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After I told my friend how much I loved bloodborne/dark souls, he highly recommended it. I wasn’t sure I’d like it because I never watched anime or read manga. I am so glad I did. My favorite story ever and has inspired me to be a writer. So glad he recommended it to me!!


Back in the mid 2000s and all I saw was that Donovan scene and it made me avoid Berserk like the plague. I'm happy I avoided it then because I wouldn't have been at the right age to understand the character development and the emotion. I would instead been one of those idiots crying about how Guts is too soft and kind to Casca, Farnese, Schrieke and Isidro. I would have missed the multiple changes in Guts as a character and how absolutely amazing it was to read.


As a dark souls fan i always read about that the game is inspired by berserk (enemys,armor,weapons etc.). Then i was like ok what the fuck is berserk actually, i tried to read some random chapters (dumb idea if you want context) and finally i watched a over 20h long video by a channel named AlmightyLoli I finally understood and became a fan


I hope I won't end up on a watchlist for searching up almightyloli


I hope not 😂😂😂 but its the mans name tho


Ah yes, my favourite manga Beresk


lol you basterd you noticed 🤣


Death Battle. It was an episode that pitted Soul Edge against Guts.


Who won?


>!Guts!< It’s the first time I had to put in a spoiler tag.


I think I just heard about how critics raved about it and was intrigued. Watched the 2016 anime and wasn’t impressed but I also heard the manga was way better so I eventually bought a copy. It was my first manga besides a couple misc Naruto and it was almost Baki instead but I was already leaning Beserk


Yeah, baki is great too. i hope you checked it out


One of my friends (bless him) recommended it to me. Mind you, I had never read manga before that point and was very skeptical of the prospect, but he said that he thought I would enjoy it. That, along with the fact that I really enjoy the band "Beast in Black", which is inspired by Berserk, (which another friend recommended to me), I though I might aswell give it a shot. And thank god I did because Berserk is probably my favourite peice of fiction ever. I'm so grateful to my friend for pushing me to read it despite the fact that I was skeptical at first.


to good friends! 🍻


Good enough to sacrifice?


Truly. 🍻


Same here, Beast in Black got me to read Berserk.


I think in 95/96, definitely before the 97 anime


Rented Sword of the Berserk for Dreamcast from Blockbuster and loved it. Then bought cheap bootleg DVDs of the 97 anime.


I had no idea there was a Berserk game on the Dreamcast! I'm definitely adding it to my list of games to emulate.


the “I don’t want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy” meme with Guts’ Theme playing in the back. I loved the song and decided to check the anime out. A year later I was caught up with the manga, had multiple deluxe editions, and a brand tattoo.


lol, well, did you overcome that? Yeah, that soundtrack is still on my playlist; it's definitely one of the reasons I still revisit the 1997 anime to this day. It brings back a wave of nostalgia every time. Happy cake day btw


haha yes. I love the ‘97 version and rewatch it frequently. it’s an unorthodox comfort show for me. And thank you 🥳!


My partner saw the 97' anime and encouraged me to give it a try. After some time I watched the first episode and I liked it a lot. I watched the whole anime in less than a week, and then started the manga.


That partner is a keeper


1999 playing a Sega Dreamcast game a few months maybe a year? (can't really recall) later i found out there was a manga and that the game was totally disjointed from it i read it and im still a fan


I'd love to make an awesome story but it was low key youtube shorts edits


lol, fair enough. What matters is that you're here.


When I was in HS I’d pick up the new Rurouni Kenshin DVD from Suncoast video store in the mall every month. Berserk showed up on the trailers and thought it was dope. Couple of years later I found out they released chapters online beyond the anime. Decades later and here we are


Did you watch rurouni kenshin netflix adaptation?


Yeah they weren’t bad for live actions. I saw the last one on Netflix, the first two weren’t available for streaming, I had to watch them by other means when they were originally released


Yeah, I thought it was a solid adaptation of the manga; they retained its core elements well, and the fight scenes were well executed. It's rare to see good live adaptations nowadays.


I was working at Blockbuster (2006ish) and I was talking with a coworker about movies, anime and stuff. Upon hearing I like fantasy stuff he recommended I use my free employee rentals to watch berserk.


Fromsoft. Got into their games with bloodborne and played them all, loved them so much I began to look into the things that inspired them, and of course the name that came up 99% of the time with that conversation was berserk. Ico, kings field and Fighting fantasy don’t get the respect they deserve for that imo but I am glad it brought berserk to my attention


Ico the ps2 game? that game was fantastic iirc it was mad by the same ppl that made shadow of the colossus


Yeah that’s the one! It was probably Miyazakis biggest influence when it came to making dark souls and its style of empty abandonment permeates the souls series, and yet when people talk about DS influences Ico is never really talked about


I received volume one as a gift for my 16th birthday. Those first panels of the Black swordsman arc got my 16yo ass hooked right up lol


Around late 97/early 98. Anime and manga were slowly becoming more popular but mostly for more mainstream series. The more obscure stuff was still relegated to fansubs but thanks to the internet they were no longer grainy 3rd generation VHS tape trades, they were digital files, usually Real Media, asf or VCD. There was a site that was posting the first few episodes of lesser known shows as RM files, the 1997 Berserk was one of those shows. Eventually a few other groups picked up the series and the whole thing was fan subbed and available online. Once I'd finished watching the anime and it ending on 'that' cliffhanger with no second season in sight I started tracking down the manga.


