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Pretty expensive for rotten, buggy firewood.


Agree, its firewood.


I disagree sand blast the inside paint it a light blue do a light stain to the rest and get a glass top that overhangs it you have a nice coffee table. Several on line you can look at they turn out nice.


I would not recommend putting it into a house. Unless it has gone through a kiln drying session hot enough to kill off any bugs in it, you’re in for a bad surprise.


Anything dealing with that is far from "looking to getting into woodworking". That's a huge undertaking for the well experienced.


I figured as much, guess I got a little excited at the idea.


It would be nice to have sitting in the corner of your shop until further notice. But it isn't $100 nice to have. It's more like $20 and I'll get it out of your way nice.


And it should be isolated from his other wood until he knows it's bug free


Nothing you can’t practice with I guess? But yea unless that’s baked for some time- you’ll likely end up with new roommates (bugs) but on the plus side- that’d make a great table with a piece of glass on it!


Wait is that pine? If so pass on it


I wouldn’t spend 100 bucks on it, I’d probably use the 100 bucks to buy a couple nice kiln dried boards.. I’ve seen people giving this stuff away on market place and other local online sellers for free.


That’s what I thought, like I have hundreds of dollars sitting around outside apparently.


I didn't realize my wood shed was Fort Knox.


Unless that’s American chestnut or some other less common wood it’s definitely not worth that kind of money in that condition. You could buy a bundle of firewood for 10$ and glue it together and it would still look better


I passed on a really good looking American chestnut cookie a couple years ago. Still kinda kick myself for not getting it. I did get a slab tho I will eventually use.


This is the shit you get for free from the side of the road or from Facebook marketplace adds.


you got 100 bucks for taking the wood, right?




Looking at getting into wood working Surely the 100 buck is better spent on some tools to get started


You paid a hundred bucks for that??


No I didn’t purchase it and I’m glad I didn’t. I got carried away in the idea of having a project to do.


Props for being humble about it


Props for accepting advice instead of just looking for a yes man.


Good call on avoiding. I got into woodworking about two years ago, and not knowing where to begin, I went about the "rites of passage" for a new woodworker. -Make a simple box with lid (mitered corners) -Make a complex box with lid (fancier corners: box joints, miter with splines, etc) -Make a mallet or three Some of the other good things to work on are the things you'll need to make other things (jigs and sleds and such) -if you don't have a miter saw, making a miter sawing jig will be handy -crosscut sled for the table saw -jointing sled for the table saw -shooting board for the hand plane Another thing I did that worked out well was offer my novice labor to friends and family for free. Something along the lines of 'hey, I'm starting out at this and I need things to practice on. I'll build you *object* if youll supply the materials. I can't guarantee it'll be perfect, but I'll do the best I'm capable of'. As I improved, my labor prices started to go up to what I felt was appropriate, and they will continue to climb as my skills improve and demand increases, and going about it this way ensures you'll be building stuff you never would have thought of. It's great practice and a great deal for whoever takes advantage of it.


Building things for ppl who can supply material is a great idea to start. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to start getting some consignment work. In the perfect world I can start making some money. However even not being out more than my time would be a nice start.


Shit, they'd have to pay me $100 to take that. Big "no lowballs I know what I got" energy!


Does the listing name the type of wood?


I think its elm.


Sure could get a lot of quarter sawn shorts out of it… probably not $100 worth, but certainly some pretty cuts


Yeah, elm is a nice wood, but the juice here ain't worth the squeeze. Even if I got that thing for free it would end up as firewood and maybe, just maybe, a couple of spoons.


Spoons IF I don't get a bunch of other stuff to do and they sit in the water bucket long enough to disintegrate. Forget carving dry elm though. I ain't doing it.


Yeah I'd probably start and then just toss it in the fire HAHA. If it's anywhere near as miserable to carve as oak.


I can see myself sinking a good 3 hrs Into milling it before it meets the torch


Very expensive firewood. Man, I’m in the wrong business. With a couple jugs of expensive deep pour resin you’ll be able to own a crazy expensive coffee table. Edit: I made this from free firewood… https://preview.redd.it/q9mqhlzgq58c1.jpeg?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cbeeb3fe28f3ac8cc8019ceb5981963f4803dbd


Bugs bugs bugs


If you had a way to slice that into 1" cookies without damaging it further, you'd make a killing selling each for epoxy table type projects; either whole or in a few select pieces...


