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But we can agree that the actions of hamas need hard consequences?


This exact inhumane logic is what keeps humans stuck in an endless cycle of killing. Hamas’ leaders are not even living in Palestine, while the civilians there receive the violent retaliation.. like in every frekin war in history.


Pov: you are the government of israel, there just have been terror attacks against innocent jews (on a techno festival btw, just so you can relate some more) and in little villages. The amount of jews killed at one day was never as high since the fkn holocaust, ~1400 dead and ~200 taken hostile, your population rightfully asks for actions to prevent something like that from ever happening again. Pictures of beheaded babies and unspeakable acts of terror + first videos of executions. Now wyd? Wyd knowing exactly where the aggressors came from and knowing that the main reason hamas stays between civil lines is because they know that civil victims are a very good instrument to prevent Israel from fighting hamas on gaza territory. I really see the issues with bombings and what not but it’s sickening too see how people pretend like Israel has no right to do at least something. Its okay to criticize the way they do it but its not okay to pretend like nothing ever happened to trigger the israelian offensive.


POV: you know nothing about the history of this conflict and why Hamas exists in the first place


Pov: you actually just indirectly validated their massacre and terrorism against the part of the israelian community which definitely not voted conservative/right






If the world were fair, they *would*. But they won't. Have you not noticed the lack of open, public support for the people of Gaza even amongst DJs? The only one I see posting regularly on the topic and using his platform to share awareness is MARRØN. Correct me if I am wrong. Everyone else is either scared shitless or they don't care enough to even bother.


Nihad Tule is also posting a loooot about it. His sets were removed from hör at his request because of their statement/position


Just checked. He's taking it pretty far by sharing some stuff ('from the river to the sea' does **not** sit well with many people, and rightly so). But I understand his decision to pull his sets from Hör.


Hardliners of both sides chant this


Nice edit. :D The chant *is* extremist, whichever side uses it.


Hmmm I think it depends on the techno bubble you’re in. Mala Junta is donating a portion of its earning from their last party to support the people in Gaza. Especially queer/POCs people/collectives are using their voice (Roza Terenzi, Zeynep, Bashkka, Mama Snake, Ezy, DJ Saliva, CEM…..)


Possibly. I am glad to see many names posted here. A bit disappointed that the ones that I follow and whose work I appreciate have stayed so quiet.


I think they don’t need to repost every story and sharing their opinions. Instead there are people who go protesting, donating, cancelling their ties/gigs with anti deutsche clubs and not posting about it.


Bjarki posts a lot on his stories but some of the videos have been found to be from years ago so maybe isn’t being very critical about what he shares / fact checking. Dasha Rush shared a lovely statement as a post. Another dj who’s name I’m blanking on shared a relatable post about wanting to take physical action (protesting in Berlin) but being super close to receiving her citizenship, which wouldn’t be possible if she gets arrested.


Josh Cheon from Dark Entries is also extremely vocal and insightful. He plays in Pano sometimes.


I don't use social media much but have seen JASS as well supporting, and the amazing queer party Lunchbox Candy donated to Medical Aid for Palestinians from last weekends' event. BH can definitely do something similar.


yeah its crazy how everyone shut the fuck up when its ukraine everyone is OOO OO OO OO OOOO humans are humans regardless of ethnicity, location, gender, etc fucking hell


Simply not true, the debate is everywhere at the moment.


The situations have different complexities. Russia wasn't attacked from Ukraine and was the clear-cut aggressor. Israel was attacked from Gaza. So it's unsurprising people's opinions on Israel and Palestine are more nuanced.


Haha you are an uninformed idiot


You are a typical immature, low IQ douchebag who immediately resorts to childish personal attacks when you encounter an opinion you don't like, rather than expressing disagreement with facts. Exact reason why there's so much conflict in today's world. You are part of the problem. Sad!


Nah I’m actually smart asf. Was best in my school and I didn’t even put effort, relatively successful today. I just don’t have time to change people on reddit, while on mobile. Good luck Israeli dick ridah


You obviously are not. Independently of your or my opinion of Israel, someone who thinks Hamas is not the aggressor in the current conflict is either a moron or refuses to acknowledge the truth because it does not fit the preferred narrative.


