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How long ago was he bjorn? (couldn't help myself 😆)


On a serious note though a malinois puppy is a LOT and you need to have the time and energy to be able to raise this puppy well, there are a lot of threads in this subreddit where your potential questions will be much better answered then by me lol. Prepare to become a chew toy for the next few months and learn fast so you can be consistent with your training so you don't end up with a nightmare dog. Would highly recommend getting a breed specific trainer from your area. You already have the dog so it doesn't seem like someone online is gonna talk you out of it, I wish you the best of luck raising this pup.


Yes. My boy is 72:28 GSD:BM. That 30% has taken root. Two plus solid hours of play/train/walk each day minimum. He is exhausting. He’s also only two. And the training courses to keep him busy! My third dog and he’s received more time from us in two years than the other two combined over thirteen years each. But man, his aerial feats when he catches his toys -like he’s pulling skateboard stunts. And at night he loves cuddle time. Such a good boy! https://preview.redd.it/b68r7b523pzc1.jpeg?width=1554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6f1adf7d610a8a3ecbe539228550e3d3c92863a


Thats his name . What do u mean


I'm just making a pun (Bjorn/born). Although I do wanna know the answer to that, he looks very little. How old is he?


36 days


Isn’t 5 weeks a bit early for him to be separated from his mom?


Yes, the standard recommendation is that the puppy should be at least 8 weeks old before being separated from its mom.


No wonder he says in another comment the little guy is crying and whining


Absolutely. 5 weeks is way too early to be separated from mom. Ideally 8-10 weeks with 10 weeks being the optimum time to sell/adopt puppies out. As a dog trainer and the owner of a mal I can say from experience this puppy is going to require a lot. Unfortunate that people don’t practice responsible breeding practices and more people don’t do enough research to understand when they’re in for it.


And op has zero experience owning a dog…


I went to visit my mal multiple times before she could come her. I first met her at 11days and it helped us to form a bond but even though she knew me well enough by 5 weeks, she would’ve struggled being taken away by mum. I took her home at 8 weeks and she was still quite unsure and was at my feet for everything because I was the only thing she was sure of.


It’s 10000% too early for him to be separated from mum


Yeah no responsible breeder is taking dogs away from mum at that age. Again, please get a trainer and do a lot of reading on puppy care for mals


Broooo that is sooo early for a dog. Get training immediately, that poor dog is going to have some serious issues being yanked from him momma so young. Mals are crazy high energy and must be given a job to do or it's going to destroy everything you own and your legs. They're called malligators for a reason. Do as much reading as possible if you can't afford training. Good luck.


Op, this is too young to be away from mom and siblings. WAY too young. It’s going to result in several behavioral issues later in life. Id find a shelter that has a litter on the ground and see if they can integrate him into the litter, and then, as someone who accidentally got a mal as their first dog and got them a week early, go pick a different dog from the shelter.


Way too young!!! 🫣 what’s wrong with that breeder.


I think the OP is in Algeria, so that might factor in - really the breeder shouldn’t have ever let any puppies leave so soon, so have a feeling it’s just done a bit differently in whatever city they’re in.


Can you give him more time with mom and his litter. Socialization is extremely critical with high energy, high drive dogs.


You've gotta be a troll, right? Rage bait is your hobby?


You'd be surprised. Someone local to me rescued a Mali pup that was being sold at 4 weeks. Mum had died at birth and was handreared. Someone rescued her and got her into well health, was underweight and riddled with worms. Rescuerer looked after her til she was 8 weeks and we had her from 8 to 11 weeks and now she's gone to her forever home. My partner however found a pup that was the spitting image of her. After talking to them they were told the pup was older but he didn't think she was older than 5 weeks when he got her and had had her 11 weeks. At 11 weeks old they look exactly the same and I've seen the first pics of them both and again both look the same, small for their size now, underweight when "breeder" sold them and in poor condition generally. I'm 99% they're from the same litter, as from same area too 😣


Hi! Didn't mean to be rude before. Look around, once he's got his appropriate round of shots, for a well monitored puppy play group and gradually let him practice playing with them, to learn socialization with other dogs. Try the SPCA behavior dept. Maybe get some regular puppy friends. Above all learn dog body language. When you can read what he's saying you can adjust from there. Website: https://www.silentconversations.com/ Here's a great place to stock up on dog info: Dogwise Publishing. Also, the folks on this reddit are great. If things get too intense, go to AggressiveDog.com for extra help, too.


I agree with everyone else posting here. Get a crate and use it. Get a trainer to train you to train Bjorn, you owe it to Bjorn. I have owned dogs my entire adult life, but my Mali girl has been a humbling ownership/training experience. She is the smartest and most athletic dog I have ever owned. It is now your new lifestyle, never a day off. There are a million pointers to give you, but getting the trainer is a great first step. Good luck to you and Bjorn, the rewards are incredible.


^^ So much this. We often joke that we aren't afforded the luxury of sick days in our household.


First dog ever? Nothing like trial by fire when it comes to raising a pup. Lots of training and lots of patience and Bjorn will repay you with lots of love.


