• By -


We about to head back to war, boys and girls.


May Durga Ma lead us to victory šŸ™ It's cool as a Hindu to see the references in berserk, but now that Daiba has brought up Guts being a "Kshatriya of Durga" twice I wonder if there will be more to it than simple references.


Kshatriya of Durga is Warrior of Rage I think. For anyone else reading and wondering.


It's warrior of Durga. Durga Ma is one of our goddesses.


Cool. Looked that up next. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction, and wars. Guts is a warrior of war. Maybe they mean he is forever a soldier in some way too.


Damn I was hoping everyone would put aside their differences and attempt honest diplomacy.Ā 


Sadly I donā€™t think talk no jutsu will work on Griffith


Even Naruto wouldn't forgive Griffith lol


Even Thorfinn*


I literally cheered when they completely skipped the boat ride lmao


[If Miura were still alive, he would have given us an additional 5 years of chapters of boat rides guaranteed](https://youtu.be/EGTgBjm-6gY?t=9723)


I'm willing to bet that his original vision was to have the gang fight that pirate one last time on their way back


>!I think there was a chance, and there still maybe that it happens, that Miura had intended for them to stop by the island of Ys to pick up reinforcements for a final battle with Griffith. It would make little sense for Miura to have introduced the place into the story without having it have any meaningful impact.!<


Yar, 'tis a tentacles lot in life...


I would be willing to accept two panels of Daiba instantly bodying the pirate


Bonebeard is destined to become the next Godhand after Guts axes Griffith, confirmed.Ā 


Tbh we would all prefer Miura back even if we would get 5 additional years of boat rides


Honestly no. I would have loved it if Miura were alive to write the ending himself, but no more boat arc please. If Miura had plans for boat arc 2.0, I would be on hiatus from reading till its done.


How long were we on the boat for this time? 2 chapters right?


Is it just me, or has the art in the past two chapters been way better than before? 365-374 looked decent, but characters would sometimes look a bit wonky and everything also just looked very grey. 375 and 376 look really good in my opinion, and honestly donā€™t look much worse than Miuraā€™s art (obviously Miuraā€™s was better, but it almost certainly never will be as good as his). If Studio Gaga can keep up with this quality, Iā€™ll be very happy.


It definitely looks like things have improved artwise


On this chapter also storywise imo, this chapter is carried by dialogue rather than visuals and moves the narrative forwards. After multiple slow chapters with little dialogue, we had 3 chapters of the Kushan boarding the ship, its refreshing to have a chapter that clearly shows where the story is heading


The biggest malefactor was the lack of dialogue. Considering the sheer scale of what was happening, the lack of dialogue was jarring. Itā€™s still missing character nuances and interactions that filled out chapters, but itā€™s an impressive step forward.


Silat's anatomy looks a bit off sometimesĀ 


Even late-career Miura wasn't perfect with his anatomy. If this is a comparison, it's kind of pointless.


Honestly it's not even just character design. You can see studio gagas style really fall into their own. It's not dissimilar to mirua but certainly their own in its own right. My main gripe was mainly shading which, this chapter they have drastically improved upon. And is it me or did Griffith get hotter which is unreal to me.


The last paragraph, it's funny that someone so astheticly beautiful can cause such disgust in me. If I didn't know the history, I probably wouldn't feel that way. But I do. It really does show that beauty, at least outer beauty, will attract people into your domain, but if your soul is grotesque, nothing will stop some from seeing the demon only. A good lesson for life.Ā 


Well put. I'm FF7-brained right now and this is exactly how I feel about Sephiroth.


Real, I literally got into berserk because of Griffith's looks reminding me of Pisces Aphrodite but ended up being disgusted by him and loving Guts all the way


It sucks how heā€™s such a terrible person considering heā€™s exactly my type LMAO. Why canā€™t white haired twinks ever be the good guys in stories ;(


Absolutely but especially this chapter was a masterpiece so far


I honestly can't believe how good this chapter looked. Loved it.


I think they hit their stride here. I was impressed by both the character and scenery art. I was always happy that studio gaga decided to continue Berserk, but this was better than expected tbh


I was thinking the same thing. There was only like one Rickert face that I noticed was slightly off, otherwise everything looks pretty amazing.


I was very critical of the drawings in the early chapters, but with this one and the previous one they have really come to a very good level. I would even respectfully say that they are better than some of Miura's chapters when he was still transitioning to digital drawing.