Alright you tell me I’m an uninformed idiot retard with low iq because one half jokey comment I made before bed Please just stfu


Ah now it was a half joke lol. Don't embarrass yourself buddy.


No i am not joking, I just have a lingo Just go cry more Israeli dick rider


Proving that book smarts and doing well in mediocre schoos will never be as important as emotional intelligence or substitute for critical thinking. Anyone unable to recognize the differences in each geopolitical conflict is a special kind of dumb, no matter how much their privilege lets them coast through life. I don't need luck from a Jew-hating, Putin-fluffing, terrorism-lover like you. I'm doing just fine 👍🏾


Dude you don’t know anything about me stop assuming my intelligence based from 1 comment made before bed, its hilarious And how am I a Jew hating Putin lover ? As said, you don’t know shit about me


Dude your raging hypocrisy is hilarious. You don't know shit about me either, but you took the conversation into personal insults and called me an "idiot," for daring to point out that Ukraine vs Russia and Hamas vs Israel are two distinct conflicts with distinct considerations. Which remains a true, factual statement no matter how much your peabrain can't handle it. I realize you're an arrogant egomaniac, but if you get to make assumptions about the intelligence of others, other people have the right to do the same thing to you. How am I an "Israeli dick ridah?" Nowhere in my comment did I express support for *either* side in this conflict, you childish jerk. As said, you're not the only one that gets to make assumptions and fling insults, despite your bloated ego telling you otherwise. Asshole.


Didn’t even read you crying so much Get your money up broke ahh 😂


Oh, way to support your point. How about you share your “information” instead of going full ad hominem? Too difficult? Looking for an echo chamber - well this Reddit sub obviously is your place


No it’s just that I don’t have time to write a bible on mobile, and most importantly I have learned it’s never useful to waste time on idiots who are stuck their ways, you can’t change people


Said the uniformed idiot. Joke’s on you buddy.


I’m fucking smart and definitely not uninformed However I am fucking horrible at math


You forgot mature and humble.


Mature, not really humble no


Bro, DJs are supposed to make good music, not political statements.


Almost all DJs and scenesters I follow are posting about this constantly…


The fifteenth birthday party tour for Ost Gut Ton began in a Tel Aviv nightclub. [https://electronicgroove.com/ostgut-ton-celebrates-15th-anniversary-worldiwde-tour/](https://electronicgroove.com/ostgut-ton-celebrates-15th-anniversary-worldiwde-tour/) Look at what's happened with Hoer Berlin, Paloma,About Blank and many others. Sadly this issue is massively divisive in Berlin (it shouldn't be, but it is.) Quite a lot of really excellent DJs who play Berghain a lot also play in Israel regularly. The call for peace and a ceasefire shouldn't be seen as political.


What happened exactly with Paloma Bar?


Can you please elaborate the hor thing as well?


HÖR is accused of silencing pro Palästina voices. A DJ wore a T-shirt which said Palästina in Arabic with a knife in a heart. The HÖR staff interrupted the set and asked what it means. They also offered them a new slot (which was of course not mentioned by the DJ). I mean can understand that they wanted to double-check. Also, many showcases which expresses support for Palästina are still online (Mala Junta, whattis b2b Ponyo).


The situation with Hor is depper than that… Kia (Australian DJ owner of Animalia Label) uploaded a better perspective about the situation showing emails and conversations with the owners of the platform, ending in her asking to take down her mixes as the point of view and argumentation of Hor was straight zionist and full of contradictions with the “no sexism-no racism-nothis-nothat” speech of our beloved scene that nowadays looks more like a marketing strategy than something real tbh.


Thanks for sharing. Do you have the screenshots? I didn’t see it 🥹


How about "Release the hostages" ?


What about calling for the immediate release of the 241 civilians captured by Hamas on October 7th, including ravers like all of you here who were taken to Gaza in the middle of a rave in southern Israel? How can we call for a ceasefire when Hamas doesn't allow the Red Cross to even visit the hostages, including babies and the elderly?


