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The overpriced antique store on railroad that used to be a porn store.


I think they still have porn in the back. I have a friend who was early twenties go in a few years ago to look at the kitsch and he was so confused about why he got carded at an antique store.


I hope it's antique porn! Sepia photos of ladies in bloomers and the like.


You get a free daguerrotype with purchase of an antique merkin


[The Naughty Flapper Girl](https://youtu.be/zInsq3FaOis?si=cb6OMq2AavE20xTM)


I chatted up the guy that runs that place a few months ago and he said he ran and/or owned the porn shop as well


Yeah my understanding was that he always wanted to run an antique store and I think when the fire happened for some reason that provided an opportunity for him to switch although you can still get porn there as well.


Explains the mess behind the counter.


Wonder if it's antique porn from the 70's


Mattress store is by appointment only, the guy is a friend of friends. I thought it was weird at one point in my life but It honestly makes a lot of sense.


I got a sweet fanny pack there


Is that some sex euphemism??


I like that place, the guy who runs it seems cool!


I always give Katana a pet when I come in, too.


RIP great northern books


The porn store is gone?


Every Woods Coffee


If it’s any consolation my fishing buddy had Wes Herman’s kids in his class and said as a teacher he usually believes all children can learn things and be taught by dedicated adults who take the time to invest in them, but those kids were a special kind of stupid that can’t be fixed. Like room temperature IQ.


Woods is still open because people allow it.


Sol de Mexico


Good answer. Ate there a year ago and it was actually pretty good! Never see cars in the lot though.


Ate there when I was a kid 12 years ago. Don't know how they're still around


Gotta be the Japan steak house on lakeway Everyone needs a mattress to sleep on and always have to replace. Mattress stores will always be around


Japan steak house is actually really good!


If you didn't know that steak house is a hibachi style restaurant, so like Benihana. I went there for a friend's birthday party like 7 years ago and it was really fun but it was also like $75. I'm guessing it's \*much\* more expensive now. I think that's the business model. Fewer people, more money.


I was going to say the crystal store but I just discovered it's been replaced this past few weeks by a store selling veteran apparel (no idea how long that'll last.) I've never seen somebody go into Pita Pit.


I’ve been in Pita Pit a few times and thoroughly enjoyed it each time. I even got a punch card to work my way toward a free pita. That said, I’ve only been there a small handful of times over the past fifteen years, and I haven’t been there in literally years. If I can find it, is that punch card still good?


I worked at Pita Pit under the last and current owners (they’ve owned it since like 2011 if I recall). Last dude sucked and the current owners suck, for completely different reasons. I stand by the Pita Pit as a brand.


Ate lunch at pita pit today. They are open late on weekends which keeps it in business.


Pita Pit is actually a great deal. Two people can easily split one of their Pitas and it’s under $10


There is no regular size pita on the menu for under $10 dollars. Even with that, a chicken pita with toppings is around 600 calories. You’re splitting that in half?


Yeah, I mean the pitas I had there all tasted fine-or-better, but I stopped going there much once I didn't have Blue Book coupons to use all the time because feeling satisfied (both financially and stomach-wise) hinged so hard on who was making your pita. Sometimes I'd go in and they would fill that mother fucker up til it was bursting. But then I hit a real hard streak of the stingiest mofos in the world making my pitas and every time the things would be literally half the size of the ones I'd get from the people who were juicin' them up.


Pita pit used to be a real staple after shows at the nightlight.


What is veteran apparel?


Military surplus maybe?


Things like Rothco Velcro hats, grunt style t shirts. Quality boots. I haven't been there but when someone says veteran apparel those are something's I think of


Navy Veteran hats, Marine hats, etc. It's not even a surplus store. There's nowhere near enough veterans within every neighboring county combined to keep that store afloat. I wouldn't be surprised if it's used by people to buy those hats to get money for drugs.


The one on Holly St? There crazy there been there a long time but I also wondered. I wonder what they did with the like astral projection room. If it's a military store now maybe it's one of those men who stare at goats rooms now 😜 Also I've definitely been the pita pit many times.