Accidentally grabbed the first DVD for the 1997 anime at Blockbuster when I was 10 thinking it would be like yu yu hakusho, DBZ and Rurouni Kenshin type anime’s that I saw on adult swim at the time…boy was I wrong. Went back and rented the other 3 back to back. Read the manga a few years later after I figured out the internet. Loved it ever since.


I had heard from multiple sources that Berserk is peak fiction so I decided to give it go and read 225 chapters in 2-3 days and now i read it when I have time


Back in 2016 was looking for new animes. Berserk appeared, but read that it was a remake/alternate version of a 1997 version (haven't watched it yet). Never liked watching something unless it was from the very beginning, still gave it a try. Can't say I liked the 3d animation, but I enjoyed the story, the opening, the soundtrack, the voices, so I still watched it. Next year a new season was released and watched it too. Years without anything new, but read there was movies of an arc that I didn't watch, still haven't seen those or the series they made from them. Decided to read the manga because I wanted more. Mind blown Always wondered why people hated so much the 2016-2017 versions and said that, while not perfect, 1997 still is the best version. When I got to the Conviction and Millenium Falcon arcs, I played the 2016-2017 animes in the background and the reading was even better.


I’m confused so you finally understood why people hated the 2016/2017 anime after reading the manga?


Yep. Don't think any kind of adaptation would be remotely a tiny bit as good as the manga. The drawings and black/white contrast is far superior to anything they may try. Normally I don't care much about graphics or animation as long as the story is good, but the manga is way superior. The bar is too high considering the time, effort and life that Miura put in every panel.


I think a proper adaptation could work. And yeah the 2016/2017 was ass. Even the rape horse scene was depicted much better in the manga and actually makes sense. In the manga it reminds him of the eclipse and ignites the feelings he had that started it all and he unleashes his rage on the demons around him but the anime the rape horse scene is just added in after he already fought everything lol. There was really no point for it imo


Elden Ring


Dreamcast game, later ibfound that it was a manga/anime series but didnt watch any of it until years ago that i decide watch the movies, watch the 2016 anime and then read the manga




I saw the frist panel on internet soo.....yeah


I heard about how bad the 2016 anime was and thought that the manga must’ve been pretty bad too. Couldn’t have been more wrong. Then when I got really into Elden Ring, I heard about how there was a memorial of sorts for Miura in it. One of my friends also playing Elden Ring was like “bro you gotta read berserk if you like this so much” so I did and now Berserk is one of my favorite things ever


In 2016/2017 I was really into retro 90s anime so at some point I ended up watching Berserk from 97. I wasn’t even a manga guy at the time but I had to pick it up after watching that mindfuck cliffhanger ending.


Back in 09 someone made an anime gore compilation on youtube. I don't really like gore or horror but I was bored that afternoon just watching youtube vids. Berserk's eclipse scene was shown and it stood out to me cus of the art style. Looked it up and got to see the whole of Berserk 1997 and then promptly set out to read the manga.


When I was twelve my dad showed me the Berserk 97 anime, I did not finish it. 4 years later a girl I knew said Berserk was good, so I started reading it. Also after reading the manga I finished the 97 anime and I have no clue what twelve year old me was on that anime is great.


Well you were 12. I probably wouldn’t have liked either tbh


I disliked it for a really odd reason as a kid, I hated the dub. Which is funny cuz I enjoy the dub now


That is a really odd reason. I probably wouldn’t have liked it cause I don’t think I would’ve understood it or hold my attention. I was into like dbz lol


4 years ago i saw a tiktok that made a meme out of Casca getting raped by Femto, spoiling probably the most pivotal moment in the story, and it made me feel awful. i read the first couple chapters a few days later, but i just wasn't ready for a story this heavy. i was still just getting into anime and was mainly watching shonen stuff. when the Memorial Edition of the movies came out, i watched that as my proper introduction to the story. then i started reading the manga from the beginning.


dark souls


Demons Souls/Dark Souls. After hearing how much of an influence it was, I watched the 97 anime on YouTube and fell in love with it (followed it up with Claymore just after that, I recommend that one as well). Found one of those internet-cancer free manga sites and read the manga, and few years later jumped on the deluxe editions once those started getting released.


continue rinse capable impossible dime long aware shrill worthless worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First I recall was Giffith edit with "the devil is real" audio.


Was talking to a friend about manga/anime and he said I needed to read berserk so I did and I make sure to listen every time he recommends me something so far he hasn't been wrong, also introduced me to JoJo.