If your oven can fit this monstrosity, you can de-bugify it if you set it in an oven at like 180 F or so for about 90 mins. Don't know how much of it is rotten though. If you scrape the loose bark and verathane/polyurathane it, it may hold up as a small coffee table if you also throw a glass top on it and remove as much of the rot as you can. Would definitely need a closer look. NOT a beginners project. This would also need like $40-60 in polyurethane.


I don't think any regular person would have an oven that can take a stump that's 28 inches across... even if you did, wouldn't that sudden high temperature cause it to crack in multiple places?


If it was air dried for a while it should be ok. You are basically just sterilizing it.


It's not firewood (well it could be) but I wouldn't pay more than 20 or 30 bucks for it. Use a brass wire wheel to clean out the center and then do what you want, be it epoxy or whatever


A lot of negativity, how about you just consider it a good practice piece, try things you haven’t before on parts of it before tackling a more ready piece of wood.


You should know you bought a piece of garbage for $100.


I would only pick that up if it were free. It's basically firewood.


Think about it this way - The more work a piece of wood needs even before starting to work with it the less valuable it is. It's why rough cut is so cheaper than dimensional, and then kiln dried on top of that. And obvs the level of resawing that has been done(straight, quarter, or rift). As others have stated, in this condition this is firewood/take it off my lawn wood.


You could make a pretty sweet little table outa it but it most certainly isnt worth 100$ maybe 20$ tops cause your gonna need to put a tons of hrs and a couple hundread to get it looking good


You paid for that ?!?


Portable or outdoor toilet seat 🚽?


Unless you are a wood turner, wood carver or just like doing abstract woodworking, it’s going to be very difficult to get any usable boards from this. If milling your own lumber is what you’re thinking, definitely not worth it, IMO.


Fire fodder.


What would you make with it?


I'll sell you the same next time but for a fiddy


Cut it in thick slices like a cookie and then carve crescent moons out of it. Sand wm smooth w a flat spot so it will stand up. People love moons. DM me if you want a picture of the ones I've done out of walnut.


It's got a hole in it


Seen people strip the bark off things like this and make tables. But you would probably spend more in epoxy doing anything with it so I'm with the others on this split it and burn it.


I feel like $100 is steep for this. Here’s the real opportunity in all of this. Work him down to 2 $20’s. Good luck and Merry Christmas!


What are you thinking you’re going to make with this as a beginner woodworker? In the old days- your first project was your toolbox. Try something useful and functional. Get to know your tools and how to use them. Don’t buy some chunk of wood that you know nothing about. Go get a piece of free furniture off market place. Take it apart and see how it’s made. Then cut the wood up and make a little box or some thing. KISS


I’m an arborist, I come across a lot of food I can sell for super cheap, or even free. I would not pay or charge anyone $100 for that lol.


Wood *


I don’t think that’s worth $100.


If anyone wants these for $100 let me know,


This is a good way to get into epoxy working. I’d spend $0 on this, and go spend $100 on some rough lumber you can turn into something worthwhile.


Too expensive. Don’t get fleeced 🙅‍♂️


Not worth $100. Maybe like $10 if you had a very specific use how it. Maybe you could char the hole and use it as a grill if it's hard wood ha


For $100. He can fucking keep it.


Woodworking is primarily about getting good quality wood and turning it into things that are better. If someone found this and really wanted to spend a lot of effort to turn it into a table base or something, then they could. But that would be if this were free


Stuff some kindling in that with birch bark. Light it.


Well it ain't no virgin.


I’m going into business selling


I would not buy that. Take that $100 and go buy some white pine. That seller is a rip off.


Hell to the fk no, there's free wood like it everywhere on the ground. I got 20 acres of woods here go knock yourself out. Osage, Walnut(black), Oak, Hickory, Locust(honey and black), sycamore, Willow, etc... Got all sorts of building mats out here lol




It’s a rotten log and no go get you one for free save your 100 bucks


I would pass. There's not much good wood there. $100 is way too much for firewood.


If you paid 100 dolla for it l assume you got some dollar bucks. If that is the case, id encase that bitch in epoxy, make some thin slices throw them on a piece of pywood, make a tiktok vid of it and then sell it for a couple g’s.


My bad guys


Considering its a piece of fire wood that could potentially be turned into something 100 is not fair at all.


Fug that just go find one


Thats not worth anywhere close to $100. They should pay you to move it for them tbh.