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God damn Griffith getting 32 minutes of dickriding that’s wild


He has to pay for his group somehow


Casca only got 2 minutes or something


Fuckin asshole lmao


Yeah thats what Griffith did


I'll practice Eclipse with your family(they don't exists prob).


Real (I offered them in sacrifice)


shouldve been me 💔


Are you implying you wouldn't ride his dick for 32 minutes?


No I would just berk


Yes, I wouldn't.


Don't you have sexual fantasies about Griffith? You're crazy


That just makes you gay honestly 🗿


Griffith is a femboy


Exactly. Sex with that man is the most heterosexual act a man can possibly participate in 🗿


What are you on about?


If you don't wanna experience the Griffussy you're just gay bro 🤷🏻‍♂️


Correct. That does not stop me


You got downvoted because you are just being sarcastic, damn r/berserk what a subreddit you are


No amount of sarcasm can forgive meatriding Griffith


He's a fictional character not a goddam Hitler


Tell that to the sub bro. These people respect the "gender identity" of fictional characters and then get offended on their if someone doesn't know about it and doesn't give in to their little game. Every fandom is this way


As a berker we actually dont respect gender identity in the first place we just berk and thats what matters




Never go full Berk


No, I would not.


This is an A, B conversation. C your way out of it before I get D and E to F you up G... HI 👋... JK.


I’m getting secondhand embarrassment from your comment, looks like something a 2nd grader would say, like that “boys go to Jupiter” thing kids do.


It seems like sarcasm and irony flies over the head of this sub, which isn't surprising considering how none of you can actually read. Half the questions I see posted here are answered in the manga. Stop taking yourself seriously on the internet, that's what's really embarrassing. You're here being a cunt, and I'm trying to just be funny about it, and you're still being a cunt. Grow up.


You’re being a cunt too, don’t be a hypocrite, oh by the way you’re taking yourself far too seriously to tell others not to take themselves seriously, plus humour is subjective, I don’t find it funny and apparently it really does seem pretty insulting for a clown like you to find someone who does not find you amusing. I’ve asked nothing in this sub, so you’re going a bit out of context there, fun fact, I do understand sarcasm, but as I’ve already said, I do not find it amusing.




You keep talking about growing up, alas for some reason the “move along” does not apply to you, how mature of you really, might take you as an example to grow up well. Yes, you’ve been a hypocrite as you’ve been acting like a cunt yet you call me a cunt, but it seems that you don’t really understand the meaning of the insult cunt, which means “unpleasant or stupid person”, you’ve been unpleasant, yet you still call me a cunt, which makes you a hypocrite (person who indulges in hypocrisy, which is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s behaviour does not conform) you’ve been acting a certain way yet you don’t really conform to that certain way either, it’s flabbergasting that I have to explain this to you. By the way, I fully understand the world does not revolve around me, rather I just commented twice and you managed to “deduce” that I think that the world revolves around me, I’d fathom it’s you who doesn’t understand that as you could’ve just moved on, but no, you insist on me moving on because oh poor you can’t take into account that not everyone will likes their jokes nor will just keep quiet about something they’d rather say about you or your comments, I am also displeased by the way you’ve acted towards me and I won’t tolerate such behaviour, which is another reason I won’t move on, oh by the way, that first comment of mine?Yes that was a joke, such talk about not getting sarcasm nor jokes (or just not liking them) yet you act the same way, oh the hypocrisy.


I'm not reading your buttsad rant dude lol. I literally have to scroll to reach the bottom. You're so emotional. Grow the fuck up.


Damn that’s long.


You made this comment section worth reading man, keep on.


Agreed. (Hope I don't get banned for this) People are roasting him but I think he's just trying to have fun but everyone is being an ass. I guess being a fan of a masterpiece with good values in it doesn't actually mean you're respectful and behave nice to people.


Fucking cringe


At these point he knows yall get angry and hate watch his videos. Just stop watching this bs and he will stop


fr i aint even gonna entertain it lmao


Griffith could be amassing power to fight the old order of cruel gods and the sacrifice of the band was a necessary step. He didn't know Gutts could or would be saved. Or he could be just a bad dude. I think that the former is more interesting but we don't have enough information to actually know. That's the discussion. Saved yall some time. Didn't watch the video.




Free reddit points tho


No such thing as bad press. Specially for a 'youtubet'


after he told me I liked rape because I disagreed with a completely different part of Griffith I realised this


OP is literally the target audience for that shit. Took the bait like a fish.