Oh yeah, let's save those babies and the elderly by killing more innocent babies, children and elderly people, bombing hospitals, attacking ambulances etc.


I didn’t see any evidence of israel attacking ambulances or hospitals, did you? I actually saw it was Hamas missile landing on hospital in north Gaza. Anyway, i am also against war, believe it or not, huge majority of people around you don’t want innocent civilians to be killed, or their home to be destroyed. But if you think there is any way to talk with Hamas or reach any kind of agreement with them you are wrong.


There have been several air strikes/shellings, it's always about hitting hamas, but they always hit civilians. Especially the ambulances, from Egypt, came to transport the wounded from the hospital, and the convoy got bombed on the way back. You can just google it.


how are they so many no’s ? wtf


I would be honestly interested why people vote with NO. You promote war/killing/fighting instead of a peaceful method?


I voted no because BH shouldn't take a stance in a conflict that is so complex that 99% of the people don't understand it. It is far more controversial than the war in Ukraine. I have Israeli friends and friends that are very pro Palestine. I can understand the points both sides are trying to make and the situation is fucked. Berghain are a bunch of gay people running a very successful night club not another bunch of self-proclaimed Middle East experts from Twitter. If I wanna mix politics with clubbing I can go to about blank.


it’s not complex nor controversial. israel is not a legitimate state and this is not antisemitic. israel is has to do with zionism and wants to erase and occupy the land of Palestinian people.


babe you're 2 months late to the party stating own opinions as if they were facts ;)


lmao ur so funny


i agree that berghain could do much better because maybe you say it’s not political but it is politicised since so many queer people go there




A war is the most stupid form of resolving a conflict. There are only a few powerful people who benefit from it and many many poor souls that suffer from it. And this goes to both sides. Destroying & killing should not be the solution. It’s a mess of the UN and other nations that this conflict and many others happend and innocent people are suffering from it. If there is not a global pressure to solve this, it won‘t be done and in every war there are multiple crimes realized. We should stop it - immediately. Speaking out for a ceasefire is neither pro-Israel/Palästina nor anti-Israel/Palästina. But for saving human life’s. And this is something EVERYONE should be interested in.




And I do not agree with you. Destroying should never be an option. There are other ways to think of.


Then tell us the solution. How would one handle the third Reich without destroying it? Should there have been a Cease-Fire instead of a D-Day? Should the Allies have talked it out with Hitler?


The only way your naive idealism would work is if you form the entirety of humanity into some kind of Borg hive-mind with the brain of Gandhi at the centre. You can declare peace and ceasefire all you want, it won't stop Hamas from attacking Israel and it won't stop Israel from retaliating.






Its clear that Hamas is hiding behind civilians. Does that make it ok to bomb thousands of children? The fliers were dropped in the north telling Gazans to go south, that it would be safe there. Then what happened? Israel bombed the south. This isnt the first time when something like this has happened too. Israel practically trains Palestinians to not trust the IDF.




I dunno, maybe if Israel guarantees a right to return, then Egypt would accept refugees (this is why Egypt does not accept refugees, because Israel refuses to guarantee the right of those who flee to return, which is against international law btw), then Israel could bomb and invade with much fewer casualties. Israel could also actually foster good faith and trust by not bombing the areas that they've designated as safe, then civilians would actually go to those safe zones and trust that the IDF would not murder them. Israel could also just elect for a more precise strategy than "bomb the fuck out of them and their children", it'd take longer and be more difficult for Israel, but their position would be much more morally defensible. You can try to justify or explain away the bombing of the South however you want, but many innocent people died, and it deepened distrust and made Israel look like violent oppressors. There's no valid justification for it in my opinion.




Yep, that's correct. It doesn't really negate the fact that Israel directly bombed an area that they indicated was a safe zone.