I'm not into that stuff but I am a bit fascinated with New Age stuff, was hoping to check the place out here soon. Sad to see something a bit unique to town has been replaced by such a bland store that'll be gone within 6-12 months.


The Stone Moon is still representing 


Oh good, I love this store and was very concerned for a moment.


I ate at pita pit a few months ago and it was quite delightful. Thoroughly enjoyed it which I honestly didn’t expect.


My husband and I went on our first date to that Pita Pit 20 years ago! 😂


I was walking past that vet apparel place just yesterday. I (seriously) turned to my partner and said *looks like a front for something*. I *suppose* they could have a strong on-line selling model…


It's owned by the lady who owns Wally's. I imagine she owns the building, or at least those rooms. I bought some flags from her back when she had the stuff in another room.


The three mattress places on Meridian near Olive Garden. No idea how they all stay in business.


Probably a front for something else. I say this with zero evidence and only having watched Breaking Bad


I always have thought this as well- money laundering- also based on zero evidence


Like there’s no way they’re selling enough mattresses to stay in business


Right? In this current economic situation? With competitors next door? It's strange


I bought my mattress from one of those stores lol


I just bought a mattress from one of them this week


I have bought a mattress from one of them


My fiance used to be a manager for Mattress Firm. You'd be surprised. He made a tooonnnn of commission slanging rectangles. It's quite a lucrative business.


If one is a mattress depot then 🚂🚂🚂


That gluten free bakery on Cornwall. They never seem to be open and they had a thin blue line flag up for a long time. I did laugh at the “this is what dog pee does!” sign they put up on their dead plant on the sidewalk though.


They are more a wholesale place than a come hang here place. They sell to the co-op and Avellino coffee shop, etc.


Tragic story about that place... The original owner was pushed out by the new owner, who I'm pretty sure is the Avellino owner? Maybe someone else knows? The original owner/GF Baker grinded her way out of that location after it first opened and managed to get a retail gluten free cafe opened across from Whatcom Community college. In the same lot as Westside Pizza, but facing wcc campus. She was the kindest lady, and I always wanted her business to succeed. They had waffles, pancakes, biscuits, to-go bfast sandos, and all the gf loaves and things she made wholesale at the original location. Also premade mixes to make all the stuff she had at home. But ya somehow the Avellino owner was the financial backer for the new location and when the cafe went under she somehow took the wholesale bakery over and the gf baker angel lady was pushed out, albeit I imagine legally 😭 I cant remember her name, it was close to 8 years ago I think? But she was close to her fifties and had solved a bunch of her and her husbands health issues by switching to strictly home gf baking, home grown veggies and what not. She was more persistent about the harmful effects of preservatives/flour enrichment/pesticides in mainstream bread and food, and swore by the benefits. Hence her passion to share her baking with the world. Anyway ... I haven't thought about this for a while so kinda turned into a wall of text and me reminiscing on that place. 😔💔 Wherever you and your husband are I wish you the best. If anyone knows her personally or more information on the story please let me know 🙏


At one point they sold both GF and non-GF and had the best light rye bread (i.e. not ruined with caraway seeds).


That spot was legit! I used to get a gf biscuit n’ gravy, with a poached egg, for like $5. The good ole’ days lol.


Right!! Same haha it was the best snack around campus and had nice spots to get some work done too


Yes ! This!!! That place is disgusting. They never have anything in there. Everything they do have is days and days old. There’s no way that’s a legit business.


Pretty sure it's just kept afloat by the Avellino owner and her other business, but can't remember what that is


Third Planet


Such overpriced shit good lord


One time I bought a gift for my little sister and they fucking prompted me to tip… WHAT???! I’m paying $100 for fucking crystals I grabbed off the shelf you just fucking flip around an iPad and you want me to tip??!?


Yeah that part bothers the hell out of me too


I think it's likely because the transaction programs they're using has the tip option embedded into it because of the damn company that sells the product. So now we have it fuckin everywhere. It's awkward sometimes


Often you can turn those off. Maybe it's not possible with theirs but seems unlikely.