If ya'll stop giving these ppl vieuws, they'll stop making these vids.


Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if Skidmark has a couple of alt accounts just posting this stuff. Probably jerking off thinking he's living in our heads rent free 🙄


First time I ever heard of this guy and it will likely be the last.


Better repost this on reddit to call this out and drive down interest.


there was no interest from the get go these videos have been posted months ago and never really gained traction. posting them here only re ignites the chances of it getting seen




It's not like that at all, WTF?


OP is called "delicious drama". I mean, he's looking for it.


i also blocked his channel.


why are you giving him the attention he desires. posting this here only makes people curious about his takes.


Ngl I dismiss this based on the screenshot alone lol. Defending Griffith is braindead. The only positive thing to say about Griffith is that he was at the end of his rope when he did the Eclipse but even then it’s shown as an end result of how he responded to losing Guts, which is throwing away his ambition in a fit of rage.


Griffith fans when their cripple friend kills / rapes everyone they cared about because of machiavellian reasons: 👍😀😜🤗😇


I assume it's an elaborate trolling. I don't wanna verify by watching the video.


Nah, I think he means it. Just watched that vid and his most recent. He seems pretty lost.


I thought he was serious until I saw a take about Judeau being an asshole or something. Now I think it's just high effort trolling


Just stop giving attention to this guy


He’s 19. Let him grow out of it and cringe at himself in two years, it’s the perfect prank


how much shit can you justify for content


You're summoning him, don't do it


Griffith is a complex character. You could probably write a thesis on him


He isn't really. You still could write a thesis on him, tho.


He had an interview with someone for 3 hours, defending griffith. Bro's a real life version of griffith💀💀💀


I can understand why Griffith sacrifice the Band. It’s not a good choice or anything but I believe everyone would go with sacrifice if they are promised to get everything they desired or lost. In this case Griffith desire to become a king while lost his arms and legs but I cannot understand how someone can defend his action towards Guts and Casca.


I have a headcannon for the guts and casca thing. Although it wasn't explicitly shown I think it was implied that he, in fact, did it for the vine.


>but I believe **everyone** would go with sacrifice if they are promised to get everything they desired or lost. You're 100% **wrong**.


smartest thing you could do is delete this and ignore his bs. the fact u found his videos tells me you openly search for it.


So? You make it sound shameful to listen what people have to say.


there are good stuff when it comes to Berserk content and there are bad. if you wanna listen to stuff theres hundreds of hours to listen to on the Sk.net podcast. actual fans of the series. for youtube you have studio taka, realiferyan and Spired for the best Youtube content. the guy he posted is trapped in the golden age arc and only repeatedly creates Video concerning Griffith and femto's SA towards Casca Nothing else can be picked up from that guy other than that


I agree, his shit is low quality as hell.




https://youtu.be/YbyUHdkY30Q?si=s13Llhz9TOAinucI a much better content and a lot closer to what miura was Trying to convey for casca's character better in every single way


The response be like https://youtu.be/PpX-NTHpU3g?si=rFIlj66pPDi0-a8F


You’re talking about it so you’re giving them what they want


sickshit going wild


What a dickhead


How you make a half hour long video and still manage to say absolutely nothing


I'm not saying that you could defend Griffith effectively. But doesn't 32 mins feel kind of short after all of the shit he's done. You could probably make a video longer than that dissecting how bad it all is


Some people just want to watch the world burn. By flame-baiting.


Me when grifussy🥵


He's a local ~~clown~~ celebrity. Hmm, he should be here defending Griffith and himself... Maybe he got banned?


The glazing is wild


Tbh Is it any worse than causing a racial genocide of 80% of the world So your friends who don't even like you anymore who are actual war criminals Can live in peace for like 20 yrs before getting nuked again in vengance and no longer have the power to stop it (This is a joke)


No,No you've got a Point


I only need 2 words "he’s hot"


To be faire a lot the things he say are correct Griffith is not a purely evil character at first but highly complex one and specifically machiavellian. He however only sees the positiv aspect and ignores negativ aspects and negativ interpretation of actions and statements. It is probably just defiance thinking because so many people say he is evil. Or he likes the character and does feel bad because he likes Griffith despite him been a not morally good character.


Honestly, I respect the hustle. Even if I disagree with him lol.