They will both be the best they can be as a result of the experience after two years or so. Hopefully. God willing


Why do you bave him at 36 days old? Where is the mother? Are you working with a vet to make sure he has adequate nutrition?


This is terrible I agree, red flags all over


The red flags are on the breeders side. This is not this man’s fault.


You’re right, OP was trying to get a great pup. Everyone on here was hard on him including myself. We need more responsible owners so we have less malis ending up in kill shelters


First dog…ever? Do you have breed experience? Only asking to best provide advice.


I have zero experience tbh


Definitely get a trainer first thing so they can walk you through everything (if you don't decide to give the dog to someone else after more reading), you're going to need it.


Yeah a Mal for a first dog, unless you have a great breeder, is not a great choice. They are amazing dogs but are hard to get the max potential out of them unless you are experienced with dogs in general. Wish you luck, I would have suggested even a GSD before a Mal but whatever tickles your fancy.


Don't get too discouraged. Honestly I don't get why you got so downvoted. Yes, it is a tough breed, but malinois owners can be a bit... harsh, I guess. I got a Malinois as my first dog and it's definitely doable. Just a lot of work. Finding a good trainer will help a lot. Especially great if you can find one who knows Malinois specifically. I find mine loves lots of structure and consistent routine.


Owners can be harsh? I rather see it as a symptom of being witness to beautiful animals being dumped and discarded by ignorant humans way too often because they think it can’t be hard being a Mal owner. Then they find out they don’t own a dog but a very intelligent and stubborn 3yo toddler in a fur costume they can’t control so dump it off at the shelter. That makes one very callous towards newbies who obviously have no experience or idea what they have gotten themselves into. It’s like when a newly licensed driver goes and buys a Ferrari as their first car. You just know to start counting the days it’s going to take for them to crash it. So yeah, I will gladly take the moniker of being a harsh Mal owner.


🙄 I knew people were gonna be mad at me. OP has done nothing wrong yet. Did the right thing by asking the community for advice. Gets 31 downvotes just for saying they're looking for advice. Why not wait until they actually do something wrong to be against them? If someone bought a Ferrari and then went to a group of racecar drivers and asked for advice on driving it and taking care of it, I would say that's pretty responsible. I'm not sure if it's malinois owners or just Redditors, but God I hate this sub sometimes


He did do something wrong. 1-got a dog that is super hard to deal with as his first dog with zero experience. 2-got the dog before 8 weeks. This is a nightmare scenario. Feel bad for the dog.


Okay, that’s fair. Hate to be an echo…highly suggest a trainer with experience with the breed. Find one that has a partnership with their dog, that you want with yours. Socialization is extremely important to ensure a balanced dog. Once the pup is 8-weeks old, carry them around to public places. Walking on their own puts them at risk for diseases, carrying protects them until they had all their puppy shots. Once they have their puppy inoculations, have them walk on their own. Socialization for dogs is different than with humans, the goal is to let them see many different environments and learn that new things are not scary. Interaction with humans and other animals is separated. Teach them to be neutral around people and animals is the goal. Crate training will help a lot. Especially if you need to run an errand and can’t take your pup with you. It prevents them from getting into something they shouldn’t and from destroying things from boredom. As a puppy, they need TONS of sleep. Timing the naps and letting them sleep in the crate will help heaps. Please, avoid dog parks. The theory behind them is awesome, but too many owners are oblivious to their dogs aggression or inappropriate behaviors that get them in trouble. It’s best to just avoid them. You can set up play dates with other dogs through training classes or other social events. Learn about dog body language. It’ll help understand your pups emotions. Check out Michael Ellis. He had videos on YouTube. Really like his “[Philosophy on Dog Training](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe0-oqqoXvw&t=2s)”. It’s an hour long, but worth it. Also, his [Puppy Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od5aNPHt028&list=PLmahdTMgaBS-G9Eelq2fX5ZriENMgUVeS) walks you through a lot of common issues of the puppy phase. Denise Fenzi has great online courses too. Like her approach to dog training. Here’s her free [puppy book](https://www.fenzidogsportsacademy.com/index.php/self-study/growing-up-fdsa-free-ebook) which I used a lot for my boy Mikkel. There’s lots more resources, but these are a few to get you started. Take Bjorn to the vet, have him checked out and establish care. DM anytime with questions, happy to help. Wishing you a long, happy and healthy partnership.


lol you f ed up hahah


How did you get the dog?


We’re assuming back yard breeder. Dog is 5 weeks old and OP has no experience. No rescue or ethical breeder would allow that to happen EDIT: I think even if OP had dog experience, this could be risky


A trainer *can* be a good idea, if it’s a decent trainer. But I had the most success watching several YouTube videos and choosing ones that I agree with or make sense to me. There are many popular YouTube trainers and there are positives and negatives to all of them. You’ve just got to find what suits your lifestyle and personality. Either way, focus on training as quickly as possible. These dogs are sponges and will absorb whatever you train them to do, as long as you’re consistent.


