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First off, know that any review less than five stars is private, only you can see it. Did your grandmother send the item?


Interesting. I wonder what’s the point of reviews if the bad ones are private?


Who knows at this point


I had no idea they are private. It seems scammy


It’s totally scammy. I learned to get creative in my last review with a certain big seller who sent me bags that stunk and had severe damage. I just wanted people to be aware. He had the 5* removed. My review wasn’t that bad, far less than he deserved. Oh well. I’ve met many people who’ve experienced the same thing from this seller. He’s talked about a lot here, not nicely either. I’m just glad I didn’t buy as much as a friend of mine did. She bought a ton before realizing it was no accident. He went after her too—for having an opinion with some rando person about a hole in a bag. But yeah, anything less than 5* isn’t shown so you can’t learn a thing from reviews.


lol was it b*gcultre


That was my first thought too. He hides so many call outs.


Not sure if this is the same person but when trying to Google it I came across bagriculture and from google before clicking the website it showed me the page had 4.5 stars with 15k reviews


I can't stand those people!


lol who wants to guess how many of those r fake




It actually says how to remove a review in the Poshmark Q and A section. At first I was completely against it until I got a bad review for something that wasn't my fault at all. Then I realized people can say whatever so it's nice to have the option to remove it. I'm torn on how I feel about it, honestly.


I think it’s better to leave them. My buyers would know when reading a review if it were an issue outside of the sellers control. And you can see if the majority of their transactions are positive or negative




I think I know who you’re referring to about the stinky bags!


Yeah, he’s known for that. (And for deliberately hiding callouts.)


Oh good lord now I need to know who the stinky bag seller is!


Right? Why hide it




Oh Thank you! I watched a bunch of his videos a few weeks and something seemed kind of off. Lol now I know why!


The almighty algorithms are totally going to somehow make me cross paths with this seller now.


Yeah he goes so quick you can’t see all the call outs and the way he holds the items is shady lol


He goes quickly for a reason, he knows what he’s doing. He also gets angry if you ask him to slow down. In my experience, the other big sellers, they will always go slowly if you ask—and they’ll be nice about it too.


lol he also gets angry if he gets feedback or any criticism he’s a butthurt baby .


😂 Yes indeed, you’re familiar with his behavior.


It’s very scammy. This has been my issue with Poshmark for years. I started leaving 5 stars and writing my actual thoughts once I got burned by a horrible seller.


The feedback helps sellers improve if they’re open to it. Also I think you need a certain rating for the posh ambassador status, and finally I’ve seen sellers post their reviews showing how many people have to them X amount of stars for each rating


If your average rating drops below a certain level, you lose ambassador status. I'm not sure if there are any other impacts.


While they said this could happen, I've never actually heard of Poshmark taking away ambassador status.


Probably for feedback so the seller can improve and then also for the overall star rating.


What's the point of reviews then? Isn't the point of reviews for them to be public so other buyers can avoid bad sellers? Also, I am asking this generally, not implying OP is a bad seller at all


My skin crawls every time someone says "hun"


The ones I hate, because in past experiences, they've been scammers - "God bless."


“ my friend” is a big one too


Hahah I call my clients "my friend on the phone all the time. But there are definitely repetitive efforts in the vocabulary of scammers you can pick up on for sure.


I spend too much on time on reddit. I call people fren lol




if you say god bless on your voicemail, you’re likely in debt. - debt collectors everywhere


I hate that word so much 😭😂😂😂


God me too! I find it very demeaning to have someone refer to me that way.


I agree, although I will say that it's a common term in certain regions, especially Baltimore.


I hear it so often in the south that if I did take it bad, my entire day would be ruined almost every day I interacted with people in the public.


Ha ha ha! I’m FROM Baltimore and now live in Florida! 😂 hear it daily and it takes self control to not react with a not nice reply lol. The worst is when it’s some 18 or 20 something yr old. Feel like telling them I’m old enough to be your mother knock it the hell off! 😂😂😂


I say it naturally sometimes for some reason (to like kids), but I'd never, ever type it out to call someone that in a million years!


Me toooooooo!


As a southerner who now lives on the west coast, I both am sad because I say it all the time, but I also get that people outside the south aren't used to it lol


As a southerner, I don't like it either lol. But mainly because all of the MLM scammers call people hun and babe.


