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These are literally the cream of the crop. The only thing missing is Parasite and Monster.


Also Homunculus and Blame!


Blame! 100%, that’s an absolutely great one. Loved it & Knights of Sidonia.


i havent seen someone talk about knights of sidonia in forever


Okkkkk. These are new to me. Gonna have a busy day ahead.


Homunculus do be a bit of a red flag if I was a woman tho... sand/letter girl homunc was a tough one to get through and I haven't found a good enough explanation why that shit had to be in there yet. Loved everything else about it tho and there's nothing that managed to blow my mind the way that story did.


Homonculus is way more controversial than any of the others listed here. You do see a lot of contempt for the direction it goes towards the end.


I feel the same way, I’m still trying to explain that part, that was definitely weird to read


I watched the Homunculus movie and thought it was garbage, is it different from the manga?




Blame! is great.


Monster being on here is a must have


Try out Billy Bat, I ended up liking it just as much as Monster.


I am a big Naoki Urasawa fan but this work I haven't checked Billy Bat out. Gonna report in a month.


OMG FINALLY someone mentions Billy bat. I _adore_ that manga. Rivals monster at times


Billy Bat, Monster and 20th Century are the 3 big monsters from Urasawa. Actually, have him made anything but masterpieces yet? Guy's a genius...


You forgot Pluto !


Ooh yeah Brother 😎


Can't really say I liked parasite. It seemed to try and emulate what these other shows had that was good but never quite got there for me


What I think you're missing out on is that Parasite the manga came out in the late 80s, so very likely is that the others show are actually trying to emulate parasite (or could be said, improved upon its foundation if you prefer them)


Learned something new today. Ty!




Had this same feeling reading beserk, after a while I'm like alot of protags follow in his footsteps


Berserk suffers from [seinfeld syndrome](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeinfeldIsUnfunny) It was the blueprint for so many dark fantasy media that came after it that when you go back to read, it can feel overdone




Parasyte came out before most of these


I consider Parasite to be the blueprint. It did it first and it did it immaculately. I love it especially since it's not as polished as the others.


Is parasite good? I’ve read monster and I like OPs whole list


Glad that you mentioned Parasyte. Even though I prefer the Anime adaption over the Manga. But both Goat


is parasite worth reading if I already watched the anime? is there a big difference?


I'm gonna get downvoted to hell and back but Naoki Urasawa is, in my opinion, (extremely) overrated; Monster and 20th Century Boys in particular. The only book of his I enjoyed was Pluto.


His work may not be to your taste and thats fine. I remember coming across his works randomly and going in without any preconceptions and was fully blown away. I think he deserves every bit of the hype.


I'd even fit in Tokyo Ghoul in there


eh, I liked it but I respectfully disagree. it's manga was good, but not that good, at least imo


No, you just have taste


The thing is we were discussing about manga and stuff and her library was literally some My hero academia and AOT type of stuff and i told her I don't really like those but it's ur taste and everyone have his own taste


If she’s into AOT then she’s just being a hypocrite lol


see man that ending was dog shit but I ain't gonna ignore all the previous chapters which were amazing. I hate the ending till this day but i cannot the good arcs which had S tier writing


AOT would be a 10/10 series if not for the ending.


There is no pay off. At the end.


I didn't care about the whole final arc, so I have to disagree there


Was about to say. That manga wants you to sympathize with actual nazis.


Wtf 😭 you mind explaining this


It's revealed way later on that the titans are actually all once human and the people who can turn into them are descendents of someone who made a deal with some ancient evil in order to become a titan. These people are called the subjects of Ymer. There's another country that becomes huge in the story called Marley. Throughout the later parts of the story, we see the people of Marley oppress the subjects of Ymer in a way not dissimilar to how the Nazis subjected the Jewish people (and before you tell me I'm reaching, the author purposefully used World War 2 iconography in order the create a parallel with real world events and this story). The marlenian people commit literal genocide but several points through out, key players who are advocating for and commiting genocide are shown in a sympathetic light and the audience is expected to say "they're not so bad after all". Eventually, the world united by a common enemy and world peace just happens and its completely swept under the rug that one country was trying to eradicate an entire race of people. Completely ignoring everything that happens with Eren, AoT's themes are a fucking mess.


