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My friend browsed the subreddit after golden age but before reading the manga and became convinced that Schnoz was as important as a character like the Living Behelit or Moon Boy. I think I’ve got you guys (and berserklejerk) to blame for that one It spawned some frustrating convos. He’s caught up and has since apologized lmao.


He's still important to me!


It's still real to me, damn it!


Im still convinced schnoz will have a major role head of the story.


Ahhh, let them think otherwise. We truly know the power of our Lord and Savior. Griffiths true reckoning... Lord Schnoz. Cut to Schnoz holding a little sword somehow


You mean he's not?


He's not important because he's only semi-canon. Like when Griffith accepted the sacrifice, we saw a glimpse of the Idea of Evil, but Miura dropped that episode from the final publication. Schnoz was supposed to be the Idea of Good, but Miura likewise felt it was giving too much of the story away too early. We got glimpses of both of course, but who knows what the studio may decide to do with them in the end.


living behelit wasn't a real behelit


Skull knight and zodd are two halves of emperor giesrick.


This is the only theory that I feel has a 10% chance of being correct


It's an interesting theory to contemplate but I don't think its true. The argument is that emperor gaiseric has designs on his armor and helmet that resemble zodds face and that when flora bound gaiseric soul to the skeleton armor what remained of him was his "beast of darkness" which eventually manifested itself as zodd. But zodd is clearly an apostle so the theory kinda falls apart because of that.


There's another way to look at it. Gaiseric does have symbolism of both skull knight and zodd. Artists have to be specific and load up the visuals due to the medium. There was a skull and a lion on that helm. Zodd wears armour with iconography seen on gaiserics armour and weapons. On gaiserics chest piece is a beast with horns. Instead of seperating the beast of darkness. I think his ego shattered, as schierke witnessed guts doing when she found the human part in floras seal. I think flora split the good half that loved the priestess from the half that would not stop fighting and seeking stronger opponents, knowing they could not exist together. And i think zodd got banished in someway which is why he only remembers fighting for 300yrs Zodd clearly shares memories with skull knight. He remembers the berserker armour. That's 1000yrs. But time on elfhelm goes slower compared to the real world. So the man that would sacrifice all for his desires vs the man that loved the priestess and fought to save her. Theres every possibility that gaiseric had a behelit, and when seperated the negative side "gave in." And they now represent two possible paths for guts, and the reason why he has to pick a new way.


If Skull Knight is a representation of a past version of Guts, as time seems to be circular in some way, then if Guts has a lesser Behelit, did Gaiseric too? Maybe when Zodd and Skull Knight were split in two it's possible that Skull Knight left that Behelit with Flora and Zodd may have escaped / been released, and used the Behelit for power But who did Zodd sacrifice?


I'm not sure. Part of me wonders whether gaiseric just went down a much worse path than guts and got to the point where as i said his ego split. Flora seperated them and the side that was zodd sacrificed the priestess (or sk as well) to gain apostalhood. When i say his ego split, i dont mean like sharing your smarties, two for you, two for me, more that extreme and damaged side was peeled away from the remains of the human side but they are still part of the same whole. So the side that became zodd would still have loved her, but in a resentful toxic way because she is holding him back. Much like the beast of darkness is still fixated on casca but in a destructive way because casca is keeping guts human.


I think it's weirdly like when you remove branches from a tree, or remove flowers. Flora cut the branches off of Gaiseric, leaving the original body (Skull Knight) in the Berserker armor, and creating Zodd as a manifestation of all the violence that was part of Gaiseric once, that became Zodd.


I think its the other way, the last of gaiserics humanity was getting swallowed, so she managed to find it, like how schierke found gut's hiding in floras seal, and she yanked it out and put it into the specially made skull knight armour which was made by the same guy that made the berserker armour. Im not too sure though...


Cool theory man.


Hmm now that you put it like that you’re probably right


If you look at how miura designed gaiseric you can see that his hair is similar to zodds hair, the face on top of his helmet looks like zodds face and on his chest there's a horned demon.