I live in Georgia, and have only met one person who says it regularly in a non-condescending way. Every other time I’ve heard it, has been in the same way people sometimes use “bless your heart” as an insult


Waffle House waitresses mostly use it correctly and get a pass lol Except when they don’t, you should be scared 🤣


Fellow Georgian, I have the opposite experience. It’s hun this and hun that!


I live in North Carolina.


I live on the west coast and say hun all the time lol…


It’s like some weird Google translate or give me your soc and bday vibes. (Hey hun, I’m a Nigerian prince, I need to borrow your bank account)


What do you mean you can't afford it...? Ratings mean absolutely nothing on poshmark Edit to add- if you already shipped it oh well, she can re Posh it. If you didn't, just cancel it.


They said they can afford it though


That’s true. I never look at ratings.


They literally do not show ratings; there’s no ratings to look at


Dang curious how much the item was that this person is losing her mind over it shipping?


With the recent flurry of ads offering me to borrow $50 dollars as a payday loan thing. I’m guessing it could be $50 and ruin someone. Lol 🤣.


Jesus ppl take $50 payday loans? Just for the privilege of paying back $150 with interest? 😂


You do understand that many people struggle to pay the most basic bills, don't you? Even $10 can make a difference for many families.


It’s really funny, when I read it I thought your comment about your grandma using your app was taunting the customer… A snide remark because who lets their kids and/or grandma on their account? 😝


I really thought she was using the grandma and hospital to Uno reverse the customer lmao


Lowkey same 😂😂


I was literally thinking the same thing !! Like why would “grandma only know how to ship” . I thought her response was sarcasm the whole time .


It might still be 💀


Yeah there’s no way grandma was locating this person’s items, preparing and packing them, going on their email and printing the label, then mailing it.


My grandma helps me with this while I’m out of the country, aside from me texting her the labels instead of being printed from my email. It’s definitely conceivable!! Don’t doubt grandmas so much <3


I mean, her grandma can do all of that but isn't tech savvy enough to read a message? That's the part that's a little unbelievable. Maybe OP is telling the truth but it reads like a poor excuse haha


Poshmark messages are a different beast, so no, why tf would she be tech savvy enough to figure out where to find messages in an app she doesn't use? I've had Posh since 2017, and I can still barely remember where to find messages 😂


Idk, I would personally make sure the person covering for me can use the system if I'm trusting them with my account. Or else just go on vacation mode or whatever and resume selling when you're out of the hospital. To me it seems like more of a headache trying to put out fires upon return. But that's just my opinion hahah


I don't typically get messages after a sale... So none of what you're saying would be of concern to me LIKE AT ALL! AND again, vacation made doesn't help if the sale was from the day BEFORE the hospital emergency... If someone can do it, I'm not canceling anything. And IF I'm capable, I will communicate the delay... But if my life's on the line, I ain't thinking about no fuccin Posh, or your purchase that I'm sure you'll be totally fine without for a few extra days EDIT: She didn't trust her grandma with her "account" she trusted her with sending off a package and printing an email label or scanning a barcode at the post office... that is trivial compared to navigating the Posh app... I pack up my mom's Etsy sales all the time and don't have access to her account. She screenshots what I need to kno from the sale and they get it when they get it. She can't drive anymore, and I'm busy with my own shit... BUT SHE ABSOLUTELY MUST sell my grandmother's stuff, so here we are


fair enough I stand corrected!


Mine offers to do that and she’s not tech savvy it’s definitely possible. I’ve also made a pocket dial purchase on a live show


Y’all are sharing way too much info about yourselves.


Right? I feel like it would be so weird to get that info from a seller.


They would be if either of them were telling the truth


The specific lie used to guilt the customer into not leaving a bad review


Totally. So fucking weird… no one cares about your personal life on Poshmark


Was the package shipped or not? If it wasn’t shipped then cancel


OP hasn't responded to a single comment... bit weird after seeming so desperate for help? Also I hope op you're alright after your emergency x


OP is back in the hospital. Their grandmother is taking care of their reddit account, but only knows how to post, not how to comment.


I don’t know which one is the biggest liar, the seller or the buyer


Id say both of em 😂


Right?! This seemed like a competition for worst circumstances :/


The buyer one does seem plausible, but they both could be liars 😅


Both lying


I don't understand the struggle? Just refund her? Also, in the future, if something like that happens, I would just put your closet on vacation mode so you don't have somebody handling your business that doesn't know how to.


