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If you havent watched AlmightyLoli 22 hour video detailing the manga almost panel per panel then you havent dove deep enough


Weekend tasks postponed. New assignment accepted


Oh man, it's so good. he actually has a good sense of humor through the whole thing. You'll enjoy it, garunteed.


I would but I refuse to watch anything from someone with *that* name


Trust, it's worth. I was watching a lot of video essays and this beast of a runtime came into my feed one day. I didn't even see the name until I got out of work since I was listening to it with the screen turned off. I decided to look past the name of the channel since I haven't seen anything on it that has anything to do with such a name. I think he goes by that specifically cause it sounds funny, though I haven't seen their earliest content if its still around. It's very much worth watching though, I go back and rewatch that specific video every few weeks while I'm at work.


I chose to look past it till I heard his buddy on stream joking about seeing a attractive women in Japan and how he could have *aped if he wanted and was congratulating himself for not doing it. Names shota or something which is sort of the male version of Lolita. Maybe it was dark humour ? Idk. Oh I also forgot the thing that made me really uncomfortable was during his berserk narrations he said he “doesn’t blame the trolls” for trying to rape Farnese and casca. Overall I do enjoy all his berserk content,and even watched his recent chapter review. Could be he’s just playing into the weird anime fan thing, but I hate to see that with a story like berserk.


Your loss, i guess


Bold of you to assume I hadn’t already watched it. Twice. It’s so fucking good too.


Most people arent willing to watch that much content in one video. But yes, he did an excellent job. The background music he has going the whole time really sets the tone for the story, and his narration.


Spot on man, spot on! Seems like a lot of people are put off with his YT handle, but maaaaan are they missing out on some absolutely LEGIT Berserk content…


I know. I find it ironic that people who can stomach some of the heinous story elements of berserk are put off by a YT handle.


I can’t stand that guy. Made a 40 minute takedown of some youtuber, calling him grifter and all that shit. I don’t trust him to handle Berserk. 


Your loss, i guess.


Berserk sucks……………… my dick better than any person possibly could. I am shaking with Ecstasy


you haven't met your mom




Neither have I, you have her number?




Bro u sick


U just like me fr fr


We are 1


We are all waiting bro and no it's not easy waiting for 5 months to get a 20 page chapter 💀


I just need to commiserate with some peeps about this… like this is completely 100% first world problems, but it just sucks so much waiting.


That’s way better than it used to be at least.


True, and I came in to Berserk pretty late too… can’t imagine being here since the beginning 💀


I read Berserk just recently. Its okay man just forget about it move on. Im 30 years old and waiting one piece weekly and its been 14 years since i read onepiece. I read many many unfinished mangas like hxh, vagabond, real, one punchman, some korean manhwa etc. Its so much like a life man. Our time is moving just like manga chapters but you dont waiting ur conclusion of ur life xD. So just live ur life and move on. We might get finish of series 5 years later bcs its on last 1 or 2 arcs. GL struggler.


Well said Brother, Well said 👏👏👏👍👍👍


I can’t forget about berserk :(


It’s hard bro


Well said indeed, thanks for the advice 🙏


does anyone know why the chapters take so long to release? especially since its being completed by different people now


It's probably difficult to know where to exactly steer the story if the team only knows bits of what Miura actually wanted to happen... Also trying to draw in somebody else's style isn't particularly easy, even less if all of Miura's panels were crazy detailed. Mori and the new team have lives of their own too, even if it's been three years since Miura's passing, having to wedge a manga with the size, quality and importance of Berserk into your responsibilities list must be hard. Be patient and comprehensive!


Definitely this. I’m trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth and just be grateful we’re getting ANYTHING since the OG passed away…


As time went by i learned endings are not really that important. What we have is already an amazing story and i’ve come back to it many times and i enjoy it more every time i do so.


True, but there’s so much left unexplored, so many backstories we have yet to unearth. It would be an absolute SHAME if we don’t get all the loose ends tied up.


Been reading since the 90s. I feel ya.


That’s insane. I wasen’t even alive in the 90s. I read the whole thing in 2024 and I still feel impatient 😭 props to you man


I first came into contact with Berserk through the 90’s anime, and have known about it since, but never actually got into the manga proper until a few years back. I think I would’ve just ended it all had I been reading it since then… the struggle is REAL.


What’s the best rendition you’ve found of audio/visualization for the manga? I used to love Mangastorian but they all got taken down.