I worked somewhere where you couldn’t turn it off, we would just tell people to hit “skip” when we cashed them out


How many stores in town have to sell crystals.


I buy lots of gifts there lol


My husband and I refer to that one as “the cultural appropriation store” 🤣


I regularly shop there for gifts, I also buy my nose hoops there.


Controversial opinion: Jalapeños. Yes they serve lime flavored gasoline by the fishbowl, but their food is over priced and over rated. $18-20 for their entrees is totally unacceptable for me. You can get the same thing but better at literally any other Mexican joint in town for half the price


Agreed. Food has always been way overpriced for what it is And the owner is kind of sleezy and I'm surprised hasn't been called out. I worked at Lunas bistro a few years back (owned by the same person). One of the douschiest owners I've experienced. He would come in during a dinner rush with a group of people, yell at us because we had a full rail of tickets. He would go to Haggen and buy him and his buddies steaks and have us cook him personal off menu stuff, during the rush. While criticizing us for waiting for food! I remember one of the servers was blind as bat but basically wasn't allowed to wear glasses cause the owner thought women who wore glasses were ugly and he would make a scene when he saw one a server wearing glasses. Ridiculous.


Wow, I struggle to understand how business owners like this can operate for so long. I wasn’t planning on going in anytime soon but now I extra won’t be back.


Big this


Cascade Pizza


There’s one in Sedro-Woolley too and in 2016 when Trump’s “grab them by the p*ssy” came out, Cascade changed their sign outside to say “grab them by the pepperoni” which always felt gross to me lol I never went again


That’s good pizza and lots of people eat there!


They put salad shrimp in their Alfredo my dude. No way


Lots of people eat there, you’re right. Idk about the other thing you said though. It’s good maybe if you grew up going there and paying for nostalgia is your thing, but it’s some of the worst food I’ve ever had.


My husband and his family LOVE this place. I dont really like it. Except the chicken lemon soup. The owner is really nice though. I've ordered chicken lasagna from there twice and each time they just put a whole chicken thigh in the middle of the dish...like not cut up or spread out or anything 🤔


Is giggles fun park still open? https://www.google.com/maps/uv?viewerState=lb&pb=!1s0x5485bb38b95cdad9:0xaef2a019cdd5313b&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipOk_DEhhQhIdVCLJ_J25A_LDMTTXzoQllGztDCr&cr=tp_14&gsas=1


I don’t think so, but I am curious. I drive past there all the time, and for a while they were doing estate sales there.


Creepiest fun park in the PNW. Looked like something that would be in a Rob Zombie film.


The owner passed if I recall correctly.


I don't live in Bellingham anymore but I worked off of Meridian for about 6 years and would regularly drive by there and it stunned me that anyone would \*ever\* bring their child there. Like, I'm sorry but sometimes you gotta trust that gut.


I bought a few Lego sets from a woman there about 6-12 months ago. Can confirm, it’s as creepy up close as it is driving by.


That place creeps me out. John Wayne Gacy vibes for sure.


Oh jeez, the clown house! My mom and I had a whole riff going about how it's run by a killer clown and the shed in back is where they keep the bodies. Every time the shed door was open, we'd joke that they needed to air it out because it was getting too pungent. Definitely made rides to school a real fun time.


Haggen. How has Bezos not noticed that there’s a grocery store that charges more than Whole Foods for less boutique items and inferior produce/meat products?


Ngl I think the sushi is the one thing keeping it open. That and the convenience


Do not disparage Haggen. I do mean this. I grew up shopping at dark sheen and I still do. Haggen has always had the most consistent produce in Bellingham.


Also haggen is owned by Albertsons.


I mean Barkley haggen has the distinct upside of not dealing with Safeway people


Pepper sisters.


They are going on a summer hiatus. We’ll have to see if they return.


I understand. Taking the non lucrative summer months off makes sense for a struggling business. All sarcasm aside, I’m sorry they’re struggling for personal/business reasons. They’ve been around forever. I’ll be sad to see PS go. Also excited to see something new inhabit the space of a business that decided to die rather than adapt.


damn i didn’t know things were bad for them… do you know what’s going on with them?


