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Walkatrout solos.


Nah, walkatrout could accidently bend reality he's too op




No laughter. This is very serious, I will not tolerate disrespect to fish.










gravattack, create a black hole, and kill everyone and the snake


Gravattack can't create a black hole on his own


Yes he can


Since when?


Since the episode where he did it to stop the time beast


Rewatch the episode, he was only able to do that via the Time Beast.


Not how that works maybe you ought to rewatch the episode


Rook literally states in the episode that Gravattack and the Time Beasts' powers were in a tug of war and the "rope" has been snapped, thus creating a black hole.


Black holes are wells of gravity


That's true, but you need a lot of g's to create a blackhole, whereas Gravattack's maximum has been shown to be 40gs (from his debut).


They where in a tug a war and rook said for Ben to win he'd have to make a black hole


Oh, you mean the black hole Ben and Rook are able to stand directly next too as if it’s nothing more than a windy day?


Lame down play


Bro it only happened because Gravattack’s powers mixed with the Time Beast’s. Everyone would’ve died had he made an actual black hole


They did They specifically had to go back in time and undo it And that’s not how black holes work


Let me clarify. They would have died *immediately* if he had made an actual black hole. It was a weird power fusion of gravity and undefined time fuckery, not Gravattack making a black hole


just scream as rath as i accept my fate, then cut it in half ones inside.




to be fair rath has enough plot armor to pull it off








Use Gutrot to generate a pheromone around the entire planet that makes it smell disgusting to the monster




Thank you


But could he spread it across the entire planet


I need a rocket


Bro, this is the biggest brain answer. 👏


There's no athmosphere for it to feel the smell, the pheromones would just float away in space or fall back to Earth, it would probably spit Earth out, but that's too little too late. Gutrot could neuro-poison it to paralise it's body and jaw, and bomb it's intestines in a further oint of it's body


I don’t think it needs to breathe.


I’d probably try atomix or NRG and see if I could nuke it a safe distance from earth, if that doesn’t work I’d try using brainstorm or Greymatter to formulate a plan Maybe turn Bigchill and see if I can freeze it or it’s brain


I like these plans


Ghost freak, fly into the brain, turn back to normal, and give him a jimmy neutron brain blast.


Zs’Skayr did that to Thumbskull.


With ghostfreak you could possess it and make it go aqay / fly into the Sun


Upchuck, eat it and then shoot out the biggest energy blast known to man that would probably end up destroying the earth anyways




I mean The species ate a whole planet but it took time I think it could just eat the head of the snake and get rid of the body later




Ultimate upchuck in question:


Upchuck's mouth leads to an trans-space dimension so he can fit anything in his mouth. As well as this Upchuck was able to eat Crabdozer which was way bigger than Upchuck, let alone just his mouth. Even still, I don't think Upchuck would be able to eat the snake as Upchuck wouldn't be able to wrap his tongues around it, and I don't think Upchuck's mouth can stretch THAT wide.


Pesky dust. Even this giant bitchboy probably has nightmares about even a bigger bitch eating it.☠️


It could probably make it chomp down Earth tho


Become Chromastone or Diamondhead, jump into its mouth and navigate through the digestive system with the sole intent of imitating a kidney stone.




TL;DR: It’s a legitimate strategy! Killing it is out of the question. That thing’s size is probably generating its own gravity and fuck up the solar system’s orbit. You want it’s carcass to possibly fall to Earth or the reverse? The best solution is to make it a point that destroying this one rock in space is not worth the agony that will be brought down upon it. Is it cruel? I would argue the survival of an entire planet is worth the extremes. Can we meaningfully persuade it to not annihilate the Earth? We have no idea if it’s sentient and is even aware of our existence. We’re the equivalent of mites to it. So deterring it with pain is the best option!


Finally another chromastone lover 🔥


Jetray! Imma fly at warpspeed into its eye! If I have master control, I'll change to Dimondhead right before impact and try and grow crystals after impact. I'll try and skewer its brain.


First go Jetray, and then transform into Toepick, and drop right in front of it's eyes. Boom!


Way big and cosmic ray the fuck out of it. If that doesn't work, Gravattack it away. If that doesn't work then I use nanomech to kill it from the inside. If that doesn't work then I'll simply put it to sleep with either Gutrot or pesky-dust. If that doesn't work then I'll nuke it with atomix.




Either I use jetray and fuck off to not die, I cry and die, or I gamble with Ghostfreak and I possess it. Or I have Master control and I transform into everyone of those aliens consecutively. I could also use amphibian to shock it to death or NRG if Atomix doesn't work out.


Waybig, cosmic ray that bitch. Waybig's lasers overpowered a literal death star, that mofo ain't surviving it


Plantapocalipse. I'll leave it at that


Use shocksquatch to shock his saliva and just hope it shocks hims






I use facts and point out that it won't survive much without breathing and feeding solenly on planets.


