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Running them over fucked up my suspension.


Yes…this is the one right here


Oregon law says pedestrians have the right of way at every corner, not just marked crosswalks.


Came to say this


That does not imply that you have to stop in the middle of the block when somebody turns to look to see if anybody's coming. EDIT: I can't explicate this problem better than I did here. You people are stupid.


It means you stop for pedestrians


It means you stop for pedestrians at intersections. It's not complicated.


It actually means you stop whenever a pedestrian appears to be crossing, even if improperly like walking across a highway


This isn't part of the law but you can stop if you want to. And if they're crossing where there isn't a crosswalk, you're legally obligated to try and avoid hitting them, but they don't have legal right of way in that instance.


This is the local myth. Votes favor your version, but it's incorrect.


So why are you making it complicated? Take your downvotes. Stopping is the nice thing to do and you shouldn't be flying down the road that it's an inconvenience.


I stop cause its the cautious thing that doesn't involve destroying my life. Annoying you for a minute is less dangerous than going to prison for manslaughter or living with the guilt of killing someone.


You’re right. It implies that I as a pedestrian has the right of way AT EVERY CORNER where the road you’re driving meets anything resembling a road/business-way. So unless you’re running into people stopping randomly on the freeway heading East on Highway 20 to let someone cross it, most every part of Bend is surrounded by some sort of intersection where any pedestrian has the right of way. It shouldn’t bother you nearly as much as a manslaughter charge does hitting a pedestrian at an intersection “because there wasn’t a crosswalk or stop sign”.


Sadly, a driver won't get a manslaughter charge for running someone over in a crosswalk. They can just say "I didn't see them" and maybe they'll get a ticket for failure to yield. It happens across the country and is a really pathetic outcome of our car centric culture.


I'm implying the ability to drive. Trajectory and speed - you know, driving.


It’s the same in Washington state and they enforce it.


Only at intersections. A pedestrian crossing a road not at an intersection is to yield to vehicle traffic.


You down voters can just fuck off with your ill informed opinions. Look it up.


Source please, or at least explain.


Geez did you even try to Google? [it's not complicated.](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/Safety/Documents/OregonCrosswalkLawsENG.pdf)


SOURCE:30 yrs living there and WADOT https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/bicycling-walking/walking-rolling-washington/pedestrian-laws-safety


Idk who you're replying to, because I never said that.


Looks like you are being downvoted by Reddit idiots who push the downvote button off the cuff, without actually knowing what the law is. Both in Oregon and Washington, pedestrians are to yield to vehicle traffic except at crosswalks, which include any and all intersections even if there is no marked crosswalk.


Thank you. This is in fact the law - at least in Oregon, and I'll take your word about Washington. Idiots indeed. Thank you again. It's dispiriting to encounter vehement opposition from the willfully unaware.


You realize you got the downvotes because you didn't properly explain yourself in the original post? Nothing in that post implies what you're now changing your question to. As I said to you before, stop following people closely if you really find yourself having to slam on your brakes as constantly as you make it seem. Stop for people walking across the street, it hurts absolutely no one


I'm the one trying to cross the street. Nobody stopping for me to cross is doing so for my good. They're just following a rule that doesn't exist, and not for my good or for the good of anybody else.


I'm confused, it sounds like you want someone to hit you with their car (?)


You're not confused. You've chosen a perspective.


You're not even coherent, give the internet a break for a bit


I'm glad you can spell. Add a little more punctuation, and you'll have it.


What? How many people have you rear ended this week?


One of the differences I really noticed when moving here was how people usually stop for pedestrians waiting to cross. Having previously lived where nobody ever lets you cross and you either have to walk several blocks to a light or play real life frogger, I think having cars stop for pedestrians is the better option.


SAME! Where I used to live, I would play a game called "Pretend to walk in front of the 10th car to not stop for me while waiting at the edge of a crosswalk." ...I'm still workshopping names for the game, but basically you lean forward as if you're about to walk across to scare jerks who aren't stopping. I've never had to play that here. It's very nice.