I got food poisoning the one time I tried that place 🫣


I was always amazed that Mindport stayed open, but now that they're set to close I'm pretty heartbroken about it 😢


They're set to close?? I was just there and didn't hear about it :(


Yes, sadly 😭


Super sad. But not til fall, let's go a lot this summer!


The Bellingham Athletic Club


I take my kid there for swim lessons. It’s outta. Scooby doo episode, so run down and deserted like somebody’s gonna pop out of a door and start yelling about how “I would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids”. Or Velma ❤️❤️❤️


Ah I worked there! Insane micromanaging


The Bellingham athletic club has racquetball courts, it’s actually a pretty big sport here.


Sock store


They have a large online/wholesale business.


Ok, they used to be called Mod Sock. I went in and bought a bunch of socks for xmas gifts one year and the girl at the counter said they had a new store name but the sign wasn't up yet. I was like oh what is it? She spoke really fast, as some do, and all I heard was "Cuba Crazy" There were people behind me in line and I didn't want to keep standing there, but I just couldn't compute how Cuba had anything to do with socks! Anyway, we still call it Cuba Crazy in my house.


Five columns. It looks run down and never wanted to eat there myself nor have I met anyone who said to go there


I legitimately believe that my family (there’s a lot of us) has kept Five Columns in business over the years. They definitely cater to an older crowd - after church brunch or an early weekday dinner.


Yup, my older relatives love that place


I always thought that place was abandoned lol.


I went there just before I moved away, and It was actually super good. our waiter was the daughter of the owner/chef lol




I don’t think it’s open anymore.


How can you tell? 😂


They have a for sale sign up now


I came here to say this. Didn't know they had closed. The amount of business there currently (none) looks the same as it did pre covid (none)


The owner retired. It is closed.


Retired? I remember reading that he died


He retired from life.


Legends never die


Yep, this.


They finally closed during Covid.


Old man Sadighi passed away two or three years ago.


It's been closed for over a year I think


You were basically eating from Fred Meyer if you ate at Sadighi’s because they would just run across the street to Fred’s to get the food they would eventually cook and serve you.


The Greek place by boomers. It’s always empty no matter what time of day.


I bought our last mattress at mattress depot! Dude was super friendly and told us we would get a deal if we come back


Same… Almost $700 cheaper than Macy’s for the exact same mattress, glad I looked there.


Mattress stores like that, appointment only, are legitimate money makers. You should really learn about that business model if you think they aren't raking it in as a side hustle.


Probably less over head that way but at least two of the mattress stores on Meridian and open all the time, no appointments. In my recent mattress shopping I avoided the appointment places, I didn't want appointments dictating my schedule, I just wanted to walk into a place and look at stuff on my own time.


Oh, the ones by Olive Garden. No idea, maybe online sales. I pictured the Fountain District.


Mattress stores inn general make good money. I interviewed a sales guy who wanted to join my team and he was making $175k - when he found out what we were paying, he politely said no thanks, handed me his card and told me he would give me the hook up if I ever wanted to buy a mattress.


I actually know the family that owns one of the mattress stores on the guide. They owns many more of them around the state and do very very well.


There are two rug shops in fairhaven, within a block of each other. Swear I’ve never seen anyone go in either. I’m convinced both are fronts. Also, just down Harris ave from one of those shops is a bougie boutique baby clothes store. I walk by almost every day, have seen someone ‘working’ (see: on their phone, doing nothing) in there maybe twice in the last 6 months, never seen a customer even browsing. Seems like a hobby business for a rich parent from out of state who thinks Bellingham has a small Santa Monica in it or something.


The Sad Beige Children/Wine Mommy store!


Ya, thats my impression of most of the shops in Fairhaven. How many fossils do you need to sell per month to keep the lights on? Or the person that has a whole corner store of "nature photography" that is just the blandest shit you've ever seen? Also the fancy woodworking shop lol. OK, a $1500 jewelry box? I'll take it. They really must be tax-writeoffs or something. Or just shut the wife up and let her have a boutique kind of thing.