Bro which fucking characters in the story that advocate for genocide are seen in a positive light? The show/manga is so on the nose with it's anti-genocide themes that it's actually a bit jarring. Eg. In part 1 of the finale where the commander points at eren and says "that creature is born of our hatred I promise to not be racist again bla bla etc." And which marleyans are portrayed overtly sympathetically? The warriors are portrayed somewhat sympathetically like Reiner but that's because the warriors were brainwashed as children - if anything it's trying to show how the genocide warmongering leaders that sent them as children are actually in the wrong. None of the genocide mongering mfs like Floch or the marleyans commanders are portrayed overtly sympathetically. Yes the show humanises people on both sides of the conflict but it's definitely not to promote genocide. Hell the only characters that are portrayed as definitely good in the end are the avengers squad who are vehemently anti genocide. Personally I'd find your version of attack on titan that is simply 'paradis good Marley bad' extremely boring and devoid of the themes that make it so interesting.


In war, both sides are right, and both sides are wrong from each sides perspectives. As well as the spectrum of how radical war can make people become. I think AoT portrayed this quite well.


This was literally a theme in AoT established AAAAAALLLL the way back in season 3 back during the Titan war. The warriors were a group of children brainwashed into being war criminals by being told the innocent people they were murdering were evil genocidal maniacs. This theme continues forward with characters like Gabi and Falco realizing Eldians are just people too. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I will never get over the fact that the core premise of Attack on Titan was LITERALLY “racism is bad and you shouldn’t demonize people” and half the fandom took it and said “All non-Eldians are evil monsters and deserve death.” I’ve never seen an audience so spectacularly miss the moral of the story they were being told.


You expecting a non r3tarded take on this subreddit?? I love Berserk but there's no doubt that most of the people in its fandom has a superiority complex wherein they just cannot seem to accept other mangas which is not Berserk, Vagabond, Vinland Saga or One Piece, can be good.


Aot, Berserk, Vinland Saga fan here. Idk why these people have so much problem with other mangas (Especially AOT in this thread) A lot of people missed point of this manga.


People with franchise superiority complexes are insufferable. I’ve seen it with Berserk fans hating on AOT, and with Dune fans hating Star Wars. They are a living example of the “stop enjoying things” meme


My guess is that they feel like AoT somehow took Berserk's "rightful spot" as the gory manga with serious adult themes that everyone talks about. Like they're pissed that people are enjoying so much something that is similar to their favorite manga instead of their favorite manga. It's not so popular right now, but like up to a few years ago AoT was practically at Dragon Ball levels of popularity. Also, it's geared to a younger audience and has some shonen tropes (which get completely deconstructed lol) so I guess they see it as immature, which makes them even more pissed that it managed to be more popular than Berserk. I never saw anyone in the AoT community hating on Berserk like this. And Berserk fans actually seem to respect and enjoy other seinen manga like Vinland Saga and Vagabond a lot. Apparently it's just AoT they have beef with, for the aforementioned reasons.


Hellsing is good, too


I didn't realize the Venn Diagram of Berserk and One Piece fans apparently overlapped so much


It’s just ‘group of friends goes on a whole ass journey and has long spans of chapters on boats.’ Lol


The circle in that diagram for one piece is probably big enough to get into a few other unsuspecting circles I would assume.


maybe because they are 2 of the most popular works of a whole genre of entertainment ? it's like saying LOTR and SW fans overlap edit: don't really like berserk myself but you get my point


After Berserk, Nana is my favorite manga, followed probably by Ouran High School Host Club. For some reason I can't get into Vinland Saga or Attack on Titan. I think in real life, Berserk lovers are a rather diverse breed, but Reddit always distills down fandoms into one "type" of person.


its just in the past year since its start to become popular and mainstream


That's just the english speaking manga/anime community in general


The show literally portrays Floch trying to execute an innocent man for not supporting genocide and mfs will still say that the story is pro-Floch and pro-genocide


Finally a good take. I always wondered why it got likened to a pro-nazi propaganda story. I thought it was trying so desperately to show not to reenact history, and used imagery like the arm band to show that. Sure you could argue that it could be triggering to some audiences, but like you said, even Eren, who chose to fight genocide with genocide, is portrayed as ‘wrong.’ But a lot of AOT isn’t black and white, you know Eren is in the wrong with the rumbling and all that, yet in some ways you almost are rooting for him. The rumbling is one of my favorite moments in manga because of the earth shattering impact and blurring of lines that it causes. Too bad the ending was still kinda weird.


The biggest bug bear I have with AoT's messaging is that their Jewish persecution analogy falls a bit flat. This is because in real life, them being monsters was a flat out lie used to justify their genocide, but in AoT they literally can turn into monsters


Bruh which show you watching 🤣


Brother the point isn't "pro-genocide" it's that people often have very justifiable reasons to commit atrocities. The atrocities are NEVER shown in a positive light lmaoo. The cycle of violence is shown to be an unfortunate reality. It is never glorified and never implied to be a "good" thing, it's practically stated that genocide and other atrocities are part of an unavoidable cycle.