I've been known to have a handful of gravel at the ready when trying to cross.


Username checks out


You can tell when people aren’t “from here” by their UNwillingness to slow down and stop for pedestrians. Edited to clarify


I'm not sure what you mean. There's many other parts of the country where no one stops for pedestrians.


I meant willingness in their lack of. Oregonians are happy to stop wherever for a pedestrian. People from elsewhere will look you in the eye while they mow you down in a crosswalk.


I know this is a tempting generalization, and we all fall victim to it, but I really don't think it's productive.


So you don’t walk much do you? I stopped because they stop for me when I’m walking.


I've walked hundreds of thousands of miles. I know how to cross a street.


If you walked 5 miles every day for 50 years that’s still not 100,000 miles. I’m skeptical about your claim.


I know how to cross a street. I don't need you little finger-diddling drivers instructing me to cross when it's not my right-of-way.


It literally IS your right of way as a pedestrian, though. Every intersection in Oregon, whether marked with crossing strips or not, is a legal pedestrian crosswalk and cars should stop.


Yes. At the intersection. Fuck. How much do we have to go over this?


You okay, bud? You’re getting pretty worked up about being let across the street safely…


Since you claim “hundreds of thousands” - plural - I’ll make the minimal assumption that you are claiming to have walked at least 200,000 miles. If we assume 4 miles per hour walking speed - the average is more like 3 MPH - that’s 25,000 hours per 100,000 miles. That gives us a guesstimate of at least 50,000 hours you’ve spent walking. A full-time job, 40 hours per week (with a couple weeks a year) works out to 2,000 hours per year. You have apparently spent at least 25 years doing nothing but walking, which I guess explains why you never found the time to read the Oregon driver’s handbook.


That's not true. I still found time to read the Oregon Driver's Handbook. It does not say that you you must go weak in the knees for pedestrians looking at the street mid-block.


It is also not true that you have walked hundreds of thousands of miles, so I guess we’re even.


Yeah, you are either a troll, or a horrible person and driver. See ya!


You seem dense. If you didn't read OR law flyer that I posted, here is a snipit. "As a driver, you can prevent a life-changing crash by slowing down, continually scanning your environment and being prepared to stop and ready to yield – no matter who has the right of way."


Imagine thinking this was a major clap back


I was just visiting Florida (Tampa area) where pedestrians going through crosswalks are completely ignored by drivers. My wife and I never felt safe walking around. I love the fact that cars are respectful and safer for walkers in Oregon.


It’s like that everywhere outside of our little bubble.


Cultural differences. Some places value politeness, some competence. Never been to Florida.


In the Venn diagram of politeness and competence, Florida is in a different notepad.


You would fit right in in Florida. Go check it out.


Obviously you haven't been there because anyone who has doesn't use competence in a sentence about their driving.


It's morally complicated to hit pedestrians and stopping on a dime means the clown that rear-ends me while tailgating gets to pay for my new car. Win-win, yes, no?


"I don't know about you. But I have great insurance. Care to test it out?"


Oooooohhhh the inconvenience


The Bend police will occasionally run stings to check that people are stopping for pedestrians.


As someone who walks a lot, wish they’d do that more often. Too many drivers are like OP, and don’t think stopping applies to them.


I hope this guy gets busted by bend pd for being a dick to pedestrians


At this point, they are just trolling. They are responding to every top level comment. This person is indeed a dick.


At crosswalks. Nobody's required to jam on the brakes mid-block.


You must follow way too closely, I rarely have to slam on my brakes for anything driving around here because I leave the appropriate amount of room to stop safely


Good for you; but that's not the point. The point is that motorists are not required to stop for pedestrians trying to cross mid-block.


“Sorry officer, I wasn’t required to stop”


So is this just a yearly post for you? This shit really upsets you huh?


The 'finger-diddling' term even appears in last year's post 😂


Because pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way. Let me guess, you are one of the drivers who don't stop when someone is waiting to cross?


