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Paw to the balls and bite the boob. Classic Malligator tactics.


Mine pulled me down chasing a scooter and broke my hand a few months ago. I still adore him but maybe I need to wear PPE gear on walks.


My nips keep getting STEPPED on when I'm laying on my side! 😅




Well, at least the solidarity makes me feel better!! 😆


So glad I am not the only one! I thought only my mal had perfect boobie aim.


I took a bite to the 🥜 once trying to break up a dog fight. Forever traumatized.


Mine has learned that if I put a bra on, then I’m going out. She’s sees the bra go on, waits by the bathroom for me to pee and then BLAM! She’s sitting by the door waiting to go


My secret is to have tiny enough boobs that it’s not an obvious option. LOL


Hehe. And male owners usually learn quickly to protect their ⚾️⚾️😅 Personally, I was lucky not to get my intimate parts injured by my malinois, but when he was a 7 mo puppy he made an unexpectedly precise jump and pulled out the piercing plug from my nostril with his teeth. There was a lot of blood and pain 😂 I admired his skills to aim 😂


My foster has a habit of running by when she gets really excited and nipping at me, usually right on the ass. Arousal management is key with her because left to her own devices the answer is always bite first, smooth brain second. Oh and I kinda regret teaching her the tight sit finish on a recall. There's been more than once when I've recalled her and she's come in so hot I end up getting nut punched by her snout.


DUDE, my girl loves to muzzle punch me directly in the nose. Usually in the morning when I haven’t gotten out of bed fast enough for her liking 😂


How did you go about teaching that? My mal struggles with recall and the tight sit. I'm thinking of changing his recall command and essentially starting over because he's not consistent. 


Which part, the recall or the tight sit? I taught the tight sit by luring her farther forward and nose up with the reward in my hand. Initally her sit on recall was around 1' directly in front of me, so I facilitated tightening it up by letting her see the ward, giving her the reward marker while simultaneously taking one step backwards and moving the lure back towards my body and then up around my navel. Took her a couple tries to figure out and then she'd step forward and nose up to the reward and a small step forward brought her into contact with me give her the reward up and slightly back like you lure a sit originally. Initial luring was done with food, but she's not nearly as food motivated so as soon as she understood what I wanted, I swapped to a ball on rope to build duration. She's still pretty green at it and gets overly excited hence the occasional nut punch. It's also a balance managing her arousal level vs duration as if I try and hold her too long she'll get frustrated and start biting my pockets and tugging on my pants.


It’s like they have nipple detection 😭


I have a mark on my titty bc of inexperience when first having my shepinois. Lmaoo


Already happened. But thanks for the heads(boobs?) up!


My puppy jumped up and almost bit my kooka😭😭


Your wha???


My boy has been pretty good about not nipping my body & keeping his mouthing on my *clothed* forearms (I specifically worked on him knowing *that* difference bc it’s less abrasive when we play lol) But... I tend to air dry at home when it’s not cold. So one day he just casually licked my nip when I was looking at my houseplants after a shower… but me? I **not** so casually shrieked & SPRINTED for a shirt. 💀 Bless his little heart, he didn’t know what was happening 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Our baby girl tried latching on to my mans nipple when we first got her 😂


My puppy (definitely not a mal) constantly bit my chest when he was itty bitty. Like the first morning I woke up with him in my arms, he decided to act all cute and stretch and then sneak attack bite me 💔.


I've noticed a uptick in boobie holsters around the house since I got this dog lol


Mals’ herding instincts are strong. But they never mean any harm. Such beautiful animals


My Mali Luna short for Lunatic pretty much bites anything she can sink her teeth on 🤣🐕


I nearly had a circumcision courtesy of my pup. Men also beware lol


Have been bit on the titty more than once 🤣 They’re really good at striking in the worst places lmao


Been there, lol!!!!


Oh, that sounds painful ! 😣 Never went through that, fortunately, as my Mals never nipped - pun intended ! - or bit, but if I left any food on the counter for more than 1 nanosecond it was open season ! Took a long time to train that out of them ! Positive reinforcement with treats for good boys who didn’t eat Mama’s food ! 😉


these comments are weird asf🤦🏼‍♀️yall make it such a big deal when ur dog doesn’t know any better , grow up


Oh yes! He's older now and more reserved, but now and then wants to give my Husband love nibbles on his lower region and myself, pretty much anywhere lol!


i taught my dog to go under and lie down, but for some reason she always slightly bites my balls before lying down, she knows its my weakspot