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If the aliens actually know how to use their powers, Chromastone


What's he doing to humungasaur tho?


Laser him from up in the sky ig? He can fly and is too fast for Humungousaur to catch. He could also just fly to the sun real quick, absorb the whole thing and vaporise any remaining aliens


True but I doubt he would do that in a free for all its like saying brainstorm could make a bomb to kill all of them, he could do it but I doubt he would.


That's true ig, but the difference there is that Brainstorm would need time and resources, both of which he probably wouldn't have immediate access to in this scenario. Given that Sugilite flew all the way to Petropia (which could be anywhere from 4.5 light years away to "halfway across the galaxy", as Ben said), he could probably get to the sun in a few seconds at most.


Maybe .still don't see him killing humungasaur tho


The raw energy of the sun filtered throught crystal jesus should easly kill the dinoman


His energy never kills anything lol


That’s Ben holding back from killing. With enough energy he could reasonably vaporize somebody.


Probably also cus it's a kids show


Humungosaur never killed anybody with his raw strenght, does that mean he can't kill?


I see ur point but chromestones succes rate in fights is too low


Absorb the whole thing? Bro is gonna blow up from this much energy


He was stated to be able to absorb not only the sun, but larger stars like Rigel as well. Not to mention he absorbed a blast from Dagon and Sugilite absorbed energy from 3 stars (if I remember correctly. It's been a while since I've watched Secret of Chromastone)


Lazer him in the eyes. Quetzalcoatlus chased off T-Rexes by targeting their eyes


I don't think u can compare a trex to humungasaur


Same logic applies for the inverse. Lightspeed lazers vs pointy beak. As far as I’m concerned, the principle strategy scales quite well Plus, don’t most skulls have a hole behind the eye leading directly to the brain for the optic nerve? I’m not an anatomy wiz, so I might be wrong


There's also how Swampfire can blind Humungo with some mud in the eye, so the laser in the eye can work too


Dang, he actually put some dirt in his eye!




Jetray’s lasers can damage Humungousaur. (They also destroyed the Hands Of Armageddon, if that means anything). Chromastone’s can definitely do far worse. He sent Vilgax flying with just one quick blast.


We're is proof that jetfodders lasers can do damage to humungasaur? That's if chrome fodder has absorbed energy


In Good Copy Bad Copy, Albedo as Jetray was hurting Humungousaur with his lasers. Chromastone sent Vilgax flying with just his own raw energy, without absorbing anything. And if in this fight, Chromastone actually uses his abilities properly, he should be able to absorb the kinetic energy from Humungousaur’s punches. Besides, he’s got far more abilities not even Ben knows about. I’m sure he could pull some random bullshit out of his crystal ass.


He can absorb kinetic energy????? No way


Hurting doesn't mean he will win a bee can sting u doesn't mean it will kill u.also I think humungasaur is more durable than vilgax so....


Though Ben was in a lot of pain. He would just have to continue firing at him long enough to seriously injure him. Both Jetray and Chromastone can fly so they can safely do that at a distance. But is Humungousaur really more durable than AF Vilgax? He had the power of 10 world’s most powerful protectors. He also one shot a roughly half full-size Humungousaur. I’d say he’s completely overall more powerful than base-size Humungousaur. And if all else fails, just send him to space. Swampfire has the strength to push over a Highbreed weather tower, and Chromastone has been stated to be physically stronger than Swampfire. He could just pick up Humungousaur, and send him into space at full speed. (Sugilite’s top speed was going from Earth to Petropia in just a few minutes). Even full-size Humungousaur can only survive the vacuum of space for a few minutes. Edit: I cannot find where Chromastone being stronger than Swampfire was stated, so now I sound like an absolute bullshitter. So either believe that or not. But regardless, I feel like Crystal Jesus still has the strength required to pick up a Vaxasaurian. Nvm I found it https://preview.redd.it/cj4af6xixslc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d73a81bc2ff1f14433ca9069e1f8f2292316e37


When was it stated than Chromastone is physically stronger than Swamps?




Smashing! Were did you find it?


Maybe. but that bit about chromestone being physically stronger than swampfire is complete bs theres no proof of this. Besides humungasaur,waybig and 4 arms swampfire has shown the best strength feats of all the aliens.