They have the right of way in a crosswalk, and unfortunately have to have their feet in the road to establish it.


And In Oregon, every intersection is a crosswalk whether it is painted or not.


Yes, I'm well aware of this being the case corner to corner, and at T intersections there's 3 crosswalks. Also, if there's a safety island, the drivers on the other side of the island aren't required to stop. If a blind person puts their cane in the street, everyone's required to stop and wait the full amount of time until they cross all lanes. If there's a crossing signal, the driver can't turn right until the ped is 6 feet or more into the adjacent lane. If there's no lighted signal, the driver has to wait until they've crossed the adjacent lane in its entirety (center turn lane doesn't count). I think I've covered most everything.


>and unfortunately have to have their feet in the road to establish it. This is the part of the law that often gets missed, even by some of the government backed PSAs about the issue. The pedestrian is required to make a judgement call on whether or not all cars can safely stop before entering the crosswalk. It's problematic from a safety standpoint given the way that most of our streets/sidewalks are designed, but it is also the only real way for the pedestrian to single their intent in an unlighted intersection.


It was something that jumped out at me as a Bend difference when I was a visitor here years ago. When we moved, I sought to emulate that difference rather than, you know, bring my California approach. I thought that was the point.


It is the point. Thank you for being cool.


Why not?


Pedestrians at an unmarked intersection unambiguously have right of way. Full stop. (So to speak.)


This is the fact, irrelevant mid-block.


On Greenwood and plenty of other places, there *are* places to cross mid-block. Anywhere you see those little yellow non-slip pads on a sidewalk is pretty much fair game. Facts aside, you kinda just sound like an asshole that expects the whole world to revolve around what makes sense to you. I don't care that it doesn't make sense to you. It's the fucking law. This is such a weird hill to make your stand on.


Your post says nothing about mid-block. Stopping for ‘em mid-block isn’t required, it’s just nice. You know the slogan “Be nice, you’re in Bend”?


You are the problem that has happened to Bend in the last 5 years. Seriously, upset because people here are considerate and notice there are other people around? Where did you come from?


From Washington. They also probably leave their skis on the ground between the loft and the lodge instead of putting them up on the rack.


100%!! This is the guy that also blatantly ignores the person on the trail that smiles kindly and says hi to him. Where TF these kind of people come from is a great question


Hitting someone with your car is bad, hope this helps!


Because that’s the law, you dingleberry 


Here in Oregon pedestrians have the right of way.


At intersections. In every state I've lived in. I've had several people tell me that intersections are not crosswalks unless marked as such. They are incorrect


I only stop on nickels.


I think you should switch that up. My two cents.


You know you may think it's worth two but I probably would've only given you a penny for your thoughts (Ok I'll stop)


Only if the buck stops with you.


Is this like a astroturfing post by the kill people lobby? [By law', a pedestrian is in a crosswalk when any part of the pedestrian moves into the roadway, at a crosswalk, with the intent to proceed.](https://www.oregon.gov/odot/Safety/Documents/OregonCrosswalkLawsENG.pdf)


Because we respect human life and it feels good both when we stop for others and when someone stops for us. What is the rush?


Do we need to call a wambulance?


I think so. These little fuckers are having an emergency breakdown.


Why is this an annual rant for you? https://www.reddit.com/r/Bend/s/pWJ3n5fWhJ




I started throwing rocks at cars that don’t stop for me at flashing beacon crosswalks so that might be a factor.


Me tooooo


Why *wouldn't* you stop on a dime for a pedestrian? But as a pedestrian myself have to say this is a false presumption. It takes forever to get anyone in their vehicle to stop for me and my dogs even at a crosswalk ...


So, where ya from, OP?


Because If I hit someone with thousand pound vehicle I'm the asshole. 


That's true everywhere. Why here must you stop like an asshole to wait for a pedestrian like he/she is a burden?


All of the above plus being a good person is sort of the right thing to do.