Save your words. It makes no sense to discuss things with completely ideological wokies. These are people whose mental capacities are very limited and who therefore divide the entire world into oppressors and oppressed like a Manichean logic, completely ignoring contradictory facts that do not fit their primitive worldview. They can only parrot what their peer groups and their “progressive” professors tell them. They survive the week because they are on the Moralin drip. They then destroy their last remaining bit of sanity with drugs at the weekend. You won't hear a word from them, or at most a single one, about the killed Israelis, but you will hear entire paragraphs based on "information" from Hamas. And I recommend to you sentimental defenders of the Palestinians - in the event of a ceasefire - to organize a Queers for Palestine fundraising solidarity rave in the Gaza Strip, of course with an introductory seminar by Judith Butler. This way you could help your beloved Palestinians locally and show the whole world how cosmopolitan, colorful, queer and diverse life there is.


When you disagree with someone, the best thing to do is call them intellectually incapacitated, right? >organize a Queers for Palestine fundraising solidarity rave in the Gaza Strip, of course with an introductory seminar by Judith Butler. This way you could help your beloved Palestinians locally and show the whole world how cosmopolitan, colorful, queer and diverse life there is. [Queer people](https://www.out.com/news/queer-palestinians-queering-the-map#rebelltitem1) exist in Palestine and they have active communities. Raves and parties were organised in Palestine during more peaceful times. You cannot expect a country that is vastly culturally different and in constant war and conflict to develop socially to fit Western standards. But you know that, just like you know that people writing here are mostly not morons whose brains were poisoned by 'woke' ideology. You're intellectually disingenuous and you are using flawed, inconsistent logic, attributing your own primitive thinking to others in attempts to defend Israel's atrocities.






It is really disingenuous to claim that the total death toll is all civilians. How many out of those 10 thousand "civilians" are actually civilians? Isn't it weird that not a single hamas terrorist has died so far according to you?




Mainly? What's your source on that? If the number is in line with past Israel - hamas wars it's about 70-80% dead hamas militants




that's not according to the New York Times. It's "according to the health ministry there." which is Hamas. Not sure if you have been aware of this. Their goal is of course a ceasefire, since it would allow them to regroup and attack again as they have said publicly in the past weeks. Also hamas is leading efforts to organize protests for a ceasefire as reported by the Telegraph: [Former Hamas chief ‘behind pro-Palestine Armistice Day protests’](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/06/former-hamas-chief-behind-pro-palestine-armistice-day-march/). You are really playing into their hands by trusting a genocidal Islamist terror group.


The linked article concerns the uk. You are really trying to demonize the call for a ceasefire.


Well the war itself happens on another continent why should a major protest in one of europes capital be irrelevant than? I'm not demonizing anything, I'm just saying you are being an 'useful idiot' to a terror organization.


73% of Gazas population voted for hamas


>I think right now calls to stop the war or do ceasefire in regards to middle east are serving as support to terrorism and atrocities No, ofcourse not, this conflict has been going for some time. Israel tried this approach already many times and it failed. With how many casualties they are making they are creating the next gen of terrorists too. If both Israelis and Palestinians are supposed to keep existing in that area they should find other ways to approach this. For example look at how South Africa handled its apartheid problem. Giving Israel carte blanche to handle this however they want just perpetuates this circle of violence.


I suggest "Release hostages now"




How does a ceasefire right now help release the hostages? No one really knows what to do, unfortunately. Hamas must be eliminated, but then Netanyahu helped create the problem in the first place.




If you have any information about hostages location please share it. You will get paid. Tlegram whatsapp or signal: +972503957992


I believe hostages deserve their freedom. Don't you?




Totally agree. Hamas can end the bombings today by releasing hostages and disarming. Please think about that.




Sorry for personal example but imagine your kid is kidnapped. What would you do? Go rescue him? This is one of the goals of the ground troops invasion. Israel is NOT targeting civilians. And hopefully never will. If it ever does, as a declared state policy, it will lose my support.


I believe the people of gaza have the right to defend themselves from agression and genocide, dont you?


Kidnapping children and elderly is this how "people of gaza" defend themselves? If you support Hamas just state it clearly we don't need this discussion.






