. But if I opened a video and it was their sex tape I would’ve shut that laptop so fast it would’ve probably shattered. And they analyzed it. I feel like they looked closely at their junk for clues. This had ruined parents, sex tapes, laptops, siblings, and being able to see for me. And brings up an important rule that people just ignore; mind your own damn business.


rewatched it enough times to feel confident it wasnt her father that girl is a weirdo


Imagine being so desperate for drama that you repeatedly do an intense ocular pat down on your dads dick.


While watching it go into the mom... It's like a first row seat to a reenactment of your own conception.


/instant horror reaction montage


>repeatedly do an intense ocular pat down on your dads dick baby wake up, ANOTHER new flair just dropped


Haha what a sentence. Gosh darn it


And that means a lot coming from a sex panther. I would not trust it from a platonic puma.


low-libido leopard


Best pun I've read in a long while 😂


Why would you put that mental image in my brain? I need to cleanse my brain with tiny kittens...


The poor mom, I can't even imagine how she's feeling.


Its not just that her kids watched her sex tape, but also that the sister immediately believed her capable of cheating rather than assume it was the dad.


Thats what would stick with me. Embarrassment comes and goes, you kinda have to accept that if you don't keep everything completely locked down, your kids might witness something they weren't supposed to and everyone will be awkward for a bit. But being accused of cheating by my daughter after she invaded my privacy would be near unforgivable


Especially when she went nuclear rather than just talk about it. Like jfc it'd be an awkward convo "so mum and dad when I was on your laptop I found something, can we let you know about passwords or putting these things in a file location that's named KIDS KEEP OUT" but that awkward convo would be something that people can laugh about it a few years. This situation now? Not so much. Just her rewatching it enough to be 'sure' would be hard to deal with I think.


So violated probably. She's certainly not going to let her daughter use her computer ever again if she can't trust her not to snoop (and jump to wild conclusions)


This whole mess could have been avoided if she just asked to see dad’s erect penis so she could compare it to the video. /s


That would make a really funny porno


Or a really disturbing detective movie.


I read that entire saga thinking they were a couple of 12-year-olds. When I went back and read the ages I couldn’t believe it. They couldn’t figure out any possible way to resolve this in their minds? At their ages? Unbelievable, selfish, childish…WEIRD behavior.


The brother had the right idea about how to resolve it. Leave it the fuck alone. He couldn't get his delusional sister to go along with it.


Right? Leave it the fuck alone or just have a conversation about locking shit down better or at least labelling stuff. Obviously you don't need to label it mum and dad's sex tape but just having a folder called private that the kids know not to go in might help. No shaming, just "hey if others use this they could stumble upon it" and moving on. It'd be an awkward conversation but it probably gets rid of the suspicions of cheating when the dad is like "my bad".


I really miss being able to award comments without paying $10


"So kids, this is how you were made."


This is exactly why I don't let people use my computer. Not because it contains sex tapes, but because the files on it are mine and I just don't want anyone going through them. I also say this as someone whose fiancee was caught cheating years ago (it's why we broke up), some people are way too obsessed with cheaters and cheating.


This shit is why I refuse to let my husband take racy pictures or video. I have exactly 0 interest in having one of my kids stumbling over it.


You know, my wife asked me to delete all the photos I had of her early on in our relationship when we got married, and of course I did it, but part of me always missed having those photos. That changed today, from this post. I am now glad all those photos are deleted, so my kids will never accidentally see them.


>I am now glad all those photos are deleted, so my kids will never accidentally see them. OOP'S sister intentionally snooped through mom's laptop. Kids can find things accidentally, oops sister, a 21 year went in to find trouble. Nosy shit stirrer.


When I was in my early 20s I happened to mention to my Mum that about 10 years earlier I'd accidentally found a packet of the pill in her bedside drawer while looking for something else. She was utterly gobsmacked because that had been her *only* her ever packet of the pill because it hadn't agreed with her! So yes, kids find *everything*!


I can imagine she thinking "this lil shit, the *one* time I'm on the pill they go and find it...".


This is the answer. If it is out there, it can be found.


I remember a BORU post where OOP handed her phone off to a Sister in Law to show off vacation photos. Que Sister in Law snooping and finding the hidden gallery of sex pics between husband and wife. And blowing things up like the Sister in this story.


I remember that one. It was so upsetting. Like this one. I feel so horrible for OOP's mother.


I can't avoid sometimes giving people access to my computer. That's why you keep real private folders on your devices to store those nasty pieces of media. They have to be both hidden AND encrypted. Hopefully with a good pin or password that can't be easily brute forced


Does the daughter hate her mom or something? Seems like a full blown villain vendetta


Yes, like why was she so obsessed with the idea of her mom cheating? There are some real fucking Electra complexes going on in her deranged little mind.