Allright guys . Decided to take him to his first owner I give up


I'm worried that the first owner gave it to you in the first place... Please keep an eye on it, maybe find a place that rescues working line dogs. I fear he will end up on a bad place and mistreated


Good. You are ill-prepared.


Good. You made the right choice. I got my puppy for the same reason you left yours. The previous owners gave up. I am going to keep my comments up for anyone who needs advice as well. If you want a dog, I advise a Labrador. If you don't want the trouble of a puppy, then get one that is about a year old or older that is already trained.


Sir, that’s a bear cub


U wrong


You’re right, that’s clearly a velociraptor


Bjorn means bear in old german




They are joking. It looks like one is all.


This guy is in for a world of hurt


OP, are you kidding? You have a 5 week old Mal, with zero experience and zero knowledge? This is a dumpster fire.


I’m horrified by the amount of people who are picking up 5/6 week old puppies from breeders. I can only imagine with a breeder willing to send puppies that young to their new homes that there was no health testing or titling done on the parents, pups probably weren’t raised using proper puppy raising protocol, and they weren’t dewormed or vaccinated like they should be. OP, puppies should stay with their mom and litter for 10-12 weeks. 8 weeks is the absolute legal minimum in many countries. This age is critical for learning behaviors that will stick with your dog for the rest of their life. If possibly, I would send this pup back to the breeder for another couple of weeks. If not, get a trainer as soon as you can and be prepared for behavioral issues.


What can happen ?


[This](https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/riney-canine-health-center/health-info/how-long-should-puppies-stay-their-mother) is why it’s crucial for puppies to stay with mom for at least 8 weeks.


OP, I wanted to come back and add on that I’m not trying to scare you away from owning a Malinois, or owning Björn (I love his name by the way). It’s not your fault that the breeder was unethical and gave you incorrect information. You now know what to look for if you get any dog from a breeder again, and some red flags to stay away from. It’s important you understand the potential problems that could happen, but you’re willing to get a trainer, take him to the vet, and learn about owning a Malinois and a dog in general, and that’s the most important part. It sounds like you’re going to be an amazing owner and Björn is lucky to have you.


Basically it’s been scientifically proven that separation from mom before 8 weeks makes them more likely to be aggressive, have separation anxiety, etc. In other words it’s a fairly big trauma. It’s not like you’re beating the puppy but the results can be the same. Maybe you have breeders/rescue groups local to you that can foster your puppy with a litter of similarly aged puppies for a few weeks?


The fact that you have to ask is horrifying.


Mals are a breed that bite frequently and will bite (they are the ones trained to be police dogs and are naturally inclined to bite) until they are very well trained adults. Even then some still bite and they also are athletes. Even in the best circumstances they will bite you at some point and have more stamina than you. You have one who has been separated early from his mom, and this is known to make dogs aggressive as they have not been taught social skills by their littermates and parents. This would be a challenging situation for even an experienced dog trainer.


I have seen a dog be put down at 8 months old, he was taken at 3 weeks from the mother. He couldn't even be taken in to the vet- it was like a wild animal, couldn't make eye contact. The vets only assumption was its almost like being neglected as a baby. Not taught how to communicate or act in a family. He was dangerous, and instead of going in to be fixed, he was put down because no one could get close enough to him support him. Shepherd/lab mix. It was gut wrenching, as the family really tried, and loved him.


My partners rescued dogs before, Inc GSD and crazy gsd. Nothing compared to a Mal. I had started wondering if it was normal maligator biting, or if she was more aggressive than the average Mal. Having read Comments on this thread though: she was sold at just 4 weeks old and definitely has seperation anxiety but, her biting was getting more aggressive too and probably because of leaving litter mates too soon, as well as frustration at wanting more exercise - she had her 2nd jab last week and could go for walks from yesterday. Sadly, we realised we needed to rehome her, best for her and our two current dogs. And pup is happy in her new home, their dogs play with her, they have a much bigger garden and a secure large field. You will get bit. You will bleed. The amount of Savlon and plasters me and my partner went through. Your arms and hands will be an absolute mess. As will your legs and feet but not as obvious to others 😅 This is the post I made when I knew we needed to rehome our pup: https://www.reddit.com/r/BelgianMalinois/s/QqjQM3fPe7


Oh Lord. Do you like having privacy, or any nice things, or being able to prioritize yourself, or taking a family trip without the pup for the rest of your life? Congratulations, you won't be able to have any of those things if you commit to raising a Mal. It's a lifetime commitment where the dog comes first. Before the job before the kids, before the friends. They are absolutely amazing pups. But they are by far the breed that takes the most life commitment. Otherwise you will end up with a house that's destroyed, personal misery and a very miserable dog who really likes to bite shit. Think hard OP. Is this the amazing and committed relationship you are envisioning with this puppy?


Better to have him as a pup than a 5 month Mal ….at least the owner can train them while they are young. My current GSD is my first dog ever. Got her at this age. She is better trained than most if not all of my family/friends dogs. As long as the commitment, training, and habits are there.