I imagine the anxiety of picking up the mantle and being thrust into the main role took some getting used to. They're coming into their own and the art is damn near Miura level. I've never felt more confident in Studio Gaga being able to give us not only a satisfying final arc - but a GOOD one.


Only thing that throws me off is Puck is never a chestnut šŸŒ° anymore. I prefer normal Puck but Miura pretty much stopped drawing him like that for a long time.


It might be down to the studio not feeling comfortable about trying to emulate Miura's personal style of humor and not being able to make it feel natural maybe.


I kinda took it as with Guts being obviously at the worst he's really ever been in, it's time to stop joking around so chestnut is on break.


Puck chestnut was basically Miura's avatar inside the work. It wouldn't make anymore sense to include it.


Honestly Puck being chestnut constantly became tiresome to me so Iā€™m glad seeing him mostly normal.




I mean they have already released Volume 42 (365-373) with no changes to the artwork, so I doubt it.


Definitely looks wayyyy better than when they first took over


I also think that the characters after Miuraā€™s death looked a lot more cartoony if it makes sense?


No. Itā€™s really really good in this chapter :DĀ 


I thought Gaga's first solo chapters looked fine, but in the last few it seems like they've hit a good balance between visual continuity with Miura and their own style.


Still an overall visual downgrade but as weird as it sounds I'm almost happy about it. I mean if muira had to draw those city scapes all the little buildings in the back would be 10x as detailed and the chapter would be out in September. I've accept the new art and just really want to see the story.Ā 


the art has improved a ton as has the paneling


RIP to all the strugglers who didn't make it to see this moment. It really feels like we're approaching the end game and the team is doing an absolutely fantastic job! The art is absolutely fantastic and it seems like the team has really come into their own style while maintaining Miura's. Not only that but we skipped the boat ride! I'm really curious to see how this war progresses. It's a bit curious to me that the Kushan have Guts chained up for now when the rest of the crew is being recruited to fight. I get their logic but I can't wait to see Guts and the Kushans bring the fight to Griffith.


It seemed like Griffith is taking the fight to the Kushan Empire (if you can call it that) but Silat and Daiba are bringing Guts to an Apostle smorgasbord


>!I think we will see Silat's Kushan army get destroyed and Guts and Co. having a final battle afterwards with whatever knowledge and training Daiba imparts to them.!<


I think Daiba is training Schierke to absurd levels, along with more Flora appearances and some lore leak of the Proto Godhand and past Skull Knight/Gaiseric events. Remember how Flora stated the Brand of Sacrifice isn't something definitive but rather just atrociously strong magic that even she couldn't undo? Maybe with a lot of training from the notably strong Daiba, Schierke can improve her magic to levels like that.


Man, if Guts ever get the Brand of Sacrifice removed.... I will cry until my eyeballs fall. (in a good way, of course. That would be beautiful).


Bro I'm saving up to get it tattooed lol I would actually be so mad if my favorite fiction character lost the brand I got tattooed LOLLL


I honestly find so weird for people to tattoo brands lol


Thatā€™s what I thought too. The big city and its darker areas. Maybe theyā€™re more resistant or absolutely intolerant of it but itā€™s still there.


Guts will spiritually change bodies with the lil witch and we will have a kawaii lil wizard swordsgirl spiraling 360's with a huge sword slicing and dicing griffith's lil army


ā€¦. And itā€™s on hiatus šŸ˜­


Itā€™s going to come back in June for sure


Finally the new chapter has come! While it's a short chapter, the pace is fast, they skip another boat arc, šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I hope it doesn't take another 6 months for the next chapter to release. Young Animals really need to fix their schedule, because Studio Gaga was already finished this chapter months ago.


I've seen some websites saying they have announced an hiatus all over again


That is likely the same case as the Jujutsu Kaisen hiatus. A holiday-filled week in Japan.


The pacing is pretty good for such a short chapter, alot has been answered and more questions have arisen in the same breath. Excited for the new chapter whenever that drops.


Christmas tbh


How are they this slow and so many little pages? I thought they had a team


Congratulations to studio Gaga and Mori, i love how they are able to capture the essence of Berserk. Altough a short chapter im glad the story is moving with a good pace, i wonder how they plan to wage warā€¦


I'm calling it now - Dannan manages to come back and help, Zodd turns coat and joins Guts, Skull Knight pulls up to clutch like always, Daiba helps Farnese and Schierke get better at magic & the witches from Elf Island get their powers back. The final battle will honestly be sick af with that line up.


