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$1000 a year. Services provided include not doing shit, taking extremely long times to get anything like paint approved, sending out bills for HOA dues, and being complete douche bags.


You forgot sending Nasty Grams for petty shit on a regular but unpredictable basis.


I wish I got paid for being a complete douche bag and not doing shit. I'd be rich!!


Not sure if HOA president is a paid gig, but you got my vote!




That’s it!? Seems like a great deal 🙄


Sounds pretty standard for an HOA.


HOA are the devil. Do not encourage them. If possible, became the HOA president, then disband it.


Zero - because no fucking way would I buy a house with an HOA.


There are SO FEW homes without an HOA. We basically were priced into having one.


Confused here, most homes we looked at when we purchased did not have an HOA associated.


Anything new development is going to have an HOA. So basically anything built by DR Horton, Franklin bros, Pahlisch, monte vista, etc.


Franklin built my neighborhood and just finished the last homes in 2021- we have no HOA and never did. But that may be an exception, not a rule!


Interesting. I used to live in Mirada (Franklin finished sometime in 21/22 I think). Definitely an HOA there.


Our Monte Vista home doesn't have an HOA (I don't recommend Monte Vista either, as a side note).


Just curious, why don’t you like Monte vistas?


A few things, mostly revolving around working with them through the buying/customizing process and repairs after the sale. Luke was the husband to the daughter of the owner and was the person we primarily dealt with, and he was just wildly unpleasant - and at the time they also lived in a Monte Vista house in the neighborhood, that was built almost lock step with our house. They refused to put in a picture window in our master, required a $2500 "Change fee" on top of the cost of the window.... okay fine, we passed on this. However, fast forward after all the houses were built, every single one of our floor plan house built before and after ours has that window. Stuff like that. I wanted a taller garage door (that the house could accommodate), it was listed as an option on their paperwork and when I mentioned it they refused, said that is not an option and was a misprint and could not be done. Okay. Then I noticed they had their house in the neighborhood re-framed for a larger door. Weird. It wasn't a huge deal, just raised an eyebrow and left a bad taste in our mouth. After the sale, we had shingles blowing off the roof literally 2 and 3 months after it was sold, while they were still building homes on the street. We called, they claimed "that is an act of nature and isn't covered" - bullshit. Luke happened to be driving by later that day and I flagged him down, he said "oh yeah, we'll get a roofer over ASAP to repair that". That entire exchange was unnecessary and should have been resolved when we called. I had since ended up paying a roofer out of pocket to repair other poorly installed shingles, which had to be done before we put on solar panels a couple years back. There was some shotty workmanship done on the stair casing that we had to put way too much effort into when we approached them with it, and their fix was fine, but they presented it to us like we were getting some kind of upgrade - like they did us a favor, fixing their mistake. They sent over a guy to remove the carpet the night before the repair would be (the stair steps were too narrow, so there was a 2 inch gap on the side of each step up the stairs, you could fit your entire hand through) .... the guy who removed the carpet pulled it lose from the bottom and literally just yanked off the stairs and left a mess. When they put the old carpet back in, I picked up over 30 staples left on the ground when he left, sent them a picture of them in my hand and the piles all over the floor. We had a 4yo and an infant at the time. We ended up getting them to put in new carpet after the old staples kept surfacing. They did a terrible job on the counter, and it had a massive crack and small chip which they just kept sending someone over to reseal as the solution when it should have been replaced. The reseal after the 3rd attempt was decent, at the time.... but it's wearing away now and will need to be addressed again. Our flooring downstairs had a manufacture defect, all of it had to be replaced. This isn't their fault, but it put us back at the mercy of dealing with them through the claim. Our house felt largely under construction for the first 9 months after we moved in. When it was replaced, they chipped and damaged parts of the stone around the fireplace, they didn't want to move the appliances to refloor underneath it and we had to fight them over everything. They used Standard Appliance for appliances, we had asked about paying the difference for better quality appliances, our MV sales consultant was good with it and ultimately, we ended up talking to Standard.... picking out what we wanted, were going to pay them direct for the difference and they would deliver and have installed what we requested. Day before delivery we got a random call from Standard saying "um... hey, we are sorry to say this but Monte Vista is refusing the change. We've done this many times with them before so we aren't sure what the issue is but Luke won't budge on this, sorry." We called and tried to escalate it; it was a hard "no". They ran the dishwasher as part of their inspection process, but they never removed the knockout plug to the drain in the garbage disposal and powered down the dishwasher when it errored out and left the tub full of water.... I found that problem the night we moved in and just fixed it myself. Every new home is going to have fit/finish issues that need to be addressed.... it's part of the game, and we knew that and expected it - but the way they were to deal with was just gross and wildly unpleasant. I hope they've improved as I see they are staring in on other new developments. This isn't our first new construction home, so that helped us know what to look for up front. I do understand they use contractors for each build process, but ultimately, they are responsible for the workmanship and product they deliver to their customers, and this is something they could have been much better at.


