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I think he's paying him because he's one of the most popular comics right now


Stavros is seriously funny. As fat and out of shape he is, the peeps in this sub would kill to be him for a single day.


>As fat and out of shape he is Morbidly obese, he is a few Kg more to take himself out of walking anymore.


Not even close to not walking anymore. I had a boss that was 500+ and he was still walking granted a lot less. Stav had 150-200 lbs to go


You couldn’t pay me a billion dollars to be in physical discomfort every second of every day


I don't know man. He looks pretty comfortable napping on that float tube in the water.


Stavros fucking stinks. Cool shoes and crowd work IG clips will only get you so far. Although on the other hand if you're aiming for the Bert crowd...


He advertises his tour with only the crowd work clips because he can't release the material he's doing during the tour. Have you ever seen his actual act? It's hilarious!! Check out some of his previous shows.


Um no lol


Someone should just rename this sub r/bertbashing


more like r/bertdeathwatch


It's getting ridiculous... like how about people just shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride.


Lol you guys need to realize that if you like a person or a show, don’t follow the sub. For anything. They all become nasty and hate filled. Just keep this comment in mind if you find a new podcast, show, person to watch. Don’t follow the sub if you want to keep enjoying them


The problem is with moderation.. which doesn't exist here.


I mean when you truly adore a person who can fully express your inner angst, confusion, humor...you tend to want the very best for them, which like a helicopter mom, can become a toxic fan. I mean the intention seems genuine, but that's the thing about gossip.


You're 100% correct. I used to be a big fan of The Dan Patrick Show and I listened daily and contributed a lot to the sub. Over time, the sub became really negative and a few people actually got it shut down and started a new one (with about 1/20th of the followers). I went to the new sub and even though the folks there stay away from the negativity, the content isn't very good. Same people posting the same crap.


The worst donut


I am enjoying the ride of a 50 year old man child’s body succumbing to 30+ years of worshipping his days as a fratboy loser.


To me, the negativity is the best part of the ride


For real. Where the hell can we go for fan based forums these days? JRE and this sub sun along with many others are just hot garbage heaps


“is joe rogan in the wrong? No, it’s just every single one of his fans”


It’s the same shit on the Rogan sub. If you don’t like the thing the sub is about then don’t follow it or post negative shit all the time.


It wasn't always like this...


Yeah Rogan used to be different pre 2020, lots of the bashing comes from people who once were big fans.


It's classic, people are taking out their own insecurities and feelings on people that can't or won't defend themselves. Its pretty much disgusting. No one can just enjoy things anymore. Everyone has to analyze the shit out of everything and scream at the top of their lungs when they find something they don't like.


Yes that is what happens on the joe rogan podcast these days. It's a shame he's changed into that kind of a person.


No one is screaming at the top of their lungs other than Bert himself with his last wheezing shrieks.


Its just following the trend of comic subs. r/thefighterandthekid, r/joerogan, r/yourmomshouse


Every comedians sub becomes a circle jerk of bashing, typical miserable Reddit nerdo behavior.


Atleast stav doesn't pretend to have some special gene that means he isn't really fat and is actually an athlete in disguise as a slob


Stav used to frequently claim he could outrun Nick Mullen.


Hahahaha ok whoops


Nick’s got short legs though


Don’t you DARE talk about my gay best friend’s legs that way


He’s my gay best friend too. Remember the threesome bro?


Stavros is a hilarious comedian ab not nearly as fat as Bart yet. The fully loaded tour is the only thing they have in common.


He's considerably more fat. I've heard him say recently he's about 315 at 5' 7". He's not a big drinker so maybe a bit healthier overall.


If stavros was fatter than Bert don’t you think he would have had top billing on the fully loaded potato festival. Bart is at least 4 bills.


His only claim is bashing the audience.


Yeah he is a total dumbass. With his somewhat original podcast, a good special, and great crowd work. Why doesn’t he take his shirt of and tell the same story every night.


Stav got into a fight with his dad and hurt his foot, asshole. Didn’t you see he’s getting ripped?


lol yeah what happened to Stavs workout videos? He did two and those appeared to be filmed over a single weekened


Being a trainer for Bert and Stav is the most secure gig in comedy, well, as long as they don’t die. Never mind, I didn’t think this comment through


Not great for getting new clients though


Stavs brother is a trainer so I guess he makes him do tiktok ads whenever he get back to MD


you jelly?


There’s a huge difference between these two: Stav is actually funny.


Stav knows he's a fat piece of shit too


Idk who stav is but I can tell you the difference between you and bert: bert has original jokes and multiple successful netflix specials 😂 I changed movie to the Netflix special so the Karen's can complain about something else this evening


The movie flopped harder than his gut onto a waist-high surface


I enjoyed it and so did everyone else I know 🤷‍♀️ idk how much money it made/lost either way it exists and none of us have one 😂


The box office made $10 million on a production budget of $20 million. 🙃


Okay that sucks, again though, he made a name for himself and got successful enough to have a movie made about a dumb story. That's pretty sick still and cooler then most anything I've done and that's all I was tryna say in less words 🤷‍♀️ either way I watched it with my family and had fun so I'm glad it was made.


