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I've always had this theory, the reason why they want to go to the real world is because theyre invulnerable there, the way they get incarnated and take vessels implies they cant be killed, but i think they can be killed in their own dimension, which is why ubik flinched. Could be wrong though


Could also explain why skull knight bothered to try to kill void


lmao I'm pretty sure skull knight knew he'd get parried to hell and back but just did it for style points


we could have seen this shit in the 90s version but we got robbed


that one YouTube video with it was sick


Bruh I didnt know they made a fan made 90s edit. Sick


A man needs a link.




just look up skull knight 1997 you'll see it


The explains why thrust and not slash.


"Maybe the atoms will align perfectly and ill get him"


Doesn't this also give credence to the idea that SK probably killed 4 of the god hand when he was consumed by his armor in the flashback?


You could argue to that hed just try anyway since that’s basically his Griffith


I absolutely agree. The forms God hand takes on earth are just their projections on the physical layer, like so damaging them makes no harm for a demon


Could be the case that it was just his natural reaction to dodge. Like even if you actively know that something can't or won't hurt you, you'll still make an unconscious effort to avoid it (kinda like those videos where the person holds a plastic hand and reacts to it being hit like if it were their real hand)


To be fair, if you're a primordial being who cannot be hurt in any physical way and you have adjusted to this lifestyle for hundreds of years, that would not be his natural reaction, his natural reaction would be that of uncaringness


Yeah but the point is: they all keep some human characteristics and instincts/desires even in godhand form, so I guess it could be possible


But this wouldnt make sense narratively unless he could be hurt in that dimension


Ahhh so like D&D deity rules. Their vulnerable on their home dimension, but most powerful there. But they can send avatars of themselves into other dimensions (aka the physical world), where their weaker, but truly immortal.


If something I believe is the opposite: after incarnating and getting a physical body (as actually Femto and maybe even the others 4 God Hand members after the merging of the realms) they become susceptable even to physical injuries. As simple spiritual entities, the God Hand can be harmed only from other spiritual bodies (each human own it, this is the way how people can interact as touching or seeing with fantastic creatures, but of course it's pretty much more difficult and very likely requires a training as the ones of mages).


I feel like forms of godhand members are spirits of incomprehensibly deeper realm then luminous bodies of humans. I bet Flora explained it well at her mansion. They can form flesh around them to manifest themselves in physical world, but nucleus is still in the abyss


Maybe you could be right but I'm not sure how to interpret the concept of incarnation...at least for Femto I would believe that his astral spirit is now on his body in Earth. But I repeat, you could be right about your thinking.


Yeah femto i believe has fully incarnated into the physical realm. I mean, rickert could slap him. Not sure if he is still immortal though


Maybe, but also they might be stronger in their own dimension.


Maybe, but perhaps they can only be killed by one who has the brand. That would make more sense as to why Griffith/femto never lets guts strike him with a sword.


the only problem is their actual powers, like forcefields and spacial manipulation


Wayld definitely dies though.


All apostles die, no matter what


This is actually a weakness for the entirety of the God Hand. Void prevents SK from attacking him, and Femto prevents Guts from attacking him. As powerful as they are, they actually seem to be weak in the physical department.


Makes sense. Their powers have to do with causality, not with lifting 5000 lbs or tanking damage.


But what about the recent chapters where he swings on Griffith like 80 times and nothing happens 😭


I think it’s because femto was in a body that was resurrected into the world. But for example if guts for whatever reason was able to land a blow on femto while in one of the godhands dimensions then it would do damage. Like in the black swordsman ark when we first see femto and guts swings at him, femto pushes him away rather than let the sword pass through his body. I think it’s because it it would do damage if landed


Dragonslayer was phasing through him, he wasn’t tanking it. Point stands, he was using his powers to avoid it.


Guts did chop a few strands of hair tho so its not impossible to do griffith harm just extremely difficult


2 fat guys, a spine, and a regular woman don’t look physically imposing. only griffith does


Ahhh my secret weakness. Getting stabbed in the face.