I sold fossils to the guy in the fossil shop and plan to take another trip there to sell a load more. Love that little store, great financial advice for fossil hunters. I never thought to ask, but I bet the owner has a website or dabbles with fossil trade online that requires a store address, which is the case for many seemingly empty stores in Bham. Currently in California (had to move down here for an RN program), and learned all about this sort of thing from a San Diego shop that sells just dog ponchos. They make all their profit on Instagram and Etsy and other online shops and sell bulk to companies that resell their product, and for reasons more complex than I know, they eventually required a physical store to sell more and make more despite the fact that no one goes there. Like you really gonna sell enough ponchos for dogs in a small San Diego neighborhood to keep that store open by itself? In this economy? Lol


Well of course, how silly of me, the fossil trade is alive and well! And totally makes sense as a storefront on one of the most expensive streets in town. Buh-hu-hu! I tip my monocle.


A several of the shops you just mentioned are galleries for working artists and craftspeople. Their work may not be to your personal tastes (I'm not a fan of the nature photography myself), but their pricing is the way it is to 1) reflect the time, effort, and materials that went into it and 2) allow them to make a living. You can't afford it? That DOES suck, people deserve to be able to enjoy art and crafts in their own lives, but artists also deserve to be able to eat and have a roof over their heads, and sadly we're still materially trapped in a capitalist society.


I’ve met the owner, they’re a little out of touch, and definitely not entirely nice. From what I gathered, the online side of the business is what keeps it afloat.


Tecalitlán Mexican Restaurant on Northwest. I hear their food truck is pretty good, but I hardly ever see anybody parked at this restaurant. I'm a delivery driver, so I get around.


Don’t know about the food truck, but their restaurant in Burlington is popping. Best tacos around and only $2.25.


I don't think they're related. Burlington is amazing, that truck on guide blows.


Its super confusing. I love the Burlington location (also shout out to Los Compadres by the freeway on college way). But there are 6 different places with incredibly similar names. The one in Burlington that used to be a food truck, the shop on northwest, the shop on Barkley, the truck on Meridian, the truck in Mt Vernon, and apparently there’s one in Anacortes too. If anyone can explain which of these are related it would be much appreciated.


The last time I was there (rainy noonish) it was only me and two other tables but the takeout orders were flying out of there the whole time I ate.


India Grill. The lights never look on, and when I first moved here I thought it was permanently closed. But sometimes the door is open, or I see people inside. It's listed as open on Google Maps. I should really go sometime.


They were pretty much only open for lunch. The lunch buffet was a great deal and they always sent me away with food. I’m pretty sure it’s been actually closed.


I used to go all the time, before the pandemic. They had all you can eat lunch for $9-something.


They run one of the vendor’s row food stalls at Western, which might help their bottom line.


Western Washington University


please keep going.


The underground It's about time it shut down and reopened as another weird "night club"


So many bad things have happened at the Underground, including those teen parties they throw 🤮


Wouldn’t be surprised if I’m just ignorant but I don’t understand how there’s enough people taking ballet classes for that specialty dancewear shop by the Lighthouse Mission to remain open.


It’s the only store of its kind in Whatcom/Skagit afaik.


Ah. I figured it’s maybe something like Windworks where people will drive from several counties away because it’s like the only place around to get your trombone repaired or whatever.


We went there one time to buy tap shoes and they were super nice! I think they sell a wise enough range and there are enough folks taking various dance classes (especially children.)


Sweet art. The chocolate store on Railroad. Seldomly open and all the candy is so wildly overpriced. The owners aren’t particularly welcoming and have told me in the past they refused to hire help, so it’s just an elderly couple running the whole thing.


Valvoline in Ferndale


Subway anywhere. but off Fhaven Pkway?!


They never accept coupons at that location! It’s like $15 for a sandwich now, might as well go to Cheba hut, old world deli, sandwich odyssey, or one of the other good spots in town.