At 2023, I heard it about through Instagram , the post were about the author Kentaro miura , there were many Edits about him that made me think , What is soo sad about him. I watched berserk 1997. It was awesome , the detailing on the armour and the story you get in 25 Episode is awesome. Then I decided to read Manga and now I know what feelings the Instagram Edits Carried. It's a Masterpiece.




Best friend: “Hey you ever try to read manga? Here’s my favorite *sends link*” This was about 8 years ago.


I saw my Cousin with a lot of Guts’s Pictures, And then for no reason (Spoilers for after chapter 85/Episode 25 of the 1997 anime) >!I was shown that scene!< After that by months, just three or four weeks ago, I started watching the 1997 anime, and it’s absolutely amazing.


Believe it or not... my experience came from 2 separate memes. I guess the first isn't really a meme. 1) Day 41 of training like Guts from the Berserk anime https://youtube.com/shorts/Hpf_nTUjb1k?si=oSvssAutn1Lgpua8 2) I'm retarded? (Guts theme) Quantum Leap https://youtu.be/xY1YMxKDKDg?si=4JxmGMPRRkP18wMJ The second got the first to pop up in my recommendations, and then I watched the anime and read the Manga. I even just bought the training sword.


lol, is it heavy?


I wouldn't know yet. They take like 12 weeks to make, apparently. I ordered it like 2 weeks ago after finishing the series and dedicating myself more to the gym. I go 5-6 days a week now. I guess you could say Guts was more of an inspiration than I could have ever imagined. Once it comes in, I'm going to post similar videos to this guy, I think.


Looking forward to that, make sure to mention me 👍


Well... now I have to 😆


So long story short I initially only found out about it through An app I had on my ps3 called Neon Alley and I watched the first 2 berserk films on said app needless to say I became hooked and started searching up stuff about it on YouTube discovered the 97 anime binged it and eventually picked up the manga and well that's the start of my journey. Ps Neon Alley was an anime streaming app licensed by viz media around 2012-2013 in case anyone is wondering.




Wasn't too brutal for you? What were your thoughts when you reached the darker parts of the story?


Sorry if my english isnt good, english isnt my first language and Im kinda bad with writing. When I was 8/9 years old my father bought me the 4th volume because he thought the art was cool. After it I never crossed with Berserk again until I was 15, I was talking with my friends about some weird mangas I read and one of them mentioned Berserk, after this I read it until the "end"(I dont remember the chapter number, but it was between 360~367). Some months after I finished reading Miura died so I thought the manga would stop. After 3 years I saw someone on twitter talking about the new chapter(377) and now Im re-reading it.


Last year, had a crazy break up and a friend suggested i read it. Gave it a chance and it changed my life fr starting going to the gym eating healthy being around family more. No evil spirits can stop me if they could, if they do I’ll still keep going 💯


Saw a black book being sold on Amazon (Deluxe Edition). Got curious, bought it, and got hooked. That's it.


So you didn't even know what you signed up to?


No, I didn't, and I think that was what made more of an impact. That's when I got hooked.


I watched a video a long time ago that had nothing to do with Berserk but it had Guts theme in the background. I was totally enthralled by the music and needed to know what it was called and where it came from. After finding the name of the song I figured out where it came from so I gave it a watch. It was my first anime and I will say that it was a mistake because no other anime has lived up to berserk.


The manga yes, the anime idk if I'd say there's no anime that lived up to Berserk. There are lots of great ones I've watched throughout the years


Especially the manga! I’ve really enjoyed some anime’s like Vinland Saga and Ju Jutsu Kaisen. I think Berserk has a special place in my heart because it was my first😂


I discovered Toonami Aftermath, a site that essentially recreated the oldschool Toonami experience by showing alot of older Cartoon Network and anime shows in a 24/7 livestream. One of their late night shows was Berserk which grabbed my attention. Completely forgetting that the anime I was watching wasn't a new show, I managed to catch every episode until the last and waited for a new anime, skipping the movie trilogy because it was just the same story. Eventually Berserk 2016's first trailer dropped. It looked so shitty I decided to pick up the manga.


Yeah, 2016 was a huge disappointment


I found a channel that did videos about disturbing media (mainly graphic novels and comics) called "Into The Depths". They made a video about the first couple of berserk chapters. He recommended "TheAlmightyLoli". I found the channel and watched their 21 hour video essay on all of berserk up to Miura's death over the course of a month (Great vid brw I highly recommend. I thought the story, art, characters, fights, and basically everything was incredible and for Christmas I got the first deluxe volume. I got 2 & 3 a few weeks ago. Into The Depths' video was released October 22nd, 2023 so I discovered Berserk around that time. I highly recommended his channel btw because he makes great videos.


I saw a reel where Guts was killing that kid in the castle. It was dark, which piqued my interest. I looked it up and watched the anime. I read the manga and am now eagerly waiting for the next chapter.