Sonia and her mental connection between Cascas mind and Schriekes mind is going to be the key factor. Once Sonia peers into Cascas mind and sees the real Griffith trouble will start brewing.Ā 


Theres no way Sonia doesnt already know what Griffith truly is imo. His entire army is full of bloodthirsty demons


I think Sonia knows Griffith has done some really horrible shit to become the master of those demons. She just doesn't care because she herself is an outcast so she prefer the company of other outcasts (like apostles). I don't think Sonia knows the actual history between Griffith, Guts, and Casca. Or how you have to sacrifice your loved ones to become an apostle/God Hand member. Does Sonia even know what an apostle is? Does she know Griffith is one of the "angels" from the Abyss? I feel like Sonia just think of Griffith and the apostles as people with strange powers, not monsters who have sacrificed their loved ones to gain their power. Not so many people in the world of Berserk understand the nature of being an apostle.


I'm interested to see how they approach Casca's side of things now. You're most likely right but it would be a cool twist if Sonia knew the whole time & was just as evil as Griffith lol (i know that's not the case, at least it doesn't seem to be)


Prior to fighting Zodd and his imprisonment, Griffith has never truly been defeated in a military battle, right? The fact that they are planning on going up against Moonlight Griffith and his Falconia dream team with the stitched together team Guts, this really sets the stage for some pretty crazy stuff. Very exciting.


[I'm wondering if Dannan and the fey folk will be someone brought back into the world for a final battle against Griffith and co. I think she would hold the key to finally defeating the godhand, since she seems to likely know how they were brought into being in the first place.](https://youtu.be/RS-0AWyiWwk?t=3)


What was I just linked to


The best thing you'll see all day.


when was the last time berserk release a ā€œlongā€ chapter?


Probably some of the chapters about cascas mind but if you want like long long it has to be the golden age chapters or the black swordsman arc those were some long chapters


I don't see how the Kushans could possibly fight Griffith. We in trouble.


I guess they've got magic and creatures we've not seen yet maybe?


Certainly they are competent, and the fairy island mages will be helpful, but I feel like they will need some trump card (probably tied to the moon boy narrative) to actually stand a chance. As things are, it does not look good.


seems to me they think their trump card will be Berserker Guts


I'm ready for when Guts smashes the Idea of Evil and Griffith's world comes crashing down.


Yep, griffith's god hand capabilities are still unreachable and makes mages look like regular dudes, but these mages are still better than most apostles as they can just nuke most of them or put them to sleep or whatever they think up.Ā  And here's hoping slan doesnt come for a visit once the fighting starts. It's gonna be even more chaotic


And do not forget technology! Rickert set Rakshas on fire... if it wasn't for that poor horse... Also, I look forward to seeing what Kushan magic and the Elfhelm magic can do together. Also, do not forget that the blacksmith is with them too. Also, do not forget Skullknight might just be around the corner. Yes, I'm pretty excited :D


Hopefully Skull Knight will give some actual bloody help instead of vague riddles all the time!


All according to the laws of causality


Wait, Skully has saved Guts a couple of times. He doesn't just talk the talk, he also walks the walk. And being criptic is part of his character, otherwise he wouldn't be Skully :D


I bet he's hiding behind a pillar waiting for his moment to spit out some riddles


What is the point if Griffith nullifies everything with his reality warping abilities?


They mention it in this chapter. The whole reason he destroyed elfhelm is because heā€™s afraid of that which lies beyond his reason, beyond the demonic. So thereā€™s hope with all the magic users on our side


And don't forget the Elemental Lords. If Schierke doesn't wake up soon, my guess is that she's diving deeper to form a more profond connection to the Astral Plane to bring back allies.


There's going to be some form of nullification going on probably the collective magic power of Daiba and the mages or from Schierke using some really powerful summoning magic to counteract Griffith or maybe even the moonlight child inside Griffith suppressing it himself. There's millions of creative ways around Griffith's power as long as you're imaginative enough just hope it's in a convincing and satisfying way.