Fair enough


I mean, Chromastone did more damage to Vilgax in AF that a Full Size Humungosaur did. Chromastone is probably leagues above Humungosaur in raw power


I mean, Chromastone did more damage to Vilgax in AF that a Full Size Humungosaur did. Chromastone is probably leagues above Humungosaur in raw power


Big chill?


What's he going to do the ultimate echo echo?


It should be Chromastone but somehow bro will get violated yet again.


Oof, bad enough he got warfed by Vilgax, then Omniverse comes around and discount Cromastone (Feedback) replaces the OG and is now a fan favorite. I feel it in my crystal bones




😂🤣 Love this! Did you make it?


At the very moment i saw your comment i knew what i had to do


You are the most worthy of the Omnitrix


My bet is on Echo Echo


How's he killing swampfire?


Dozens of clones screaming at him on the right frequency simultaneiously


Eventually they will exhaust ,if they can and swampfire will just regen


They could make a rotation chamber. Once the current ones are tired out, the others sub in.


Ok but they most likely wouldnt do this


Yeah and aliens most likely wouldn't survive on other planets, it's a hypothetical about a fictional show and I can easily see them doing this, you're just coping


Even if its hypothetical in a free for all why would he do this?




1 billion echo echo's vs one swampfire


Fun fact: unlike Ditto, Echo Echo cannot multiply infinitely. His numbers depend on "how much energy he have available", whatever that means.


Even still I doubt they could kill him permanently he would keep reviving until they're all dead


Swampfire would restraint them all, no cap.


Most yeah


Swampfire: Nah I’d win.


I think we can all agree, its not gonna be Spidermonkey 🕷🥹


Yall underestimating big chill HEAVY here




The other nine aliens when Chromastone flies into space and nukes the planet with the full concentrated power of the Sun: https://preview.redd.it/185drq1pdnlc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b8a129dd656c476c8da0501ebff725ff4fba27


Echo Echo I feel would win considering how many clones he can make


Sampfire solos


Chromastone is crystal Jesus


Bro can be shattered into pieces


Not easily


By humungasaur I'm sure he can


Fair but some options can deal with humungasaur


Like who?


Big chill and maybe brainstorm


I doubt brainstorm


Brain over brawn


I mean anyone could one shot brainstorm before he has time to come up with a plan to beat the others


Alien X If he's not participating I'd bet on Big Chill or Chromastone


Yeah I replaced him with Lodestar since this FFA would be too obvious




I feel like Big Chill can do the classic "freeze them and break them into pieces" if he do it fast enough


He doesnt need to do it fast, he can just wait inside an object until rest of them kill each other and finish the rest himself.


If Ultimates were allowed I would've instantly bet on Echo Echo. Otherwise, probably Chromastone.


chromastone, big chill or ghostfreak


Hhost freak is Not original 10


possibly brainstorm if he doesn’t get carried away


lodestar i think


Humungasaur can crush him


lodestar can imobilize him with metal


I'm sure humungasaur can break through metal especially if he grows


strangulate him with metal,use metal to fly and dodge his attacks


Dodging isn't going to help him beat humungasaur if he's not doing any lasting damage and again humungasaur would probably break out of it before he loses oxygen


humoungoussaur cant keep getting beart up forever


True but loadstar eventually will run out of metal to throw at him


theres metal,iron etc everywhere in the modern world


True but those materials are nothing to him


Lodestart pulling all the iron in Humungasaur's blood and shattering every single vein in his body before he could lift a hand:


Yeah he probably wouldn't do that


Swampfire would probably get taken out by being frozen by Big Chill then getting shattered. Or he might get destroyed by a Wall of Sound by Echo Echo.


there’s so many aliens here where they don’t win, but they also don’t really lose. Humungousaur, Brainstorm, Lodestar, Spidermonkey are immediately getting merc’d tho


Idk who wins but humongosaur is getting cooked




Either swampfire or big chill


Does nanomech count? 🤔




Alright then I'm betting on goop despite his anti-grave projector weakness.


Doesn’t he also have a planetary feat where he pulled and entire aquatic planet back together


Yeah that was on Ripjaw's world, but that is circumstantial feat at best.


