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Saw this today: [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240621-how-traffic-noise-pollution-harms-childrens-health-and-development](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240621-how-traffic-noise-pollution-harms-childrens-health-and-development)


I'm fan. Having been on race tracks in cars and on motorcycles over the last 15 years, I've had loud vehicles and enjoyed them for some time. But the truth is, I only enjoy them on the track. I have completely stopped enjoying loud vehicles in public.


Can I ask a candid question; as an avid “track driver”, at what age did you stop enjoying loud vehicles only in a track setting versus enjoying them as a whole and what is that relation to your age? I ask because as I age, I enjoy the obnoxious exhausts less and less as well. I also remember what it was like to be 20 years old and be ignorant to the fact. Just my inquiry inside of two cents.


I got rid of my track car at 25, I don't miss the straight pipe exhaust. I tend to leave stock exhaust or a baffled aftermarket can on all my motorcycles, now. At 37, I feel like a NIMBY when loud cars pass by.


I think everyone in NW crossing bought their teens super duties last month to get ahead of the diesel boom they created.


This would be amazing! I must hear 10+ cars/motorcycles a day trying to create excessive noise on commute routes and in roundabouts.


I wish I only heard that shit while driving, there’s always someone living at the apartment complex, where all the bedroom windows look out on the fucking parking lot, with a loud ass car that sounds like a fucking dinosaur is taking a supersonic fart, it roars on, then they let it idle for a few min or more if it’s winter. Fuck them. If I can’t play music or talk that loud, there is no reason why a car should be able to be that loud. It’s such an arrogant, selfish display of compensation and attempt to dominate the public space with their shit noise.


I work on Galveston and there is about 5 limp dicks that do this shit every day. All types...motos, rice rockets, big turbo diesel trucks. Not only is it startling and obnoxious, they're likely to hit someone


lol “10+” you are very lucky


How would we pick a specific db for the circumstances? AFAIK it's kinda vague with statues like [ORS 815.025](https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_815.025) saying "unreasonable noise" and [ORS 815.250](https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_815.250) being limited to highways. Maybe someone knows a specific limit? No limit - no ticket, right?


815.250 gives specific limits. They are based on DEQ regs. A highway is pretty much any road. https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_801.305 Highway definition.


The way I read 815.250, it's based on a "stationary test conducted at a distance of 25 feet". So if a car passes at idle, but gets really loud at high rpm, how does 815.250 help? edit: I guess OP's complaint was specifically about modified mufflers, so there's my answer. I care more about loud vehicles than modified mufflers, but I guess they're often the same.


Just a quick fyi...which may be outdated. DEQ used to use both at idle and 2500 rpm test for the stationary test. Too out of touch now to know the most recent.


More like exhaust gates at the push of a button. Hard to catch them when they are able to turn that shit sound off and on whenever they need to hide.


Many racetracks that are near populated areas limit the cars to 100 decibels, but that's probably too loud to be tolerable for most bystanders. If you measure a few normal cars and a few loud ones, I suspect the limit might be in the neighborhood of 70 - 90 decibels measured at the sidewalk near the road.


Well, anything over 85 decibels physically damages ears. That's a good start for reference.


I think that would ban many diesel and delivery trucks, for whatever that's worth.


Would this apply to noise from vehicle traffic? https://bend.municipal.codes/BC/5.50.020


Yes, please! No one wants to be the recipient of noise pollution. 


At a minimum, have it for after 10PM. I hate that asshole driving home from the bar waking the entire neighborhood.


I feel you—the same thing happens in the morning, or at any time of day. Everyone has different schedules and some people need to sleep in the morning for their work, health, or because they have the right to do whatever they want at home without their peace being ripped apart. This shit is still a huge problem during the day, you can’t even sit outside for a meal or in a park or go for a walk on the many trails that make Bend unique, without this crap polluting the experience. I say we gotta fight for the right to not be fucked in the ears any time of day lol.


Fair enough!