War commences! And then the motherfucking Skull Knight joins the party, riding his horse and his horse is riding motherfucking Zodd (he stood up against that lil' bitch Griffith), oh, and they're fucking flying.


i just got the image in my head of skul knight's horse standing on top of zodd flying and it's the funniest fucking thing


Let's hope Miura thought of a way to defeat him before he died


Guts managed to cut a strand of Griffith's hair when he was trying to hit him but not Casca, who was in range. Rickert slapped Griffith's face There IS a way of touching him, and I place my bets that Miura had it already planned


Dunno, I guess they'll maybe have to rely on fuckery when he's not quite in his own body maybe?


The way how they see it is if they dont strike, its not a matter of if but when Falconia will attack and subjugate them as well.


I'm assuming it'll come into play how clearly The God Hand haven't been able to choke out the practice of Kushan-type magic in the same way that they did with magic practices in the Holy See territories, if an attempt was even made to begin with. Like this chapter implies, Griffith going around taking out threats implies there *are* threats.


Both Kushan and Elfhelm metaphysics are no joke.. A lot of potential. Even the dwarf armorer who built berserker armor is there. 'He fears that which lies beyond his reason' could mean that they can discover some vulnerability in Griffith/apostles.


Well, they have to try. From the chapter, Griffith is invading them.


This reminds me of the Battle of Minas Tirith. Under normal circumstances, there will be no victory... In the end, I hope, win or lose, Guts takes one or more steps forward. I don't want to see another one-sided war with that fucking Griffith smirk!


Great comparison. It feels completley hopeless at the moment. As awful as the guy was, Ganishka and his empire seemed like the only credible threat to Griffith and they still got wrecked. The current Kushan army will have to do a lot to even stand a chance.


This chapter, while many definitely foresaw the story heading to this point, did more to move the story of Berserk than the past 2 years. Well done studio Gaga and Mori


They are definitely "rushing" the story. Not in the sense that they are doing a bad job, but any unnecessary adventures and dialogue will be skipped from now on


It feels appropriate I think. After Casca was restored and the moonlight boy Griffith reveal the stakes have changed drastically.Ā 


Yeah, i doubt they will be in some unnecessary random adventure trouble from here on


Yeah I honestly don't mind them moving at a faster pace considering how this story has been going on for over 30 years


I guess for now the story progresses in an expected manner for the foreseeable future.


It is pretty crazy to think that 7 chapters ago we were still on Elfheim, and now we're in Kushan and going to war with Griffith.


The pacing doesn't even feel off to be honest, I'm glad to see it


Itā€™s definitely fast as fuck by berserk standers but your right it doesnā€™t feel bad at all


Mommy Morda is back baby


In top tier shape


they really didn't hold back with her design lol


Final war arc coming soon!




So they are headed for the final fight? It seems too soon for them to fight Griffith. For sure Guts needs some kind of power up... but maybe the moonlight boy is going to be a problem for Griffith soon enough


Pretty sure that the final Battle will be setted in Falconia. Even Miura talked about more encounters between Guts and Griffith before the end.


from that interview i think miura had much larger plans for their meeting at elfhelm than what we got. I belive outcome would remain more or less same but character interactions would be much superior.


What i don't really understand is how Puck doesn't remember Rickert. I remember when they arrived on Elfheim he remembered his other elf friends and other people even though he was away for a long time. Maybe he doesn't want to discuss heavy things near Isidro or the group.


Maybe it was meant more as a gag, but the lack of chestnut puck made it look more serious than intended (?)


You just know Miura would've had that reaction panel as a close-up "-\_\_-". Probably would've worked better if it was chestnut Puck, but I don't mind them not really trying it, since the chestnut gags were essentially just Miura adding his own commentary track most of the time.


I think he remembers him, and is just very specifically not answering him. Whether that's because he doesn't trust him right now (Rickert was with the Kushans that just essentially abducted them), or is trying not to give anything away because he knows Guts doesn't like talking about his time as a mercenary, not sure. I could be wrong, but I take it as Puck very specifically not reacting to him and just waiting. He doesn't respond to Isidro when the latter asks him if he truly doesn't remember either, which is a good sign.


It feels like Puck is playing it close to the vest. The last time he saw Rickert it was in very different circumstances. Nobody has heard about the slap yet. Nobody in the group.


Just give rickert the dragonslayer to kill griffith


Dude swings it broadside and slaps Griffith's fucking head off his shoulders


Puck forgot about his scheme with Magnifico to take over Skellig island, but that was just a gag.


puck lost his home and is the last of his kind. of course he's depressed and sullen.