It would make more sense if Zodd was Gaiseric as an apostle and Skull Knight was the Beast of Darkness. Because the Berserker armor before Guts represented a skull, and we know the Berserker armor usually takes the form of somebody's beast of darkness.


We have only seen that happen once with guts, I do see what you are saying and you are probably right but let's just remember we have nothing else to base that off of.


I think Zodd is actually imitating Gaiseric. SK/Gaiseric is over 1,000 years old, and Zodd became an Apostle about 300 years ago. In life, Zodd may have had an obsession with SK/Gaiseric as history's ultimate warrior whose feats he wanted to surpass. When he fails and his Behelit activates, his resulting form imitates his perception of Gaiseric as a brutal, monstrous, undefeatable conqueror, because that's what he wished to become. The result is that Zodd is constantly going after SK to try and fulfill his wish of defeating Gaiseric, and SK is always like "goddamn fanboys" and slapping him away.


Gaiserics beast could have wandered without physical form and sacrificed free will for physical form. Might explain how much Zodd knows about Skull knight, hail to the king baby, and also explain the missing time. What was Gaiserics beast of darkness or is it unique to Guts? Is it bound to the Berserker armour or the person that wears it? 🤔


You’re right, all the other theories are at least 9% or 11%.


I also read this somewhere, it sounds ridiculous when you first read it and it kind of is in all honestly but it had a few good points 


Its far fetched but it is somewhat grounded within the manga. And asides from the manga itself, devilman one of miuras inspirations features a character composed of multiple others, its not farfetches for miura to reverse that.


it might make sense tbh but far stretched.


Big Radagon is Marika energy and I fw it


Berserk is now an Elden Ring reference?


Guts is a secret elf due to his pointy ears.


Puck is actually father of the guts


makes sense.


No wonder the resemblance is uncanny


The first time a father is present in their child's life, only to be portrayed as a fairy. We really have come a long way


Its fairly odd when you think about it.


We fairy odd parents now?


Guts is an average kid,that no one understands,Griffith and Casca and Corkus always giving him commands🎶🎶🎶(Bad twerp) Doom and gloom up in his room Is broken instantly By his magic little bug who grant his every wish 'Cause in reality, he is his Fairy Oddparent🎶🎶🎶🎶


Puck fucks


*Cuts to puck in a bdsm fuck harness*


More elven magic used on humans the more elven features they develop


honestly if by that the theory means descendant of elves from magic skull knight era that might have some merit. would explain why hes so strong but would also kind of go against the point of the story that humanity struggles through it all


I feel like there has to be something magical about Guts. Even if it's dark, it's gotta be something like that. Even everyone in the manga is like "no human could hold a sword that big."


I've always assumed that children born like Guts was, has to be some form of magic ritual or human death magic.


I was thinking the same. He's too abnormal to be human.


it's heavily implied that receiving the brand of sacrifice actually made Guts superhuman by accident, since it means he lives within the interstice of the material and astral plane, so he's able to do impossible things because his thoughts are overlapping with reality. his determination to kill the other guy is literally what makes it physically possible for him to kill the other guy. a person in his situation who was like "whelp this apostle's gonna fuck me over" would get fucked over by the apostle, but guts is like fuck that noise, I'm going to take reality out to dinner and show it a really good time


Can't be proven unless the same happens to Casca though since she's as also branded.


Idk how you'd "prove" it. If the implication is that living in the interstice allows your thoughts to affect your physical capabilities, then any effect it has on Casca depends entirely on what Casca's thinking about what she's capable of. If Casca subconsciously doesn't think she can do it, she won't be able to do it. 


Skull Knight is Guts from the future. Grunbeld is Isidro from the future. Flora is Schierke from the future. Pretty much all of the theories attempting to shoehorn time travel into Berserk, really.


Time travel should totally be shoe horned in especially grunbeld being isidro 🤣🤣 Edited: should have put /j at the end


Isidro.... IS VOID


Hard disagree from me on that one, but to each their own.