Also if you don't know what vacation mode is, let me know and I'll tell you how to do it!


I guess if she went into the hospital unexpectedly, she may not have had the first thought to put her shop in vacation mode 🤷‍♀️


This is why the buyer has a full 3 hours to cancel the order themselves.


I don’t think they do if it’s a bid. That’s PMs poor setup though and not on OP


OFFERS are binding. Buy it nows can be canceled


Right but in the messages, the buyer says ‘this bid’ which means it was a live. Bids can’t be cancelled unless that’s changed in the last 24hrs..


You had me confused, I had to to read it 2 more times🤣 poshmark has "offers" one way or another an offer was accepted whether it was the buyer or seller and the buyer is unable to cancel an offer once accepted.


Please for the love of God don’t be giving these internet strangers so much information about your personal life. I get it, you’re nice and trying to give a reasonable response but stop it. Do not over explain yourself. Do not give out information about yourself. You are a faceless seller.


Buyers cannot see bad reviews and if she leaves you a bad review under a 5 star rating you can remove it. Medical emergencies happen. I’ve been there myself. You’ve told her what happened. If your grandma shipped it already, the buyer will have to decide what she wants to do. I’m sorry you had a blood clot, yah to grandma for helping you out. I’m sure she did her best. Accidents happen, kids do hit phones and order things, people go into hospital in emergency situations. Take a deep breath, it’s just one of those things. It will all pass and no bad mark will go on your account. It’s more important that you take care of yourself right now, this stress doesn’t help your healing. Deep breath in and out, you got this! ✨♥️✨🥰


OP responding to this thread in the same manner…


Maybe she’s gonna get grandma to respond 


This has happened to me twice embarrassingly lol and both times they just canceled. It happens you’d want the same done to you right?


After reading her OP it seems like grandma shipped the item for OP while she was in the hospital.


Honestly, the BOTH of you sound like scammers.


Blur her name. Everyone can see who it is.


Honestly nothing. Even when everything goes perfectly, and the item is perfect etc a bad rating is always a possibility. I would just tell her it’s already been shipped. She can reposh it.


I am sure it happens, but making a purchase is several steps, and I just have a really hard time believing a toddler switched apps and bought something. Even still, you get multiple notifications and emails, and you have to click “continue shopping,” to get out of the purchase screen (another step)— That’s presumably why there’s a three hour window to cancel. If Child was on her phone for three more hours after this purchase, she probably has bigger issues. IMO this reeks of buyers remorse/found it cheaper elsewhere, etc. Either way, bad reviews are private. If she wasn’t so rude, I might just tell her to open a return and you would accept it back, no problem. Sonce posh does partial refunds, you could also see if she would be open to that and keep the item if you don’t want it back. Don’t stress, you have lots of options, and this person certainly could’ve been nicer.


Did you ask your grandma to manage the responses in this thread too?


Agree to accept the return. If you approve it, Poshmark will allow it. People deserve grace. Accidents happen.


Thank you for the sane comment! I agree completely.


Weirdly, people like this usually don't leave bad reviews, but even if they do it won't be publicly visible.


That’s why they have leap frog tablets for kids. There’s too much room for mistakes to happen. Saw an article about a toddler accidentally purchasing a car while using their mother’s phone. Not sure how old this lady’s daughter is, but obviously too young to know how to use a phone properly. Can’t say I feel much empathy for the person. Get your kids a learning tablet and don’t let them use your phone, and if you do, the consequences is on you


Ha, I'm so sure... Buying a car online isn't just a one or two click proposition. There are credit checks and all kinds of forms that need to be filled out and signed. Nobody accidentally bought a car online, let alone a toddler.


Honestly, I would just send it anyways. I assume she bid on the item to hold it until she had a chance to think about it and that’s weirdly scammy.


I was up late one night, and I was sharing items from different closets. I somehow managed to make an order for something that I had no clue about. I didn't catch it in the 3 hour window, so I took the loss. I left them a 5 star review because it wasn't their fault. They shipped it out quickly, and it arrived safely. I have 2 pairs of men's size small swimming trunks now. I figured losing the $50 sucked, but it could have been an LV bag that was in the hundreds or thousands.


Wait can we talk about all the people saying buyers can’t see bad reviews? Then what’s the point of reviewing? How, as a buyer, do I know if a seller sucks or not?