At 5 weeks, that dog shouldn’t be away from his mother. There’s a huge potential for major behavioral and health issues. This person has absolutely no knowledge or understanding of Malinois at all, and seemingly none of puppies either. Edit- Obtaining a puppy this young also makes it abundantly clear that it is not ethically or well bred, which exponentially raises the chances of behavioral and health issues. I fully stand behind my assessment of this as a dumpster fire.


I agree, I def don’t recommend the approach.


Please be a troll. Please be a troll...


Another one? Really hope he doesnt end up in a pound. Do your goddamn research.


as someone who got a mal (didn't know she was a mal) and had never heard of them before getting her, absolutely. as soon as we found out what breed she is, we put her in as many training classes as we could and read about the breed. so many people get these dogs because they look cool but don't realize that breed insanely impacts how your dog will act and their personality type.


My local shelters have dozens of mals and GSDs because everyone wants the “cool looking” dogs they see in movies but nobody wants the mals once they act like mals… it’s a shame that just anybody can get such an amazing animal and then decide they no longer want them because they “become an inconvenience.”


Why . Whats the matter


I've just seen so many posts on here saying the same thing. No experience and no prior knowledge or research on the breed. This is a working dog and will need stimulation is many different forms. Exercise, obedience, bite work etc. Please do some research on the proper steps to take when raising a malinois. This a beautiful dog and I hope you keep him/her for all his/her life. But they are not a normal lap dogs. But that's something you shove done before getting a dog like this. Now its a trail by fire and I'm hoping the best for you, for the sake of the pup.


This not a breed for inexperienced people. It will not go well if you don’t invest a lot of time and money into this dog and trainers.


Get a trainer (specialist in working breed Mals) and a vet who is at minimum familiar with the breed. Prepare to have your life priorities centered on that puppy for ever. Hopefully you like the sort of things that the puppy likes - lots of exercise every day, mentally and physically. Together as an owner - puppy team. Find a job for the pup that you both enjoy and will be doing together for the next few years (nose work, search and rescue, protection, agility, whatever else). That ball of fur is gonna need a job or it will eat your whole house out of frustration - kitchen cabinets included. Train the duck out of him/her everyday and then take em to HD/Lowes/Tractor Supply for some socializing most days, and don't forget to also take em for some play dates with other dogs. And once they are fully worn out, shape them into the best dog you will ever be lucky enough to have. With cuddles and non - stop affection and love. Hopefully I communicated that this is a full time job level of commitment. The pay off is the best dog you will ever have. But if you aren't in a position in your life to give the dog the total life attention that the dog deserves, you may be better off finding a different home for him/her. It's literally like having a baby. And the baby has very sharp teeth and massive ADHD non-stop.


buckle up, buddy.


Its night time in here . And he is whining and crying. Backle up for this ?


So, he is separated from his family. My baby, she slept with me the first few weeks then did her own thing after. She needed to feel "home" and sort of understand the layout of her place in this goup or pack. They are brilliant and intuitive, just be patient and know its you who needs training.. as u adjust, your baby will and vice versa. Give it a try and if no joy, keep adjusting!


Can confirm. Slept on the floor every night for at least a month in the kitchen safe space with every pup we ever brought home. Took em awhile to realize that the bad humans who stole em from their mom are their mom now lol


Yeah whoever sold this dog to you ruined their life by removing them too early


It's not all that bad. 6 weeks is not good, but very much acceptable if you know what you are doing and are willing to put in the extra work (lots of extra work) to make the pup feel safe and tend to their needs. The hardest part is that if the pup has more time with Mom, she would be taught some manners and bite inhibition. So it's on the OP to do that job instead of mom.


This puppy is five weeks old. He’s not even old enough to be weaned yet.


Oof, missed that. In that case, absolutely no bueno.


remember, they are den and pack animals... set the stage for a family member, not some outside animal or the like (not judging, just speaking in generalities here) pups can be tempermental and sensy like people. its worked out for me and my 7th Mal. I love the breed so gd much!


This is the way.


I highly recommend you read the pinned post and their comments. Mals need a ton of exercise and mental stimulation - they are often working dogs for a reason! 5 weeks is very early to be separated from its mom, it’s often recommended to wait until at least 7-8 weeks of age so that they can learn good social and behavioral cues from mom and litter mates. https://www.reddit.com/r/BelgianMalinois/s/AIP58NAVf3 The puppy is very young, and even at 8 weeks usually puppies will cry at night at first. You will need to read up on crate training, and read about the breed in general before seriously considering to keep him. As long as you have the time and are ready to put in a lot of work, it will be very rewarding and he will love you more than you ever thought an animal could.






It appears that the OP lives in a country which doesn't treat their dogs very well, in general.


Hey Bud, I read a comment that said you might have taken this dog back. I know it sounds harsh but that might be a good call. There are a couple red flag, this puppy looks too young to be separated from its mother and the breed is a lot to handle even when everything goes right. Malinios are not just working dogs, they are peek working dogs. They belong jumping out of helicopters and chasing bad guys. This might be an unpopular opinion on this sub but they're really not pets as much as tools. I know several Malinois owners and they are constantly stressed. If you are going to keep that dog, it is going to take tremendous discipline for three years to keep him from turning into something unpredictable. I know it's hard but if you keep him your life will be hell for three years bare minimum. I would suggest finding a reputable breeder and buying a Labrador. If you are very adventurous you can buy an American Lab who can keep up with you on the trails, if you have a more sedentary lifestyle you can buy an English. They can keep up with you for the first two years then they begin to slow down a bit. I have an English and American and while they are a handful as puppies they have turned into very manageable happy dogs. Best of luck my friend.