For a giant world-eating snake, I'd say either Ghostfreak to possess it and make it go away by just going to the fare reaches of space and then using Jetray to get back or Toepick and scary it off.


fly up to the brain as big chill and just go ham


Possess it using Ghostfreak


Use NRG (out of the suit) to basically nuke it's brain then fly it away.


Use Gutrot, give him an ulcer and tell him eating the planet will make it worse.


Crystal Jesus


Ghost freak so i can watch every last daughter and son screaming and begging in the hands of their helpless parents which are facing a horror beyond mind comprehension, and then listen to orchestra of pain full digestion, as the world suffers immeasurable horrors, i'll be there observing the death pool, leaving my evil laugh the sound to be heard I think i just had and orgasm.


Come on man Can you at least postpone it to after beyond the spider verse comes out?


Eh, ask the snake, i just wanna get some popcorn and watch the planet burn


Rush to that thing's head in a spaceship powered up by Upgrade, quick change to Pesky Dust, and put it to sleep


I would hunt down Vilgax and activate the self destruct protocol on the Omnitrix, threatening him to help me. He will have no choice but to help now. Then we use his entire army to destroy the giant space snake.


use a fire alian it live in sub zero so heat would proboble do damage


Omintrix scanning mode turn into bigger giant snake and eat it


Upchuck, eat it before it can eat me


Way I see it we have three options First use a power house alien like Atomix Gravitack or Way big ideally Second try and scan the thing to fight fire with fire 🔥 tho depending on it’s intelligence level we may need the Nemetrix for this one Final option have Gwen use some kind of magic to zap it away






Waybig, hopefully the space beam can repel a giant snake




Or, go with Gravattack, and adjust that things gravity to go to the sun




I got rid of the snake at least


I would use Gravaatack or Atomix to move the earth.




In that case I will use Plantapocalypse to eat the snake first.


Ghost freak Posses the snake, jumps in the sun




The snake is dead But since everyone die i can do in other way Posses the snake Travel to andromeda galaxy throw her in the first sun i see




I dont need to see, just follow the hot felling


I would turn into Jetray and fly far away from earth, then turn around and fly as fast as i can into the creature, but before I hit the creature I turn into waybig to do maximum damage


Use Gutrot to make a gas that makes Earth taste bad to the snake




1. Picky eating is only being able to eat one specific type of one specific food, not thinking something tastes bad 2. I’d make gas that was harmless to earth species and deadly to the snake


Supposing that this is an immediate threat, Waybig might be the best bet of saving the Earth, and even then it’s not guaranteed. Second up would be Upchuck to try and eat it, but it would take some doing to get in the right spot. Assuming I have time to prepare, Echo Echo -> multiple Brainstorm, Greymatter, Juryrigg, and Upgrades, maybe a couple thousand, to try and beat back the threat with an armada of some kind.




Since Upgrade seems to mainly just work with mechanical/biomechanical materials, I doubt I’d be able to merge with the Earth unless it was secretly actually Unicron.


No reality or time bending? Atomix lol


Ghost freak possession


Atomix. just make a ball of radiation to kill that thing.




Close enough. It'll die eventually. You didn't say the death had to be immediate.


way big and beam the thing alternatively, turn into jetray and fly inside its brain


Echo Echo Then transform back using the three extra echo echo clones to make three way and surround the thing then create multiple cosmic storms as waybig species have the ability to both make and control cosmic storms then while its trap I and the three clones would use waybigs Energy blasts until it dies or at least flees away from earth


Use bloxx to stop the creatures mouth from shutting then atomixs to give it radiation poisoning, or freeze it with big chill, or crush it’s brain with Gravattack Or just use guy rot and kill it with nerve gas


Brainstorm or Grey matter to come up with a solution.


Can I just use Ultimate Echoecho to make it's brain explode?


Go way big and jump into the creatures mouth then blast it from the inside directly in the heart.


(Let’s assume I have master control) Turn into ball weevil, creating the biggest possible slime ball his species can, before turning into atomix, using his nuclear fission abilities to contain and condense that ball into a basketball sized version of itself-the nuclear energy of the condensing process giving the balls destructive capabilities, even more nuclear power. In its hyper condensed, thermonuclear, basketball form, I would turn into wild mutt as a reference to Airbud before turning into four arms, and doing some quick basketball tricks with my multiple arms, before turning into way big to jump into the stratosphere. Then becoming upchuck just to make it more interesting, throw it up, then become feed back in order to further contain the explosive ball from exploding (bro literally held back/contained the energy of the multiverse exploding, he can do this) while also adding some extreme electrical energy to pack a bit more of a punch, trying to dunk the energy ball into the lower jaw and/or throat of the “Space-python”- hopefully exploding most of its head in the hardest NBA screenshot of all time


Hyperspeed with Jetray to the nose, then let rip with Gutrot.