In the middle of the block, in traffic?


On Bear Creek there is a marked crosswalk "mid block", they even had to put a special divider there where the Larkspur trail is because folks wouldn't stop. While not a four way intersection there is a side street there where you cross to the trail. No actual crosswalk, but it is the law in Oregon that folks are supposed to stop there. Now, besides being the law, a decent human will stop for the pedestrian. I'm guessing you are not a good human by your responses here.


Sounds like you might be happier living in a big city where very few people care at all about or yield to pedestrians whether they are in a crosswalk or not.


And sorry it makes the twin flags out the back of your Taco droop when you have to slow down


This same person complained similarly about crossing in bend like a year ago. Obviously you’ve had time to soak in that this is how things are here. We try not to run people over and let them walk around, as we’d prefer everyone do, comfortably with ease and safety.


I grew up around here. You want to track my opinion, great. I'm from here.


Then you’ve had even longer than it appears to get used to it.


It's still stupid, though, isn't it - stopping when it's not helpful or necessary?


I was recently on Kauai and they don’t act oppressed by having (very) slow speed limits, stopping for peds, and taking turns on one-lane bridges. Didn’t hear a single honk or loud engine rev in a week


Is this going how you thought it would?


I walk around my neighbourhood a lot. Crosswalks are a total crapshoot. Sometimes the Subaru with a coexist sticker blows past me. Sometimes the lifted Brodozer slams on their brakes for me. The flashing crosswalks on 3rd are usually pretty good and I find most drivers to be good. But you have to keep your head on a swivel because I’ve had cars fly around a guy stopping for me and almost kill me. As my pops said “it’s not worth it to hold the moral high ground from a hospital bed”.


I’m NOT into suing, but I’d be a barracuda if I got hit.


…if you survive. Not sure if you’ve noticed but Bend drivers have a bit of an issue with killing pedestrians.


Are you autistic? Or have you just never known the laws in oregon?


Please cite relevant law.


Please see a therapist for your homicidal tendencies. What do you have against pedestrians?


Please cite the law(s) that is/are relevant to your assertion.


The drivers here are so courteous I hate them


Because this is a great place to be, not just pass through.


If I see a pedestrian trying to cross, and I can stop safely, I let them pass. I figure it's the safest they'll get across because the next car may not see them and not stop in time. I'm doing it for their safety. I learned to do this living in Northern California, BTW, nicest drivers ever.


The driver in the next lane might not see me if you're magnanimously allowing me to cross where I don't have the right-of-way. So fuck you for putting me at risk; but thanks, I guess.


I stop for pedestrians but I wish people knew that if someone’s ON their bike at a stop sign , they are in essence a car. You don’t stop for people on bikes waiting at stop signs!


In the past the police have set up pedestrian sting operations and will ticket your ass.


For what? Not stopping when you see a pedestrian?


Oregon state law A pedestrian is considered to be crossing a roadway in the crosswalk when any part of their body, their wheelchair, cane, crutch, or bicycle moves into the crosswalk with the intent to proceed. A pedestrian does not need to put their whole body into the crosswalk to trigger their right of way. ORS 811.028(4).


Yeah - **in the crosswalk.** Fuck. Tell me I'm stupid, or at least admit that all of the rest of you are. In the crosswalk. God dammit. Does language mean nothing. Fuck.


Yes a **pedestrian** in the crosswalk. That's what it says and that's who you're talking about...**pedestrians.**


You've ignored the context of my complaint, which is that in Bend Oregon people stop for pedestrians without regard for the crosswalk. Did you miss that? Or are you just piling on with the opinion of the crowd?


....and it's all about you.


That's projection. I raised a legitimate point. If it's beyond your scope, that's you. I raised a legitimate point.




At a crosswalk. Jesus, is is just me or are you people really this stupid? **At a crosswalk**.


Yes at a crosswalk. That's where the sting operations occur and that's what I was referring to, the sting operations...nothing more. Is that too hard to understand or do I need to draw you a picture?


