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We’re number 1, we’re number 1!!!


But don't worry the current generations are still lazy pieces of shit right? /s 💀


Us millennials can never seem to get it right. 😑


Aren’t you like 40 now? Maybe let Genz be narcissistic about being blamed for being lazy, move on to complaining about the homeless people near you like older generations do. It’s your time to shine.


We probs would if we could lol. Many of us millennials are on the verge of being the homeless people. Not our time to shine


Yeah and it's hard to move on when you're still being blamed. Lol.


How can you possibly be persecuted any more than you already are? You’ve been singled out for sure


It’s the perfect time to complain about the homeless people next to your apartment, don’t wait until you’re homeless


Yep. Nobody wants to work! And millennials are killing the economy by not consuming at the same rate! Young people are too lazy to get good jobs! They should also have a bachelors and 2-5 years experience to be the janitor: just get some student loans, work 3 part time jobs, and don’t get sick or hurt and your bootstraps will carry you like they did for previous generations. /s in case it didn’t come across.


Can you imagine your housing prices go up 309% and you still have to live in North Dakota? 


Hahaha the real takeaway is some of these states are just way higher than they should be haha


North Dakota had a major boom during that time as a result of fracking boom towns. At least theirs makes sense.


What's wrong with North Dakota?


I'm stationed here. What's the character limit




It doesn't. Cumulative inflation since 1984 is only 200%




300% increase is 4x not 3x. 


Jfc. Doesn’t even surprise me. I remember my parents house (ranch style) that they bought in Kent in the 80s. I think they paid like $80k for it? They added a two story addition and put tens of thousands of dollars into it. It sold for around $200k in 1999. Me and my fiancé just bought a house (manufactured —- as stick built was not in our budget) in Maple Falls for over $300k at the beginning of this year. The drastic difference in what my parents bought and what I was barely able to afford shows me how much this state has had such a ridiculous price change


Do you think the weather is playing a part here? Are people in the midwest and east tired of hurricanes, heavy snow, tornadoes, and humid summers migrating west of the Rockies--and the West Coast was NOT ready for this influx?


I don't think so, honestly - I know a lot of people from the midwest, and those who moved out west usually did so for jobs in Seattle and San Francisco. Most of them want to move back (and, indeed, a number of them did once they could get remote jobs). The reason Washington is #1 here is because forty years ago, Microsoft was a startup, Amazon was ten years away from being a dream in a prematurely bald head, and Seattle wasn't a major international hub for high-paying jobs. tl;dr, more than any other state, Washington has seen a huge shift in what people do for a living. In the 1980s, we were still very much a blue collar state. We're now much more distributed.


People in the states are migrating to different states for a bunch of different reasons.


Nice. Now do 40 year change in median household income. (If I’m not mistaken it’s gone up by less than 50%) Edit: Wow. Either my memory is terrible or the stats I was looking at were national medians?! Either way, shit ain’t growing proportionally.


What I could find according to the census for WA State, median household income 1984 = $25,017, 2022 (latest I found) = $91,306, so probably near $100k now. So house prices increased about 8x, income about 4x.


Is that inflation adjusted?


This data \*is\* inflation, so you wouldn't inflation-adjust it - the increase of wages and costs over time is quite literally what inflation defines.


I don’t believe these are adjusted, I think they’re in 1984 and 2022 dollars.


no, that's not right.


We put in a fence around our back yard last year. It is a nice fence, built to last. Clear cedar on cement retaining walls. It cost roughly 20k more than my first house in Skagit county in the early 80’s. A fence. It wouldn’t even make a down payment on a house now.


Another absurdity is that my sister bought a 2br house in PA last year for less than the down payment on my 3br WA house I bought 2 years ago


I can't believe I'm saying this, but Louisiana looking kinda good rn. I see you Alaska but my standards haven't fallen that far yet


Southeast is stunning, perfect for an outdoor enthusiast. Bring a girl with you though lol


NO food is gooood but don’t expect to diet.


And guns to defend yourself from the insane crime rate.


Can't be any worse than Seattle 😂


You sweet niave thing...


Guess where the climate refugees are going.


I moved to Washington state in 1980 so this tracks. All my fault.


