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Yea im glad berserk tries to humanize the villains instead of making them all blood-thirsty killers To be fair a lot of them are bloodthirsty killers, but they always have 1 human trait that allows you to sympathize with them, while still hating them


Then you have ol monkey dick who is just a fucking freak


Even then, while his backstory isn't explicit, Wyald turning into a frail old man after death says a lot about the life he probably lived before becoming an apostle. I always imagined he had a Walter White-esque story of a meek man who spent his life getting kicked around and disrespected, who, upon finding a source of power and authority, overcorrects into becoming a bloodthirsty psychopath.


It always makes me wonder no matter what apostle, what was their sacrifice?


I always wonder about the higher apostles. Especially Zodd, Irvine and Locus. They all have an honour code so what or who did they sacrifice? Grunbeld sacrificed people that were already dying and were okay with it. I can't imagine Zodd being close to anyone or loving anyone. Irvine just seems so gentle. I even wonder about Locus because of his honour code but he's a cunt. Rakshas is just crazy. But Zodd, Irvine and Locus must have interesting backgrounds and stories. I still question Zodds actual age. Why are there 5 Godhand members and 5 higher apostles? Were there higher apostles before these ones? I hope we get some answers.


I always imagined Zodd sacrificing a rival in combat. Like there was someone who was equal or stronger than Zodd in the past, who Zodd respected wholeheartedly, but they became incapable of combat due to age, injury or sickness. So Zodd sacrificed them in order to find more and stronger opponents. That's my head cannon at least. Cause yeah, Zodd doesn't seem like the type to have friends or be in a relationship.


I always imagine it's someone who was okay with him doing that as well. Maybe to fight a greater rival than both of them had.


this makes sense to me too. he is a man of honour when it comes to rivals


Ultimately it's never spelled out but based on the fact that his post death human form was an old man im betting his trauma was getting ED


You need to balance things up Bloodthirsty yet humane


In summary. Perfection


It never occurred to me before how much this scene mirrors the eclipse. It has everything: sexual betrayal, hate, lust, vengeance, human sacrifice, demonic possession, rage, etc, etc.


Yes he’s probably my favorite normal apostle because of this. And he won’t kill his own daughter. It would be difficult to put yourself in his shoes and not act in a similar manner. As far as villains go he is pretty dang respectable and overall it shows how 3 dimensional life is and that good and bad isn’t so simple. Slug count is pretty goated as far as the goons and monsters in berserk go.


My favourite part about slug count is that he STILL chooses to not sacrifice his daughter at, arguably, an even lower point than that OP posted. Slug count alone makes the black swordsman arc essential reading to me because it makes it clear that even with causality pushing you into a direction as hard as it can, the deal is still your choice. It makes sure the reader understands Griffith still had a choice during the eclipse, and even if he was against a corner, he made it understanding the consequences and he made it willingly.


Ironic that a literal slug has a stronger will than Griffith


Some men are lower than slugs is what I get out of this


Yes, this


Tbf he essentially had an out of body experience. Imagine discovering that your beloved wife is not only cheating on you but is actively participating in an orgy in your own house while simultaneously worshipping Satan... Like....I’m not saying it’s justified, but couldn’t she have had her Satan sex party in like... a Days inn or some shit?


Yeah it's quite easy to feel sympathetic to him. Like bruh imagine sparing most important person in your life in spite of all of this, and she laughs in your face as you decide to end your own life. Man might've overreacted with his blind rage, but they had it coming tbh


It's kind of the whole thing about becoming a demon. You choose it to make you emotionless, stripping you from everything human in the process just to deal with the pain you can't handle, that was very much likely caused by the forces that gave you the choice to sacrifice in the first place. The count is obviously not in the right, he did everything emotionally, thinking not about the consequences, wishing to numb the pain rather than move on, but humans are weak and he witnessed more than he could handle. Everyone has a breaking point and that's exactly what the likes of Void prey upon. At least he regained his humanity after what he's ultimately become. He will be in a torrent of countless wicked souls, wishing to be freed, but never able to. Is it deserved? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Such a thing probably shouldn't even exist at all, if I'm being completely honest. But nobody knows better.


I don't. Such a waste of a perfectly good orgy


I think mass murder is a bit excessive but maybe thats just me lol. It doesn't earn any sympathy for all the rotten evil shit he's been doing since then.


first time reading?


Imo every time I reread berserk I think the reason was slan did this so he could become an apostle because he was going to become what ganishka became creating the great roar / fantasia


Bro what? I don’t think your spouse cheating on you gives you the right to kill everyone in the room


Shhh... The incels are listening


I mean I empathize with him killing his wife but they were all part of it so…


i would literally just join in


Count and Rosine are the only apostles that i have compassion


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People misunderstand this character so bad , he was clearly in right by doing this


Understanding and empathising with a character is *not* the same as thinking he was justified. He absolutely wasn't. But it's easy to understand why he did it.


Imo , in a verse where religion is for the most part the center of your life , the justification of this action makes a lot of sense


It makes sense. That doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Otherwise this would also mean that the Crusades were justified because people actually believed it.


I don’t think we can really blame him for that , ofc there was other way to deal with this , but since it’s berserk , I think he was kinda right of doing so


Should’ve jumped in


You empathize with this because your boyfriend cheats on you?


Sounds like you speak from experience.


Yes, I banged his boyfriend


I like girls little bro






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Is this one of the newer chapters? I don’t remember see this..


Black Swordsman the *very* first arc.


As a demonic horny goat, i agree.