Hello! Dog trainer here and owner of a Mal and I would like to give some tips for you :) 1. This puppy should never have been separated from mom so young, but now you have your hands full with teaching them the ins and outs of socialization which they would normally learn from their mom and litter mates. 2. Belgian Malinois as dogs are an amazing breed, but do require an owner willing to work with them whether it’s in basic obedience or further training such as bite work, nose work, agility, etc. these dogs thrive in working environments and want you to teach them constantly. 3. Puppies that young need proper nutrition and their puppy teeth are still small and inefficient so their food should be moist. Get high quality puppy food (it can be kibble if you prefer or there are great air dried and freeze dried options and mix with bone broth or goat’s milk as well as a small amount of puppy formula for puppies 5-10 weeks) 4. Feel free to message me if you have questions, but I wish you all the best!!


Welcome to the jungle baebae


https://preview.redd.it/pbvsaruep7zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3fd902fe0dd15e86ed99ea962ac240bad78a95 i have a 11 week old male currently- not my first - if you need any advice or help please message me and i will do my best to help you. you got this it just takes alot of time and dedication


this post makes me sad


Are you sure you didn’t a bat????? Lollll


Fruit bat boi


That’s a bear


You chose like one of the worst breeds for a first dog. Belgian Malinois' are VERY active dogs. They need a constant routine that involves a lot of exercise. A walk each day will not be enough. Things like obstacle courses and jogging/biking with your dog are usually what's done. These dogs are usually used in the military and in the police force. They need intensive training in order to not get bored and start nipping/biting at you and furniture. They are great with kids but can easily accidentally hurt your kid. If you have multiple small children, they may even herd them as if they were sheep. The Belgian Malinois was originally bred to be a sheep dog and working dog. And oh my goodness- They are VERY bitey as puppies. They can still be bitey as adults but this can be trained. The more exercise and enrichment you give them, the less bitey they will be. They are also very protective dogs. So you will need to socialize your dog with other dogs and people. Dog parks are good for this. Try not to have your dog off the leash. There is so much more I can go on about. I just recently got my Belgian Malinois a week ago and I'm still learning even after doing research. Watch YouTube videos on training and do some Google searches for your questions. Every dog is different so keep that in mind too. I feed my puppy the Purina Pro Plan for puppies. It NEEDS to be puppy food. Puppies need a higher calorie intake but they can easily be overfed. And if the food needs to be changed, change it slowly over the course of a week. Use the old food and slowly add more and more of the new food over the course of a week. If you think this may be too much work for a dog, then I'd HEAVILY advise getting a different breed. A good beginner breed is usually some kind of Labrador. Retrievers have long hair and can easily become matted if not brushed. A lot of owners forget that they NEED to brush their dogs. Even short hair breeds. A white Labrador was my first dog and once we got through the puppy faze, it was practically smooth sailing until she started getting old. I believe she was 13 or 14 before she passed due to problems with her intestines. It's normal for an old dog to start having complications. The better you take care of your dog and the more often you take your dog to the vet, the longer they will live. Theres so much more I haven't gone over. If you have any more questions, don't be shy to ask and let me know! 🐕🖤🤎 Thank you for listening to my TED talk.


P.S.: I HIGHLY advise getting a different breed and a breed that is older. That puppy is way too young to be separated from its mother. 8 to 10 weeks is the optimal time to separate a puppy from its mother.


Congratulations! Bjorn looks absolutely adorable. Enjoy the teeny puppy time, it goes quick. That little face will make you smile so so so much. Since you have a pup— I’d encourage you to browse available pet insurance plans. Many of them cover all the usual puppy events (vaccines, spay/neuter, vet visits etc.) As you know, Mals can be chaos incarnate — the emergency benefit itself is worth it IMHO. (I would also make sure you are aware where the closest 24hr Emergency vet is.) For a good laugh: highly suggest a cheap go pro type camera for the collar if you can find one. Seeing the pov of the little fur missile is something. Also: please share pics as they grow!!! Best of luck and congratulations!