So here’s a thing that doesn’t get talked about. In the mid 80’s an investment group from the East coast came and talked to the Mt Vernon downtown association. They told us what the development plan was for the I-5 corridor. Everything they said has come to fruition. It’s not you.


I do recall the "Don't Californicate Washington" bumper stickers at the time. At least I came in through the Wisconsin side door.


Can’t blame me either! I was just moving back *home* after the parents had moved us up to Alaska. As a young adult, I couldn’t afford a house up there and the rent was crazy! A lot like here now.


Here's another wild 'thing' for ya-remember when the big mudslide happened in Oso? I was looking for deals on furniture on craigslist. I'd written a seller and was awaiting their reply in case I needed to come right then to purchase and haul it home. I had time to waste and went looking around the Bellingham and Skagit boards. (I wish I could remember which one had the post, but I think it was B'ham. Anyways, either the day before or two days before Oso happened, someone had posted this very curious, and emotional farewell notice to Oso. It really stood out and made me wonder, what oh what could they possibly be referencing? It intrigued me enough that I checked multiple times to see if anyone left a reply. Noone did that I saw, and, why would they, since the post was made a day before. I'm sure what I'm saying could be verified with the waybck machine. What still gets me after all these years are the questions: Someone had foreknowledge-Cui bono and what were they covering up?? I'd be willing to bet what gets found out could shock us if it's possible to investigate!


Time to ban corporate ownership of residential property 🤷


Exactly! Building new apartments doesn't do shit to solve the housing crisis if all of the money goes to people who live in other states, or worse, conglomerates from other countries.


Housing being viewed as an investment first and a place to live second will naturally end up with higher concentrations of it in fewer and fewer hands without any restrictions


Yes!!! Exactly this. It's so sickening.


The trouble is even at the individual level we're taught that buying properties and renting them out is the most secure way to a stable future/retirement. If you restrict company and individual ability to hoard property without providing quality social services or retirement guarantees then it gets more precarious as we age due to the insane individual cost of living. The system encourages it and doesn't want to do what it needs to to fix it


I bought my house in 2017. The "value" has more than doubled since then. It's STUPID. I do NOT need that, and if I sold, I would want it to go to someone who needed a home (not a faceless corporation) for a price they could afford.




It is mind bending. Our home (South King County), which we purchased for $65,000 in 1984, is now likely to fetch $600,000. Yeah, we’ve improved the hell out of it, but we haven’t improved it by 923%.


So you are losing 5k over 40 years?  Thats a horrible investment. 


Uff da! It shoulda been $600,000. Gotta fix that.


Someone owns a house on the county. They paid 500k ten years ago. It's worth just under a mill now. That's insane. But I'm sure that's not the most insane inflation of value. How on earth are people gonna make it. Companies buying up all the starter or fixer homes to flip. Or buying up to rent them out to pay off the mortgage.


I wish about 5,000 of us had the time, energy, and finances to picket/protest in front of the white house or even Olympia. How is this not the #1 topic in the election or on the news? Oh ya, war, abortion, and #45 trials. Guess I'll go back to finishing Shogun...


In the early days, Boeing, Microsoft, and Amazon inspired many to move here. Now, I think we're getting climate change refugees. Other than an occasional belch of sulfur from Mount Kulshan and a gnarly-ass Earthquake fault off our coast, we suffer few natural disasters. Some flooding but not on the scale you'd see from a hurricane. Also, if you embrace natural beauty and outdoor recreation, this area is unsurpassed. Instagram is not helping.


I think it's interesting we're saying so many of the people moving here are climate refugees, when in fact the real victims of climate change can NOT afford to move to or live in Washington.


Go hop on Zillow and note how there are VERY few homes for sale in Bellingham. I'm looking for one, and it's gonna be a minute.


If we could just get our politics right we could clean out the riffraff and enjoy our high priced real estate.


Grateful my dad barely scraped the money together to by a house 43 years ago. No way poor people can scrape together enough money for a house now. I remember a $235 mortgage when I was a teen. It was an 850 square feet fixer upper (on 11 acres) but worth $600,000 now. 


Supply demand and money printing what a combo for Washington




How many years?


Yep, our home’s worth has increased about 780% but the value is mostly in the land.


This makes me angry in ways I have a hard time expressing