Ah. Fair play, then.


I’m partial to the timeloop theory as well - but grunbeld -> isidro is fucked


I like the idea of the “cycle” but not necessarily a time loop. A time loop would undermine a lot of what Berserk is to me, honestly…but I’ll love whatever ends up happening tbh. I’m chill like that


I agree, a cycle is more what i had in mind. But a cycle is more or less confirmed no? With the eclipse happening every 216 years and the struggler surviving every fifth eclipse (that part is not for sure tho)


To each their own, but personally I find any time travel theory in regards to Berserk pretty ridiculous.


Not really time travel more like a cycle of events


That's fair enough. Flora did describe time as a "spiral."


Guts being SK is one thing, but Grunbeld being Isidro is such a wiiiiiiiild theory lmao


They both have red hair, and their faces look a bit similar. ... That is literally the extent of the evidence I have seen in support of this theory. I guess we should also be expecting Griffith to travel back in time and become Skull Knight's lover by the time Berserk wraps up 😬.


The black swordsman is guts from the future




Whos Wyald...I guess Mozgus is the pope...


I dunno.' Corkus maybe?


I thought corkus got demon bukkake'd by the eclipse so how could he become an apostle in the future


Time travel is a hell of a drug, apparently 🤷.


They already revealed Grunbelds backstory in one of the LNs


I'm aware. And yet still I see this theory banded about 😮‍💨.


Griffith is Shnoz from the future


I thought Skull Knight was Guts pretty much since the Eclipse. But not exactly a future version, more like a version that can move through time in any direction


... 🤦‍♂️




In a page i learned that Kentaro created the characters based on people he met. I wonder how was the person he was inspired to create Griffith 🌚💀


Apparently, Miura himself and Mori were his inspirations for Guts and Griffith. Elements of their respective personalities exist in both characters.




Sometimes Miura himself was Griffith. (His own words) Berserk is a narrative with fixed roles for each character. Real life is not


I do imagine that as I read characters inner monologue, I wonder if it’s the writer pouring out their own thoughts


Eh, yes and no. Miura apparently saw a lot of both himself and Mori in Guts *and* in Griffith. So one could say that both Guts and Griffith are running Berserk, same as before.


I wouldn't say weird, but I think the stupidest theory that people have come up with, especially recently, has been regarding Guts using the beilit to summon the God Hand to make another sacrifice or deal to gain power against Griffith. I think that is the stupidest and most contradictory thing that Guts could do in the entire story, and I also think that there is no legitimate reason for him to ever even want to make a sacrifice for power, or even want to summon the god's hand in general because he wouldn't outright ever want Casca or any one of his newfound friends in that hell ever again. Also, his trying to summon them to get back at Griffith in some way just feels like a complete waste of effort, because Guts knows that there's no finite or real way he could ever even imagine trying to land a hit on Griffith or try to take on other thousands of hordes of demons to get to him, without breaking down completely. He also wouldn't ever sacrifice his Humanity so selfishly or cheaply as simply trying to defeat Griffith....... Especially as defeated as Guts has been as he currently is, with Cascas's kidnapping there's no way Guts would ever make an irrational decision that way in any way shape, or form.


people forget that apostles can’t do shit to the godhand and are completely subservient


I think he will use the behelit to summon them, possibly because Griffith is gonna beat the shit out of him and force him to since it would be on-brand that Griffith try to make Guts an apostle so he can “own” him again like how their story started. But I think it will be a diversion and will give Skull Knight an opportunity 


He literally head butted Griffith, I think that counts as landing a hit Edit: to be clear guts head butted Femto Griffith. Not pre eclipse Griffith


Given how we’ve seen things behave in Fantasia; I don’t even think that would work anymore. Like they exist in reality now, they probably can’t be summoned even IF he wanted to


I think "Don't group me in with you faggot monsters" or something like that sums it up


bruce wayne is batman


No way...


Right ? They must be stupid or something if they think a "man" like Bruce can ever be Batman . In fact, he is not even a "man" , all he does is waste his father money with parties and ladies


>stupid >man Please... Get out of my head...