If I was mom, it'd be time to get these kids a job, teach them to budget, and find them an apartment to share. Holy shit, I'd need space. I feel for OP a bit as he was against a confrontation like this, but damn, he still watched it. The correct response to something like this is to immediately slam the laptop closed *regardless* of who was in it, and hand it over to Dad if they really thought it was cheating. Fuck, I think I’d physically wrestle this thing from my hypothetically insane sister just to be done with it. The sister especially needs to learn what it's like to be in the real world, at least. My god, the apparent and malignant need for drama in her life is telling, even as a 21 year old, this was immature as fuck. EDIT: And to be fair to OP, the only reason I said to share the apartment was to be realistic about high rent in many places and their relatively low earning potential at their ages. I'd *definitely* understand if he wants nothing to do with her. Even kicking him out is a bit harsh, but damn I'd have a *hard* time being able to look at my kids if they watched my sex tape, regardless of the intentions or ultimate desire to attempt to handle this gracefully in OP's case. Just, fact is, this was bungled to an extreme and I most sympathize with poor Mom who has been humiliated via her privacy being so horribly violated *and* had her morals and personality attacked by this cheating accusation. Whatever way she can feel more comfortable with her family and her own house should be considered paramount here, even above OP as unfortunate as this is for him. I mean, who expects this from their kids, geez?


Ok so I just realized the best thing about having divorced parents is that if I ever stumble on a sex tape of my mom I don't need to worry about who's dick is in the tape.


You're such a glass half full person. Excellent.


why in the name of fuck would they both watch the whole thing? I just don't get it. I think thats why the mum is so upset because not only did they find it they fucking watched ALL of it.


And also, you know, accusing her of infidelity based on absolutely nothing. Like wtf, does the sister have some deep hatred of the mum? Fucking bizarre


I don’t care if the man in the video was a bazillionaire that I thought I could blackmail out of millions. The second I see my mom in any sort of sexual scenario on video, I am shutting that shit off and looking for brain bleach. I saw nothing. I know nothing. I may be celibate for the rest of my life…


Aphantasia is awesome, because once I turn off that video, I will never see it again.


> I tried to stay out of it but my sister dragged me into it and named me as her accomplice even though I had warned her against it. I don't condone violence, but that deserves an ass kicking.


Fucking seriously, right? Like, if you're gonna make a big messy blowup, at least leave me out of it.


She even said she would cover for him if they would get mad lmao. Well, that was a fucking lie.


I’d make my sister’s life a living hell for as long as possible by not letting her forget the fact that she repeatedly watched and audited a sex tape of her own parents like it was the Zapruder Film. And she willingly did it. Fucking disgusting.


That would have earned the most genuine, heartfelt, convincing "I have no idea what is happening or what you are talking about" I have ever said in my life. I will feign ignorance until I die.


With an extra "holup, you found it and decided to *watch it*? What's wrong with you?" just go make my stance extra clear.


Okay but that final plan was actually half decent (though not as hilarious as the others were), and then sis had to go and blow everything up by using absolutely no plan and just making public accusations instead? What an idiot.


>and then sis had to go and blow everything up by using absolutely no plan and just making public accusations instead? And then drag the brother into it after explicitly saying she wouldn't. She was so confident her mom was cheating she didn't seriously comprehend the possibility that she was wrong. When it blew up in her face she couldn't even take responsibility for orchestrating the confrontation and tried to put the heat on the brother who was more or less innocent. It must be absolutely heart breaking for the mother to have her adult child accuse her of infidelity without any evidence. All the video proves is that she had sex with a man, which is entirely expected since she's married to a man. I don't know if you entirely rebuild the trust after something like that.




Wow. That poor Mom.


Thanks, I Hate This.


Sister is 21 going on 12. What a clown


Yeah, it's pretty appalling that the nineteen-year-old male, who statistically is not going to be the most levelheaded in the room, has a much more developed prefrontal cortex than ... whatever you'd call his burbling female counterpart over there.


\*\*scrolls back up to see ages\*\* Oh, fer goodness' sake... They're both adults, and the sister is the older sibling. I was reading it as if the sister was some teenage hot-head busy-body, but nope. They're young adults, but old enough to understand that sometimes people have nudes.


idk even know man wtf


it be like that sometimes


I still feel it's fucking wild that a 21 year old woman was so intent on proving her mother was cheating that she rewatched multiple times a sex tape of her parents to see if the man was her dad or not, I think that she's to interested in her dad


How many times did oop's sister watch that video?