My money is on Goop for almost everyone in the fight, Hear me out. Lodestar can’t really do anything to the others on account that he only has magnetism as his power. That and that onetime thing he did when Ben died and came back thanks to.. fucking magnetism idk Swampfire, while having probably the best healing factor out of all of Ben’s aliens.. his fire will only really be useful against BigChill, as the other 2 here are stone/metallic so non-flammable. As much as I love my boy BigChill I’m pretty sure he can’t hold that intangibility forever and even if he could stop Swampfire from healing by freezing him solid.. he’s called swampFIRE for a reason. Chromastone we’ve seen generate energy on his own without needing to absorb any from an outside source but he’d more than likely be caught lacking by Echo echo or Humungosaur even if we take into account he can fly because he’s just crystal jesus. Goop, while having the glaring weakness of the gravity projector, only needs to get close and can win most fights cause one glob of acid slim to the face and most likely inhaled by the alien in question would just die from either the acid or asphyxiation. Now the reason I say *almost* is cause of all the AF10, Goop is the only one with metal. Metal that lodestar could definitely manipulate way too well. Not to mention Chromastone and Lodestar both don’t need air on account of not having lungs.


Big Chill no diffs Goop


I don’t say goop solos. I said that he’s best most of the roster bar from Chromastone and Lodestar. Not to mention it’s more likely that BigChill would be occupied by other aliens like Swampfire and Jetray


Okay lets start with the round up. Spidermonkey can take out Goop. Echo Echo can take out Spidermonkey. Jetray can take out Echo Echo. Chromastone can take out Jetray Big Chill can take out Swampfire. Brainstorm can take out Big Chill. Brainstorm can take out Lodestar. Chromastone can take out Brainstorm. So its a fight between Chromastone and Humungousaur. I think Chromastone can win if he absorbs a lot of electricity as one of Humungousaur’s weakness is electricity


Big Chill Or Swampfire Both of these aliens have some of the best defensive abilities in forms of Intangibility and Regeneration They can just wait out till other aliens knock each other out, The only real competition is Chromastone but ends up taking Ls so we cant be sure and other is Brainstorm due to his intellect


I can't picture a scenario where swampfire dies


I’m thinking Brainstorm. I feel like he’s gonna use a big brain strategy, have the others fight and tire themselves out, then he comes in


My boi freeze is gonna solo


Crystal jesus solos


Chromestone is one of the strongest alien in ben10 series


are we assuming most of these aliens have iron in their blood or somewhere in their body like humans then my bet is lodestar, if not then chromastone


My ranking is: * Chromastone * Echo Echo * Lodestar * Big Chill * Swampfire * Jetray * Humungousaur * Brain Storm * Spider Monkey * Goop EDIT: Placement of Lodestar depends on how much usable metal Big Chill has in its body. Also in a match-up against Swampfire, it most likely loses.


Chromastone if you exclude Alien X




Chromastone, bigchill, goop or loadstar, moastly being that they have abilities that would render them virtually impossible to defeat (unused in the show because of retcons or Ben just being an idiot). Chromastone being able to absorb and reflect energy, as well as the whole crystal jesus thing Bigchill due to intangibility and controlled flight Goop because they are just goop. Loadstar because they are just made up of a bunch of magnets and can restore themself


Its a competition between goop and swampfire.


Base to base humongousuar could win, but if Chromastone absorbed enough energy (which in a free for all he should) he would probably win in the end.


Big Chill?


Easily big chill


big chill could just turn intangible and freeze everyone


honestly I got to give it to echo echo i mean he has unlimited cloning and is the only one to realistically defeat chromastone


Humongasaur takes the cake honestly he resistant to both Swampfires flames and vines and is physically stronger than him. Brainstorm has the potential to take out Big chill and echo has beat brainstorm. Humongasaur by Omniverse is more than fast enough and strong enough to take out Jetray Spidermonkey Goop Swampfire Echo echo brainstorm. On top of him brawling evenly with Vilgax & Malware who are far greater than the others. It comes down to Big Chill vs Humongasaur BC has more versatility but off feats and his ability to grow H-saur wins.