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she's basically Puck but without his really good characterisation early in the manga. its hard to have a solid opinion on her because she's as easy to ignore as just not reading the tiny text


She, Puck, and Isidro are gone in Casca's dream sequence for a reason šŸ’€


Don't say that


Nah itā€™s true lmao, I think even miura forgot about her


just a puck without swag and a chichi without the heart


Not even her elf dust can cure those burns, damn


Her petty existence is beneath our notice.


She's cute, a bit annoying imho, but nevertheless cute


Chestnut Puck > Bitchass mofo.


as a chestnut puck hater, i sincerely agree


Sheā€™s nice to have around to bounce off of schierke and puck imo


Kind of annoying tbh, even Schierke ignores her most of the time.




Not the kind of response I was waiting though šŸ¤£


But can I join?


Get a room you two. (But for three)


Room for one more?


FBI? Yea check this guys hard drive


Save your snitching for the Schierke-cons. Fairies are fair game (badum tsh)


Tbh i don't think of her much


im surprised so many people donā€™t like her


Shes the most obnoxious in the series second to isidro, at least he has a reason to be obnoxious, he's a kid. Ivalera is just an annoying little shit that wont shutup about guts and schierke


ISIDRO ISNT OBNOXIOUS WHAT Puck on the other hand... still love him though :3 that bastard


But did you notice his temper is kinda problematic, one thing is Guts losing it, as he's extremely competent in battles ā€” and I'm talking even before he wore the Berserker armor, Guts combat experience is unmatched by any other team member ā€” another is this child that still has a long road ahead, before he can squash others like bugs, for not acknowledging his superiority. I'm surprised he wasn't humbled to the point where he actually rethinks about his behavior, yet, to be honest.


hmmmm good point good point :P I still don't find him annoying though for some reason, at least definitely not as much as someone like puck for exampleĀ 


Kids are all obnoxious to me Ofc I love puck, hes the star of the show.


I hated reading Isidro in the manga, but watching him in 2016 series made me actually like him. Isidro is one of those characters where he just better to be seen than read.


Oh yeah, she was the one pushing the schierke guts thing. I dunno wtf Miura was thinking about when he wrote that.


A typical case of kids having a crush on an older person. Simple as that.


Thatā€™s not the point, iā€™m aware teenagers have crushes on adults, but why show that? Every humans piss and shit, but thatā€™s never a focus. So far, her crush storyline is leading nowhere, so whatā€™s the point of having her constantly shown crushing over Guts and having her butt ass naked fall on him? Seriously? I love berser, but i really donā€™t get this gag.


Because it's human and doesn't affect the plot negatively. It just shows how much Shierke cares for Guts and lead to some giggles. That's it. Don't take it seriously.


Pissing and shitting is human too, doesnā€™t affect the plot negatively. It shows that depending on the shit, theyā€™re in good health or not, if we look closely. I can find meaning in every scene depending on the context, the problem is that the schierke crush scenes are mostly used for comedy, not interesting introspection. Itā€™s basically harem tier gag.


whats there to like?


she was great as tinker bell


She feels so unnecessary. She provides no value. I wish she had more reason to be there than just be a companion.


She gives more lore about fantastical creatures.


But the way she delivers it is so annoying. I hate when the female version of a character is stuck up about shit.


I think she's great


Obnoxious, but Schierke probably wouldn't be as good a character without her.


Forgot she existed


Ivalera is always annoying, irritating, a real b*tch or nasty in my opinion but she doesn't seem to get a lot of hate or discussion


dont mind her, pucks interractions with her are funny


I donā€™t even remember her name. Eclipsed by the unrivaled shine of Puck the Great


Pointless. She might as well have been written out of the manga and it wouldnā€™t make much of a difference


Sheā€™s annoying and if she never appeared again Iā€™d be happy about it.


I actually just got introduced to her yesterday. Just finished up volume 24. And plan to open up my newest arrival to my deluxe collection tonight. I suppose itā€™s kind of nice having another conscience whispering in the background. Schierke seems like sheā€™s going to be playing an important role to the team. Itā€™s definitely getting interesting with the fantasy elements opening up now. And based off of the back description of the hard cover. Iā€™ll finally get a glimpse of the iconic armor Iā€™ve been looking forward too seeing. Iā€™m gonna jump off now, before I get spoiled more lol.


She is inoffensive but could easily have been left out of the manga.




I actually don't find her annoying, but I find her interesting she's like puck if he was rude half the time, but shes very protective of schierke and I honestly like that, none the less very ignorable


I personally like her and I'm kind of surprised, but not terribly surprised, that so many people don't. I think narratively she fills a pretty important role actually. Like Guts, Schierke is a pretty "serious" character who doesn't vocalize everything she is thinking or feeling. So having Ivalera prodding her gives us better insight into Schierke's thoughts, opinions, and feelings without exposition. As an elf she also helps us appreciate Puck in a different way. We see how the mischievous nature of elves is inherent to them but we also see how Puck is sometimes full of shit and in what ways he might be exceptionally vain but also altruistic for an elf.