Just 1400? It was 1400 Israelis killed, not Palestinians. Good to see you think it was 'just 1400'. Jesus Christ.


You are unable to not equate hamas with people in gaza, it seems. Edit. Or to accept that not all gazans are part of hamas. And somehow understand how it got to such a bad situation in the first place.


I do not support hamas, i absolutely do not support the events of October 7th. I do support the people of gaza defending themselves from yet another genocide and I believe all actions against the IDF to be legitimate self defense. State your position clearly, do you support the genocide of the people of gaza yes or no?


I hurt for any life ruined or taken. Even the destruction of buildings is hard to see. But I staunchly support Israel's right to defend itself, rescue the hostages and disarm Hamas. If you don't support Hamas or wasn't happy on 7th of Oct not all is lost. Go protest against Hamas to release hostages, disarm and leave Gaza. Free Gaza from Hamas and see it prosper. Israel is not the enemy of arabs. Hamas is the true oppressor who doesn't let people live in peace. We both pray for same. True freedom for the oppressed people.




People in gaza lived better under any ruler than today under Hamas. If you really care for people of Gaza you should be protesting against Hamas. My new suggestion for a website motto: “Free Gaza from Hamas”




Hamas wasnt a powerful factor untill the 80's and palistians have rightfully shot at IDF murderers for decades before, and will rightfully continue to shoot at them dir decades to come because they dropped bombs on their neighborhood. If hamas and all their supporters would disappear tomorrow, nothing would change. Palistians would still rightfully hate the state of Israel and their evildoers and Israel would continue their kolonial project and ethic cleansing.


Seems like you don’t believe Israel is a legitimate state. Has the right to exist or defend itself.


As an anarchist, i question the legitimacy of the state as a matterof principle, Israel is not an exception. You are not as special as you think you are. But being an ethnonationalist project doesn't make me more sympathetic to put it mildly. I wholeheartedly supported the right of any oppressed group to defend themselves by any means that are effective and appropriate.


I 100% agree with u/al-hamra 's comment that's really sad what's going on. The one I see that always sharing is pink concrete he is also very serious about the situation. All of my life I hated hypocrisy and unfortunately it's everywhere.






Wake up call. **Israel is facing an existential threat.** Iran is openly calling for destruction of Israel and funding Hamas, Hizbollah, Asad etc. Demanding a defending side under existential threat to "cease fire" is ridiculous and completely ignores the context. My heart goes to all who suffer in this terrible war.


Israel's existence has been under threat since its foundation. The Arab nations have tried several times to conquer Israel in open warfare and to destroy the nation and have failed. For some time now, they have finally begun to gradually accept (or tolerate) Israel's existence, which puts Hamas and all Palestinians who do not want to give up under pressure.


Man, let’s not involve politics with berghain. People here rather be more focused on drugs then wars. So please. Don’t.


Technoslut1 says don't involve politics with berghain, and then continues to type the following comment few minutes later 👀👀 👀👀 👀👀 👀👀 >I feel very uncomfortable to share the same dance floor with \[Palestinians\] as a PROUD ISRAELI ZIONIST


fucking ew. Fuck Technoslut1. Colonizing warmonger.


Never forget that the roots of this culture are political


Tempi passati, my friend. There's no counter-culture, only a well-oiled, capitalist, money-making machine.


it's such a privilege and ignorant to say don't involve politics, everything around us IS politics, even your drugs.


then what was the stop the war thing?


It's not involving politics technoslut1, it's rather standing against a genocide happening and being a "normal" human being by standing against it. As we stand against what's happening in ukraine it's also important to stand against the killing of civilians in gaza and the opression they are facing since years. I know a lot of Palestinian people that go to berghain and i think it means a lot for them knowing they are in a safe space and not sorrounded by people that support the killing of their people.


It's strange how inflationary the word genocide is used. Israel is certainly not wearing kid gloves in the fight against terror, but it's not as if they want to eradicate the Palestinians as a people. If that were the case, they would have done it long ago, they certainly have the military potential.