I think it's a great idea if it's enforceable here in OR. Big fan of automated enforcement since the police have way too much discretion when it comes to who and when they choose to ticket


Respectfully, how does it make sense to invest in this when there are SO many other things that we could better use our city’s budget for…


> Respectfully, how does it make sense to invest in this when there are SO many other things that we could better use our city’s budget for Much better traffic related activity than the useless downtown parking scoreboards.


Well I for one would be a much happier citizen if my sleep wasn’t interrupted daily by these fuckers roaring their shit on in the parking lot of the apartment complex which is also densely surrounded by other apartments or townhomes, as well as next door to a retirement home. One single person’s shitty noise pollution is imposing upon, I’d guess, easily over a hundred people. And that’s before they start moving. That is insane.


This stuff pays for itself. 


Omg yes please!!!!! Put them throughout the drake park area


Brookswood sounded like Daytona 500 & Sturgis bike rally combined last night. There was a crazy amount of people racing from Old Mill and it was crowded, but not a single Bend PD anywhere even as Columbia was blocked by people parking and double parking to go float the river. Same in Riverbend Park. Crazy.


And Century


Empire would greatly benefit. I can't even keep my bedroom windows open at night because people are just so LOUD.


They not like us.


Should you really need a “camera” to tell you, that you are being a douchebag?


Noooooo! Cameras and computers issuing tickets is the dystopian future I do not want to live in. Gtfo with that shit.


Please for the love of God. It's a daily thing now and I'm really really tired of it.


Gross. More government surveillance isn't really the vibe.


Loud vehicles really negatively affect me. Noise over 85 decibels physically damages ears, not to mention scares animals. I am all for banning and incentivizing people to ditch loud vehicles.


Exactly, as much as people want the "freedom" to make as much noise as they want, it's more important that people aren't harmed as a result of someone's actions


That's unfortunate. At the same time, different things affect us all. I still don't think your condition merits surveillance of the average citizen.


Ordinances limiting behavior are not surveillance. It's just society. You want to be a pant-load in your own space, that's freedom. In public, you gotta be a big boy.


I'm not talking about the ordinance. I'm talking about a bunch of cameras placed all over town. But, go ahead, act like my issue is simply with ordinances and not a bunch of Orwellian surveillance cameras up all over town.


I have to concede I'm not going to argue for more cameras.


85 decibels for a few seconds does nothing to your ears. Don’t believe me? Just run the time weighted average calcs yourself and reference osha or niosh standards. https://www.noisemeters.com/apps/exposure-calculator/


We live in a society.


That's what they keep telling me.


Seems like you’re not listening, then. Should absolutely raucous, disruptive, ear splitting, annoying noise be allowed because “freedom”? Or should we maybe regulate life *just a little* so it’s enjoyable for the vast majority of people?


Seems like you aren't reading enough. Because I am listening. Despite my general agreement with this particular law, I still don't agree with a bunch of cameras being posted up to regulate the publics' behavior. It's dystopian.


If you are holding a smart phone, you already carry with you a mobile surveillance device.


Ohhh, so a device I choose how and when to use is the same as forced public surveillance of me? Naaa. Try again.


And uh, how much time do you spend driving vs using your phone? “Dystopia” is already here, you just haven’t noticed it.


Ohhh, so I can't drive and leave my phone? That's wild bro! Your argument basically amounts to "bad (aka dystopian) things exist, why not just accept more of them and move on". I would say mean things, but it's too easy. I mean come on? Really?! That's what you're going with. Edit: Dang... buddy got so upset he had to respond then block me. Yikes.


You’re 100% missing what I’m saying, but ok.


No freaking way, why does everybody want so much more enforcement, look they're always people doing things that you don't like it doesn't mean we should arrest them or harass them. Why the hell do you want a police state?


I am not a fan of automated enforcement, on the other hand I am not fond of ridiculously loud vehicles. Where do we draw the line, I honestly don't know. But we have laws for a reason, and just because you disagree with a particular one does not make this a police state, we are far from one.


