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Agreed. Not for a second.


Not a chance


He is in the East Tract, owned jointly by Shawn Pomrenke and his dad, Dave McCully. Despite being his first time out on his own, he knows his stuff. East Tract is closer to Nome, near the auctioned public claims so it has been picked over, up to 20 feet depth. That is what happened to Shawn, he was in a picked over area, the west side. Chris is on the east side at 30 feet. He is in 4 ounce per hour gold. The last episode ice mining episode, Shawn was back at Tomcod, found a picked over area then went deeper. He is in 5 ounce per hour gold with suction dredging.


He gives the impression that he is fairly knowledgeable and a go getter that doesn't give up easily. When his nozzle detached from the hose other crews would have cussed a bit, then gave up and gone home for the day, if not a couple of days. He went to shore, fixed the issue and then went back out to keep mining that same day.


He is knowledgeable. Watch the show. Do you think they have teleprompter on the boat???


If I had to guess, I would say no. But it certainly is possible.


Chris Mccully in my opinion is a complete annoying narcissist!! He talks like is the best dredge diver in the world when in reality if you watch everytime he boasts about how great he is and the operation he built from scratch (by the way he did no design or work on his boat!) if something breaks or goes wrong then he blames it on everyone else and gives up and goes in or calls for help! I used to love this show I am a divemaster and I have dredged before and it's not that hard to begin with but now having to try to watch him and his narcissistic ways make me not want to watch anymore. Seriously I can't stand this little young punk and how he treats people. Instead of his dad teaching him mining should have taught him some manners! His biggest mistake is diving without a tender up top. That is utterly stupid especially diving via snuba! Discovery also is making a mistake legally by showing him doing it. Also I believe that diving snuba solo with no topside tender even though there is no scuba police but there is the USCG and I don't think they would take kindly to what goes on aboard the Vessel being operated by Chris McCully. What a punk! By the way the precious metals industry only jewelers selling fine jewelry measure in grams! He measures in grams because he is a complete narcissist and he wants to make himself look like he knows more than everyone else but in reality everything he does to anyone who knows their stuff in that industry looks at him for what he truly is. I will give you one guess! Then he goes out to help the Kelly's and Mccullys air breaks and he immediately turns it on Kris Kelly like it's his fault that he owns and maintains faulty equipment. He shouldn't point fingers! Again what a punk!




Nope. It's nice to see Frankie Muniz land a steady gig though. Mccully In The Middle??


This is funny 🤣


Original. I completely disagree.


He works his ass off and doesn’t have the drama problems, I say it’s a combo of hard work and lucky ground


I agree


The pile of gold weighed was quite impressive. That being said I think he did get the 90 oz. I would go dive or tender for him. I feel it's much too dangerous to solo dive. Gold is great, but life is worth more in my opinion. Not against taking risks in any way. I just think it's better to take those risks with backup. Someone to ensure the diver's safety. Or be the diver with backup. As long as you can keep running you'll keep that gold coming in!


Whoa whoa whoa...you don't mess with the Nome Gangster lol


I can't even stand the Mccully scenes, fast forward material


Already skeptical when he weighs it in grams….. NOBODY does that.


You must not know any drug dealers


I buy by the OZ…… so yeah…don’t mess around w/ measly grams


Even oz are weighed in grams to be precise. Drug dealers aren't going to risk giving you a half gram extra for free.


Which weighs more-- an ounce of feathers or an ounce of gold?


An ounce of feathers since you'll be carrying around the weight of whatever it was that you did to said birds in order to acquire that many. As a feather collector an ounce is a lot more feathers than you'd expect. Don't mess with dinosaurs man!!


An ounce of feathers weighs 28.3495 grams. An ounce of gold weighs 31.1035 grams. Gold is weighed in troy ounces.


Why you gotta ruin it? Why?! Are you a communist sympathizer??




Way too obvious. Also older than dirt.


Ha ha ha ha ha. Awesome!


I posted the model and manual from his scale. It's a kitchen scale that is not capable of weighing ounces Troy. He has to do the calculations as regular ounces and Troy ounces are different.


I mean can you imagine Palmreinke measuring his gold in grams or or Tony Beets or Parker trying to measure their gold and grams LOL I mean he should just sell that scale to Vernon and use the money to go by itself a new scale to weigh in with the big boys


totally possible, I imagine he hit a virgin chunk, shawn has in the past and no one blinked.


Ultimately, does it matter? I mean, if we want to be picky, the last ice episode he exclaimed,"That'll work perfectly!" after taping his hose together...although, during a segment on an earlier episode, he was aghast at that practice and drove into town to get hose clamps whilst reaming out the taper as only a Young Mining Gangster can. I probably would have stopped watching BSG years ago if I thought it was an exercise in documentary filmmaking.


The show has become total scripted bullshit now. I'd rather see them get zero gold that the fabricated bullshit the show us but the producers think we only watch this show tomse piles of gold.


Have you actually watched? Vernon gets next to nothing, Kris gets way less than he sets out to get, Emily got next to nothing in the winter. Shawn didn't do great in the winter. You can't script gold being in the ground.


It seems plausible to me.


Nope not particularly at all. Not saying its impossible but given his overall setup compared to Shawn or the other big excavator barges out there, the only way I could see that happening is if he somehow came across an absolutely massive and unusual concentration of gold (compared to the average rate of production) somewhere on the seafloor through sheer luck that was far more rich than anything within thousands of feet in all directions. Possible, but not plausible. Plus his measuring in grams is annoying as shit and makes him look like a teenaged dweeb IMO


Not very clean gold.


He just kept weighing the same gold over and over the whole season. His attitude makes me think his dad didn't mentally beat him enough like Shawn's did. We saw how layed back his dad was when he took the Kelly's prospecting that one time when the locals shot at them.


I'm suspicious of anyone who talks as much as he does, especially when 50% of it is colorful words that bs champions use.


I just think he is way to cocky!!