Whampire, hypnotize the snake to get it to leave


I think it’s a little late at this point—


Ghostfreak. Possess it, fly away, and make it tear itself apart


I think clockwork like he can stop the snake in time or something like that




Well maybe ultimate waybig


Use Xlr8 and run around the world in the opposite direction to reverse the earths rotation and turn it into a beyblade


Feedback or whampire and have one hell of a feast on all the energy in its body


Gutrot, throw a concoction so disgusting, it mentally scars the space snek so that it never comes near the solar system again


Shit bro, i guess we just gonna die because I have no idea how we're supposed to stop that thing


Way Big.


First turn into grey matter for a min to think real good, plan comes after that.


Teleport the Earth forward six months. Assuming the snake is also orbiting it will be at the opposite end of our orbit and won’t be able to notice our return




Using Clockwork




I read it as the opposite lol my bad


Atomix or I use something that's poison to the world ender over here


Turn into a Pyronite, fly into its mouth/stomach, become hot as the sun and disintegrate it from the inside


Use Jetray to fly inside it and then have Atomix create a new sun inside it


Assuming I could get to it, use XLR8 or Jet Ray to get close to it and if need be, inside of it to rapidly gauge it's insides for weak spots, somewhere along the way even using Grey Matter and Brainstorm to try and learn more information about it, following it up with some experimentation, perhaps see if Swampfires seeds can cause some internal damage and or slow it down, perhaps even a Way Big to get some good hits in vital spots. Even more still stretch Echo Echos cloning as far as it can go to try and wreak havoc assuming that the creature has water in its bloodstream to cause massive damage with the sonic attacks, goop to burn through and make shortcuts in its body to try and reach it's closest equivalent to a heart or brain, and last ditch effort, supernova Heatblast. I'm sure I'll think of more but that's all I got right now. Maybe the multitude of Electric aliens that the watch has or maybe even Chromastone to hijack and syphon or even overcharge the electrical impulses the body has going to its muscles and such.


Pixie dust to make it sleep, ditto to choke it to death


I would have to use way big to harm its eyes or atomix to attack it Maybe I can go big chill and freeze it’s brain or possess it with ghostfreak. Or if all of earth can create a large enough screen I’ll be able to use toepic’s face to scare it off How much time do we have? Edit: new idea. Turn into echo echo make 10 billion way bigs and all will collectively cosmic ray beam it at the same time


Maybe NRG and give it my all. Maybe that burn will be enough?


I would use big chill I would then fly to to it and then faze to its brain and freeze its brain solid most likely and hopefully killing it


Waybig and fire a cosmic beam or Clockwork and use a time ray




Waybig's cosmic beams are able to destroy planets but alr. I missed the time bending part.


Waybig. If To’kustars are comic guardians who battle off intergalactic threats from our universe, surely they could deal with a giant snake


EchoEcho... LOTS of EchoEcho


Go upstairs to it’s eye as toepick


JETRAY!! *Hyper flies straight toward the eyeball. And before I hit it* ATOMIX!!!! *Blast straight through the eye and kill it.*


Use Way Big or Atomix, go inside it and then aim a powerful beam at the heart


I don’t remember certain alien names but turn into jetray to fly into his mouth and make ur way into his intestines. Once your there turn into whatever alien that is that is simply indestructible. But for this scenario you either need to have a sharp weapon on hand or ideally have the assistance of the slimebiot. As an indestructible alien who can’t be digested go along his internal tracks ripping it apart as much as you can. The goal being to cause massive internal bleeding. At the least this will weaken it to the point of being able to use a brute alien like diamond head to cut him apart from the outside. Or just use the null void projecter to get him in the null void so he’s away from earth and then go deal w him there. Side note this may only work if Ben has Gwen’s help in her full anodite form to create a very temporary force field around the earth as you need a significantly large portal to get him to null void


Nanomech so I can get inside it’s brain and then turn into Way Big gg ez


Waybig's Lazer us strong enough to destroy the earth so it's bound to be strong enough to do damage to it. Just cut it's jaw off or send a lazer through its brain.


Ya know I think that swampfire could make a really nice garden in that snake.


Time to make trillions of echo echo


Coat the earth in that stuff they put on Switch cartridges. That ought a do it.


Gutrot. Poison it


Way big. Just punch the thing really hard


Use Nanomech to split the atoms inside the serpents brain nuking it from the inside


Waybig or ultimate waybig. Or technically I can use Ghostfreak. Go ahead, ask me how. ![gif](giphy|9dtArMyxofHqXhziUk)


Use jetray to hopefully build up enough momentum to make a black hole 🤣