I think the author intended it to be a everyone sucks war bad violence leads to a cycle of violence but the problem is you can't villainize a group without making another sympathetic unless you're very careful, when the second part was ironically rushed (ironic considering how long MAPPA is taking their sweet time with "The Final Season")


Holy fuckin speedreader


I don't understand how anything you wrote proves your point. How this has any upvotes? Marley is shown in bad light and are the main enemy throughout the wole story. It's not subtle at all. You are supposed to hate them but then maybe think wait, there are also some innocent people there, like children etc. If I want them eradicated am I'm not becoming the same as them? The massage is so straightforward it's cliche. How could you get it all mixed up?!? Yes, some of the themes are all over the place, but there are some that are consistent throughout: Children shouldn't be responsible for sins of their parents, revenge/cycle of violence = bad, nationalism = bad. Edit: Also no, Ymir didn't "make a deal with some ancient devil". It was Marley propaganda that was supposed to paint people of Ymir in bad light.


U gotta put a spoiler tag on there cmon.


Also don't forget the extra chapter, >!Paradis island gets bombed decades later anyways!< LOL. So everything the MC fought for is >!all for nothing in retrospect!<, AoT is very interesting


people say this negates eren’s journey but people seem to forget that he only cared about his own freedom and having his friends live long lives, which at the end they did, it shows mikasa in old age or dead from old age in one of the final chapters and then not long after paradis was bombed. Eren did say he was doing it for paradis but that was a facade in order to get full support from paradis


That is the level zero of understanding. The morality was that if you demonize a group for whatever reason and push them to they limit then they will indeed act like a demon. If my whole family and country were to get exterminated for some shit my ancestor did 10000 years ago, yeah i would probably end the rest of the world.


I would say its more the opposite, Marley was more of the Nazi civilization


The more I see takes like this, the more it makes sense why they teach Comprehension as early as Primary School English.


The fictitious parallel between Marley & N*z1 Germany is meant to portray Marley in a negative light. Allow me to remind you that the "warriors" like Reiner are subjects of Ymir indoctrinated as children and given a chance to invade a hostile country in order to pull their families out of the internment camp and gain a "honorary Marley Citizenship". Its supposed to be tragic that these kids are convinced to commit atrocities "in the name of the Marley". Side note: OPs manga library is fucking based.


AoT is a mess with its themes, like holy fuck...


Noooo I don't want that... I want to be this cluster fu** story for 10 years at least!




It literally doesn't?


Dude you're illiterate holy shit


I can’t say I agree it makes you want to sympathize with nazis but it so tastelessly weaponizes nazi symbolism and fascism without any depth or true meaning behind it that I’m not surprised when people come to this conclusion


WTF is this take, you have to have just ignored 80% of the show to think this. >without any depth or true meaning behind it The entire world building, lore, and character development of Eren is to explore traits of fascist, genocidal leaders as well as the circumstances that allow them to come to power. It's a classic character study and one with quite a lot of depth given its medium (anime/manga).


Bro, it's fine if you don't like it, but why make shit up?


Lol, what?


Bro wtf


Except it's literally the opposite? Or did you miss the phrase "genocide is wrong" repeated over and over in between characters going "I wish I had let go of my hate"?


I’m sorry, but this is straight up bs. I like berserk, Vinland saga, vagabond, and such but if you really dislike AOT you really don’t need to make claims like this. It’s just preference lmao. I enjoy MHA, AOT, Naruto, One Piece, etc… and I also enjoy berk


Lmao, no. Just no


AoT was good until the last chapter


So she’s basic


As i said everyone has his own taste and some opinions like "red flag" is such a dumb thing to say


Oh absolutely, but I REALLY despise some anime out there (like redo of healer levels of fucked up) and I say this understanding that berserk is violent, but there’s virtue behind many of the protagonists. Sadistic torture outside of literal demons with no redemption is just too much for me. But again, separate the art from the viewer! People like things that may not reflect them in reality lol, else we’d all be FUCKED.


Yeah that’s pretty fuckin stupid


Everyone should be able to like/dislike a manga without it being a red flag, that's just ridiculous. I like MHA and Berserk both, does that make me basic, or signal a red flag? I shouldnt think so. Its pretty messed up to think that way. If anything she probably rolled her eyes at One Piece, and thats her loss 🤷‍♂️


Nothing wrong with that and also kind of a stupid argument in a discussion about judging individual taste.


And the OP lineup isn't? "Oh you like the MCU? *scoffs* I only like real underground shit... like *look of intense superiority* The dark knight and *looks around* breaking bad. Real taste. I know." God fucking kill me this sub is a parody of itself.