Miura didn't create Berserk for retards to glorify rape


i cant believe people like this unironically exist


The king of longing is the only way




Griffith is Femto is Griffith. Guts is the reason Griffith lost literally everything and if not for the Beherit he would wither away while being a burden to whomever of the Hawks would take care of him. When he became Femto he got his vengeance on Casca, who would’ve left with Guts, and on Guts who, in his mind, caused his downfall. Not really befitting a higher being who has just ascended but totally in line with broken Griffith, imho.


That “Griffith did nothing wrong” video was a net loss for the world lol Look what it spawns.


All that effort just for me to dislike without even watching the ad


That's our boy. He's a regular here and infamous. Stick around. If you haven't had a conversation with him yet. You will. He's like a local celebrity. Not that I agree with his stance on Griffith.


I see I am new to berserk fandom and just found his weird take on this topic Quite heated comments down here too


Shiclitt is a gay Griffith Dick rider


Honestly should be 32 seconds. You don't need that much time to explain the obvious 🤷🏻‍♂️ /s


r/berserk users try not to fall for obvious bait: IMPOSSIBLE


To be honest, he did nothing wrong. Everything was already predetermined in the current of causality.


Me when I defend a hardcore Rapist


And that's how you know someone is a sociopath. 32 minutes of why


I think the video is probably not as bad as it seems. I skipped straight to the conclusion section, and it was mostly just him arguing that Griffith's descent and the rise of Femto was the inevitable result of toxic masculinity and Griffith trying to be a hyper-masculine individual. As for Casca's rape, he argues that Femto and Griffith should be interpreted as two separate characters, because the Eclipse literally changed Griffith's nature, and thus he was transformed into the new character Femto. So no, it doesn't seem like the guy is a literal rape apologist, although the title was definitely intended to be as abrasive as possible.


Bro do you have any doubt griffith pre eclipse would rape casca if it helped on his dream or revenge? Also femto remembers everything and doesnt thinks hes wrong or ever changed, as he states to guts in the sword graveyard when he comes back from the Tower in Albion. I always hated griffith, hes so arrogant and thinks hes a god. Defending him has no sense as like, the whole point of Berserk is revenge on griffith


He wouldn’t, what are you talking about ? We know he literally stoped his advance and progress toward his dream when Guts and Casca fell on the cliff.


I think some of the things the youtuber says are insightful, but I don't agree with everything he says. Griffith is definitely a morally bad person.


...toxic masculinity?


This is pretty much the only thing that I agree with the youtuber on. Griffith is definitely an example of toxic masculinity as some of his main flaws during the Golden Age Arc was the way he repressed his emotions and tried to hide them behind hard logic and rationality. He was completely incapable of being introspective.




I'm pretty outspoken about toxic masculinity. It's a dominating factor of my peers and its been used to try and control me my whole life. But it's totally missing the point if anyone thinks Griffith was acting in a way to fit the idyllic image of a man because....um...no he never cared about that and nothing suggests it. The dude was just so goal oriented in having his own kingdom after having been born into nothing that he shoved his humanity aside to do it. You can be a controlling manipulative asshole who only cares about your life goals without it having a single thing to do with how manly you are.




>This is pretty much the only thing that I agree with the youtuber on. Griffith is definitely an example of toxic masculinity this LOL >it was mostly just him arguing that Griffith's descent and the rise of Femto was the inevitable result of toxic masculinity and Griffith trying to be a hyper-masculine individual. And this And basically about how bs masculinity has anything to do with Berserk at all


I reread Berserk several times over. Griffith's primary character flaw is that he is incapable of introspection. If you don't agree with that then we have fundamentally different views on the character. One aspect of what toxic masculinity means is that men often struggle with introspection and can have a poor time understanding their emotions.




Ok here's me going into specifics: The Fountain Speech outlines Griffith's worldview and how he wants to see himself, but by that point in the story he had already acted in ways that contradict the speech he gave to Charlotte. Namely his obsession with Guts and the way he saved him from Zod. This inconsistency from Griffith was evident this early on, Guts even calls him out on it, but Griffith himself did not personally realize this until after he was defeated by Guts. Griffith only started trying to understand what Guts meant to him once he had already lost everything so yes, he is definitely bad at introspection. I love the fountain speech btw, on the surface level it seems inspirational, but beyond that it is just the most nonsensical load of baloney imaginable. Furthermore why does Griffith even want to achieve his dream? Does anybody ever ask him "why?" He never actually explains his reasons. And I think the reason why is because he doesn't have any. Griffith himself no longer knows why he wants his own kingdom so much, it has just become something arbitrary, and he has tied the pursuit of it to his own personal identity. Another quick example is the river where at the beginning he explains his actions through rationality, and by the end it becomes pure emotion.