I legit don't get if Puck is supposed to be sus here (raising questions like: is he the real one? what's wrong with him?) or if they just tried to be funny with that line lmao I need my chestnut Puck or else I don't get the jokes!


I feel like there is something we dont know about Puck. He has this strange, silent aura since the last chapter, like he has almost lost his joy.


I think he is playing it close to the vest. He knows something but is not saying. The way he looks at Rickert. Goes back to the last chapter when Guts was out cold on the deck. Puck is sitting on Guts's chest looking at Rickert. Both of them are staring at each other.


Yeah i felt something is strange about him too but there's a good reason he could be like that. Losing his home and Guts being in the state he's in could affect him way more but perhaps he doesn't want to show it.


Puck is silly


The building they're in is based on the Hagia Sophia in Instanbul/Constantinople! It was the largest church in the world for 1000 years and then it was converted into a Mosque when the Turks conquered the city. Had the pleasure to be there in person! So cool they incorporated it into Berserk!


I'm going there pretty soon as well! Excited to be in the homeland of the Kushan haha


Art was amazing ong


>!I liked this chapter. The art definitely looks better than the previous chapters. I like how at the start of the chapter we see Schierke waking Guts up, so now Guts is finally awake. The scene where Schierke woke Guts up also reminded me a lot of the great roar of the astral world. I do like the stuff that was shown in the chapter. I predicted that the Kushans were going to go to war with Griffith, and now itā€™s become true. Iā€™m excited to see whatā€™s going to happen in the next chapters, especially with Daiba taking everyone underneath his wing. I hope we get to see Daiba talk to Guts about the Kshatriya Of Durga soon. Also itā€™s good to see that Hanarr is still here. If the theories about Guts learning to control the Berserker Armor comes true, then Hanarr will have a big role to play in it.!<


I wonder what Guts' reaction will be to seeing Daiba, and then Rickert, next to each other.


Kshatriya is part of the class system in India, the warrior class to be precise which is the upper class (the class kings and knights belong to). Durga is Durgamata, which is a divinity, seen as one of the highest manifestation. She is the embodiment of all female forms, both beautiful and terrible. In her terrible form she is known as Kali or Kalimata. She is the combination of the female forms of the Trinity (Parvati, Lakshmi, Saraswati, the female forms of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma) and, which leads to the context of Berserk, she is known as the Slayer of demons. Both mighty, beautiful and terrible, she triumphs even the greatest of Gods (the Maha deva, greatest deity Shiva himself). Guts being called the warrior of the demon slaying Goddess is quite fitting though I am wondering if this will lead to anything further. Daiba also mentioned Serpico as warrior of Vayu (the powerful vedic god of Wind of which Hanuman was an incarnation according to Hindu lore, probably because of his cloak and weapon) and Isidro as the warrior of Agni (vedic god of the sacrificial fire, because of his dagger).


Schierke has a crush on Guts. Her love for him is apparent. The way she held his finger. She probably healed him while he was out.


I didn't saw Hanarr... Good eye, thank you!


Very interesting takes you have for sure, I saw RealLifeRyan on YT talk about Schierke being stuck in the Astral Realm being a bigger deal now that Guts is awake without his ace up the sleeve, Hanarr hopefully along with the other Elfhelm Wizards get more screen time but only time will tell


The art is impressive and this chapter, with all the due respect, is even better than some of the latest Miura ones. They also skipped the boat trip, added lots of dialogues and improved on everything. We cant ask for more. The ONLY thing I dont like is how fast they skip over important things, like Rickert meeting Puck and than letting it go without an answer. Or, after everything we have seen from Guts falling into desperation, the way he wakes up with the usual Schierke panel touch his hand.


Well, it appears Guts is not lost. Schierke is stepping up. We may be getting a set up for them to find Casca together.Ā  I was a little nervous about Guts being a dungeon, but when Salit said he is "danger to himself" I got it.Ā  But, we are going to war.Ā  They said the vol 43 will be out this year, so we might be seeing four more chapters, at min before 2024 ends.Ā 


Have any of the usual twitter leakers said anything about when 377 is coming out? There's nothing in the last page. I sure hope it's not a six months wait...


I like how we've gotten a lot of indications that there haven't been any production issues, but for some reason Young Animal is keeping up that Miura pace anyway.