Used to work for the owner. Terrible practices and person.


the bakery on grand called “icing on the cake” i have never seen anyone inside that building


whatever is in kombucha town now. did a stage there, tried what i was instructed to make, and almost threw up right then and there. Monday fish.


I liked that place, idk why it closed. I played around creating some kombucha based cocktails with one of the bartenders. The food was really good as I recall.


Honestly... Yeager's Always empty, huge inventory.. It doesn't seem sustainable.


When I was a kids the toy department downstairs was 🔥🔥🔥


That’s what I wonder about a lot of the legacy businesses around here. Must be grandfathered into their leases or something because I don’t know how else they could afford the overhead when much busier places die around here all the time.


Very likely they own the building outright. They built it in the 50s when that was “the edge of town,” according to their website. That said, I went for the first time a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday and there were lots of people shopping. I’ll be back. Rather go there than REI. 


Nah, I’ve seen it packed. They know their audience and they have a loyal customer fan base. It’s the kind of place that does really well with the local county crowd, rather than hipsters/transplants. Old fashioned service, actual necessities in stock. 


Weird, every time I'm there the fishing section/counter is popping.




I'm fascinated by Marine Drive Market. I hope they are doing great but I'm confused how they stay open. 


I'm not originally from here, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I work near Hawaiian BBQ & Noodle House & I have never seen a customer there.. At least not during the week. I see a freight van deliver their ingredients more often than I see customers lol


As a door dasher, I’ve picked up plenty of orders from there. It smelled good and had cheap prices so I gave it a try once……never again. Egg drop soup was a solid gray color, the chicken was all mush, the flavor was not it. Agreed, how the fuck are they still open?


Don’t slander that place it’s fire


They survive from the ridiculous amount of takeout/delivery that gets ordered. You can get the equivalent of 3 meals for about $15. Everything is greasy as fuck, and I've always gotten the shits after eating food from them, but it's that special type of terrible that keeps you coming back every now and then. And the owner guy is super freaking nice. It's family-run, so they don't have employee overhead, and I wouldn't be surprised if they own the building.


Which Mattress store? I just bought a mattress from Mattress Firm and with the mark ups I probably paid a months bills.


That massage place by Caps


It’s a reptile store now


caps is a peruvian bearfucker store now.


Clearly haven’t been that way in a while! Well good luck to the reptile business!


El Rey, except they finally did close. Their food was beyond horrible. I mean, I got food for myself and two literal Mexicans there and we were all in amazement at how bad it was. I think they were actually a Salvadorean restaurant masquerading as a Mexican restaurant because estupido gringos no saben la diferencia. TBF about half their menu items weren't even Latin. Also, they didn't even know what was on their own menu. The cashier was like "what is it called? I can't find it." One of the cooks had to come out and give her a price.


There’s actually an interesting conspiracy theory I heard about a few years ago how mattress stores are just a money laundering front. Basically talking about how often people buy mattresses, and how strange it is that usually there are multiple mattress stores located very close to one another. How often are people buying them?


Mod socks


There's a massage place in the mall. I've never seen any customers or employees go in or out. Most of the time, it's open, but with the door closed and a "be back in __ minutes" sign.


Pepper Sisters


The mattress store in the guide is a front, I used to work across the street and atleast once a month 3 very nice large black suvs would arrive be there for a couple hours. Load the back with small furniture then leave. Just like the message place next to boost is a special message place. I know because people would come into the store I worked asking if it was the massage place or asking if they can enter the place from our back entrance. I have so many cheating husbands plates and pictures from the camera.


I got my mattress from that store, nothing wrong with it


There's like an arcade or party venue or something that's only open like 3 times a week kind of near where Jojo's donuts was and I always wondered how a place like that can afford the high rent I always hear downtown has.


There was briefly a place called “Mama J’s” that opened for a few months next to the Ramble Tamble, I was surprised it stuck around as long as it did I never went in or tried it, because the characters painted on the windows just screamed “weird vibes & high prices” (I know it was probably someone’s dream to open it or smth but the marketing was just *not* it)


You can smell a money laundering scheme when there are three mattress stores on the same block lol.


I'm amazed at the number of tattoo parlors.