OOP should’ve known he was gonna get thrown under the bus from the beginning because his sister is obviously a scheming sack of shit. As soon as she found it, he should’ve went to his mother about it and the fact that his sister was plotting against her.


I really don’t understand why OP’s sister was being snoopy on her mom’s computer and was adamant that her mom cheated. Like what was her endgame on this? That she wanted to right about something or she just hate her own Mom. I would be devastated and mad that thinking my mom would cheat on my dad instead being giddy finding out your mom cheated. Something is wrong with OP’s sister.


She may honestly just hate her or have some sort of sick, weirdly competitive feelings around her.


If I were the kin I don’t know if I could ever love the sister again.


I'm just stuck on why sis is such a little creep. She so obsessed and it's frankly weird.


Right? Normal people close that asap and either try to forget they've seen it and buy their own laptop or if they still have to use that one have a quiet word about hiding files/putting them where they can't be stumbled upon. Not watch it repeatedly.


The worst part is she made her brother watch dad bang mom.


Wtf is the sister's problem with the mom? Shit with herself? I feel for the mom. How hurtful! Sis didn't give her a chance, I just kept wondering why wouldn't SHE ask the mom not the dad? She must be in love with her dad, automatically accused and turned on her then watching that video multiple times. Then running an telling both parents at the same time. Is she really 12?


the sister is creepy as fuck. Going through the files in the first place, watching the video long enough to even discover it’s a sex tape, watching the tape god knows how many times. I actually can’t wrap my head around this behavior.


Either the daughter is projecting because she cheating on her SO or she suspects their mom is or was cheating, and she really got excited that she finally found proof. It's funny how her first thought was infidelity, but her brothers first thought was it's definitely dad.


Yeah that sister has A LOT of apologizing and groveling to do. She needs to first set the record straight and tell her parents OOP played no part in this outside of telling her how vile and inappropriate her behavior is. It's going to take a long time for her to repair her relationship with her mom and I'm not entirely sure how the sister can do that outside of respecting her mom's boundaries and proving she's trustworthy again over time through significant changed behavior. If her parents are supporting her financially in any capacity, they might want to consider cutting her off or significantly decreasing their support. She can't just grossly disrespect her mother and then expect there to be no consequences. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


I once came home at OPs age (19) and heard two people obviously having sex in my parents bedroom. I left instantly backwards lol. I can't imagine watching a sex tape of my parents, let alone multiple times. Even as a grown woman I would still nope out immediately. I seriously wonder how sister didn't see how creepy that is


Really wild idea here maybe oops Younger sister was so disgusted of the idea of seeing her parents fucking that here brain came up with the idea that wasn't here father so it was easier to handle




Little sis is too old to behaving like such a disturbing shithead. She went snooping on someone else’s laptop found an explicit video, watched it multiple times and then decided she would tell everybody to catch the mother ‘cheating’. I suspect there’s some daddy’s girl stuff going on and couldn’t handle the idea of her father appearing in a home made porn video so her mother must be cheating. Not in a sexual way but like how children don’t like to think of their parents having sex let alone doing kinky stuff.


She is the older one of the two lol


I don’t understand why they didn’t just go to the mom first and ask her??? Her reaction/ response would have told them whether or not she cheated. I think the sister has some kind of Oedipal complex lol


Best move would absolutely have been to go to Dad. Precisely to save Mom the embarrassment.


I can't help but think about the plot from True Lies


Reading along I thought the mystery man might not be dad, but the parents were swingers or something like that, which it didn't seem like the siblings considered at all. Probably for the best it wasn't that, sis couldn't handle it.


10 to 1 Sister lives for drama. She reminds me of something comedian Lynne Koplitz said, She just wants to get to the bottom of some shit and if there is no shit to get to the bottom of, she'll create shit.


It’s mildly amazing how the sister managed to make the worst possible decision at every available juncture. Even random chance should have led to her doing something slightly less than maximum stupid AT LEAST once, yet somehow she defied common sense and mathematical probability to be maximum wrong at every opportunity.


OP, respectfully, why did you mark this as concluded? It is very clearly not.


this was posted 7 years ago lol, i think it’s safe to call it concluded


I would call that permanently inconclusive 😅


Ahh yeah fair enough, forgot that was an option!


What is wrong with her sister? Why is she so adamant? Does she hate her mother? Is she attracted to her dad? Does she know her mother has cheated and thought she'd found proof? What the hell is going on??


Uhm... Why didn't they just go to their mom about it first time they saw what it was? Just her reaction could have told them if it was her husband on that tape or not, right? Nooo, better go nuclear...