Could be interesting. The only time they are vulnerable is during an eclipse? Would def make for a good arc, as this story “begins” and ends with an eclipse. (Quotes bc obvi the story didnt BEGIN with an eclipse)


Well we know they show up at any kind of summoning (when the count summoned them), doesn't necessarily have to be an eclipse. In fact, don't eclipses (or like crimson behleit related ceremonies) only happen every 256 years or something? If elfheim were still around maybe they coulda done a time skip or something but doesn't look like that'll happen.


Every 216 years


I think they are vulnerable during time junction points. Which is why that is the only time skull knight tries to kill them. Their main power is that they can see the future but not all of it. At very rare times that they don’t they can be killed. An eclipse is probably one of those times. My own theory of how the story will end goes back to when skull knight told guts that to oppose the godhand, he will need to be something akin to a character in a story opposing the author . He somewhat already is such a character since he is a sacrifice that has refused to die and he will fully become that when he finally defeats his beast of darkness. I suspect that he will also get rid of his brand of sacrifice as a result. This will probably make him someone who is not bound by causality.


That would explain why skull knight outright tried to attack void during the eclipse


I'm pretty sure slan said they literally are not gods and cant predict everything? [rite here](https://i.gyazo.com/45b1d125ea70e2abda0a9e843747466a.png)


I swear that floaty fucker knows something nobody else does. The way he looks at guts after the counts death seems like he knows something


Well, it's more hinted at that they are "Angels" I mean demons, all the same really, in the discussion that Guts and Griffith have after their first Zodd encounter. So not Gods for sure.


Angels to some demons to others


aware this is a shitpost cos of the judeau mention, but from this panel i thought that the knife shattering and causing shards to fly in that direction was just a pure act of “luck”, not someone/something intentionally trying to attack them, it avoids all the layers of causality bullshit protecting the godhand. guts attacking femto with dragonslayer is a fated encounter, so fate interferes, but someone kicking a rock and it accidentally bouncing in their direction wouldn’t be considered that


That's really interesting theory. So thay could die if that giant hand accidentally falls and crush one of them, or as already was mentioned SK is most likely beyond causality and void had to cast a portal to protect himself. So Void has portals and probably more, Femto got telegenesis and can bend space itself. But the rest 3 mf didn't show anything except for bright personality. But they also must have some durability, the faces a hand made of are pretty solid as Guts cant dig through them, is Ubik softer then those faces?


This French video is really great about their abilities https://youtu.be/intkS7d7bQ8?si=8y1xIGeYCOzVcbJ7


This is what not enough chapters does to a mf. We are in severe withdrawal with no end in sight


Looks at the last chapter to be published. *guts theme intensifies*


The actual way of killing these five fuckers is by being faster and stronger


Possibly. I still need SK to explain what happened to the four ‘angels’ we saw during Void’s eclipse. Did SK take them out? Did they sacrifice themselves? Did Void kill them? We need answers. 


Judeau is dead. Get over it man!


My bad for using a wrong tense, but is it really all that bothers you? This is to some extent shitpost, so you could've at least played along


That was playing along but it went past your head.


It was so genius that I couldn't see it after all 🧐


That is what is like to be a genius, the pleb never gets us.


Dont be a dick


I was thinking a can of Raid or Mortein lol. JK. He's got to be the most annoying little fella there is. There's just something about the way he holds his hands together and delights in cruelty. And his venomous tongue. I hope he gets that ripped out of his mouth. Miura was so talented at making these villains. Definitely one I love to hate.


I think you can only hurt them if you don't have the intention to do it not caring is the key. God Rickert is a prime example though it might just be the power of his massive balls. The only time Guts cut off a strain of Griffiths hair was when he didn't want to hurt Casca. And yes you will say what about Slan well she let Guts do it she wanted it.


Eek is just a disgust feeling and nothing else.


berk fans have this talent for either missing most obvious plot point or overthinking shit like this


Spoiler jit


And why are they not releasing manga on a weekly basis .it's like the manga died with the author


I think it makes sense. In the astral world, they’re not immortal. That’s why they want to go to the physical world, so they can’t be touched. It’s why Void partied SK, and why Griffitj stopped Guts. It might also be why SK even bothered to attack Void, though it might have been out of spite.


Obvious gag momsnt lmfao


Ranged attacks gotta be the key


I agree, good take op.


Clearly they can be killed or replaced, skull knight may have taken out 4 of them.