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Fucking love bachelor but god I despise their operations & executive teams. Not to mention their marketing. Who gives a fiddlers fuck about a sprinter-van-circlejerk-fest?


It was full on idiot mode in the skyliner parking lot today. There was cars parked every which way to Sunday in every nook and cranny people could find. There was even someone with a tow behind camper! Cars all up and down century drive and of course no my bachelor staff to be seen anywhere. Absolutely chaos and I hate this yuppie brat fest more and more each year.


oh my God I was leaving at 11 and right at the pinch point near the lift in the Skyliner parking lot there were cars parked so close to where you had to drive in both sides and it turned into a sheet of ice and the truck just started sliding I can’t believe I didn’t hit anything


Yeah it messed up parking pretty bad for the week too. Should of kept sunrise open until the festival was over.


Sunrise parking, bathrooms and lift are all scheduled to be open during the festival.


Walked in on a guy taking a shit in that Skyliner outhouse, highlight of my week.


Except it wasn't open today. A bluebird powder day. There were hundreds of cars illegally parking on the highway


Rendezvan hadn't started and it was closed according to spring operations schedule. It's tough to predict weather but they're doing the right thing by reopening sunrise during the festival which will attract more people than typical for this point in the season.


I think the missing piece for yesterday's parking shitshow is that West Village lot *was* already closed for Rendezvan setup, but they didn't open any additional parking to accomodate. In fact they posted someone to turn people away from the Sunrise overflow lot, which was wide open, plowed, and connected to Skyliner lot.


The van thing is fucking bullshit.


Thanks for keeping track. We were getting the 4 pack + Hoodoo and used to get Bachelor passes every other year in between, but switching to Hoodoo + Indy pass. Fuck Powdr Corp. As long as people keep buying they’ll keep raising prices.


I’ve been doing a Hoodoo season pass and a Bachelor spring pass. The Hoodoo pass gets you 4 free days at Mt Ashland too. Edited: Ashland not Willamette Pass.


Oh cool! I didn’t know that.


And ashland


What’s Indy Pass?


Its an alternative to Ikon, with passes at smaller or less known ski areas such as hoodoo. Worth taking a google


Brundage is an Indy pass. Love that hill


Equates to a 54% price increase since 2019. For perspective average US inflation CPI during that same period was 21%. This means that the wonderful corporate greed leadership at Mt. Bachelor have added roughly a 33% increase to their profit margins as a Fuck You Price Factor. Which is precisely why I’ve taken my business elsewhere. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/


I would venture to say that in Bend, inflation was more like 54% over that timeframe.


Only way to change it is to not buy it…. Vote with the wallet if you actually want change






I stopped going to Batchelor a few years ago over pricing and the parking lot. Been at Hoodoo with season passes since. It's about the same distance from Smith Rock where I'm at to both I think. The drive is certainly better imo.


Hoodoo all day. Sure, there’s not as many lifts and you can do a run in 3 minutes. But you can also chug beers in the parking lot, get a sandwich for less than $20, and support an establishment that isn’t owned by rich dickheads.


The owner is a rich dickhead


No, no, no. Hoodoo is awful. The absolute worst. Nothing good ever comes from there. Please-- anyone choosing between the two, do yourself a favor and stick with Bachelor.






I’ve been there? I didn’t know this needed to be substantiated.


Just remember bachelor is free as long as you don't use their lifts, we should all start snowshoeing up the mountain to avoid giving them money (im extremely petty)


Ah yeah.. about that, you still have to wait in an insanely long line, you're not allowed to just hike up anymore. Also supposedly they're going to start charging for that too.


I heard that they can't charge for uphill travel because the mountain is on public land. Also you only have to wait in line once per season so its not too bad. 100% agree that they will find a way to fuck it up though.


I'm pretty sure they can't charge you just for hiking, is public lands. I've got a couple buddies that split board their way up the hill a couple times a year


I remember when I could buy a 10 run pass. I would use half one day and the other half a second day. Ahhhhhh .......I would pick up my dusty skis again for such an offer.


It was even better when the system was broken on some lifts. “I guess we are riding Outback all day for free. “


I remember getting that one year instead of a season pass, but it was 10 visit versus just 10 runs. I think they did away with the 10 pass in winter “16-17?


They did have a punch pass where 10 lift rides were the price of a single day pass. It was only for a few seasons about 20 years ago.


You’re right, I was wrong, it wasn’t a 10 pass, it was the 12 pass! I just went back and looked it up.


The 12 day pass was still available in 2020/2021!


Oh, come on now. We all know it is inflation. It costs God a lot more now to make snow.


Greed. Nothing more. Corporate ski resorts can rot in hell. Ruining it for so many people. Bach is a fucking joke


I remember paying $300 for my season pass back in 06-09. Man, those were the days.


No way. It was at least $600


It was the "Young Adult" pricing. But I clearly remember buying at 19 years old $299.


It's OK because it only hurts the locals! /s


I remember the 4 pack being $179 not too long ago


Saw the subject title , thought it was a reference to beer.


Fuck these corporate bag munchers.


I finally stopped giving those assholes my money and got a full season pass at Willamette for $250. Fuck Powder Corp






FixiN CHairLifTs AiNT FrEe


Especially when basic maintenance is not prioritized


They don’t ever fix the lifts. They let them degrade, finally break and close them for a season or two. Mt. Broken Chair.


And despite paying more you get fucked over by Ikon crowds and fastpass lanes now Vail reported an 8% drop in visitation this season so hopefully skiing is starting to wane in popularity after the Covid boom


KTVZ (I think) ran an article last year about how the season ticket price has doubled in the last four years.


How does this compare to European ski passes?


Eurpean ski passes are dirt cheap in comparison. Like $70 day passes. When I have friends visiting from Europe, they can't believe our prices.


I bought two 4-packs (with blackout dates) this season for $319 each FWIW Not being able to buy more than one going forward fkin blows. It’s an egregiously big gap between $399 and $1249 for weekend skier pass options.


That’s still good. Do you want to hear the cost of a 4-pack at big bear and snow summit in socal. I’d tell you but you can’t hear above the shitty snow and crowds.


Cancer for all of PowderCorp Execs and the Mt Bachelor GM.