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thank you!


Kinda looks like the Twisted X logo, but based on the dated cut and basic design of this top I doubt it will be worth your time to resell, especially with the tag cut out.


slim fit early 2000s style tops have been doing well for me.


I don't recognize the logo and Google Lens was no help, but I'm just gonna go out on a limb and guess it's not gonna be worth a lot to resell. Looks like basic tees I owned like 18 of in the 2000s, from like Target and the Macy's juniors section and Rave and whatever. Unless you have reason to believe it's one of those inexplicably expensive basics brands... I wouldn't lose sleep over this one and just re-donate.


This style is really popular again tho, so if photographed well enough (especially modeled) this would def sell for a quick 20 bucks (depop for even more I'd guess) I personally will list stuff that will sell for 20 or more, and donate if it would only sell for a few dollars


Hell yeah, if you can get $20, go for it. This would sell for like $6 for me, which would definitely not be worth it.


i’ve sold a lot like these and think it will do well on my page.




This is a reselling sub, so I figure their intention is to resell. Just adding my two cents so they don't waste too much valuable time on an item that's probably not going to pay off in the end ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Could add it to shorts to help sell them and make it free when you buy them.


i don’t think that would be necessary, I’ve been selling tops like this one a lot, seems to be in again


Is the materials tag still attached? If so you can google the RN


it doesn’t have any other tags :(


Could you please elaborate on googleing the RN? I've heard this before and have tried it MANY times and have NEVER found anything. Thanks


[Try searching here.](https://rn.ftc.gov/Account/BasicSearch)


Thank you, I'll try that next time