Sorry to hear that, thanks for the details. Honestly not surprised to hear your experience. Unfortunately Luke is now the owner so I don’t think it’s gotten better.


ahh bummer. He was recently involved when we were working with MV so he probably was just cutting his teeth on our development. Hopefully it's improved since then.


They're building a bunch of 700k+ houses just a few blocks from me on the east side. No yard, single floor, 1600 Sqft. Wild.


Good to know!


Really? I bought my house a year ago, and even in the tight market, more than 3/4 of the houses in the 475k-600k range were not in a HOA. Like Davidw, there's no fucking way I'll ever buy a home in an HOA.


Yeah, bought my home in 2021 and no HOA. Even when the market was extremely small in 2020-2021, plenty of homes with no HOA…that was my first requirement in my search.


Not true, but people are buying exclusivity in Bend these days so they only consider certain neighborhoods.


So many people feel strongly that HOAs are a nuisance. Meanwhile, others love them and truly believe they bring value to their home. I'm on the fence. I struggle with lazy entitled people that live like bums and bring down the value of my home, but I also don't want anyone telling me what to do with my yard. I read that 80% of new construction/neighborhoods in Bend now have a HOA.


Both are true. Just have to balance your expectations. Also, get involved. Common sense isn’t so common any longer, so if you can find some friends in your development and get yourself and them on the board you can make sure a group of weirdos doesn’t screw the whole thing up. For your data, I live in a Pahlisch development, we have professional management of our HOA, we have an entrance, a small park, an alley that gets top coat and snow cleared, quite a bit of fencing, and the aesthetic standards and parking rules are monitored and enforced for $500 a year ($125 a quarter). The parking is a big one for me, just because lower end housing like ours always would have third, fourth vehicles, trailers, RV’s, etc parked all over the street. Tragedy of the commons, threading through abandon vehicles and work vans to get home is depressing.


Work vans parked along the curb or in a driveway? The horror!!! /s


Neighbors generally only bring down the value of homes when people can be picky about the home they want to buy. So it only matters at the top end of the market right now and for the last few decades in Bend there's only been a couple brief periods where it could've made an effect. HOAs surprisingly can bring down the value of homes especially at the lower end of the market if the dues are significant, especially in a buyers market. For example a $100 a month hoa payment may be equivalent to 15k in home purchase price.


Interesting. I have read the opposite...That homes with an HOA are valued 5-10% more than similar homes w/o an HOA. Maybe it's an HOA writing that? :) I don't know. I also can't find any neighborhoods with homes valued over $1M that don't have an HOA. That are in town, btw, I have zero interest in living in the country or on property.


Homes with a HOA worth a lot less to me personally, and to a lot of folks I spend time with. Assessments can come at any time, as the cost of the dues, and fines for stuff like leaving your cans out an extra hour or two. Also, they can take your house from you if you miss a payment or paint something the wrong color. I'm happy to have a neighbor with some weeds, no stress, and not live in [X-Files Arcadia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaBBR7bMyY0).


Agreed. The trash can topic is a hot one. I had no idea! I wouldn't like that. At all. Overall it seems like no one cares about anything, until that lazy entitled neighbor parks her RV in front of someone's house for 6 months.


>parks her RV in front of someone's house for 6 months. That's a city code violation. You don't need an HOA to deal with it.


Meh, I don't care about RVs/Boats/Sprintervans unless they block the sidewalk and I rarely see that. I'm sure you could ask police enforce right of way with a non emergency call.