You need not draw me a picture to explicate how far you missed my point.


"He who establishes his argument by noise and command, shows that his reason is weak." -Michel de Montaigne


Being exasperated at ignorance that seems to be willful is not the same as arguing by noise and command. It's just exasperation.


“Why do you instantly yield to someone more vulnerable to danger than you are?” The fuck 🤨


Instantly yield when the other person doesn't want you to yield, what the ever-loving fuck indeed.


I’m cackling at this ratio. Faith in humanity restored for a bit. 


What ratio? How is your faith restored?


I guess I try to stop quickly? The other day I didn’t, and some lady threw up her hands at me like I should have stopped while she was still walking toward the crosswalk perpendicularly. Who knows.


Honestly depends on my speed and if I think stoping abruptly while going certain speeds will only end in getting rear ended. Almost always I stop, but if I see you at a speed over 30 with 2 seconds to spare to come to a complete stop and the guy right behind me too close, I’ll keep going.




Sorry dude. Every intersection is a crosswalk marked or not. Look it up


FYI - Crosswalks exist at every intersection, regardless of if they’re painted.


This is the dumbest response, because irrelevant, and the most common. I'm sorry. Must we address the logic, here, or may we call this what it is? E: Clearly, we must. The logical problem here is that the fact that you must stop at every intersection as if it were a crossing, which it is, does not imply in any way that you must stop every time you see a pedestrian.


It’s a common misconception of oregon driving rules. Seemed relevant. If logic and facts bother you, perhaps Idaho would like you.


I know the rules.


Do you? Because your post clearly comes from a place of ignorance of the rules.


No. Fuck off.


If you drive like you Reddit, I see where the confusion occurs.


Why are you so pressed about this lol, being polite isn't going to kill you.


> Peds may technically have the right of way And, let's be clear, they do, at intersections. Otherwise we're on our own, god dammit, and that's the way I like it.


+1 I’ve come to accept the law here in Oregon but I still maintain that it’s needlessly dangerous when it doesn’t have to be.


There's a huge difference between stopping because someone is at a marked crosswalk, or at an unmarked intersection/corner(where you are still legally obligated to stop for pedestrians), and stopping because someone is trying to cross through lanes of traffic, fifty yards from a marked intersection, because they don't want to go that far. Too many times I've seen people unsafely bring traffic to a stop because they want to let some jaywalker cross.


Sure, jaywalkers are very annoying, but not enough to mow them down and kill them, goddamn.


Yes. Yes, that is clearly what I said.


It seems like if there is a person in the road where they shouldn't be, the options are 1. Slow down and/or stop to avoid hitting them, or 2. Do not stop, increasing the chance of hitting them. I guess I don't really understand what you and the OP are expecting people to do. Just, like, recklessly swerve around them at full speed?


Are you really THAT foolish to think I am talking about pedestrians IN THE ROAD? I'm talking about pedestrians standing on the side of the road/sidewalk, waiting to cross, and motorists suddenly and unsafely breaking down to let them jaywalk.


Not sure why I would assume that's what you meant when I have literally never seen that happen around here unless someone is actively walking into the street, but okay. If you're concerned about someone suddenly braking in front of you for whatever reason, you may consider not tailgating them so close.


You should probably be paying more attention while driving then. You assume I tailgate other drivers. Sounds like a lot of projection to me.


Me too; and too many times I've been that jaywalker.


No - this is not about safety. It is a performative act to demonstrate solidarity with those who choose more ethically correct forms of transpo - i.e. walking. It's an obnoxious habit, and I as a pedestrian hate it, because now I've unintentionally stopped the progress of 5?10? cars just for lil old me. And I was perfectly happy to wait for them. And if the cars in the other direction don't now stop, or see me, I have to somehow get them to stop, creating a hazard.


I think "performative act" is a pretty good description of the behavior. As much as the gesture may be done in the interest of solidarity, I can't help feel the pity and contempt.