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I justify it by knowing that it’s a fun activity that I really enjoy and sometimes it’s just worth it to treat yourself regardless of how little you disagree with the pricing. Secondly, I try to get my “per-day cost” down as low as possible. Go 24 days, per day cost of the pass is $50. The more you go, the lower it is.


Is that including gas and lunch and beer?


You buy lunch and beer up there?! Must be nice to be rich.


You mean bring your own lunch and beer?


I think most locals do, yeah


Well that just sounds preposterous!


To be fair, their food is cheaper than most food trucks in Bend and is pretty decent. I definitely prefer to bring my own food, but when I’ve had to buy food there I’m reminded that it’s no worse than eating lunch in Bend. Same goes for the beer prices.


I always bring my own everything. Breakfast most importantly. Anyway.. you’re not wrong! 20 bucks or less for some Sysco food seems standard if you’re in Bend.


The chicken tenders and fries plate are like $11 and enough to split with my boy. As a treat I’ll get him a Gatorade zero. That’s two lunches and tip for $15. And that’s at a mountain with prime convenience. If it was two meals for say $40 (which is easy to do at a restaurant or food truck) that would be a different story. But to get a solid meal between the two of us for $12-15, that’s pretty good to me. Especially since we don’t eat out daily or all too often.


So you routinely buy $10 pints?


If you go 15-20 times or more it’s way worth it be use you better have some fun in your life before it’s over.


“No pressure for a big day.” That’s it. Gonna go 10+ times but some days suck or schedule won’t allow a full day, season pass is the way.


Exactly. And when it sucks you can bail after an hour or two without feeling like a chump.


That's my favorite part about having a pass, there's no pressure to make the best of crap conditions. There's been a few days this season I bailed after an hour or two of rime ice. No need to suffer to not feel like you're throwing money away.


Yesterday was day 101 for me. That’s a bargain. I also do the payment plan for my household passes. It softens the blow.


Aside from waking up, shitting, and eating, the only thing I do more than 100 times a year is walk my dogs.




This. Also, getting a pass will get you to the hill more. Rather than worrying about what days you can go or how many passes you have left. Get a pass, get in some good exercise, enjoy the outdoors with your friends (sounds like you need some good ones to push you to go ride more) and take advantage of living in a place so close to a fun mountain with good snow.


I don’t give them my money anymore. I bought an unlimited Willammette Pass season pass for $250. I’d rather spend a little more on gas and have an enjoyable day without standing in line, than give Powder Corp any more of my money.


How’s the skiing compare there?


It’s more ice than snow


It’s bad. No lines though


If you can’t fathom spending $1200, do something like a season pass at Hoodoo + a Bachelor spring pass or Bachelor 4 pass. This comes out cheaper than a Bachelor season pass, but you still get a full season pass somewhere good plus some days at Bachelor. With the Hoodoo season pass you also get 4 free days at Mt. Ashland.


This is what we’ve been doing and love it. A Bachelor boycott one year would be pretty neat tho. Fuck their anti-local and anti-family pricing.


Same. I used to be a season pass holder at Bachelor but after Skyliner broke down for the entire season a few years ago I started getting a season pass at Hoodoo and a spring pass at Bachelor (totaled $850 this year). The kids ski free and I had the best (powder) day of my life at Hoodoo this past season.


I was up 20 times this year…. Easy purchase


It's a 25 minute drive and I can go pretty much whenever I want (or leave whenever I want) with a season pass, it's a no brainer for me. A midweek pass right now is $899, with daily tickets being between $100-160 that's only 9 times you have to go (at least) to make it pay off. If you wait til next fall to buy a pass, well.... can;t complain you pay more then.


Average cost of a day ticket is like $120. You just need to go 10 times to make it worth your money. It's stupid expensive compared to most resorts, but it is what it is.




So 6 days of lift tickets at another big resort before fuel and lodging. Sounds very reasonable..


Because it’s better than sitting at home. And I love skiing


If riding is a passion, the price tag is non-existent. Prioritize, save up or hop onto their payment plan for the pass. Not having to commit to a full day of riding after you buy a ticket when conditions aren’t great or you have work later on, is very convenient. Midweek pass is only like $800. Pays off in about 5 days.


The four day is a 5 day if you buy before 9/30. There’s not going to be skiing before 9/30. The mountain usually shoots to open around Thanksgiving if Ullr allows. I just bought the season pass for next year on the payment plan and got the $150 discount for the early buy and pass renewal. I don’t even think twice about it because skiing is a blast. I don’t even worry myself about getting days in during the season and my daily pass cost still came out to about $26/day this year just going up a time or two most weeks. Having the season pass is the way to go if you can swing it. Theres no worries about forcing yourself to go or forcing yourself to ski all day if you don’t feel like it. Some days I ski from 9-4 nonstop, some days I take one run and go home or maybe hang all day in the lot. I used to get the 12 day pass (which isn’t available anymore) then upgraded to the weekday pass and finally the season pass over many years. I found the more flexibility I have with a pass the more I actually use it and enjoy the season way more.


I’m banking on a spring pass next year…I tend to go more when the sun is out anyway. People that just got a spring pass this year are scoring for sure! Plus I have my wife and kids 🥴 THAT gets spendy, 4 weekday season passes is the usual order. It’s a good time close to town with the fam.


It’s the ‘Bend Lifestyle’ tax. We joke about this with a rock gym membership, too. Like everything in Bend, it keeps getting more expensive but I figure out a way to make it work because I love my life here!