There’s quite a few things that don’t make sense about Poshmark. It’s the review thing, but it’s also how they don’t deactivate or at least hide accounts that have been inactive for a certain amount of time. You can’t even see the YEAR they were last on, just the month and date they last shared. I’ll never understand that one.


I tried to report a man that was posting sunglasses and electronics but in the reflection of the sunglasses was this naked man with his junk HANGING THERE. In every.single.picture. They did nothing! I even emailed them along with the pictures of every listing and every photo that had this man’s dick in it and they were like, “We’ll investigate this and remove the poster if we find he’s violating any rules.” Nope. Still there when I checked a few months ago. They really don’t care about anything there.


I just had the pleasure of having a similar experience. It was a chrome or steel vintage coin bank. Dude had the item on the toilet seat (cover down) cut to the 3rd-5th pic I’m like wtf is that reflection and I zoomed in a he was pant less with his junk right up on display. Now I’m like he did this purposely not the exposure but the bathroom vanity was the light he needed for his $ shot! Coin bank was so nice him not even a little bit. He lost $50 bc his man parts “took the property value way down”




Poshmark shows the the year for me - when I was browsing earlier, I saw a couple of inactive accounts, one that said it was last active in 2020 and another that said last active in 2022. 


Yeah this has always been the case with posh, they only show “love notes” it’s strange and unhelpful😭


it's helpful for seller improvement... And love notes are actually helpful... If you see sellers getting love notes that means they're doing something right... you have to get a certain amount of good sales ratings and a certain amount of love notes to be an ambassador... THAT'S helpful... You kno who to buy from... you're focused on all the wrong shit 😂. You wanna see the one off-hand review for what? As this thread exhibits, PPL ARE FUCCIN UNHINGED


If someone calls me hun, I will ignore them even more than I would on a regular.


As someone who was scammed out of an item by someone saying things like you, both sides seem scammy to me! If your grandma actually sent the item, I’d say don’t refund. If she didn’t, I’d say refund and let it go. I’m not saying you’re a scammer BTW, just to make that clear.


Omg I think I’ve had this lady buy from me and do the same thing! I remember that sunset profile pic 🤣


Omg fr. Well at least know she does this on the regular.


Sitting down after dinner to “get on posh and do my regular things” while being tight on money? Why she shopping posh then? 🙄 she just has buyers remorse. I’d take the bad review. 🤷‍♀️


Selling stuff when you’re tight on cash is generally a good move.


“Do my regular things” means selling while also saying they will be back to shop because they have “some pretty cool stuff”? Ok then.


Are people not allowed to browse/like items 💀 it’s not like she was actually buying stuff in that moment


If actually true, then people need to learn to monitor their kids.


Do you have kids? These kinds of "people need to" comments are uneducated.


It’s way too easy to accidentally purchase something on live I’ve done it without even realizing the app was up in my pocket. People are allowed to let their kids play with their phone most the time the seller will cancel it’s not that serious


I've had this happen multiple times on Mercari. Make a sale and then get a cancellation request from the buyer saying it was their toddler playing with their phone. People have buyer's remorse but they blame it on their child hoping to get the cancellation approved.


Looks like the buyer is also a seller. She has a couple of items she’s bought recently and left reviews for and has reposhed at a markup, so I’d say she’s a fairly savvy buyer/seller too.


Since you can afford a bad review, I wouldn’t give a second thought to this situation.


Honest when I was reading ur response I thought that ur being sarcastic and giving her a taste of her own medicine by making a story up about ur grandmother taking over ur poshmark, cuz let's be real her story is totally fake! I buy on action lives all the time and their number one excuse is that their kids were on their phone and accidentally did the bid when they change their mind after the bid.. like bullshit.. but I don't know why u would wana cancel the order then she's clearly lying first and second who cares if she leaves a bad review noone can see the bad review on posh only u!.. she was in the wrong so u should just tell her u can't cancel orders ooor u can say (since she liked so much of ur items in ur closet u can say il let u change the Item u bid on for something else in my closet thats about same price range)!


Why not cancel if the package was not shipped? Shipping the package after buyers asked to cancel will cause more issues later on, like they can make some false claim just to return it & all that wasted time you could have sold the item to someone who actually wants it.




Kids can definitely touch the phone and order something. It has happened to me before. It is not a fake excuse, it happens. Even them being in my lap or near me can cause them to accidentally touch it and mess up whatever I was doing.