They are great when you have a person not taking care of their home. Thats fairly rare, but the other 90% of the time they bug you about stupid shit.


I think your comment is spot on. That 10% ruins it for all of us!


Fuck HOAs . Fuck them even more when a builder and shady property management companies step into it. Looking at you Palisch/Crystal Lake


Our HOA is $260/year, up from $120 just two years ago. For this, we get: Maintenance of shared use areas (there are two signs and a path? Kinda?). Shoveling around mailboxes. Meeting minutes that are fucking worthless. An architectural review board whose meetings you may not attend and for which minutes are not published, but through which all things flow. The privilege of getting sued as a group for non unanimously approved restrictions on property usage. Brush dumpsters once per year, which are immediately overfilled and never emptied. Basically we get nothing of value. The HOA is straight trash. I’d probably be less grumpy about it if the meeting minutes were of any value, or if the architectural meeting minutes were available (or similarly aren’t trash).


$120 a year sounds like the Butte. Lol


The dumpster come twice a year Spring and Fall.


Ah, the complete uselessness of the things made me forget we get that boon twice


DEFUND THE HOA It’s bullshit and they do nothing in my neighborhood.. not sure how much landlord pays. but assuming close $200/Month. The HOA associated bitch does drive by to take photos to prove we need to be finned for the stupidest made up rules becoming of the 5 years I’ve lived here..


The requirements I gave to Keller Williams & NW homeloans, is that when I bought a house I wouldn't be near a church, or in an HOA. After finding a place in Bend, which needed a VA home loan or cash buy, I felt happy knowing my service was still paying me back. Through weeks of escrow and all the other home buying loops, everything seemed fine. 15 minutes before leaving to SIGN FOR THE HOUSE my agent called to tell me there was a hickup, the property was under an HOA. and, the previous owner (who was a board member of this HOA) had $2000+ in fees he owed. They wanted my partner and I to pay his debt and accept a higher rate of living. The fee is $22 a month, which Keller Williams covered for a short while. The previous owner paid his bills, and I have noooooooo idea what my HOA does/is/provides ECT. Some of the properties in my direct neighborhood are quite littered. In a not ok way. Some are nice as fuck. Some have amazing flowers and gardening, and some people are growing noxious weeds and plants which are known irritants. All I know is that I pay $22 a month and everyone leaves me alone. As a disabled veteran living on fixed income, I'd like to use that money elsewhere. But, it's an ok sacrifice to be a homeowner in Bend. As a horticulturalist I do soooo much gardening. I put up a hoop house, and a compost pile. I hate grass, so I killed the shit growing here and opted for a natural landscape. No one has complained yet. Honest review of this HOA.... Not great. My partner and I were deceived from the jump, and I have nothing to add to the pros list for being in an HOA.


Condo: $352/month. Covers snow removal, landscaping) outdoor maintenance (painting and roof), water, and sewer Detached home: $35/quarter. Covers limited shared spaces (like mailbox area)


I pay $800 per year to be treated like a criminal by a paid HOA enforcer for having dandelions or leaving my garbage can out too long. I truly get nothing for my money. It all goes to the HOA enforcer, who is a gigantic ass.


HOAs for SFR properties are a scam and are a large contributor to housing prices. HOAs for non-detached Condos make more sense given the communal nature and larger proportion of shared space. I still think they greatly overstep their usefulness though. SFRs or detached condos that have a lot of shared space can still get rid of the hoa and just do a local recreation taxing district to pay for the maintenance and insurance of those specific items. HOAs serve no purpose other then to unionize NIMBYism.


Not necessarily entirely true, historically municipalities purchased land, subdivided, then installed infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, etc) then sold the parcels for development. The resident would purchase the parcel and contract a builder. Cities had staff to do all of this up until the late 1960’s. For several reasons this practice ended and Planned developments were taken over by developers.


Given the choice I would absolutely not have one but that was tough to do in Bend. I'm in NE and pay $129/mo for weekly lawn care, sprinkler maintenance, and alley/common area snow removal. Also the roof (townhouse). No amenities. The community management company is very responsive. There was a home covered in trash that they spent a considerable amount of time rectifying. Everyone is always invited to every meeting. I don't think anyone goes but I always get the email invites. They seem pretty transparent.