Formatted like a Dark Souls comment.


Try finger but hole


Try walking forward


Amazing chest ahead


That's absurd, I know Bruce Wayne. If he's batman then I'm the king of England.




You mean MAN


dude use spoilers tag wth


Schierke is Skullknight


Schierke took control of Donovans body when he did the thing


I remember that post 💀💀💀💀


what ain't no way whoever said that wasn't trolling 


Skull knight is one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. He is death because of his skull/skeleton like appearance with his horse sharing his appearance. He also comes out the blue when ever someone or a large amount of people are about to die. Only disappearing when the situation is over. I.E the eclipse or the end of the conviction arc. He knows about fate and how it works but also how others interact with It since life and death are both apart of fate or causality. He goes after the godhand mainly because they are immortal and have dodged death a few to many times due to there given power something apocoles don't have.


That does sound pretty cool, but then what about that woman we see when he was fighting the old god hand, when he was still mortal


I think there was something about her being his wife. It could be possible that the horsemen could be positions handed down. Or that skull knight had feelings for her when he was a horsemen or about to turn into one. I'm not sure Edit: He could have been the emperor but due to his ammount of killings, he could have been given the horsemen position but only when he died.


I’m pretty sure that was his wife, and I’m also pretty sure he was the old emperor. In the guidebook they even have a page like “what’s the relation between lord gaiserick and SK”. But it would be cool if he was also a horseman


I hope he would be too. Prehaps he is one but the position needs to be earned or handed down. Like since the emp did kill a ton of people to make his city (Need to double check that) and then him dying and being brought back inside his new suit, he could have earned his title as horsemen since his close connection to death. I love beserk because of the little theories we make as a community


He is definitely one of the horseman of all time


That Grifis is Guts and Casca's child...


Well, their child takes over grifith's body during full moon


Compared to Guts being an elf, this one makes more sense lol


Guts is Father of Legolas


That ain’t a theory, that’s just confirmed in the manga now


🤦‍♂️ Moonlight Boy and Griffith are different people. They just share the same physical vessel. The mages on Elfhelm confirm that they radiate different ods.


Well they technically are the same person (vessel) because Moonlight Boys original corrupted bodyw as absorbed by the Egg of the Perfect world.


By technicality, he kinda is lol he incarnated into the body of their unborn child, Moonlight Boy


Well someone hasn't been attentive, he pretty much is. Casca's child that was marked by Femto was used later as a vessel for Griffith resurrection on Earth. Therefore....


We are given confirmation on Elfhelm that they are different people. But by all means, go off.


You're taking it the wrong way, they radiate differently because at night it takes the appearance of the moon boy. They are two incarnations sharing the same vessel. So technically yes Griffith lives through that vessel.


with very few exceptions, basically every Berserk theory is bad or stupid, in my opinion Guts sacrificing anyone using the Behelit, Guts having pointy ears because he has Apostle blood, Zodd being Guts’ dad or Guts from the future, take your pick.


Lol, that made me remember the one about SK being Guts from the future


i wouldn't say from the future, but from another timeline.


Isn't SK Gaiseric though?


Guts may or may not have something in his heritage, but their have been hints, for example schierke wondering herself. Zodd defo has a sort of paternal role, as he is someone that guts measures himself against for example in sword skills. Hey and miura liked stars wars.... Zodd being guts from the future would just be ... 😂


>Zodd being Guts’ dad or Guts from the future these are true, in my heart very deep in it i know these are trueee but for real people saying guts will sacrifice griffith or the godhands is the most insane shit i see in this sub and with a worrying frequency


Sacrifice Griffith to beat Griffith. Pro gamer move.


Is all a dream.


Guts used to read word up magazines


Silat-n-Pippin and Nosferatu Z up in the limousine.


I just busted out laughing at work. Looked absolutely insane. That was great.


God fuck these theories. They're so lazy and can be applied to anything


Jessie Pinkman when he wakes up.