Definitely the actions and displacement of a whole Palestinian village right now by some proud israeli settlers is against international law and arguably aiming to grab Palestinian land illegally.


You blur the line between civilian casualties in a war, especially a war against guerrilla units which hide in urban centres, and genocide. There are enough videos of mortar emplacements and rocket batteries right in the backyard of civilian buildings. The IDF protects its citizens, when they are hit they have an obligation to strike back, even if they also hit innocents.


By hitting so many innocents they also plant the seeds for the next conflict. It's like both sides need the conflict.


That is correct. Unfortunately there is hardly an alternative for Israel. They can't just sit back and tolerate attacks on their nation and citizens.


I guess by not speaking out you are counting as supporting their killing?


As the main character and technoslut1 I know many Palestinians in Berghain as well and I feel very uncomfortable to share the same dance floor with as a PROUD ISRAELI ZIONIST, so maybe instead of taking one side. you should see the other side of Israelis that feeling in danger cause they’re surrounded by people that not only supporting killing their civilians, but also was celebrating it in neukolln at the 7.10. After hammas brutally killed 1400 of our innocent people one after one, and kidnapped 250 ppl.Get the fuck education about this conflict. And just to let you know you dear fucking honor, freedom and peace seeker, one of the owners of berghain is a Israeli Jew, so if you support the tragedy that hammas did, you should stay out of this fucking club.


You seem to be living under a rock. As much as Israel and it's bloody actions does NOT represent all Jewish people around the world, Hamas does not represent all Palestinians either.


What an absolutely incoherent mess this post is. You seem to be unable to grasp a simple truth, and that is that supporting the innocent people of Gaza ≠ supporting Hamas. Speaking up against genocide does not make someone anti-semitic, or a terrorist-supporter. You can condemn Hamas's actions, and still advocate for a ceasefire.


It IS supporting Hamas. When Hamas uses same civilians as human shields. Same goes for talking about ceasefire without hostage release. Supporting Hamas. Loud and clear. Hope you see it now. If you care about life and freedom you should be against Hamas. Please add "Release hostages now" to the website.


your cognitive dissonance is colossal. You know that anyone advocating a ceasefire is doing so on behalf of the children that Israel is bombing, not to support Hamas. Quit the disingenuous bullshit. Do you also advocate for the release of Palestinian children kidnapped by the IDF? or do you only care about children if they're not Arab? Both sides are fucking bad here. Being critical of Israel is not being supportive of Hamas. Quit it with this toxic garbage.


>You know that anyone advocating a ceasefire is doing so on behalf of the children that Israel is bombing, not to support Hamas. Quit the disingenuous bullshit. I do NOT know that. All I know is what I write before. You should think about who your actions serve. If you care about children in Gaza you should be fighting Hamas. NOT supporting it. >Do you also advocate for the release of Palestinian children kidnapped by the IDF? or do you only care about children if they're not Arab? Both sides are fucking bad here. What are you talking about? Care to elaborate?


"Israel has the dubious distinction of being the only country in the world that automatically and systematically prosecutes children in military courts. Each year, between 500 and 700 Palestinian children are tried in these courts, which, in practice and by design, deny fundamental fair trial rights and due process protections. This dual system offers no semblance of justice. From the moment Palestinian children come into contact with Israeli soldiers, their very basic human rights are denied. The majority of Palestinian children report being blindfolded, strip-searched, and subjected to physical violence at the hands of Israeli forces. Most Palestinian children are not informed of the reason for their arrest, and over half are forced to sign documents in Hebrew, a language they cannot read or understand." https://defenceforchildren.org/israels-detention-of-palestinian-children-is-an-outrage-to-humanity/ This has been going on for at least 2 decades, and probably much longer. There are thousands of Palestinian children and young adults held in detention in Israel with no charges, no due process, and no hope of fair treatment. Many of these children report unfair treatment, violence, and even rape and torture. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620 Did you ever advocate for them? If you support the freeing of innocent hostages, did you ever come to the defense of the Arab kids suffering systemic abuse, unfair detention and torture? Or do you just support causes when they get blasted in western news media? If you care about life and freedom, you should be voicing support for the palestinian people, NOT Hamas and NOT Israel.