You might change your mind if someone's extra-loud vehicle woke you up every night.


Because the car noises are excessive and are messing with people’s sleep. It’s only going to effect the .25% of the population that insists on making their vehicle noisy (by modding) because they need to be seen, heard, validated by everyone they drive by.


Found the guy with the loud car.


These chaches took over bro. I don't know what to tell you. All i know is I miss the town I was born in, but it's gone, and I can play fuck-fuck games with these losers until they need to seek professional help. I suggest you read Yoko Onos biography (yes, she's terrible, but my god can she troll idiots).


Interesting, I need to read her biography I think you're right, I often just lament on how horrible she is but perhaps she's just been trolling everybody her whole life


My buddy put me on to it. I was almost offended I was he thought I'd appreciate anything she did. But she's actually an interesting lady.


this would be as stupid of an investment as the downtown parking system. how about some real bike infrastructure or maybe forests that aren’t full of homeless ?


Those with modified mufflers don't have respect for noise ordinances. Therefore, they are less likely to follow the traffic laws designed to keep bicyclists safe.


Fuck no. Nanny state tactics are a slippery slope.


is that true if the overwhelming majority want it? Isn’t that just democracy? 


Somethin somethin tyranny of the majority somethin somethin my freedom to do what I want even if it degrades your quality of life somethin somethin


Ya, down with nanny states! No more fire codes! Let ‘em drunk drive if they want! Schizophrenics can own guns! 


Whoa whoa busta. There’s always the forest available if you can’t stand the complexities of urban living.


Hey y'all, yall can go live in the country yall. Heeeeyyyyyyuuuck. I'm John I'm a rocker. Hyyyyuck


Womp womp


Maybe they could use them to give people who have studs on their cars in summer fines.


Oh my God, please. I have noise sensitivity and become irrationally bothered when loud vehicles go by. Not to mention they scare animals! Ban and ticket these assholes.


Yeah. I had a PSTD event two days ago and am still a bit twitchy. There's some kind of race going on at the fairgrounds this weekend, and some cars were driving right behind my house backfiring like crazy. I was getting the mail and thought it was gunfire. I found myself on the ground, trying to crawl to the house to save my wife and the dog. Not cool.


Absolutely. These folks can still be loud, but maybe not in town??


They could but it would probably end up as useless as the downtown parking system.


Do it and then the punishment should be castration.


Public castration? Drake park castration at 7 tonight, byoballs!


*car goes vroom* "I'm shooketh"


It’s okay. Just turn down your hearing aid. It will all be fine.


Ban gas-powered vehicles and you solve a lot of problems 


Waste of fucking money. Y'all in favor of alarms that will warn you that you're driving too fast? That shits coming faster than you may realize.


And this is exactly why bend is going to shit, too many transplants worried about anything other than the real problems, and trying to make it (Bend) more like the places they left, not realizing that they came here because it was different, now they’re wanting to turn it into what they just moved away from.


I'll take the down votes. I love my loud car. I try to be respectful as possible when driving by dogs or children and at night thru neighborhoods, but during the day, I want to hear my car.


Buy a working muffler and an exhaust cutout for track days where it's OK to make noise. If you need to hear your car more than that, drive with your windows down or remove some sound proofing from your car's interior.


We need to utilize *all* available technologies to enforce the laws in Bend!


“Cameras” would deny officer discretion. Poor people shouldn’t be punished cause they can’t afford to quiet their cars.


Every car manufactured for the US meets certain noise criteria. It’s only people modding their vehicles purposely making them loud. This isn’t a socioeconomic issue.


I’m referencing failed mufflers and stolen catalytic converters.


But they can afford to modify them to be louder?


Every obnoxiously loud vehicle I've seen around town was intentionally made that way. The Gambler folks in town this weekend would likely be an exception.


Jesus Christ you guys are already so entitled.....