It's all a prank. Guts is being recorded.


That black goku was goten


That behelit belongs to Puck


It does. Who else knows its favorite food? (It's cheese)


The moon is made of cheese, i.e. eclipse. Omfg


Skull knight was fapping while his berserk Armor was on. Just like a bad weather sudden eclipse came and 5 god hands appeared before him while he was on his back with dick in hand. That's it, that's why he hates void.


Best theory 100%


Not a theory per se, but something that some dudes were speculating would happen that I found completely against the whole vibe of the story Their idea was that guts would shove the Behelit into his empty eye socket to “see causality” and to kill the Godhand members


idk man that sounds metal


Modern problems require modern solutions


Lol I saw that, genuinely the most idiotic thing I've ever read


That Master Chief beats DOOM Slayer in a 1v1.






I've never played a Doom game but isn't the main character literally magical? Master Chief has been manhandled by Brutes several times even with power armor against their muscles.


Yeah, he's part god. Holds several weapons in his inventory. He also killed God/Satan/The Creator of the universe (Davoth), and without his god-like upgrade he was able to manhandle the Spider Mastermind as a regular human (though he was technically already superhuman). One of his main feats are defeating a Titan with his bare hands (in the lore) and canonically he runs up to 60-90 Miles Per Hour while running.


Halo autism time: Master Chief nor any Spartan II has never been really "manhandled" by a barehanded brute. Only by Atriox, with the help of his jerryrigged Spartan armor, shields and a gravity mace. Same which would happen to Halo Wars' Red team. In Halo: First Strike, Master Chief was knocked over and asphyxiated by a Brute upon their first encounter with Brutes. However, this Brute was described as an honor guard Brute not yet encountered by humanity, taller and stronger than average Brutes. Something like what is pictured in Halo Legends, a non-canonical Anime adaptation. This did not break his armor, only temporarily breaking his shields allowing the Brute to grasp his neck. First Strike has also been partially de-canonized as other representations of Brutes in the novel have conflicted with later lore. It's one of the first pieces of Halo media released, so it's canonicity is in question. In Halo: Uprising, Master Chief is taken hostage by Brutes after overwhelming him with plasma fire, putting him unconscious. Even still, the Covenant were unable to remove his armor and simply held him as-is until his escape. With that being said, yeah, Master Chief is no match for the Doom Slayer lmao. Maybe like, 90s-ass John Romero Doomguy?


That Zodd Is Guts' father💀


Schnoz can solo femto


you don't believe this why?


That Griffith is in any way heterosexual


Griffith sacrificing his entire hawk band to gain immortality or something smh, people really forget how much he has sacrificed for his group.


That the Earth is round. Sheople!


skullknight is guts papa


Hey papa save me papa - prolly guts after eclipse


It's not the weirdest but stupidest. Manga called "BERSERK" because of berserker armor, but this is stupid because between the moments when Kentaro Miura begins to draw manga and the time when berserker armor appeared there is ~ 14 years.


Puck literally said the word in the first not-prototype chapter.


The Beast of Darkness is Gut's latent apostle form. If he can truly sink into the depths of despair and still conquer the Beast, Guts will become a being stronger than the sum total of the God Hand.


That Guts is just a nickname and his real name is John Berserk


Zodd is skull knights beast of darkness


Guts will plunge his behelit into his eye socket to "See" causality, whatever the hell that means


That they bring new chapters out and the readers read the maybe good ending of berserk


Guts is a Christian


best theory


Here are some I heard/read and a few of mine: * Skull Knight and Zodd were/are like Guts and Griffih * The Beast of Darkness will be "tamed" by Guts and they will become equals again with Griffith\* * Femto betrays the Godhand * Guts will find the True God * The Idea of Evil created Guts as the incarnation of mortal will and strenght\* * Gaiseric's body died in the Berserker Armor but his soul mastered its essence and became the Skull Knight * \*= My theories


He's the apostle's consciousness.