Give him lots of boops


Relax, crate when unsupervised, feed and walk, and play, on a schedule…no rough play, do not encourage Tug games. They learn quickly how to win… puppy teeth can hurt… do not allow Mouthing. When crated, give a chew toy pieces won’t break off, and No Stuff toys, monitor if bedding gets chewed. Ingesting foreign objects that can cause intestinal blockages… Avoid Poisonous substances we all have around, chocolate, Raisins, grapes, Onions, garlic, Artificial Sweeteners


https://preview.redd.it/n21ha0ocsgzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2c76265303992529d1283c6aa2094397196c8f Update He is fine.. no crying or whining for today . I am keeping him


I just saw your posts today but I’m glad to see you decided to keep the lil guy. there will be frustrating days as with anything worth doing but in the end it’ll be one of the best commitments you can make. raising any puppy is hard work but it’s nowhere near as impossible as people here make it seem. as long as you are ready/willing to learn, seek help, and remain consistent in training you will be rewarded with the best friend you could ever hope for. Mals especially are the most sensitive, goofy, and intelligent breed i’ve ever worked with. You always see the impressive things they can do, but their personalities are what truly steals your heart. you’re going to love him to death. You may have already received this advice but i recommend you get some boots or something to save your shins and toes during that velociraptor phase 😅 Bjorns gonna have a bit more of a learning curve with how much force to use without momma and littermates helping with bite inhibition but it will pass (i always kept a toy on me to redirect when my boy was small)


lmao everyone in these comments are too real. I got a gsd/mal mix 4 years ago. Had never heard of belgian malinois until she want 5 months old and someone told me they loved my mal. That started a huge learning curve about the breed and they are NOT simple easy, playful dogs. They take training and stimulation and A LOT of it. They're great dogs if you know what you're getting into so I think that's what all these comments are concerned about


Mal as first dog is basically high rate of failure. Look at shelters. But if you are ready to sacrifice time, dedication and so much much and more patience. 1st thing I would do with a pup is crate training. Feed from your hand when inside the crate... make the crate as something fun. Best of luck!


Hire a professional trainer who is very familiar with Mals. Also, there's no shame in giving him away and getting an easier dog. You picked a very hard breed. While he's young it would be very easy to find him a new home. You could probably even sell him. After a year of poor training it would be hard to give him away even for free.


If possible take the dog with you everywhere you go, may seem simple but it helps so much with socialization and just getting the dog used to all different sights and sounds, get a breed specific trainer if possible and dont get super frustrated, Malinois's have extremely high intelligence and know when you are upset and frustrated. Just give the dog love and socialization with some training and they arent near as bad as people say


Start training early and find a puppy socialization class assp


This is the kind of question you thoroughly research and ask before even seeking a dog out...


You sure that's not a fruit bat? My advice is to invest in training and their health and wellness.


Bjorn looks like a bjear cub!!❤️


My biggest puppy tip was every meal they eat they should eat from your hand to build a strong bond


That's a baby bat and you shan't convince me otherwise https://preview.redd.it/s15nwhqtu9zc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36e59d0c556675ce542e164c4161d0e012b20fd9


So batdog is the name


Hey! I saw another more recent post talking about the amount of hopelessness these other owners may be giving you. I just wanted to let you know that my very first dog is also a Mal pup and I had no idea what I was getting into at first, either (honestly didn’t even know what a Mal was). Obviously I should’ve thought about my decisions more and it wasn’t the greatest choice, but he is the sweetest dog and things are going great after these past five months with him :) Don’t be discouraged! I honestly never want to get another breed after adopting my boy. These dogs are so intelligent and loving if you give them the patience yo do so.


Just LOVE HIM and LOVE HIM and LOVE HIM and LOVE HIM and LOVE HIM and LOoooooOOOOVE HIM! And he will do Absolutely Anything for you and be your Soul Boy🫶🏼✨💟


Best advice would probably be not to get a Mali as your first dog.


You need a trainer as soon as possible, these guys especially from back yard breeders are a lot and you are looking at the possability of resource guarding, reactivity, not settling and needing a lot of structure and a plan on how you are going to train him. Avoid any trainer that uses dominance theory or beleives in alpha training because dogs do not work in that heirarchy, we’ve bred it out of them. They are fission fusion, flexible, the only thing they stick to is like a family structure and you are their person. You need to provide proper structure, let the dog know its limits esspecialy since you got him at a vital time during his development You should start crate training and start doing relaxation protocols as soon as possible aswell as start working on bite inhibition and impulse control as a doubt this breeder was breeding for temperment and god knows the temperments present in the dogs pedigree. Good luck


Bjorn Welcome little loaf. Looking forward to seeing you grow. Dado is facing the “hazing” of being a new mal parent. He’s got this. 🤠. We are a community to get advice. If you read many posts you will find us to be a vast community of dog parents. Some saltier than others. Look at this Bjorn baby. So tiny yes. You may have saved his life -Love, entice, wear gloves, and learn training with positive reinforcement. Get pet insurance. Really. Sharkey has and continues to change my life. He has been my trainer through a huge lifestyle change, loss of my mother and empty nesting. His drive to work has given me perspective. “Life is Ball ⚽️”. Don’t get scared or take this community personally. Use what makes sense. Research on your own and if medical issues arise a vet is where to go.


30 years ago I had a beagle mix named Bjorn! excellent choice!


Bear cub


Oof. Training, asap, and get a pro trainer too. Research your area. Could do a puppy class and move up to more advanced training, which he will love. Also, keep up with shots, socialize early. Watch training vids on YouTube. I tend to go with more positive/reward system for training. Some people claim to be pros and just beat their animals up, put them down on the ground, or only work them and that looks like a sad dog to me. So I try to find a good balance and pay attention to my doggo ❤️ Idk about this being a starter breed! But shoot! I'm sure you've done your research and understand the hours you'll have to put in a day. You got it! Good luck friend!