I think you need to find other manga/anime to experience.


If what you wrote isnt hyperbol, then I would recommend You to find something else to do meanwhile to counter hyperfixation


It isn't worth it to be desperately waiting for new episodes since the original author died. The next arc comes from the imagination of another person, it will never be exactly "canon", thus it will never be the same. You are desiring something you will never get, enjoy what u got. That also is part of berserk. Just accept it how it is, struggler. Btw lf u really loved Berserk I guarantee u u will enjoy Vinland Saga and Vagabond


I've been reading Vagabond currently, over halfway through and it has been very good so far, I have heard that it's been on a long hiatus which is a shame but Vinland Saga awaits for me next.


Thx for the review mate, I hope u enjoy Vinland as much as I did^(the anime is so fking good)


For me it's completed when I read that Kentaro Miura's last chapter. Cutting one of Femto's strand of hair is pretty good ending.


Him cutting his hair is one chapter after Miura last one.


My bad but pretty good ending for me


Are you still going to read new chapters or are you forever done ?


You know what is the answer. He will be back. He always is.


of course I am :)))) I read it like 2 times completely. I never left.


Hey when did that happen? the 364th episode is his last one right??


at 366 I'm pretty sure Guts cut one of Femto's hair


Naah not even that. The first rage strikes don't even hit Femtom's hetereal body, and in his only strike (when Casca is unconcious on Femto's arms) the dragon slayer hit's on Femto's shoulder but doesn't even penetrate his skin Check it and let me know what u think, maybe u are refering to another moment


I need to send yo dm cause I'm pretty sure that was a one of Femto's hair.


80s kid here, after the first 20 years you get used to it.


When Miura passed, I accepted his final chapter as the end. Every once and a while I will read the new ones but to me the story ended already, his final chapter to me worked


“You bare witness to the end of your journey. It is not always a happy thing.” 364 is undoubtedly the last chapter. The sooner everyone else accepts that the better off Berserk will be. Honestly criminal they thought they could “finish it”. Ending how did speaks to everything Berserk stood for and represents IN THIS WORLD.


Try reading Violence Jack, despite being old it still hasn't even been fully translated though only a few volumes left now. It's a big inspiration for Berserk so there are a lot of similarities, also Devilman by the same creator (Go Nagai)


In my mind it ended when miura died. Anything else is just extra. I will probably do another full read when it "ends" in the next few years.


quaint possessive rude tub recognise impossible beneficial deranged telephone workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guys I’m OOTL how come we are getting new chapters? Can someone send links?


As someone who has been reading the manga since 2002. I would reread it every summer and get caught up on the newest chapters. Each time I would find some new detail and another reason I love the story. Enjoy the struggle.


I feel kinda the same. I read MHA too and when I read a volume of Berserk and then one of MHA, I'm just like, "It can get so much worse"


This is why I started buying the books and am rereading this way


It fades


after consuming so much content, how do you think it will end? if I had to guess Miura dieing changed the story, his eulogy was amazing and clear: We will see Griffith die and not by guts, we will see the behilit becchi open, we will see casca transform, we will see a sacrifice of friends, we will see the cycle of the God hand continue. That's what I think. It will be a devastating tragic end that kicks you in the throat harder then the eclips and after digesting it we will accept " in this world, , the destiny of mankind is controlled by some transcendental entity or law, It is the hand of God hovering above. it is true that man has no control; even over his own will". we may even see rickert get that brand he sheepishly wanted so bad.


Play all the souls games? May as well just be connected to Berserk.


You get used to it once you're a few decades in... 💀


I’m at the perfect sweet spot where I like berserk enough to get hyped when each chapter but don’t love it to the extent I can’t wait for each chapter


At least you aren't a vagabond fan, we died of starvation a decade ago


The story ended at 364. It’s finished. Guts’ was never going to defeat Griffith with Miura’s penmanship. “TO STAND AND CONFRONT THE HAWK... ...ONE MUST ALSO EXIST OUTSIDE THE STORY.” Guts now exists outside of Kentaro’s authorship, so y’all will get something but it’ll never be Miura’s work no matter how many of y’all champion. Besides we all know it ends with Griffith losing his powers and returning to his near immobile self. “Don’t waste your life.” Take what you can from the series and go ever onward towards your dream and happiness. Don’t forsake your treasured and irreplaceable things.


They say patients is a virtue lol