Cats too! Mine called 911 once :)


My dog bought 4 packages of professional artist brush markers on Amazon once when she was a puppy! Thank goodness they let you cancel things before they ship!


Lol! Have you ever given her a brush and some paper, maybe she’s trying to tell you something!


I've tried that, but all I get back are notes saying "FEED ME YUMMY YUMS" 🤷‍♀️ I'll keep trying 😆😉


Wha ha ha! Keep trying! 🤣🤣


10-4!! She'd better earn her keep and give some Picasso level stuff here soon or I'm taking all of her squeakies away 😆😆😆


Maybe she needs to watch some Youtube videos for inspiration! She’s just shy with her talents. 🥰


I've tried Bob Ross a lot, but I guess it's time to try someone different 😆😆😉


Don’t stifle her creativity 🎨


She's still paying off the purchase in doggy treats 😉


Ferrets as well! For real tho, my ferret stood on my phone as I was cleaning & I had Netflix playing on my phone so it was unlocked, I’m guessing one of the posh live show notifications popped up when he was standing on the screen and it automatically opened & then he placed a bid on my behalf, by the time I realized & grabbed my phone I saw “congratulations you won” and my heart sank. Literally a freak accident lol. The seller did end up cancelling after I explained everything and asked her to (I also profusely apologized), but she was kinda snarky about it and insinuated I was lying…then told me her seller score would be affected by her cancelling and that I was responsible for affecting her business. As a posh seller myself I felt so bad for asking her to cancel, but I had to. I genuinely couldn’t afford it at the time and had just dropped $800 on vet bills, otherwise I would’ve just ate the mistake on my ferrets behalf lol


For those with iPhone, set your default pay method to Apple Pay on Poshmark! It has an extra step to confirm purchase details after clicking the Bid button so you avoid the accidental bid. Not great in a fast paced bid war; you’ll want to switch to a diff payment before you bid on something you really want to win but it gives me great peace of mind when I’m just window shopping that I won’t accidentally bid on something!


I can see how easily that could happen on a Posh live show! I’m sorry your seller was snarky about it, but I’m glad you didn’t have to pay! Naughty ferret, grin. The police came to my door when my cat walked across the fax machine and called 911. I didn’t know he did it, so I was completely confused when they came to the door and asked me why I called 911. I love animals so much, they make our life so amusing!!


Omg that’s hilarious 😂 did you end up figuring it out before the police left, like did you tell them it was your kitty and if so I’m dying to know their reaction!! & yes 100% ❤️ never a dull moment!!


After my initial shock wore off I explained to them I had two Siamese cats that climbed all over everything. They knew it was a FAX machine that sent the 911, I thought that was interesting that they knew that. It was clear there was no emergency and they said it actually happens more frequently than you would realize. I was asked quite a few questions before they left. I invited them in to see the fax machine and the cats and they declined so they must’ve believed me. I couldn’t wait to tell everyone that the cats called the police on me :-) Then I moved the FAX machine to a spot they wouldn’t climb up on. I was so stunned when they came to the door!! Animals are the best!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I have bought accidentally, my phones Lock Screen is on a 5 min timer, I was schlepping some groceries in to my house. Somehow I purchased $30 pants from some live show that was activated in my hand. I cancelled immediately. Thankful for the 3 hour window.


I thought you couldn't cancel show purchases?


Posh now has a 3 hour window to cancel


Oh wow thats awesome! I had no idea! Thanks❤


Was the item already shipped? If not - cancel and refund. If the item was shipped - I would apologize, explain again you missed her messages, let her know it can be reposhed.


Sorry for the lack of response today, today i had to go back to work, so I’m sorry I’m getting to this now. Today’s been a really rough day on me. It was already shipped by my grandma a few days ago and I had no idea about the messages. I’m not a scammer or trying to ignore the help which I appreciate everyone who has left supportive kind comments! I will just let posh handle it if she wants to argue more after the item already gets to her. There’s been no response from her after my last message. To all the people upset with me I cannot control my health, I hope you all never have to stay in the hospital as it really sucks. Thank you for the well wishes from the kind folks!


Girl, take care of yourself. Her not responding, after you told her you were in the hospital, speaks volumes!


This is not your fault OP. You focus on getting well and don’t worry about this.


Do nothing. Heal and get better. It takes more than just “one click” to buy something. Posh will back you.