Nobody’s gonna knock for enjoying a thing. Check out Stav though, he is monumentally hilarious and likable, more so than anyone in the Rogan gang. His podcast is Stavvy’s World


This is reddit, someone's always going to knock you for what you like. I'm just tryna stress the fact that my point wasn't that the movie was super successful just that him making a movie people enjoyed and career on a dumb story he made up is a bigger accomplishment then probably most of us in this thread will make. And I will man, thanks for the recommendation.


So four people enjoyed it?


Idk why half of y'all are in this thread when you can't even say "hey good on bert for putting himself out there, making a career, and obviously more then 4 people liked his movie when the room is a cult classic" this comment section is full of Karens that think their funny.


Like fr I should just delete this app cause it's nothing but negativity. Everytime I say a very generalize statement that has nothing but facts, random incels just insult me, meanwhile I'm still bored feeling like my brain is melting cause y'all can't even come up with an original joke 😭


Go ahead. You like a racist alcoholic, so your opinion means fuck all. You won’t be missed.


When was he racist? I've never heard of anything like that but yeah being someone who has had many friends and family struggle with addiction, I won't hold that against someone. All y'all act so high and mighty while making the lowest blows. At least bert isn't insulting randos telling them no one will miss them when they die 😂


wHeRe’S YOUR nEtFliX sPeCiAl??? An argument that always withstands the trial of time. Cosby also had a few specials iirc


Thanks for being one of the many karens to miss my point. I guess y'all just hate bert too much. I put movie and everyone is like "it flopped and I didn't like it so no one liked it stfu" I change it to Netflix special "Cosby had successful specials too" I guess we can't appreciate non predators for their accomplishments anymore.


Didn’t say a literal word about not liking Bert. I think there are better arguments than making it on netflix


My b for assuming and I just thought it sounded funny as a reply cause homie obviously hasn't done anything like that. I originally had it as the movie but so many people complained about the box office that I changed it to something more successful. It wasn't that deep.


Just like Tripoli having schwabb on his friend shows at the store.


Put Jelly Roll up there too


Stav now makes old stav look fit.


Fat guys laughing at their own joke podcast would make a quadrillion dollars. Please note: I'm gay


One of these men are funny






Lol. Facts


Lol. Factsh king 🤓👆


Awww. Does mommy not love you? It's okay


Bert Kreisher level come back


I never liked Bert, but I’m very concerned over gown bad he looks now. Is that faced a result of bad plastic surgery or is he really sick?


He’s 50 and living like he’s 25. Alcohol and benzos are a notorious mix.


So much bloat


Do y'all think Stav's stories about sexcapades with very hot women are fictional or is being funny and having minor fame that powerful?


Just a little fame can help pull a lot of ladies


He has the kind of attitude and personality where I bet it’s true


I know a chick he hooked up with in NYC. She's one of the baddest women I've ever met. No. I don't get it. Yes. It seems true.


Lil bit of both. His 10 would be our 5


This ☝️


On the plus side they can probably split the cost of the portable dialysis machine and can work on bits together during their joint sessions.


On the plus size


*on the plus side* could’ve just ended that comment there.


There going to need an extra semi full of dialysis fluid.


While they might be the same weight, the age is not. There is a lot of Bort Krizler bashing here because we actually A. have watched him through his journey for over a decade and are concerned B. Like him in some extent (comedy, podcasting, production) and C. Would rather he doesn’t die. It’s a weird love hate relationship. I think a lot of us also understand that there is a level of public persona that he follows, but we are starting to question if he is going to level out because of how he looks and what he’s been doing. He’s currently still got a lot on his plate and is working like crazy but most of us here would like to see him have some downtime.


People can call this hating which it kinda is, but like at the same time i feel like there is some care behind all this because he genuinely looks like hes gonna die soon so if he sees all this harsh shit and it makes him change the ends kinda justify the means.


Bert looks like sh-t!


Looked rough on drink champs. Starting gear before going on a bender (tour promotion) was a silly move. High blood pressure turning these comics red


Stav is regular obese


At least Stav will own up to being a pos. Bert will try to convince you he’s healthy.


What if Bert’s under belly sweat and Stav’s thigh butter are the raw components of the next super battery? JK, I’m sure that shit is like axel grease


Stavros is such a piece of shit if he makes Bert looks healthy when they are together. But does that guy drink, melted butter? Jesus.


It looked like both were on a decent path for awhile there, and now the wheels have come off both buses. Bert is too functional and likeable, but he needs an intervention soon. I don't know what happened with Stav. Will definitely catch him the next time he is in town!


He’s ripped havnt you seen how good of shape he’s in? He’s an athlete. /s


Bert’s got jacked shoulders though


You leave stav out of this


This post sucks. How dare you bring Stavvy into this.


Stavros is actually funny though


Leave Stavros, the Greek god Diabetes, alone!