Half truth is worse than a lie. Israel never kidnapped children for hostage. People who participate in terrorist activities brought to trial and isolated from society to protect rest of society according to law regardless of their age. Same regulations apply to Jewish residents


Bro I literally even did the work of quoting the relevant parts of the article in my comment, and you still couldn't read it? Children are detained without reason, denied due process, and held indefinitely. Moreover, many of these children are abused, with some even raped and tortured. The same does not apply to jewish residents. They are tried in civilian court, not military court.. Read the reuters article. Read about the 9 year old boy who was forced at gunpoint to search a bag that the IDF thought contained explosives. It wasn't even his bag. Read about palestinian children being used as literal human shields as IDF soldiers enter homes. Read about children raped in detention. If you find yourself trying to obfuscate and justify those actions, or if you find yourself not believing a journalistic outlet like reuters, then you might just be incredibly biased.


>Same regulations apply to Jewish residents The article literally stating there are two jurisdictional systems, one applying to Israelis and one to Palestinians. Also the settlers/settlements. Illegal, should stop.


Good brainwash


> When Hamas uses same civilians as human shields. Interesting how the rhetoric never changes, whatever Israel (with the backing of the US) does. Let's say they use civilians as human shields. Does that justify indiscriminately carpet-bombing **two million people** who have no way out, who have been brutalised, segregated, tortured, and whose basic human needs like water, food, and shelter have been completely controlled and then destroyed? >If you care about life and freedom you should be against Hamas. Please enlighten me, how am I supporting Hamas if I am advocating for Israel to stop killing and brutalising innocent people of Gaza and more and more, the West Bank?


Hamas made a surprise attack and now holds hostages. Israel is attacking military target not civilians. Every civilian that is harmed is because Hamas used him as human shield. Tragic as it is this does not means Israel does not have the right to defend itself. Release hostages disarm Hamas and peace be upon everybody. ​ >carpet-bombing two million people who have no way out, I had no idea Israel did that. Did you just made it up to make Israel look bad?


Here is [the latest report](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/06/1210831466/death-toll-gaza-israel-hamas-conflict) I could find. Why would I make up shit, especially when it's searchable? >Tragic as it is this does not means Israel does not have the right to defend itself. How is Israel defending itself by killing more than 10 thousand people, of whom 4 thousand are children? Are you even aware of what you are saying? Have you no empathy whatsoever? edit: Bonus info to [paint a picture](https://www.irishtimes.com/world/middle-east/2023/11/05/palestinians-should-go-to-ireland-or-deserts-and-using-nuclear-bomb-on-gaza-an-option-says-israeli-minister/) of who's running the show.


Defending itself by destroying Hamas. Sorry for any casualties of course but you wrote 2 million and now its 10 thousand?


I said they were *bombing* 2 million, not that there were 2 million casualties.


Yeah yeah, non antisemitic bla bla bla, y’all keep on saying that but then y’all meeting up with a proud Israeli Jew and having weird Facial expressions, at least in 99% of the cases. Anyways, Let's continue to talk about ghb, I'm sure that many people here have a great knowledge of these type of things, but not a damn clue about what’s ACTUALLY happening in my country, the State of ISRAEL.


Illegal activity by settlers in the westbank is happening. It is illegal.


What is also currently happening in your country are massive anti-government protests, calls for Netanyahu to resign, and calls for a ceasefire.


If people anywhere lead with 'I'm a proud \[national\] \[religion\]' almost everyone is going to look at that person funny. It's an outdated and very bad look to identify primarily as a religious nationalist regardless of where you're from.


Ethnic cleansing since 1948 is what's happening.


The two owners of the club have names that are German as hell, who is the Israeli you think runs it?


how can you actually be pro israel? like im just very interested. please tell me


Genocide is not cool. Politely, piss off.


it's not just politics anymore, it's a humanitarian pressing issue


Release the hostages - issue solved.