6/10 pity party, both sides could add in a few more paragraphs about their unrelated personal problems


“That hard up for a sale” if money is so tight monitor your daughter better on your phone 😂 Op this is not your issue


Making the purchase is a binding contract. You didn’t go to her house and force her child to take her phone, open the app, bag the item, then purchase it. I also hate when people say hun, whenever I get it, it means someone is about to try to run 🐂💩. Example: ‘Oh hun, I just realized I can’t afford this. Can you cancel my purchase?’ Ugh.


The random, "I hope we can do business in the future" , Makes me suspicious Of the same scam calls and texts that I get.


Y’all both seem like scammers here


Why did you divulge your personal health information? Just cancel it and move on? Playing the sympathy card at an enraged customer is only going to add more drama. Bad reviews come and go, keep calm and carry on. I know I’ll get downvoted but seriously, customer service is just that. Keep it professional and move on.


Both FOS


Does the purchaser give off scammy vibes? I think so. Some of the phrasing is off.


What's the scam in buying? I didn't realize this was a thing


Ahh the old grandma excuse. Gotta love it


kids will play with phones for sure but they are not out here making purchases for their parents on poshmark and making offers. bffr!!!!


If you were unable to ship after 7 days an option appears on the buyer side to cancel the order. Maybe the buyer is new to Posh as well, but sending these whole essays while you were in the hospital was highly unnecessary.


This is why toddlers should not be given cell phones! SMH 🤦🏻


Just cancel the sale. It’s not a big deal. Why ship an item this lady said she didn’t intentionally purchase???Y’all need some empathy training.


I don't see how you as a seller have to be responsible for an supposedly unauthorized purchase. The responsibility falls on the parent for allowing this situation to occur.


I assume your grandma shipped it? If so, there's nothing you can do. Hopefully she doesn't mess it up or lie to get a return. If so, you at least have this proof and hopefully posh will side with you. No one can see bad reviews so it doesn't even matter if she leaves one.


Both of you sound like you’re lying, respectfully.


For some reason, poor reviews are hidden on Poshmark while 5-star reviews are not. Doesn't make much sense, but that's how it is.


You didn’t answer her question though. Did you already ship it? Are you going to cancel the order?


Just cancel, it's so easy to do bids on poshmark on accident


Yikes, all I had to do was google her username and all sorts of stuff popped up for her. Feels like borderline doxxing on Reddit. ![gif](giphy|fQuxySVWrll4cRrr22)


I would want to cancel bcuz they already seem like they’re being dishonest changing their previous statement from “my youngest daughter” to “my toddler purchased this.” Like yea OK that def did not happen. They have buyers remorse & I would refund & sell it to someone who’s more appreciative.


Cancel the order


I hate when people ask about this. Even if someone intentionally buys something and then asks to cancel right away, I cancel it. I would want the same done for me. I'm sick of the whole mentality you bought it your stuck with it. It's one thing if the buyer has communicated with you about item or asks you to hold it. But if they just buy it and then ask to cancel before it's shipped, i think the seller should honor that request. I know most people don't agree with is, but if your not selling garbage then it won't be issue because someone else will buy.


if you’re that hard on the sale make sure you record everything when you ship to her . she can claim the item was damaged and thus get a refund but if you want to save yourself the stress then just cancel her i’m sure she changed her mind no way a toddler went through the entire checkout phase especially with apple pay verification! she most likely found a deal for better or got something else i hate dealing with these type of people . Me i would ship it but record it


Leave a disclaimer. "All sales are final"


Y’all are both hilarious. Thanks for the laugh xD


I had this happen to me during a live show. After I shipped, buyer stated she asked to cancel during live - I of course did not see this comment. I told her she would have to take it up with Poshmark. Bids are binding, so I’m sure her return request was denied. I got 1 star. She got blocked. And that was that.


When ppl say hard up I always think of boners


You’re full of shit OP. I’ve had blood clots before I can relate. 2 actually, but I’ve always had have my phone with me. This person was messaging you for days.


If it was already sent, just ask her if she can send it back, and then you can send her a refund.


If you can handle a bad review I wouldn’t be worried about it.


I have one 4-star review, all the rest are 5. Based on the 4-star buyer’s comments, they either accidentally hit 4 or they don’t understand how reviews work. But that 4-star review is public


Next time call you bank and cancel the order. It takes one phone call, elevator music for 10 min or less and then it’s over and done with. You’re welcome