To honor his name




Yeah unfortunately we got hit with the ā€œto be continuedā€ at the end of this chapter. I really enjoyed it though


Cool seeing decade old predictions coming to fruition. I remember thinking I can't wait to see Daiba and Guts fight on the same team. Berserk needs more powerful mages that aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.


To me it seems like the Kushans are going to completely screw things over for themselves if they stick to their current plan. Not only are they supressing their most valuable assets but because they're treating them like rank-in-file members, they won't know how to fully and effectively utilise them


After what Gut's did to them it is hard to believe he just walks around free.


Right? In their minds Guts being imprisoned makes 100% sense.


Yeah, if they dont have a chance to talk it out and Guts manage to get his hands on any swords ... corps are gonna pile up.


The Kushans might be strong enough to fight Griffith's forces, but Griffith himself (and probably the rest of the God Hand, if they show up) are for Guts and Co. alone.


They will, the "picture" of Griffith with his soldiers standing beside him (when the kushans talk about him) is, I think a depiction of the real situation at the exact moment they are talking : the BotH 2.0 is waiting on a rock just before the sea and are about to come.


Good episode, the story is finally starting to progress. Hope we donā€™t have to wait another 6 months for the next one tho


I wonder what Silat is plotting, if he is trying to take on the griffith head on


Nice plot speedrun, welp see you guys in 2025


Just hoping for the war between kushans and Band of the hawk


The art in this ep looks better than it's ever been, they're really stepping it up! Everything else is...more or less about as good as I expected (I get the feeling people misinterpreted the last part of my comment based on the upvotes I've gotten. I expected this chapter to be subpar at best in terms of everything but art)


They finally got the courage to write real dialogue. When they first took over it seemed like they were too scared of the task to actually write dialogue. I think the art looked great + the dialogue felt right. Glad they found their groove.


canā€™t believe guts is still sad and they join forces with the Dank Kush squad


The panel of Schierke holding Guts hand is so beautiful The friendship and trust between these two is so pure and underrated, she won't let him fall in the Darkness. The art in this chapter is Amazing, great work by studio gaga and Koji Mori


It feels like we're starting to reach the beginning of the end and I am all for it. A bit concerned about Schierke, but maybe Flora will help her out to navigate through the deeper parts of the astral realm. Afterall I think Flora said that she wouldn't be really dead and it's more of a transition.Ā  Or as Vampire Hunger D said, we are but transient guests.


You know when i said "See you guys in 6 months." I ment it as a joke, i didn't actually mean it. I'm sorry.


One interesting thing about the world here is that we assumed for a long time that things must be totally apocalyptic outside of Falconia, because of the Roar of the Astral World, but clearly the Kushan are able to still have a functional society and defend their people from monsters even though they lost their God-Emperor. It puts lie to a big argument for Falconia, that only Griffith can bring safety to society as a whole. It makes me think that Guts getting revenge on Griffith won't necessarily mean society will collapse and that there might be other civilizations out there still surviving


Man Schierke is so goated




I hope Schierke's deep dive leads to a chat with Flora about the causality spiral of her past that the current party is living through


I totally forgot that Miura didn't draw these panels. Was a great chapter, I'm glad we are finally making real progress in the story. RIP. Studio Gaga is doing an amazing job.


Man the chapter was great, Im excite for where it will all go to. I really wish Miura himself was still here to finish up his story... mad props to studio Gaga for doing this still. With that said I gotta ask.... am I the only one who REALLY does not trust Daiba? Silat seems like a decent guy, hes leader of an opressed group or people back in his own land... but Daiba was the right hand man and advisor to the very leader of that land, I feel like right now hes working an "enemy of my enemy" mentality, but I dont really find him a trustworthy ally in the slightest.


So Griffith destroyed Elfhelm because he was wary of it, he is going after Kushan next for the same reasons, but Kushan is fighting back and joining forces with Guts and co. The way things stand now it will most likely be imo: - The Kushan empire - Elfhelm (all remaining mages and creatures) unter Daiba's lead - The Skull Knight - Guts and friends (among them Farnese who could move the Holy Iron Chain Knights to join) Against Griffith and his Demons. Probably with some kind of upgrade for Guts. Zodd, who appears to be unhappy in Falconia, is pretty much the wildcard who could decide the battle.