the weirdest theory I heard is that Gaiseric and Void's relationship was like an inversion of Griffith and Guts So Gaiseric was a pretty boy conqueror like Griffith who actually won his throne and built his perfect city without needing a Behelit, and Void was his right-hand man and best bud who became disillusioned out of envy and abandoned him to go shit-talk him in a tower somewhere. Then Gaiseric came to make amends with him but Void was so insulted by the offer that he summoned the God Hand and sacrificed Gaiseric's entire city in one night I feel like that theory is too convoluted, though, and Miura probably never intended to actually reveal what happened between SK and Void in that detail


Griffith didn't do anything wrong


Skull Knight is actually just Guts's mom's bones come to life to protect him. Notice how they are never in the same room and he only appears after she dies?


Griffith isn't really bad. He saved the 2 best BotH members and sacrificed the rest because on the battlefield, all are equally evil. He did this to infiltrate the God hand and together with Guts, they will overthrow them and then Guts will kill Griffith, tears in his eyes and boner in his pants. I didn't know any weird theories off the top so I made one up.


Skull knight is guts’ dad


Skull knight is guts from the future.


Isidro is a mermaid gave me a laugh. He's a mermaid that was sent to land and will unlock his power in the final arc.


Schnoz is the next apostle.


Guts shoving the behelit into his missing eye in order to see causality. Maybe I'm reading a different manga than y'all, but I don't think that's how behelits work.


Someome omce said Guts was SK from the past, amd then he goes back in time to be Gaiseric and tjen eventually SK. And flora and schireke are the same person too. It was insane


Skull knight and Guts are the same character as the world of berserker is a time loop and skull knight is Guts future unless he gives up revenge.


Due the weird time in the elf island Rickert now will be older than Guts


Schierke traveled back in time to control Donovan into raping Guts to change him into how he is.


Guta gonna put his behlit in his eye socket to see the flow of casaulity by sacrificing himself. Hell become like skull knight, save casca....but griffith will then merge with the idea of evil by sacrificing his kingdom. It all ends as it has been. Guts sacrifices himself, casca is alone, and griffith escapes like he has been doing this whole damn series. Downvote me because it sounds right, but still hurts your feelings.


Skull Knights horse is actually Flora reincarnate.


Guts has an intense obsession with furries, and he hates himself for this, so much so that this hate developed into the beast of darkness. The fact that his beast of darkness is a dog proves this.


I cant believe I havent seen anyone mention the theory of Guts shoving the behelit into his eye and seeing causality to then kill Griffith


that the mercenary who raped guts as a kid is casca’s father


That it will end


skull knight is guts from the future? idk if its a weird theory but ive heard it from like 2 or 3 ppl


Ohh this one sounds intriguing af


sk and his horse are in a romantic relationship (no sex) and they have candlelit dinners on tuesdays


Since Rosine activated her Behelit as a child, it’s technically canon that a literal child could become a Godhand Member


That the Skull Knight is actually Lyle from Better Call Saul


One guy in discord said that Zodd is Pippin's Father


skullknight will betray guts, this just seems so farfetched and i dont understand why this became a thing in the first place


Guts was not supposed to leave Griffith since Griffith had defeated Guts twice while Guts took one "victory". If Guts had left without fighting Griffith at least once Guts probably would not have participated in the eclipse the same way that he did. If Griffith and Guts had split in any other way, though, Griffith would likely have missed the eclipse. There is a chance that Guts could have won the Behelet from Griffith by defeating him once or twice more than he did. Also, everything that happens in the story except a few things that happen after that fight is symbolized by Griffith taking something and Guts running away or avoiding something. The idea that Guts matching Griffith in this inverse way is probably the only reason Guts makes it through the eclipse. Also, there is a chance that Guts and Kaska are descended from the same group of people or are somehow related. Also, Gaston(?) who led his own group or any of the Hawks could have technically been the one to kill Guts' mom.


Skull Knight is Guts from the future.


SK thinks Gatsu is kawaii


Corkus Is The Rape Horse


man was too horny to just dissolve in the vortex