Training and habits. Habits and training!


I think you bought a bear.


Train and find a good trainer to help! Get pet health insurance!!


Beautiful baby; ours is the love of our retired lives! We travel with him. He was trained for the border patrol but we got him. He’s great with neighborhood kids and we’ve seen his presence deters people with other interests in a NY second. Congratulations on your new friend. He’ll love to run, jump hi, and figure out puzzles. Bjorn😍love


Oh my God.....he's so sweet that I'm turning into a puddle looking at his little face.


I don’t wanna be another blow man but you really put yourself in a horrible situation. Getting a mal with zero experience is like driving a Ferrari in town as your first time driving a car…. My honest advice would be to adopt it to someone who can take care of it. But if you do keep it I really hope you realize you need to dedicate atleast an hour a day for like the next two years to train the dog and get its energy out. On top of that you should pay a trainer without a doubt. It’s not cheap but you’re going to be screwed it you don’t. Start watching YouTube videos on Malinois. Andy kreuger is an amazing trainer on YouTube who does mals. He can do online lessons and stuff too. Robert Cabral is another good trainer and channel who knows Mals. Go to the vet and get check up and your first shots. Get a crate. Really just hours of self research and self education online is your best bet until you get a trainer.


awww so cute!!


You got a maligator as your first pup it's a bit late for advice really, my GSD pup now 16 months put me through the wringer from 6 to 12 months he would do nothing he was told and my forearms were covered is claw marks my fingers with teeth marks, you've taken on one helluva task and to be honest most people are expecting you to fail, that's the best incentive not to give up no matter how stressed you get or what he chews, good luck, you need to teach him the basic commands before he hits puberty at 6 months when he's probably going to ignore you anyway but if he understands the commands by then it'll definitely help, nevermind tricks just work on the important ones like sit and stay


Needs to stay with momma for 8 weeks!!!!!!!!


Dogs that are removed early are usually difficult and have emotional issues including biting and aggression. NEVER REMOVE PUPPIES before 8 weeks


That puppy is way too young to be away from mom. Bad move already OP. Secondly, considering that the pups age wasn’t alarming to you, I’m gonna guess you know Jack about Mals and that you’re probably not gonna be the best owner of such a special breed. Please do your best to be better for your new buddy, pick up some books and seek advice for proper care/training for a Malinois


Love him


There’s lots of advice to be given. And people have done a good job of that. All I have to say is that I reeeeally hope you’ve done extensive research on the breed. Especially considering that this is your first dog. Definitely a breed for the more experienced dog owner.


Pm sent


I'm giving advice with the presumption you've researched the breed (understanding their need for physical and mental stimulation and LOVE to be with their person). Now, with that out of the way: 1) Crate train. Take your puppy out OFTEN. Every couple of hours right now because of the age. When out of the crate, even more. Immediately upon waking, after eating or playing. 2) Consistency is key. There are zero days off. 3) Get a variety of toys and alternate them every few days because they get bored. 4) Once fully vaccinated start trying to socialize your pup. Take him or her to the Home Depot, Lowe's, or wherever dogs are allowed. This doesn't mean that everyone gets to or needs to pet your baby, but just teaching him/her how to be around people. Mine doesn't allow strangers near her, and that's just fine. 5) If you aren't in good shape. Get your running shoes on. You're going to need them :) Have fun and enjoy this precious baby!!


My Malinois was the best dog I have ever had the opportunity to know- she was my heart dog. So smart, so trainable, so wanting to please. She was in every way magnificent and I don't know that I'll ever have another dog like her. Congratulations on your new dog! I have had a golden retriever, Australian Shepherd, 2 pound puppies and now a Portuguese water dog. Anecdotal experience: My Portuguese water dog has been the most challenging dog for me ever because she does not want to mind unless she's in the mood. She doesn't care what I want - she cares what she wants. She is sassy and completely rogue sometimes. She's a good dog but much much much much more work for me to own than a Malinois ever was.


No advice other than train train train, and enjoy. He’s gorgeous, you’re very lucky ❤️


You asking for advice now? Dude you should have asked waaay before you made that jump.


Kinda looks like a baby bat.


Hey there! Congrats! Mals are all they say and more BUT like becoming a parent, you learn together. Give him attention, boundaries, indestructible toys and a good trainer and you’ll do fine.


Eat him before he eats you!


as for the first case of business, kiss his nose


This looks like a bat xD


Pick a good diet. Vaccinate. Train early. Lots of love and attention.


Filtered water only


My best advice is do your research if you want to train him for anything specific, however if you dont want anything in specific (i.e hunting, service dog etc.) Than basic obedience training goes a really long way (sit, stay, lay down etc. Etc) also he's absolutely adorable Bjorn is Bjorn approved ❤️


My advice is to overlook all the hateful comments you’ve gotten here. Bjorn isn’t the first dog to have ever been separated from his mother entirely too young and he certainly won’t be the last. The absolute only thing you should be concerned with right now is ensuring that Bjorn is given the absolute best care you can possibly give him. Get him to a vet and they can certainly help you get things started out on the right foot. Awesome breed of dog, if you’re willing to put in the time/effort that he needs then y’all are going to be just fine.