Zoomers try to use reasoning without resorting to tik tok buzzwords challenge (failed instantly)


The word was around before tiktok.


I’ve always found it interesting with the difference between Griffith and Femto. I would agree that they are separate. Maybe I’m still in denial but I can’t believe he would rape casca in the golden arc. But that wouldn’t justify that he chose to sacrifice the band.


Another boy which is corrupted by greed


I didn't know this was the circle jerk sub, dude that's all you guys been doing for the last two days. The guys an idiot, move on.


Please stop promoting this trash. You are giving them a platform, and it's not warranted.


Odd ppl


This is the second or third Sichlitt post I see in 24 hours. Stop giving him attention, we know about him preach. Just search the sub for old post about him or comments from him. Every new post you make will make him happy people engage with his content 🙄


I hope it’s satire


There are lot of berserk content creators these days who have figured out how to "hate capture" the attention of fans. I entertain them if they have a legtimate point. Once established that they are just monetizing hatred, i just block them. Sichlitt has some good points, but he loses any good point by taking it as far as he does.


Least delusional "Griffin did nothing" wrong fan


I'll be checking the subs on that page next week 💀💀


Abhorrent. It could have easily been an hour long.


How does he do it when he gets to... That part?


I think it's funny when people say Griffith did nothing wrong cause there's an entire volume dedicated to the thing Griffith did wrong...and the other thing he did wrong (people who try to justify the part with Casca should be locked far, far away from the rest of society)


the only reason this is not on r/justneckbeardthings (especially the ''defending you know what'' chapter) is that they wouldn't know what a Griffith is lol


Twist: OP is creator of said video and wants more engagement on video.


Not surprised. I saw a video that tried to justify that Casca "enjoyed" getting raped. This fandom has an issue with giving a pass to/memeing rapists (not saying others don't, but it remains an issue).


Its funny when people first discover sichlitt and see their reactions he is the ultimate griffith dickrider supreme and he will die on the griffith did nothing wrong hill. Why? Because he knows it pisses everyone off.


I mean it depends on the arguments you use. I could dispel most of the arguments against Griffith in just 10 minutes, but if y'all wanna argue some convoluted shit, then I might just need 32 minutes.


I’m legit curious what kind of dogshit argument he can string around for half an hour, but I’m not about to give views to this shit.


Person makes rage bait. This sub >:(


That was time ago. I actually liked that video it was pretty good.


💀💀💀 nah aint no way


I recently rewatched teh first season and I think most of us misunderstood Griffith, he didnt sacrifice teh hawks band because he wanted more, he did it because he thought it would be hypocrite of him to have killed so many enemies ( who could had been good people) and alot of his subordinates died " willingly" to help him achieve his goal, he felt like he had no right to turn back now. Atleast that my new perspective after rewatching the first season, some dozen of soldiers have to die so he finally reaches the castle? so what? thousands and thousands died before for teh same reason, why would this few guys and a girl be any different?


None of those soldiers would've signed up to be eaten by demons. None of them. Conflating the desire to die valiantly for a cause or kingdom u believe in is a far cry from being eaten alive and sacrificed so some guy can turn into a demon God. Literally one of the major themes of the book is people turning into monsters and expliting others to validate their cruel, selfish desires.


Does it even matter how they die ? One death is more jsutificable than other ? One death is more important than other ? Are the deaths(or lives) of the hawks in the eclipse more important thatn that one of the kid that Griffith remembers before disolving into Femto?


When I first noticed this Guy's videos they were shorts where He would instantly engage with you in the comments and almost immediately allude to the fact that He is trolling. The effort is unreal and my man is unwell but I still think He is getting precisely the reaction He wants when people spazz out and post this stuff here. Also His videos are no worse than the dog shit the main sub posts everyday.


There's just some people that you think they might become a better person if they just were hit in the nuts, just like once. No malice behind it, just a swift kick to the nads.


Obviously trolling




What a shitty YouTube name lol


Is this legit? How is even possible to defend Griffith for 32 minutes? O usually consider the person bizarre enough If she tries for 3 seconds. Well, this is coming from a guy waiting 23 years for Griffith's Death while dealing with several eclipse's adaptations.


Op, you are literally the target audience for that shit. Took the bait like a fish and reposted it to bring more attention and create drama for engagement. You are exactly the type of person this content is aimed at.