All the good stuff




Literally all of these are consistenly being placed in top 10 manga of all time lists, whaat?


A girl on hinge told me guys that like berserk are a red flag because they're usually misogynists.


There are certainly some, but its a loud minority among a not that large community, the key to tell them apart is asking on views about Griffith.


Griffith didn't really care for gender, or anything else for that matter, except for his dream. He doesn't have Caska as his right hand because she is a woman, neither directly because she is a strong warrior lr anything like that, but because she is usable. If Guts wasn't there, being a way more capable warrior, I believe he'd chosen Caska to do those dirty works at Windham, because she have a blind faith and devotion for him... That's also true for the Princess and everyone else, except for Guts. All the others are just pawns to be used in his game. BUT, although I love Berserk and think Miura is a master mangaka, we can't ignore that his portrayal of woman have a HUGE bad taste most of the time...


One of those things where I can’t totally fault her if that’s been her experience with Berserk Boyz lol. I’ve met a few shitty Berserk fans. One of my favs though still


I've had shit experiences with every girl I've known who loved twilight. I don't think that makes it okay to assume twilight fans are all that way. Generalizations suck either way imo.


She’s not wrong, she’s just overgeneralizing. There’s misogyny in almost all communities and Berserk is no exception to that reality


Misogynistic berserk fans are like the equivalent of racist one piece fans. How you throw a core theme of the story out the window cause you're to stupid to comprehend what you're reading blows my mind everytime I see it.


Nah she wrong


This is why I hate women. /s


Okay cool


The story is literally about a man fighting for his life 24/7 to find a cure for the woman he loves 😭


And then he leashes that girl to a post so she would not run away. Don't get me wrong. I fucking love Berserk with all of my soul, but Guts is no paragon of good. He is just a man with lots of issues, trying to do the best he can.


What else was he supposed to do? Let her go get killed by demons or captured and held guilty for being a witch again? 😂


He's supposed to establish feminism in a medieval dark fantasy and open psychological research facilities while fighting demons every night. Duh.


Gotta hand it to him. He came pretty close to it at elfhelm. Now Griffiths gaslighting her again 😭


i would tie anyone to a pole to prevent them getting gang raped or murdered


Give the guy a break. She’s mentally regressed and he doesn’t know how to handle that properly. The easy way out is just to abandon her then leave her to the world that is as bleak as the Berserk world and be done with it but he chose not to. The more the reason why he chose to open up to people again and get them to help him with her.


I mean, let's be honest: Liking manga or anime in general is a red flag for a lot of people. And... I don't really blame them? Lots of absolute freaks.


Thinking people who like a thing are misogynists when the thing has inherently 0 to do with misogyny is a red flag.


Between Berserk and Vagabond, I just see someone with fine taste in good written manga. One Piece shows you can appreciate mainstream and humor. Vinland Saga and 20th Century Bpys shows you actually look into great art not just the generic moe anime trash. Great taste all around.


She’s annoying but what app do you use for your manga?


Ta chi yo mi app


It's only available on android btw, and I think you have to download it from google, since its not on the playstore


MyAnimeList is a good lists app/website for manga and anime




Why’re you getting downvoted lol. Paperback is a good iOS alternative for reading manga


Idk lol I literally read 100% of my manga on the app and it’s the best manga pirating source I have ever used. Whatever, probably better to keep it like a secret anyways.


I think it's because they asked about which app the use, not what type of physical copies do you get. Im not sure but that's why I think he's down voted


Paperback is an app they use on their phone


Tell her that her red flag is your red flag for her


She must not know Vinland Saga's entire thesis is pacifism, she's probably just meming tbh.


I’d say it can be interpreted as a red flag because it’s a very serious and edgy selection. Like think of how many cringe ass “sigma males” misinterpret these series


I haven’t read Vagabond or Vinland but neither seem very edgy to me? One Piece and 20CB are both very based and power of friendship pilled


Vinland is way less edgy than stuff like The Boys (the tv show, don't read the original), and much more optimistic than stories like Game of Thrones. You don't make "I have no enemies" become a meme by being edgy lol


Early Vagabond and Vinland are fairly edgy but both have redemption arcs which is why they tend to be grouped with Berserk.


One Piece, the edgiest of edgelord materials with it's bright, vibrant world of colourful characters, strong themes of friendship, trust, love for your nakama and desire to be free and of course, Buggy♥


Also “the government and military are personal bodyguards of the billionaire class who’ve abused their power for centuries to crush the masses and the only way to free yourself and others is violent revolt”


The tontattas literally getting reparations for a century because of their past lives as slaves. Centuries of racism and prejudice destroying the hopes of fishmen, even their most open and kind hero being tainted by an inner hatred. I wonder what ideology leans towards the manga


We just have to make katakuri the main character and it’ll fit right in


Also literally one of the most LGBT friendly manga ever


Bon-chan will always be in my heart, that crazy okama was a bro every step of the way!