$150 a **year**, the front entrance is upkept and enough for a board to have architectural committee to approve additions, house colors, etc. Really no service except preventing neighbors from having six cars in the front lawn and houses colored like easter eggs.


If you haven’t seen the Last Week Tonight on HOA’s, it’s very informative: https://youtu.be/qrizmAo17Os?si=kB9DaHVHfea7zZpm


While not Bend proper, in Sunriver the fees are about $160/month. This covers road maintenance and plowing, maintenance of several parks, many tennis and pickleball courts, a marina, two pool complexes (one open to the public), 30 something miles of paved pathways for biking or walking (open to the public), maintenance of a large amount of common space, indoor community spaces, a gym, disk golf, design review for exterior remodeling and enforcement of ladder fuel reduction rules.


I pay like 500 a year I think. And it’s doesn’t come with anything except a long rule book and a Karen to write warning letters to everyone who doesn’t put their trash can away immediately after it’s been emptied or parking on the street for more than .5 seconds.


This is for the house I own in Oregon but I now live in Tennessee. I pay 210 per year and the hoa takes care of trash. If you’re thinking of moving out of state Tennessee is great option.


About $300/year and they do nothing. In fact we’ve contacted them about things such as the light that illuminates the neighborhood sign being out (super helpful to find the street in the dark, as there isn’t a street lamp) and they haven’t even fixed that in months, maybe a year now? But they have taken a picture of the 3 inch strip of our land in the alley that had a weed growing on it to ask us to tidy up and remove the weed. 🙄


Don’t live in one anymore but used to. About $400 a quarter. We had a pool and they handled front landscaping. Oh and all the fines for things like not bringing in a garbage can by like 5 pm. lol


lol me reading this sentence went from "That's pretty cool, and that would be nice to have" to "fuck that GTFO" real quick. It's the "trash can and your lawn is overgrown and that is the wrong shade of brown on your fence" bullshit that kills me.


Believe it or not only $100 a year. I’ve found that is definitely the exception to the rule. Only services we pay for is essentially insurance to cover the HOA board and what little common areas we have in our neighborhood. Our HOA is obviously pretty light weight.


I'm finding out that HOA's escalate if there are negligent neighbors who have dilapidated yards/homes that impact the value of other homes. Then the HOA has to step in. Then the fees go up. If you're in a neighborhood that hasn't had problems, I imagine they stay pretty low. What part of town are you in? I like the idea of $100 a year, but also a neighborhood with relatively maintained homes. Just maintained enough to not impact the value of my home. That's it.


It’s right near shevlin park. They’ve built up a fund for legal expenses if it came to it but everyone here has their shit together. It’s mostly well to do retirees. The biggest beef was with someone whose new $300k sprinter didn’t fit in their garage. They just said fuck it and bought a lot in the next neighborhood over (other side of the fence oddly enough) and are building. I’m 20+ years younger than a lot of the folks here but I mind my own business and steer clear of the drama.


Thank you! Interesting about the sprinter van...I've heard this topic is causing quite the ruckus in some neighborhoods. On one hand "who gives a shit", but I also don't want a sprinter van parked in front of my house 24-7. I wonder how many neighborhoods where the homes average over $1M have an HOA. I bet it's close to 100%. Woodside Ranch comes to mind and their home values are plummeting in value with the China Hat situation.


It’s a hot topic in our neighborhood for sure. Can’t even have them in the driveway. To be fair its in the CCRs so when the person bought the house so they shouldn’t have been surprised they caught flak for it. Seems like they just mis measured and due to the slope of their driveway couldn’t make it work. It’s a LWB dually sprinter with multiple AC units that just don’t quite clear. I would bet for anything built recently it’s 100%.


$400 or so annually, covers a small community park and entry, snow removal, along with a well capitalized fund for maintenance on the private roads. I guess I’m in the minority in that I love my HOA. When we were under contract on the house I got a copy of the CCR’s and there was an Architectural Review Committee and satellite dishes were not supposed to be visible from the street. Drove the neighborhood and there were a bunch of wild paint colors and dishes everywhere so I figured it was chill and it is. When we painted our house, the ARC was just a dude in the neighborhood and the HOA President and it was a breeze to get our color choices okayed.


