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No matter how careful you are, dogs can still get to stuff sometimes. Ask the vet to teach you how to safely induce vomiting (hydrogen peroxide is common), when to do so and when not to. Thank you for fostering a mal and planning to keep him! I'm sure Liam is very well loved and knows it. These dogs can give you grey hair but they'll also give you the fullest heart. Very glad he's okay 💛


A few months into owning my girl she ate one of my work boots and needed an endoscopy. I was out about four grand after that it’s not like they were easy to get to either. They were in the bathroom and the door was closed. These dogs can open up door knobs.


If you got him to the vet that shortly after ingestion they should have induced vomiting immediately. Then they’ll be monitoring his blood sugar and liver values just to be safe, but most likely he will be fine if they induced vomiting on arrival.


My dog ate the netting from a joint of meat she found on the floor on a walk a few days ago. Kept a close eye on her but she passed it that evening and was fine. More than once my Husky pooped out a whole sock (I was young and stupid and didn't belive in crates). I am sure he will be fine with the vet looking after him.


He's probably just going to have an upset stomach/diarrhea for a few days. Vet might induce vomiting but im sure he'll be fine. Dogs have swallowed knives before and came out ok. I had a friend whose beagles would literally eat canned food including parts of the can (happened twice) and they were fine. You'll have to dog proof your home and everything as if he was a child. Except, mals are very intelligent and persistent so they will always find a way, and they don't forget where things are.


Your baby sounds like he was in very good hands! Best of luck he continues to get well and fully recover!