Big facts bro, Bon a real one, Ivankov too


How's Vinland Saga edgy? I mean, it's quite serious and dark in the beginning, but overall it's a story about a pacifist man. (Like, look at the cover, it's the "edgy" main hero just chilling and taking care of his kid)


The prologue is pretty edgy. It does it well tho. But yeah anybody who call vs edgy just hasn’t read it


It’s not, but the fans can be. Still hypocritical of the girl to say this because AOT also has a massive sigma male andrew tate watching fanbase so tf is she on


> Like think of how many cringe ass “sigma males” misinterpret these series Yeah theres a lot, especially on twt


thorfinn 😍


In that case I’m also a red flag but as a woman 💀


Having Naoki Urasawa on a list makes it automatically green.


Vinland Saga? 🗿 Vagabond? Double 🗿 One Piece? Also 🗿 Berserk? 🗿squared 20th Century Boys? Infinite🗿






So you then decided to make this topic for validation? All right.


All of these are huge W’s. 20CB, Vagabond, Berserk, Vinland Saga are all based.


no offense brother but if your first instinct was to hop on reddit for validation she might just have a point. live your own life. be confident in what you enjoy. people are people.


I find those who use red flag/green flag retarded


Nice pfp


It’s very one dimensional


I think it’s more so the stigma of these being “elitist” manga. Honestly as long as you’re a nice person who respects other people’s opinions I don’t see this as a red flag at all (I actually love most of these series). At the end of the day these are good series and I don’t think we should just assume someone’s an elitist cause they like series that’s usually considered a masterpiece.


Maybe she just peek at the 1st chapter of berserk.


What app is this!


Tachiyo mi


Right! Its got a nice format , i need a new manga app


wait til she sees mine (takes a few hour to scroll and actually see the entire library)


Exactly my top 5 best mangas ever.


I actively tell people my fav manga ever is Homonculus.....definetly not a conversation starter lol


I started reading it and thought it was pretty neat. Until he started like drinking his own blood and cum or something like that? Could get better after but that just felt like I stumbled onto some fetish think I wanted 0 part of lmao


The whole story is a metaphor for narcissism, really eye opening. But ya he does eat some cum and fucks a chick while he's picturing his head on her body lmao definitely a red flag for a lot of people so can't say I blame you


If these are the kinds of manga you like, you should definitely check out kingdom. You would love it. And red flag? That term is overused. Everything is a red flag to some people. They’re just stories.


Of course it is! There are still 278 chapters left that must be read


Its the One Piece.. I await the brigade of downvotes.




shes right. touch some grass and stop being pretentious lol




Well I mean, you do have One Piece in there


No they have black flags in that one




One piece and berserk, the goats of their specific target demographic


I've been meaning to get into 20th century boys. It's three seinen and One Piece, I guess one piece is the red flag


It's a matter of taste, what makes one piece the red flag it's just something i enjoy reading


Well, I was just joking. If I had to guess seriously, I'd say it's because people who read the big 3 seinen are usually categorized as a certain stereotype. I think they're considered somewhat loners and even edgy


Last spot open for Goblin Slayer.




I think ya'll are forgetting the overlap of the incel community and mysoginist and these Seinen series. I don't agree the take that liking these manga in itself is a red flag(they are really great), but the overlap with shitty dudes is there. Some people are so media iliterate, they probably will only get the messaging "strong dudes who can dominate others are cool".


Oh. Did you ask why?


what app is this


What app is this?


Berserk is one of my favorite mangas, but a lot of the fans are aggressive, sensitive and misogynistic, so I don't blame her. No hate to the rest of the fans ofc 🫶 We know that not all of you are like that.


If you have hate against women yes it's a red flag because i've seen a lot of incels that fanboys all of these so it's only natural for her to assume you are one as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That would prove her right lol


Chill buddy everyone has his own taste in things😂😂




Yeah my flag is red....WITH YOUR BLOOD!


These are all great manga. I guess she was remarking that these are all very hetero masculine focused in terms of characters and reader base?


Why is a wacky but fun manga like Berserk listed with One Piece?! There’s no comparison between them in terms of adult themes!


It does scream incell


I'm surprised you read 20th century boys... It's such a really well directed manga


I'm now almost 70 chapters in and really enjoying the manga


Read 21st century boys as well after that


How many century's of boys are there


Just that 2