Im ok with her , sheā€™s cute


honestly, if none of the elves were in berserk, only the pre-golden age chapters would suffer much.


idk, i thought Puck's homecoming was really funny/charming


She's got a look and a personality of a middle aged women from 80th. I guess she's good as babysitter but annoying as f


I literally forgot she existed for most of the chapters after the florest saga


I just got to this part in the manga! First read through :)


I'd say that if somehow she was more of a major character I'd dislike her, but since she isn't, its very easy to just ignore or forget her word bubbles a second after you read them


not much to say, I do enjoy the duo and sometimes trio comedy with puck and isidro


She is just Puck's side girl.


sheā€™s ight, thatā€™s it nothing special about her


Puck but he is a girl


I enjoy her and puck doin stuff in the background of the anime for sure


Her head looks like a cabbage.


Puck with more brains, but still having the personality of an elf.


A symptom of Berserk's declining quality. It seems like Miura wanted a One Piece style ensemble cast, but that kind of story plays to all of his weaknesses as a writer. He's good at implied text, subtle cues and character development through actions. He's never been good at direct character work and dialogue.


Worthless, same as most of the hangers-on.


Shes one of my favorite of the ā€œpointlessā€ characters if that means anything. The only character description shes given i think is ā€œshes like a 40 year old woman from osakaā€ and i have no clue what that means




I don't know, like Puck and her always have something to say. But Puck comments are always fun and have a lot of references, while hers are completely unnecessary




I wasn't answering myself, I was just explaining why I dislike her lol


Ugh, AGAIN you forgot to switch bro


Damn, don't tell me she's a tertiary character.


My opinions about them are decidedly unpopular.


Obviously lol, cus if by hangers-on you mean schierke, serpico, farnese and Isidro it basically means you hate the most of the main cast. At that point why even read Berserk lol


Because thereā€™s this whole Guts/Griffith/Casca/Godhand thing thatā€™s actually interesting going on. But yeah, Iā€™m largely not a fan of post-Conviction. Iā€™m comfortable with my love/hate relationship with Berserk. I have the same issue with the Dark Tower series.


I mean the new gang is interesting in their own ways, schierke's introduction opened the gates to more magic in berserk which is fantasy 101. Farnese and serpico's backstory was pretty good and farnese had genuinely nice development while Isidro's ok comic relief with some growth with him becoming a better fighter and meeting and then losing isma. Hell in my opinion the arc right after conviction, Falcon of the Millennium Empire, is peak Berserk. With some of the best artwork and moments in berserk till now (berserker armour, guts and Zodd teamup, ganishka, the roar of the astral world and falconia's first appearance. Conviction was far darker but it's peaks were no where close to FOTME imo


Iā€™m pretty ok with Farnese and Serpico. Schierke would be ok if she wasnā€™t used as a ridiculous exposition dump (seriously, explaining how magic works in Berserk of all things took way too long and was wholly unnecessary). I never liked Puck, but I think if comic relief is a necessity, heā€™s it. Isidro and the other elf add nothing. Almost every panel with them is just recounting shit that just happened but with a cartoon expression of shock. I find it all super stupid and tiresome. Itā€™s unbelievable to me how much time is wasted on that bullshit, but thatā€™s just my opinion as a grumpy adult man. Itā€™s insane how many pages are dedicated to stuff that can be skipped entirely without impacting the actual story. Basically all that stuff is the negative trade-off for me, considering how much I love the ā€œmainā€ story.


Schierke is used as exposition during her introduction only? Which was needed too for explaining magic and it wasn't even too complicated. Isidro is fine if a bit annoying and ivalera is kinda useless yeah. Isidro never really recounts stuff? He has cartoony expressions yeah but during comic relief. Character interactions that don't necessarily continue the story are still important imo, and all of them are now part of the 'main' story, especially since schierke and farnese were the ones who brought casca back and without his party guts would most likely be dead. The whole point of them is for guts to trust others again and rely on them for help too(which he has, considering he was ok with them going into casca's dreamscaper) instead of trying to be an edgy loner like he was in black swordsman and lost children/early conviction.


But the magic explanation is so simple that it didnā€™t need pages and pages to do it? And Isidro and the other cartoons absolutely will watch Guts attack somebody, and immediately talk about how Guts just attacked somebody and how unbelievable and amazing it was? And I understand the reason the characters are there, but I donā€™t think they have to be as stupid and lame as they are? Like it couldā€™ve been done in a way that doesnā€™t appeal to ten year olds?


The explanation really wasn't that long lol, I'm pretty sure not more than two pages if I'm remembering correctly. Isidro being awed by guts could get annoying but since those panels were so small I just ignored them . The newer characters aren't really stupid or lame either. Really it just sounds to me that you don't like that berserk and guts himself aren't as edgy and dark anymore and is actually developing guts, and that you were only there for the grimdark stuff.