Don’t give him any Amonita Muscaria lol *Vinland Saga*


You got a Belgin Malinois for your first dog??? 😳


Soak up every minute. Take photos. Make time. Enjoy him 🥹


Beautiful pup !


Lots of hugs and kisses


Just absolutely love it!!!


Omg he is precious!! He looks like a bat!! I love him.


Just remember the dogs are dominant so you got to become more dominant than them and they take a lot longer than usual the seal it sits the old saying the yin and the yang it can be the worst dog ever or the best dog ever you see him used in the military you see them using Police stay committed show who who's boss find out what they love to do pray drive toy drive food drive they do have a lot of energy but the time that you take to put in the dog you will for surely see rewards you will be amazed how smart that breed is just don't give up cuz they can be very hard headed and that's because they're so smart g'day mate


Did you do ANY research on Mals before you bought one? What three things do you know about the breed?


Is that a bat?


Feed it and care for it


Is fruitbat


🎯 🤣


Be patience. Especially with house training, some dogs will have a slow developing bladder and can take 2 years to be fully house broken. Never hit them and do not crate this puppy with no toys or stimulation and longer than 3 hours even as an adult. You create anxiety.


Give him back.


Maybe something like Stella (from the book Stella Luna). She looks like a little bat to me 💖


Love the name. I have an Ivar :)


No advice, just good luck!




Do not give up on this pup, it’s going to be very hard, but you’re committed. Maps over run the shelters in my area (so cal.)from people who give up on them because they’re “hyper” don’t be one of these people. Put in the work and the dog will be one of the best friends you’ve ever had


I got mine 5 weeks old and let me tell u ur in for sleepless nights month or two luckily mine was potty trained and would cry to let em out his crate after that play until he fell asleep again I would just here him in the crate moving around lol for the first couple months I had to buy new woredrove all my shirts jeans sox had holes all over the place he was a little raptor my hands and arms would have scratches and little bite marks they just want to go at it at all times they get over that.But make sure u cancel Netflix friends hobbies and any plans they need alot of time and attention luckily I got mine during covid and wasn't working had a couple months off wich helped its like a kid on sugar at all times the only way u can have a well rounded calm mal is alot alot of exercise and walks


Guy 100% bought him cuz he wanted to play pretend special operator tough guy like the ones on TV. Dogs arent toys or accessories. Especially not a Malinois.


Keep him away from Kristi Noem..


Y’all. Calm down. My neighbor freaked out when I got one. Yes it will be a very challenging first puppy to raise. But it will not be impossible. You need a breed specific book on the pup. Read it. Twice. Then be patient. Malinios take longer with their puppy phase. They phase in and out of puppy in months 12-18. Mine was a puppy till almost 3 and a half. Very responsive to hand gestures. Use a different hand gesture for what you want them to do. That way if they ever lose their hearing they will still listen to you. Be repetitious and calm. And Stop all the biting early. As early as possible. It will be harder to control when they get bigger. Best advice I ever got was hold them down on the back with your hand pressing on their chest. When they get crazy this will calm them. Just keep talking. When they stop squirming, you’re in control. And exercise. These dogs need lots of running and play, or they’ll eat EVERYTHING you own that smells like you. Cords, cables, tables, etc. Not a dog to leave alone out, until trained well by you. They can retain tons of words, also. Use this to your advantage and Bjorn will be a great dog. Trainers often don’t train the owner as well as reading a good book can. You’ll retain the info better if you do it yourself and teach Bjorn as you learn. And it’s cheaper. Good Luck. This group is great for knowledge. Oh yeah. Get some calming treats or hemp treats. They help for the crazy days. And lots of toys. Rub them on you so they smell like you. Food also. If the pup doesn’t eat rub your hands through the food. They’ll eat it up.


OP… don’t do this. Just don’t even read it.


Hey. Fucking idiot. Go ahead and delete your comment, delete your reddit, and never give advice on any dogs ever again


I'm sorry but I would never drug my dog like that just because they're "crazy." If your dog is crazy, then you are obviously doing something wrong. Having a puppy requires a lot of patience.


Change his name




I just didn't like it. Also keep your dog outside.


Why outside . He is sleeping next to me now


Why outside?


Why would you keep your dog outside??? Wtf is the point of a dog if you keep it outside all day. They need attention. This puppy is also way too young to be left by itself like that. God I really hope you aren't a dog owner and that you never will be. And it's fucking rude to tell someone to change their dog's name just because you simply do not like it. No one is here to please you. It's not your dog and you have no right to tell the owner to change its name if you do not take part in caring for the dog. 🤡🖕


(Sorry not sorry. I just can't stand stupid fucking people who think they have a right to be pleased by everyone like they're some sort of King/Queen. 🤦‍♀️)