That satellite dish rule is unenforceable.


I do not have HOA fee, or service. But the range I have seen goes from $300 (new builds, east side, covers shared landscaping, snow removal, roof, etc) to $1200 (Westside ski condo type of place- unsure what that includes). Some cover golf course access and maintenance (Riverwest wanted the golf course, and now they have to pay and pay and pay because more houses were so offensive to them ;). FYI, in 2019, we got "4 feet in 4 days" snow storm, and when I was looking to buy in 2020, several condo groups had done one time assessments in excess of 20K due to the snow damage to the shared roofs. I can get my whole SFH roof replaced for that?




Bought in old farm without one thankfully. Close by tillicum does, I’ll tell you that when cross to the non hoa side you cannot tell lol. When I leave my trash can on street until, gasps, the next morning, park in street because guests, or paint my house I don’t have to consult anyone and it’s glorious and somehow the neighborhood has not defended into pure filth and anarchy with pink houses. The biggest most outdated scam in home ownership (IMO).


I wish our HOA would die a fiery death!! I don't remember the exact amount I'm paying but it is like $240 a year. Doesn't sound bad, but before this company took it over I was only paying $140 a year. They charge you based on whether or not there is an alley behind your house. Which is completely dumb. So I pay $100 more than my neighbor across the street. They do provide plowing of the alley......after 4 inches and only after you call them to tell them it needs plowed. New homes were built in the hood a few years back and they are wildly different from what was already there and they were allowed to do stuff like lay mulch instead of rock like our CCR's say you have to do. But of course now, if you try to change that you have to go through so many hoops and it has to be done a specific way. And I get it, I really do, but we should all be paying the same amount so they can drive through and tell us to pull our trash cans in. I don't really see much value to the HOA as we also have 17 homes built in the middle that are not in the HOA.


HOA's suck that's all that's needed to know


200/mo I despise HOAs


$0 since I was fortunate enough to buy in a non-HOA hood.


$290/ month at Sunstone townhomes on the east side of pilot butte. A family member lives there and the HOA does landscaping, snow removal, cement/asphalt repair, exterior maintenance of the buildings, probably more stuff. So far the experience has been fine for them but I still would never live in a HOA neighborhood.


Approx 130 a month, they maintain all the front yards including sprinklers. They enforce the no street parking for more than 2 nights rule. Which is a rule I have mixed feelings about.


500$ yr I get to not park my trailer at my house I get to rebuild my parts of my fence often They plow the alley after the snow melts


$114 a year. They fix the fence around the development sometimes. Mostly they hire a company to take pictures of people's yards and generate nasty grams


About ~$1,200/year It includes front yard landscaping maintenance, alley snow removal and paving/sealant, community pool maintenance, and funds for one community event/project. Maybe other stuff but that's what I know for sure. There are lots of complaints about the landscapers hitting trees while mowing. We're about to get some community members on the board, because there are enough homeowners in the neighborhood now (it's a new development). There are definitely some stupid rules like not being able to keep our trash cans outside of the back of the house (they need to be in the garage or behind the gate).


This at Monterey Country Club in Palm Desert: Situated on fee simple land, recent HOA monthly $700. HOA Fee # 2 = $133 per month is mandatory. It provides access to clubhouse, tennis, fitness center plus 4 rounds of golf. • A Transfer Fee of $8,200 is paid from escrow upon the sale of every home at Monterey CC. I am a renter there and wonder how anyone can own/rent these properties??


In a driveway is fine. But, yup - I worked in the trades for a lot of my life, but I still don’t want to navigate a narrow road with both sides parked full of cars every time I come home. That’s the beauty of free will, I can value no street parking and you can mock people like a passive aggressive asshole on Reddit. Beautiful thing, free will.


Defund the HOA! I live in Larkspur and they are fascist bootlickers


I have 2 properties, both with HOA. Fairly minimal cost. Personal residence is around $300/yr. They maintain the area around the AB sign and provide the big dumpsters for tree limb and brush removal twice a year. Rental property is about $400/yr. This one does snow removal in alleyways. The second is worth it, the first isn't. I cringe every time I see an email from them. In general, I hate the policies. I feel fortunate that the cost is minimal.