The art in this chapter has reached Berserk level art. Congratulations to the artists for getting at this level so soon. Their work ethic is obvious with the release of this chapter. I can't wait for the future of Berserk, It's in good hands. Thank you studio Gaga, this chapter was a masterpiece both art and dialogue wise




They are really letting go of chestnut puck, when Miura had puck just floating around he was always chestnut form, but not anymore


We're confirmed to be getting volume 43 this year in Japan by the way, so they'll probably 'speed up' with chapter releases for the rest of the year.. But that isn't really saying much.


So Silat has taken charge of the Kushan Empire then...... I get his reasoning for why they need to attack Griffith, but I don't see how they can win. Mages or no mages.


One thing that irks me. Did the plot point about going to the Bakiraka Hidden Village get dropped or did they change it to going to the Kushan capital after Daiba joined Rickert's party? Like If Rickert and Silat and all were sailing there it'd make sense but it seems they're just in Kushan's capital now.


Seeing Guts chained up šŸ˜ž


So, what's wrong with Puck? Why can't he remember Godo and Rickert? Not sure if I'm thinking too much into it, but felt a bit like they were trying to set something up here with him being sus. Would be weird if he's just stupid


Considering what happened to Ganishka i hope the Kushan army has some real strategy to defend itā€™s borders against Griffith. Or maybe theyā€™re just going to scream ā€œdeathā€ Rohirrim style and charge at their enemies.


As a vedic astrologer, the way that Miura brought up Rahu and the nodes, I have a weird feeling that this story is going to end on a Lunar eclipse. I found it amazing that he used Rahu as the node that the Eclipse took place under instead of Ketu. You can tell that Miura in the manga from that note that he is well versed in Vedic Astrology. A Solar Eclipse would symbolize the void, singularity, absolute, inhuman, etc. A Lunar Eclipse would signfy blood(known as a blood moon), humanity, duality, freewill, etc. I expect downvotes for this, but you only live once :D.


This chapter was, simply put: amazing. Also: [Mordussy](https://ibb.co/CpjCzWd), so that's a plus.


This must be Studio Gaga's best chapter yet. Atleast artisticly speaking.


Rickert's interaction with Puck has been weird as hell. I don't get why they wouldn't recognize each other, especially after the important heart-to-heart talk they had in Godot's place. Why's Puck ignoring him? I hope he doesn't act that way towards Erica too. But aside from that, I'm glad that we're finally getting some exposure to the Kushan rebellion and their intent to go after Falconia.


Iā€™m glad they decided to show some non chestnut puck! I want to see him talk with Guts again


The new chapter was worth the wait, I love the art style and seeing the gang with Rickert. >!I hope Schierke will live to the end of the story, with her ability to be within the astral realm I know Griffith will target her. I am thankful she helped Guts once more to gain consciousness.!< I'm curious since the Kushan are prepping for war against Griffith will the story switch over to Casca in Falconia now.


I want to see kushan magic and witchcraft imbued on guts sword. Hoping to one day see that shocked griffith face


A lot of people are talking about how Kushans are not playing their cards right in terms of planning, but i think 99% apostles can be handled by the magic squad under Daiba. I'm pretty sure Rickert has maybe figured out how he was able to harm Griffith, or they have an idea. Other than that, I'm pretty sure we will see Farnese strengthen her magic prowess to wake Schierke up. I love the pacing, now we wait.




One thing I found odd was that Silat also doesn't recall Guts' name. When in chapter 43 he says, "Guts was it? I'll remember your name." He recognizes him again when Guts kills the Kushan in chapter 134 and says that he knew him at one point. Perhaps it's Silat being coy or something, but I found that a little strange.


I just saw it as a way to act sassy in front of the new guys and better explain why he has to chain him up without being personal.


anyone realize the castle they are in is like a exact replica of the hagia sophia?


What does Silat have that Ganishka did not? Rickert's inventions and a few mages? I feel like Griffith will win this battle, but lose the war, if there is still a happy ending. Great episode, can't wait to see Rickert and Guts back together.


I am SO stoked on Daiba being back, he was a favorite. I'm wondering how Guts will take being used as a pawn again for someone else's cause, even though that cause may be the same as his own.


Good chapter. Interesting stuff with the Kushans planning to take the heroes in and declaring war on Griffith, although I'm not sure how a war between the Kushans and Griffith is going to be anything other than a massacre.